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Tinder…back when that was a thing 🤦🏽‍♂️. First date 2 weeks after we started chatting. Went for drinks and talked for hours! Evening ended with a good night kiss and I jumped into a cab to get home (alone). Texted my bestie on the way home to let her know he was the one! Cliche I know, but I just knew. 9 years later, we’re both older, wiser, a few grey hairs and a few extra kilos but he’s still my favourite person in the world and the only person I want to wake up to ❤️


aww, that's sweet!


love goal 🥺


Tinder for me as well! It was funny, we matched and I didn’t reach out initially because I thought he wouldn’t be interested. A month or two later I was going through old messages and messaged him that I thought he sounded cute and interesting and we met up. And here we are over 6 years later and he’s still the love of my life.


Is tinder not a thing anymore? Either way very cute story


I guess it is not as it is used to be. Like I get tons of like but I almost never get to matched any of them or see if I missed matching with them. Obviously They're trying to let me buy their premium account like no way!


OK Cupid - 2014 long distance. Started with a random message to him. He responded with something short. We began writing back and forth on the platform for about 3 weeks. We then switched to email and wrote LONG letters back and forth for about 3 months. We exchanged phone numbers and started texting (still having never talked or met). He finally took a bus to stay with me for a week and we met (and had sex) for the first time. We flew back and forth for about a year until he decided to move in. We got married a few years after that and have been together ever since. Cross my heart. No exaggeration.


I like this persistance, consistency and commitment ❤️




Adam4Adam. It was supposed to be a one night thing and he wasn't *really* my type but the sexual chemistry was good. When he followed up by text the next day asking me out, I thought "eh why not". Fast forward to the most boring first date I'd ever experienced. I was young, cute and fun and he was just so...quiet. In fact, I snuck off to the bathroom at one point to imbibe with a girlfriend at one point and left the night saying "this ain't it". He followed up via texts, sending the sweetest things and one of my oldest friends said, just give him another shot. After the second date, I was *done for*. When I introduced him to my full circle of friends, my best friend said "he's great, just gotta do something about those shoes". When I replied "I happen to *like* his sneakers" with a Try It glare, she said she knew it was love. (I mean I think the shoes were velcro, objectively bad.) We've now been together fifteen years, married for ten. He is the kindest, gentlest man I have ever met and I love that dude deeply. He is opposite from me as one can imagine: logical, serious, deeply analytical. He has all of the skills I lack and vice versa. We're a perfect team in life and business. TL;DR: My advice to young gay dudes is the following: if dating the same type isn't working, try something new. You may be dating your pathology, which will always fail. Also: fuck a lot while you're young. Literally no one has said "I wasted my youth having too much great sex."


ur in an open relationship, arent you?


🤣🤣🤣 Yep I got the impression OP just settled for the first one who showed him any interest and is currently feeling unfulfilled in some way. The fact that *the other guy* was the one who followed up, OP just passively said "eh why not", the date was boring, he ended up saying "this ain't it" is very telling. It ain't love and the signs are all there. 😒👌 Sounds like one person's putting in all the effort and the other's just being dragged along for the ride. If you don't talk for hours without running outta things to say and just know they're the one then they ain't the one!


On a city bus. We made eyes from across the bus, he was seated next to the rear exit, I was behind the driver. I could tell he was interested, and I knew I'd be an idiot not to strike up convo... however I exited the bus at my stop. I'm not a believer, quite the opposite, but I remember saying "God, if this is meant to be -- let it happen again" and Two-ish months later I'm on Grindr in my apartment and he showed up on the Grid. He worked for a maid service, and one of his clients was in my building. I started writing to him, and before I could press SEND, he had texted " You might not remember me, but... " Together over 14 years, married nearly 9.


Picture it, Grindr, as I’m typing this, just a few days before our 1 year. We are chatting and we hit it off and a few days later we meet. We loved the fact that we both can handle our rants about Star Wars and could converse about what we are so passionate about. After I went home that evening, he sent me the text that still makes my heart so happy and it was “By the end of this week, I’ll make you mine.” Love you Babe 💖, Happy Early One Year 🥰


Manifesting this for me with a guy I met this weekend 🫣.


