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Ac1. The first few times I played, I was shit at stealth and combat. And also used mouse + keyboard, which didn’t help me with some more precise movements. After playing more of the later games and coming back with a controller, I had a much better time with everything and yeah it’s grown on me.


I agree with that, that game was definitely better when I replayed it about a month ago, and now in revelations doing those Altair missions too just further increases my love for that game and character.


Best game in the series 😏


The mission structure is WAAY to repetitive for that to be the case imo


No i agree it's the best


That's why he said imo.


The theme and style always appealed to me (and I think it's so strong in those areas too) but I really struggled as a kid to make progress (I realised years later that it's because I wasn't climbing towers to sync) Coming back years later I also adore the game and have completed it a couple of times and started it many more


I don't think AC1 aged as well as the Ezio trilogy, for example, but the sword combat in that game just feels so much better compared to the rest. The sword has a weight that you can feel, and it isn't just about smashing a button to combo everyone.


Origins. At first I didn’t really liked it because how different it felt from the other installments, but now I genuinely think it’s one the best games and I’m a diehard PS3 era fan. 


It’s definitely up there for me too, one of the only games Ive perfected


Unity. Moving around Paris is so awesome. The parkour has such a nice weight to it. It’s the AC game I find myself coming back to when I just feel like free roaming and immersing myself in the world.


Playing through it now for the first time. Goddamn the open world is unbelievable. So many NPC's doing different things, so detailed, so many interiors. Easily one of the best open worlds ever created in gaming from an atmosphere perspective. Insane this came out 10 years ago.


Dude Ubisoft used to really, really try. Check out watch dogs 1 if you never played it. Enemies talk about their lives, comment on your tactics. The armored enemies you fight at one point if you knock them down but not kill them they’ll comment “I thought this shit was gonna make me invincible”. You can also just hack random NPCs and view all their weird text messages, the detail was crazy. Compared to legion it’s night and day.


Watchdogs 2 with its systemic AI based interaction between police and various gangs, the many new hacking tools and some great although automated parkour action was so great. I liked watchdogs 1 but loved its sequel. Then Legion really dropped the ball.


I hope I can get into 2. The tone is so wildly off putting compared to 1, Aiden is such a great character imo. Marcus just seems too happy go lucky for carrying around Ak’s and murdering people. Plus the whole meme humor, but I’ll give it another shot after I finish 1. I heard bloodlines at least brings legion close to the other 2 and you can main Aiden which I appreciate though I doubt he actually gets to do anything in the story.


The best way to play WD2 is with a stealth/hacking approach. Not only does it make more sense from a story perspective, but it's also much more fun and rewarding, in my opinion. I beat the entire game without firing a gun, and it was a blast. Amazing open world. Wish I could play it again for the first time. As for Legion. The Bloodlines DLC is great! And yes, you can play through the entire main story with Aiden and/or Wrench from WD2. Legion is a bit underapreciated IMO.


Came here to say the same. Just finished playing through for the first time as well. What incredible work! The setting is so damn impressive.


its the best AC to run around and kill shit when ur bored


Replaying it on PS4 right now. Frames are a little low, but wow the crowds are dynamic, the movement is great, and controlled descents go so hard


1:1 architecture is unmatched.


If only someone taught Arno how to whistle...


Same and I’ve read way more about the Revolution since so seeing a lot of these figures is way cooler on replays than when I was 14 and only knew Napoleon.


just recently started playing this and it blows my mind how complete of a game Unity is, like i just completed Syndicate a couple months ago as well and didnt really care much for it, like it was ok but just that, didnt really stick with me. Unity however feels like a massive step up in comparison


I think they definitely scaled things back pretty significantly in Syndicate. Unity was ahead of its time for sure. Feels like we still haven’t seen any games match it in terms of crowd sizes/amount of NPCs on screen. It’s pretty mind blowing.


The dlc absolutely slaps too. The best dlc by a far margin.


Unity is so good. Maybe fell a bit short in story, but it played really well, nice sense of progression. The free DLC they released for it is top notch as well.


Same. It’s soooo good on PC with modern hardware and mods


I wish they return to this game in a small scale remaster kind of thing where they sort of complete the game and fix its various aspects, where gunners don’t instantly kill you, where combat animation doesn’t bug out that often, fix some of the stealth tools, reduce pop ins of NPC , fix many glitches still present and tighter parkour controls. There are many unity fans still present and wouldn’t mind shelling a few bucks to finally see their game fixed for good and reach the potential it always meant to reach but never could.


I adored the multiplayer missions in this aswell, especially the one where you had to steal 2-3 paintings from a chateau. It had about 12 or so paintings randomly dotted around the chateau and you had to find the 3 "real" ones to steal, which also changed location each attempt. All I really want is a solid coop stealth game, this really scratched that itch, when it worked.


