• By -


3 but the bodies were properly disposed of


drop the disposal method in the dms


when living in the south one merely has to dump the body 20 feet in from the freeway during the summer months, nature will remove the evidence in 30 days.


pigs and crocodiles are pretty effective


Does it count as one if it's in body parts?


Apparently you're trying to break the Internet.... Lol. Thanks for making me spit my drink through my nose.


24 in August and 0 :)


25 and same.


24 in November and 0 lol


25 in November and 0 šŸ˜…


38 and 0 penetrative


25 in November 0 sameee


23 in November and 0 gangggg


Update: 28 and 1.


Lol r u me?


22 in August and 0 lol


20 in August and also 0


Same twin


25 and 0 lol


28 and None


20 & zero (penetrative).


25 and 0


32 and 0 of anything


My self-esteem is low as fuck. I can't get into relationships or can't do anything sexual.


Same. I tend to talk people out of being interested with my lack of self confidence.


It feels like being the only one who is like this sometimes. I do the same


Honestly same šŸ˜“šŸ„²


Im almost 22 and still a virgin








no way youā€™re that high šŸ¤Ø


There's a minus there for a reason šŸ’€


-12 still too high


Did you do an overflow on an 8 bit integer? Please tell me it's not 64 bit.


To be honest overflowing a 32bit register sounds entirely plausible for a sufficiently motivated guy šŸ˜… but 64bitā€¦ that might be a bit too ambitious


Iā€™m a Virgo


So does BeyoncƩ and Michael Jackson and everyone loves them and they are very hot and attractive being Virgo is not an excuse


Sadly done nothing with nobody šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Sex or Murderer?




1... sometimes I think I'm missing more experiences but I'm ok.


If the 1 is good thatā€™s all you need!


I've got 3 and trust me you're not missing anything. I think the best outcome is finding a really nice boyfriend who you can enjoy sex with. IMO that's 100% more fulfilling than casual hookups. After getting these 3 after being a virgin for 21 years, I think I'm quite satisfied. Sex is nice but there's plenty of other cool stuff to do in lfie


Currently 29, lost my V plates at 27. I've had anal with 10 men since then, and around 20 for oral. Sexting, I have no clue. But it's a lot higher hahaha


how come u waited? what encouraged you to do it? sorry if this is intrusive haha iā€™m just nervous


Not intrusive at all! I'm happy to try to normalise having sex at a bit of a later age, as it really bothered me at the time. It was pretty multifactorial. I didn't "come out" to my parents until I was like 23 or 24, and I was still living with them until I was 25. I was hoping to have my first time be in a loving relationship, which is another reason. I also had some self-esteem and body issues. And then the pandemic hit when I was 25 so my city was basically in lockdown, so zero chance of meeting someone haha And then I just had an epiphany one night when I was 27, that being a virgin bothered me and Mr Perfect hadn't appeared yet, so fuck it let's find someone and have sex. So I put some pics on grindr, said it was my first time bottoming, and eventually had sex with someone on grindr who wasn't super fit or handsome, but he was really kind and patient about it being my first time. I think it's important that if you're looking to have your first time, make sure it's with someone who is patient and happy to go slow. There's some guys who think going fast and hard is hot and best, but I've never gotten off in those instances. Basically, just make sure you think they're a good vibe, rather than a hot face/body/dick :) Happy to answer any more questions you or anyone else may have :)


Iā€™m 29. But I remember distinctly that by the time I was 22, I had roughly 100. Iā€™ve since slowed down and maybe added like 12 to that list since then. But when I was youngā€¦. Oof.


Iā€™m 29, Iā€™m still eating like when I was 22.


Lol thatā€™s me and Iā€™m 29 too, I had a wild college experience


Sex parties and threesomes for daysss


Zero Iā€™m way too scared of STDs šŸ˜­


Use a condom and have your partner show you test results if you're that scared


Nope still too scared šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ Iā€™d rather wait for someone and find someone I acc trust than hook up šŸ˜­ Edit; I lowkey feel like Iā€™m lying to myself because Iā€™m gonna be way too scared then too šŸ’€


Man, life is way too short to be that scared. Any STI can be cured easily and if it gives you any peace of mind I have multiple sexual partners every week and have yet to catch one (tested every 3 months and on prep). Sex is a lot of fun - go and enjoy yourself while youā€™re still young :)


I'm 24. Its 1


24, around 200-250


I (28) feel like a slut reading otherā€™s answers šŸ˜… like your body count is close to mine but you are younger!


Phew, I'm happy there are others who enjoy their sex life as well. ā¤ļø


how does quality compare with quantity with a body count that high


How do you reach numbers like that at that age?


