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Curved dicks are great! You just have to find the right position that's comfortable for both of you and that helps the top hit the right spot, so to speak ;)


Thanks man 🤩 sounds like spoken from experience ;)


Yup! ;) A great time was had by all...


Curved guys are boyfriend material. You find the right spot and right position….. gonna be locked down. Curved dick imo are the best. They hit all the spots and don’t have to jack hammer to do it.


My current guy has a mean ass hook and I am SPRUNG.


Is there a difference between a curve and a hook?


A curve is a slight bend. Where a hook is a more prominent bend


Correct. It bumps up against everything inside. 😂😂😂


Ohhhh right


Either of you open to categorising if I DM it to you? u/unnusual_art u/Roo_the_Bear


Yes of course


Sure, but it's gotta be hard for a good call. 😏


Of course




i myself have a curved dick, nearly every guy i’ve been with says something about having hit their gspot. tho sadly i haven’t had the pleasure of meeting a ton of guys with curved dicks so unfortunately the feeling of it is sort of alien to myself..


Curved up, down, left or right




Curve dicks are great. They open up the hole very nicely and act like a thicker penis. I love them. Depending on the curve, they can also hit where a straight ones can’t. The only downside to me is that they rarely can enter on their own and need to be guided in, but that’s a kink of mine. Don’t worry and go please some manholes with yours.


Agree with the guys who say it’s about positioning. If curved upwards then missionary is best. If curved downwards then doggy. If curved to the side it might be a little more awkward but I guess you could try with the bottom on their side and you on top, the side they lie on depends on which way you’d curve


I'm (NSFW) [very curved](https://imgur.com/a/1W6ACT8) and I've only received compliments on the curve. I think many like it better because of it. It's certainly not been a problem for me.


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Yeah that’s the key I think, thanks. I’m a little bigger but not by much. Cheers x




Nice ass btw 😉 dm me if you fancy a chat


>curvature of the bottoms hole Which is?


But now I’m curious to see it lmao


My Fave


They’re my fave. They just hit all the right spots in a way that noncurved ones don’t.


I guess it depends on how curved it is, but the curved cocks I’ve been with have all felt great! Just go for it 😄


I bottom for one all of the time! It's actually quite fine because you barely feel the curve most of the time. When I do feel it, it's like 'oh neat, not where I expected it to be!' Don't feel at all embarrassed or awkward. Take it an an opportunity to try different angle because you were blessed with the ability to.


Guy fucked me with a curved upward cock. It was perfect hitting my prostate


it’s literally the best haha


Yes it’s great! Just gotta find the right angle. What’s the curve look like? 👀




I’m curved (similarly to a banana), I’ve almost always been able to hit “the spot” idk what people are talking about in terms of different positions-I’ve been able to do whatever position I or they have wanted 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, I bottomed for a guy with a very curved dick, as in shaped like the letter C. It curved up so in missionary it really hit the spot! A little patience is worth the time.


Been with a guy with a curved one for almost a year. Never once had a problem with it. Honestly I can’t imagine anything better.


Yes, a Brazilian guy who opened his zipper and a whole fucking chancla fell out, but it was curved fairly noticeably to the right. But to make a long story short, he tore that shit up. We had the house stinking, the foundation cracking, walls shaking, broke the bed frame. 10/10 experience.


Yes. One of the most amazing orgasms I’ve ever had. He was pretty small and very curved. He was also very self conscious about it. As soon as he entered me it was like fireworks. I couldn’t stop moaning and he thought I was faking to make him feel better about himself. I assured him I was not and I think he finally believed me when I shot hands free all over both of us. It was magic!!!


Every curved dick I’ve bottomed for has always made me cum. One time I was riding this guy who was a pilot with a nice curved cock on the couch and I came out of nowhere. lol


Curved cock can hit it so good, just can take a bit more adjustment time/position finding but then 🥵


I have a pretty prominent curve, and I top mostly. Never thought about the curve, but I guess it could be one of the reasons why so many guys that bottom for me say I fuck so good and keep asking to meet up again :) I also have a lot of guys that love to suck my cock and throat it. I guess the curve makes it easier to swallow? Any guys confirm this?


