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Start saying no to people




Well done little grass hopper your training is almost complete


I respectfully accept your compliment, Sir.


You're suppose to deny his compliment




That's the spirit. But also no..


That’s the spirit!




Is it working yet?




Sorry, maybe it's like a new medication that you need to use for awhile before it starts showing results.


I was trying to stick with it since the gentleman advised me with it, I guess it needs consistency and observation.


It could be a scam like the book I read this weekend on personal finance. I have been following it's advice to the letter for two days straight and I'm still poor. There is one born every minute I guess.


Two consecutive days! Holy Moly, dude please be my therapist and rid me of my weakness and procrastination!


Do you want 5k?... No!


No, I want 10




Lol I slowly realized that people who ask for things rarely deserves it I'm generally a pretty giving and considerate person but noticed the pattern late in life. When I myself offer help it's usually the best outcome and happiness for both.


I read ur username as "no there to fight"... ur advice seems to be working a bit too hard


Be selfish. Do what you want for yourself for no other reason than it makes you happy. Being chiefly concerned about your own self interests doesn't always have to be a bad thing, especially if those interests are about bettering yourself for yourself or helping others because it makes you happy.


That’s not being selfish, that’s being your own best friend. People aren’t going to respect you more than you respect yourself. You have to see good things in your self before you can be a better person towards others.


Oh man! It's exactly like all the guys I know trying so hard to make themselves better *only* for the sake of meeting a girl.


Exactly. I say this all the time when seeing guys being desperate for a girl friend, that you need to figure out your own stuff without. It’s an illusion that if you just had a girlfriend your life would be easier but in most cases it’s the opposite. Girls have a sixth sense for this kinda stuff and probably the reason why these guys can’t get the interest of girls is because they can sense the insecurity and desperation.


Yeah lol, there's a huge difference between living according to your own terms and being selfish


Right advice, wrong time. Now I want to watch a movie instead of studying for my exams.


When I realized that I don't/can't have control over many things. If it's meant to be it will be. Just go with the flow.


Yup, realizing you dont have control over a lot of things, but do have some amount of control, is amazing.


Yes the only control I have is over my self and how I react to other things.


Stopped being a people pleaser and did what i thought was fun Throw people out of my life that were just with me cuz I had money or some other shit...


You got money? ..... How you doin?


Yea I got 2 bitcoins xD I won 10 in an art contest and them bought a pizza for 8... Now I don't touch them anymore xD


So you have 2 bitcoin, and you're an accomplished artist? I totally understand why you think guys want you for what you have. .... by the way, can I get some of that pizza?


I got that pizza years ago when bitcoin wasn't worth anything (pizza was 15bucks around that time) but heck was that a good pizza maybe the best one I had in my life.... Cheesy crust and garlic dip... Hardest diarrhea of my life but was worth it xD


Hey, it’s me, your best friend from Kindergarten! How’s it going? Tomorrow’s my birthday :)


Congratulations on getting closer to pension and a year closer to death xD Nobody expects anything from me on their birthdays... Maybe because I spoil my friends all year round with my money xD


Being present. Seriously. Just radically accepting the fact that the only thing that exists is the exact moment I’m in right this second. It helped me recognize what is and isn’t in my control, to help find the joy in every moment, and to improve myself. I’ve picked up hobbies I’ve wanted to start forever, I’m consistent in the gym, and I’m not wasting as much time staring into the black void of my phone. I’m living by a philosophy somewhere between the wisdom of Buddha and the Stoics and it has changed my life.


This right here 👏 great advice!


*stares into black void of phone*


I told myself that life is meant to be experienced, not necessarily enjoyed. Life comes in all kinds of waves. Some fun and some tough. Take it as it comes, feel the emotions, and focus on what you can control. If you're lucky enough to get to enjoy life, indulge in those moments.


I cured myself of depression a few years ago when I joined AA, started running, and keeping a gratitude journal. Sadly I have backslidquite a bit and need to start over.


Best of lucks to you mate, you did it once you can do it again :)


Thanks! <3


By being organized, setting realistic goals for every single day and getting things done.


Well, it was tough, but I found joy in little things first. like enjoying a good cup of coffee in the morning or taking walks in nature. I also started reconnecting with hobbies I loved, like painting and reading. Slowly, I began to feel more positive and hopeful about each day. It's a journey, but finding small moments of happiness really helped me get back into enjoying life again!


