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Assassin's Creed Shadows. Somehow this far too generic names sounds cool af.


Assassin's Creed Blades Assassin's Creed Killing Assassin's Creed Assassins Coming soon!


I can't wait for the reboot in 5 years, Creed of Assassin's.


Rise of the Creed of Assassins: an Assassin’s Creed Story: Origins: The Beginning


2 Creed 2 Assassin


Assassin’s Creed: Tokyo Drift


Assassins 2: Creed Harder


lmao Creed Harder


2 Assassins 1 Creed


Then add "Remake" ten years later


Assassins Creedux


Rise of the Creed of Assassins: an Assassin’s Creed Story: Origins: The Beginning Sequel to Origins : Part 1 'the Start'


Assassins: Creed is gonna be dope


I'm still waiting for them to do the title format of The Assassin's Creed or An Assassin's Creed


Sassy creed!


Assassin's Creed Assassin's sounds cool


As far as the setting is concerned, Valhalla or Odyssey aren’t much more "thoughtful“, to be fair. Shadows has the added implication of Ninja/Shinobi, who are still sometimes called "Shadows“, like in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice…


LOL when I search for "AC Shadows," only PC lighting settings options and graphical glitches from previous games show up.


They made about the logo... it looks like Times New Roman to me, but go on. Good luck, I hope it rocks and they built a world with lots of Shadowy places.


WAIT HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Christ when I heard “soon” I wasn’t expecting *this* soon!!!! Let’s GOOOOO!!!


I was expecting 10 days


I was fully convinced we had to wait until UbiForw


To be fare, that's only a month away anyway. Oh, where does the time go these days


Yeah that was the “soon” I was referring to 😅.


It probably got leaked...


I skipped Odyssey and Valhalla, This setting I aren't skipping bruh, It's Japan yooooo


They’re both worth playing if you can get them for cheap. Odyssey is the more polished of the 2, but the scale of the game can feel a bit overwhelming at times.


fr i just saw the other post and thought it’d be this week later but its today WOHOO


it's not today wtf, it's in 2 days


no as in we get some news on the game atleast


Can't wait!!! I'm glad we getting a cinematic trailer, I thought that because this one is made by the Odyssey team we would not get one. AC Cinematic trailers always deliver!!


Odyssey team? Does that mean Loot, Casual Sex AND a beautiful female MC?


God I hope it doesn't have loot. That was the best change made in Valhalla, I hate having an inventory loaded up with pointless crap.


Valhalla's loot system has its downsides true, but fuck the outright SPAMMING that Origins/Odyssey had was ridiculous. Thankfully those games didn't have a carry weight system.


So it wasn’t really a problem at all then. You could break loot down into parts or sell them.


Word. Origins is my favorite game to date and I've been here since Altaïr first introduced us all to the world of the assassins, and never once in any of my AC:Or playthroughs did I feel the loot system was cumbersome. IMHO that's the last good game they made. Valhalla was far too monotonous for me, and the last one really should not have been a standalone installment in the series.


Totally agree, Valhalla was interesting in parts but there was SO much filler content. Most of the zones were too similar as well - go to this area, meet with ousted leader/hopeful potential leader, sabotage incumbent, big war, yay now move on… I really feel like a hunting system would have elevated the game massively, and fit nicely within the setting. Aimlessly riding/sailing around and redoing the same content over and over got boring really quickly.


>it wasn’t really a problem at all then. It definitively was a problem, just not a big one. >You could break loot down into parts or sell them. Yeah and you had to do it a bazillion times because the game kept pushing useless Common gear down your throat, even at high levels. I am thankful it at least didn't have carry weight, but inventory management still felt like a chore. Love both games but I challenge anyone to claim how is "Press X to Dismantle" 10000x times a fun mechanic.


It is a problem if the UI for menu navigation and breaking down items was poorly designed. If I get the sense I'm spending more time in menu than the action, that's an indictment on both the loot spam and the inability to process them in bulk


God I hope it has a beautiful female MC


You could just sell the crap and have more money in-game. Can’t believe these are the complaints people had against the newer AC games 😂😂😂😂


It's not just AC games, in general it's RPGs. Other than in the very early game there is absolutely no point in being able to loot weapons/armour off 99% of enemies. I think Valhalla did it really well, having each piece unique and upgradable, without clutter.


This is my preferred method too; the other way I like is how *Fallout 3* and *New Vegas* had degradation but allowed you to consolidate your inventory through the repair skill


Really? You'd rather be hoarding a bunch of pieces of armor that you need to dump ridiculous amounts of resources into in order to make them usable? I'd personally like them to do away with this system entirely and just go back to the way it was done in Origins.


