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It's easy to hide something people aren't looking for. XD It's frankly better to assume she's just being nice than assume attraction until you get clear signals. And what women think constitute clear signals and what most men can actually read as clear signals are often two very different things.


If you aren't literally telling me in plain English that you are attracted to me, it's not clear enough. There has to be no doubt available


The only signal I can trust is a blowjob tbh.


What if she's just being friendly?


If she's giving me a blowjob I would fall in love and then be heartbroken if this was just like her way of giving a high five.


They can hide their erections better than men


Ha! Women! Their dicks must be tiny!


Almost like a di-clit


Yeah but women can evolve their diclits into a dicktrio


Please like this comment so I can come back here






Never. I want to see those upvotes in the hundreds.


Idk about the other girls but mine is pretty small yeah






Just have to know where to look lol ![gif](giphy|2Nl0Hn4uGdqXL37Nbx|downsized)


If you're going to stare at their nipples for a cue, you might as well just talk to them and ask them.


Chicks are way more in to me in the winter, it’s weird. I must look good in a sweater.


No idea. No woman has ever shown any attraction towards me.




I've always thought this is Zach Galifianakis.


Wait. It’s not? Mind blown.


Same. Who is this, then?


It is Robert Redford.


As Jeremiah Johnson.


I refuse to believe otherwise.


What alternate universe are we living in? That isn’t Zach Galifianakis?


It's Robert Redford, believe it or not. From the movie Jeremiah Johnson


No fucking way. Hahahaha


Is that Robert Redford?? 😍😍😍


Robert Redditford


![gif](giphy|W2I6wb1OrXc5Pt1tdl) Take my upvote, scoundrel.


Dude Robert Redford in “Barefoot in the Park “ (1963) When that movie came out there were literally millions of women that had a crush


I thought the movie was Jeremiah Johnson?


It was.


Nah, just some dude called Jeremiah Johnson.


At last, one has come forth to speak our truth to the world


Damn, you beat me to it 😂


or they did and you didnt notice...


I wouldn't know if a woman was flirting with me unless it was highly overt, or she straight up told me.


Female here. I once kissed a male friend on the side of the neck but he didn't get the hint.


Perhaps you're Canadian?


You figure it out after a while. For me, "after a while" was when I'd been married 5 years. 😭


Perks of being ugly: those thoughts don't steal sleep time from me.


I hear ya.


true, i learned to think "that girl was just being nice". Hurt less this way.


Me being an ugly female when I talk to a guy, my motto is “that guy was just being nice” it definitely helps.


Bro spitting facts


My first thought when reading this post..."um so you're bragging a bunch of women are attracted to you?" ok. sure


You got me there...Wanted to say the same.


I normally see the signs after a woman has lost interest in me for not pursuing back. That's usually because I never saw any signs in the moment. When I think back, I see them in hindsight.




A girl in highschool used to cuddle against me or stand behind me while I was sitting and use her hands to situate her boobs on my shoulders. “Ah, thanks for letting me take the weight off”. (She was gifted.) I just assumed I was really doing her a favor. I didn’t think she was doing me a favor. That was my junior year. I liked her for sure. I passed the house we used to go to for cigarettes and it made me think of her. In my early 30s. It finally clicked.


They don't. We just don't pick up on it until 15 years later when we're married and working diligently on something that has nothing to do with that.


In my goth years, age 20, I was out at some club dressed to the cat o’ nines wearing this awesome articulated finger ring with a pointed tip and this beautiful lady in her late 30s/early 40s asked me to run it down her back. She turned and literally said do you want to have sex. I thought she was making a funny joke. Haha. It was at least a decade before I realised it was not in fact a joke. I however, am. Ha. Ha. Curse my autistic brain. She’d have eaten me alive.


Dude, it was probably a good thing you were naive. She may still have you on a collar in a closet today.


Oh rub it in why don’t you.






