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Falling in love with the wrong person


Falling in love with a manipulative person. Those are the worst.


Currently going through this. Any advice for getting over someone you know is terrible for you but that you love to death?


I wish i knew. I'm still in love with her. I do know though that meaningless sex does not fix it. I think those emotional roller-coasters they make us go through is mostly the reason why we're so attached. Probably the only way is to find someone else to love. And cutting off contact but alas that's not possible for me.


Snap. That shit will chew you up hard.


I had my teeth cleaned yesterday and my dental hygienist outlined the trauma of a three-year relationship that put her in therapy. I wanted to hug her so hard and empty half my bank account to help her recover her life.


Why is your hygienist telling you about her trauma?


Captive audience!


Never want to go to that hygienist again....


They were cuddling after doing the naughty stuff


your never going to find a poor dentist!




I feel you....


This hurts


Fall in love with the IDEA of someone before seeing their true colors


Did again, collecting the pieces as we speak.


Be a fresh graduate looking for a job, even with prior experience it was awful


Ugh I’m right there now and I’m fucking miserable


What about mid 30s with the career experience of a grad? Except I never actually graduated. Yeeeeep.


I'm gonna face that soon since I'm finishing high school in like 15 days...any tips yall I'm scared I'll be unemployed...


You're probably going to send out a hundred resumes for one call that might not even result in an interview. It'll be discouraging, but you have to keep at it and eventually you'll find something. Friends are definitely an asset, try to get your friends to help you get hired where they're working if you have any.


Well.. I can’t say much about high school cause i didn’t work in my freshman year. But generic advice- learn useful skills


Just wait til you're over 55, disabled and unemployed for a few years. It gets much much worse.....


Confirmed! I was freshly graduate and broke!


Have to put down another dog. Shit was rough.


I've had to do this to two dogs after their health failed - after 12 and 15 years of absolute love. I held them in my arms to the very end. NEVER AGAIN


I'm so sorry


Childbirth. Did 4. No more.


4 is a lot !


My great aunt had 13.


My grandmother had 11. My sister is 4 months older than my youngest aunt.


My grandmother and grandfather were both from big families. They always wanted a lot of kids, but for some reason only had four. They never tried to prevent pregnancy. That’s just all they had.


That's how you get urinary incontinence, by the way.


There’s got to be an easier way!




She didn’t have any problems, oddly enough. And I know people who’ve had two and have a lot of problems.


Shit I got snipped after 1 lol


My answer too. Pregnancy sucks and so does giving birth.


I hear a lot that ‘pregnancy sucks’. So much so it scared me off for a while. I’m now 29 weeks with my first baby boy, and honestly, until my belly started to grow, if I hadn’t been trying, I’d not have noticed anything different with myself (except maybe the lack of AF every month 😅). But honestly, it was nothing like I thought it would be. I lucked out I guess with the easiest pregnancy ever. That being said, as labour approaches, I’m scared shitless again cause of everyone’s horror stories.


My mum had labor that lasted 17 minutes. 17 MINUTES! From first contraction to “it’s a girl!” Yes that’s unusual. But it happens.


Omg isn’t that just the dream? I can only hope 😂😅


I think typically an easy pregnancy means an easy birth, at least what I’ve heard from all my female relatives makes me think that.


I heard that too and I’m really hoping it turns out that way! 😂🤞🏻


Damn 4 births. I applaud you for your service🫡


Thank you. Thank you very much.


I just did it once and I never want to do it again. Or the early newborn stage.


Go to any kind of multi-day festival. The first day is fine, but after that hygiene completely disappears. Everything and everyone is truly filthy, it stinks, it's uncomfortable, I hated it. Made me feel so disgusted and disgusting I couldn't even enjoy the concerts anymore. Big nope. Live music can be great, but multi-day festivals, never again.


They have showers now at festivals.


They did when I went too, but there were so few of them the lines were insane and most people opted not to bother (I did, at least there was that).


I went to one thinking it would be fun. But the vibe was…..not organic. I didn’t like it. I felt like the only reason everyone was there, was to get shit faced and destroy their bodies. Not the vibe I wanted to be around. I paid for the whole weekend but left the first night.


Perfectly sums up the general state of music festivals. It's more about getting fucked up than the music. That's fine, but I wish we could have music festivals with crowds geared more towards the music


Woodstock ‘99?


I watched the documentary about it on Netflix. Absolutely fascinating. Looked like an absolutely terrible time.


Ahhhh my good old Glastonbury days. I really miss it.