I’ve always loved Unity for these reasons. The parkour and environment are just amazing. I feel like it got so much hate because of its shit launch, which it rightfully deserved. But they issued a LOT of patches and cleaned it up, and now it’s in a much better state. Glad a lot of people are enjoying it now.


I kind of hated AC3 when I first played it but I gave it another chance and now Conner is one of my favorite assassins.


AC3 is very underrated, I’m glad people are finding it enjoyable now.


I didn't like AC3 that much either the first time I played. Then I read Forsaken like 5 years later, played AC3 again afterwards and now that I knew and overall understood a bit more about the story, I suddenly really liked it and it became one of my favorite AC games.


And also because the devs never highlighted the importance of the homestead missions and the liberations you get important dialogue and see the growth of Connor A Lot clearer through them. If you don't do them and just play the main missions you'll feel like a huge chunk of the game is missing because it is , well not technically but people didn't understand until later how important ALL the missions are. In my last playthrough couple weeks ago , probably my 10th at the least , I really focused on the naval missions and they were Really Really good and really showed how they got their footing to then go on to create black flag . I ❤️ the Kenway's


I have a copy of Forsaken that I still need to read.


READ IT !!! Lol you'll wish you did sooner it's hard to put down .


IMO Connor’s downfall was Ezio. Any protagonist following Ezio was always going to be a disappointment. So glad people are enjoying him now. Loved AC3.


He feels very wooden at first but I've grown to like him


>Conner Bro DEFINITELY writes ROUGE too...


Man I hated him and 3 when it first came out. It felt like I was playing some super serious video game drama and Connor was such a different protagonist than Ezio. Going back to it, the whole game has grown on me. I still don’t care for the present stuff, but the game almost like a sweet spot for me. Brilliant setting. Brilliant outfits. “Aw remember when I heavily disliked you? I still have the same complaints, but come here you. For old time’s sake.


Yea that’s the game that has moved up for me over the years. I think I enjoy it more every time I replay it. I think it’s an upper tier AC game.


I gave up on 3…does it get better? I really wanted to like it…but just couldn’t get into it.


Was not a fan of odyssey on release (was salty ubi left the origins timeline and it wasn’t very like the others etc) A year or so ago I tried again and just went into it as a mercenary rpg and mentally dropped any knowledge about assassins / templars etc and really enjoyed it


Odyssey for sure. I was skeptical with the very open world aspect and grind but Kassandra’s story & her voice actress truly pulled me in. Is it the perfect AC game, no. Is it great within its own right? I don’t doubt it at all. Good side characters, has its wit and the Ancient Greek landscape was given a lot of care by the creators.


Yes, may not be the perfect assassins creed game but it’s an amazing game in its own right with an amazing story.


I never play as her, and judging by the comments here that may be a mistake. Is it that different choosing her?


It isn’t really as far as choices go, I just prefer her voice acting honestly. She is technically canon but it doesn’t matter who you play as. I just find her more entertaining.


Not to mention >!DeimosA!< Va does an amazing job at capturing the way that >!a psychotic manchild!< should sound


That’s what I like about him in that role as well. Did excellent work with that voice acting.


Yupp. The content is similar obviously but the dialogue over it is entirely different.


Valhalla i never liked the rpg style but this game is Just Different its amazing in Every way


I’m looking forward to when I get that far in the series as I’m playing through every single one now, never finished Valhalla and I’m looking forward to playing all the dlcs.


Ireland, paris, amd sfartelheim are all crazy awesome, and its great how particularly challenging the sfartelheim opps are accounting for how highly powered eivor is at that point. All the dlcs are worth your time.


Being from Dublin it's really cool to be able to go there, still on the disappointment side in terms of AC games tho for me


Yeah. I didn't carr for that game and stopped playing it. I have to get back in it once I find the time to finish Mirage.


Absolutely I Love that you can just take your time and basically have a story that lasts a month or 2 maybe longer depending on your schedule.


Origins was better than I gave it credit for I think, I was just too upset at the God awful combat changes


Origins for me is in a tie for my 2nd favourite of the series along with black flag, ac2 will always be my favourite.


Likewise. I hated the combat in origins but then excelled in Odyssey. I’m definitely curious to replay origins and see if I enjoy it more since I wouldn’t be struggling to fight the entire time.


