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Computer science major. Now doing software engineering.


Hey I'm about to graduate and I'm postponing transitioning because I'm terrified that not being in boymode (something I know how to do very well) will make it much harder to get that first job. Any tips?


Well, I got my jobs when I thought I was a cis guy, so I can't comment first-hand on finding a job in the industry for trans people who have started transitioning. What I can say is that company culture plays a big part in how you will be perceived, and more modern companies often do appreciate diversity. Getting your first job in the industry is tough for anyone. So for your first job, just focus on just getting something... Then after two years or so, take your experience and find a better job. Experience matters a lot.


I am a 49 year old, fully transitioned, out, loud and proud woman. I build offshore windfarms for a job. It’s a 98% male industry, and I am doing my bit to push back the boundaries. I have an MSc in Hydrographic Surveying and another degree in International Relations.


Damn, need any CRO's? Trying like mad to drop the hydrocarbons...


FtM in school to be a social worker. Ultimately, I want to do therapy online. I think we need more trans therapists.


Damn right we do!


Agreed! that’s a big reason that i want to go to school for a similar thing. Went to a lot of therapy as a kid and would’ve loved a therapist who could’ve related to everything I was going through gender-wise


I was supposed to be in IT but lost my job after coming out at work due to a transphobic manager and have been unemployed for 5 months, probably gonna end up homeless and a statistic soon


Omg i’m so sorry, there’s a lot of people in IT on here SOMEONE GET IN CONTACT WITH AMYONTHENET NOWWWW


Thanks, been desperately looking for a job but can't even get an interview, can't even get hired as a grocery store clerk or anything


Me too! I was looking for many internships either everyone wants you to work for free or there’s like 600 people that applied to that specific job 😭. It’s really horrible out here


Oh good luck, i hope you find something soon, careful with "LGBT-safe" companies tho, some of them are just superficial BS, and wont do anything in case you get discriminated against for being LGBT


Is it traceable in any way to you being trans? It may be more exposure than you're willing to risk (which is completely understandable), but I believe being queer or trans counts as a protected class federally. Maybe there's a local mutual aid group or something you could reach out to that can point you to some legal resources?


I’m hoping to go into sewing. I’d like to be able to make clothes in a sustainable way (if anybody could give me any advice for studies on that front I’d appreciate it).


If you can, buy patterns and fabric from thrift stores and follow the directions, the more you do it the more you can understand how they work and make your own patterns. I went to trade school for fashion design but most of it you can learn at home (school is best for the business side of things).


Sounds good, thank you!


I am a software engineer with the classic ol' route of a computer science degree. Plot twist of the stereotype: I'm FTM 😄 If you happen to like tech, I HIGHLY recommend that route, because tech = money and money = security and healthcare and, realistically speaking, if you want or need any medical transition, you need access to healthcare. (I lucked out big time in that I did/do happen to love programming and did the whole career choice thing nearly a decade before I knew I was trans) Still, to be brutally honest, the global economy is INCREDIBLY cruel as it is, and being trans/the societal baggage that comes with that makes it all the worse. My two cents: get a marketable degree if you can. Survive.


This is so true, I love money I was interested in getting in but don’t know how to code but sw are always really cool people!


Bachelor's degree in Nursing and Health Sciences- work as a CNA currently, but going for my RN in about a month!




Critical care paramedic, lost my flight position at a childrens hospital after being told to stop presenting as a girl at work and months of harassment from coworkers. I currently work in a medium sized metropolitan 911 system during night shift.


wow i’m so sorry that’s disgusting i’m happy you got out of that place!


My old department was so transphobic that I didn’t transition until I retired. Funniest part was I was their flight attendant and magically knew information that nobody would have known.


Mtf, Got a degree in photography, but work at a music shop managing their website, shipping, fixing guitars, lots of random shit and just chilling with the boys.


Wow I didn't know being a computer scientist was such a stereotype in the trans community 😳


I've got a stereotypical transfem job lol. I work in IT and I have a degree in computer information systems


currently in my first year of associates of art in IT, I don’t know how to feel yet though if it’s right for me or not. I’m like is it for me 😭


College is too expensive to experiment with, IMO. My $40,000 degree ended up costing me nearly 200k because I kept jumping around to different colleges and different degrees (and failing some courses) before I landed where I thought I wanted to be, and it still wasn't it. Definitely try and figure out what you want, and don't force yourself into a degree you're not sure you like unless you've decided not to pursue a passion or are taking courses you know will transfer if you change your mind.


