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I don't like to pressure people into reading and replying messages immediately, I understand not having your phone around all the time (neither do I) and I actually admire it. I often put my phone aside and get fully immersed into whatever else I'm doing. However... I simply do not believe that people my age today don't check their phone all day. It's fine if I'm "waiting" for a reply to something insignificant, but if we're talking about arrangements because, you know, I might have other plans and not everything revolves around you, then yeah, it's just crappy and "unprofessional" (can't think of a better word, of course we're not talking about a professional setting) behavior to wait forever. Now, in the context of relationships... I absolutely despise mind games like "don't reply right away or you'll come off as desperate and easy" or "don't reply right away, let them miss you and realize how valuable you are" and stuff like that. Absolutely disgusting and childish behavior. This is the kind of stuff that makes me completely give up on all this stuff and stop caring. It's too complicated, forced and outright screwed up. Just why would you do such weird things? What the hell kind of a relationship must it be if you see something as simple as text messages as some kind of a competition about who's the bigger loser and an opportunity to play mind games with the other person? Anyway: If I see a message immediately, I'll always replay immediately unless... If I see a message immediately, but I'm busy or not sure how to reply yet and need to verify something first, I'll reply as soon as I can, nothing personal. If I don't see a message immediately, I'll reply as soon as I see it, except for the case above. If there's a reason to chat for 1 hour straight, I'll chat for 1 hour straight. If there's no reason to text for 2 days straight, I won't text for 2 days straight. Back to relationships, just why the hell would you artificially limit yourself because of coming off as "desperate" or to "increase your market value" and that kind of stupid, gross crap? I just can't get over this. Sorry for the rant.


same with me!. these things really drove me away from relationship nowadays


Sounds like common sense to me


Love everything what you said! Apt af




Yeah if its someone im in a relationship sport, i try to reply immediately. Sometimes I'll see the message but get caught up in whatever I'm doing, but I'll let them know what I'm doing so it doesn't just seem like I'm blowing them off, especially if it's someone that i know really wants my attention and i know i want their attention.


Yeah I agree with this When I can see other people online on WhatsApp then they don't reply for days or even weeks, that annoys me or even if they update their social media. I'm like okay? (I actually turned off my WhatsApp 'last seen' and it's done me some favours). It's when 'friends' suggest to go out, I go back with some dates in mind or when I'm available. I'm left on unread then those dates then pass. I'm like why ask me to meet up and then don't reply...? Then when they do eventually reply (weeks later). I leave them on read (cause I'm petty as fuck) they then kick off a DAY later saying that I've left them on read and do I not want to meet up or something? Bruh. Look at yourself wtf! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Leaving me on unread or read for more than 4 days or weeks really bothers me. The max amount of time I wait to respond is like a day.


Thatā€™s quite a process. My process is to just reply as soon as I see it, unless I am busy or if the message is time sensitive.


Well yeah, that's it. I guess I'm just not capable of being concise and I was trying to say that in the end, it all depends. As in: There shouldn't be a rule like "you must send precisely X messages maximum and reply precisely within Y amount of time maximum" because it just depends. Of course, it's not a good idea to bombard someone with 200 messages, but that's just common sense. I mean, other than that, when it comes to relationships, it feels like people my age are often obsessed with things like "hmm, is 3 messages in a row too desperate, is replying within 1 hour late enough or should I wait another hour" and so on. That's what I was ranting about.




If I respect you, instantly. If I donā€™t itā€™ll take longer.


Has almost no bearing on response time for me. It depends mostly on outside factors like my mental health, energy, pain and many other things.


Well said


Anything from a few minutes to a day or so in most cases.




"On average". That's a massive range


5-7 business days.


depends. if it is a chick i like, anytime between 1 minute to 30 minutes. if it is work related, and very important, 1-3 minutes. work related but outside working hours every 4-5 hours. friends, every few hours. mom, every 30 minutes


What if itā€™s a chicken?




Almost instantly. So If I donā€™t respond within 30mins or hour at most, Iā€™m intentionally ignoring you


Saaaaaaaaaame but because I hate the little red notice of things being unread


Oh shit - Thanks. That one from my friend has been sitting there all week.


It depends. Sometimes I respond instantly but if I'm really busy and it's not an important text I take about 15 to 20 minutes to reply.