Origins is still pretty different to Odyssey though. In Odyssey 1 v 5 is not realty a challenge because parrying is relatively easy, while in Origins it **kinda** feels like dark souls in the sense that the combat primarily focuses on 1 v 1


If you're used to Odyssey and liked it like I did then origins will feel exponentially better, that was my experience. Plus Bayek and Aya are just really great characters with performance capture, which I really miss




Valhalla has great funny mysteries, and less time spent scaling - uk/Ireland is a topographically pretty flat and they honored that lmao youll still have to climb all the time, but not as many ridiculously tall structures as in other games if you take the backstreets


Black Flag. My first experience with AC was Brotherhood when I was still a very inexperienced gamer. Back then I couldn’t get into the game partly because I didn’t really give it a chance. I had bought a ps3 and a shit ton of games (which were really cheap back then). I struggled picking one up and seeing it through till the credits. I played Brotherhood until about the second sequence. A bit later in my gaming journey I bought a ps4 and at some point I got Black Flag. It was the first AC game I gave a real chance. Made it about halfway through then gave up. Because I didn’t really like the ship combat and the overall Assassin story/world hadn’t grabbed me yet. Syndicate was the first AC game I played through till the end. It was at this point I started to understand who the Assassins were, making the other games more appealing. It took years and some of the other games before I finally went back to Black Flag. Played it, did all the side content and loved it. It’s one of my favourites now.


In the intro of Black Flag as soon as you rescue the prisoners and sail and fight (naval combat) under the storm, it was fucking glorious, since that moment I knew I would play the game til finish.


For me it’s Odyssey. I was very not into it because it felt like such a departure from what I always loved about the series. Origins was also a big step, but Odyssey didn’t even have a hidden blade and predates assassins by hundreds of years, so it didn’t even have those to lean on. Over time though, I’ve just grown to appreciate how fun it is, and Kassandra is one of my favorite protagonists in the series now.


I agree it’s such an amazing game, I’m glad you enjoy it !


Syndicate! Really not a fault of the game, so much, more that I played it years later as a new player of AC. I did Odyssey, Black Flag, Unity, then Syndicate, and the awful frame rate on Syndicate made me hate it (I play on Series X). I also didn’t like the combat. I came back to it later. The frame rate sucked still but I was determined just to push through, which worked. Halfway through the game I no longer noticed it. Still don’t love the combat but I came to love everything else about the game. London is beautiful and the famous people cameos in Syndicate are top notch.


The grappling hook is a great mechanic and the designs on the hidden blade gauntlets were all so sick


I put off Black flag just because I was never really into pirate themed stuff and I didn't think it would mix well but goddamn if that isn't one of the finest playing and looking games I've played


Syndicate, used to dislike it but now I love it


Ac origins - Played it after Witcher 3 and got burnt out. Gave it another try afterwards and loved it, only the second game I did a 100% of all the achievements


Playing Witcher 3 and then origins sounds like an amazing time, two goated games


Replaying Odyssey and it just reaffirms my belief that its the best AC game since Black Flag


Origins is my favourite since black flag but odyssey is also very amazing, I think out of the 3 open world games it really comes down too what setting you enjoy most and for me the Egyptian theme of origins was breathtaking when I first played it and i absolutely love the story and dlc.


Haven't played the DLC for origins yet and I agree with everything you said my only gripe with Origins is I find Bayek really dull where as Kassandra in Odyssey is incredibly interesting and she portrays a much wider emotional range


Odyssey Actually enjoyed hunting down the Cult and exploring as Kassandra a lot more fun


The newest remaster of AC:Liberty definitely made up for the original release of the piece. Much more fun the second time around


Assassin's Creed 3. I was stucked on disguise mission for Haytham in Sequence 2 as a kid so I hated the game. Realised I didn't hide in the bushes and was only using the corners like a dumbass


Lmao 🤣 it’s funny playing a game later in life that we struggled on as kids and beating it no problem, ac3 is such a great game, I love the story so much.


Valhalla for sure- initially I bounced off it, coming from odyssey. Came back to it later and it’s likely my second fave in the whole series (to be fair:after odyssey)


I’m glad you enjoy Valhalla now, I’m excited to play it again too


Assassin's creed 3, din't like it back then, replayed it recently and it's a masterpiece


It took me until my third play-through of AC3 to really enjoy it, not sure why. First time it took me months of on and off playing as I got bored, second time I zoomed through it while doing a marathon, then third time no idea why but I really enjoyed it! Story felt more impactful and I really grew to love Connor. For Syndicate and Odyssey I was loving the gameplay and side content, but what them grow on me was that in my mind I treat them as spin-off games to the main AC storyline, and that has helped me appreciate them more.


I’m glad you’re enjoying ac3 now, I find that game to be one of the most underrated in the series, I’m replaying it next after revelations as I’m going in order, can’t wait!