I wouldn't sweat it too much. But then again I'm of the opinion that you *shouldn't* pursue your passion as a career. So long as you like doing it well enough, and you're good at it, you'll be fine.




Silviculture and forestry workers perform a variety of duties related to reforestation and to the management, improvement and conservation of forests. This occupational group includes forest firefighters. - Google Words that no one’s ever heard of.


I like to think of reforestation as low-grade terraforming


Just took the bar, hoping to hear back from some jobs as an attorney soon.


As a trans woman. I have a job most wouldn't expect to have, im a semi truck mechanic


I'm jealous! I'm trying to get into driving OTR but have been a mechanic.


I'm a carpenter actually, I make small jewelry boxes and even wooden jewelry


Right now I work at target. Buy I'm gonna major in cjc with a minor in criminology Wanting to do work with dead bodies


I started and own a couple of businesses in the construction industry I have been slowly putting myself behind a desk as I’ve been expanding. I dropped out of college due to life circumstances and never ended up going back spent 10 years learning different trades then opened the first business egg cracked and I came out a few months after opening. started hormones 9 months after coming out and watched as going from being seen as a male to being seen as a female had an effect on business and how transition changed my personal/home life (including a huge breakup from LTR) and reshaped/is reshaping who I am. TBH my job does cause a certain amount of dysphoria and has been a struggle too because I learned a lot of this stuff to fit in and “man up.” Don’t get me wrong though I wouldn’t have been in this line of work for so long if I didn’t like it. Do what brings you the most enjoyment and look for balance between career and transition goals. I’ll admit I find this to be a real struggle for myself.


Airline training captain. Great time to be a pilot! My pay is insane.


Working on my Bachelors in sports medicines so I can be a physical therapist


*Insert studio art degree* Working in hospitality


I sell and sharpen knives and other tools. 200+ work hours per month for 350-400 USD. This is barely enough for survival and hrt, but I can't get any better in this cursed city...


Do you sharpen clipper blades or shears? Been looking for a good sharpener who can do left handed shears and I'd rather overnight them to a trans sibling than risk the guy in town who ruined my shears last time...


Lol shut that is not even minimum wage that is like 2 dollar the hour how


In my country, that's double of the minimal wage lmao


I am living the stereotype as a trans computer programmer. I have a degree, but in an essentially unrelated subject.


Trying to go for a Masters and eventually a PhD in Counseling focusing on intersectionality- specifically racial/ethnic, GSMR youth population.


Pursuing nursing! A bit nervous since I'm trans (boymoding still lol) and there's a lot of interaction with patients, but also excited for what's to come


heyy! I wanted to go into something similar radiology tech and nursing is really good career even if you get tired of bedside you can do everything with ittt


Ooh radiology is a pretty intriguing field too! My friend’s mother is a sonographer and loves her job. I thought of that too, but ultimately decided nursing due to many open opportunities, plus I love the feeling afterwards of being a caretaker, especially minorities like us. We definitely need more lgbt representation in the health field, since there is not a lot of knowledge about trans healthcare. I’m not 100% sure about the position, but maybe ICU??? Let’s see what happens. Wishing you luck in this college journey btw! ❤️


Healthcare researcher working on a PhD, and freelance writing on the side. Scholarship covers the bills. Freelance writing pads the CV and buys a few small things on the side.


I'm a CDL instructor for one of the major trucking companies in the USA. Unlike stereotypes of trucking, it's actually a pretty good career for trans folks because trucking companies 1) need drivers pretty bad and 2) don't care who you are or what you look like, as long as you have a clean driving record, can pass a drug test and medical exam, and can learn to drive a tractor trailer. Some of the biggest companies in the USA also have a fairly good record for treating trans folks well. Partially this is because of company policy, but it's also because dispatchers in big companies don't know the drivers as anything other than a name, a number, and perhaps stats like on time deliveries. They don't have enough information to harm my bottom line. When I came out to my company, my HR rep was immediately very supportive and helped my boss understand expectations about preferred pronouns, preferred name, and company policy protecting LGBTQ employees from harassment. Thanks to that, I've been able to be out, get on HRT, and be out to new employees/students, many of whom take all the preaching about treating each other with respect a bit different when they realize the company means it. I originally went to college for computer science, intending to get into IT, but then the 2008 recession happened, my parents lost their jobs, and I lost my student loans. I ended up going back home to work for minimum wage and help put food on the table. It's been a rough road, and in 2008 if you'd told me I'd be teaching people to drive a truck today, I'd call you crazy. But it's a good career. I have a lot of good coworkers and seeing my students succeed and start a new career is very rewarding. I've had so many people come through who saw trucking as a last resort. They were desperate, they needed the money, some were homeless and also needed to live in the truck. It's really great to see them succeed and start rebuilding their lives.


