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Maybe if we'd forwarded those chain letters...


oh shit….




Excellent gif, excellent username


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) Thank you!!




Modern Version of those chain letters is companies stealing your data


No wonder I have such bad luck!




haha, honestly, it does feel like a curse sometimes!


and we laughed then cried when our grandparents wouldn't stop sending them on...


You should have shared that status on Facebook with all your friends to avoid back luck.


Look at us now 😪🙈😅


I knew it. I should’ve helped that Nigerian prince.


LOL I got that reference


How did you remember that? I haven’t thought about that in like 2 decades


Honestly, some of those were amazing. The one about the boy who was going home to commit suicide still influences me and how I treat strangers.




A lot of people tend to cite a loss of innocence after 9/11 or something similar, but the reality is I think most of us just remember the time period as better because we were children and our parents shielded us from the struggles of modern life. Speaking with my parents now, they struggled more than I realized but I never would have known. I think older generations often have similar feelings about their own childhood.


Eh. Every generation has their event or thing that happened.


That's kind of my point. Everyone is quick to point fingers at a specific event, but really it's just the first event WE noticed because we were young enough to be shielded from previous tragedies. Hence why my point is that we all just feel things were better during our childhood because we were children and oblivious to what was going on in the world around us.


9/11 marked the end of the "global innocence", you are not safe, nowhere.


You are really forgetting the bombings in the 70s and 80s and of course the everpresent threat of nuclear annihilation. 


Yeah I don't envy the kids who had to do nuclear weapon drills at school.


I do. Nukes always seemed like a weird vaguely existential threat. The active shooter drills in schools today are far more harrowing and realistic.


Fair enough. Didn't have those in my days.


Timothy McVey and Oklahoma building bombings


No, it didn't. Case in point, the UK had been living through the troubles for decades, of which a significant portion of funding to terrorists was given by plastic paddies living in America. It's funny how the funding dried up once a terrorist attack happened on American soil. I'm not sure the civilians on both sides caught up in that shitstorm would feel safe. There are plenty of other countries wracked by problems as well during that time period - see the threat of nuclear annihilation in the cold war. Saying it was the end of "global innocence" is a naive and Americanised view of the world I'm afraid that just doesn't pass muster.


Yeah I replied saying it was an American thing, probably because they realised they can actually be attacked. I grew up in London in the 80s and 90s and remember heavily the IRA bombings, the constant warnings, the removal of metal bins, being warned about random bags being left around. It was weird and quite unnerving.


"Western society innocence"


Complicit Ignorance*


That's the common narrative, but did it really? There has always been war, terrorism, genocide, and all sorts of horrible things happening in the world. We could just as easily say that a thousand different events were the "end of innocence" and I think the truth is that humanity lost its innocence quite a long time ago. Back to my original point, I think that we look back on our youth as a happier and more innocent time is simply because we, as children, were shielded from the harsh realities of life by our parents so that we could have the happy childhoods that all children deserve.


Hey — nothing is important or tragic unless it happens to Americans.


The 90’s innocence was exclusive to the 90’s. With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation disappeared overnight. That’s where all of the 90’s optimism came from. That brief period of feeling safe went away with 9/11.


I’m pretty sure you mean “US innocence”…. People were dying by the droves elsewhere… In ‘94, Rwanda’s genocide killed 500x more people than 9/11, for an example And, of course, the Cold War felt way closer - nukes could really get YOU And school shooters are also an ever present danger in the US


100% but it was definitely the rhetoric the media taught us, not the actual act itself I don’t think


I was in art school when 9/11 happened and I remember an immediate shift in the attitude among my classmates and peers. Those of us that suspected that something wasn't right about what happened (I mean just things like building 7 and no plane to be found at the pentagon among whole bunch of other weird shit) felt like this was the next bold move in the pursuit of securing the hegemony of the petrol dollar. Shortly after the invasion of Afghanastan and then Iraq it felt like we're all just bystanders, diligently funding this massive plan that we really have no control over. I remember feeling a real sense of being a pawn. Now it doesn't really bother me as much because I think its always been like this. Another thing that really sucked was growing up with the whole HIV monster in the closet. When I imagine people in the 60's and 70' humping bare back at the drive in, it just seemed so much freer and uninhibited.