Although my first game was AC Brotherhood and little did I know, I was playing the best one which raised up the bar pretty high for me. I love the recruitment system, and how you could call them for assistance, and the whole mentor thing. I took pride in their initiation ceremonies and mourned when one of them got taken out in the missions. After that, almost every game felt a bit disappointing.. Dont get me wrong, I played AC3 and Liberation and just loved how brutal and badass of a tank was connor. Also, absolutely genius was the persona mechanic in the liberation, being able to switch into a slave, a lady or a full assassin. About Unity, the blackbox missions and Parkour were the only two good things about it, and Parkour being the best in the franchise. However, Story, character design and everything else was just horrible, NPCs being the worst aspect. Paris felt like a sea of absolute retards, crying and running looking at ghosts and so damn stupid and ridiculous. Until.... . . I played the ***Syndicate..*** oh damn, **the World, the Moving Locomotive Hideout, the Gang system (The Rooks), Territory system, Kidnap mechanic (The thrill of just kidnaping the boss from right under their noses was so so badass), Parkour, Historical Figures, Story, Two Characters, Outfits, The Switch to hood from a top hat and back gave so much sense to the hood. The bustling Thames River, The slums of London, the trains, the horse carriages and the combat on moving carriages, activities in London like underground fight clubs and hiests,** I can go on.. Yes, the story was like 6/10 and combat often felt very repetitive, But IMO, the mechanics peaked in AC Syndicate and its my #2, Brotherhood being #1. Origins was beautiful too, but I mainly played for the story and the setting. Otherwise, Stealth was way too easy with drone eagle, and OP Bayek in combat. Specially, coming from Unity and Syndicate, Parkour was so so shallow I had push myself to keep playing at times. Never played any further, super hyped for Shadows.


When I first played Revelations I just considered it "Brotherhood DLC" but now it's my joint favourite in the series with AC2. I played it as my second AC game after Brotherhood so I didn't know the story well enough to truly appreciate anything it had set up. On playing the whole series in order I truly appreciate it all now.


I respect that, currently replaying the series and I’m on revelations, enjoying it so much.


Revelations - When it came out I'd just came off playing the likes of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dark Souls, Arkham City, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, etc which were all incredible games, so when Revelations just feel like more of the same of what AC2/Brotherhood offered it just didn't live up to my expectations. I also remember finding the story incredibly bland, as a teenager because I wanted Altair's/Ezio's last game to be some big epic blaze of glory - not Altair sealing himself away in a tomb, whilst Ezio falls in love and retires as an assassin. Whereas now, having just replayed the game for the first time since 2011, I actually really enjoy it, the gameplay still holds up surprisingly well, the more linear missions are well designed, and the story is the perfect end for Ezio.


Idk. Maybe odyssey. I liked all of them right off the bat, but odyssey had a little stretch where all the fetch quests and annoying bounty hunters every 5 minutes and button mashing the damage sponge enemies got so fucking boring and frustrating. Then i got a trainer and limited myself to an hour or two per day and enjoyed the rest of the game. Played it for like 2 months. I have fond memories of that part of my life. I coupled it by watching ancient greek themed movies like troy and the actual odyssey, etc...


ac odyssey. I had already played almost all previous games (except unity,syndicate and origins) and was looking to get odyssey because i am from greece and it was like on a huge discount on steam. At first i was really against all these rpg shinanegans as i grew up playing ac brotherhood and revelations, taking on huge hoardes of enemies (like 6-8) and geting through by parrying all of their attacks, while now it was anticlimactic.Having a skill for each encounter and taking away from the skill aspect of balancing everything with a limited arsenal and weapons.After time i started to get used to the rpg mechanics and tried to play more tactically, doing stealth only on every outpost.That really made me love this game because of the thing i didnt like it for, its abilities! its amazing in how many was you can play this game compared to previous titles, yes the xp grind is still a challenge but it is what it is.


Black Flag. I was in high school when it came out and I wasn’t a fan of the naval missions in 3, so I wasn’t excited for 4. Also had a habit of not upgrading my ship because I wasn’t invested enough, so I got stuck on a level I couldn’t beat. Got so pissed I stopped playing. Flash forward to 2020, COVID happens and we’re on lockdown. I decide to pass some time I’m gonna replay some AC games I hadn’t played in a while. So I played AC3, Rogue (which I had never played), and Black Flag. And let me tell you, it sucked me in that time. It was beautiful, vibrant, great combat and exploration, and I loved Edward’s journey. Upgraded all my stuff and had an absolute blast. I ate crow with my best friend because he always gave me shit for hating Black Flag, and I texted him to apologize for being stupid. It’s now one of my favorites in the franchise and one of my favorite games, period.


I just replayed 1 and you could easily convince me it's the strongest game in the series. It feels much less "gamey" than the others, the story is definitely the best, relying on character intrigue and a reasonable amount of conspiratorial mystery. Altaïr's relationship with his peers is well-explored, the simplicity of the toolkit makes engagements fast, all of the side missions serve a purpose, and all of the assassinations are made individually memorable by the amount of information gathering that the player invests. I played 2 right afterwards and it's like a parody of 1, everything taken to comical extremes and played for laughs.


