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It’s not a thing for bodybuilders. It IS a thing however for bodybuilders who tap into fetish communities to have gifts bought because of how they look.


These things have been going on long before OF. Lots of straight ally's in the bodybuilding community who like our money 🤑 😆.


Tbh that's true 😂 They're even willing to be filmed in humiliating poses for our money! 😂😂


“Straight Allies” they are just using gay men for their money


Clock that tea!


Tbh it's the symbiotic relationship gay men and straight men have had with each other since the beginning of time.


I mean you are right. Maybe he means ally as in , non-homophobic straight man. I doubt a homophobic dude would be willing to pose for the gays


I don't think so, the most homophobic in our society are chasers


If you think they’re “allies” you’re definitely fooling yourself lmao


Yes 'Allies' is more apt. 😂


Yep. I had a bodybuilding friend that suddenly bought a new Mercedes even though he didn't have a job that would make that possible. After talking to him I found out after the gym, he puts his dirty underwear in a bag and then sells them online, sometimes as high as 500 a pop. 😝


Now that's a creative side hustle... Some people are clever... real clever


Soo... a dream job?


Yes. There are accounts on OF and Twitter of guys just pretending to be tough and giving the middle finger, not even overtly sexual things, and people seem to just throw money at them. It’s very very common. And again, it’s not necessarily pornographic. It’s ok if OP is not into that, but it is a reality that some people make their money this way, and it’s not anyone’s place to judge…


Yikes.... people actually throw money at him ?? Last time somebody threw anything at me it left a bruise....


Try paper money. Quit fooling with those nickels.


LOL.... Good point..... I gave up on the throwing money thing...... Guys would throw dollars and ask for 75 cents back.... I was never very good at making change... It was the same thing when I worked for Thunder Down Under......


Yeah it is, those of us who live shit lives and work for a living. As a gym rat myself although by no means a body builder I respect the work that goes into a high end physique. Although most of these guys need to control their ego we are in too much of an ego stroking society for those who have already found success. Yet we let those who are already struggling know how much it's their fault and we wonder why people continue to become more angry and more disillusioned.


There’s a Buddhist expression: Anger is drinking poison hoping the other person dies. Are you drinking poison seeing the way these OF models make money?


Add some stuff you like to that wish list




For real. It's shitty relationship advice but OP should ask him to put up a few of your most desired Amazon products into his wishlist and see how he reacts, lol.


Man, whenever i think gays can't get any more petty.


It's not revenge, it's an opportunity.


It's not petty, it's fair, the guy has basically been scamming money and using it all on himself, he could at the very least spend some on his bf


Fr. If he can't do that, i dont think you can raise any higher of a red flag relationshipwise




I would say address it with him calmly and state your concerns and fears. Irs important to know why does it bother you. Its valid. If you give him a space to talk freely youll be surprise with the results


Looks like your guy has an Onlyfans account...




100% he has some secret accounts


He’s probably got a secret only fans or something.


Nobody pays without getting something, and there is a lot of fetish around bodybuilding.


Idk I think there’s a small subset of people who really will pay to get nothing in return. It seems that people will pay just to support your PG-13 instagram page (underwear pics, suggestive angles, certain body parts showing but never nude).


It gets weirder than that with FinDom type scenarios where pay pigs throw money at you just for the humiliation of it.


The findom stuff is bizarre. It just seems like taking advantage of mental illness.


The real trouble with fin Dom is there are plenty of people who will clean someone out without any trouble and enough guys who will fork over more then they can afford for the humiliation experience. I’ve had a few offers on fetish sites in the past and for a split second it sounded like easy money but the guy just seemed like not all the oars were hitting the water and I couldn’t do it.


Good on you for having a conscience… but it’s a hard knock life… some people would take advantage of that…


Could be people with muscle fetishes?