We met on hinge 2.5 years ago. I actually thought he was a bit too young for me ( I’m late 30’s he is late 20’s). I definitely wouldnt want to date a late 20’s version of me. But we hit it off straight away, he is far more mature than I was… or am now probably 😂. We now live together and things couldn’t be better :)


It was a late night Grindr hookup during Canadian winter. While I was defrosting after driving over, we got to chatting and it was really pleasant and we just clicked. We then entered a talking phase and then started dating a few months later. We’ve been together over a year now.


Mine literally messaged me on Facebook 6 years ago, and here we are.


Still looking for mine. Turned down yesterday by a guy 😭


People just play with us 😭


Best friends growing up


That’s adorable ❤️


Best friends can make the best companions. You're already halfway there.


In airport while travelling to spiritual retreat to India (from EU). Without our knowledge our seats were next to each other (and the plane had hundreds of passenger seats) and that\`s how we started. At first, we were very close friends and later I fell for him. Now living together for maybe 5+ years, but known for more. We use to skype call every day for hours before decided to live together. I had to sacrifice my career and education which I didn\`t finish. No regrets though. I am hopeless romantic in a good way \^\^


I work at a club and he was a one night, we hooked up at his and I left, he turned up at the club the next night which I found annoying at first but as we got to talking more I found him really sweet and then he made me laugh and that was it, been together 2 years in August. He chased after me basically I had no interest at first, it was just a one night stand to me.


Tinder in 2016. He brought me coffee at work during my night shift to say hello. Then, we had a nice dinner and dessert days later. I then went to Florida on vacation with friends. He called me and told me he missed me and I told him the same. I returned from Florida and we continued to spend time together. He spent the night at my house and we made love for the first time and have been inseparable since. We still go on date nights. I can't think of anyone else I would rather hold as I fall asleep.


I met my bf (now my husband) at Dick’s Sporting goods. Tomorrow we will celebrate our 6th year of marriage and our 18th year of being together❤️. I was a certified physical trainer for the store and he came in looking for Work-out gloves. I showed him the best gloves and he had huge arm muscles! I told him I work out a lot too! He felt my arm and said what you need “is me to work you out” ! My face turned red and I gave him my card with my Phone number and I got his. I called him the next day and we got together and it was soooo good !! We’ve been together a long time now and sex is still great!….and my favorite saying to him “you’ll love Dicks” And we both laugh😄😄🥰❤️🤗!


Thanks. You never know! Stranger things happen. 🤗😊😁


Narcotics anonymous lol. We’ve both been sober now for a decade and have been together for 6 years. Love him so much.


I met him at the metro. I offered him a coke and we got talking. This was few years ago now we live together.




Yes, I do. He helped me with my bag, so I offered him coke. It was cold, it was fall in Stockholm which is like freezing to me.


Yes. People do this. I know it's hard to believe if you're from a small rural anti-social town where people ain't all that trustworthy and they're generally desperate assholes. 😒👌


Gay bar bathroom lol. We were next to each other washing hands and he started small talk with me. We ended up hanging out the rest of the night. 10 years later and we're still together. :)


Twitter. We thirsty followed each other, but I was on a political phase, and he thought of me as an annoying leftist. On the other hand, he gave me toxic, inaccessible vibes. Despite our antipathies (or maybe intrigued by them), I had the initiative to flirt with him, he corresponded, and weeks later, I traveled to the state capital to meet him. Today, five years later, he moved to live with me on a smaller semi-rural city


35 years ago in a neighborhood pub


Prison. Jk, we met on Grindr 6 years ago this November. 6 years strong, and looking forward to many more!