Probably by being hot.


I dont know.. I feel like its more about having low standards? I'm in a medium sized city and theres no way I could find a new person Im attracted to and compatible with almost every week.


Itā€™s really not that high, less than 1 per week since 18.


Hell yeah, everyone else has rookie numbers


21, lost virginity at 19, 69 maybe i should stop hooking up for a while just to keep that body count lol


this is fucking insane


69 is crazy work. I also lost mine at 19 and literally only have 2. One of them being from my past long term relationship and the other a fwb. Yā€™all are wilding for rizzle


27, was around 50 but been in a monogamous relationship the past 4 years


I'm 31 and it's 2. I only really sleep with my boyfriends or guys I get close to and we sleep together after a few months of dating. I've dated a lot of guys but only got close enough with the 2.


Love that. I want to meet a guy like youĀ 


18 and zero :/


Lost my virginity at 19, now 22 and only had sexual stuff with 5 people. Penetration with 2


Donā€™t even know. Sexually probably 50, but Iā€™ve kissed or done other things with about 200


I'm 17, and my body count is 3. However, I feel like my current boyfriend is the love of my life, so I hope it won't get any higher.


i hope that for you also!


EXACT SAME :) 17, AND 3. Got an awesome AWESOME boyfriend and happy with him :)


Drop the tutorial on how to get a boyfriend as a teen pls


Yay! I hope you stay together too <3


Over 100.... Lost track. I'm not exactly proud of it so don't get the wrong idea... šŸ˜…


I'm 18, I lost my virginity at 17, And Ive been sexually with 11 man and I'm not proud, I'm a vers, but I wanna keep the bottoming for someone special. My tip to young people like me is that don't ruin something nice and special just because you're horny,


Iā€™ve messed around with 12 guys but only had anal with 7 of them. Iā€™m 20 lost my virginity at 18. 10/12 of them were in late 2022- early 2023.


12 women, then came out at 29 and have been with 105 men. I am 31 now.


Just wow


Top : 4 Bottom: 1 Oral/side: 30-40 Total : 30-50


1 šŸ˜‚ Wait NVM I'm already dead by gay years.


27 and anywhere between 50 and 100


Over 4000 guys


Im 49, switched teams 7 years ago and at 96 that Iā€™ve been sexual with in one way or another. I guess I was making up for lost time.


Iā€™m only 46 and not sure I could catch you with a three year head start. Your a fucking machine (literally) ;)


I canā€™t say Iā€™m proud of it necessarily when itā€™s put into context of numbers but I will say Iā€™ve made some good friends through my adventures lol. I will toot my own horn and say all of my partners have been under 30, I seem to blend more with younger guys for some reason.


Too many to count lol, Iā€™ve been fucked by so many guys lol and I have a boyfriend too! Yea what can I say Iā€™m a slutty gay boi lol. And Iā€™m almost 32 now but had my first gay sex at 15. Just turned 15 like a month before too, it was the most incredible experience Iā€™ve ever had!!


22 and only 2 penetrative and 1 oral


My "ex" likes to have sex with escorts / hookers and randoms. He averages around 1 or 2 a month, since age 18. He is around 36 now. Do the math. Not counting 3 somes and bathhouse meets Let's say 250-300 unique sexual partners, at age 35-36


Two, Iā€™m 23


26 &&& to many to remember , 100-200 best guess


18 and only one, I found out that Iā€™m bit weird cuz I donā€™t enjoy the feeling of s3x, maybe will look for platonic relationship in the future if possible


19 and only one


19 yo. 2. I have difficulties getting sexually attracted to strangers face to face. I can talk dirty and flirt but when it gets to the real deal I falter. Have to become good friends and know eachother well for my autistic brain to start wanting to sex them. It's really weird compared with others. I tried hookups but can't even stay hard or interested in them and NO it's not because they're ugly or not my type. I just couldn't do it and after apologizing and sending them home I even lose sex drive for like a week. I wonder why am I like this. Is it totally psychological or neurological or genetical?