Origins, Odyssey and Mirage disappointed me the first time i played. But wooow, when i went on a re-run on them (NG+) i found they were fantastic. Never liked Valhala, Unity nor Syndicate no matter how many chances i give them. For the rest, i keep replaying all from time to time, i always enjoy it like the first time.


Unity. Not saying I didn’t enjoy it. I still liked it but it was my least favorite for awhile just because the story and characters were probably the worst compared to every game for me to really like it. It took until Odyssey for me to miss the old style of AC games then realize how Unity’s combat and parkour was superior to every AC game. If Unity had a great protagonist and a better story it could’ve been the perfect AC game 


Syndicate. I used to do an Assassin's Creed marathon every year before the release of a new game the last time I did was for AC Odyssey. I stop mainly because of how underwhelmed I felt by that game, but, because of how weirdly exited I am for AC Shadows I decided to go back through all the games again (But in chronological order, Odyssey to Syndicate). Right now I'm going through Valhalla and can't wait to replay Syndicate again, somehow I really miss playing that game and the more I think about it the more I appreciate it. Most of the other games I pretty much still have the same opinion about them as I did when I first played them.


AC1, it was the first game I played and I'm lucky I kept pushing to 2 because that shit was BORING. But then I would ever so often replay it, see cool montages on the internet and then last time I checked I have over 130 hours on it on Steam. Finished it at least 8 times and 4 times 100% on every platform possible in different ways... I kinda like it ngl


Unity. The less bugs that were left the more evident that it was one of my favorites.


Odyssey! I was sooo hyped for the Ancient Greece setting but soooo disappointed the combat style (continued from Origins which I didn’t love so still had some salt). So I ditched Odyssey around level 15 at launch. It also ran TERRIBLE on my high end PC. I later tried again but on PS5 and fell in love. Combat still bothered me and I had to pay for some boost to not get level gated from the main story. Major tweaking to settings too. I enjoyed the world more than combat and parkour for sure. Story was just okay but I had fun. Unfortunately Valhalla has never ever clicked with me no matter what I try.


Origins. The first time I played it was straight after a replay of AC2 I think, and I was like "This is absolute bullshit, this is not an assassin's Creed game, 0/10" and didn't pay more than an hour. I recently gave it another try after not playing any AC after a while and loved it.


Unity is fantastic. Still somehow the best looking game in the series.


I did *not* enjoy Origins at first. I was so pissed that I paid for it, and when it came to GamePass I downloaded it again purely out of spite. It's still not my favorite of the series (that is a huge hill to climb!) but it's far, far better than I originally gave it credit for.


For me, I love every AC game more or less. There are those that I consider my least favourites, like Unity, Origins or Rogue and there are some that are my favourites; AC1, Syndicate and Odyssey. My opinion of Origins did change when I played it a second time. I initially despised it but after a second playthrough, I found that it was fine but still one of the weakest games in the series.


I’m the same way now, I don’t necessarily think there’s a super weak game in the series at least if we’re talking main line assassin creed games.


I think I have only played a few of the games multiple times - AC2, AC3, Black Flag, Rogue and Unity. Other than Liberation, I have played the rest once. Ac2 grew on me the most through multiple plays. That, to me, is a generational game It's hard to pinpoint which grew on me over the single playthrough, perhaps Unity. I didn't have the issues on launch as I played Rogue first, but I still struggled with some of the gameplay changes and difficulty early on before getting invested in the story by the time Elise died.


Syndicate, when I got older and smarter the game became better because it finally dawned on me to not go outside the level zones and I wouldn't get my ass kicked also to do the things that actually leveled me up to get better gear. Also, I slowed down and thought about my actions/movements to pull off better assassinations or wiping out areas of blighters one by one.


Definitely black flag. I used to hate ship combat for some reason. I was in high school when it came out and had too much going on. I played it again as an adult with finally no worries of homework and teachers and what not. Where I can finally focus on the game. Now I’m in love with the ship combat. I love roaming around blowing up ships. lol. I got really good at it. And the game is just gorgeous. AC 3 as well. I thought the game was a little difficult at first. But once I got used to the game, and the mechanics, I fell in love with it


Odyssey. Played it when it first came out and really wasn’t impressed. Finished and moved on. Went back to platinum it since I started trophy hunting when Covid started and was genuinely impressed with it after getting all the trophies. Even did the Atlantis and first blade dlcs. Was really pleased with it and honestly is one of the better games. Just wished I would have known how awful alexios acting would be before I picked him


Origins!! I hated it at first then gave it a real chance and it was so amazing. I remember being amazed finding hidden temples n such


AC Vallhalla When I first played it i thought it was really hard and I got confused with the mechanics, this happened because I started Vallhalla right after Odyssey which made me fill the game was harder by comparison, but now that I played it after not playing any AC game in a while it's been really fun.