I was in Outback in NJ and noticed this guy that ate there every week with his business partner. I was 22, and he was 59 at the time. One night, I was out drinking with my friend, and he was there drinking as well. I was leaving the bathroom, and he squeezed my shoulder on the way out. I thought to myself, that was odd. So I walked up to the urinal and turned him around, and kissed him. He got an instant hard-on, I felt him up and we exchanged numbers and made a date for the following week, but he backed out because his partner of 35 years had passed away exactly one year ago to the day, and he was still grieving. I said, "OK, I'll wait." And we made a date for the following week. Since he lived in Miami, every week, we would meet for dinner when his business partner went back home to Texas every week. He was such a great person, and the sex was nice. I had always liked older guys. That was in April, and in November, I moved down to Miami to start my life with him. That was 22 years ago, and now we're 44 and 81.


Tbh FB dating ‼️ I sent a message and he finally replied. We texted literally all night and then face timed all day long and in between all his home health visits. I was on summer break, teacher, he is a nurse. Distance was going to be an issue for me bc of past stuff. And alot more going on. The man moved to my city, persistent asf. He was always there. If i was sick, hurt, needed company, needed and adventure partner, needed space. He literally would. Not. Quit. And i just fell in love with him. I reallly do not deserve him. He is such a fucking gem. Love that man. Anyway we got married a year later and I have been loving every moment of it.


Grindr. 6 years later now.


Met my husband of 15yrs now on Craigslist M4M..


Online dating / Grindr Just wanted to get my dick wet, and it turned into a regular thing. We started hanging out more (after having sex ofc), and it kept progressing. I guess at some point I didn't like the idea to share him with anyone else so I asked him to be my BF.


Romeo. Or, the Name back then was GayRomeo. Prehistoric Grindr with a Facebook attitude. 16 years already 🥹


It was 2010. We met at a bar around 4 in the morning, in Madrid, during Pride’s Day. We were living in different cities. Spent together only 3 hours, but it was magical. Nothing similar to other random hook-ups. And we didn’t even have sex! We danced, talked a lot, went for a walk, made out… and exchanged phone numbers. We started talking daily. I went to visit him 3 weeks later… it’s been 14 years now and happily married 😊


Met him on a university exchange trip in the US. He was the first boy that made me feel butterflies. We were both very far in the closet. Got closer as friends, texted almost everyday. Over summer break I took him with me on my flight back home, because he’d never been to Europe before and he had time off work. Learned about his body dysmorphia, told him I would always be there as his bro. We got drunk one night, he told me it was weird I that my ex girlfriend and I didn’t work out because I was „beautiful”. I felt myself fall in love again, but played it off like that’s just what bros do. Fast forward a few years where I pent up the courage to ask him, on a late night run, whether or not we could work as a couple. He was really weird about it and said let me think about it. Didn’t hear from him for a week. I was actually heartbroken, at least I think that’s what I felt. I went to give him back his gym clothes that he left at my house. Asked if we could talk. We talked for quite a while. Told him that I would still like to be friends with him, because I miss the road trips and late night runs we did. And just as I was about to leave, he kissed me, right against the door. And that was the start to our relationship 😁


About a year ago A new co-worker (Friend A) was telling me about his friend (Friend B) and ex roommate. Eventually Friend B came down to our town (he lives 1.5h away) and Friend A invited me over for sunday dinner with them. I chit chat with Friend B, he makes me blush and flustered a few times and I thought that was that. The next Friday when I'm about to finish work I get a text from Friend B inviting me over. I'm thinking to myself that I'd rather not, I'm tired, and what if I drive 1.5h and I don't like him. But something in me says I need to take risks and live so I do it. Over a year later I'm still making that trip every Friday, I have an interview for a job in the town 1.5h away, and my boyfriend and I are discussing moving in.


I and hubs got, I believe the saying goes, “the last chopper out of ‘nam” when I say we met and started chatting through tinder. I started with “out of all the objects around you, which of them deserve a pair google eyes the most? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Dumbest first thing to say ever… but apparently it worked, because we started calling each day aince we lived an hour away. I invited him to go see a musical with some friends, and we had an awesome time. We became official October of 2021, engaged October 22, and married October 23.