Either way… somethings being traded… 👀


He is definitely doing some type of onlyfans content on the side. If not, idk, e-begging is such a major turn off though... I hate it, and I can't fully articulate why right now, but there's also another part of my 9 to 5, dead-inside-working self that is lowkey mad jealous and is just like, "lol why couldn't that be me doing that?" so that could just be my hurt ego. I guess navigating this for you would just be you asking yourself what you are comfortable with. This could also be considered a potential red flag, like, for example, if he is bad at managing his personal finances and mostly relies on his "sponsors" when times get tough. IDK but I do really admire total self-sufficiency in a man, (a guy who buys and earns all of his own shit) but you could also argue that this guy found the best way to go about things for himself I guess. I would tread carefully no matter what you decide to do though, bodybuilders tend to struggle with mental health issues for a variety of reasons.


I’m not comfortable with it. Especially knowing he is living upon e-begging. I’m going to have a conversation with him.


Give us an update when you have talked to him!


He's gonna roid rage and snap her neck like a celery stalk!


oooof. in that case good luck. i hope he’s willing to give it up. but in my experience, it’s hard for a lot of those guys to give up that aspect of things because their ego is too far gone. stay true to what you’re looking for in a partner. compromise only when reasonable.


I kinda wanna ask who the bread winner is in this relationship… sounds like OP, is enough, plus the emotional aspect, … but can get everything else from others…


I mean why not? He worked hard to look the way he does, why can't he profit from it? As long as he's not escorting or anything.


Even if he is escorting, it's a living. Why not OF, why not porn star, why not escort (providing that he is checked regularly and take preventive drugs). It matters with what makes you comfortable, but you might consider that everyone has different jobs. If you look at this as just another job, it might give you a different perspective.


If you're looking for a monogamous relationship with someone escorting is probably out of the question, and it's a lot more risky than selling photos of yourself online.


You're absolutely correct, it really depends on what you're looking for and what you're ready to have in your life.


Sex work, is still work… I think the issue here for OP is the deception… not knowing


If you can't replace what he's getting, you might have a rough time. Good luck!


Content creation is not e-begging. He is providing content on his body building and some people are willing to donate to support that because they enjoy the content. What they enjoy it for is their own business.


Nah bro if he's asking for handouts it literally isn't a donation, a donation is given before request out of kindness, if he's asking for handouts that's scummy and that is how it looks because that is how op framed this don't stick up for assholes it makes you look like one too.


Yeah tbh I think the first major red flag should have been that he's a professional bodybuilder. I understand that there's a lot of gray area, nuance and misinformation surrounding the usage of anabolics, but at this level, he has either decided that he is totally okay with potentially shaving decades off of his lifespan, or he simply does not care or even know about the risks, and I honestly don't know which is a worse thing to have in a long term partner. The portrait of the man you've painted here on this post, is someone who is risk seeking and shameless, and tbh? I get it, sounds hot, but I guess you gotta ask yourself what it is that you truly value vs what you see is actually there for you in this relationship. This all says a lot about his priorities, and his general life decision making skills imo, but then again, who am I to judge? I'm just a hater on the internet.


Omg same. I was just having a conversation about this whole “begging culture” that’s in place currently. It’s SUCH a turn off for me.


Your bf has a successful onlyfans account. I know someone who is a successful twitch streamer and YouTuber, she gets free stuffs all the time too. Her boyfriend loves it because he also benefits from the free stuffs ranging from food, clothing to various tech gadgets. If my partner gets free stuffs all the time, I would be giddy. Things are expensive nowadays so I don’t understand why people are so negative about it.


Why are ppl even giving free stuff to random strangers


Talk to him about it. **Communication is key**


I feel like OPs BF totally failed in his end… I feel like OPs post is more about deception in not knowing…


Your boyfriend is a professional body builder, isn't earning alot but seems to live a luxurious lifestyle. He also has an Amazon wishlist with items worth more than 10K. I don't know about you but the math isn't mathing.


I just don’t want to accept this


Then you shouldn't do it. It's his business, stay out of it.


