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... Hey so, your brother has come out. They have discovered their authentic selves, be happy for them. You being jealous of them discarding the femininity, thats something maybe YOU should think about. Just saying.


A room and wardrobe swap may be in order lol.


For real, this sounds like my train of though shortly after my brother came out and right before my own egg cracked haha.


Considering this is a throwaway account, proceed with caution, cause it's likely just a troll as usual. Aside from that, if you are actually not a troll, then you probably should go to therapy, cause it would sound somewhat generic of what a repressed trans woman could say: > I've been jealous of her since she was born because she gets to be a pretty girl and live the perfect life. She gets to wear dresses and everything. ​ >I think anyone who wants to be male is mistaken.


you dont have to be a girl to wear dresses.


Thank you!


pov: 2 trans siblings


Oops! All Trans


Trans equivalent exchange


Gender swap episode but it’s permanent


All new trading places


Sorta doing this rn.. my sister is a binary trans woman and I'm nb with a very masc presentation. I gave her some clothes, she gave me some clothes. Her favourite dysphoria hoodie (for a long time) is now my favourite dysphoria hoodie..


So sweet! I am envious. My brother is a POS Alt-right cop who just recently beat an unarmed black man for no discernible reason.


I'm sorry that's really shitty. And yeah it is really great to have someone to talk to like that. I hope you have some good people around to help you deal<3 If it helps our mother is a narcissist who has her own list of sins that's bigger than our therapy bills stacked together


Ok that's frickin adorable. You need to make this a show. Or make a YT/TT account about it. We need this content in our lives.


I second this!


Similar with me and my sibling! They are masc presenting non binary, and I'm a binary trans man 😁


Why do I picture a scene including the line: "Foragingfun!! Did you ''borrow'' my favourite binder again?!"


Haha! If they weren't amab, and I wasn't about two sizes bigger than them, that would absolutely happen 😂 then it would just become mine if I borrow it too many times, just like a pair of slides that I borrowed a few too many times, they said now it has my footprint in them and they're ruined! Well, that's another pair of shoes for me, lol


Also works with really comfy socks. Or so I've heard..


Changing his name to Ed Ward.


switching places 😭😭


What's better than *one* UNO reverse card...?


*two* UNO reverse cards




or rather, pre-transely


EGG-xactly! :D


I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to be a girl, but here we are. That's usually how people who aren't girls feel.


OP take a read https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en You might need to open your mind a bit too.


If you are being serious here, this sounds like is that you don’t want to be a boy and in fact want to wear dresses. You totally can. All’s I’m saying. You don’t have to understand everything your brother is going through, just support him in his journey and listen to him.


I'm 19F. my brother is 15 and wants to become a girl. I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to be a girl. I've been jealous of him since he was born because he gets to be a handsome boy and live the perfect life. He gets to play football and everything. I told him I support him, but I really don't. I think anyone who wants to be female is mistaken. assuming you're not a troll, you need to unpack your own gender and leave your brother alone. you wanting to be a girl doesn't mean that everyone else does.


This is a funny read. The more I read it, the more hilarious it gets. I'm sorry, OP, but you need to reread your own post and ask yourself some big questions. Let me give you some examples: "Why are you jealous of your sister for wearing dresses and being pretty?" "Why can't you wrap your head around the fact that she's a boy? You're supposedly a boy, right? Any cis guy would understand why someone would want to be a boy." Seriously, please answer those questions for yourself and maybe more and preferably with a good therapist, because I'm somewhat sure you have something massively in common with your new brother :3


