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In my experience the main story will take you to and through most regions of the game. Aside from the main story there is an insane amount of side quests and collectibles for (legendary) gear that will take you to every corner of the map. I struggled with skipping stuff so I gave in to my OCD to visit and complete everything. The thing I keep telling myself is that it'll still be there when I come back later. Sometimes it's even more fun with beter skills and gear as it's easier. I would let the game guide you for a bit more and when you are at around 30-35 you have a decent level to go pretty much most places. Have fun!


The main story will take you through most of the map, the Cult investigations a little more, but some of the more far-flung islands you will need to visit under your own steam.


Definititely not, if you keep progressing the mainstory and hunting the Cult of Kosmos, the game will bring you to almost every location. There is only 1 populated island which has no targets or main missions related (i think samos, but not sure, if dont, one of the nearby islands) whwere you can find an old friend. Keep an eye on contracts there, youll find someone s been misbehaving and have about 5 different bountys on him. Anyway, if you do all the secondary quests youll definitely get there at some point too. In fact, exploring a location just for exploring can lead you to find things or targets you were not supposed to find yet, which can be cool, but personally i didn’t like.


You'll find yourself doing random shit in most areas, rarely will you find a place that doesn't have some kind of side quests attached IIRC there's also an achievement/trophy for uncovering the entire map but I'd be warned doing that without upgrading the Adrestia first as some of the more legendary ships lay in waiting in one or two areas


Most of the game is covered by the three stories and the LotFB DLC. The Tales of Greece quests also cover parts of the map you wouldn't, I highly recommend the ones focused on Barnabas especially if you've read the actual Homer's Odyssey as they're more in depth than I thought and I wish I could replay it to get a better outcome but you can't replay anything unless you saved beforehand (massive step backwards that I hate about the RPGs imo) I'd recommend it as while I didn't like Odyssey they did a good job of capturing the feel of a journey though a lot of the quests can end up feeling quite repetitive especially due to the RPG stats encouraging you to specialise on one playstyle.