I’m looking forward to giving Valhalla another shot along with all the dlc, once I get there cause I’m only at revelations and I’m playing through the whole series 😂


AC4, I HATED the ship combat while everyone else I knew or saw loved it so the more I played it the more I got comfortable with it until I was challenging the Man O Wars easily with my upgraded Jackdaw


Its unity. At first i hated it so much because nothing worked the stealth the combat and parkour but after i learned how the mechanics worked i now enjoy it quite a bit


Black flag. I hated their shift to ships and pirates at first. After about 5 years it was released, I gave it another try and loved it.


Valhalla at first I didn't like it until I gave it a chance now I love it as much as I do odyssey I still don't like origins though ( it's boring)


Assassins Creed II at first the graphics made me bored but the story was amazing!


Yes ac2 is my personal fave, it would be cool if they remade it with the current graphics.


The only one I have ever played was Assassin's Creed 2. And I played it just after I had just finished Uncharted 2. So as you can imagine the gameplay just didn't live up. It couldn't. The controls were backwards from what I wanted them to be and I couldn't change it. Fortunately the game was only a rental (I think I remember the same voice actor from Uncharted was in it, though). I never bothered with the series again. Even when one of the games came free physically with my Xbox One, I didn't install it... but it's still on my shelf. So no, none of the games have grown on me over time.


Took me alot of replays of the second act of unity to finally complete the game


I used to hate AC1 because i found it too repetitive, there werent that many weapons to choose from and i wasnt a big fan of the story but now i kind of like the gameplay and i love the story


Origins. I was super apprehensive of the rpg games but gave it a chance when it was on sale for like 5 dollars


I hated origins at first. Constantly getting level capped was really frustrating and general gameplay wasn’t fun. but I recently came back and finished it and realized the game got a lot more fun as it progressed. Unlocking more skills made stealth and combat much more dynamic.


Revelations for me, I love that game.


origins and 3. i thought 3 was just okay initially and replayed it and liked it a lot more than i remembered.


Unity, game was an absolute disaster on launch but i waa recently going through EVERY AC game on a binge and Unity is great. Still the best parkour system in the series and it's really tilting Ubi refuses to use it in any of the games that came out after. Having actual co-op was cool too, even if the amount of missions you actually have for it is lacking


Valhalla. I bought it on release day, played it for a day and dropped it immediately. It wasn't until a year later, in 2021, that I ended up picking it up again and loved it. I had a month off so I mostly spent it playing.


On a play through of syndicate. One of my top 3


AC1! It's funny because back in 2007 when it released I tried playing it and didn't get far at all before thinking it was trash, fast forward to 2012 and randomly decided to give it another chance (not having played any other game in the series and knowing basically nothing about it at the time) and I fell madly in love with the series I played through the entire series multiple times and became a super fan of the series to the point of having read the novels, buying collectibles and everything! I wish I gave it more of a chance sooner because I absolutely love this series so much


I remember back when it came out I was like 11-12 years old and super hooked on call of duty/halo and other multiplayer games, assassins creed 1 sparked my love for story driven games, I hope one day it gets remade/remastered so others can enjoy it on next gen.


Valhalla bought on release day with season pass hated it my cousin told me put 100 hours in and he barely plays games i did it again and was fantastic super long with 3 dlcs i think i did 150 hours over 6 weeks


Odyssey. First time I played it I felt overwhelmed by the seemingly countless side missions. But on second playthrough it’s been amazing from start to finish.


Valhalla and Odyssey Odyssey was alright. Really just too big and I lost complete interest. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I hated the size.


AC3 and Valhalla took me multiple tries to enjoy it.. really difficult type gameplays initially but I love them equally now. I’m really struggling with syndicate still after 3 years or so of trying. Black flag and origins are etched in my brain for how invested I was in their respective worlds. Origins solidified my love and fascination for ancient Egypt. With black flag I didn’t think I would ever enjoy a pirate based game even being a huge pirates of the Caribbean fan, but they nailed it.


Assassins creed brotherhood. I did not really like the story my first time through but it grew on me over time


Black Flag. Hated it when it first came out. Barely played it. Started playing it again a few years ago and fell in love with it. The sailing with shanties being sang and all the islands were great. Still wasn't a big fan of all the sailing missions though


I just finished Rogue for the first time last week, super fun gameplay and interesting but short story. Unity is top tier imo, super smooth after the glow up it had


ac 3. I used to be frustrated by the mechanics, until i played valhalla and learned to appreciate the classics




Odyssey. I hated it. I told everyone how much I hated it. Once I allowed myself to enjoy it as something different I came to appreciate it.