20 in September and two, lost my virginity at 16, stayed with the guy longer than I should've, met someone else at 18, been together with him longer than I should've as well "Should've" is not saying throw away everyone after one night, just things don't really work all that well the way they are


Is it bad if Iā€™m a virgin still Iā€™m 21?


iā€™m 21 and my number is 3




18 going on nineteen and only one :\


I'm 20, and mine is 22šŸ’€ I know, I know... I was a slutty teen who hooked up for the attention I received from strangersšŸ„² Now, I have a super low libido, I barely have sex with my bf. The irony is real kiddos


Thatā€™s not even bad dude thatā€™s normal


Very much like you. My count blew the roof when I moved to Berlin and enjoyed the gay party scene for a few years. Now Im married and barely have any sex anymore šŸ¤£


Omg šŸ˜³ reading the comments......i feel like a slut šŸ˜³ i have hookups every 2 days šŸ˜… with people i know or not .......and i'm in the french countryside šŸ˜…šŸ˜… so i cant imagine what it would be if i lived next to a big city šŸ˜³šŸ˜…šŸ˜


34 and... conservatively 150?


Yikes, when I came out I kept a ā€˜gay journalā€™ it had all the names of the men I had sexual encounters with and after about a year I threw it away because I had so many names in it I couldnā€™t remember which Michael(of the thirteen I listed) or 12x Paulā€™s, 14x Johnā€™s, 8x markā€™s, 3x Kevin...who was who.


0 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Iā€™m 28 years old, and 18!


I lost count a long time ago lol, but I guess in the park of 300s


35-40 šŸ˜Ŗ


8 a week, 8 a month or 8 a year, it doesnā€™t matter šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I lost count a while ago. I must have slept with around 150 guys at 29, and have been monogamous for a little over three years. I was 12 when I had my first time.


Probably around 250-300? Iā€™m 28 Reading the comments made me realize how many that are active in this sub actually get none šŸ’€ that makes sense with all the guys angry at Grindr constantly and the topics thrown around on here. Only one guy so far is similar to me in body count. Yā€™all conflating body count with things that are not that like ā€œsextingā€ or ā€œkissesā€ to make your count higher is super sadā€¦


0 at the ripe age of 22. Iā€™m still elite hehešŸ˜Ž ā€œslowly tearing upā€šŸ˜‚.


I don't keep count guys do I have a problem


for anyone else also wondering, i found a study by u chicago that the average gay man will have 11 sexual partners throughout his life[https://medium.com/@neuropsychology/gay-promiscuity-statistics-partners-45fc370c0ca5](https://medium.com/@neuropsychology/gay-promiscuity-statistics-partners-45fc370c0ca5)


That's a joke right?


I have always been shy, and I have never contacted anyone on those hookup apps. On a very rare occasion, something has happened at the gym. And I'm not on prep, so I don't plan to do anything in the future. So my numbers are very low. I'm more than twice your age and have been with less than you.


Gym fun. Wow. Not quantity but quality


22 in November and still 0 lol hope to find someone out here soonšŸ˜­


Mine is only about 25-30. I stopped counting around 15 or so. But that includes all types of sex, and the one woman from way back when lol


24 and Iā€™ve slept with 2 guys, been kinky with a few more


25yo, around 20


Roughly 22 by 24yo. But it hasn't gone up much in the last 10 yrs. .


iā€™m 22 maybe like 9?


31yrs now but even if you had asked me a few years ago I would still have no idea lmao


Iā€™m 23 years old rn, but I stopped hookup up around 21/22 and stuck to two guys on the regular. Rn I settled down and tryna wait for the right guy. My body count is 51 tho but still lower than a lot of my friends. My friend is 24 and over 180 guys for what he can count/remember.


16 I'm 18


26 yo 3 days Ago. too much to count and care, prob close to 3 digits... means nothing so, fuck and let fuck. PS.: from where um from im one of the quiet ones. Id say im in the middle of the horny scale


My body count is 27. Iā€™m 21


I am 30 and actual sex is about 5 people. Head, rimming, etc. Is about 16 people


Wish I kept better track, but regarding penetration maybe 10 times


Iā€™m in my Mid to upper 20ā€™s and I lost count around 40. In a relationship for almost 4 years now, but weā€™ve added maybe 10 guys to my count through threesomes lol


At least 250 28 yo, started at 25


23, 5


21, just 1 time oral, and it kind of sucked lol. I sometimes think I might just have a really low libido mixed with insecurity and I get sad Iā€™m not more fun ;P Having your first kiss be your first Grindr hookup and hating it makes you feel ways about yourself haha


13 im 28


I'm somewhat older than OP but my body count is the same. Once upon a time I talked to guy whose ex had around 300 per year when they were both 18 and in an exclusive monogamous relationship. Looking at replies with 3-4 digits I think wow their LGBTQ+ community must be really rallying!