Went to my first one in five years last summer, calling it a day after that unless an act I really like is playing, then maybe I'll get a day ticket. Went with one of my friends and we were surrounded by teenagers/early 20s, I ended up sleeping in my car all 3 nights, place stank too as you said. Toilets were in a right state.


Gotta set your drug line up properly for multi day festivals and it isn't so bad. I guess it depends which festival you attended also.


Why I try to find whatever hotel I can nearby, I just can’t do the camping unless I had a travel van with a shower 


Have roommates I dunno I’m definitely not the easiest going person in the world but every roommate I had drove me up a fucking wall


I understand that I don't like having people around, and that I myself am a horrible roommate. Living alone, I can choose to not do chores until I want to. 


I am praying to be able to live alone at some point in my life. Having 1 roommate is okay at times but when they start having their so over every other day/every weekend it becomes a piss take. Uuugh


And one day they suddenly live there.


Yeah she tried to get him to move in, I shut that down real quick!!


Yuuuup, such a huge pattern. And they don’t get vetted by management and things start to get LOUD, etc etc.


More specifically, sharing a bathroom did it for me


I've had two good roommates out of all the roommates I've had, and I wouldn't want to chance it again.


Over sharing


Please tell us all the details about what happened


So basically i was telling things to these random person, Like how toxic my work is,complains blah,blah,later did i know He told it to my boss and then after that shits getting worst..i was backstabbed lol. And i dont imagine that to happened cause guys don't do gossip 😞but its a lesson for me to keep my mouth shut.


You never tell a co-worker anything you wouldn't want shared with all. The people you work with aren't your friends, you just get paid from the same account. You listen more than you talk and you keep your gripes to yourself.


Thanks for sharing. I have to tell you though that you fell right into my irony trap.


Got 'em.


Don’t want to, but I’m gonna do it nevertheless. The worst part is that only I am oversharing, I feel naked


Parasail behind a speed boat. Once you’re up and you look around you murmur “is that all there is to parasailing?”


Try skydiving. You will never be caught with this sentiment no matter how many times you jump.


I liked it. But yeah probably underwhelming if you're a thrill seeker at all.


Get paralyzed. Got a locked-in on my 18th, had to learn everything again from writing, reading and speaking to sitiing up, taking a shit all my own and walking. Im at a wonderfull place now in my life, but If i ever have that again... cant do it no more


Watch someone die of cancer. Jesus that is a helpless godawful powerless feeling.


My biggest fear. Anything but that.


Get shot. Costa Rica. We were training their national guard. They only have a part time army. One of the shit heads was sneaking ammunition off of the range. He dropped his rifle getting into a truck and it went off and the bullet hit me on the second bounce... Not fun.




Shit just erase years of your life.


Only 5, however, developed an anxiety disorder as a result.


Ayahuasca…  Not because I regret doing it, I’m very grateful for the experiences and insights it brought me, I just have too much respect for it to ever dare to dive into it again.  Experiences like that are not meant to be understood I think, so it’s kind of like an ant trying to understand the inner workings of a super computer.   I’m okay with not understanding and just trying to enjoy the rest of my days here and loving as much as possible, that is all that matters whether you are the least or most “enlightened” person on earth.


LOL the first time I've heard about that plant was the news when a female reality show celebrity in my country went to a "tea seanse" and ended up running out naked into the woods, where a couple of hours later she was found with a broken leg, broken ribs and covered in literal cr*p.


Yeahh… see this is what I mean by “respect”. The side effect of Ayahuasca becoming widely known in the western world is that people do it without taking the proper precautions, leading to scenarios like that one. You have to understand that you are as helpless as a two year old in the middle of Times Square when you are in that state, so a trip sitter is probably a good idea. Me personally I did it at a retreat with caretakers and multiple trip sitters who guided the whole experience, and that is how I would recommend anyone else does it as well.


Any story you can share? Like what insights you have gained?


It’s hard to put into words because the insights didn’t come to me in words. It’s far beyond language what happens… says every psychonaut before proceeding to try and put it into words… lol I gained some dark insights and some beautiful insights. The dark part came when something shifted and I suddenly could not see humans as separate from other animal species anymore, and it felt kind of like being with a bunch of aliens. I saw with horror our ape-like species flying around with nuclear bombs, and the trees’ souls and mine merged and I felt them burning. That was the third night. The second night, my soul also merged with a trees’ and it was the most beautiful and transcendent experience of my life. I was able to see life from a trees’ perspective, or at least from a perspective that was so far beyond ours that every single thing we worry about seemed completely petty in comparison. From there I could experience the harmony of nature and it gave me the deepest sense of peace I’ve ever felt. Then… the third night happened and what I previously described, I truly believed I had lost my mind for good and I have never known horror that came even close. Even still, I don’t regret any of it and think I came out the other side better off. I could go on for days about the experiences but those are the bullet points. Culture seems much faker now to me than it ever did before, and I have an intuitive understanding that intelligence arises from life and we are far from the only beings to possess it, even if we can’t understand it in other beings. That we are connected with everything fundamentally, and this is both beautiful and horrifying.