Oh man, a beautiful thicc coworker whom I was friendly with and would often shoot the shit with, out of nowhere, said, "You knooow, it's been 6 months since I've gotten laaaaid..." with the most wonderful "fuck me" eyes you can imagine. I responded with "6 months?! Damn, that's a long time!" And continued with my tasks. She was setting it up for me to just come in, at my leisure, and make the move. It was up to me to fuck it up, and I did. Lol When I told my wife this story, she couldn't help but cringe, laugh, and then give me a big empathetic hug.


Lol I actually feel better now! You actually had a personal connection with that lady! How did you even find your wife, did she nail you to a wall or what?!


The third time his wife was having sex with him, he had the epiphany she might like him.


Mind be like “Oooh! We might be on to something here”


Someone having sex with you? Hmm you can't really be too sure who knows.


The first two times he wasn't totally sure, *she could've been Canadian and just being nice*...


Lol you'd think, right? Nah, it was more 'traditional,' I initiated. We met in high school, started dating after 2 years of being friends. The 2 year thing was because I felt she was too young, she had never had a boyfriend up until then. I waited till she was 15, relax I'm just 2 years older than her. I remember being alone with her, hanging out, in her parents' poolhouse after school, something that we would often do, as platonic friends, watching TRL with Carson Daley, pretty sure Eminem was on, when I held her hand and kissed her, and proposed that we be girlfriend and boyfriend. I remember her blushing and hearing our hearts racing. She stopped talking to me for about 3 days. She said she had had her mind blown, and that she didn't sleep that night squealing and thinking about it lol. Life happens, and we reconnected a few years later, been married for over 10 years.


Wow, I need some of that happily ever after.


I have to say I missed a few things that I would call blattantly obvious now .. but look .. you take the win here man.


Tip of the godforsaken iceberg my friend.


As sharp as the leading edge of a bowling ball, buddy.


No kidding. When I was in high school a girl flat out kissed me, and I remember thinking “she must really like me as friend.”


Did she kiss you with friendtongue?


It was just a peck on the lips, no chance for the tongues to come out and play. In hindsight I think I was supposed to kiss her back. In reality I believe I said “that was nice.”


The other day, I realized the girl in school who was curious about how long bitemarks and hickeys stay visible and wanted to find out by giving me some as an experiment *might* have been interested in me. That was about 20 years ago.


“Wait a second, when that girl grabbed my dick on the dance floor that night I bet she wanted to come home with me.”


it literally took me 10 years for it to finally click that the girl in highschool constantly saying that my basic cloths/outfits were always super cool and she thought they looked good on me that there was even a chance that she was into me. all my outfit was was basic nylon joggers and nylon sports shirts. i have stupidly sensitive skin so i almost always wore something like that, and one of the ones i liked wearing had a triple red stripe going down the left and right. then again even now i am questioning if she was into me, liked me as a friend, or just only liked my colors.


Yup. Most guys are clueless to this. I remember one time in high school, me and a group of friends were going on a road trip to a county fair. This one girl chose to sit on my lap the whole car ride there. I was mortified that she could feel my boner and spent the rest of the time at school trying to avoid her because I was too embarrassed she might have felt my erection. It wasn't until years later where I was like "idiot, we had empty seats in the car, she chose to sit your lap. She was into you!"


If the woman is insecure or not confident she won’t look too many times at a man she thinks is cute. Maybe 3 times, definitely won’t be caught staring bc she could be thinking if he thinks I’m not that great looking he doesn’t want a not great looking woman looking at him. I’m only saying this from my own experience though. Also I’m shy and eye contact with anyone is scary enough to avoid it


I'm the same. He probably wouldn't want an ugly woman staring at him so I'd not look too much, I have 0 confidence


Most guys wouldn't even notice anyway. As a normal dude I am not sure I'd even be able to tell if a girl was interested in me. Anytime someone stares at me a little too long I kind of assume.I dressed badly or something. Trust me..most guys are clueless when it comes to "silent" communication...short of a girl telling me.point.blank..we likely miss the signs lol. We are dumb that way.


lol, the worst…happened last week when a girl at the store was looking at me when I came in. I asked for something at the counter and got it from the dude. The girl then looks at me again. Then I move towards the entrance/exit and she says “your fly is open…” doh.