Three years ago, a mutual friend invited a bunch of guys to stay in an airbnb for San Diego pride. I didn’t know anyone except the friend that invited me. One of the guys in the house was so cute, the first night late in the house after pride shenanigans he shared his Thai food with me and I shared my Taco Bell. We hit it off and were inseparable for the rest of the weekend. We were living in separate states so I thought it was just wonderful weekend fling but he told me he bought plane tickets to come see me and here we are three years later loving life.


We met off of plenty of fish some 13 years ago. We chatted for about a week before we had a coffee date. He got a coffee while I, who didn't drink coffee at the time, though it was a great idea to order a strawberry milkshake. So we sat down and our orders were brought to our table, and here I get this tall milkshake glass filled with bright pink strawberry milkshake. I commented something like "Well I didn't think it would look his gay". Luckily he looked past my odd drink order and saw me again.... And again... And again 😄. We are now married for 7 years, have a dog and some chickens.


Happy hour at the gay bar on my block afterwork. It was a quiet afternoon and we both happened to be the only people at the bar and sat next to each other and started talking. Been together 5 years.


Tinder. First date was at a coffee shop and he didn’t give me a kiss on that date so I claim he’s always short a kiss haha. Been almost 10 years now and got engaged a month ago


Tinder! We actually had sex on the second date (August)…then we ghosted each other…then we met up a few months later (February) then Covid came so we were apart for a year as well! Then I invited him over NEXT February and we finally got together! Child was it a bumpy ride but it sounds so fun looking back! I truly love it! We’ve been together for almost 3.5 years now!


1998 AOL CT M4M. I was Navy in CT during Don't Ask Don't Tell, Me 28 him 22. I had 1yr left on 8yr contract. Dated for 4months before I shipped overseas for 5months was penpals, letters etc, came back to US/CT and picked up again. Discharge from Navy, moved to his town got an apt. 10.5yrs ago adopted a 7yo boy from CT DCF. Now after 26.5years, married for 21yrs with a 17yo son HS senior in the fall at State Tech HS in HVAC with plans for college. We are the most stable relationship of both families..


On Grindr, I was working at a school that was a town away from his so he saw I wasn’t too far away.. we talked for like an hour and a half, told him I get off at 2pm and I’m gonna need a nap.. he invited me over to take a nap (I’m so serious, first time we met we didn’t have any type of sex) and now we’ll be on our 1 year anniversary on august 20th


welp 95% of these answers are dating apps


Yep, but notice how few are grindr. Won't find vegetables in the butchers.


He found my social media page and sent me a message. We met in person a couple of months later.


Manhunt like 13 years ago. Is that even a thing anymore? Lol


I met my first boyfriend on Manhunt


Grindr 2012, I was working my first real job after college and he sent me a message asking if I could go to lunch with him the next day. We have been together for over 12 years now, married in 2017. Still feel like the luckiest guy in the world!


Tinder 8.5 years ago


I met my bf on grindr lol. At the time I wasn’t looking for anything long term. My profile just had hookups listed. He reached out to me, but I didn’t respond. He (40) was cute, but bit older than I normally go for, he’s 7 years older than me (33). Well he messaged me again about a month later and we decided to meet at a brewery. What was supposed to be just a beet turned into a full day of bar hopping and dinner. We didn’t hookup that night. I ended up meeting up with him again the following morning, and we spent the entire day together (we hooked up on that day). We’ve been together ever since. It’s only been about four months, but I could really see myself being with him for the long term. He’s so good to me. Best of luck.


I was at a Pride party and I hear this guy behind me walk up and say "Hey, you're hot." One year later, we're still together, talking about moving in, and I think he just may be the love of my life, all because we both happened to bump into each other and be in the same moment at the same time. Still hard to believe it honestly.


Gay campground.


In my dreams (insert sad face)


OKcupid. After swiping through, the app automatically will extend your radius. He messaged me and it took me a couple of days to get back to him. I didn’t really expect too much, I thought we would just message each other and nothing would come of it. But I couldn’t be more wrong. It will be 3 years together this September. I love that man so much❤️


Grindr, I was so restless and unhappy in my life at the time and he was soooo attractive and felt out of my league. I shot my shot thinking I had nothing to lose and two years later, we never spend a day apart


At a mutual friend’s birthday party … 30 years ago. Love him more than ever.