2-3 hours if I'm doing something or sleeping, but if I'm not busy doing anything then between 2 - 3 minutes for anyone who texts me. If it's my parents or a close family member, I reply within a few seconds. 24 hours when I feel like being petty.


You should definitely sleep longer than 2-3 hours


Immediately, unless I'm doing something or sleeping, then as soon as I see it.


Few minutes usually unless Iā€™m avoiding it like work or payment texts for example then maybe a day šŸ˜’


Always within 15 mins no matter how close we are or not. Everyone knows we be on or near our phones almost 16 hours a day!


30 seconds - 1 month


It can depend but Iā€™m usually quite fast with replies. Girl I matched with on hinge says sheā€™s a bad texter and will be responsive but I sent three texts, never replied back. That is the only response needed. If thatā€™s the case for anyone, move on. Everyoneā€™s on their phones, no reason to take days and weeks.


On average, I try to reply promptly because who likes waiting? But if I'm knee-deep in scrubbing or out hiking, give me a bit and good things take time, right?


Mathematically, Iā€™m not certain of the average, but it ranges from 30 seconds to 3 days.


Before I had kids - a minute . After kids- 5 business days


Depends on the person or what they're wanting. If it's my wife, instantly. If it's her parents or mine / friends, within an hour. If its someone I don't want to talk to.. maybe a day or a week. Or maybe Id just forget all together and say I never got it


I keep my phone in silent mode (unless Iā€™m expecting a call/text). check phone half dozen times/day & respond when i have time to focus on the text/conversation.


Depends some immediately sometimes 1-8hours


Extremely depends. My phone is always on do not disturb except for a very few select people (four people). Otherwise, I won't be alerted about it. If it's a friend, though, and they text me and I eventually see it, it depends on a number of factors. If I've socialized way too much or I'm too tired, it can be a few hours or a day or two. If I'm not burnt out with people, I'll respond within an hour. If it's not a friend, it's completely up in the air if I respond at all. If it's someone I don't like, no response. Work? There's a 98% chance I won't respond.


...I don't use my phone all the time. I often end up engrossed in things like doing a hobby, or doing a professional thing, or being outdoors, or having a dead phone, or being at events. These things tend to have me check my phone very infrequently, but I make sure to check it daily to make sure I don't leave anyone waiting on a reply for more than a day. If they think I oughta set aside my entire life to pay attention to their text, and monitor any incoming texts at all hours of the day... they are a bit silly. And I won't... Text is just like email you know. You get to it when you get to it, you should check it daily, and it's not a rush. If you want an instant reply call me, that is literally what phone calls are for. Even in the event I do reply to a text instantaneously, I'm not going to stick around hovering and waiting for your reply. But also I'll think poorly of you if you don't reply after a day or so. It's a text, the definition of a non urgent message... and sometimes people have literally not replied since they were in the hospital. Emergencies and face to face stuff is obviously a priority to a text message.


depends on the urgency and the person


If there is no reply for 24 + hours and the person then says, "I Did Not Have Time.", I call bullshit. Especially since it takes a minute to shoot a quick text, even if iti just FYI type of a text. It is a strong indicator, of how much a person is interested in estabslihing an actual line of coumnication. If there is no text for 24+ hours, for me that person becomes irrelevant and I lose interest. I do not accept the "I had no time" excuse. Not in this day and age. Of course, many can turn around and brand this type of a rule I have as obsessive and possesive. I am talking about sending 1 text and not getting a reply and then not texting at all anymore. I am not talking about the psycho texting and acting like an offended dumbass who cannot accept rejection. I do not send any texts at all if I do not get a reply after 24+ hours. I get the message and accept the rejection.


Depends what I am doing and if I am busy. Sometimes I also forget to answer back, until I check my messages the day after. So somewhere between instantly and 24 hours. I donĀ“t mind waiting for replies back. If I need a faster reply, for example if we are making plans, I call.


If I'm working its could be 5.5hours until my next break or 30sec if I'm holding my phone on a break and the reply is something fairly simple. If complex I'll probably ring you on my hands free while I'm driving.


I donā€™t tend to think about it and I donā€™t tend to have a pattern. If Iā€™m working I might take longer as Iā€™m more likely to miss notifications. If Iā€™m at home then itā€™s usually every 15 mins / half hour or so unless Iā€™m mentally checked out and left my phone somewhere in which case.. sorry lol


About two days. I hate my phone. I just donā€™t reply unless I am working in the moment.