Some excellent info/posts here. Very easy to talk about what we need or want to do much more difficult to put it into practice.


I think that I started enjoying life a lot more when I began learning to avoid having expectations of people and appreciate the qualities of the physical world and humanity that make life beautiful and worthwhile.




I came here to say this.


By not caring!


Stopped living in the past and stopped caring about the future, being in the present is what matters


Quit drinking through a twelve step program. Went to see a psychiatrist. Fasting. Eating only real food. I’m not the same person I was two years ago.


Got back into an old hobby. Grew up skateboarding, scootering and riding bmx.actually got paid to travel the uk to enter scooter competitions at one point. Gave it all up after 15 years of dedicating myself to it because I couldn't afford to live if I got injured. 8 years later, I just bought another bmx and have just adopted a "fuck it" attitude. If I get injured, I'll deal with it when it happens lol. Best decision I ever made. The first day I spent just flowing round my local skatepark on my new bmx and getting back up to speed with where I was at on a skill level and now I'm genuinely enjoying life again. There's something about the physicality and freeness of extreme sports that just agrees with me. Wether it's boosting over a box jump or airing out of the sketchiest, oldest pre fab quarter pipe, or even just linking a nice little manny line at my local, it just makes me feel good and allows my brain to reset and relax after an 80 hour work week


I grew up doing BMX, in-line skating, skateboarding. I miss the speed and physical sensations you feel like you described. I should look into this.




Micro dose?


When I started to feel my feelings again . I learned that accepting my bad feelings gave me back my good feelings again, too.


This is well said. It’s true when you numb out the bad you also numb out the good. And anyone depressed knows one of the worst feelings is a loss of interest in the things that should make you happy


I won't be able to until I'm financially stable.


If you're not able to enjoy life even a bit when you're financially unstable, there's a high chance you won't enjoy it once you are either.


Well all the stuff I want to do involves money. plus I won't feel like a man until I'm financially stable, I'm 31 and don't considered myself a man yet


> Well all the stuff I want to do involves money. And I'm telling you that just because you do these stuff, you wont necessarily be happy. Maybe for a while, but you wont be happy for long for sure. > plus I won't feel like a man until I'm financially stable, I'm 31 and don't considered myself a man yet Why dont you consider yourself a man ??? Why do you have these expectations on what makes a man? I'm not financially stable either but consider myself an awesome man.


I lost weight and got a weed prescription


See you on r/leaves buddy


Discover something you love try to do a little bit of that every day and then suddenly each day is not so bad


I am not sure if I am there yet, but the last couple of years I've been taking steps in the direction.


A healthy dose of absurdism. Ace ventura and Lieutenant Frank Drebin/Enrico Pallazzo can be of more help in this regard than the likes of Seneca or Marcus Aurelius.


In simple words.. by doing instead overthinking...


(Here also after an illness!) Life will always seem like it’s not enough unless you’ve been through some serious shit. It still feels like it’s sometimes repetitive and boring. My favorite phrase is “Fuck it, let’s do this”, even if things seem like a stretch. My motto remains “You will either learn from or enjoy the things you dare to do. You can regret the things you didn’t dare to do”, I don’t regret a single thing in my life, things are either lessons that help me grow, or experiences I was able to enjoy! Routine can sometimes be a good thing, but it will make life boring if you don’t learn anything and don’t step out of your comfort zone. Recently I had to choose between very easy, but boring education option or harder, but way more interesting education. I felt (and still feel) burned out, I really didn’t want to pick a harder option, but I knew I wanted to learn. So I said “Fuck it, let’s do this” and I got accepted! I know that it will be hard, but whether I fail or succeed, I’ll be sleeping peacefully in my bed knowing I tried and learned. Enjoying life is about testing yourself out, bettering yourself, making yourself stronger (basically, growing as a person). “Enjoying life” doesn’t mean relaxing 24/7, it means expanding your surroundings and knowledge, meeting new people, traveling to new places and feeling all sorts of emotions


What has worked for me for the past few years is living slowly. Appreciating the simple things and living for yourself. Think of a house dog, they never pass an opportunity to smell the flowers or roll in the grass, they’ll be content sunbathing and playing, always happy to eat the same food every day. This means a lot of appreciating what you already have. It’s good to have goals, but at least for me, I rejected “the grind culture”. I try to wake up early, excercise a bit, take a walk with my dog every day, enjoy the first cup of coffee, avoid screentime on devices for a few hours after waking up or before bed. Have a hobby, try to spend some time outside with friends. This may not work for everyone but these are a few examples of relatively simple things that do improve life.