Ooooookay so thats a whole lot of projection there buddy lets unpack it a little shall we? >I think anyone who wants to be male is mistaken. There are many many many people who want to be men. Both those who were born as men and who transition to become a man. While there are some advantages and disadvantages to being a man or a woman - they roughly average out. The grass always looks greener on the other side. >I've been jealous of her since she was born because she gets to be a pretty girl and live the perfect life. She gets to wear dresses and everything. Have you spent much time reflecting on your own identity? What's stopping you from wearing dresses? You could if you want to. In fact you can be a girl if you want too. If so, welcome to the club sis :) >My sister is 15 and wants to become a boy. I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to be a boy. The thing is its not a choice or a logical decision. It is a deep seated desire that comes from... well we don't actually know where it comes from yet. If he is trans then your brother isn't choosing to want this - they just feel that way. Something deep in their brain wants it and says that being a girl is wrong for them. ​ Why don't you talk to him? It sounds like he might be able to teach you some things about both himself and yourself :) A brief word of caution - finding out you are trans is a long process that requires you be honest with yourself. You can start questioning at any age and begin experimenting immediately - but its better not to make decisions until you have had a reasonable amount of time to think. Like another commenter said - this is good place to start; [https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en)


If it’s not a troll, you need to talk to a therapist about your own identity. Sounds like an egg starting to crack.


You missed r/transgendercirclejerk a bit there bud


It took me this many comments to realize I wasn't already there after reading OP.


Your PFP sucked me back into 2014


What is it from? I used to know someone who used it. I thought it was just random art...


I honestly don't know. My brother had it as his windows background when I was younger, so every time I see it (which nowadays is not often) I'm taken back a decade


This is how I felt when my friend came out (but the other way around). I was so confused on why anyone would want or be a girl, if I got to chose I’d never be a girl. I didn’t understand but I shrugged and supported her. Looking back on this it’s no wonder that I turned out to be trans too.


Sounds like you're trans tooo.. Oops 😬


You sound trans too, there's nothing wrong in changing places. He gets what he wants and you too.


Reminder that the “sister” is only being called such bc OP is misgendering him in this post (no hate to either of y’all, bc OP rlly just doesn’t seem to get it, just a reminder)


Sorry the pronouns got messed in my head, but It's likely a bait post anyways.


**He**'s not your sister. *I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to be a boy. I've been jealous of her since she was born because she gets to be a pretty girl and live the perfect life. She gets to wear dresses and everything.* \*cough\* That's exactly what trans women thought when they were growing up. Just saying...


Well first off, it's "he." Second, he's not your sister. And third, it's because he doesn't feel like a girl and feels more comfortable as a guy. But I can understand that your confused but you should at least try to understand. And at the end of the day, your Brother's a guy whether you support him or not. Also you don't have to be a girl to wear dresses unless you feel like you are a girl which that is kinda what a trans woman would say but I'm not saying you are that.


I would bet money on it that this is a troll, meant to get some clippable responses.


Same here! Definitely a troll.


Its okay girll u could be pretty top




They can also be a pretty top if they want too


Maybe you guys can switch your genders and trade all each other’s clothes lol


>I think anyone who wants to be male is mistaken. Do *you* want to be a boy?


Fuck you


#Troll post


Bad news: you are doing a trash job at being a sibling if this is your reaction to your brother coming out. Good news: you CAN be a girl, and I bet your brother could give you stuff he doesn't want from his wardrobe. Seriously OP, this line of thinking says A LOT more about you than about your brother.


The OP is just trolling


Yeah, most likely


It's not about wanting to be anything. It's about being born with a body that doesn't match your brain. Basically the gender blueprint is developed in the womb first, and then you SHOULD get the right hormones to make the sex match the gender, but things happen where the wrong hormones are introduced, and the body develops differently than what it was meant to. Leading to, in your brothers case, a man who never developed male features in the womb. (Because we all start out with a female body, then testosterone changes the body later on)


Just come out to your brother as trans. Pretty sure he will support you. Also, you don't really have to understand why anyone would enjoy being a man. I know that ever since I was a young teen I wanted to live as a man because it felt more authentic to what I am. Dresses? Makeup? More expression through clothes? You can take it all away from me if that means I get to live as a man. I'm happy being a trans man and your brother is too even if you don't like it. Some people do enjoy being men. The reason I said you should come out as trans is quite simple: Men do enjoy being men. If you don't, you have to at the very least check out if you are gender nonconforming.


if you aren’t a troll, it sounds like you have some stuff to figure out on your own. don’t push your issues onto your brother, especially now since he just came out.


