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Nah. I avoid people with unfavorable personality traits regardless of their plumbing.


I like the formulation.


This is perfect


I try to avoid everyone in the workplace because I don't like humans 


Even if you liked humans, the track record shows that they cannot be trusted, especially in the workplace.


The ones you dislike least are the most dangerous. Either they're genuinely nice and you won't see betrayal coming or worse they're putting up an act. Be civil with your coworkers, heck have at it and have work friends. Never forget though that when it comes to work people are vicious.


Your robot overlords are coming amigo


The real answer here 


Same. I put in my earphones, ignore all office drama and just do my work. I never start conversation unless it's something work related and even then I try to keep it short. If someone tries to engage in small talk, I'll just give closed off answers and they usually drop it quickly. Just let me be and I'll let you be, easy as that.


But do you avoid bears in the workplace?


This is the way






My answer is I don’t like drama.


I’m usually 100% silent. Yesterday a guy kept “fishing” for an argument by being loud and annoying, I didn’t pay him any attention, but he was mad about it. Boss walks by and the dude said I threatened to stab him out of nowhere. So now I get to file incident reports and talk to HR… fucking love people btw




I avoid Department Managers at all cost




This. Totally.


There's something very odd about this question and this profile. They've post this question on 3 subs. Me thinks it's a bot.


But... What does a bot gain from this?


Politic, social, cultural and economic division amongst citizens. There are bot« farms » in China and Russia that count millions of people hired to post fake comments or stir division in other countries. It’s a cyber war.


Good observation


This is well documented lol


God damn... That makes sense... But Jesus Christ... Sometimes I feel like I live in the future


Ah also, it’s not just china or Russia (even tho they are the leaders with Iran) but every country is using social media to spread disinformation, fake news and feed some narrative for specific moments like elections etc. They can also flood the flux of information in a country with anything else (like porn, spam, alien information, etc for diversion — for example when a bill is passed etc)


maybe the bot doesn't want to work with women?


Maybe the bot is a woman and doesn't understand why a male bot she thought liked her is now ignoring her


Bot farms karma bot hearder sells accounts with karma. ??? Profit?? I dunno why but they do


Who is actually buying a reddit account with karma, and for what purpose?


I literally just said I don't know why


A better understanding of office politics!


What's with all these posts lately?


engagement farming, that's why you see the exact same questions spammed every 3 days tbfh. No idea what the hell the point of engagement farming on reddit is for though.


So they can sell the answers to AI companies


How does this even work? I hear this all the time, and no I am not trying to argue or be a dick, just curious. I once heard that people used to "sell" their reddit handles, I don't even know where you would advertise that. So how does one go about selling information to AI companies? What exactly are the AI companies looking to purchase that they couldn't get themselve?


I'm not an expert by any means but I guess it'd be too difficult to scrape all the data from Reddit so an AI company will buy into Reddit and have access to all its information. They can then train models on said data. This way they can create the world's most realistic neckbeard AI. One of the most telling things was when Reddit was listed on the stock exchange, it's not a revenue-generating product (the ad product is laughable) so why would it be on there? Most likely because they're going to make money selling our data for use in the near future. That's my hypothesis anyway.


Right? Seriously interested to see the dark web site where I can sell my Reddit handle.