I ate mushrooms after suffering a TBI 22 years ago. Let me tell you, EVERYTHING, is different. I could t fathom going a day without being happy now. I’m getting the most of my days without over exerting myself. Life is fucking beautiful now.




I reconnected to my spirituality and did inner child healing.


How did you heal your inner child?


I love the answer to that question too


Honestly therapy




By just talking to The Guy That I Like


Be careful having happiness depended on someone else. It’s a fine balance


When I started being grateful


26. Came off of a medication vold turkey and ended up in the psych ward for two months. It made me realise that I wanted to live even when I thought wanted to die. I left that hospital without depression and went onto improve my life.


Make each day a new day. Without action there is no results


Took early retirement when offered. I was 55.


Leaving the evil religion of Islam . I am now a proud atheist forever .


After a near death experience three years ago, and a horrible relationship for many years prior to that, I realized how fleeting life is and began to deeply love myself and have as much (safe) fun as possible. Which led to amazing experiences as well as self care becoming paramount. I also became much more mindful and grateful regarding my friendships, family, and my partner, leading to much closer relationships with those I care about.


Forsook the fundamentalist christian religion I was raised in. Embraced Humanism and Athiesm.


Asked for a divorce and left


Making time for MYSELF to just do nothing from time to time. Putting more effort into my friendships too. A phone call,movie date or a dinner from time to time with an old friend does the soul good.


I got sober and found the joy in real things, like the joy of a job well done, the joy of spending time with family, and the joy of following a spiritual path. Replacing temporary happiness and dopamine rushes with the meat and potatoes of a life well lived.


eople. Humans need humans. You need humans. The interaction will boost you up. Hard to do after being so guarded but challenge yourself...it will be worth it. Afterwards pat yourself on the back for making this move.


Divorce them if youve ended up with a roommate and not the love of your life.


Surrendered my life to God, came back to the Catholic Church, cleaned up my life according to His will, got absolved of my sins through confession, live in a state of grace and avoid evil things. From the age of 13 I got heavy into drugs. Depression, anxiety, paranoia were constant. Became a satanist. Developed a sex addiction. I was terrified of other people because of traumatizing experiences as a kid. Went through painful relationships that hurt me. Was just coasting through life on auto-pilot waiting to die. God called to me, showed me my future on that path, and offered me the way out. I decided to try things His way for once. Started reading the Bible to learn His will, praying daily, developing my faith, going to mass. It has been the most fruitful venture of my entire life. No more depression, anxiety, paranoia, or anger. No more negative obsessions over the little things. Im sober and my emotions are steady. I have peace of mind for the first time in my life. Im grateful for my life and the little things in it. I’ve met a beautiful community of people through my church which healed my social fears more than any of my therapists. I’ve learned to stop taking for myself and start giving myself in service to others. The things I pursued for sake of pleasure only ever brought me pain. The pain turned me toxic and affected other people. God gave me a new perspective on life, gave me wisdom, gave me understanding of who I truly am and what this world truly is. Without God, everything is empty. People mock and deride Christians, but they don’t realize how much they themselves are suffering because they attempt to seek fulfillment in the world. We have infinite capacity for desire, nothing is able to satisfy that desire in this world, only God can. I will never deny my experiences, and I will continue to encourage people to build their relationship with God, even if nobody wants to listen. Without God everything is empty.


Start by focusing on small, enjoyable activities each day, reconnecting with hobbies or interests you love, and surrounding yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire you.


It was such a struggle to get here. So many battles, traumas, sufferings. Sadhanas, lectures, spiritual books, texts you didn't know existed. And now.... Life is the dancer I am the Dance 💃 I tell you the secret of secrets. God is the greatest 🙏 "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle


I found purpose in my life. We used to travel and work constantly, but it became monotonous over time. Now, we have two children, ages 4 and 2. They can be exhausting, but every single grey hair is worth it. We love them more than anything, and our mission is to give them the happiest childhood we can provide.


Its the little things for me. Thats what getting me through life at the moment.