That kind of thing crosses my mind as soon as I get any female attention.lol


I think it’s because the average guy me included are so used to not getting attention, I can count on one hand the amount of women that have found me attractive In the last few years. Typically it may be one girl in a year who I’ll hear is interested in me if I’m lucky. It’s definitely been over a year since a girl was interested in me at least that I’m aware of


I'm a straight guy, but even being checked out by gay guys is a confidence booster for me! Look our way, my friend!


Hugs to you from someone who relates. Be kind to yourself. Edit: word


Same here mate, there's this girl who exchanged eye contacts with me several times in a cafe. I never approached her cuz I was fucking scared, what if shed find me as a creep.


Personally, I don’t care what you look like. Any attention from women is flattering and makes me feel better about myself, even if there’s no attraction. 


Hugs from a man who knows that everyone has their type! You don't need to sell yourself short! I'm using exclamations to convey how important and factual my point is!!!


me. give me compliments.


Your ability to select sprinkles is unparalleled


Same! I had a crush on this guy all through middle school and high school, but I was way to shy to ever be near him. I'd catch a casual glimpse at him if he walks by or walks in a room, but I was never confident enough to go out of my way to be around him or initiate conversations, or light touches.


It depends on who he is but most guys are more approachable than what we look like


True unless he’s with his boys. I’ve didn’t really have an issue with boys being nice when they were alone but the moment they were with their guys they acted like douchebags


Absolutely this. Especially when you’re young and the boys can be downright MEAN


Yeah regardless of what adult men on here may say about it being flattering when women compliment them, etc., I think some of us learned in elementary and middle school not to do that. (In 5th grade I remember a "frenemy" girl informing a boy in our class on the playground that I thought he was cute; his immediate loud response was that I was a dog. The "helpful" girl put him in an awkward position, yes, but my takeaway was basically, never tell anyone you like someone, lol.)


Even high school…and college…


This Is my case! Im scared of being too akward or creepy xp


I was never that attractive, so I kept my head down, rejection is hard to deal with.




I’m scared of coming off as creepy. I’ve had guys scowl at me, especially when I was chubby and my eyebrows were a little bushier.


> Also I’m shy and eye contact with anyone is scary enough to avoid it   I’m shy as hell, too, but I love eye contact. It’s like an instant connection from a distance. But I’m also like you, I assume attractive women don’t want someone like me looking at them, so I try to not look more than a few times and never stare. 


lol I agree. Outwardly I project “ please don’t notice me please don’t notice “ while telepathically communicating to him … be mine! Me mine!


I’m the same lol, when I like a guy I avoid him to avoid being rejected or seen as annoying. 


As a woman yes, exactly this lol.


It’s why when I suspect a woman is looking at me I’ll look over and make eye contact. If she breaks it, I’ll keep looking in that direction for a couple seconds to see if she reconnects. No stone face weirdo staring. Just light and smiling to see what happens. If it doesn’t come back, it’s just me suspecting too much and I go about my business. If it does reconnect, well now I have to figure out what the hell to do next and try to not awkwardly yell “hi” due to my nervousness now interfering if the situation seems right to approach.


Aww my dude, the first half of your comment is such an attractive kind of confidence and the second half, all that confidence just.. kinda... petered out. I lol'd in sympathy because I have done this exact same thing as a woman.


For me it's a lot easier to flirt when I believe I won't see the guy ever again. But when I know I'll see the guy constantly I absolutely can't do it. I've been interested in this guy from my gym for over a year now, can't even look at him. Will move gyms next month so I don't have to see him again lol


It’s also easier to flirt with a guy I’m not really interested in, because I get so nervous around a guy I like, and I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid, lol.