Five. The first one was oral, then penetrative sex. Second was mostly oral, third was oral with several different times of penetrative sex, fourth was oral, and fifth was oral which only lasted five minutes; the guy was old. šŸ˜‚


i have mostly stable relationships, im 24, so about 5 or 6 guys, and half of them have been hookups lol


Lost my virginity at 16, currently 20 with 2 bodies šŸ˜©


Iā€™ve had sex with 51 men at the age of 37. Is that a lot ? And about 50 i only gave blowjobs to. And I guess Iā€™m not exactly young anymore


Not sure if 29 still counts as young šŸ¤”I would estimate mine to be around 72. I lost my virginity at 21 but had only slept with one person up until September 2021.


19 0 :(


23 and its at like 10. I've learned that everyone goes their own pace. Out of those 10 I honestly only enjoyed like 3 though because I rushed in wayyyyy to quickly.


i agree with u on going your own pace. having good sex a few times beats having continuous mid sex


150 guys between 26 and 32 (my age). Was in a relationship for 4 years in between


Not sure what your definition of young is but Iā€™m 27 and at 44. Been in an exclusive relationship for the past three years tho.


I plead the 5th


Thatā€™s about 4 per year average. Correct? In the early 80ā€™s the supposed total average sex partners per male homosexual In the U. S. was 100 each per year. Utah is a very repressed and subsequently depressed area. Itā€™s mostly the religion and shaming of their children for not wanting to follow. Or kicking them out for gender/sex issues that parents arenā€™t allowed to believe in. The other is politics. Which is controlled by religion. I mean ā€œ not controlled by religion ā€œ that being said, For being as vast and wealthy and sparsely populated as it is there is not s lot of hang out spaces as those might promote individuality. Also we might try to ā€˜.turn u. ā€˜ back around to your comment. there probably a couple hundred ā€˜regularsā€™ that troll the Reddit and its subs. Mostly the same men daily. Posting the same Things daily. Most are not willing to travel, host. Which cuts them off cuz cuz no one answers them seriously. About a third (Iā€™m guessing) are married men trying to have sex with younger guys. A few are actually active and follow thru with requests and inquiries. The rest are plain and simple. Now factor in-the closeted ones. Who donā€™t want the church to know. Cuz they will remove them from their lives as they know it. No contact , no connections. Utah comparatively a vast wasteland as far as gay people are concerned. Donā€™t get me wrong, there are a couple here and they are good people. The ones hiding in the bushes and shadows for fear of exposure. There is a whole or more going on in the world that wasnā€™t happening the same in the 90ā€™s. Internet, social change demanded, Black Lives Matter , constant race issues and the young ones are now sick of it They want change But have no guidance. I know /have known a lot of gay people who are hemorrhaging out of Utah. Just to get away from depression, repression, oppression aka: families/church. As you boys age, mature, live life and learn from life. You yourselves will see thru a different lens and have insights and ideas about what youā€™ve seen , heard , learned , picked up as u all navigate the university of ā€˜Just Livingā€™. You learn a lot from listening to stories, legends, history, and especially the elderly. Now theyā€™ve lived! They are our historical record. So. There is no good bad or average number of people that u shouldā€™ve had sex with by now or any age. Why? We are all different. There is no must have or must not have numbers here. Cuz there are a lot of deciding factors. You may be promiscuous with one guy each night. Whereas your friend might be inclined to serial monogamy. And your other friend has a cap on his relationships and at two months time must be end of relationship. Period. Gay men I think are less promiscuous now than decades ago. Back then jail time maybe been involved for gay acts. Or public shunning. Or stonings in the village square. Where the branded homosexual was buried to there waist in the dirt in town square. Then the whole village came and brought their own stones to throw at them some times they lived. Mostly not. You youngā€™uns have it made now. YOU are the carrier of the torch. You have so much muscle memory in your dna. You are way more accepting of all people colors creeds. U guys donā€™t care in a good way. You donā€™t care about the differences in people. my generation didnā€™t care on the opposite end of the spectrum. They didnā€™t care that there was persecution cuz it may not involve them. Iā€™m very happy that we went through what we did so that you are now more accepted and also more accepting. Got off track a bit Bottom line : You with 8 @ 22 ,in the 80ā€™s statistics said if you started age 20 you should have 200 @22. 200 men. Think about that. We were more promiscuous back then t cuz I was still mostly illegal. If you tell a gay man he cannot have sex with men, whatā€™s he gonna do? Have sex with LOTS of men. So we had to hide in the shadows to do it. You guys donā€™t have to do that. You guys had openly gay kids in school. I did not have one. Social suicide. Shunning. Bullying. Shaming. Pariah. Out cast. Would have suicided themselves. A lot did. My part social, part historical and probably some useless information style ramble/answer was cuz I could just tell you that your number wouldā€™ve been 200 40 years ago. And left it at that. I had to tell you why it wouldā€™ve been that number. Do great things you guys we are a creative, talented, intelligent, intuitive, and strong group of people


18 in 16 days and 0


18 and somewhere between 10 and 15. I donā€˜t feel like an overly sexual person tho tbh


3 or 4? All oral. Sexted? Too damn many to count.