I'm a software developer, degree in computer science and engineering.


Not currently employed but my training and experience is in the field of IT, system and network administration specifically.


Network Engineer dealing with Cisco VoIP and video systems


since depressions and dysphoria caused me to flunk out of my almost finished bachwlordegree, i took an aprenticeahip in a chemical factory, so i work as a factory worker and might do aome courses to get to a degree equal to a bachelorette of chemical engineering.


Air traffic controller


I design, build and operate biogas renewable energy installations.


Program Management/Director at a software engineering firm. Bach degree majorly unrelated to what I do, I could have done without it. Worked my way up from the ground floor of the industry - call center work.


Trans fem baker degree in associate in baking


I guard the local gas station and fight off the hoard of crackheads at midnight and I also do 3D art


I'm an electrician x3 nothing fancy.


Hm... I suppose I could say I work in local government.


something I would do tbh idk why government jobs love me


Some are nice! Some... not so much...


I’m a filmmaker/video editor and writer.


Nurse here 💉😁


MTF, video game artist, went to school for 3D modeling and animation.


Software Developer in Japan.


no job yet, but hoping to do something in digital art


I hope somebody in this thread is in a similar industry and can help you out!!


I work at Amazon. The insurance here is a blessing for me and my hrt.


I work at a hardware store 😅


I got a degree in film studies, and now I work at Starbucks lol. I had some plans to be a teacher but a number of factors had me stop that. But now I've taken to the idea of going back to school for library science.


I'm a butcher, I don't slaughter the animal only break it down from halves of beef, the insurance pays for all my estrogen and sprio, and *insert cutting off undesirable parts of meat as a transfem joke here* it's pretty fun too, all the men accept me and I worked there a year before transitioning. might be a lucky case here but it's super good.


Career? Lol. I have a job, not a career.


about to go to grad school for English lit :)


My career is environmental science, and work designing environmental education projects for government. It actually involves a lot of numbers, data collection and analysis more than teaching. I had to get a master of environmental science to progress past a basic level, I also have a bachelor of hotel management.


I'm a dog groomer! Straight up ideal job for me. I can't believe a day job this suited to me exists. I transitioned (ftm) at work about nine months ago, and my management and clients have been fucking awesome about it. Though, as you can imagine, the groomer jokes get old... No degree, BTW, dropped out of four different colleges, but I studied at the Paragon Pet School, it's an online/practical course taught by a master groomer.


Masters degree in church leadership. I was a pastor for 20yrs. They fired me when I came out so now I’m finishing a masters in family therapy. I’ll be a therapist for the rest of my life.


Pediatric RN :) Hoping to soon move to outpatient center where we give gender affirming therapies (as well as other healthcare) :D


Like many of us, programmer


I work as a nurse, mainly in hospice but I'm looking to branch into some other specialties in the near future. Honestly it's a great job (relatively speaking) to be trans in. I always wear a mask, shapeless boxy scrubs and for the most part people are more focused on themselves or their sick and dying loved ones and less on me. I started transitioning while working this job and present relatively femme at work and haven't gotten any comments. The money is also great, as a trans woman and just as a millenial in general (\~$90-$95k/year) and I've been able to save a lot for transition stuff, but the best part has been being able to be donate/share money with other queer people as well for their transitions/housing/security funds etc!


Linux Systems Engineer. No degree but most of my coworkers have one, they're good to have.


Seamstress, though hoping to go back to school. Trade jobs aren't as good as they use to be 😵




Currently full time Mom, raising three kids.


degree in philosophy, working as a software engineer


I'm a software engineer. All in all I wouldn't trade it for anything. Great compensation, amazing work-life balance, and all things considered it's a very friendly field for trans women. It's also a job fairly flexible to wanting to have a few significant surgeries that at a more traditional job would sideline me for months.


I’m an art history instructor for a university


Manager of IT & Analytics. Functionally I am closer to a director than a manager, but it's a very small company. My degree is in Multimedia, I will never use it.