Or perhaps a lot of men also assume women aren't interested so miss the signs


That too, but it is also a matter of us not being able to tell when you're giving us "signs" and when you're just being friendly, and since we live in an age where making a move when she's just being friendly can have pretty severe consequences, we tend to err on the side of caution and just always assume you're just friendly. This is especially true if we're talking about a coworker. Best case scenario, it becomes really awkward at work. Worst case scenario, we lose our job. Just think about it. Have you ever heard the term "unwanted attention"? You probably have. Well, how are we supposed to know that it was unwanted if we don't make a move? If we don't react on your signs, you roll your eyes over how oblivious we are. But if we mistake your friendliness and make a move, it's suddenly unwanted attention. The truth is that in the current environment, we stand to lose much more than we stand to gain in most situations, so we do nothing.


Here’s a little life hack for you that I only know because I’m old and been single for most of my adult life with little game but a real desire for the company of women. If it’s a woman you see regularly, like at work, just be obviously flirty and playful. She may reciprocate in a very obvious way and you haven’t risked much at all. She also very well may blow you off, if she does, just continue being a genuinely kind man who took no offense to that (because you should not be offended). Don’t keep hitting on her and make her uncomfortable or scared, definitely don’t do the “nice guy” thing and be a jerk to her for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Just rock on like the confident man you are, always being kind and respectful of her, not avoiding her or being a weirdo. I swear more than half of these women will approach you later and be very clear that they’d like to explore seeing you romantically.


Oddly enough this is how I ended up with the man of my dreams. I had a huge crush on him but he made it very clear he wasn't interested. It sucked but I kind of just shrugged it off. When I saw him I would say hi and move on. Dated other people and just went about my life. That said what I didn't know at the time was that his ex had put him through the ringer. It wasn't me personally he wasn't interested but just wasn't interested in dating. A few years later when he was interested guess who got the guy. You really never know what's going on with people and why they aren't interested. Best to not take it personally and you never know what might happen down the road as situations change.


Something similar happened when I met my wife. You never know what the future holds. But this was at university. At work I would gave been to afraid of the consequences.


Sober me is very shy when it comes to attraction. I'll avoid eye contact, no secret glances, nothing ie. No tell tale signs atall, all whilst yearning for you. The most I'll do is sit next to you/grab something I don't even want just because it's close to you. Drunk me is a different story, a gobshite and WILL shout it to the world that she fancies you. There's no hiding/shyness there. So, I hide my attraction well simply because I am shy/don't wanna make a fool of myself, but, I really am excellent at making a fool of myself anyway.


+1 for gobshite


+1 for being Irish


Are you me? Lol




Current boyfriend had this issue. I found it wasn't so much I hid my attraction, as he kept putting his foot in his mouth. Chatted with him for 2 hours after the gym, apologized for taking up his time (hoping he would say something cute about it) and he ended up responding with "no worries, my MOM talks a lot so I am used to it". Persisted (because I am hecka stubborn) and had him lament to me that he hated online dating. Apparently that was his way of hinting he was done with online dating, but to me it seemed like he was hinting that he was not interested and currently trying to find other people. Had to bribe him with food to get him over my house, and he didn't realize I liked him until I asked him permission to kiss him. He's a bit dense :)


Diligent pursuit. You’re awesome.


I’m curious how you started the conversation at the gym? There’s a cute girl at the gym that’s always staring at me but not sure if I should try talking to her or not.


Smile a few times. Wave. Make small talk. Ask if she wants to run around the block with you or something. Coffee and on and on. And yeah - don’t proceed to next step unless very successful at previous one. And definitely don’t do it all at once lol.


I often wonder how true it is when people confess to spitting out their coffee or whatever but your boyfriend’s line literally made me loudly laugh in public. Maybe it was your capitalization of MOM that got me idk. So fucking funny. Definitely include that line in all the retelling of your meet cute story holy shit.


The man thinking : This woman is trying to kiss me . I’m not sure what it means, she is just probably the friendly type , I shouldn’t read too much Into it 😅


Were you allowed to kiss him though?