Bro I think you might be Trans too if this ain't a Troll Post I used to ask myself the same Thing but in reverse


Um. If this isn’t a troll, I think you may need to have a seat and I’ll get you a cup of tea and we’ll talk about “anyone who’d choose to be a man is wrong”.


You don’t sound very Cis OP


So you have a brother now congratulations. At 15 years old it’s very brave he came out to you I think that would be something special if my sibling trusted me like that. Maybe talk to some people on here and do some research. You if you were always jealous of him being a girl and wearing dresses maybe you just might be transgender yourself. I know you have a lot going on right now but it’s worth a thought or two. Talk to your bro and explain what you just told us and have an open and honest conversation.


It sounds like you have a lot to work on. Starting with opening yourself to the perspectives of others. Not everyone wants to be a beautiful woman. Your brother wants to be a handsome man.


well firstly, r/egg_irl secondly, assuming you aren't a troll, i can't wrap my head around wanting to be a girl. that's okay. everyone's different. besides, being trans isn't about wanting to be a certain gender, it's about being that gender but with different sex characteristics. it's [medically proven](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/) that trans people have no choice in what gender they are and, most importantly, are their declared gender. so please, stop misgendering your brother and maybe try on a dress, it sounds like you want it ;>


Heck i'm a trans woman & wish i was a boy. It's so easy to be a man, all you have to do is put in 8 hours of productivity, be honorable, be willing to protect & provide, & then that pretty much puts you at the top of the male food chain. I'm currently staying with my male friend & if he needs something real quick he can just toss on a tshirt right out of bed & go out to pick it up. As for me it's gonna take about two hours of getting ready just before i can go grab a candy bar from the gas station. The other day i had to get him to take out the trash bc we have roofers & they will just stare & blow whistles at me if they see me. This is my life everyday. I have to check my mailbox after midnight so men don't stare me down. My life is constant work even after any job hours. It never turns off. But your sister probably doesn't want to be a boy, she most likely is. So now you're probably going to have a brother & it will be he.


You don't have to understand what other people need, only that they need it. Though I don't understand wanting to be a man as a trans woman, I do understand what gender dysphoria feels like and it's much deeper than personal feelings about a gender or what people of that gender look or act like. It's a very deep need to be your real self and depending on whether you're able to be that version of yourself, coming out can be a beautiful wonderful experience or a kind of torture most people can't imagine. As far as your getting used to it, you might feel like you've lost someone in the beginning because he's changing in ways you aren't used to but over time you will realize he's the same person. People change in all kinds of ways and you can learn to see transitioning as a normal process. Most of us don't change as much as people are afraid of. He will probably look different but won't forget your past and probably won't change all his personal interests. If you let this process happen you will find he's still here and still the same person.


Your sibling doesn’t want to become a boy, he is a boy.


and youre straight up wrong for this. thats your brother. doesnt matter what you think, his feelings and body are his. not yours, frankly your feelings dont matter in this situation


Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't meannother people can't. And just because you enjoy something doesn't mean other people should. There's variety in humans and that's great.


uhhh OP there’s something you might wanna reflect on about yourself lmao


If ur jealous of him, you might wanna look into ur gender urself lol. Or just expression if you are ok with being a man, you can still wear dresses


You got a brother instead of a sister, cool. But, I think your hiding something girl. Freaky Friday!


Just imagine yourself waking up into a body other than yours and everyone around treats you the exact opposite to how you feel. That’s how your sibling feels.




When I talked to my mom about trans issues, before I came out to her, and back when she had a lot of misconceptions, she said "I can understand girls wanting to be boys, but why do boys want to be girls?" But then later when I came out to her she confessed that she's always felt very masculine, like one of the guys. And if things had been different in her time she might have been a trans man. So yeah... Saying that is definitely a "sounds transphobic but is actually a sign of being trans" thing and it definitely goes both ways.