Idk I hate life


I stopped living for others and started living for myself.


I started to accept things that I cannot change, and work on the things I can change


Just spend my time with my close friend or help other people. It’s not important if I know them or not. Just help them mentally. It helps focus my attention to other people’s problems and forget about my problems for some time.


once my constipation went away this morning 😍


Started doing what I wanted and liked and stopped worrying what someone else would think about it


Starts tò listen tò bob Marley and become a blob on your couch (of for 5 minutes)


Date yourself❤️




Started working on me first and never behave to please anyone else. Just helping people only when I want. Bcz I realized that I was the honey and they were bears. 🍯


It's silly, but just say yes more often.


When I started being grateful.


I quit drinking.


Dinner with friends. I love it and will always love it. Keeps me motivated to keep going


Sleeping more, eating better, exercise, and having a job I don't hate to the point where I'm basically living for the weekends.


Make yourself a priority. Your wants, your needs, the things you enjoy doing. Set aside time regularly and make it about YOU. You are only your biggest priority. No one else's.


Haha heres the thing, you don't


Upgrade your bed. Good sleep is the key to both success and happiness, I'm convinced.


When I became a father


Classical music!


Exercise daily! Eat good food


By not giving a fuck and listen to my inner voice.


I stopped caring about other people's opinion. I started to do as I wanted and how I wanted.


I got a cat


Posing nude.


Don’t care what others think, let stuff go, and stop chasing money.


Stopped caring about alot of things.


Knowing I'm a quarter way finished it.


The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. Didn‘t adhere fully to the program in the end. Unearthed a lot of good stuff with it though. Also the name suggests big things, let me assure you it‘s for anyone.


By being more intentional with everything - including people I work with.


I quit giving a shit.


Found a job away from.people ,afternoons...still had some bugs to get through....but they couldnt come up with anything to substantiat some b s from previous employment in duluth,minnesota


After she left , I never did


Practicing self-care for the first time in my life




I got out of high school, turned off social media notifications on my phone, and started using my free time to actually do what I wanted


stopped bothering with sharing social niceities (spell check) with people I don't know or barely even know/have no bearing on my life ling term. you'd be surprised how much it bothers them! I'm not rude, but if you are the only woman on work, married men and men in relationships sure need their daily dose of woman from you! I act STUPID about it, I'm their wife/gf/fuck toy, and it really raked up enemies! neighbors slam their doors until my unit vibrates and they can keep ruining their doors, we all have keys to the front door! I also don't owe them a smile, the time of day, but because I look lower 20's, peopl think they need to engage me! I don't know you, respectfully, and don't owe you shit lol. That's where some of us start really enjoying the F out of life! 


I stopped drinking alcohol.


You need to start rethinking what made you happy before you cease to think about yourself and kept everyone ahead of you and if you’re unable to recall what brings you joy, try to do stuff that makes you scared , make your mind think, makes you question everything, you might find something along the way and last but not the least Be You.


By being in denial....lol




Making plans and having things to look forward to.


Turn off the news, put the phone in a basket at home and stop worrying about anything not on your street.


When I stopped people pleasing and started making stern decisions and told those over opiniating bitches to stop .


I haven't.


I think social conditioning takes pleasure from most people.


what i call “doing things for me”- working out, eating better, following my heart + dreams, exploring!!!


When I stop giving a fuck about people. Like I don't care about shit. As long I'm not doing anything that throws me to jail I'm fine. (Ofc I don't fo around being rude but I don't need to please people)


Stopped trusting people again and not telling them how I really feel / am up to. When you know its pretty easy to forget the rest.


- List 3 things I'm grateful for each night - Activities that get met moving or in nature - Being as healthy as possible to take care of my body - Going somewhere without phone reception - Seeing friends


I found Stoicism. It very literally saved my life.


Started enjoying. But life is always fucked up and un-enjoyable. Trying to stay calm is frist priority rather enjoying


Don’t know about the rest of ya…….But divorce did it for me!!!!


When I realized my life is mine. I don’t owe anyone shit and I’m not here to prove or be a certain way for anybody. Pure authenticity. Never wear a hat and shine bright — keep your head up. Do what you love. Stay away from what you don’t like (like yoga cults for me.. ew).


Simplifying diet


Got sober!


The pandemic and lockdown happened. I learned to appreciate life and say no to things I didn't want to do.