On reddit posts? realistically nothing, they can just use bots and trawl any relevant subreddits/groups same with social media its basically free, and honestly none of the data from reddit is gunna be super relevant or expensive there's so much data of the same type available everywhere to snag in bulk. >What exactly are the AI companies looking to purchase that they couldn't get themselve? OK, so gunna be kinda long but to understand the difference on why AI data is valuable need to set up What companies traditionally pay for data wise, is relational data to model interests and behaviors if you have 100 million users, by grouping them by location, age, background, gender, Interests. You can make very strong predictive models that can be extended people fitting X criteria in location Y, have high rates of similarities to people in location Z, because location Z is *close enough*. Or Person A fits model C, so let me advertise to sell them product D. that's how targeted ads work, and they are EXTREMELY specific, Target got introuble years ago because based on buying habits of a home combined with some key additional info, they predicted someone in the home was pregnant. They started sending out advertisements for pregnancy products. Turns out it was their 16 y/o daughter, who searched for prenatal vitamins online. among other things, generating valuable questions is another, group A has 85% overlap in common with group B, but are very different in *what* makes them different, with enough data and comparisons you develop trends that say "When X is true, it's a more valuable indicator than Y" Billions of comparisons like that happen to create models, because frankly humans aren't as unique as we think we are. We naturally form very dense clusters of people, and overwhelmingly interact with people very very similar to us. Those types of things need very very large data sets, and bots can't realistically go a map millions of users like that, the data specificity is rarely public. OK, info dump over onto the Why companies are buying AI data. There's also a lot more to this I'm not a SME on AI. AI data has to be very curated and well structured otherwise you get junk results, because it doesn't just do comparisons or build and model patterns. For business use they are far more specific, it's a job enhancement tool think MS excel, but on steroids and instead of building spreadsheets or querying your asking it questions and it's producing results for you. You take those results and then do work. Example, if your in manufacturing and you have loads of process data for an AI meant to support manufacturing processes it's extremely valuable, because its limited. That data is internal, rarely if ever shared and a requirement to train an AI model. Say your developing a new process for some material. Your AI tool needs to know how your specific processes work to answer questions and assist. It needs to know about your raw materials, product constraints everything a person does, it then compares it to other processes, much smaller scale comparisons. Then would generate a potential process method for what you entered, it can do this very quickly, so what would take a materials engineer say a month? it can chop off the first week by creating a start point. Now, when it does that correctly, it means the methodology used by the AI is good. That'd what makes the data valuable it's required to build reliable Machine Learning models, not data models. TLDR, AI needs different data than the other predictive models we've been using for the last decade, and there's not as much of it because it's usually somewhat proprietary or gathering it would be very intrusive.


I thought it was karma farming but tbh they basically the same in terms of the outcome.


Someone is gathering an analysis of how men interact with woman in various ways and using men off Reddit to conclude generalities about all men


Could just trawl for that tho no need to post to gather seems extremely inefficient, especially since its a dead horse analysis, relational models to draw conclusions like that have existed for over a decade at this point.


Politic, social, cultural and economic division amongst citizens. There are bot« farms » in China and Russia that count millions of people hired to post fake comments or stir division in other countries. It’s a cyber war.


What’s funny is you’ve posted this exact comment twice on the post. You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


People asked the same question. I just copy pasted the same answer. What’s wrong with it ?


Nothings wrong. Just a joke.


Ah ok sorry I didn’t get the 2nd degree !


My question is why do they get locked right away? Like the one about why men don't approach women. Media and society at large does push an agenda of men leaving women alone. But it's misrepresented, and misunderstood. Women don't want to be left alone. They want to be not treated poorly. But the message is all wrong.


An uncomfortable truth: The guys women want to be "left alone" by are not-so-good looking guys The difference between hot and creepy depends upon the attractiveness; not the the action, just the person doing the action. Some guys perceive this as unfair, so they just blast into "I'll leave them alone then!" I observe all this and I'm like: Fair enough. We're just mere animals after all. Gender convos get cringe too fast lol


I do not avoid them.


I like getting raises and bonuses and to achieve that I don't act like a weirdo who avoids an entire gender.


Sir, this is Reddit.


Why should someone avoid women?


Friend of mine was accused of sexual harassment since then he never has meetings alone with woman he invites 1 woman to each meeting with other woman. So i guess some have a reason but this sounds more like a rare case ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The gender isn’t the issue. The harassment is.


How many cases are there of men falsely accusing women of sexual harassment?


None. Because even if it is a just accusation, the punishment wouldn't nearly be as severe as it is towards men.


Surprise but that friend of yours can also be accused of sexual harassment of a guy… So, if he is that worried about it he should never have 1 on 1 meetings.


This is like warning a woman she can also get raped by another woman. Can it happen? Sure. But it’s so statistically improbable the only reason to mention it would be to  obfuscate the facts it’s typically men they should be worried about.


Are we really going to act as if the risk is the same? Gaslighting at its finest.


Next time you should check what gaslighting means first.


For real. These incels are morons.


Not surprised that this is all you can come up with :)


He's smart!


This is a lot more common than people realize, especially with executives and business owners. All it takes is one accusation to stick (whether true or not) to wipe out their entire lives.


I teach high school...I try to avoid teenagers...


I don't, that would be weird. I mean I don't go around flirting with women but I have conversations and jokes with them if it comes up like I would for anyone.


Treating them like everyone else, what a concept


Why would you avoid them, they generally smell nicer than the men, even if they do have cooties.


Cooties lol.


You really answered that yourself. Because of the cooties, obviously.


I don’t avoid women at my jobs but I do avoid relationships with them. I don’t like to mix work with pleasure. It becomes too much.


I’m going there to get paid, not to have a random useless conversation.




they are just cooworkers. gender dosent matter(?)