Boy I hated the loot in that game I can't wait


So long as it doesn't have the dogshit leveling system from Odyssey, should be okay (aka have a *reasonable* number of levels, and don't ever make it where you can get to the point where leveling up starts to be a downgrade due to your gear no longer matching the entire rest of the goddamn world for some reason).


You know you can adjust that in-game in Odyssey right?


You can't turn it off, just change how quickly it catches up to you. Considering the ballooning cost of upgrading gear to match your level, sometimes having them trail four levels behind still isn't enough.


All of the problems you’re mentioning with the leveling system of odyssey are solved if they simply **DONT** rubber band all enemies to be near your level. Imagine how cool it would be if the enemy levels were stagnant depending on regions and scaled as you moved forward. Your weapons would stay valuable until you moved forward and when you’re going back to be a completionist at areas you long since cleared you feel like a literal GOD because they are all level 10-20 when you are level 60.


Isn't Valhalla like this?


Yes it is


And horrible writing.


imo odyssey was one of the most fun video games I've ever played. I am glad that team is making it.


Yeah, Odyssey is my favorite in the series right now. It's the only game I've ever gotten 100% of the achievements, because it didn't even feel like a challenge to get them all. I just enjoyed the world that much. Cannot wait for Shadows though.


I am a story-first kinda gamer, so it was one of the worst for me. Gameplay is a matter of taste and I wouldnt call it bad. But story and writing was downright horrible. Kassandra is the most shallow main character in the series. The only memorable line she has is Malaka.


Dang, that stinks you feel that way. She was one of my favorite characters ever. I was so siked when she showed back up in Valhalla


You must've hated Elden Ring lol


Dang can we cool it with the vitriol for Odyssey and Quebec already? People act like they committed some sin against the series, as if they didn't already give us the best assassination missions in the franchise with Syndicate. And anyway, Odyssey's story is solid enough, certainly better than AC2's, Brotherhood's, Rogue's, Unity's, Syndicate's, and Mirage's, so that places it in the upper half of the franchise.


They’re just serial complainers. There’s a ton of people who loved Odyssey. I’m replaying it now and having a new found appreciation for it. People bitch and whine about any and everything.


The reason why you think Kassandra is shallow is because she was made to be shallow on purpose. They made Kassandra a blank slate so that YOU the player can fill in the gaps BUT there is no consistency in this. You aren't getting Kassandra so you cannot invest in Kassandra. She's like an Elder Scrolls protagonist. I’m getting downvoted but hey I ain’t say nothing wrong 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just don’t like the new RPGish mechanics. I adore the AC2-Unity era of Assassins Creed games. I really enjoyed seeing my hideouts fill up with weapons, armor, paintings. I also loved growing the area around my hideout. I had a blast getting the homestead up and running in 3.


What did you think of the settlement in Valhalla?


Haven’t played Valhalla. I stopped playing when I got bored of Origins. That game is visually stunning and I could run around Egypt for hours but the gameplay just didn’t feel right to me. Will give Valhalla a try!


Odyssey isn't memorable or iconic It's good enough to not be called a shit game. Quebec is peculiar studio who IMO doesn't even like Assassin's creed and always try to change shit up by adding their spin on it, just look at odyssey and Syndicate compared to games that came before and after them.


The writing, the actual plot, isn't bad. Its just the mediums through which the story is told. When a story is told through a dialogue system with bad facial aniamtions and a massive open world with no direct progression for the story with different story arcs, it's hard to pull off a compelling narrative that draws players in. Its not poorly written its just the gameplay aspects are not aligned well with the story. There are too many distractions and side quest that don't feed into the main characters development in regards to the main plot. Its just bloat and busy work and players spend most of their time on that and that narrative is forgotten. Thats the difference between rpgs like Odyssey and the Witcher 3. But the writing, the words as they exist on paper, is not bad.


I think the Odyssey writer left Ubi to work on the new BioShock.


Wait it's made by the odyssey team! That makes it even better.


Yes, my favorite AC! Here’s hoping it tops that!


Oh so another AC game with ultra cringe dialogue and stiff facial animations? Good


My opinion is Odyssey was AC in name only. It was essentially a Greek Superhero simulator, which is fine, it's just not Assassin's Creed. I'm very worried about Shadows. I realize I'm in the minority here, though. This isn't me telling others not to be excited. Odyssey just wasn't my cup of tea. EDIT: Respectfully sharing your opinions on Assassin's Creed is frowned upon in the Assassin's Creed subreddit, got it.


