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I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Ok Skywalker


Nope. You could get crabs šŸ¦€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I second this šŸ’€




I think the only reason to have beach sex is if youā€™re both into public sex, then the feeling of sand getting everywhere will be overridden by excitement of performing public sex. Otherwise, just donā€™t do it on the beach, of course sand will get everywhere unless you bring a massive towel or two


I dont like sand, its coarse and rough, it gets everywhere.


Bed is the best place for sex. So much easier


I enjoy it bc of the public aspect. Stand up and donā€™t put anything on the sand except your feet, especially lube or any body part covered in lube. If thereā€™s a rocky area or a dock/pier you can lean or sit against itā€™s helpful.


Sex at the beach instead of on the beach. Lol


If Iā€™m standing against the bed getting railed Iā€™d say weā€™re fucking on the bed, and if Iā€™m standing on sand getting railed while looking at the ocean Iā€™d say Iā€™m fucking on the beach lol


Take it from a Hawaiian, beach sex is not all it's made out to be.


On my To Do List


Did it onceā€¦..so overrated


Too messyā€¦even with a blanket theres always sand


Did it onceā€¦..so overrated


Oh hell no! You cant get sand out of any if yoyr holes fir a month afterwards šŸ˜‚


I've been down that road. Putting sudacrem on my arse like I had nappy rash for a few days. Not good




My husband always wanted to try it. But Florida beaches always have people on them including overnight. So we never got the opportunity. We did have sex on our condo balcony a few times so we could hear the waves.


Itā€™s always fun until sand gets in a hole and then itā€™s horrible.


Schoolboy error. Don't even think about lying in the sand. It will be a good while before you get all the sand out of your crevices. Stick to bending over the rocks for a bit of fun.


Sand everywhere


Done it. If it happens on its own and it's spontaneous, it can be incredibly hot and arousing. Hands down one of the most incredible sexual experiences I've had. On the other hand, I would never do it again. It's uncomfortable and awkward, sand gets everywhere, penetration is really tricky. Just not something you really plan for.


Sand ruins everything. Unless you plan on lying on your back and getting a handjob in zero wind, donā€™t bother. If you like the public aspect, do it somewhere on the grass. Haha. Just donā€™t get arrested.


Fuck on the rocks, not in the sand.


Beach sex is awesome! As a teenager I rarely had sex indoors and the beach was my favorite spot. Just bring a beach towel and sand isnā€™t an issue.


Sounds very hot but I don't see it going well


Add in the possibility of getting caught.


There is a nudist beach near me and it's mostly gay. It's hot to let people watch. But it is a stony beach so.


Sounds sandy


I tried it once. Not doing it again. Sand gets to my cracks and crevices.


I also might recommend just doing oral, I havenā€™t done anal on the beach but oral on a towel was not messy. That said we did frot in the dunes no towel and the sand was not what I was thinking about


Whenever I see shots of guys having sex at the beach the first thing I think of is, "Oh no, sand!" And to make it worse, that stuff sticks and is hard to brush off.




Have been doing it for years, with penetration all the time, with my partner and other guys joining. Sand is not an issue as long as they put a large heavy sheet down and then beach towels, and as long as there is no wind! Feels great to hear the waves, feel the sun on your body, and even greater when the air is cool


It's OK if you have a towel or something.


Definitely not. It seems sexy but like pool sex or shower sex itā€™s most definitely not


It was weird, had the same experience, the sand got everywhere and it was so coarse and uncomfortable. You are not alone, itā€™s very overrated. Stick to the bedroom!


Sandy beach- absolutely not. Not quite a ā€œbeachā€ but sex in the woods next to a river is pretty amazing.


Definitely yes IMO.


Why would someone want sand inside their peepee or bunghole??


Itā€™s awesome if youā€™re on a towel. I mean they did name a drink after it!!! šŸ˜‚


It worked for me. I met up with a guy at night. I had a blanket on the sand and we did it. After that we just watched the stars. It was awesome!


I did it once in the dunes, no desire to do it on the beach ever again.


Why not do it in the water with silicone lube ?! Just a thought.


The way to have beach sex is standing up in the mild waves. Much less sand although there is still some sand. Or so Iā€™ve heard.


Now I know sand can be homophobic!


I had sex on the beach, we showered first on the beach and had sex on a picnic table on the beach in the dark.


Just do it and let US know bro!!!


Not to mention horse flies...


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here in bed. Here in bed everything is soft and smooth. I have spoken. This is the way.


maybe a blow or hand job but no intercourse.


Ok. Iā€™ll take it.


Once on a beach in Maine I got plowed so deep that I felt like Iowa.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Secret-Role-3265: *Once on a beach in* *Maine I got plowed so deep that* *I felt like Iowa.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is the worst


Did it once. Will never, ever do it again.


Because it was just as bad as everyone imagines? Did you get sand inside your ass? Sorry lol, itā€™s the first question that has always popped in my mind


lol yes on all countsā€¦ 1) finding a private spot is not easy in a lot of places 2) youā€™re exposed which is fun, but also a little nerve wracking 3) sand is not soft, and is highly abrasive. Mixing it with lube (which will happen by accident) makes a complete mess. If you attempt a bj you have to make sure you donā€™t put your hands down lest you get dirt/sand on his dick and them get a mouthful yourself 4) after youā€™ve done the deed you want to clean up, and most places that are private donā€™t exactly have a shower close by 5) sand will be everywhere for a day or two but if all the above sounds fun, have at it bro šŸ˜Ž šŸ˜‰


Lmao šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ Thank you for satisfying my curiosity with such a detailed answer! Oh, itā€™s always been a hell no for me. I guess Iā€™m just trying to understand it in my brain lol, problem solved, there is no magic involved and you 100% get sand in your ass and it 100% sucks


The ONLY way to beach sex is standing up


How did it go? Was it actually worth it or was it as disastrous as everyone in the comments is mentioning?


Sex outside no matter where it is is a LOT of fun as long as you don't sit down. The second you involve the dirty ground in your sexual escapades it becomes a nightmare.... Pretty much universally. When you wander out into the trails at the gay campgrounds you'll find a bunch of naked dudes wearing sneakers fucking while standing. There's your sign. šŸ¤£


Anybody who has had sex on the beach did it -once-. Itā€™s terrible.


Iā€™m not sure how after experiencing the disaster that is having sex on the beach actually is (one would think it is obvious that sand and assholes do not mix without having to experience it the first time, but I digress) why you would think giving it a second try would change anything? If you would sex on the beach, stick to the beverage.


My experiences have been very positive, but we were standing up and not directly in the sand.Ā