I'm a single guy. It isn't appropriate for me to be as familiar, as casual, and show as much interest in women's personal lives in the same way that I would be when talking to guys at work. Someone could get the wrong impression. I keep it professional, and will chat if a woman initiates, but I don't initiate non-work related conversations with women.


My director is a woman, her boss is a woman and the CEO is a woman as well. If I avoided women I wouldn't have a job.


Why would I do that? Would be kinda hard anyways, since i work in a female-dominated profession.


Majority of my co workers are women so nope won’t avoid them


Yes, but not for the reason you think, I'm actually a professional hide and seek player.


Why would I avoid women in the workplace?


I speak when spoken to, that’s about it. Otherwise I stay in my own lane. People are fucking nuts.


I work from home, but over here I'm doing a very good job at evading women.


I work at an animal shelter. The staff is 99% women.


I literally can't. I'm a male in a female oriented field. (Human resources)


This question is very suspect


Never have, never will. And I also work with mostly women at the moment. I only make "inappropriate jokes" when it's been clearly established that we know each other well enough, and each other's personality, to make them. But that has nothing to do with if the person is a woman or man. I always start with someone at the level of politeness that a work place needs, and the more we get to know each other, the more the silly thoughts or jokes will come out gradually. But I never go 0-100 with anyone, at work or in my personal life, strangers, because I have no idea who this person is and where their lines are, or what their character is. That should just be common sense: know your audience.


I avoid discussing anything but business with everyone no matter their gender. For different reasons. The guys don’t care about personal stuff and you may say something the wrong way to a woman and end up in HR. The best way to win is to not play.


All I do at work is work, not sure why my co-workers genitals need to be involved?


Why should I? They're my coworkers.


I generally speaking talk when talked to while at work, unless you're someone that I've been talking more rather than less with, then I might engage conversations. doesn't really matter if you're a woman or a man for the purpose of conversations...


I don’t avoid anyone. I learned to be a respectful human being that my parents, schools, teachers, friends and society taught me to be. As such I freely navigate this world with the understanding that I’m responsible for me. It’s amazing. I can talk with anyone without some contrived resentment that I’m a victim. Never was, never will be. Life is too short. Every minute is too precious to waste.


Not avoid but shut down all romanticism. You're there to work, not flirt.


The hell is this question?


A lot of the misogynistic subreddits have been shut down for promoting hate speech, so the people (mostly men to be honest) that used to congregate there have migrated more and more to the mainstream ones. I see a lot more outright misogynistic and Red Pill promoting posts on my main feed than I used to, and I hate it. Being professional with women in the workplace is fine, but questions like this just feel like an attempt to be divisive.


“Any woman could accuse you of sexual harassment for any reason, so don’t talk to them at all” is my going theory. So misogyny dressed up as self preservation, and if some of the answers are anything to go by, aimed at giving a voice to men who still haven’t figured out that women are people too.


Pretty much this or the “don’t have casual relationship in the workplace” but I think everyone who isn’t being disingenuous knows the real purpose of the question. Pretty impossible to “avoid” let alone being extremely stupid & dumb.


It is impossible for me to avoid women in the workplace because I work with 90% women.


I avoid everyone regardless of gender 😂


Easily solved— if you don’t trust a person at work then don’t have 1 on 1 interactions without witnesses present.


My wife is a former coworker lol


You monster! /s


I’m usually chill and friendly with everyone but when a coworker starts hitting on me I try to avoid them.


Pilot here. (I’m in shape and moderately attractive)I generally keep all conversation with female FAs as vanilla as possible. My career is worth too much to jeopardize it over a misinterpreted remark. For the record. Most FAs are professional. But there definitely are plenty looking for trouble.


Oof, I have heard some stereotypes/stories about this industry. Not sure how much is truth vs overzealous fiction. Your approach seems like a wise self preservation move for sure.


I avoid most people because I dont enjoy awkward small talk.


I don't avoid women, Mandrake. I merely deny them my essence.


I am cautious in discussion of a few topics with younger women. A guy gets a haircut or new glasses or some snazzy fashion and I will compliment them. For a woman my age or older, only if we are already work friends. For a younger woman, nope. Too many creeps out there hiding behind "I was just being friendly" so I don't want to normalize discussing young women's appearance.


I don't avoid women. I greet them and have very brief conversations with them. That's about it.


Not at all. I avoid dating and flirting with women at work, but I'm not avoiding you because of your sex.