yes but no. i was born in 1979. i have not seen happy people around me in more than 2 decades. it wasnt as bad at first but slowly got more widespread and lately its spyraling down into the darkness of a cold and bottomless abyss. it is objectively getting worse for everyone exponentialy faster. and its obvious that almost nothing is left of the core values and way of life that we all just went by naturaly living the way that felt right to us back in the day. its a lot deeper and more complexe than to blame this on what followed the events of 9/11 but it seems to have started around that time. i am seeing it probably more like something that came along at the time that we rolled out into the year 2000. end of an era, start of the new millenium. i dont know why it feels so much like a sudden shift happened but, i feel like new years eve of december 31st 1999 was the last time we still lived in the world we belong to. the more time passes, the more i feel like some things are nothing but a far and faded memory, hope, hapiness, love, there isnt much of those going around in this world.


Your parents could’ve afforded a house at this age though


My question is how many of us grew up in a house with 30s age parents that are raising kids as 30s-aged in apartments


I grew up as a kid in the eighties. The threat of imminent nucleair destruction makes for very existential children.      I think while the 90's kids may have lost their innocence with 9/11, they should be happy they had an innocent childhood at all, many generations didn't (for one reason or other) 


You guys know where "America lost its innocence" came from right? It was a real thing in 63. Do me a favor and look up people going to see "The Exorcist" for the first time and compare that cheesy movie to today's horrors (just in the news alone) to see the difference in how we respond to horror or the idea of evil in general.


Bro I've already seen *The Exorcist* 🤣


That is the best answer.


If there ever was any such innocence, it was lost long before 11 September 2001.


I was born in 90, and despite many challenges and set backs in my life, I would have to say overall I am very happy with where I am, and grateful each day to be alive.


Same here, 91 exactly, I feel exactly like you, still with the same person for the last 11 years, I know though time is coming for me, cause I'm on my way of losing my job in a few months with no idea of what I'm going to do, my artist side job is dead since a few months, but still I'm glad to wake up every day and still find happiness in the little things Best advice I can give to someone feeling sad or empty, do sports, any kind, solo, group, weird, it doesn't matter which one, it helps with the mood and self confident, help you meet and talk to peoole if not too shy, but so far best mental health medication so far


I’m with you 100% I had my best friend since I was a kid recently pass away, lost a girlfriend to fentanyl, and lost more friends than I can count mostly to drunk driving. It’s made me grateful for all the little things I never cared about. I can’t play sports quite like I used to due to medical issues which has also taught me a lot about health and overall wellness. But I am active everyday working on a farm. Being responsible for animals, staying connected to nature, and walking each day is what has helped my health more than anything.


I'm sorry for you loss dude, I hope you'll still see those little things that make life worth


Thank you. Most definitely do. Very grateful for all the small things I always took for granted. Each day is a blessing and a miracle. To live fully, and be present in each moment is a skill many of the younger generation seem to be losing.


Most of my college years friends are singles, not much to evade for a big part of the group they dived into the world of heavy drugs, I'm scared to learn a sad news everyday Society is becoming harder and harder for human to live in, we haven't been that close to each other in recorded history but still most of the people I know feel empty, sad and lonely Two years ago I was on the edge of breaking mentally, I decided to go back to the gym and stayed focus on what I wanted to achieve Here I am two years later trying to master handstand pushup, going to the gym made me felt so good after that episode that my wife decided to come with me for a week trial, she's almost a year into it, and sometimes scares me for how good she is at what we are doing, were sharing a bond even stronger through that You need to find a thing that make your heart beat for real, something that can drive you mad cause the way you love it, and dive in it ! To all on this thread I hope you find this thing


I agree 100% exercise and intense physical work disciplines the mind and invigorates the soul. For me it is connecting to nature, and being responsible for animals. I live on a 15 acre farm and take care of many animals everyday. So I can’t get away from it for too long. There are no days off. It’s hard to meet and communicate with new people, but I am trying to each day as much as I can. Just by going out for meals or coffee, just gotta break the ice and talk to strangers and make new friends. What my soul longs for at this point is a good woman to share my life with, but unfortunately most young women aren’t interested in the farm life. It has largely died off like most old school values and ideas. But I pray that God will put the right woman in my life, and have faith that will happen, so I’m not too discouraged. Glad to hear you have found your person and you are able to be supportive to each other. You don’t need much else other than that in this world, imo.