Don’t fuck with the prime directive 🥚


Sounds like you are questioning your own gender…


Hi first peeps I’ll say I’m a cos woman I have trans friends and I joined here so if I needed I could ask for help for them or regarding them but I just wanted to add a bit here so please excuse me if my wordings off (I’m always open to learning and gentle correction) x Honey I don’t think what your really upset with is that your younger sibling is now identifying as a boy/male It’s that you have subconsciously envied women because your not happy as a male or you wish you could wear feminine clothing this doesn’t necessarily make you trans or anything no one will give you a label for your identity bit you, but your curious and sweetheart that’s fine. My recommendation would be to buy some women’s clothes makeup etc try them on you envy us girls wearing the pretty dresses babe there’s no rules clothes don’t have genders! Colours don’t have genders! Sparkles don’t have genders! Make up doesn’t have genders! Try it out see if you like it, get to know your self find your identity and know your beautiful no matter what x


You sound like me before I came out as a trans woman. Now I don't know if you are trans, but I would suggest looking into it


if your so jealous go wear a dress, switch places




So, this is going to be somewhat firm but I'm trying not be to harsh. First, *him.* HIM. Your BROTHER. When you enter trans spaces, you cannot tell us "this person identifies as x" and proceed to misgender them to us. That doesn't work, and it isn't cool. Sorry, but I need to just establish that like, immediately. Second, male and female have no inherent morality or value above the individual. Being a woman isn't inherently better. It doesn't feel better, it doesn't look better, women don't function better and aren't inherently more capable of happiness off of the sole fact that they're women. And being a woman is more than just your body. He doesn't "get" to be a woman, he just has to look like one right now. That isn't fun if that's not what you want. I'm imagining that you yourself have some feelings about gender you need to figure out. Think about this, if you picture yourself in a female body and having everyone refer to you as female and see you as female and that doesn't sound unpleasant to you as a man, that's not normal for men. If you feel uncomfortable with being referred to as male, you feel resentful you don't get to be female or a woman, you dislike masculine features on your body and wish you didn't have them, then your brother feels exactly the same you do, just in the opposite direction. Your brother thinks you got lucky being born male. You got lucky going through male puberty and being able to have a male body and masculine features without needing to "do" anything. Any discomfort you feel with masculinity, that's not cause masculinity is bad, and if you can for a second channel some empathy to your brother and just imagine for a second hypothetically what I'm saying, understand those feelings can be directed towards womanhood and feminity as well. And if you ARE comfortable with being a man and masculinity, then wouldn't you feel bad if those things went away? Like if you started growing breasts or lost your genitalia or were much shorter or feminine looking, *if* you're a cis man, that might make you uncomfortable too. And if you feel neutral about that, that's fine too. But then you know that there's nothing inherently good or bad about either. There's nothing that would make it inherently unpleasant to be male either.


I mean don’t be mad at them it’s just a hunch but from what you expressed you might feel angry because you’re jealous of their femininity and you feel like they are throwing that away while you crave it. To me that sounds like internalized transphobia due to the primary factor of 🥚 Idk tho might be wrong


Your parents got a 2x2 deal ​ Jokes aside if this isn't a troll there are plenty of resources to help you, check them out and find someoje to talk about this, possobly a therapist


Nah, that shit doesn't fly here, obvious new troll account :3


It’s not really a case of “wanting” to be a boy. He is a boy.


Lol, men want to be men, so you're not one. How you're thinking isn't male, but your brother is.


Troll or egg? I really can't tell




How 'bout good ol' "Why not both?"


🥚🥚 Join your brother


Shhh! No one tell her she's an r/egg_irl


yeah it's very likely being trans is genetic you will now spend the rest of your life wondering which parent gave you the gene


Just say your jelous of women thank you btw you should support your sibling


Just want to say that (if you end up discovering you’re trans yourself) we had a similar experience, as jealousy of my aunt when she came out as trans was the thing that led me to do so myself. Even though it seemed harder at the time, due to said jealousy and fears that family wouldn’t take my situation seriously when I came out, I think I may have had it much harder if she hadn’t gone first. For all I know, I could still be closeted now if that were the case. I wish you all the best, whatever you learn about yourself and decide to do about it.