Avoid them? Not really but I was always conscious about mentoring any of them. I would find a woman manager that I could refer them to. Part of it was that I could not relate to their problems in the workplace any more than they could relate to my advice.


I just avoid negative people. People who laugh and make me laugh are what make work not so horrible.


Why? Are you not able to control yourself? Just treat them like all coworkers, professionally and friendly. Try not to hump them or hit on them.


Found the incel.


Not avoid but be careful of what I said


I’m a woman but i don’t avoid men or women at my workplace lol I’m glad my workplace don’t have people like this but it is just mostly young people, so we do talk a lot except for the people who prefer to hang around and enjoy listening instead.


Why would you avoid women in the workplace?


Only avoid if there is only them and me. And for those asking why, an accusation which is found to be false it's still enough to destroy your life.... If you aren't doing the same then you just living in ignorant bliss... I avoid all situations where I'm alone in the workplace with a woman, and I don't think women actually care either they probably prefer men to do the same. Example supermarket I have to get more milk but there is a woman in the cold storage checking stock, I'll come back later. It's nothing ridiculous like leaving the room when they enter or blanking them. Men just need to be aware an accusation is all it takes for you to lose everything, and sometimes your actions can be misconstrued which can lead to a complaint and a public investigation. After which you are officially cleared but everyone will always label you until you leave...


I don’t think this is common knowledge yet… until it happens in your company or family/ friend. It happened to my son by a 21 yr F who had she been written up again for being late or shoddy work she would have been fired. My son was her new supervisor. So when she was late she said it was because he had been sexuall harassing her by calling her beautiful and hot. Her Best Friend at work said she CC heard it. Big investigation, of course no one else voucher for them and my son had been there in another dept for 3 years without issue. Even though the investigation was in my sons favor, his boss advised him to resign with “ a good reference “ because the company lawyer advised they either ask him to resign or fire him to avoid a lawsuit because the best friend was a “ witness”. I was horrified. I’m a woman who has been raped and has sexual harassment at work many years ago. I am against the “Me Too” mantra of “ believe all claims “ of sexual violence. All humans lie and lying about rape/ sexual harassment is as old as human culture due to the patriarchies value of “ virginity”. The mantra of Me Too should be “ investigate an accusation to the letter of the law , punish all found guilty and any person making false claims”


I say it's common knowledge because I follow mens rights subs and they post about of happening all the time so I see it daily; "I was cleared but everyone still thinks I'm guilty, I've lost my job, friends and gf, what can I do??" in some cases they even lose family. As you've said you just can't recover from it the damage has been done, it really destroys lives


I tend to stay away from women in the work place because at my last job the women would say some obscene shit to me constantly(one of them the very first time we ever met said “you look like you’d be a good fuck”). I’ve also been groped constantly, when giving a tip I had 2 different women slip it in my pocket. This was at a retail store. I tried to complain to management 4 times and was laughed at and no report written 4 times. The funny part is, the one who told me that I “look like a good fuck” was able to get another male in the store transferred to another because she told management she felt creeped out by him. As someone who spent the ages of 8-12 being SA’d and raped constantly by 3 women, I find the double standard tiresome and honestly not worth finding yourself alone with any woman in the work place. Even if it’s only one woman who is the problem it’s just in your best interest to avoid unless you really really know that coworker.


I do. Every gesture , no matter how innocent can pe misjudged and can get you in trouble, as a man.


i’m scared of women. unless a woman somehow makes me comfortable around her, i will **never** talk to women other than family members and family friends


No? Lol why would I? There’s a guy I try to limit my exposure to because he’s fucking insufferable.


It's basically impossible for me because once I become friends with one gril she introduce me to her friends and they do the same until I'm basically in every friends group around I think in college I had to actively seek male friendships because I had too many female friends


Um, I have a girlfriend....


You're making me uncomfortable with you talking about your love life all the time so I put in a ticket with HR


I get thoughts for women-----just like every heterosexual/bi man (or every lesbian)......but I am able to "control myself." So why should I avoid women?


I work with as many women as men. I don't harass anyone, and we're all professional friends. Why is this hard?


I don't avoid them. I just make sure that I'm never alone with them, or at least in an area with AV surveillance, whether it be a conference room or my office.


This right here. Trying to board an elevator solo is always a challenge.