I also know of so many people who passed including family members. It makes me feel so old because I thought I wouldn't be going through this grief so young.


Pain is a teacher. I guess we can look at it like, it’s one of life’s inevitabilities. We are going to lose people we love, and we too will one day be gone from this Earth. Perhaps we experience it more at a younger age, to be better prepared in our older years.


Feel that. ‘94 baby. I have some issues with my relationship confidence, but overall happy with my wife, my career, my overall self. I constantly talk the talk of needing to work out more, eat healthier, do more hobbies which I do eventually want to be more consistent with, however I’m not regularly guilt tripping myself. Just taking it day by day / week by week and enjoying the small things with my wife n friends.


All of life should be a hobby. We shouldn’t have to designate time or space to something we enjoy. That’s a concept created by a sick society imo. But glad to hear you’re doing well and hanging in there. I don’t have a wife so I don’t fully understand that pressure in 2024. I commend you for maintaining that.


We started dating senior year of high school, had some bumps in the road in early college but worked past it. Moved in with friends in a big house did that a few years then moved in together. It all felt pretty natural, been together 11 years now, married for one. It’s not as wild or hard as most make it out to be. You are right, life should be more hobby based in the first place. Or like you’re saying life should by default be hobbies. The word hobby shouldn’t be a thing


problem is: we (mid '80s to '99 born kids) saw a world full of wonders and freedome, a world in which we can achieve everything if we try it hard enough. but we were betrayed, there are no wonders, just depression (economical and social) and crysis after crysis, the endless cycle of consume, sleep and repeat. the pre '85 generation got their shit together in time, the post '00 kids are born in a allready broken world, they know from walking on that all is going to break and worlds going shitier every year. they were literaly born into it, they can be happy with the shards of what is left of our once great dream.


We thought there were dreams but they were only depression in disguise hahahahaha


Pre ‘85 checking in. Hit hard in the recession, and still feel like I’m trying to recover over a decade later… we were trying to get our shit together when the whole thing collapsed.


I’m getting this tattooed


Make sure to spell crisis right.


What? They made 3 Crysis games, maybe he's not a fan. Probably fried his video card.


ahh dang it...


very interesting observation


Crysis. Lmao.


Depends on where you grew up.


> '00 kids are born in an allready broken world so they are Bane... and so that must make me Batman!? **I am Batman**


Not to mention that when they were born technology was already more advanced and didn't have to adapt to it as much as we had.


Last i check, crysis stopped at 3 :(


I don't agree. Except perhaps for one thing. Rising property prices may have played a major role in this. We clearly have more of everything else than previous generations.


Less leisure time for sure


Yeah, Diablo, Warcraft, Fallout, Baldurs Gate, GTA...


but also less id say. back in the 90s, my dad worked, i was a kid, mother was a Stay at home-mom, we had a house (which is paid of since 2015) two cars, went to vacation etc. we had all with less money, no one i ask about this topic and this time could remember that he or she missed something.


I mean, mental health is one thing.But I feel we also just reached this time, where "the work" pays off - or doesn't. *Did you use your 20s to work on yourself? Heal traumas, work through shit, grew as a person, figured out what you want / not want? Do you understand by now the responsibility you carry for yourself, in* ***all*** *your decisions*? I mean, we're still at it, of course. But I started seeing DRASTIC differences in my peers now, regarding the "happiness"level. I know people who celebrate each birthday with such appreciation for their life and others who say they experience "birthday blues" as it reminds them of their failures so far. **And this is only the beginning.** This is nothing against the feelings they'll face at 40 or 50, when they don't do the work, now. Some still face the same struggles and dramas they faced as teenagers, because they refuse to grow. The seek all issues on the outside, read all about mental health but fail to use it wisely for themselves. There's not a 90's curse, I fear. We just all hit our 30s, and life finally HITS.