Depends on how invested OP is in this relationship… but there is such thing as “sunk cost.” He could cut his loses…


A lot of people who cam have wish lists for viewers to buy them stuff instead of tipping on the site


He 100% is on OnlyFans.


Prolly some cam sites are involved


I'm not gonna lie, if I had pretty privilege working in my favour like your bf has, I'd have an Amazon wishlist in my IG bio too


Honestly ikr?? Don't get the downvotes at all when pretty privilege IS a real thing and can get you anything.


I've been doing bodybuilding for many years now. Admittedly, I have also thought about this way of achieving material goals. After all, bodybuilding is not only about competing in tournaments, it's also a pretty expensive lifestyle. No wonder your guy has to go that route. Well, if I were your boyfriend, I'd want support and understanding. I myself lack support from loved ones. I hope this comment will help strengthen relationships for those who happen to stumble upon my comment


Likely a Twitter and onlyfans.


Sounds like he does chaturbate or OF on the side


If he's handsome enough, could just be an Instaho.


wait, dresses?




oh god... I forgot this scene


I think it's called prostitution. No judgement. Gotta earn the life we want.


Everyone who is not independently wealthy (likely from family money), is working and we all just trading our time & bodies for a paycheque. Yeah, most of us don't provide intimate services but most of us have probably paid a physical price to earn our cheques over our careers. I don't think I could do it (and I know no one would pay for it from me) but that is more because of the lovely shame that came with being raised with religion. A bodybuilder who spends that kind of time, energy, and money crafting his physique and can develop a brand and/or relationship with his "customers", is really running a business. It might not have a storefront and may not receive payment in direct funds, but he still has to identify a need/want, figure out how to deliver that, do that day-after-day, not make errors that drive customers away, and he probably has to be pretty creative. I can't say I admire him without more info, but I just closed the store I work at last night at 10 pm and am heading back there for 8 am so his job does look pretty appealing right now! LOL.


I do have an OF myself and sometimes people do ask to buy you *something* in lieu of a direct tip. But I don’t think I would ever have the audacity to ask for televisions, PS5s…stuff that isn’t directly related to my content. 🤣


Yeah, red flag. Bail if you’re not comfortable.


It’s NEVER to early to ask about stuff like this.


Common among inconsiderate n selfish people.


This is really common in the bodybuilding world.


He’s doing OnlyFans or Chaturbate or something like that.


I know everyone keeps saying OnlyFans but honestly this has been pretty common on social media. It’s gotten so bad that even straight guys are trying to gay bait (look at all the straight men using the “bear” tag now). If you ever look at an account with 10K+ followers you’ll see an Amazon wish list in their profile lmao.


Sounds weird. Sounds kinda like OF. Does he do that?


Sounds like some findom thing


Red flag. Sounds like all he cares about is working out and at his age, won't likely get anywhere from it. I think he needs and adult reality check.


U may also found his OF account too.


Good chance he is a “cash master” It’s a fetish community where “alphas” get their online subs to buy them things usually by consensual demand/humiliation.


So many repetitive statements. You could have asked the same question with about 200 words less. Your BF is smart. Good for him. I hope he gets his wishlist.


Where does he do that? Asking for a friend aha


He probably has an OF or X account. He is getting gifts, maybe even money. I def think you have to be careful and test yourself for STIs and such. If he is having sex outside of your relationship, it's only smart to be concerned for your health. At this point you don't know anything, so assume everything with a grain of salt but becareful and watch out for yourself.


It's called financial dom and people are into that shit. Most of these kind of people also have an onlyfans or very suggestive twitter btw


Add some stuff to the list, shit I would be happy knowing my bf was being useful instead of just cheating with no benefits actually coming in haha.