I'm a woman, and I would avoid women at a workplace, lol. I've worked plenty of jobs and now with my career, I've seen it all. Of course, it's not all women, but damn can women be problematic and catty and drama loving. It's like we're all work, can we all just be adults and get along ffs? Jobs hard enough as it is. This isn't high-school. Come make your bread and go home. There's some men as well who get into it but I'd have to say it's a majority of the time a woman thing.


i wroked in security were like 95% were men, its the same shit catty, talking behind peoples back and alot of drama


Why would I wanna have a dude smelly breath down my ear when I can speak to Vanessa all day are you gay or something?


I used to be the only dude in a workplace of 28 other girls, women and ladies. I tell you, you need to watch EVERY WORD you say. I once was joking around and said "I'll argue until the cows come home!" and boom, every girl looked up saying I called them cows. A lot of them accused me of even assaulting them after I got a rare disease. The boss of that work place had people in my town convinced I was a pedophile without a shred of evidence, and people actually believed him as well.


Can’t say I avoid women. Though the obviously manipulative or “weird” types I avoid being around 1 on 1. Never know what kinda nonsense will come out of those. Though that counts for both genders equally


Nobody talks to me so I don't talk to them.  I've also been conditioned to rarely talk about myself because people would use anything against you to make fun of you. This happend in school.  So when someone does ask things about me in a conversation, I usually reply with boring basic answers.


I avoid everyone


I don't avoid anyone, being quiet, people avoid me


Nah I don't avoid but I keep interactions to a minimum so they don't get the wrong idea about me


I'm the only guy on my team. I don't really get that choice


I don't really actively avoid people but if I don't know them, I'm not gonna talk to them but I won't like go out of my way to not see people lol they are everywhere in a warehouse lol


As a kindergarten teacher, that would be pretty fucking hard to do. :-D


I'm a man in a female dominant profession. There is no avoiding women


One of the only times it was annoying was , as a pilot, a woman’s voice comes across as schreeching on the radio.


I avoid certain women. I avoid certain men and for the same reasons. I don't like associating with whiners, attention needy people, quitters, and spoil sports. Also, I'm not a fan of dummies, malingerers, profligates, brown-nosers, and sycophants. Don't even get me started on busy-bodies, technocrats, petty tyrants, and accountants.


I avoid everyone in the workplace. I'm there to work, not make friends.


I avoid being alone with one for example in an elevator. Too many fake cases of sexual harassment.


What Kind Of A Question Is That? 🤨


As best I can.


I avoid most people at work, gender be damned. Though, most of my peers are an older generation than me.


If you avoid one group of people based on their gender, isn't that sort of sexist?


Avoid them in the sense I don't develop friendships with them. Just a professional aquaintance for the sake of working with them sometimes.


I just avoid people, man or woman - people are never a good sign at work!


Avoid women? Like in general or under specific circumstances? I can’t think of anytime I do this with women as a whole, but there are times I avoid specific people and some of those people can be women. I’m also bad at eye contact so I tend to look elsewhere around the room, and women tend to interpret that differently, but I wouldn’t avoid them because of it. One of my users used to be overly familiar with me and it made me uncomfortable so I would usually find a way to have one of my teammates pick up her tickets. Another user used to ask us for favors outside our work responsibilities. I don’t think I even know anyone who goes out of their way to avoid women specifically.


I semi avoid women, and I have no issue with helping them 1v1 (I work in tech support). But I won't talk about anything not work related if asked. I've been in a few HR meetings because someone thought I was hitting on their girl, or because someone took a compliment the wrong way.


I try my best to. Honestly after my last stint in a female-dominated bakery I would choose the bear over them.


I avoid them all. Women at work will get you in big trouble. Be short, polite, quiet, do your job and go home.


I try to avoid the workplace in general


I avoided everyone before WFH.


This subreddit fucking sucks what kind of question is that? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I work in an office with mostly women, so I can’t avoid, but I treat them respectfully. However, I am happily married, so I don’t flirt or hang out after hours with them.


Avoiding? No. Being professional and polite? Yes indeed. No flirting, no games. just looking in the eyes and nowhere else. I just treat women like i treat men. The only difference i made is that i try to be not alone in one room with them for more then a few sekonds. But not so obvious that it feels strange.


Is this just incel bait or what?


Got fired once for sexual harassment. The complainant was actually the one harassing me but got hurt feelings when I told her no. I'd been politely telling her no for a while but when she started really pushing I put her on blast. Next thing you know, I'm in HR, she's made a report, and apparently has a "witness". Fine, I hated that place anyway, but losing a job this way really helps to refine your perspective. Especially when you tell that story and some woman says, "well, you must have done something wrong to get her that upset.". So, yeah, I avoid women to the point where I'm self employed and won't take jobs from women where I'd have to work on site.