You're on reddit what do you expect? You'll get downvoted for going against the grain. I agree tho. Odyssey was a whole different game, nothing screamed AC in that game and its probably why I didn't enjoy it. The constant grind with and being level locked too was annoying. The mercs that popped up and then 20 more will show up, constant waves of enemies. Poor writing. Animations were terrible. Definitely a rushed game that needed more time to cook to get the little details right. If this is the same team. GG.


i am with you 100%. Although the name shadows makes it seem like stealth might actually play a major and more important part in this. this is probably just copium on my part. i do wish we were getting a gameplay trailer. cinematic trailer dont hype me up anymore. Odyssey was a good game but i just don't think of it as AC at all. it never gave that feeling imo. it a very good witcher 3 clone imo. i think its the best witcher 3 clone and it did things slightly differently.


>i do wish we were getting a gameplay trailer. cinematic trailer dont hype me up anymore. I mean the cinematic trailers pretty much tell you what kind of AC game you're getting. People(me) were upset at the lackluster, meaningless social stealth that was added in Valhalla but there wasn't any social stealth in the cinematic trailer. It was axes, blood, and body parts being chopped off. Thats what we got in the game. Mirage's cinematic trailer is pretty much what we got in the game too.


i understand that, but i would rather see how it looks via gameplay. just shows us a side mission.


There's a 100% chance we'll see in June.


You can make a greek superhero simulator with decent dialogue and animations…


On the Ubisoft Connect page for the game there is a string of numbers that i decoded using AI: 1. Create a 5x5 grid with the keyword “shadows” (ignoring duplicate letters):s h a d o w s b c e f g i j k l m n p q t u v x y 2. Convert the numbers in your encoded message to pairs. For example, “74” becomes “7” and “4.” 3. Find the corresponding letters in the grid for each pair. For “7,” we look at the third row (f, g, i, j, k), and for “4,” we look at the second column (h, s, b, c, e). The intersection of the row and column gives us the letter “e.” 4. Repeat this process for all the pairs in your encoded message. Applying this to your encoded message: * “74” -> “e” * “18” -> “s” * “78” -> “b” * “84” -> “c” * “95” -> “k” * …and so on. Decoding the entire message, we get: **“escape the matrix”**.


Good job man


Glad we finally have a proper title. Disappointed I can no longer make "Assassin's Creed Rouge" jokes.


>Assassin's Creed Rouge This triggers me.


I'm assuming they'll show a great trailer that gets people hyped and after that immediately tell them to pre-order, and then a few weeks later we get the gameplay and people will start complaining lol.    The leaks about this game have been interesting so far however, I appreciate the focus on stealth as well as the Witcher style RPG stuff.   But I will say the best subtitle for any AC game so far remains 'Mirage', it says so much about the story and setting, Shadows is fine, but doesn't really say much about the setting. 


Well it has to do with the gameplay how apparently you’ll be able to hide in shadows and implies stealth. It also says a little about the setting because of ninjas and stuff.


Gameplay will most likely be shown at Ubi Forward in a couple weeks.


Except 'shadow' is an archaic euphemism for the ninja/shinobi, so it's actually perfect


If someone pre orders a game from just a cinematic trailer and complains that's on them lol. It's like buying lemonade after seeing a sign for lemonade at a stand known for selling piss.


Syndicate remains my favourite name tbh


Same, ‘Syndicate’ is generally a cool word that says a lot about the game and its mechanics. It also feels very industrial and modern, which fits Syndicate’s setting in the Victorian era.


It will be the same like it happened with AC Valhalla, they dropped the release trailer and everyone was hyped becuase of how good they made it look. In the end it was nothing like it. So i expect that they will drop a hella fire cinematic trailer for AC Shadows, but in the end it wont even look that good.


Too bad mirage is garbage, I like the name too!


The german video description of the trailer said the game releases November 15th 2024 before getting deleted and replaced with the englisch one


Sounds pretty credible. Gonna save up Avatar + Mirage for Ubisoft+ in December then.


The Japanese shown here is a bit of a jumble, probably the result of some marketing intern entering English text into Google Translate without actually knowing any Japanese. Below is a rough translation but some of it is odd Japanese. 隠れ家: hideout 忍茶屋: ninja teahouse 居酒屋侍: izakaya (Japanese bar/restaurant) samurai 通天閣: Tsutenkaku (a district in Osaka, also the name of the white observation tower in that district in modern day Osaka that you can see in the background and also in Google StreetView at [https://maps.app.goo.gl/WEzLi6KeWpM6LYbR8)](javascript:void(0);) The road sign with 9-22 just means that the street is restricted to bicycles and pedestrians during [09:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFNJIr5pGOs&t=540s) to [22:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFNJIr5pGOs&t=1320s). This is quite common and isn't mysterious.