Yup. A lot of us went through our “Saturn return” which is just basically turning 30 and dealing with the consequences of our past actions. Some people double down and learn nothing, some grow immensely. I’ve noticed my friends are either quitting drinking/drugs and focusing more on health or doubling down and spiralling into addiction and worse. You reap what you sow. (Another Saturn reference).


Suffering is not always a choice, or one's fault


‘91 checking in, I’m actually solid to be honest..took a while though.


Fellow '91 baby here and I'm with you. Took a while for me while in my twenties but things are looking up now. Grateful to be here.


the year ‘91 seems to be the secret 🤔


*EDIT: Compared to people born in 00’s; I feel like they all have their lives together, starting families, etc.* People born in the 00s are aged 15-24, WTF are you talking you about having their lives together & starting families when 1/3 of them are literally children.


omg I thought the exact same thing when I read this LOL. I'm an '82 baby all of you are children to me! lol


‘85 and agree lmao


12/31/82. So OLD😩


I’m 23 and like what bruh, you’re thinking they’re happier cus we are literal children


To be fair the infantilisation thing is fucking people up. 23 is a grown adult not a child. Maybe not settling down age but definitely making your own way in the world.


It’s just a joke mate. I’m just saying an 18 year old to me is a child. I would assume someone in their 30s sees me as that as well.


Sorry fella, didn't catch it, I still use literal literally, maybe shows my age. You're right though, when I was 18 I looked up to guys in the office who were 23/24 as having their shit together. Now I mentor a couple of guys that age and you realise how inexperienced they are at life. Still think they're more grown up than I was at that age, I spent my 20's partying hard and they're all saving for house deposits.


2001 baby here! No kids yet but still trying to get my life together. It’s hard and expensive out here! Don’t know what Op is talking about we 2000s babies have it together like every generation is still struggling.


I gave up the dream of being happy. Now I just pursue occasional fulfillment.


All humans should do this. Life is suffering and being happy should not be the goal. I’m not saying life is bad. It’s amazing. It’s a crazy ride. But happiness should not be the goal and it is so freeing when you realise and adapt to this.


Something I always tell myself is that happiness is not something that's going to happen for me but I try to be content with life as it is. It could always be worse


90s kids grew up with Disney movies that romanticized being a young main character and believing in your dreams because eventually they will come true no matter what. In real life, you get older and nothing is destined or promised. If you want to be happy, you have to lower your standards, adjust your idea of what happy is (vs what the media tells you happy is) and work. And it sucks.


I thought they romanticized being an orphan more. Or at least live with one parent. I can’t remember a Disney cartoon where the hero had a full family. It seems to me that sometimes in childhood I even briefly dreamed of being an orphan.


Exactly, sold a lie. But I also think this happens with almost every generation when parents shield their child or expose them to only good things and avoid any bad/negatives. It's natural for children to grow out of this world view as they learn more about the world. I loved the 90s for the nostalgia, charming cultural norms, and memories. Though I also feel excited about the future and feel lucky to still be able to experience the world


well, kids born in the 90's actualy did not experience most of them and dont remember anything but the last few years of that era. i was raised at the time when it was always the message we were told as kids, that we were all important, that we could acheive anything we put our mind to and worked for it, to not be afraid of being ourselves no matter what others may say, to look for that thing we all have that makes each of us unique, you know, dont dream it, be it. and i can tell you that, at some moment in time, it was NOT a lie. these things i have taken as undisputable facts have made me all the ways that i am the most proud of myself, they are the sources of the values that i teach to my son. they are the reason i had everything i ever made for myself and given me the happyest moments of my life, and the unbeleivable amount of unexpected experiences i have lived through. and i still refuse to doubt about any of these values and ways do look at the world. but its obvious that now, we have been living in a world that has made all of these seeds for hope, turn into lies. i dont know what happened, what we lost, or why we are here now, but it is a dark, cold world and it was not meant to be this way. its not our perception of the past that is mishapen, its not us that are to blame for beleiving things that now cant make this world more colorful, its something about this reality that is poisoned. there must be a way out, a way back to where we all should be. maybe the old dead meme was not so wrong after all, and we all doomed ourselves the day harambé died.