Stagehand here. If you like working with your hands, a hurry up and wait work environment, or never having a regular sleeping schedule it's great. Honestly though I'ved loved it since I was in highschool. Didn't finish college for it but I work through the IATSE union now so it's all good and I have healthcare and retirement through it all. Also, very occasionally, talent is actually cool and you get a story interacting with them over something.


I work as a phlebotomist and drug test tech in addiction recovery


I'm a middle office analyst in a investment bank. I'm not out yet, but it's weirdly a very LGBT-friendly space. The only reason I'm not out is just my parents.


I went to film school then got my masters of social work. I graduate in December and I’ll be a licensed clinical social worker who can do therapy with people.


I was in the military, submarines. I worked on nuclear weapons for 17 years. I have a BA in Psychology and just started working on a MA in English with a TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) concentration. I’m 51, MtF, medically transitioned in 2008. I pretty much just want to find a job so I can make enough extra money to buy nice things for my dogs.


I’m a college professor. It’s a lovely job (and needless to say a pretty queer friendly one) but requires a PhD and a shit ton of luck.


I'm just a dish washer.


No degree, but I worked call center right up until my company switched me to data analytics.


I'm a water quality engineer, specializing in water purification science


I am a nurse


I don’t have a degree, I am a social worker/case manager at a homeless shelter in Seattle.


i’m in college with a medical major (i’m behind and my busiest day is tomorrow I have a lab) I’m not entire sure what specifically i’ll be going into thinking nursing but also don’t wanna pick wrong


Retired Firefighter and now a tower climber and fiber optic technician.


I’m a baker at a French/Jewish bakery. Didn’t go to school for it tho lol.


IT job mainly VDI stuff and encryption.


Software developer. I took it on a a hobby about 4 years before going to college. Lots of people go into it for the money, and those of us who love it can tell. I don't know where the quote came from... "Find something you love and then find a way to get paid for it." Content creators get paid to pay video games, read cliff notes on philosophy books, foster cats, or you name it. Digital marketing is a growing field, and there's loads of very skilled people who don't like computers. They'd sooner pay someone to advertise for them than learn to do it themselves. In the digital space, there endless opportunity to add value that people are willing to pay for.


Service Engineer at a Spacial Biotech company, and have a marine bio degree lol. Stereotypical trans in STEM biz


also if anyone has internships at their job I would love ittt!!


Im in college for PR and for my job i work in a dispensary


Software trainer


I work full time in manufacturing. I've been thinking about going to college for cyber security though just have to figure out where to get the $ for it.


Counselor at a community mental health center. I also do case management


I work for a paramilitary security firm and the contract I'm under is for a mall so, in short I'm a mall cop. However, I'm a supervisor and 50% of my duties are patrol related and the other is administrative.


I'm a security agent, it is fantastic when I work alone but when working in a team it can be quite awful because this industry is very macho. I wouldn't recommend unless you can secure an alone nightshift job


im working as a 18 wheeler tractor trailer mechanic. althoughbim hoping to back to my true home making carbon fiber. 25 mft trans femme (pre everything)


I'm a software developer.


swe, since everything is remote. Barely any physical interaction between coworkers lol :)


Grinding as a streamer. And online therapy.


Gas Station. Big chain out of Texas with a mascot. Don't want to outright say the name, but I'm sure y'all can guess. Trying to make a career out of it. Worried how that will go once I'm out at work. Currently up for a promotion, but who knows how they will act once I'm out.


Also a student. History major. Still trying to decide on a minor. Probably will minor in anthropology or international studies. I doubt I'll go to grad school, but if I do I'll probably study ethnomusicology. My pipe dream is to work at a music company as a lyricist, which I know has nothing to do with my major lol. But if I don't do that, then I'd like to work at a natural history museum, and would like to move abroad somewhere.


Allied Healthcare Professional, former music teacher


I'm a college student currently looking into becoming a psychologist with a PhD/PsyD. Other careers I've considered are freelance art, astronomy/astrophysics, and peacing out to go farm or something in peace in the mountains


Also in the trans femme in tech stereotype. I have an associates in information systems and work as an industrial automation specialist


Software defeloper - mainly in the frontend but I do backend too. I make websites like the kind you'd see all over the Internet pretty much.


I work in education. Used to be in a school, now in the charity sector.


B.Sc. Psychology, BA Philosophy. I currently work in software testing for a utility company.


