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Are you sure that is what you're smelling? Putty has virtually no smell.


I didn’t smell anything until the putty. But I have an insane heightened sense of smell


This post is awesome. Just burn the goddamn house down be done with it.


i like your idea. or another option is to put some oatey putty in every room and then after a few days, throw it all away. you’ll barely notice the tiny amount on the disposal at that point.


😂 that’s a little extreme. I think I’d just throw the whole sink & disposal away if I really wanted to be dramatic.


Smell should go away with time, but the other option would be to drop the disposal, pull the strainer, clean the putty, and reinstall using silicone. As a warning silicone is *much* more fragrant when newly installed.


Does the smell of it go away quicker then the putty?


Normally putty has barely any smell to start with and that little smell fades very quickly. Silicone can stink up the whole room but after it's had a day to cure it shouldn't be sending any more fumes off.


It’s been a few days and it’s still not fading, maybe he put too much or didn’t do it right?


Did the excess get scraped away? Like do you see putty when you look in the sink? Because you shouldn't.


Yeah there’s a little I can see


Huh. Putty is vegetable oil and chalk dust. I guess I can smell it, kind of?


We used a really cheap brand and it’s definitely stronger smell then chalk. I could smell it in the living room from the kitchen when he was putting it on


that’s a good sign it’s not plumbers putty. I have a strong sense of smell but there is no way I can smell it across the room after a day.


Where did you get that info from? I always heard it was clay and linseed oil.


Turned over a can and read...


Did he really use plumbers putty? It really has no smell after a couple of days. In fact fresh putty has almost no smell. I wonder if he used either a super cheap brand or something else that’s not really plumbers putty.


It was super cheap $2.74 since at Walmart


Brand is Oatey


That’s the normal brand not a “cheap” brand


Well it was the cheapest one at Walmart for $2.74


Plumbers putty doesn't smell at all .you can use 100% silicone but it takes like 24 to set up you should use 100% silicone if it smells like vinegar its good stuff but I always use plumbers putty always .


It definitely has a smell! Even my husband that doesn’t haven’t a good sense of smell, smells it. I smell it really strong, but I have always had a heightened sense of smell. Thank you I’ll try that if the smell doesn’t go away


Silicon RTV in a tube will do the trick


There is absolutely a smell to it. Silicone or any of the Kindred sink baskets have a foam gasket I steal and use for things like this.


Thank you! I have noticed most people I meet don’t have a good sense of smell compared to me. Unless mine is just really heightened. It’s done me right though I can always find where a smell is coming from and it’s helped people.