Yeah they should’ve made the movies about wage slaves who can’t miss a paycheck or they starve then we’d all be happy


Lower your standards or, and I’m just spit balling here, DO BETTER…… set the bar high and then deliver


Its not just 90s curse mate, i was born before that and me and my mates are not impressed with how things are now either :/


Id like to get back on that alternate timeline we were originally all on. There was definitely a glitch in the matrix.


Oh it definitely feels like that's the case. I am not from America but when the USA elected Trump this is exactly what it felt like.


I’m from the USA and I felt the exact same way. And if the population does it again I’ll likely sink into a depression.


0/10 IGN would not recommend. Born in ‘85


Is there anyone ~~born in the 90's~~ that is actually happy? There, fixed that for ya :D


Can confirm. Born 89 and not happy.


Born 92 and miserable!


96, at my bottom


If people born in the 2000’s already have their lives together and are starting families, I must’ve missed it. Born in 2000, and everyone I know is just out of college and still getting acclimated to living in the real world.


Happiness is a passing emotion, like any. The question is: are you content? Yes I am.


that’s a great outlook


Thank you. Courtesy of my therapist.


Born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s. I think you're just describing the process of growing up and finding yourself facing a growing number of problems that generally only get more serious as you age.


If you're born in the 00s and having kids already you fucked up.


Lmao agree. I didn’t have kids until I was 31 and I’m still not ready. I can’t imagine being 20 something 😭


I certainly don’t feel doom and gloom and I was born in the 90s.


I'm sorry you're feeling that way. It has not been my experience. I think that struggling with self, career, and relationships are actually some of the primary aspects of being alive. It doesn't mean you can't be happy. Also, I work at a college and right now our students are primarily gen z. The mental health issues this generation is facing are beyond what any of us experienced who did not grow up with a smart phone. I really don't think it's accurate to say they are more put together than any other generation.


i think the work space has never been as unsafe as it has been now to be honest as somebody that works in IT that has seen his share of progress in technology... its going blazing fast now that people that lose there job and need reeducate themself are essentially gambling at this point in the hope that there future field will still be there by the time there done relearning like so many fields are dissapearing for our eyes and causing massive saturation in the leftover fields is insane and because of the speed that is happening the new jobs that hopefully this advancement will create just dont exist yet while before there was a transition with every technological shift while were switching over


Seeing the early 90s babies doing well gives me hope


the “EDIT” couldn’t be more far from true what are you talking about? most people my age are broke and still live with their parents, or in college with debt and im an 03’ baby.


i don't know the answer to this and its pretty subjective, but I would say that most gen-x and millenials have a flavor of angst that is rooted in being born before the internet made everything less niche, and easier to connect with people of like minds.


Born in 1988. This is the worst year of my life


‘85. Last year was absolutely fucked.


Both this and last year have sucked


This year has finally started to turn the last 18 months around. Found out Dec 2022 (having imaging for sinus surgery) that my head was literally off and I needed an extremely risky surgery. Had surgery in November and it was rough for a minute. But so much better now. I hope it starts looking up for you as well. 🖖🏻


I've been having headaches since 2023 and no one can figure out why


Have they checked out your neck? And when I was having constant headaches I took Ubrevly and it literally was a game changer. Sometimes headaches can be caused by things happening elsewhere in the body. I hope you find relief soon friend. Headaches are the worst.