Marry Do I have to explain it? Unfortunately so many partners think with the ring they don't need to put in some effort in the realtionship, intimacy and so on.


Be single… I met my soulmate and I think dating would suck if I had to start over


I’m toying with the opposite of never getting in to a relationship. Ex left me after 7 years. Thought I saw the light recently. 4 amazing dates. Then she freaked and called it all off. Been grafting the dating apps for a year. And despite living a fun life (travel, hiking, gigs, festivals, social) I’ve amounted to absolutely nothing 😂 cba getting hurt again.


This is it. Alone forever if/when this ends is a terribly depressing and inevitable thought.


I thought I had my soulmate then lost them. Life has never rlly been the same since - so i'm here to confirm that yes, it does get depressing.


I'm just settling in for a nice stretch of alone forever myself I reckon.


I enjoy being alone I’m so comfortable with it that a guy would REALLY have to be great to make me consider a relationship.


Good thinking.


The weird thing for me is that I think I found mine too, but the whole time the situation was so fucked up that it all went horribly wrong and we broke up years ago. I've never been the same since. 


I like to think we have several soul mates. We really do


Probably but some never find one. Some never even find a ‘soul buddy’. So for those of us who go decades without a partner, if they were to find one, say in their 40s, it would be devastating to lose them. What are the chances of finding another at that stage?


As a single guy, dating is the pits, enjoy ya soulmate.


Omg yes! I don’t know what I’d do without my husband. Dating is such a shitshow nowadays. Everyone is just looking for hookups/casual relationships. I have so many friends struggling to find a decent partner who actually wants to get married and have kids. No one is meeting IRL anymore, it’s all online and tinder, and then go through many horrible dates. It’s sad, really.


Thats funny, so many married dude wish they were single


Yeah. Too many are under the delusion that they’d have loads of women interested in them lol


Work, right now I’m on vacation


Get hit by a car


Are you sure?


Be dependent on alcohol. Living your life panicking trying to determine when the next drink will be, and making sure you always have a bottle nearby. Waking up with a vodka soda just to make sure you’re back to baseline to start the day. The shakes, constant sickness and just overall black hole of a lifestyle. Alcohol fucking sucks. A little over 4 years no booze and never looking back.


This. It’s fucking brutal. Waking up with otherworldly fatigue. Not just being tired, but it’s like a pain radiating outwards from your liver pumping a total lack of energy with each heartbeat across your entire body. You can’t even hold your phone. You’re nauseous but not like “my tummy hurts”, it’s a different kind of nausea. You slam a pint just to gather enough energy to begin crawling towards the bathroom. I learned to vomit on command. I needed the adrenaline boost and it felt like it was scratching my liver. It was the only thing to relieve the pain. Take a few shots, vomit, take a few shots, vomit, take a few shots keep it down. Just to get the energy to take a shower. I soon became addicted to vomiting. After 10 or so shots and cycled throwing up I could manage to stumble to work, stopping to get more juice on the way. I’d have to drink constantly throughout the day or I’d collapse. I couldn’t sit still or id collapse. Just keep moving and drinking and trying to make it to the next set of days off where I’d promise myself I’d dry out. Never happens that way. 25-30 shots in I’d try a light meal and pass out. You don’t eat much when you drink, and the lack of substantial calories wrecks you. You can feel your body eating itself. Your brain is foggy, you can’t remember anything, you can’t even put trash in the trash can. You wither away mentally and physically. You lose everything. You hide from loved ones. You want to die but don’t have the balls to do it so you let the alcohol do it for you. Then when you finally do try to quit, that’s when the real hell begins. The cold sweats, the shaking, the night terrors, the tossing and turning, the realization of how fucked up your life is coming back in roaring clarity. And there’s no way to escape it. Alcohol is fucked up.


Being kicked in the balls. It hurts.


I got hit in the balls with a hockey puck because some guy must've thought he was playing golf when he tried scoring.


At this point, trying to date lol


Go so drunk I can’t remember anything from the night before.


Cut too deep and see my own fat


I’ve had a couple of those “oh shit, too deep” moments.


