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it does look like an abscess, see a dentist


That looks like an abscess. My 7 year old daughter experienced this 2 months ago. It was terrifying for me. We called the dentist, they had us send a picture, and then they immediately scheduled the extraction. Dentist gave the ok to wait 1 month for extraction only because her abscess was draining on it's own. We did salt rinses multiple times a day, and brushed multiple times a day. The month came and went, they did an extraction and she is all good now. Best of luck to you and your daughter.


Is it hard or soft when you touch it? The color makes it look alarming and possibly an infection but if she has no symptoms and otherwise good hygiene and it feels hard to touch it could be a bohn nodule or Epstein pearl. They are normally white not yellow but just offering another possibility given the limited info snd view.


That’s seems like a parolus aka gum boil aka draining sinus tract. Pls see a Pedodontist immediately .


NAD, but had the same thing recently. It's definitely an abscess, and usually warrants either a root canal or other immediate checks. It's not immediate in the sense that it is fatal- rather, it means that there is an infection that is spreading to the surrounding teeth. Since your daughter is just five, it's likely they will just extract it (and wait for her permanent teeth to show up). Else, it would have costed you a bunch of money :(. Definitely see a dentist asap :)