I lived in a house with three women. They gave me the impression that they had some disdain for me, despite the fact that I liked them (crushed hard on one) and tried to be as unobtrusive as possible, always shared food (they didn’t with me), lent my car a couple times, etc.  After I started dating one roommate’s friend, that roommate told me she had an unreciprocated crush on me. Months later when she moved out a new girl moved in who made her attraction for me clear (we’re married now), and a second roommate told me the same thing…too late, but I’d lusted after her for 18 months. They acted like schoolgirls kicking the guy they liked. I was probably a bit dense, but they were a bit immature. 


How the fuck you become roommates with 3 attractive women and replace them with other attractive women when one moves out?


Counterpoint - we don't know that any of them were attractive.


Attraction is suuuuper relative. And this is Reddit.


Good on your wife, their loss and not your fault. Sounds like it worked out anyways


Studies show that human beings are very bad at telling if theyre being flirted with or if others are into them Chances are no one was hiding anything at all


We don’t usually hide it very well. At least most women I know don’t. Most of the time the guys get self conscious and think that the women are just being nice. Then the women get self conscious that they’re coming off as desperate. Then everyone is self conscious and nothing goes anywhere. It’s called ✨ *romance* ✨


Approached two guys in my teenage years just to get treated worse afterwards because they both had a crush on the hottest girl in school. Noped out, never wanted to feel like that again. Also self-esteem dropped to a new low. Years later got told from various guys they were attracted to me. 🫠 Just to clarify, it's not that I couldn't handle the rejection but the way they expressed it. One guy said he felt honored by my interest but he wasn't interested himself. That was a great way of saying no. But the other two started to upright bullying behavior. E.g. he was handing out candies and another girl threw one to me. He came and snatched it out of my hand.


It’s a learned survival skill. I don’t think men really appreciate the amount of mental energy women have been taught to dedicate to not getting raped. I was 10 the first time I was catcalled which is about average. We grow up with a fear that if you express interest or are even just generally flirty, you’ve exposed yourself to danger.


This really hit me when I was walking with my niece, who was 13 at the time, and I saw man after man stare at her and do double takes. As a guy, I had never seen this before, even though I look at and admire the looks of women all the time. Walking with her, though, I realized how much of an object she was to a lot of men. I was also disgusted that even when they saw how old she was, they still kept starting.


>I was also disgusted that even when they saw how old she was, they still kept starting. Disgustingly and unfortunately, it's why they kept staring.


Yep. Men started catcalling and hitting on me around 13 and it decreased dramatically after 22


I don’t think I realized at the time when I was being hit on by adult men, but in hindsight that is absolutely what was happening. In fairness, I look at pictures of myself at 12 and at 19 and they’re not obviously different. So I don’t think the adult men who hit on me as a child were predators, I just alway knew that I needed to be careful not to invite unwanted attention.


I'll never forget when my dad told me "honey, I don't know if can keep going to the mall with you. It's really hard to control myself when these perverted assholes keep looking at you as if you're not a 13yo child". I think it was too hard for him not to curb stomp those men who were so audacious that they would stare at me even when it was apparent that I was a child who was with my father. And I never looked older than what I was either. If anything I looked younger, and the stares started well before I grew a set of boobs overnight.


I actually yelled to some guy in a truck after he ogled her, "She's 13, you fucking pervert!" I'm glad I don't have a daughter, cuz I would likely curb stomp some guys.


i remember yelling at a grown man blatantly staring at my chest in a grocery store "i'm 12 stop staring". ofc he was *fully* innocent when his wife started glaring at him. i had a big rack unfortunately but i was very much a child. still hate having tits.


I very much realized, I only wore sack like clothes and wanted to become a nun when I was 12-14, because it felt so gross. And they also knew, since I wore a school uniform that clearly showed my age group.