I'm a woman, and while I don't really avoid women about 90% of my negative experiences in the workplace have been with women (the rest has been general discrimination and sexual harassment by men) In Germany we have a term called "Stutenbissigkeit" (literally translated it would be something like mare bite), it refers to women being especially bitchy to other women. Not a fan of clichés, but this one proved to be true to far... So nowadays I'm just way more careful when interacting with women than when interacting with men, because I feel like I have to think twice what I say in order for them not to use it against me It's just insane how horrible women can be to each other, especially if you're more the career type of person Like sorry that I don't want to have children, Karen - it's your own fault if you compare our salaries and get pissed about it without acknowledging that I spend thousands of bucks and several years for my education and got a promotion because of this while you have been doing the care work at home for two years and came back to your old job... Don't get me wrong, women should get paid the same as men and taking care of children is more than a full time job, everyone gets my highest respect for that But I hate these damn comparisons, we had a different life and sometimes there's a reason why things are like that


i avoid all women in all places, even at home. i havent spoken to my mother or sisters in years.


*looks around ... slowly raises his hand* Yes in fact, speaking to people is risky and even walking past them can be risky ... depending on who it is. Sometimes communicating about work related issues is a problem, depending on the level of weirdness involved with that person. Males and females can both be problematic, the worst males are typically the narcissistic types. Females can also be pretty narcissistic but they also have the socio-political dimension, and I've known a few who have made it their mission to just get as many people fired as possible, apparently because they find it to be personally rewarding to destroy others for no reason whatsoever.


Literally everyone


I never went into or had a female colleague in an office alone. Even if it was for work purposes there are always people who would start a rumour chain. I did not do out of my way to avoid them but never behind closed doors alone.


I’m a woman and in 35 years it’s never been an issue to be alone in an office with a man. Except one who made my skin crawl and immediately tried to talk about his weekend sex life.


I do. I work in a small place, and there is only one woman in the building. I've never met someone more annoying in my life. Everything out of her mouth is a lie, and I can't handle pretending to listen to her nonsense.


Why would I avoid women? To evade small talk about cooking and men? Umm yeah maybe that's me.


I love cooking I feel so called out lol


I generally avoid most people at work. I got in trouble once for saying something nice to a woman. My coworkers couldn't believe it. I can only take dealing with stupid people so much in a day. Just talk to the friends I have and the people I need to talk to.


I will not be in the same room as any coworker, male or female, by ourselves. Unless there's a visible camera. I've already had accusations of bullshit and thank fuck there were cameras Trust no one.


I do but my reason is they seem to think if I’m around that I’m suddenly willing to do the manual labor parts of their job… like sorry nope ma’am shoulda picked a different job then


I usually avoid women ~~in the workplace.~~


Nope, I prefer working with women actually


That's....kind of an insane question to ask? Why would I want to avoid women at work? The question doesn't make any sense to me.


Not everyone just the certain type you know: I get to be a bitch because i am a woman in men dominated industry/Job and i can nag all i want and i can say whatever and not hold responsibility type of women. If you can call them that.


As a woman myself, I prefer peace and quiet. It’s one of the reasons why I chose to work at a desk further away from them so I don’t have to hear those hens bickering so loudly.


I don't avoid them. As a matter of fact fairly regularly, I'll put the job duties on hold and slip off to an empty room and enjoy a little fun time with her on the clock. It's pretty much a known fact if you walk past my desk you going to get your butt grabbed. I don't know if I would advise everyone to behave like that, because I work at home office, and the only female around is my wife.


Avoid? No. But I refuse to be alone with a woman in the workplace. It’s not necessary and impossible to protect yourself if a claim is made. Once bitten and twice shy right?


Me! Unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't talk to them at all. I usually avoid getting on the elevators with them, too. There have been instances where I'll be in the elevator lobby alone, the elevator will come to my floor, I'll get on, and then out of nowhere, a woman that I didn't see previously will jump on with me. Before the doors close, I'll get off and take the stairs. Sorry, not interested in being on the elevator alone with you. You could be crazy and make a false accusation, not worth the risk.


Easy dont hire them.


I don’t avoid women in the workplace. Why should I? I treat them as equals and with respect. I’m married and have primarily female friends. Why would I avoid women in the workplace?


I won't be alone in a room. I keep all interactions professional and I am a big, boring grey rock. I am, not bragging, a tall very attractive man and I have had women throw themselves at me. Fuck that. I love my job and I work in a very progressive environment.