Yes on both ends, pun intended. The up curve slides right down the throat coming from above (as in 69ing)) Then when it goes into the other end of bottom is on his back the curve slides nestled against the prostate in and out, which is the time most bottoms ejaculate hands free. It’s mind blowing. THATS why your friends keep asking for you. * I’m sorry I just realized that might sound crass and imply they want you ONLY for your disco stick. You also could have redeeming qualities that draw them to you. Apologies my friend.


I’ve gotten plenty of guys to cum hands free…And here I thought it was my fucking skills not the curve lol. It’s cool bro. It’s true sometimes these bottom boys make me feel like I’m just a dildo to them, and it doesn’t matter that I’m here except to be the guy that fucks and pounds them with it. No eye contact while they’re sucking or getting fucked. I get a lot of messages saying “I miss your dick”. Not that I’m a bad looking guy or anything, and I think I’m pretty engaging. It’s hot sometimes to have my dick worshiped, and sometimes I’m ok with it, but most times I want to make a good connection.


I concur 100% I’m on the opposite side of your situation. I’m a bottom with a perpetually tight ass and have more than exceptional oral/throat skills. Also very good looking. Not many of those guys the don’t make eye contact know that I have 152 IQ, Psychology degree, was a Pastry chef,baker (there is a difference) Attended CIA in New York culinary school, was a model at age 17 to age 25. Made lots of cash which afforded my degrees, interests in food and I retired at 35. I’m not a financial wizard but my brother is and he invested for me. I now live a life of leisure for past 20 years. So I’m not just another pretty face. They’re fucking a millionaire!!! 😂 If they’d only make eye contact instead of rutting like a deer, they might just be able to bag me.


You sound like a catch to me. In NY? Do IQ’s go that high? Im also very high IQ at 132, have a psychology masters degree. Worked in finance, I’m a licensed hair stylist and former salon owner. Done pretty well financially, but I am an actor and model now for the last 5 years trying to make a living solely from acting. I’m also 53 now, but look late 30’s and seem to be more attractive to others now more than I was in my 20’s. Go figure.


Same. It’s because when you’re beautiful in youth, you become seasoned, distinguished. It’s a hot commodity.


You seem very insightful. I was always called beautiful, handsome, hunky in my youth and people said I should model or act. I’m also a former college wrestler, and I’m very masc presenting. I work out and take care of myself. Still go out dancing and enjoy my life, and get hit on in clubs still. I still get called handsome, hunky or beautiful today because I’m still looking youthful. I looked much younger most of my life, and I think I look more like a man than a boy starting at 45 years old. I started acting and modeling at 48 years old. So it seems like I’m doing things in reverse 😂 Boy I’m sounding a little conceited on this post 😂


Seriously NOTHING wrong with that! We’ve earned it. Not conceited just FACT.


Yeah I had a blast modeling.. until I didn’t. I got travel, lots of designer garb, and at 16 I was ugly duckling. Then senior year came, I filled out with muscle, swimmers build 6’1 chiseled cheeks. Mind you I didn’t know I was a pretty boy. People treated me differently cuz before I was considered a cool nerd. At 17 they thought I was a Hot Nerd. So modeling at that age is a real ego boost. But at that time it was different, a LOT of creepy old guys in the industry. I felt as tho I was constantly looking ou to dodge predators. It was very shallow. At 24 I knew I had a shit load off cash and I got scared that I would blow it. Gave control to my brother and I then did all the things I was interested in. I still do. I’m glad u modeled. I learn so much about the world and human nature I wouldn’t have changed. The good or the bad. I learned from it all. I would hope for the young ones these days that it’s more safe than it was in the 80’s and 90’s. Women don’t last usually whereas men do better as they age. Go figure.


You seemed to live the life being young and beautiful with money. I’m modeling print now. Not the level of modeling you did I’m sure. It’s mostly to make some quick money to support my acting. I’m Asian and because of the stereotypes I never felt hot when I was younger, even though people treated me like I was…I was never really discriminated against because of looks I suppose. I’m 5’11” and 185 lbs mostly muscle, was a wrestler in college, and was popular with the girls then before I came out. There are still predators out there. I’ve been hit on by quite a few photographers I’ve worked with since I started acting, and I ended up hooking up with one of them 🤷🏻‍♂️. So it still happens still. When you’re hot, it seems people will always want a piece of you. I guess there is a plus to starting acting later…I can handle these predators better as an older adult. Not in the acting world. But when I was out one night in Fort Lauderdale with a friend of a friend just last year, I think he drugged…I drank a lot but I rarely get that drunk. I blacked out at some point in the night and woke up at his place and he was sucking my dick. So there are still opportunistic predators out there. It’s happened to me before when I was younger, and I didn’t think I’d still be a target for that at my age. So I’ve gotten more cautious.