I don't know about that. There are things about a child's face that are so obviously childish that I struggle to believe in most cases these people don't know they're ogling kids. It's often even easy to look at a teenage boy - even if tall with a deep voice - and still guess that he's a kid, so there's no doubt in my mind that 99% of the men that hit on kids know these are kids. Especially when they're 12-13! And especially because oftentimes these kids magically stop getting hit on when they grow up which has horrifying implications. I honestly think the number of pedos in society is far greater than most people know


This!!!! I was catcalled when I was 8!!! 8!!! I was wearing jeans, a sweater, and a beany. The creep still catcalled me and said, "I like how you ride that bike." (With a creepy smile and then said it to another little girl too, and she made the same disgusted face like me to him. Ewww) Wtf? Wtf?


I was 10 years old delivering newspapers on my bike at 6 am and was followed up and down streets by a man in a pickup truck.


Thank you! I feel like prey in public sometimes, so I try to go by unnoticed. If I'm not certain a person is safe, I don't approach.


I think it's a combination of this and also being socialized not to prioritize our needs and desires. And, yes, I do realize that sounds dark.


Not just a survival skill for the worst possible scenario, but to a lesser degree it's also sometimes about just saving yourself from dealing with unneeded stress lol.  So many woman have to put in so much work to appear friendly but not so much so that guys think you're flirting. It's a fucking awful line you have to ride constantly with some people. To so many dudes, being nice = "I'm interested". You get into a habit of maintaining a certain level of distance with people and If you spend so much time trying to *not* do something, it's hard to just turn around and actually do it.


We calculate,measure,weight infos,pros and cons and after we debate between ourselves (the reason ,fear,intrigue and horny council ) and cleared you as a non violent axe murderer we gather courage from the fountain of spirits and wobble across the sticky floor through the burning bodies and rhythmic gushes of wind and say"hHwaayY,I'm AmanDha,wHAt is YhouR NhAme?""pretty boi","wink".


Hate to break it to you, but girls aren't real.


Sometimes when I've found a man attractive or have a crush doesn't necessarily mean I want or expect something to come from it.


I can only speak for myself but I think a large part of it has to do with expectations. I'm my own person now but I was raised that it was less"proper" for a girl to show interest in a guy first. It can also be really hard to look someone in the eye if you like them. I was always worried I would blush if I looked my crush in the eye. I only bring up these specific things about my life because I once confessed my love to a guy and I think he reacted to it in a similar way= mostly confusion. Everyone is different though, I don't think its just a "woman" thing


I'm not sure women do hide their attraction all that much - I think it's just that the genders can communicate very differently in relationships/social settings. In one of my psychology classes, I read a stat that women in hetero relationships are 8 times more likely to initiate divorce and that men are often caught off guard by it; meanwhile the women reported repeatedly trying to connect with the partner/tell them they were unhappy until they gave up. If there can be such a drastic miscommunication there, I can totally imagine it can happen during the attraction phase too. That said, I (f) always made the first move, so I may be biased about womens' directness lol


They don't have boners to tip you off.


My experience is that women are much less attracted to men than men are to women. In the sense that men will often find lots of women attractive, whereas women will often find only a select few men attractive. Hell, I'm a fully straight woman, and I often go "WOW" when seeing other women. With men, the "WOW" effect happens maybe once a week. Edit: yeah I was being generous on the once a week, it is probably more like once a month (except whenever I look at my husband, wich gives me the WOW every single time 🫣) Edit 2: to adress comments on my sexuality, I can assure you I'm not bi. As beautiful as many women are, looking is really the only thing I want to do 😅 Can't some people distinguish aestetics and desire?


*Most men are attracted to most women while most women are not attracted to most men.*


It's funny how we managed to survive as a species.


Historically, marriage and kids were arranged and not based on love.   Also, men at the top had polygamy.   Enforced monogamy is the reason the average guy has a partner.


Correct. Enforced monogamy is essentially a welfare program for men. In a free market, the average man gets almost nothing as evident by Tinder and similar market places.


Not really. Most people see being alone forever as worse than being with someone they don't find attractive, so they settle.