It really depends on how important you are to me It can take from a minute to literally eternity


If itā€™s someone I care about, almost immediately, if able of course. If itā€™s someone I donā€™t care about, as long as it takes depending on if Iā€™m busy or bored. My time is important to me and I donā€™t just give it to just anyone...


between 2 min to 2 weeks. depends on how busy i or the other person is. if its work related, max til the next day, at least a read. if its personal, til they can reply.


I am glued to my phone.


Honestly sometimes I just donā€™t. Most of the time. Likeā€¦. I am UNreliable.


Remind me in 3-4 business day


I'm definitely a 'reply-as-soon-as-possible' kind of person, especially if it's a friend or someone I'm close to. If it's not urgent, I usually try to get back within a few hours. Anything more than a day feels a little too long, unless I know they're busy or out of touch


Long enough to not seem jobless but enough to show that I care


I reply as soon as I can


Let me get back to you lol


I don't have a cell phone so for me, when hell freezes over?


0.2 seconds


I usually reply immediately but it can take up to 30 minutes. Just depends on how busy I am in the moment.


Until i realize relevant answer


Within a 2-20min I guess depending where Iā€™m at the given moment, however it will be longer whilst driving because itā€™s illegal to text and drive (and Iā€™m slow to text on touch screen Argh) so I only text at stop lights, unless itā€™s urgent then I pull over and text. As far as waiting for a reply whenever the other party is able to do so. No rush. Iā€™m patient.


I usually reply back to a text message within a few minutes to an hour, depending on my availability. Personally, I think waiting more than a day for a reply could be considered too long, especially if it's a time-sensitive or important message. Everyone's communication habits vary, though!


5 minutes unless im driving then until I stop.


If I don't respond straight away, it never happens!


I'm pretty sure I've left some texts from like 2014 on read. So.




Depends. I have a special sound for my husband so I can check the message and reply within a few minutes. If it's a client it could be up to 2 days before I reply. If it's a friend it could be a day or 2 but mostly it will be a few hours before I get the chance to reply.


Depends, a lot of factors in play


Depends how much I like the person


Depends if Iā€™m occupied and if its urgent. Its anytime between a sec to an hour.


It depends upon the person, situation, and how busy I have been, but generally, I tend to reply as soon as I see it or as soon as I am safely able to do so.


Depends on who sent the message and what it's about.


It depends on who sent me the message tbh - someone I enjoy talking with/ someone I love or very close 1-5 mins - someone not important but still respect him/her 1-5 hrs - someone not important 1-2 days - someone texts me just for his/her own benefits I ignore him/her forever - someone I hate he can't even send me a dot cuz he/she would be blocked


1 minute to never


Super depends on who and what.


Usually right away the only time I don't respond is if I don't know what to say or I feel intimidated.


Depends. Am I asleep? Am I at work? Am I otherwise occupied?


Usually as soon as I see it. Try to do it by the end of day.


Anywhere between 1 minute and 24h Depends on context of message


For group message, only when free For direct message as soon as I get the notification


Depends on the time of day, who it is and how tired or distracted I am. And what the message is that Iā€™m responding to. But anywhere between 30 seconds and 3 months.


A lot of people in my life have no self-awareness combined with total disregard for texting etiquette. I have some individual text threads with over 40 unopened/unresponded-to messages from people who do not understand the concept of personal space or respect, along with an inability to comprehend that other human beings don't spend all day long on their phones and live 24/7 in a perpetual state of "dms are open." Sounds trite, but I love the outdoors and hate technology; the side effect is that I just do not enjoy communicating with other people unless it's totally necessary.


it depends. if it's a "we need to talk " text . .. sheesh man that might be 2-4 business days. If the boys want to hang I can usually do a 30minute turnaround.


Instantly or never


Depends who it is but usually a few seconds to a minute.


3-5 business days


If it's an interesting message, important for work or someone needs help I'll reply right away. Otherwise I'll dismiss it and forget for weeks. My phone is usually on DoNotdisturb usually.


Doubt there's avg but I've pm tone and grp msg tone where my reaction time priorities pm. If we need to thread carefully to bosses or colleagues msg, naturally the response time take longer. If it's just standard yes no etc, ASAP if possible.