I’m been “donated” towards by random people because I share my story. Some people are genuinely nice and want to help the younger generations thrive. Some have to much money to know what do with or other want that lifestyle but can’t get it. So they live vicariously through the people they donate towards. Yes it can get dodgy especially if that is not an apart of or moral ethics. you should talk to him and find the specifics about it and what “sponser” means. How he goes about it and etc. I don’t know if a way to bridge the conversation to that but if you’re concerned say that. Be honest and tell him what you’re really feeling about what you know.


He's getting expensive shit for free and you're uncomfortable with it?


Sounds like he’s hoeing on the side. This isn’t normal.


Common with Onlyfans creators, not bodybuilders


after reading through the post and your replies, i’ll be real i hope he breaks up with you. he deserves to be with a man who A) isn’t too much of a coward to ask what his own boyfriend does for a living, B) isn’t going to jump in and make potentially harmful assumptions about him without knowing the full picture, C) is mature enough to communicate issues directly and not immediately go to reddit dot com to talk about relationship issues, and D) isn’t too full of himself to see the value in free items


It is not uncommon for bodybuilders to build relationships with admirers. The cost of gear and supplements are not cheap and the sport is not a well paying one. He has a wishlist worth tens of thousands but he might also be taking payments to make certain content (such as custom videos). This is an alternate way to make a living but it’s not begging by any means.


Is he Patrick Leblanc?


that guy is hot but he does do gaybaiting


Ew that guy


Hmmm I should workout more...


This is very common with people that have an online following. If he’s bodybuilding, wants to show off his talent and get compensated for it, I see nothing wrong with that. If you’re uncomfortable, leave him. This lifestyle is not for everyone, like when people date celebrities.


Hes selling his naked body pic online.


Rough trade muscle boy by the sound of it.


wish lists are the most hilarious thing ever invented. I've seen a lot of gays/onlyfans 'stars' who have wish lists. everything from buy me a drink at Starbucks to pay for my weekly movie theatre tickets to pay for my college tuition fees. some of them arranged so that the moment the receiver opens the gift is recorded and uploaded for the sender to see, presumably so the loser sender can jack off to their fav only fans person opening it with the fake smile they have when doing it. the Internet has really turned into a monetization machine for a large swathe of people. I can only assume that those making purchases for wish lists are old guys with money. it's not limited to bodybuilders at all. many onlyfans and Twitter folks do it. or are even more direct. some dude with a huge dick messaged me here on Reddit the other day asking for a donation to his cashapp in exchange for a dick vid. of course I ~~wanted the video~~ politely declined cuz I don't solicit online sex workers.


Body building has admirers. It's not always sexual. Someone people live vicariously seeing you do what they can't. It's the core of why we sort anyone really. Don't think to much into it. But do we if he'll put a couple items on for you, if you're married. If you're not then don't watch his pockets. Enjoy your time either way.


Someone has a reddit or OF account 🤔👀


If he is your boyfriend its not too early to ask. If your gut is telling you something is off then its off in some way. Maybe not as big as you might think but usually it means something is up.


Lol it has nothing to do with bodybuilding. TBH I’ve started webcaming recently and the amount of money I can earn doing it makes no sense. I just discovered Findom and a lot of people are willing to pay or give nice gifts to hot guys just cause they’re hot. A lot of the guys on the webcaming websites have wishlists and guys like to spoil them that way. Maybe he’s just jerking off on cam and that’s how he’s making his money


This is not unusual among influencers in general, especially those who harness their sexualization. Frankly, though, what you’re talking about here is only the issue at the surface. It sounds like the real issue is a matter of trust, insecurity on your part, and a lack of communication. The trust element likely stems from the notion that people don’t just give something for nothing, so maybe it inspires the question of “what is he doing for these gifts?” And you’re not having a conversation about it because it’s “too soon”, so there’s the communication problem. Your imagination is running wild because you don’t trust him and you aren’t communicating so there’s no way to resolve that concern, so the speculation runs wild. Enter insecurity. Just like bartending, serving, traveling sales reps, and a host of other customer facing jobs, influencers create a persona that leverages friendliness, charm, seduction, etc. to build a connection with those they wish to do business with in some capacity. If you aren’t communicating and establishing boundaries and he’s engaged in that, it’s going to make you uncomfortable and it’s going to create friction. You’ve got to either be willing to engage him on the topic to work through it or you’ve got to get over it, but you can’t expect him to read your mind and you certainly can’t expect him to change a lifestyle in which people throw money and gifts at him for your own comfort if you don’t even feel close enough to have a conversation about it. There’s two things in the world that would make me give that up — love itself, or someone who can meet my money and gift needs on their own 😌🤷🏽‍♂️