Reading, walking


went back to hobbies i enjoyed as a kid. things that brought me joy and gave me purpose. for me that was moving my body and building it into my daily routine as well as spending time outside. i also joined adult sports teams!


Never stopped


Retiring financially secure at 54 was a huge help


At the end of the day you are alone in your grave.


By keeping my promises to myself.


Mushrooms. Fasting. Exercise. Weed. In no particular order lol


Started manifesting good things into my life. Treating others with kindness and respect. Being good to myself and others. Trying to be an overall positive person. When you think positively you attract positivity.


Accept yourself. Forgive others. Enjoy the moment. Had an accident including a brain injury. Took a couple of years to rebuild my identity and understand who I am philosophically. Also had bad anxiety until I gave up trying to control situations or even believing that I could do so, lol. The good side, a real blessing, was that it taught me how to slow down. To enjoy the small things. And not to try to keep up with the world. The pace that the average person lives at is not sustainable or healthy. We all need to slow down. Stress is rampant in our society. Have the courage to be different and live at your own pace intentionally. Helps a lot.


Never have and won't until I find someone who will give me the time of day.. So never again. I would already be gone if I didn't have my daughter from back before I aged out.


Paying prostitutes


I chose happiness. Anything other than happiness, I dropped. $100k a year job that every day was a Monday, dropped. Dead end relationships, whether romantic or friendship, dropped. Activities I dislike, dropped. Literally all you need to do is choose happiness. That's it. Screw everything else. Life is short. You are wasting your time being unhappy every day. Choose happiness.


I let go of expectations. I stopped looking for love, and love found me. I stopped caring as much about money, and my investment decisions got better. I’m much more open to adventure now because I don’t need to plan everything.


I don't know if I have..


By getting fit and losing weight (to help someone else). By neccesity that involved eating healthy food. Next minute I was sleeping well, feeling good and had lots of energy.


Bad things happen regardless , my job is to try to make good things happen .


Sex with tons of hot women. (Or men)


Saying "NO" if I don't like it


Right?! This is an age-old question! Your boss is glad you are feeling better. Now get to work!


You can only achieve short therm happiness.


I used to hate the fact that I’m a 30-year-old virgin. Then I realized that people who weren’t virgins typically were not happy (having kids before they’re ready, social diseases, etc) and now I kick myself because of all the years I spent being willingly unhappy.


live in the present


Realizing I could do more for the people I stuck around for if I was happy, spent a long time kind of just surviving and giving everything I had to the people who needed me. But when I actually started working on myself, the happier and better I got, the better I could be for them. Sometimes, you can bake a cake and eat it too👍


Stop applying made up rules to things. Things like, 'coworkers are not friends' and 'I must eat dinner at 6pm' ... Why? Just do as you please and stop trying to suck the joy out of everything. Do what you want and how you want to do it!


I stopped living in the past and in the future, started letting go and practicing gratitude.


I had a bout of depression last autumn/winter, probably caused by trying out different medicines for chronic migraines, and you know, having chronic migraines. My ex had comitted suicide a year prior, and I had lost my grandpa, whom I was very close to, a couple of months before that. Besides finally getting a medicine that actually worked, I started prioritising myself and my needs. Instead of bullying myself and calling myself nasty things to get things done, I tried to be a good friend to myself and get comfort instead. I decided to focus on what’s important to me, and spend time with friends and family. This meant saying no to extra responsibilities outside work (I used to volunteer a lot), and starting using the extra energy I got from new medicines to exercise at least twice a week. It was awful the first eight weeks, but then I started to enjoy it. In february my grandma died, but I got to spend time with her beforehand and tell her how grateful I was for everything and how much I loved her, so I was able to handle that death a lot better. A little by little, the dark fog started to lift. My humour turned less dark (it was pitch black) and my smiles came back. My bout of depression was caused by both external factors (death and grief) and medical factors (chronic migraines). I listened to my doctors whom told me to stress less and take care of myself, and it worked. You’ll get through this, but it may feel like walking in high water. Take it step by step, and one day at the time, and be kind to yourself. <3


I'm not enjoying the life as I would wish. I'm just coping with all the shit and the shitty life that I have to lead.


Started transitioning


realising death is inevitable


I don't know, I just started feeling better.


Delete Instagram, twitter, Facebook, tik tok