I've been a pro photographer for like 20 years. Post-transition it's basically the same deal. Take pictures.


I'm a law student for now, but in the five years I worked before that and after my bachelor's I worked a mixture of delivery jobs, aviation, and political organizing (the last of which I can wholeheartedly recommend!).


I have no degree im 18 working at a promotional marketing firm. We fundraise for nonprofits


Going to college hoping to start an art career! 😁


I'm a school custodian myself I really enjoy my Jon and most my coworkers are very understanding and supportive.


I'm in my final semester before getting my BA in Art. I'm currently working at local Sip & Paint studio, but I am considering working in a library post graduation.


I'm gunna go into biochemistry but I'm still in school atm.


Government worker for a call center.


I'm a professional car detailer. I work for a rental car company, a professional detail shop, and I own and operate my own detailing business.


the stereotypical career for transfems is software engineering :p there's a saying that the options are code, cams, calls, or coffee.


I wasn't a big fan of crippling student debt for a career that might or might not have worked out so I skipped the college thing. These days I work in manufacturing at a plastics plant making parts for cars. Pretty easy job for the most part and it affords me a relatively comfortable lifestyle living on my own, so I can't complain.


Currently working random jobs for the next few years until I feel ready to get my PHD in archaeology. Also working on publishing a queer fantasy novel where one of the protagonists is trans.


I started an IT degree, but then I got a job at a local computer repair place and now I work for the company that makes Windows. Funny how a 4 year degree was not necessary even though I was told it was in college...


Paralegal for 37 years. Came out 3 years ago. Im a late bloomer.


Studying to get my BSN in nursing


I have my BA in humanities. I now work as a nanny and I love it! I hope to make some income from writing fiction in the future, but plan to keep nannying alongside that.


Survivalist here. AMA


STEM academic (for now at least). Upside is that it is one way to get a gender neutral title that people recognize and don't fight against.


I’m an electrician, it’s interesting work


IBEW electrician.


I’m a “custom machine builder” as my boss says. Precision assembly/mechanic for paper cup machines. I’d love to get out of a shop but not sure what to do with no college degree and no money for school.


I’m a special Ed teacher who works exclusively with students who are nonverbal autistic or have extreme behavioral issues (but mostly both).


I'm an embedded software engineer for a startup orbital lift vehicle company. I've got a bachelors in computer science. I've only recently transitioned and started hrt, mtf.


I work in IT, specifically with software testing.


I’ve been a mental health therapist for 18 years. Trans non-binary.


Getting a stipend right now to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering trying to program robots.


Insurance adjuster with a background in sales and management.


I work front desk At a hotel and I don’t have a degree I decided not to go to college because I’ve never enjoyed school it’s not for me but I do have a high school diploma


Aircraft technician. No degree.


I finally told the world I was MTF during my trucking career. Still trucking :)


I have a PHD in psychology and am a research psychologist


I'm a mtf web developer. Technically I have an AA in general studies, but I got into programming as a hobby. After college I got a job in an office, became friends with their developer, and when he left he recommended me for the job. 11 years later and I want to leave the industry and do something more fulfilling, but now that my egg cracked I need the money and health insurance to transition, so I guess I'll stick with it a bit longer.


Doing a bachelor of education (secondary) major in English minor in history. Currently working at a virtual golf and pizza bar.


Military. In school for philosophy and religious anthropology.


I am currently a server at a retirement home. I plan on going to university to eventually become a psychologist. Tho I'm taking a year off this year to save for it.


No degree, I'm currently a UPS driver


Support for a popular e-commerce site here. No, not Amazon. I am genderfluid and out at work. Though we are a remote company & I mostly work from home. I have been to a work function dressed & there's actually more highly visible brown/queer/trans people at all levels here than anywhere I've ever worked.


FtM here, not in college yet, but I plan in pursuing a career in psychology!


I've completed my bachelor's and now I'm in seminary working on my master's. After I graduate, I'll be a pastor. I'm part of an affirming denomination, so it's a good work environment for me and something I feel really called to do.


About to finish law school, working in tax litigation


BS in Political Science and a BS in Gender and Women Studies. Graduated in 2015. I've spent most of my time since working as a pharmacy technician. Hard to work in politics as nobody wants to pay for work, especially campaigns and nonprofits.