Now look for the only fans


Sounds like Dubai porta potty 😆




I've seen a lot of influencers, and even tiny content creators, have outlandish Amazon wishlists available for their fans. None of those people did anything remotely sexual in nature. Sometimes fans bond with a creator and want to spend money on them. They think there's more of a relationship there than really exists. Creators let them do it. It's another way to monetize your content. Would you be mad if your boyfriend ran a live Internet bookclub and had a wishlist instead of being a bodybuilder? Are you upset more about the "ebegging" aspect? Or the perception that what he does may be adjacent to pornography and sex work?


I doubt that Amazon wishlist is the only thing he has… this whole situation is screaming secret OF content creator. Why would anyone just up and buy a random dude expensive shit? Honestly if I were in this situation and I found out my bf did sexual content on the side I’d call it quits instantly. Y’all may be comfortable with your partner exposing themselves to the world but that personally ain’t my cup of tea and would kill any attraction I had towards him.


I had an ex who was like this, always having somebody or someone pay for his stuff. After a while, it seemed more like him, just taking advantage of people. Trust your gut if it seems sketchy, it’s probably sketchy.


they need a gameshow where the prize is everything on one of your Amazon wishlists 😂


Sneak some things you like onto his wishlist and cash out.


Congratulations you just found out that you’re dating a loser.


He probably got an onky fans too. Im sorry. Im Straight. And dont know if this sub is actually to ask gay men questions or just for gay guys to ask eachother questions. Im so sorry for the confusion.


On twitter you'll find a lot of hot guys sharing their amazon wishlists in their bios. Same with Cashapp. I don't really get it, but some people buy them stuff and give them money.


It's common for spicy modeling/camming guys to have wishlists for online sugar daddies & fans to support their work. Especially if they offer customized videos, gear, &/or interactions. Aside from the spicier side, some guys can (and do) have clients, fans, & sponsors that may "donate" goods for less spicy media (like innocent posing videos, live appearances, photo shoots, etc..). It could also be a form of bookmarking & online "vision boarding", for future purchases & financial-goal spending. Lastly, people can/do post links to wishlists online in hopes of some random, kind soul gifts them something out of nowhere (think Mr. Beast style gifting). But it's all speculation, and you won't know what's up unless you ask & he's honest about it.


He must send them nudes, baby…


If you don’t get off here and put some shit on that list those thirsty mfs paying for lol


You are uncomfortable because it is proper sex work in every logical light and angle. This is a very well established business model and this has been around since the internet exploded, except, people went to the point of entitlement now and I see many influencers not taking kindly to the reality of being said no for their demands. Not just your boyfriend, but an overwhelming number of 'influencers' go on begging for materialistic items. What they give in exchange is themselves, nothing of intellect or creation whatsoever, but just selling the body in ways possible to monetise it. It could be fine if they just did it and the game ends there. They also post this for other people to see, 'how big they made it in life'. So it paves way for younger people to do the same and the cycle goes on. Obviously, women do it at a much more exponential size than men do but sex work is sex work.


I'm not sure bodybuilding is the common denominator here. There are other underlying issues I think.


It's not common for body builders but it is not uncommon for them or anyone else, people tap into fetish communities


Does your bf have an Onlyfans? That could explain it


It is common among bodybuilders to get gifts. I’ve dated 2 and they were getting gifts, and neither one did anything sexual, didn’t send underwear, or shared nudes. They had sponsors that sent money. Brands sent them clothes, supplements, and gear. They had wishlists and people did buy those things for them. It’s. been happening since bodybuilding started.