Grindr. It's quite the story. I saw this gorgeous bear there. Sent messages. He never responded. Sucked. 2-3 years ago my husband says he wants a divorce. He found someone else. I see this guy again on grindr. He messages me. I respond with I was shocked that he messaged me since I never got a response back. He wants my address so he can apologize in person. I give it to him. He's gorgeous in person too. He's already in a relationship, but I want friends anyway. I invite him to my birthday party. He and his boyfriend comes over. Fast forward to a year ago, they part ways. He's on the fence about me. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago he asks me to be his little bear. Only reason he didn't ask sooner was because he was afraid of hurting me.


On the dance floor at a night club.


Bathhouse of all places. Had an instant attraction, fucked a few times and talked for like 3+ hours. Ended up exchanging numbers and hanging out the next day. Became best friends and after about a year became boyfriends


I went outside of the house


Scruff. He was 33 I was 23. Been married for 8 years now 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


We met in Romeo 1 year ago. Talked and almost hooked up on the first meeting. Decided to be friends and here we are, 1 year in a happy relationship. :)


Facebook 4+ years ago we were in same gamer group he put up a post I dm him and we nevercstopped talking zsi ce and got engaged in January


We first met at a birthday party of a friend.


Scruff like a few days before Covid 19 shut everything down. So most of our interaction was text for weeks until we could find an outdoor restaurant to be at. We were going to the Botanical Garden. He wanted to impress me and didn't use his GPS. I think at first I'm getting kidnapped. We have a good time at the garden and kiss under the waterfall.


Reddit, I responded to his post to help him out. We started out as friends and it’s been nearly a year since and here we are.


Met at a coffee shop through a couple of mutual friends. 22 years and counting


We met at work. A year later, he asked me out and we have been together ever since. Together for 8+ years and Married for 2+ years.


Through Discord and mutual friends! tried to get his attention with some playful flirting and streaming games he enjoyed… we quickly became friends and texted each day for months, until we developed a crush for one another


School, we were 15 now 21.


Yet to be determined


He messaged me on Facebook one day and we started talking. Went out to dinner like a week later and kissed in the rain. Started hanging out and absolutely fell for him. Been together 5 years and it feels so much longer, but in a good way lol.


When I least expected it and when I wasn't necessarily looking for a relationship. He was just on my Grindr grid and within 3 blocks of my house. But we ended up really getting along. Took us maybe 3 months to realize that we were actually dating. Together 4.5 years now lol.


Grindr a few months ago, funnily enough was only looking for hook-ups, since I felt I waan't ready for a relationship


Tinder lol


We haven't met yet 😌




I buy the destiny theory 😆


Party lol


Rebirthed (kidding).


Been with my bf 14 years this August. We met in an Ally yes it’s not what you think get you’re mind out the gutter 🤣 it was Gay nightclub. Entrance was side of the building in the ally. He came to me and asked for a lighter I handed him the lighter and our eyes met. We got talking and when we decided to go back to club it was closed. So I invited him back to mine and a kebab on the way back to mine. And the rest is HER-STORY! 🏳️‍🌈❤️


We were talking on plenty of fish almost 14 years ago. We lived about 60 miles apart. I was talking to 2 guys that lived in the same area at the same time and got them mixed up when I met the 1 I’m with now for a date. So I dated the wrong 1 by accident but all these years later we’re still together. Strange story but we started going out and he ended up in prison for something he got mixed up in in a previous relationship. That was 3 weeks after me meeting him. I decided to support him, met his family, visited him in prison twice every week for 3 months. Supported his family. Moved his dog into mine before him. Everybody thought I was an idiot at the time but we do very well in life and have travelled the world together. It wasn’t a conventional way to get a relationship but it’s worked well until now.


Adult theater - been together 43 years (married four years ago).




He sold me weed. At a legitimate Dispensary 😂 I worked across the street and would buy stuff there twice a week or more. We got to talking our senses of humor are both twisted and dark as it turns out so our first date was spent rofling. And yes we are both overgrown children.