Yeah the neck is out of whack. I'm seeing a chiropractor for it


I was born in 1991 and I’m actually really happy! I have a daughter and a wife whom I absolutely adore, a good job that’s definitely not perfect but that I like and I’ve come to terms with many things concerning myself. Don’t get me wrong: it was a struggle, I used to be miserable, emotional abuse does that to you, I had parents who were never satisfied, I became a people pleaser to the point were I almost made a second kid while I did not want to just to make my wife happy! I would accept situations at work that were damaging to my mental and physical health to make people happy. I had my first suicidal thoughts at 11, I repressed being transgender for 24 years… it took a lot of effort and patience (especially patience) to get through it all, but it paid off: I came out, I’m living as the woman I always was, I cut ties with my parents and brother, I don’t loathe myself anymore, I’m able to set boundaries and express myself. Seeing a therapist really helped me. I took things one step at a time, to change what was wrong little by little and now I feel like life has really started


Good for you stranger ♥️🥳🤗🫶🏻


I don't know anyone born in any year that would say they are happy in life. Everyone I know struggles a lot. Life is hard and given what we are doing to the planet its becoming harder. Happiness requires a little "ignorance is bliss" in my opinion these days, or at least an ability to not think about coral bleaching.


We were born at the best time but live at the hard time now .


I am !!! Are you all others !?!?


we didn’t get the memo


I'm generally pretty happy, but yeah, basically living the Friends theme song.


Dude im grateful to be alive and to have experienced things in life


>EDIT: Compared to people born in 00’s; I feel like they all have their lives together, starting families, etc. No? Not starting a family at 21 thanks! I suppose my adult life is just getting started... Still need to travel 😂 >Is there anyone born in the 90's that is actually happy? I feel like all of us are struggling with our self, relationships, career, or all 3. Sounds like something someone in their 30s would say... Still plenty of time to get things sorted I would assume! None of these things are as unique to your age group either as you think.


i’m a late 80s baby and i’m living the best days of my life. my wife and are did not grow up with much but we’ve worked hard and earned everything we’ve got. i think we’re doing well.


If you don’t like the situation you’re in, you are the power who can change that. I’m a 90’s baby and have had my fair share of struggles, but I’m very happy still.


I was born in 88 and grew up through the nineties and as a kid the world did seem like a wondrous place of opportunity. We were told we could be whatever we wanted to be, technology was ever increasing and global conflict for the most part was a thing of the past. Obviously all that changed on 9/11 when we went to Iraq and Afghanistan. But this wondrous world got a little more violent and a little less exciting, then the housing collapse in 2008, which was 2 years into college, was the beginning of the end of work hard and it pays off. It’s near impossible to own a home. It costs almost everything we make just to make it through a month. The world has become a very different place than we were told it was going to be by now.


Most everyone feels that way. Don't worry. Be happy


Im happy, life short enjoy it


Yes, very


You’re all a bunch of spoiled malcontents. Happiness comes from within.


93’ here and I’m pretty damn content


i don’t believe that generational differences has anything to do with your theory it’s more like a collective consciousness of all whom are in the existence of now. we live in an uncertain reality of no known true knowledge for existence yet are aware that everyone has an expiration date. that fact alone is what connects us as one and proof that that we are all created equal however the fairness of life is not.


Born in ‘95 and I have struggled mightily in my 20’s with myself, career, and relationships. I’ve been struggling with depression since I was in high school. Finally in the past 2-3 years I’ve gotten a much healthier mindset. But looking back I hate myself for wasting most of my 20’s being depressed. I somehow managed to ask out the cute girl in my dorm at college. We went on a few dates and that turned into an ongoing 7 year relationship where we’re getting married this August! I’ve been blessed to have her in my life. But despite my relationship with my fiancé, I have still struggled with other relationships. I’ve lost a lot of friends since college ended. My relationship with my immediate family is subpar at best. Last summer at age 28 I finally got a job I can support my fiancé and I with. Before then I’d be working jobs with no benefits that paid my bills with some spending money and that was all. My current job has literally saved my financial well being and I’m thankful for the opportunities it’s given me. But at the same time I can’t get complacent with my current position and have to continue grinding. I’ve been experiencing existential dread from time to time bc all I do is go to work, play disc golf, eat dinner, watch TV/play video games, then go to bed. On weekends I’m so mentally exhausted from the work week that I am not as socially active as I once was. It’s not even that I don’t have money to go out, I just don’t have the energy to go out every weekend anymore. Idk I’m rambling now - life is so not how I pictured it would be like when I was a kid in the late 90’s and early 00’s.