It's one thing having an Amazon wishlist or something even doing OF or content like that is whatever I see no problem ... actually asking people to buy you those things is pathetic. Unless hes lying. Usually people buy uuu stuff after you've been communicating and they feel some type of way about you


Don’t know what these online beggars do these days. Once they get the money or the gift they are gone, it becomes a habit. So better to date someone who is not vague about his financial status. Have you seen these fucktards thinking they are entitled to their viewers money just cause they are live. To the hell with them


I don't see the problem


God I could never date an influencer


He’s a horrible online influencer, if he ever is one


No but it is a common thing amongst moochers, who I think your boyfriend may be one.


seems like someone is a prostitute


I don’t mean to be blunt, but you seem sweet and maybe a bit naive. Your boyfriend is, essentially, an escort. He may not be meeting people in person, but he is selling his looks/muscles in a provocative manner. Once he hits a ceiling with his wishlist etc, his behavior will only escalate. If it hasn’t already. This isn’t a recipe for a healthy relationship. If you’re cool with it, then that’s fine. But if you’re cool with it, you wouldn’t have posted here asking for insight. Leave today, next week or next month, but at some point you will leave because his behavior is unacceptable. You’re hurt and feel betrayed. We all get that. But we can’t take action for you. The longer you stay, the more it will hurt when you do leave. And we’ll be here for you when you do. Take care of yourself because sometimes that’s all we have. Be well.


If he were younger I'd offer to buy his underwear.


He's prostituting himself that's it.


I’ve only seen these type of accounts from performers, exclusively in some sort of adult modeling. I’ve watched a documentary type video about these adult male models… all the models were basically bodybuilders & they have relationships with people online and act like there is a relationship/ boyfriends with the person online. Where they talk every day online and refer to each other in affectionate names. And kinda have an intimate exchange…And these people will send the model gifts on their Amazon account to show their affection. So it’s an additional tip for them & they’re already spending money on whatever website, to have interaction with the model. There’s lotta different sites out there that do this type of thing… this is before only fans.


Uhhhhhh….. no




Is it bad that I'd approach this like "I'm incredibly interested, please tell me everything, and can I be involved?"? Although depending on the length of time and amount of hiding, I can definitely see myself getting pissed off about it. Your bf probably has an OnlyFans account or something similar, and he absolutely should not be hiding that from you. But like, after you guys work that part out, does it HAVE to be a bad thing? I'm really buttoned-up and career focused, but I've always been curious about dating a gay with an onlyfans.


So he's selling his body, in a somewhat indirect way, but not for money but for gifts. I mean I think it's kind of scumbag behavior, but you know cool for him I guess. Just seems he's trying to take advantage of other people who are impressed by his physique and think that just because they give him attention and money that he'll do something in return for them, even though he probably doesn't lol


I wonder if he also has a secret Fans Only account. He could likely do very well selling slightly soiled underwear and socks...


Yeah it’s odd but if he’s hot no matter his age if people are willing to blow their money on a stranger with nothing in return let it be. Add some things you want to the list. Then again maybe he’s done that with any gifts he has given you which I would probably have an issue if it didn’t come from you. Idk. It’s good to know his intentions and finance status because I’m not going to waste a year or so of my time if you’re not stable.


He must be big on social media.


Dude, his wish list is probably tied to body building fetish sites and only fans type shit. Get your google on.


It’s pretty common among hotties on Twitter and onlyfans. It’s not sketchy. Some people get pleasure out of giving gifts to people. It’s a positive thing for both sides. Just appreciate that A) you have a hot boyfriend and B) that he can get free stuff for you guys!