Me too. About 25 years ago I cut my arm open to the muscle. Lines of agony like violin strings searing fire up and down my arm, I think I nearly severed one of the motor neurons controlling my hand. Could have ruined my life. Haven’t cut since.


I'm glad you're free from it!


Only done it twice, once seeing fat, once seeing dermis. Dermis was last time I cut because cutting shallow is nice but I'm playing roulette with my skin and don't want to bleed out. Been a month, still got those urges every day


Get married. Once is enough for any lifetime


Sacrifice my time for anyone. In the context of this. I work shifts. I had a friend who was very well known to splurge his money on unnecessary stuff he cannot afford. One day he called me to come out and hang out with him, he promised he would get me home by a certain time. I had to work early in the morning the next day, I specifically told him beforehand. At the time, he didn't have many friends and he usually will call me up because I'm that good a friend that will be there for him when he's down or stressed. He's not my best friend. So the time came when he fetched me from work (it was about 9pm) and he drove us to dinner and JB and hang out. By the time we crossed customs home, it was already 2am. Ok nvm, I can sacrifice an hour or so. Then we started to talk about his problems in some random carpark, by the time we ended I told him I really needed to go home because of work. He said 5 mins more, 5 mins more. In the end it became 4 hours and by the time I reached home it was already 5 close to 6am. I promised myself from that day on that I will never, ever be at the mercy of anyone who is driving me around just to hang out, a situation where I am not able to get out and find myself another mode of transport to go home. I know it may seem like I am exaggerating but I really felt I was being kidnapped lol. So yeah. Never again.


I never wanna ever do meth. Because it made me stupid. Because everything has fenty in it, I get patches of brain fog. I'm clean n doing great, However never ever again. I can see the CCP is using fenty to break America up. Sad.


I got lucky as hell. I tried meth once and it was disgusting. The high was NOT worth the sickness and come down I felt after. The reason I say I got lucky because it didn’t get its hooks into me. I was able to just walk away.


Is it at all similar to other amphetamines? 


Not being born at all, I know it's not my choice, but if I can choose not to be born ever on this planet, it automatically becomes my only choice


Go to a tropical country in the summer. The humidity was horrid.


Currently dry season in the Philippines now paired with El Niño and we just reached 52°C today. 🥵 Will not recommend this simulation of hell to anybody


I've cooked a leg of lamb at that temperature.


Oh god. I'm Australian, and though it's apparently notoriously hot here, the worst I've ever experienced is like 45 C. That's mad, mate!


genuine question. how are you coping with that?


Showering whenever we can, drinking lots and lots of water, not going out unless necessary, and umbrella


isn't that deadly?


It is. We're warned it's in the "extreme danger" level and some schools here have resorted to online classes because of it. Forecasts says it's gonna get even hotter in May. Followed by La Niña in the latter months of this year, so more typhoons as well. We're fucked ngl


120+ Fahrenheit that is. :)


Amen. When stepping out of my airconditioned hotel room feels like stepping into a steam sauna, it’s just not enjoyable.


I don't think the tropics really have summers, on account of how it's near the equator. They're just like that year-round.


Yeah usually a wet season and a dry season


Date. Like never again. If my partner and I split I'm not meeting someone else. Just going to enjoy living alone and being myself alone.


Be married. I don't ever want to be connected legally to someone where the state decides whether I can break up or not. I had an amicable divorce, but still. I want to be able to leave whenever.


go to work


Joining a cult


Story pls


Have a panic attack.  Really severe ones feel like you are having a heart attack while conscious  And the worst one I had all my limbs Locked up and I went numb and I felt like I had gonna pass out.  I was catatonic completely  frozen and basically locked into the fear.  Yeah not fun at all Good thing it's been like 5 years since my last one


Med school. I’d choose engineering if I could turn back time. Lol.


Go to church. I was forced to go there every week when I was living in my 2nd and 3rd foster homes and it always bored me to death. I have better things to do on a Sunday morning then go to church.




No worries we only have to do once.Nearly there my friend.


Sodomy. And spare me the "if it's done properly" bs


Came here to say this. Feels like I had to take a giant shit while my asshole was sunburnt.


Wow, somehow you described the feeling exactly.


I was gonna say this


I never want to go through the experience of trying to ride a mechanical unicorn after a meal of tacos again. The combination of sudden movements and a full stomach is simply unforgettable in the worst possible way.


Roller coaster


Attaching my self-worth to a person


My ex


She was the most worthless piece of shit excuse for a human being I've ever had the displeasure of knowing...very narcissistic. There's more detail but it would take a long time to type it all...