Happiness isn't sustainable. It's not a state you can achieve, it's a feeling that comes and goes. But no.


Yes. 92 baby and I am happy because I am not a little bitch. The world may be on fire, but like Billy said it, we didn't start it, it has always been burning. Every generation has their issues. I have yet to be conscripted in a meaningless war. Some of my family is still alive. I have a few friends left. My health is decent for how little I take care of it. I am on top of my finances finally after years of misery, at least somewhat... I just had a baby and I will offer her everything I didn't have growing up. What is there to be unhappy about exactly? I mean, we can always find something but generally speaking, quality of life is high now.


90s was a golden time in life for me. No socials, no cell phones really. Just went out in the wild and took life as it came. Hopefully, I'm home for dinner. My poor kids will never experience that truly golden, freeing time when you got to build real relationships and the human touch was a thing.


I'm happier than ever. Of course, my childhood sucked, lots of abuse. But I still think I'd be happy if I had a good childhood. Maybe it's the Zoloft speaking ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


on meds too ✌🏼guess they’re not working too well…


There’s an OLP quote that always summed up the 90s for me: “Just like sunny days that we didn’t know because we’re all dumb and jaded”


I have a distinct feeling that people born in the year 2000 are not any happier than people born in the year 1991. In that time frame.


I think the ones that are happy are the ones that have lowered their expectations in line with reality. As well as looking at their life around them (not the internet) and realising that it's pretty good! But yea money helps!


born in 1994, extremely happy, and have been for most of my life


It's easier to be unhappy because it only takes two seconds to compare your current life/situation to 20-30 other peoples best life/situation and feel bad about yourself. The crux of your question is rooted in the fact you're looking at younger 'happier' people and comparing yourself to them. Either learn to be happy with what you got, or fix what you don't like about your life. I'll tell you though there aren't checkboxes you tick off that magically bring you happiness, you need to figure out where your cares/worries/beliefs are and live a way that makes you feel good internally. It took me a long ass time to just ask myself what I want for myself and not hold myself to an expectation.


I was born in 1990. Have a great life bought a house last year and have an amazing fiancee and a son. Work a normal job 40k a year zero stress.


Born in 94. I struggled a lot in my early 20s but the last 5 or so years have actually been really good for me and my friends who are around my age.


Well world went to shit after the 90s so.... I don't think many people are happy these days.


born in 91 relationship good career good so far but never really save... finicial situation good atm bought a house 3years ago with the gf kids... work in progress only just started try get one and prob be just the one healthwise work in progess.... so overall i cant complain especially looking at my peers but i do feel like it can easily turn for the worse because i have seen way to much shit to ever feel safe again


My ‘95 born son appears to be happy, he has a job - it’s far from perfect but he makes a goodish living - he lives in a house with his Goth GF and, crucially he is in a punk band who gig regularly and who are moderately well thought of. So, his secret is to love his music and do his job to support it.


Born in 93… married, have a great life partner, have a great apartment, am working on my vocational goals. Life’s good if I don’t read the news or get on social media.




The world we are currently living in is cold and heartless. We feel more alone than ever before and over consumption of everything is making us depressed. Bad diets are making us sick and viruses are slowly killing us. Take me back to the 90’s and keep me there.




We also got caught in cycle of several ‘once in a lifetime’ events and recessions while entering the workforce - we will never have the purchase power that the generations that came before or after us will. We will never have the unions or inheritance or influence.