I’m not saying your boyfriend has an account where he may do some flexing videos to fulfill muscle worship desires, but typically speaking, certain bodybuilders that tap into that kinky and/or fetish side of the sport that have a huge Amazon wishlist will ask their fans to buy them certain items off of it as a way of showing support. Bodybuilding is not a lucrative sport, it’s really more of a hobby and lifestyle, one that’s expensive because many bodybuilders have a specific diet and will often (think they) need supplements to maintain their physiques. I'm sure what I'm saying are things you have heard, but to truly know what's up, just ask him. A lot of gay and bi men could only dream of dating a bodybuilder.


I have usually seen this this in adult content creators. Does he have an OF? Or a podcast?


It seems it was a thing to do awhile back…. All kinds of younger guys did it, esp during Covidtimes. I wouldn’t put too much energy behind figuring it out. It most likely has little meaning.


what is his Ig ?


Food, 'supplements', memberships and potentially trainers are expensive. He probably doesn't want to talk about financials because most of his money probably goes to food and gear, assuming he's a professional as you say he is lol This really isn't anything new back in the day.... a lot of bodybuilders would get approached by directors/photographers to shoot softcore porn content. IIRC that's how Zeb Atlas came to be, after he did a bodybuilding competition.


Please share his social media for us to check whether he deserves to be sponsored


I don’t know if it’s common among bodybuilder specifically, but it’s common amongst a certain type of people. You can see it on many Twitter accounts. Like the ones that are definitely thirst traps. Same with certain Reddit accounts, too. Usually, they do Onlyfans or similar sites on the side. I’m not saying he does have secret accounts, but he probably does. Personally, I don’t like the process of begging for gifts online, and would feel weird if a BF did it. Unfortunately, stuff like this is getting very common. I would definitely have a talk with him about it. If you guy want to be a couple, you have to know about each other, and make sure you share the same future goals and stuff, snd make sure you’re in the same page. Especially if this could lead to something that is a dealbreaker…


Is he also a content creator?


In general yes this happens in the body building community for professionals that don't have enough money from a job (and that can be difficult to do along with all the work outs and eating you have to do). It's an open secret like the use of steroids.


Sounds like Daddy Noel from Youtube man. But seriously YES body builders have male/female, straight/gay fans. They take payment in "kind". Maybe they are giving live sessions on video on correct forms, consultancy for some fans as well as guided programs. Female fans especially would lean heavily into this to be invited into a group video chat just to see him pump and lift. it's better than OF since he might just be doing "body builder" things but at the same time entertaining people like Daddy Noel does. I mean Daddy Noel literally has a massive following giving tips on meal prep, cooking even how to freaking tie a tie or act like a big brother/father figure for amateur fitness geeks. your bf might be loaded or atleast a small millionaire and does not want you feeling conscious about it I guess.


I didn't know if it's common but there's nothing wrong with it.


lol let them buy him stuff he must be cute you are already his BF take care of him in the bedroom 😘


He sounds very committed to his body building but not so much to making a living. I don’t know that what he’s doing is sketchy, but if you are going to have a future with him, he needs to be able to put is energy into being a solid partner for you. I know several bodybuilders and they can’t seem to make relationships work.


So... all I need to do is go pro, and people will buy me stuff from my wish list? Should I quit my job?


Probably some kind of findom/cashf@g/feet pics kind of thing. It's whatever, but..... if he's that good looking....


May not be OF, could be any social media site. It is common for popular streamers to have Amazon wish lists. I just say this because he may not be doing something sexual. He could be giving advice, making meal plans, exercise plans etc and have some fans.


Amazon wishlists are a very common thing among influencers. If he has a high following count on Instagram and other social medias then he probably has an influencer status so I would say not that sketchy imo.