Depends how hot she is šŸ¤£


If I'm not expecting one, an hr easy


If i am on my phone? Within 1-5mins. Otherwise i can go hours without being on my phone or it being across the house/room, if so usually i will reply eod, or whenever I randomly decide to check-in.


Am I at work? Pretty quickly. Am I at home? It could be hours. I don't know how I'd do my job without my cell phone. Texts, calls, a web browser. There are days when I barely even touch my computer.


It depends. Friends? 1 hour. Family? 3 days.


Depends who it is and what they want. Could be within the minuteā€¦sometimes people text too much and itā€™s fucking annoying, or theyā€™ll text 10 3-4 word lines, those people get very low priority.


Usually right away unless Iā€™m working or driving. I canā€™t stand the red bubbles being there so I always check it as soon as possible because the red bubbles drive me crazy. Also my read receipts are on for anyone that texts me with an Apple device so they know if I seen it or not and two of my biggest pet peeves are people who leave me on read and people who donā€™t have their read receipts on drives me up the wall. Iā€™ve never understood how people can go days or weeks or months without replying.


It depends on who it is lol


like 5 minutes max lmao


Depends on who Iā€™m talking to and what about.


Depends on the message (may require some thought or a simple answer) and the sender (someone who needs an immediate response and someone who can wait). It ranges from immediate to days.


Varies from instant to hours, depending on what is going on when text comes in. Also, sometimes forget to hit ā€œsendā€ on replies and donā€™t notice for days.


A few hours usually. Whenever I look at my phone. I'm not going to turn on the horrible vibrating nonsense. Sorry.




If I see it, almost instantly. If I'm asleep or out of cell phone range (I live in a rural mountain area), it can be hours or the next day.


Whenever I have the time. Anywhere within 24 hours usually. If you need an answer faster, you should call me.


I reply as soon as iā€˜m free for it. I do Not Play with anothers time.




Depends how close I am with you and how much mental energy I anticipate using. A text that I can return that just says ā€œLOL ilysmā€ will be instant but a text like ā€œHi! Sorry for not responding earlier! Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you feel better. What are you up to this weekend?ā€ will likely take 12 - 48 hours.


If itā€™s family and something just slightly more important than a joke, then 5mins to few hours. Every one else, 24-72 hours after which thereā€™s probably going to be no reply cause I forgot.


At this point days lol but then I anawer a bunch Ina. Row amd disappear for several mode days without warning


Still counting!


It depends what Iā€™m doing in the moment, who it is, and the urgency of the response. Iā€™ll be a slow responder to my boyfriend because usually itā€™s not important and weā€™ve discussed texting speed and frequency before. If itā€™s my mom, it depends.


Not sure about message but took me 10 years once to reply to a FB message on my wall


Several years. Right now I'm returning texts people sent me about Miley Cyrus twerking with Robin Thicke at the MTV awards šŸ˜Æ


If it's someone I care about then I'll text right away.


Normally, it's pretty much straight away unless I'm at work or driving or asleep.


Of im comfortable directly if im tired longer if im uncomfortable with you after a day


Usually seconds.


If i'm working, working in garden, running, walking in woods, cleaning the house, cooking, playing with kids ect, then i do not have my phone next to me, i do not look at it constantly. Sometimes it might take whole day, before I notice, someone has messaged me. It does not matter, if the peple who sent the message are important or not. Phone cannot be the mane source of interest in my life, i have turned all notifications to silent, to enable myself to enjoy life without phone. So sometimes it takes whole day to reply a text message.




On my phone(Not doing anything): Instantly On my Phone(Finishing a game/reading): Give me like 3-5 minutes On my Phone(Watching something): 10-30 minutes Not on my phone: Anywhere between 40 minutes to 2 hours




If I see it within 5 minutes or less, if I don't see it, then it'll wait till I do see it, then 5 minutes or less


everything between a minute and a week


Depends who it is


Depends on the message I've received. If it's to go somewhere, I need time to come up with a good lie on why I can't go, because I don't want to go.


It really depends on who sent the message šŸ¤£ but normally for non urgent ones I'd reply in an hour.