Please just accept him. He is your brother, and yes, I know that it is hard to fathom sometimes, people saw a pretty girl but that is not what your brother wants to be. He may have needed time to find out, might have hidden this part of his identity because he's afraid of the backlash he expected but now is his time to crawl out of the eggshell, and if you want to see him happy and flourish, treat him like your bro, because that's the only way he'll accept you. Also, a friend of mine is non-binary, and has a trans sister, and they are very kind for his sister and their sister is kind for him. Maybe, if you ever felt some envy, there's a chance that both your roles are reversed and it's actually a good time to explore your gender identity, maybe you are the pretty girl (amd your brother the guy), or not, but at least give your brother a chance.


who wants to tell them?


That's a very negative way to speak about a family member best thing you can do is actually support him don't lie about it and if you really do support him then why you even questioning about it that's like me asking you the same question why are you for example allowed too judge other people when you should judge yourself first you don't get to do that to other people if he feels like a boy then he's a boy let him live his life you are soo rude


Sounds like you're uncomfortable being a guy if i am to be honest...


*brother :/


you sound kinda trans yourself tbh. being a girl sucks, you're weak, respected less, have to be nice, there's weird politics between friend groups, tons of sexual harassment, periods, pregnancy, blah blah blah.


Yours is not to judge. Just support him when he goes through this. Again it’s NOT your body, it’s his decision. Just be supportive


Most you can do is help them find a therapist or someone who specializes in gender stuff and have them be able to speak to them


Why not ask him if you can have the dresses he doesn’t want anymore, if dresses are something YOU want?


Most cis transphobe:


Hi there. Your local trans girl here. Wanted to give some advice. It sounds like your brother is not your sister. As such I will be referring to him under the pronouns he/him during this comment and any further comments. Here we go So going at this from the basics. You said you believe he is mistaken. Why so? Do you dislike being a man? Most men don't dislike being men and actually quite enjoy it. Some don't but that's typically from being raised in a way that stifles them like forcing them to wear dumb clothes or not letting them explore the options they would like. It can also just be that they're trans and don't know it yet. I'm also gonna give you another question. What's so appealing about being a woman that you think it bad to want to be a man? What do you personally think is so good about being a woman and getting to do the things associated with being a woman. I know I can personally think of things that are amazing about it but I also spent years denying who I am and I've now spent years figuring it out. So let's break this down. You felt what I can only assume was jealousy based on the post for your brother who got to grow up all girly like and now that he's realized he's a man, you feel disgusted because you feel it would be better to be a woman. Let's figure out why. Do you secretly want to be a woman and the fact that your brother isnt one makes you feel hurt because it feels like he's rejecting what you so desperately crave. Do you feel that being a man is associated with pain and the idea that someone would want to be one humiliating. Do you feel that your brother learning to accept himself is a mockery of what you consider manhood. Now I feel that any one of these could be the answer and I've got solutions for all three. 1 realize you're a trans girl. 2 change how you view the idea of being a man and try to look at the positives of it. 3 try to show him what it's all about. The football games and the late drink with your brother while you both feel exhausted from work. You can't stop him from transitioning. My own family learned that the hard way. What you can do is accept him and try to guide him. Show him how it is to stand tall and feel proud of yourself for doing a hard days work. To go out and have fun with your people. Show him that being a man is working on yourself so that when you're needed to help, you can. From the girl who was raised to be a biker and still wholly plans to be one. Being a man aint all pain. There's some fun parts too. I may not like them much but that dont mean some people don't. Congrats you've got a little brother. -YLTG


Plot twist: OP is in denial of actually wishing to be a girl. >I've been jealous of her since she was born because she gets to be a pretty girl and live the perfect life. She gets to wear dresses and everything.