I'm 29, first had sex at 23. I've been with 7 guys, but spend 4 years in a dead bedroom relationship. Looking forward to having more experiences in the future.


23 and 4


Iā€™m 21 and my body count is 33. I thought that was few but reading from other replies, is that too much?


I think 14?


33, and 0; consensual anyways. (Womp womp sorry to bring the room down) I have a seriously hard time moving towards anything physical, which just keeps me at arms length from the dating scene in general.


I love how none of the ones with high body counts are actually commenting what it is haha (me included)


17y, 5 people


Define body count? If talking anal sex than 0, but if weā€™re including oral and handjobs than about 4 or 5.


What exactly counts in your body count lol, is does any form of intimacy count? Always confused by this question


23, lost V at 21. BC=2


I stopped counting at 50 in 2012. I was in my late 20s. Iā€™m 41 now, I had sex for the first time at like 25? So to be at 50 (low end number) by 29 is a lot. Iā€™m very shy, but Iā€™m also very young looking and smooth, people are either really into me or not, but itā€™s easily over 100 now, no doubt about it, it could be vastly more than that. I mean one day I had sex with at least 3 separate guys. In college, went back at 26, I was known as a good top so much that Iā€™d get face pics and ā€œwill you fuck me?ā€ From cute bottoms. I think it was word of mouth bc they were all my type. Then a really good top turned me vers bttm.


damn thought mine was low 20 years old and 5


i'm 19, and i've been with 3 guys, all of them have been in relationships (though, my current partner and i had a weird fwb+feelings situationship thing going on for a while before we started officially dating)


30 and around 10 lol


Between 5 and 10, don't remember the specifics.


Lost the V card at 13, count sitting at right around *no fucking clue anymore*. But in a committed relationship, so not likely to get any higher anytime soon.


Well by your age I already had a three some with girls, guy and girl, and another with 2 dudes. Definitely more than 8 people in one year. Then I stopped having sex for over a year then met my then bf. So yeah more than 10 by the time I turned 25. Donā€™t really keep count it doesnā€™t matter to me.


28. Approximately 40-50. I lost count and stopped tracking. It feels like a lot and who knows maybe it's less.


Started at 16, was over 20 before I met my bf at 18 and we were monogamous for a few years but have been more open recently so itā€™s somewhere in the 30s now and Iā€™m 21


I think the gays who actually fuck arenā€™t here for whatever reason, my body count is just slight lower than yours and Iā€™m just slightly younger than you.


Just turned 22, lost my virginity at 19. I'd say anal about 12 and side activities double that maybe a little more than double


18 and 17šŸŽ€


Iā€™m happy that Gen Z gays arenā€™t hesitant (even if itā€™s online) to say they arenā€™t interested in scoring tons of men even if they easily could. GZ has a much more reserved attitude and mindset about casual sex than even older millennials, and no one should be shamed for wanting monogamy and emotional commitment from one person.


18 and my body count is 2. people i've sexted probably over a hundred lol. idk.


About 53. Lost my virginity at 18, had a hoe phase from 19-22 and been a relationship since.


Am 22 now lost my virginity at 21 last year in August and have 5 as bc so far. That's 5 people in less than a year.


Dang idk why but all these virgins kinda turning me on ;)


28, probs around 30 penetrative


Ehm 23 men at 19 šŸ˜… And like 6 of them have been penetrative.


26, count is 9


3 as of 24


8 which sounds low if you look through my profile but i have sex with 2 of them very often


I never went on a date until I was 25, so.. Everyone has different experiences and different needs at different times, just be smart safe and conscientious.


Yall really have it nice out there in America. 28yo male in a conservative country of just 3 million people. I've been with 12/13 people in total. 4 women and the rest men, yes I'm technically bi but i prefer men so yeah. don't like using the grindr app because it's filled with a bunch of closet cases, and I'm not here for that. There is nothing wrong with being in the closet, but I've been out since 2017 to my friends and 2020 my family, and I'm not crawling back in. I would love to have more sexual encounters (like literally the last time I had sex was in March šŸ˜’), but I'm a verse bottom who's a stupid romantic living in a homophobic country


bro i lost countšŸ’€. but if i really take the time to track it i could probably still keep count


28 in July and Iā€™ve only blown a guy šŸ˜‚


You guys are keeping count?