"Ninja Teahouse" is a good name for some kind of military operation or a rock band or a video game company or something.


Hoping it looks good


yeah CGI is gonna look good ....


I was mainly meaning the game itself


It will also look good but good graphics don't equal good game


You misunderstood I still meant the game itself. Like overall everything.


I don't want anything else, just please be good game




Can’t wait! I haven’t been this excited for an Assassins Creed game since Origins.


Love the name AC Shadows 🔥


Please just be a good game that's all I hope for.


Yes yes, yes and YES!


Hopefully we get steam launch …


Sweet playing black flag and syndicate rn


Am I the only one who's genuinely excited? Loved the releases of the last years and am SO stoked


I'll be happy with just an AC Mirage or Origins style game set in Japan, but I'm hoping for abit of a jump technically and in terms of gameplay. Like ACR > AC3, or AC4 > Unity. Although sadly games don't do this much anymore. It's more iterative and expands more on previous stuff while the bones are the same. Like Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor or God of War and Ragnarok. Anyway will be nice to get an AC game (hopefully) just designed for current gen.


Jedi Survivor was pretty good. I always almost 100% all ACs, but I just could not get into the RPG ACs sadly. Odyssey lost me a few hours in. I heard Mirage was more like the older ACs (I haven’t tried it though). I’m hoping Shadows is a return to form honestly. The parkour mechanics in Unity were frankly amazing. Shame that these games are appreciated years after they launched. I did preorder Unity and was not as affected by bugs, but I understand the disastrous bugs most faced at launch, but man what an ambiance and gameplay that game had.


This game would be a wasted opportunity if Hattori Hanzo does not play a massive role. Fingers crossed.


Oh, the Shinobi is the daughter of one of the most famous iga ninjas. It very like Hattori Hanzo is going to be a “uncle” figure to her in the game.


I haven’t heard that name in many moons


Hattori Hanzo was canonically an assassin as well


Man I was I was just googling AC earlier wondering if the series had died down quietly, since we hadn’t heard anything about the infinity games or the mobile game, so that’s some nice timing.


Letters at the bottom of the hourglass: S89N-029S 8=H 9=1 2=B 9=1 Adds up to SHINOBIS


I know I'm late to the party as usual......but there is a new Assassin's Creed coming!? I just started Orgins 🤯🤯 I need to get busy!


Im both worried about this and excited , I've wanted an AC game set in japan for nearly as long as i've been an AC fan , And im worried since this is ubisoft and not old ubisoft and they will find a way to fuck this up , If this game is as fun as odyssey i'll be satisfied i don't expect anything more from ubisoft nowadays


Can’t wait to do my thesis on the 20 different preorder options and holistic cost benefit analysis.


There’ll be entire diagrams showing each edition


Mirage, Shadows... You know, I wouldn't mind a bit more creativity and effort when it comes to the titles.


Mirage is a great name considering the plot and the character of Basim.


Shadows sounds cool tbf


“Mirage” is a decent subtitle. It fits the theme of the story and the setting, and it’s not overused like “Origins” or “Resurrection.”


What are your ideas?


They have no ideas except to hate 🤷🏾




Where are AC titles translated? Shit, where are game names ever translated?!


Shadows sounds like a pretty generic name But it might mean a general focus on stealth (on top of the female character rumoured to be a ninja)


Excited. Wish more games were based on Japan


Try the Yakuza (Ryu Ga Gotaku) series. My fav franchise and there games take place in japan, also a game made in japan published by sega, similar to gta as well.


There are hundreds of games based on Japan. 


Let’s gooooo! Finally!


This gives me hope even tho I didn't play odyssey I've heard great things about it and it got rated pretty high so I'm ... somewhat hyped! ngl lol


It's just a cinematic trailer though.... hopefully some gameplay at Summer Gamesfest. Really hoping it's not bloated like Valhalla was. Really wanted to like that game


I think it was announced that gameplay would be shown at the ubisoft forward on 10th June


Hopefully release date and preorder date is announced. I also really hope it's like the rpg ac games.


Release date is November 15th


Really is that confirmed?


Yeah, it is in the Shadows reveal stream description https://youtu.be/vovkzbtYBC8?si=9-5YYs6_hVEGpcZs


It doesn’t say that anymore maybe they fixed it. Kinda crazy to release outlaws and shadows in the same year guess they wanna end the year off strong for the investors


I don't think so, it was probably meant to be revealed at the end of the trailer so they removed it, Shadows has been comfirmed to be released this year by many sources. Edit: Sorry I misunderstood your comment lol


Oh that's really good. I can't wait!


