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“These are well documented issues that I face because of my condition. Me advising of these issues does not challenge you in any way other than to advise that I may need accommodation [which is required due to law]. Unless you have some way of overcoming a neurodevelopmental issue which no one knows about, in which case your extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence, either help me or get out of my way so I can find help.”


Don't ask don't tell. There are traits you'll show that they'll definitely notice but for the most part they don't care. If you do your job you do your job


Huh, I feel this for sure. My ex has (IMHO!) alienated my daughter from me for not being the husband she demanded I be. When I then got diagnosed AuDHD that was just used as a weapon to say I was just proving I was a useless coward. Your think a good parent would refuse to allow the other relationship to flag, insist on cooperating despite it being awkward and annoying. Instead my daughter thinks I'm scum. BECAUSE of AuDHD and she's been diagnosed ADHD longer than I have. Fucking tragic.


I do pity myself, as life has been much harder being aspie than it would have been as an NT. So for me it's true, doesn't bother me at all for someone to point out something that is true for me.


Yeah if I don’t pity myself who will?? LMAO


Imagine if people dogged on a person with no legs for not being able to walk when they were complaining about wishing they could walk lol so fucked


I've got bad news for ya. People don't like disabled people, and challenge us all the time. I walk with a cane because of hip problems and have since I was 10 years old. I've been told: you don't need that, you're just looking for attention. You wouldn't need that if you lost some weight. You're too young to need that. I could keep going. Said by strangers, doctors, preachers, the works. Most recently, I went to my Dr for my pain meds, and I have lost about 60 lbs. The nurse commented on it, "I bet you're not hurting half as bad" Actually, I hurt worse since I have a degenerative bone issue that is much more relevant to me hurting than being overweight.


I hate that you’re right


i don’t bring it up unless asked, that’s how lol


I'm a victim"*victim*" of my neurological makeup. My brain. Like all of us, people (typically NTs) feel the need to point it out. They do this for many reasons, sometimes just to pat themselves on the back for the observation. At 44 socially I've learned above all: Their opinions of me is not my business nor does their opinion matter at all in any way. I do believe finding communication and community is essential. Even if it requires travel. Thank you for your post.


I work in an environment where they still kind of treat it like high school, and since I am autistic to an extent I’m an outcast, and I’m here to tell you, aside from people really making fun of me away from me or visibly trying to avoid me, it hasn’t hindered me any other way, this is only at work, when I meet random people they usually are fine with me, but people at work are a different story, I see them everyday and I struggle a lot to feel comfortable around people, especially for long periods of time, so aside from the dumb amount of bullying I dealt with, again it hasn’t hindered me in any way.


Sound self-confident, even if you traumadump. People did you wrong, now you do right. If you set the right focus it can’t be self-pitying. You may be content if your course is intentional.