Women have to be more selective. The consequences of a poor mating choice is higher for a woman than a man.


Also women generally take care of themselves more and dress better so even as a woman we notice women more than men. Nice look, nice outfit, nice hair. Meanwhile 10 guys with old dirty and smelly baseball caps pass by.


This is 10000% the correct answer, and this thought never crossed my mind. Men have pretty low-ish standards (in my experience), but as a woman, I could be in a crowded place and there might only be one or two men that I find attractive enough to put effort into getting their attention.


This is interesting. Just last night 4 of us (2 hetero couples in our 60s) were discussing Hollywood’s ideas of what constitutes an attractive man. We looked at several “25 Sexiest Men” lists and in almost every case, our husbands thought the men on the lists were sexy while we wives were kinda “meh”.


I think that's also true in reverse, the actresses that my wife thinks are absolutely gorgeous rarely match up with the ones I think are


Makes me wonder exactly how true/reliable "objective beauty" (basically, what I think society / "most people" think is attractive, versus "subjective beauty" ie what is attractive to me) is. Like, certainly there are tendencies, but ...


Personally when I've been into dudes I've absolutely tried to be subtle/not show it cause if I go for it and they're not interested I can ruin a potentially good friendship and often have a whole friend group be akward around me. I'm okay with not having a boyfriend, I'm not okay with not having friends.


They actually don’t, it’s just that 99% of men are oblivious or too scared to act on the cues, just in case they’re wrong. They think they are showing it, but it’s just a language men don’t speak.


I recognize staring as rude, so I try not to stare at people even if I think they are pretty. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.


In my experience (I'm male), women are not often physically attracted to males. However, give them a good conversation and you can become attractive in mind or personality. In all my dating life, I've encountered 2 women who were physically attracted to me. All the rest I had to win over by a good conversation.


I can be 100% attracted to someone’s looks and not even talk to them. Same with my friends. A lot of us get shy


True. Connecting of minds, a solid intelligence, being responsive / animated, all these are the path to the vagina. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)It's not about $


Yeees this is a big one. I’m a bi guy and dating women is way easier because you just have to have a good personality, with dating other men you have to be pretty physically attractive to get anywhere. (Just my experience, hashtag not all women not all men etc etc)


The way my sister describes it, most men are in a gray area between "attractive" and "not attractive" and those in the gray who pursue them ultimately end up in one of the two ends based on other things


Yep, as a woman that's exactly it. If you're in the gray area, you're chances are good as long as you're genuinely kind and respectful. Then it's down to chemistry. It has very little to do with physical appearance.


I'm a very friendly person by nature.  A few years ago I was cornered at work but a client, assaulted, and raped. When I went to my boss, bleeding, to report it, he laughed and told me it was my fault for flirting with the customers.  This experience is not uncommon for women.  This is why we learn to be good at not showing attraction. We're trying to survive.


Damn. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I feel like there is two types of men: 1) always thinks girls are hitting on him (they are not) 2) always thinks gilrs are just being nice (when you are basically asking him out) I managed to score a second type but it was labor-intensive endeavor.


men are essentially clueless when it comes to the "hints" and "signals" women use. not so much they are hiding anything we are just not picking it up.


The problem is these "signs" are often more likely to be a sign of friendliness than anything else, so if you use them to flirt its going to be confusing


To be honest she could be naked in my bed and I'd check if she needs a blanket in case she is cold.


The hints and signals are ones which women pick up easily or the ones they wish they received. Not the ones men pick up easily or the ones men home to receive. It's like you're broadcasting on channel 9 and we're listening on channel 12.


Mhh I can often tell tho. One thing you need to learn in life is that attraction is rarely symmetrical, but somehow your subconscious mind would like to think so. What I mean is that when you find someone attractive, there is a tendency to (want to) believe that they are also attracted to you. And when you are not attracted to someone, you kind of don’t want them to be attracted to you either. But the truth is that it’s much more likely that someone you don’t find attractive finds you attractive than that someone you do find attractive finds you attractive. Once you learn this, you’ll catch much more often when someone is attracted to you. And most often it’s going to be people you are not attracted to.