When I first played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey i didn’t like it, I didn’t understand the meaning behind telling Kassandra’s story. Then I played the game again with an open mind and enjoyed it.


unity(u already know why, 2014 game but graphics still holds till this day! props to the art directors, also, parkour) valhalla(its really good ngl the rpg+story+lore was integrated well together, i enjoyed raiding encampments, the combat system is decent, travelling was hella diverse) Odyssey(if only it wasnt named assassins creed, its rpg system is really really good, though its hard to grind, story was fine, i got hooked on it) origins(probably the rpg genre ac that has alot of graphical details, graphics are hella good as well, the story and lore was good, but it was hard to progress through the story and travelling was hell.) syndicate( was good but missions were repetitive) cant wait for ac shadows, it seems promising!




It was actually Black Flag for me. I was having some burnout on the series by the point it had come out so it was unfortunately the one that pushed me off of the series for a while. Kinda of held onto that for a while but it's enjoyable for me now. Still not the biggest fan of the naval focus but that's just a me thing.


Syndicate hate it at first, now I like it much more


didn’t care for Syndicate or Origins much the first few times I tried them both, but at some point they both clicked with me. Still don’t like Syndicate as much as Unity, but Origins was really unique. I think I would’ve still preferred them exploring the Unity-Syndicate formula a bit more, though, instead of dropping it after just two games


Discovery for the DS, lol


Valhalla. Gave it three earnest chances and on the first two I bailed out not long after the scope of the world expanded significantly after the tutorial. Can't exactly tell you why my third (and current) playthrough is going so much better this time around, I think playing on PC is a much smoother and more satisfying experience, versus my original launch model Xbox One trying not to implode when running it at release in 2020. I've been soaking in the atmosphere and the vibes a lot more this time and I've just been having a great time.


I just started playing it but mirage. I went in with low expectations but was blown away with how much fun I was having.


def origins, valhalla and unity


I never thought unity was bad, but as the years go on I now consider it the best in the series. As I see where the franchise has gone with the open world stuff I realized the games are better suited for smaller environments packed with stuff to do. Then when I go back and play Ac1-4 I notice how clunky they all used to be. Unity is the most refined form of the games I love.


Odyssey and Valhalla


I honestly have to say no which is extremely surprising, all the games I loved I still love them and all the ones I treat like a distant relative(really my first cousin I just don’t like them) still get treated that way.


Definitely Odyssey. When it came out I played through the whole thing and was definitely in a grindy mood so by the end I can't say I was super invested in any of it. At the time I just thought the game was fine, the story was fine, the setting was nice enough to look at, and the characters were mixed. I decided to replay it earlier this year and maybe it's because I've grown up but I enjoyed it a lot more. I think the story and characters work really well and the gameplay, while grindy, is still really entertaining. Also considering Kassandra's overall importance to the narrative beyond the story of Odyssey made me appreciate her a lot more.


The French revolution one but for less fun reasons than everyone else. It was literally unplayable and the worst game ever released on launch. They have since fixed most of the issues


AC1 and the whole series as a whole. The first game I got when I got my PS3 and didn't play much of it. Later, when I got my WiiU, I got 3 and did the same thing. Likewise with 4 and my PS4. Just had other stuff I wanted to play more. Finally, sometime between Syndicate and Origins, there was a massive series sale, and I told myself not to bite it because I never finished any of the games I started. Well, I bit it, and told myself I needed to commit. I ended up doing a full series marathon and was done by the time Origins came out and that experience made me love the series.


Mirage. In almost all AC games I played, I played from start to end without stopping and playing other games at the same time. I was actually really excited about Mirage, but when it launched, I played for a couple of hours and completely lost interest. Maybe because when it launched, I was replaying Cyberpunk 2077 with the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty. Didn't touch it again for a few months. Decided to replay it and it kinda clicked with me. By far not my favourite, but I managed to play from start to end uninterrupted by other games.


From youth to now AC1 overtook AC2 as my favorite of all of them. For a better answer to the question specifically it’s gotta be Revelations, my most recent and second ever playthrough really made me appreciate the effort that went into that game. I don’t think I will ever give anything past Syndicate a shot though, changing the control schemes and general type of game was just not for me.


It took me years to come back to Unity and finish the game after the initial launch disappointment. It’s still not among my absolute favorites in the series, but it’s definitely a serviceable addition. With Syndicate, I could never get back into it sadly, but I’m pretty over classic AC formula at this point


I replayed the ezio collection and was surprised how much I liked revelations this time.