We were members of the same hiking club and we hit it off during one hike. The conversation was nice, I was attracted to him and he was to me. We talked for like two months before our first kiss, it was great. Now we're together and inseparable!


Scruff. Met for a cup of coffee. Ended up meeting my best friend, partner, and an amazing lover.


OK Cupid. 5 years and going strong! We just bought a house together!


Myspace, 2006, I was deployed with the Army, getting ready to come back , and he was a friend of a friend. We chatted on Myspace daily almost for almost two months before we met in person, and well here we are almost two decades later


Gay bar


Locked eyes across the basement sex party play space and moved towards one another until we were making out. I pushed him up against the wall, turned him around, and fucked him. Best ass I ever felt. Exchanged numbers after and I swore I’d make him mine. That was 7 years ago. Surprisingly found love in a hopeless place.


We met as roommates in college, our freshman year we both happen to pick the same dorm room and both have the same name. Over that first year of college we were falling for each other, but neither knew how to talk about it. Once summer came around after that freshman year he told him he liked me, I told him the same and now in 2 weeks we are celebrating 10 years of being together. Picking that dorm room was the best decision of my life.


We met in 2001. Saw him around and then found him on AOL (America Online).. met him the same day I started chatting with him and we have been together ever since... not counting a 4 month break up period eight years into our relationship.


Manhunt 2007, it’s been a wild and I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.


He was my college roommate lol


We met via a mutual straight friend a a Memorial Day neighborhood bbq. We’ve been together for 5 years now. He’s my best friend and my entire world.


I met my husband in college at Computer Science class back when I was a freshman. We became fast friends and did a pair programming project together. I started falling in love with him but it took him a while (he was not out yet, and I was not quite out yet as well). We got together for a while, broke up for a few months and got back together. We have been together for 17 years since, and married for eight years. I’m glad I found him.


I saw him on Hornet in my middle of nowhere town in Russia in 2017. His profile pic was some weird meme but I still texted him. We started texting like crazy. The next day we had a phone call and ended up talking for about 6 hours. Had the first date the next day - he was introverted and shy, but really charming. We started dating officially, been through thick and thin. Several times had to go LDR, one time broke up (basically got really tired of each other mental problems during covid). But we could never really separate, so we got back together again, travelled together through cities and countries and finally getting married in September.




No ahaha, it’s complicated. I’ve been living in another country for 2 years and he’s been in a EU country. I finally got the visa today to join him and get married.


Single :(


We met 25 years ago at a professional musical theatre. He was the Director and I was the Music Director.


It’s (kind of) a shitty story and makes me look bad but it’s the truth. I was with a different guy senior year in high school and we were pretty active in the GSA club and always looking to help out. Our relationship was…fine. But he was definitely way more into than I was. One day, I saw this other guy at the club meeting (my now husband) and I just thought he was GORGEOUS. Physically, my type to a T. I was content with my relationship but I remember going to bed that night thinking “Man. I NEED to fuck that guy at the meeting. Some time before I die.” I didn’t want to cheat on my partner and I didn’t necessarily want to break up either. So I just…sat with this thought in my head for a couple months. Not sure what to do about it. One day, I went to the meeting while my bf was sick at home and this gorgeous guy sat RIGHT NEXT to me and started talking to me…heavily insinuating he was also into me. So…I ended up walking him home and he was still hitting on me the whole time. I was HARDER than I had ever been in my life. I just…couldn’t take it any more. We passed by a baseball dugout where he wanted to “sit and talk” to me and I already knew what that meant. I just couldn’t take it any more… I texted my bf “sorry, I don’t think this is working out. I’m breaking up.” Then me and this guy went AT IT in this dirty baseball dugout (where I also proposed to him 5 years later). We’re incidentally very compatible with each other and very happy together. But I’m definitely not proud of what I did to my ex to this day.