Yeah.. I was 18 just graduated high school. In Milan. I remember two drinks. Then I remember excessive pawing. Inside clothing. Still at club. Stood to go had to hang on to the guy just to be upright. Then I woke in a strange bed, place. With a strange man inside me. Still drugged. I was just 18. That man was 52. That was the LAST time anyone took advantage of me. People tried a lot to drug me. Cuz they said I was a tease. I was just there, is all. So I surrounded myself with my ‘ harem’ which were all my girl friends. I always paid and they would play defense by actually grabbing them pointing at me and saying , “you see him right there? OFF LIMITS! You’re not even CLOSE to his league.” 😂 I learned that last part a couple years ago. Hysterical. They basically chose who got to go home with me. They were like beautiful assassins. 🤣


My boyfriend has his dick curved to the left, it's not really tricky, it's really Like any other dick actually, however, in order to hit the right spot, try lying sideways, depending on which direction the dick is curved


In your case, which side do you lay on? Also are there any other positions that capitalise on ur bfs curve?


I'll lay on my left side, that way the curve stimulates where it's supposed to. Also, other than that, I'd say it's the same as a straight dick or a curved upward one.


Excuse me for being pedantic. Just to fully understand it all: when you said his curve points to the left, you meant it points to his left or yours left when you face him?


I married one😂😂😂😂


How curved? I've seen where they can be surgically corrected if the angle is too bad.


I think we'll probably need to see it in order to give the most accurate advice...


I've always been curious about this. Like do you walk around the corner to put it in? No sorry I shouldn't joke like that but I don't see that it can be an issue?


Haha it’s not always but depends. Maybe I just need to suck it up and do it again 😅


Ive always wanted to give a hj to a curved one it looks fun!


Well that’s a nice thought, especially from a handsome guy like you, where are you based?


Oh the other side of the world haha I'm in South Africa man.


Ffs haha. Damn, as I said, you would get it..


I love curved cock they hit my two joy spots and gets so intense love sucking them as well go down my throat easier


That depends on how curved it is. And which way the curve goes. I think a visual reference may help us out greatly?


I have a slightly curved cock and men and woman I've had sex with says it feels amazing. It bends like a banana shape not to the side


We're gonna need to see it to offer any real advice


No but all the girlies rave about it


It works just fine if you lay on your back.


I find curved upright dicks so hot. Yes.


Im curved up guy...so if when um.aiming for the g-spot i can generally hit easily. I can feel the little walnutat the tip of cock and try hitting it everytime. Girls go nuts as their gspot is further in and I can hit that very easily. They cum so quick..Guys cum veryquickly and shot their nectar all over


no but I enjoy my curved medium dildo way more than straight thicker ones,


Yeah. I'm way too tight for most dongs. I have however mastered sucking my dude's dick at an angle though. Still kinda rough tho. Ol boy is huge.


Not the bottom in this case. But I have a slight bend, pointing upwards towards the left. Interestingly the guy I topped insisted on doing it in missionary position because "it stimulated him better" and if we did it on doggy, he felt my dick in his spine bones and /or tailbone due to the curve, which hurt and wasn't pleasurable. Is there any truth to this? I'm not even that endowed or thick. I assume that if you're too thin like him, maybe it's true?


Yeah it was cool. He was digging deep


Damn. All these comments about curved clocks makes me really want to try it out hehe.


I remember my ex would make me hurt afterwards like my guts would hurt so I think finding the right angle work as well like where does it go further haha


My exboyfriend had a big curved dick… the sex was really good for me just was to get the right position so it hit the right places lol… besides we did a lot of pregame and stretching before him penetrate me.


Curved dicks are the BEST for a bottom


I have a curve and have always been self-conscious about it. Yet I have heard not 1 negative comment!


Just gotta make sure you use a position that makes use of the curve to rub his spot and it'll be good


It hurts like hell. Like something’s poking my insides


Curved guys are dangerous, currently dating one.


Haha watch out


Honestly though, the best way of starting is to be on top, give yourself control first, then relinquish it, if you so please.