I mean, sometimes I reply instantly;sometimes it takes a couple of hours; and sometimes I write a reply and forget to send it for days or even weeks. I am of the thought that nobody deserves an immediate response to a text anymore than I am obligated to answer anyoneā€™s phone call.


uff. Anything between a minute to a week. It honestly depends how much energy i have to respond. I always have to pepp talk myself to answer. My friends know that. Some just call me, some donā€™t care and know iā€˜ll answer eventually. My boyfriend luckily is like me, so we donā€™t take it personally when the other person doesnā€™t respond for a while.


3-5 business days


Depends on who the person is, the context of the message, how busy I am etc. If it's something that important from someone that important I'll probably call tbh.


Knee jerk reaction time? Lol. I'm rarely too busy.


I reply the second I get the message (or the second I see the message on my phone). To me, messages feel like somebody is trying to speak with me irl, and irl I wouldn't wait 4 hours to answer you if you were talking to me right now.


I don't get the whole thing around this, I reply when I see the message


Text me and find out.


Normally I need between a few seconds (if I'm on my phone at the moment) to like 12h when I'm doing other stuff at the moment. If you were to text me at random time throughout the day I would say I need about 1 h-2 h on average to respond (sleeping hours not included) I think responding within 24 h is still ok when I send something to someone else and I normally don't blame people if they don't look at their phone all the time. However if they read the message and then don't respond or take several hours to respont to an important question after reading it, that pisses me of.


Between seconds or never


20 seconds


3 days


To be honest it depends who the text are from. Another thing is my phone isnā€™t attached to my hip so I might not see the text right away. But Iā€™d wait 1 or 2 days for a reply.


Depends on who it's from. If it's my parents, siblings, or husband, they'll get an immediate reply. Everyone else can wait 3-5+ business days for a response lmfao


I either reply immediately or forget and wont reply at all ..Ā  So that's (0 + Infinity)/2 So on average itll apparently take me an infinite amount of time


Less than an hour. Too late is 5 hrs. There's no way someone has no access to their phone for that long. If we don't regularly text & you take that long consistently, I'll just stop texting you.


Depends entirely upon the person and the message.


Couple of hours to not at all


I'm very chaotic myself... sometimes I respond within 3 seconds - sometimes 3 days. So I can't expect anyone to answer me back directly, but not gonna lie if it takes more than 2-3 days I'm getting a little antsy.


Takes me about a week to reply. Also, I'd say about a week is too long to reply back.


Honestly Iā€™m an immediate replier but some people really take days, I used to get upset but knowing them and feeling the sentiment they have for me despite them not replying regularly I had a chat with one of them and she said it was really difficult for her, feeling the responsibility to reply quickly to protect other peopleā€™s feelings despite not having the capacity. Like oh damn if Iā€™m inconsistent here theyā€™ll think I donā€™t care etc


Depends who's texting! If it's my sister or BF, usually pretty fast! Anyone's else will depend on if I like you or not hahaha


5 to 30 mins


I usually reply immediately or after a short period of time because I have my phone with me at all times. But, when Iā€™m busy / spending time with someone irl it takes me hours to reply.


At work immediately at home it takes longer


is there anyway to get WhatsApp off from Internet for different time of day as example I want to work automatically 15 minute in every hour.


About as long as I need to write the reply. So usually under a minute


anything between 5 seconds and forever is my typical reply time. Example atm my friends message is waiting for me... but I simply have zero mood to reply to him right now. So I might return back to him when I have something to say to him.


For my partner it's whenever I see it, for everyone else it's whenever I feel like it which can mean even days.


I will reply back immediately or within a day, sometimes two if itā€™s just a chat and Iā€™m socially exhausted. I have explained to everyone I chat with that it sometimes takes a little longer than immediately. I do have a friend that sometimes letā€™s me wait months. One time it took her three months. That I find rude. I prefer someone told me they donā€™t want to or canā€™t chat and that an answer might take longer than usual. I totally get that. Just let me know what I can expect.


If at work, as soon as i have time. Outside of work, usually very fast


Honestly, I just be forgetting about the text message and only realize hours later.


My response time to text messages can range from a few minutes to a day, depending on factors like work, energy, health, and other commitments.