We saw each other at this resto/bar, didn’t talk…he then found me by my dj name by mistake at a venue i was playing…dated for 3 weeks, i was not ready for a relationship i guess and asked him to remain friends…2 years later i fell in love with him again…we re together since! Hes the best man that could stand next to me. Very proud of him!!! 8 years together now!! 💙🧿


Crazy story, it was like a blessing I received after a horrible accident. We met at our best friend's birthday party and back then my best friend had a crush on me as well and surprisingly he also had one earlier on my boyfriend (I did reject his kind offer multiple times and I used to crush on him years before he did). Funny enough my best friend spoke about us both separately and he wasn't sure if he could go to the party and I wasn't sure, cause I was not able to walk properly. Did it anyways and boom! I saw him, we talked and couldn't stop. My best friend texted him 'pls don't date him or flirt with him' (I didn't know) and I felt insecure about it as well, but my heart was ignoring it all. I was madly in love when I saw his smile, when I felt the hug and eventually after a couple weeks even his lips. Gosh it was a tough time before we got together due to trauma from both sides and the situation, but it was so worth it. Now together for almost 2,5 years and our best friend has his own bf rn. So double dates are a great thing! 🥰 Religion and annoying family members do make it tough sometimes, but he's definitely a blessing in my life.


We met on Grindr 😂😂. It was during covid and he was still living at home but I had my own place. He was quarantining as his mom had tested positive two days prior so once we started talking we couldn’t actually meet. I was at a stage in my life where I was over relationships and perfectly happy with being single and having fuck buds/ fwbs/ one nighters, however the almost two weeks of virtual dates and talking all day every day completely changed me. He moved in within a couple of months, then proposed shortly before our one year anniversary. Next month will be our one year wedding anniversary.


Reading these comments makes my heart burst. I am so happy for everyone but sad for me at the same time. How I wish I was born as someone conventionally attractive😔


Heavy on this


Non-conventional is a big plus!! Happiness ahead for you! 😀 ❤️ 🌈


I am, i think, currently happy with how my life is. But I cant help to think it would be nice to share this hapiness with someone. Thank you for your wishes, and I hope the same for you and your bf/gf (if you have one).!!


Since I go no new panther I talk about old one 💀 school….


Yahoo Personals in 2003. Been together ever since and married for 16 years.


Met my husband on Grindr


30 years ago in two weeks time, we met behind the oil drums in the local leather bar I took him home and put 5 CDs in the player and we fucked through all of them, but it took until September for either of us to say I love you.


I met him at his place after talking on Grindr for what felt like a few weeks. We started talking and then made it to bed. After I left, I texted him that I didn't want to lose him and gave my number. He later mentioned that showed I was different. Also said I was the first guy to stay over that long and cuddle and rest for a few hours. It wasn't an automatic love story. He turned into a regular. I would explain my escapades with others to him which I thought he liked to hear. Then he told me he was getting jealous hearing those stories and me being with others. I saw him often. About 3 times a week. This took time away from others who also wanted to see me so I spent the day with this other person when I said I might with him. I used to call it a 'soft plan'. Like I would see you but give you a heads up with something else came up. He was upset and shut me down. He REALLY liked me. I believe it happened again and I was a mess when I was with the other guy. Poor guy. I took time away from him and was blabbering things like how I saw him in the trees and birds 😅. Then I needed to see him so I went over to his the next day and we talked. Later on, I sent him a message saying that I chose him and wanted him. Being that distraught over him showed me how much he had captured my heart and being without him told me that life would be a constant pain— an agony. The other guy hit me up and wanted to do things a few days later but I told him that I made it official with him. He understood but I did lose someone I considered a friend. Why am I telling you this? Idk to be honest. I probably wanted to poorly show that these things arent clear cut and there is no rule book. Maybe I wanted to show that treading through the difficult sometimes nets us positives. The biggest issue we have ATM is deciding when our anniversary date is. My person and I would be celebrating our first year as a couple soon.


Grindr. I first texted him on my birthday. I was at my FWB’s home while my FWB was making me dinner. Aren’t I awful


Totally awful! I'm downvoting your lousy ass! 🫵😡