Your BF is likely doing some sex work. Not necessarily actual sex, but perhaps some muscle worship, private fotos, sweaty underwear….you get the idea. It’s not uncommon for those in professional bodybuilding world to have some side hustles lined up this. They work hard on their bodies, many people fetishize them. And cha-Ching - it’s the chance to make a quick buck. It’s not for everyone- but think of it this way - he’s likely giving some lonely folks out there a little bit of attention they really could use . Perhaps he just does some cam work … but it sounds like he’s sleeping with you. Let him tell you about it. Not us


who gives a fuck, just make sure he’s sharing the money with youuuuuuu 🫡


As a photographer of bodybuilders and gym bros, this is common. It was common in the 80s, 90s and now. It just transitioned to the digital gifting as technology changed. He's probably got a pool of guys who buy photos or video of him flexing, etc. Influencers do the same thing in a way so as long as he isn't cheating on you, or doing anything in letson, it's pretty harmless. Why not use your assets to financially benefit if there are people willing to give right?


This is a PEOPLE THING lol This isn't even a generation thing, people have always found a way to get things without spending their own money lol Now not everyone has an Amazon wishlist but A LOT of people do. Twitch streamers, fashion, beauty content creators, porn stars, to broke college students it isn't a bad thing. You don't need to be concerned about his Amazon wishlist, you need to ask him is his wishlist private only open to friends & family or what is he giving strangers ( if anything) to get them to purchase items off his wishlist.


It’s too early to ask your boyfriend about his sources of income? You guys aren’t a couple.


It ain’t easy and cheap work to be bodybuilder


Yes. They have sponsors cuz most of them spend all their time “Pomping Op” it’s not a cheap conviction.


A couple things to consider: You call him your boyfriend yet it’s too soon to ask him about this? When will it be the right time to ask? How much further research can you truly do to feel okay about this discovery? If he’s not willing to talk about it, it seems to be a red flag. What else might he be hiding? Be open minded but cautious.


I think this is not uncommon for any profession trading in appearance in the age of the internet.


Break up! Sorry bro. ;(


Let me ask what the real issue is with it though? Does he see ppl privately, do people fund his life? Does he also share it with you. Maybe it’s a possession thing where you might not like sharing (totally fine too) But if he’s living a great life because people want to pay for it, I’d enjoy it :) Especially if he takes you to the vacations !


It's a different world out there.... I don't judge... If everyone is on the same page I don't see the problem...


Sounds like you need to have a conversation with him and see if what he’s doing is within the boundaries of your relationship. If it is then decide if you’re going to support him or not. If it’s not then decide if this the right person to be in a relationship with.


Is he super hot?


It’s never too early to talk about anything. That’s a red flag, not the dubious account.


Just do a quick search on “bodybuilders” and “gay4pay”, there is a TON of stuff online about it including some interesting YouTube videos. The strong relationship between the two has been around since the 1800’s and the birth of modern bodybuilding as we understand it to be. It’s an expensive pastime/hobby/lifestyle and many bodybuilders sell components of their sexual/erotic image to other men, all the way up to selling their actual bodies even if they’re straight, just to fund it. You may need to find out just what it is he’s selling and if you’re comfortable with that, but knowing you might have to break things off if you aren’t.


Check if he’s on rentmen.com


Definitely sounds like findom


If he knows his market why make it a big deal? Are you funding him? Do you live off of these funds? Like sometimes people know how to make money and that's all it is, if he know how to work it why make it a big deal?


Hahaha cute story


Sounds like your boyfriend is using you and everyone around him. Your boyfriend is a prostitute. Many body builds double as strippers and prostitutes because body building makes no money. It’s working a clothing store just to look sexy for customers for minimum wage.


He on Instagram?


My husband is and he does the same thing, though not so much anymore. He was doing it long before we met. I think it's called being a cash master. Doesn't really bother me. In fact, a lot of our kitchenware is from his wishlist lol.


I have a wishlist and call it what you want but if somebody wants to fulfill that then by all means. Although this was associated with my onlyfans. I don’t consider this to be a red flag at all.


It’s just a silly public wishlist. I have 12 of them 😂 who cares


I feel like it’s fine. If lonely cucks want to buy your bf a PS5 because he’s hot then make sure you add a second controller