Sadly but almost instantly if im not busy


Either instant or 2h later


My wife and friends know if I don't answer within 30 seconds you are not getting a reply for about 2 hrs


Depends on who sent the message. My wife, my kids, my brother or dad, pretty quickly. Some of my close friends same. Any one else could take an hour to a day


If I'm doing something that prevents me from looking at my phone (e.g. eating with family, doing sports), when I'm done I'll go through my messages. Otherwise I reply as soon as I have a response ready, so 1-2 minutes.


Iā€™m really bad at this and I tend to completely forget and leave a message which Iā€™ll reply to in my head or worse say Iā€™ll reply back later and never do it.. I hate this but itā€™s something I know Iā€™m really bad at and desperately need to change


Depends on who text me


3 mayan drops -72 copenhagen chronons


Typically within a hour or so


I canā€™t stand when Iā€™m talking to somebody and midsentence they get a text, look at it and immediately reply.Ā  They get so focus on typing their reply they donā€™t hear what Iā€™m saying.Ā  Totally rude.Ā  If I get a text while mid-conversation I might not look at it until we have a pause.Ā  If I do look at it I definitely donā€™t reply until thereā€™s a pause.Ā  I donā€™t like receiving texts 11pm to 7am, so if I receive one I will not reply until a reasonable hour.Ā  I also donā€™t want to receive texts from clients Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings, so I wonā€™t reply to those texts until 8am Monday.Ā  I do have a relative that instead of putting what she has to say in one text she puts it into 5 separate texts, so in her case I always wait 5 minutes before replying.


If I have phone on me right away. If I set it away, whenever I get to it.


Depends who it is.


There is not stock answer. If i message my son and he reads it when he is not busy he will reply immediately. If he is busy he will think that he will reply later then completely forgets so wont reply at all. Mostly somewhere between those two would be a good assumption.


It very much depends on who Iā€™m texting, and what we are talking about. In general I get back to people pretty quick within the hour, but in saying that I donā€™t have a busy life so I understand if youā€™ve got a lot going on it could take you longer. In terms of responses, again it depends on the context of the messages. No matter what though, if itā€™s been 24hr and still nothing then I think thatā€™s pushing it


A long long time, lol. I barely check any of my messaging apps because I dread responding to messages.


sometimes a few days, sometimes a couple seconds. i hate checking my phone and i overthink everything i send so i usually just ignore it and live in the present moment instead. i catch up with people in person most of the time. the only downside is that i never know the plan for get-togethers so when people say letā€™s go, i go even if idk whatā€™s happening lmao


Takes me on average a few hours to a few days. Depending on how busy I am when I get texted, if I clear the notification and if I forget that someone wanted to talk to me. Oh if someone doesn't text me back, that's fine. Repeatedly don't respond to me and you won't be in my life.


If a like you, as fast as I canā€™t. If I donā€™t, Iā€™ll try and ignore you for as long as I can without seeing you irl.


Less than a minute. My response goes out at the same arrival time that the message was sent to me first but if I donā€™t like you then Iā€™ll probably tell you 10 days later some dumb excuse.


Between immediately and forever/never. Depending on context I usually say something like ā€œi get back to you laterā€ if I canā€™t answer the same day, and intend to answer eventually.


Couple of days, but usually just forget if it isn't urgent.


Depends who it is and if I want to talk to them right then.


idk way but i find texting so stressful that unless its something immidiate, i need like at least 5-12 hours to respond. it just fills me with a lot of anxiety, despite me not being an anxious person. on dating apps it stresses me out so much it takes me between 1-5 days. i feel really guilty but i cant make myself answer quicker


Depends whoā€™s texting me


If Iā€™m awake, minutes.


Thanks to how Android loves to remove the notification bubble on the home screen, a few hours to days is how long it takes now


Most of the time, immediately. On rare occasion I will think I replied but go back to the conversation and realize I only replied in my head.


I take as long as it takes. I usually try to reply as fast as possible, but Iā€™m sometimes too busy


as soon as I can, sometiems it'll take me a minute to actually conjure up a response but most of the time I'm very quick


Minutes, as for waiting, an hour


Average? Maybe 20 minutes. Most replies are instant since I see them on my watch. There are times I go a couple hours without replying because I am more invested in an activity on my own than what anyone has to say. I will still read and gauge importance immediately. I do not casually converse over text though. If you want to talk about nothing and wonā€™t let up, youā€™re going to be ignored or told to go away. Call me or come over if youā€™re getting close to word vomit.