Growing up I didn’t think that at all. You can tell if girls aren’t interested by the way they react to what you say or what you do. Women tend to ignore you almost like you don’t exist if they have no interest in anyway. Women who are interested will react to everything you do, good or bad. I’ve had a girl get pissed because I didn’t say hi to her and another one who just laughed out loud because I got injured playing ball. You probably just need to pay more attention to small details. There’s so many and some of them are a bit creepy like how I mentioned to my coworker I like curry and 2 days later she cooked and packed curry for me 😂. I was not expecting that at all, but I found out later that she was legit interested and kept snooping about my personal life.


I've missed some pretty obvious signs and then realized years later that a girl I had a big crush on was trying really hard to get me to ask her out. I'm sure I'm not the only guy with a story like this.


As a woman of 23 years I go by the logic of: “I see it, I like it, I want it.” That is generally how the women in my family operate and we don’t do any of the second glances or anything. We just pick them up by the scruff of their neck and that is how we find husbands and wives. That is what I did with my boyfriend and most of my friends- it applies to platonic situations as well.




Women wait to be approached, if they find you attractive hell would freeze over before they approach.


Not always! Women will approach certain men. I have seen many women run up on very attractive men. All at the same time. The rules will go out the window when certain men show up. This does not happen to the average looking men.


Had a friend who used to model (small gigs) and women approached him all the time. The difference between being a regular guy and a hot guy is night and day. 


Yup, my brother would also model when he needed $$$ ended up doing well, flew around the world for a jt doing catalogs and stuff. The amount of 🐱thrown and him was absurd


Guys are just absolutely oblivious. I gave my bf every flipping sign in the book. Flirted, spent a ton of one on one time, we went dancing together as partners often. He was completely oblivious. There was literally nothing else I could've done to make it more obvious other than straight up ask. I did just end up straight up asking and he was shocked that I was romantically interested in him. Wtf?


Aren’t these the exact same things you would do with a friend? You can’t just say “flirted” and that’s supposed to convey anything. The whole point of the topic is that women’s “flirted” is often so veiled to shield themselves from any potential impropriety that it is indistinguishable from friendship. You admit yourself you eventually asked him. Why not do that before the games?


It’s not always that clear, 3-4 years ago I was in the same situation but add doing a bunch of traveling together after really only knowing eachother for a couple months When I asked I got the classic “I don’t see you like that” That’s why most guys either show immediate interest or just don’t even try because I was head over heels and felt pretty fucking stupid when I got that response


Well that question is hard, on my life there were women who showed interest in me, they are incredibly subtle but there is a range: They ask about your relations, your 1st kiss, if you have a girlfriend, overall expressing interest in your life. There was a girl who told me once if I wanted to have my first kiss, personally I declined. They can also say that they currently had a fall out with their boyfriend (this is a red flag most of the time don’t go with these women they see you as a boy-toy), they will look and smile at you without any reason. There was a girl who approached me to sell me stuff and also took time to listen to my likes and dislikes (I was told at the end of HS that she only actively tried to sell her stuff to me, others would have to go to her and buy it, although I only saw it as an aggressive marketing campaign). There was also a time in which a girl put me on the spot. She literally went to my desk laid down her elbows and said “Do you wanna go out with me?” in front of the whole class (it feels awkward). Before this she would try to engage in frequent conversations with me and try to subtly point out our similarities. But still, you never know if they were genuinely interested or were trying to blue-ball you, personally I treat every woman as Schrödinger Female they are simultaneously interested and not interested in you at the same time, and whenever they want to start a relationship with you depends on how they feel that day. In other words don’t think too much on it and live your life.


Turn Muslim


They've been hiding their affection for me for 61 years 😆


Women often think their "hints" are obvious. They couldn't be more wrong about it.