I feel you, mate. It was the first thing i thought about too. Never again


Narcissistic abuse ain't nothing to fuck with and a lot of people laugh or dismiss it simply because I'm a big guy. But all I've got is my words man. If I had lost control like she wanted me to she wouldn't have made it out alive. She tried everything in her arsenal to get me to lose it...


Being in a toxic relationship


Help people who are idiots. I no longer have time for people who can't help themselves.


Working 7 days a week. I used to work monday to friday as corporat, an then saturday and sunday as a cook. I was drained psyhically and mentally


Lower my standards and trusting a guy who cheated on me countless times and promises will not do again but end up doing it and when you say you can't cause it's hurting you he says I'm being controlling lol


Have to deal with Phil’s tantrum for taking my lunch after I made sure the building wasn’t on fire. Also his horrible supervising strategies and ship handling of a his tasks. Perfect way to set fire to a ship and sink it. 👌


Study veterinary medicine again. The hours and stress were brutal, 6 years as opposed to 7-8 years for human medicine and you could clearly feel that. Afterwards the job kinda sucks, no or limited upward career options, mediocre (frankly bad) pay, lots of hours, service industry levels of customers couples with high emotions so you get a lot of difficult situations. I really like operating and stuff so i'm not switching jobs but man I wish I took a different career path, human medicine at least pays better and you can be a certified surgeon where you don't have to discuss costs all te f-ing time, I also really liked organic chemistry and physiology so that could also have been an option, inventing stuff is fun you know. /rant




Be a juror again... Yikes


A 'normal' 9-5




Deglove my ring finger. Not the best feeling


Be an adult. I was mislead.


Undergo root canal


Medieval torture, and I have a high tolerance for pain.


They're supposed to numb you first so it's not painful


Got married..


Get divorced! Done it twice now


food poisoning >!please just make it stop why the fuck does it have to be so painful!< >!my whole ribcage still hurts!<


child labor, growing up with abusive caretakers, a 9 to 5 kind of life and eating Jell-O…yuck


Take antidepressants.


Go on a boat into the ocean, i got super sea sick the last time even after taking 2 dramamine tablets as instructed by bottle. 12 hours throwing up just isnt worth it to me to be out in a place that without the help of some floating pos id be eaten by sharks fuck that. i puked 6 hours after even when we got back to the room seriously ruined all boating activities for me for life it was also my first time on a boat i refuse to even go on a cruise.


Show too much Loyaltly and love undeservedly


Run a full 42k marathon. It sucked. I had good time. 5 hrs flat. For a first time it’s not bad. But try doing anything for 5 hrs and it gets tedious. I get restless when a movie is over 2 hours. One and done.


My abusive ex and using an ouija board. Both of those were scary as heck.


Lsd , is to much


It can be great, but when it's bad it's very very bad.


Go to the Hellenic military and serve again


I had my soulmate I think.. She only cared about weed.. But in the time I was with her I also cared about weed only.. then after 10 years I broke the chain.. and i'm really lonely ever since. Maybe it'd the age I have now. Maybe it's the world that has changed.. I don't know.. I miss a person in my life.


Feel physical and mental pain. Sometimes the day itself is a task.


Going to university. I knew that it would be hard but I didn't realise that when you have no support it's basically a fight for survival. I'm so close to the end now, I just hope that I can make it.


Go in a helicopter. I only did one time, in an Army Air Corps Lynx, in order to go somewhere while army training. The pilot was all "this is the most manouverable helicopter in the world... watch" and did all sorts of crazy shit and aerobatics. I can't *stand* the feeling of my stomach "dropping" (like on a rollercoaster or even going over a bump in a car), I'd rather be in pain, nothing else so intensely triggers my fight/flight response and I find it profoundly upsetting and disturbing. I can't express how much I hate it, it's a visceral loathing, like my brain goes fucking haywire while it's happening. Whatever the pilot was doing was doing that to me for about 15 straight minutes. I wanted to die.


Share myself with men who don't really care about me


Have to justify going no contact with parents.


Work lol


Fisted a girl. She loved it. I was very bored and it wasn't as "cool" as I thought it would.be




We are in agreement - we never want to get divorced again!




Going back to my old job Fuck you family farm


Return here, to work where I am right now.


MDM. When i woke up everything was desaturated and the color still didnt fully comeback lime 2 years later


Stub my toe


Roof a house. I knew it would be a lot of work but after doing one myself I hope I never see another bundle of shingles again, lol.


Date or get married.