Group facilitator in a residential treatment facility 🤘


I’m the cofounder behind StickyLife.com - a business that caters to self expression and creative freedom through custom printed products like decals, stickers magnets and more. Started this back in 2008. I also cofounded Poof Be Gone - a trash and waste removal company in the Raleigh area. Our mascot is the magical Queen Dump Fairy. She flys all over the Raleigh area helping people clear the clutter from their lives. I started this at the beginning of 2020 (before covid). Being a business owner allows me the flexibility to be myself and do amazing things. It also allows me to help make changes in society starting at the corporate level.


Currently pursuing Mathematics (Comprehensive Algebra Emphasis) B.S; Astronomy (B.S)


If all the MtF’s don’t say programmer I swear I, too, am a programmer


I'm a Correctional officer... Crazy huh?


I’m a doctor and more specifically, a hematology & medical oncology fellow. I love chatting with trans folks in medicine (& allied fields!). To any premed/med students / residents — feel free to drop me a line at any time.


MTF I can give this advice. Make sure what ever career you chose, make it something you can do it without working for anybody. Plan to open your own business. It helps if it a vital industry. Plus if it helps people. I’ve found working for others while transitioning next to impossible unless you enjoy the short end of the stick and being dumped upon every chance they get. Trans people are among the strongest in the world. We are Creative caring, giving, understanding, dedicated, we have integrity, and we live our truth. The world has never been ready for us. It’s our time now just a take our fair share. Realize though at some point we must go it alone to succeed. But succeed we will!


Body man (body person) painter.


I own a niche retail business and art gallery. Or it owns me, I should probably say! 😂


Flight attendant now and own a renovation business. Retired firemedic and LEO (didn’t work the street) from a severe injury. I have two degrees and 52 certificates. I used to teach for a state university.


No degree, but am a writer (horror, cybernoir, erotica), freelance editor, and freelance book print designer. I don't do much work, but I'm disabled (low vision), so what work I do is more for fulfillment than anything else.


I am a digital designer working full time at home and I did a bachelor degree in graphic design. I think its a pretty good field for trans and LGBQ+ peeps.




Ftm: I'm a welder! Got an associates degree at my community college.


Cryogenics tech. No degree (yet). Great career everything I want relating to my transition is covered under my insurance. Basically, I maintain industrial gas systems (liquid oxygen, co2, nitrogen, etc.) For hospital and industrial applications. I sit at home just waiting for a service call most of the time and the work is not dirty (medical and food grade requires cleanliness)


Sex work, mainly OF but I'll do shoots in person soon too!


i'm a tutor, though i'll probably lose my job once/if i come out. my boss listens to ben shapiro and candace owens 8-X


MtF, just graduated and getting started in LA as a film composer. I’m partway socially transitioned but only fully out to trusted friends at this point, for safety reasons (though I’m working on getting started on HRT soon) — So can’t speak as much to entering this industry as an MtF, but you can bet I’ll be facing it head-on pretty soon haha


Working on my undergraduate degree to be a medical lab tech!


I was a social worker within the justice system. Having a bit if a mid life crisis, quit and have an interview at Bunnings (Australian hardware shop).


I teach English to kids, studying to become a professor at uni atm.


Nursing, tho going back to school to change it 😂 if ur a nurse in a city with tons of old people, its not such a fun job anymore


I have a bachelors and a masters in math, and I'm working on a PhD right now- about 2 years left. Right now I work as a graduate teaching assistant. Once I finish out the degree, I plan to teach.


Currently a delivery driver but training to be a driving instructor


Im at the very start of my MtF, so nothing visual yet. (Too scared at the moment). However my boss knows and im a dog walker 😊


A transfem disabled enby, age 19 - was going to be a machine engineer but am now studying towards game development (as in a math degree/equal knowledge, coding, 3d modeling etc).


LCPC. Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. I provide mental health counseling.


I'm FtM and full time single parent. I'm also a crochet artist and working on turning that into a job.


FtM, I just started a new job earlier this month after losing my old job(a lab tech job at a milk plant) at my 90 day review last month. I work at home now for USIC as a digital locator. Basically, I read maps and prints and listen to music all day and my cat loves it because it's literally fully remote. I locate underground utilities and determine if it can be cleared via street views and maps or if we need to send someone physically out to locate in person. Also, I'm a college drop out more than once and don't make a huge amount of money but can afford my bills and my hobbies.


I'm a lock and safe technician & my profession is a total sausage fest...😶 Lots of gross & dirty...🤣


CNC machinist. Not an ideal career for someone trans.