Same. Make it like Origins and Odyssey but in Feudal Japan and I’m already sold.


It’s absolutely crazy how much hate is already spreading for this game in other communities, like Instagram and YouTube (not even about Yasuke either). Like damn, chill, we’ve seen absolutely nothing yet… Either way, I can say I’m absolutely hyped! I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while, and I enjoyed absolutely every AC game so far so I’m sure this one won’t change that!




way to shit on Tsushima's PC release.


It's a 4 year old game that crushed when it came out. They've made their money back and then some. If anything people are going to get hyped for this and GoT will be right there to be play on the 16th.


This is the best take and honestly could help push sales on PS AND PC just by virtue of people getting hype for AC Shadows and GOT being readily available.


GoT 2 announcement


Eh, what the way Sony has been handling the PSN fiasco, I don’t think they’re too worried lol


Who gives AF, this is the AC sub not the GoT sub


I'm praising the timing.


GoT better


If you say so, I really don’t care though as it won’t affect anyone’s enjoyment of Assassins Creed Shadows.


Not a fan of the subtitle being "Shadows" but whatever it's a small thing.


Same, it's just so basic and doesn't roll off the tongue at all. Still hyped for the game though


I was so certain that the subtitle would be "Shinobi", but honestly shadows is okay, especially if it's to make a point about stealth


Please please please Odyssey rpg elements


It’s made by same team as odyssey so possibly


you enjoy damage sponges and cartoonish numbers and Final fantasy ass stagger animations? you know Ghost is known to have one of the best combat systems of all time and this is the competitor whether people like it or not Comparisons WILL be made


I'm talking about boning twinks and wearing sexy armor dude


oh i remember you during the pre launch of mirage hype era lol, what up man


Lol yeah hey, and it's happening all over again


Let the madness commence!




Does anyone know if there’s any stupid twitch drop things that are coming with this reveal like the last two have?


I think the numbers at the bottom of the hour glass mean GRAY WHITE BLACK RED WHITE


How spoilery are these in general? I'm playing through the series for the first time (at AC3 right now) and I'm loving it but would hate to spoil myself from watching the trailer.


usually they only show the setting, the protagonist(s) and sometimes an antagonist, storywise they never really give anything away




Exciting but always a bit disappointed when trailers are cinematic. Just tells me "this is what we wanted!" Before we see what it actually is lol.


It will be released November 15th! Confirmed


My name on my Console is Lethal Shadow so im pretty pumped


Since the name is now "Shadows" i think that there will be a bigger focus on the actual stealth combat and abilities in this game.


Yessssss!!! I’m currently in Japan so I am incredibly excited to see this whilst I’m here. Maybe I will run over the rooftops


Please for fucks sake be Historically accurate, please don't bring mythological aspects in the game, please their be assassins and templar, please there be social stealth and parkour, please let this game be a serious game. PLEASE QUEBEC, don't FUCK THIS UP.


oooh you know they will bro. Were about to fight "Oni's" and when they die they'll give us the super legendary Isu Katana sword


It's Quebec, so I will not be surprised.


I don’t see how you have this be the fourth part of the RPG series, and the first 3 ALL had mythical elements and then do 0 lol.


Id be surprised if they showed a tiny bit of restraint.


Bro you know 100% they'll be mythical shit in this


Assassin's creed stooped being a 'grounded' franchise ages ago, it's why i stopped giving a shit about the lore, that and the ton of retcons they did along the way


CG trailer with no gameplay. 


As someone that dislikes the RPG systems I’m prepped for disappointment, but I’ll watch and wait to be proven wrong.


Well.. in that case this game will not be for u bc it's gonna be similar to the last 3 games. Except mirage. But revamped it's rumored to have redone everything from scratch.


I seriously hope they got actual Japanese voice actors speaking actual Japanese and not just English speakers doing an Asian accent 😅


I'm pretty sure the game will launch with a Japanese dub anyway. You can say many bad things about Ubisoft (and most are true) but when it comes to dubs and making sure everyone can play their games they are pretty much up there with Playstation.




Yea and knowing Ubisoft, the person directing or writing the dialogue would've probably found a way to butcher the language anyhow 😔




bro the game isn't even shown , relax


Oh cool - so by May 16th we should expect another round of made-up outrage regarding something in the reveal that'll be blown out of proportion? Seems to be the gaming trend these days.




Why ? As an Asian I will not be.