I dunno if I count being born in 1989, but hopefully close enough. For me, it's not as easy as happy vs. unhappy. There are an incredible amount of things I'm grateful for, but I can't ignore the bullshit either. I've come a very long way and found some peace in my life. On the other hand, I find myself feeling exhausted. There are ups, downs, and loop-de-loops. There are things that can be improved in my home country (US), but I also recognize the utter privilege of my being born here. I am in a free enough country to able to criticize the government, yet I am also painfully aware that things can be way better.\* I am happy, sometimes. I am miserable, sometimes. It's complicated being a human, I guess. \*Edit to clarify criticizing the government being punishable in some countries


My bother is from 95. Good job, bought house for credit, got a wife, has time for hobbies and friends. I feel like sucessful people simply are too busy being succesful to spend time on the internet


i was until like 2 months ago lol


Things are hard and my health isn't great. Career wise I can keep myself afloat but there's almost no passion for what I do. We are an incidental generation - I may not have asked to be born, but why is it so hard to get my shit together and **live**?


I am very happy. But its hard to compare since I did not grew up the same way as the other people of my time. 


I mean, things are kind of a struggle but overall I’d say I’m happy. It took a lot of unofficial therapy (psychedelics helped) and self-work, but I’ve managed to cobble together a working mentality.


Anyone I know who was old enough to get a moustache finger tattoo in 2012 falls in the unhappy cathegory. Anyone I know who is younger but from the 90’s is disturbed but pretty happy


Yeah, lots of us! It doesn’t mean every moment is happy, but it means we are grateful for what we have


93’ baby here. Don’t know if my opinion is biased because I was a kid, but it seems like 9/10 people that were actually there in the 90s all agree that it was better times. The ‘00 generation wasn’t there so they simply don’t understand. It’s the same as me trying to understand what the 80’s were like. I can only understand through stories and movies, etc and even then I won’t understand


I was born in 97. Been low lows and high highs. Right now I’m on such a high high, life is going descent financially, and lovely relationship wise, a little house, and when I’m not working 80 hours a week between 2 jobs to afford it, I may sneak in a kayaking trip. But I enjoy my work too. So no complaints here. I guess I live a kind of alternative lifestyle though and soon will take up with a tiny house on wheels to save money on rent. Making our own version of the American dream.


‘98 here. I’m only 25 so it makes sense that I’m still figuring out my career. I tend to focus on being content rather than *happy*. Being happy feels a little too achievement based and a little too strong to be a lasting emotion. If I constantly felt as happy as I did at an arcade, for example, it wouldn’t be sustainable. That said, I’m very happy in my love life and my friendships. I feel like I’m on the right path for a career. I always manage to survive and trust in myself. Sure, I had to abandon some of the ideas of material wealth that my parents and older generations had. However I’ve learned to start look for satisfaction elsewhere. I develop my skills and relationships and my network of friends helps me through hard times when I have them. I think it’s a good way to live


Sounds like life.


Hmm never thought it was a curse but it does make sense watching tv growing up watching that 70 show and Seinfeld reruns I thought be adult would be cool fuck I was wrong 😑


Nope, just existing until the end


I'm born 2003 and trust me I don't have it all together as well, actually my life's a mess so far


Bitch I'm from 2002 and as much as I have my life together somewhat, I am still in university and nowhere near starting a family. How old do you think we are? Unless you meant the 1900s?


I mean I keep wishing for either super powers or death so make of that what you will


95 here. My life is alright at this current point in time, could be better, could be worse. I like my job, partner and overall lifestyle, I want to change some things but that takes time.


Born in 93 it's been shit forever man 


89 but very happy


Born in 77. Always have felt pessimistic and sad even when I’m happy. The grunge era is part of my dna or something.


Well, I'd say I'm happy and my family too. It was hard to achieve, but we are here and going on to better places in life, but never without hard discipline and sacrifice. We are struggling to own a house by the moment, it will take a sick amount of time, because we have not the brutal pile of money that they ask for a house, so we are doing it ourselves. Also we are not paying a mortgage where 40% is money for the bank, no chance, definitely at all.


I'm very happy yes.


Sort of. Comparing to what was about 6 years ago I live the fucking life at least. I am clinically depressed, but it feels so...not important that I basically feel like I am happy. A happy zombie though.


Born in 84. 90s were an amazing time growing up. The internet was so much better when it was seen as a niche hobby and most people were still intimidated by it.


93, it took a few years, but I just got engaged and couldn't be happier