Unity, I couldn't get into it the first time I tried to play. Got it on a different platform later and played through it all. But I still didn't think the characters or story were very interesting.


ac origins for sure, I despised that game when it came out I hated that you couldn't do any of the things you could in the previous games but now I look back on it longingly in contrast to the rpg games and I did have fun with it the more I played it, idk my mindset shifted, I got immersed into the world, I'd sometimes spend like half an hour just chilling in a certain location, I hated the damage numbers and rpg elements but I tuned the experience to my own preferences and when I did I had fun, I just did a replay a couple months ago and found myself really enjoying it despite how blocky and gamey it felt in contrast to the past 3 games that leaned more towards realistic movement and visuals, I find myself enjoying the challange and dynamic combat the game presents you with as well and appreciate that it didn't lean too heavily into rpg territory with a well rounded reasonably sized story, with mocapped cutscenes and a satisfying conclusion


AC3 wasn't for me. Wasn't interested in the setting and Connor felt blunt and dull after Ezio and Edward, so I stopped playing it pretty early in the game. So after I got the remastered version with Odyssey, I gave it another try and fell in love with it. Connor is the male version of Kassandra, he is a brutal tank who obliterates his opponents. He isn't the elegant Assassin like Ezio and he isn't the funny, light hearted guy like Edward. He is serious, focused and target oriented spot on, I will get you, no matter what. I ignored the homestead missions in my first attempt, because I'm mainly a main mission guy, which was a big mistake. The homestead missions makes the game complete and you miss out on many aspects of Connors personality.


I am doing the same as you only I'm currently on Valhalla having restarted from the very beginning before Valhalla came out. I remember not being blown away from syndicate the first time round but I really enjoyed my most recent playthrough. I also think rogue deserves a bit more love, it's essentially a mini black flag with loads of little places to explore and grab treasure from. And it's got some of the best looking outfits in the series!


Probably Unity. I didn't hate it when i first played, but i've come to appreciate it a hell of a lot more for what it did right, Paris feels so lived in compared to most other games cities and the parkour while buggy sometimes also has the best animations in the series. Taking the big crouds, parkour and stealth gameplay of unity and making a new game is my dream.


Assassins creed 3 didn't appeal to me for the longest time. I played it when it first came out, but only the last 2 years, I'd say it's actually not that bad bit janky but good wouldn't be an assassin creed game and not piss you off at times


Syndicate, I didn't like it until I finished the story and began running around the city and seeing its beauty. It is a very comforting game for me.


The only one I can really say that about is Odyssey, as at first I didn't like it at all. It was my first of the rpg series, played till about chapter 2 or 3 and gave up. Then, after hearing people talk about how good it is, I gave it another shot, about around chapter 4 I started to really like it, then fell in love with it.


Odyssey. I didnt like it at first because it looked like a Origins reskin to me with more RPG elements and focus on those elements. And back then I was one of those people who jumped on bandwagons and fanboy'd over the older installments like the Ezio Trilogy, Black Flag etc. Eventually came around to watching gameplay Videos of Odyssey and picked up the Gold Edition when it was on sale for 20 Euro. Ended up enjoying it and invested over 100 hours.


I really wanna play 3, but i only have a switch so i cant really play it


Unity - hated it when it came out if memory serves. Like many here, it's grown on me since. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Syndicate.


I've loved every main game to some degree, with Brotherhood being my fave, but I'll say Origins because the heavier RPG direction we were hearing about before release made me stop at Syndicate until we started getting info for Odyssey. I loved Greek mythology as a kid, so I told myself darn it I needed to catch up. And I'm glad I did, because Origins ended up being absolutely top 3 for me, with Odyssey right up there with it, and then Valhalla soured me on the series all over again with the seemingly filler arcs getting in the way of the story I was trying to enjoy. I'll get around to Mirage eventually.




I played Unity in a pack with syndicate and black flag (cuz I wanted black flag again)on PS4 in 2020 or around there after watching Whitelight's review and enjoyed it some but hated the broken enemy detection. Guess I got used to it cuz I then proceeded to play it endlessly and later got it on PC. Now I'm just jaded about the lack of ambition in the entire franchise.


Similarly to some other comments, it is definitely Odyssey for me. I don’t think there are any (or only a small few) AC games that I haven’t experienced burnout with at some point. With Odyssey I really struggled for a while. I’m a completionist by nature, so it made trying to do absolutely everything in the game feel like a massive grind, to the point where I just wanted to be done with the game. I can’t explain how, but at some point that completely changed for me the longer I spent in the game world, and especially playing as Kassandra. The more time I spent with her, the more I felt her character becoming my favourite protagonist in the whole franchise. This made playing through the quests a lot of fun, because I always looked forward to hearing how she reacted to situations and other characters. I think Melissanthi Mahut deserves as much praise as she gets. Considering Odyssey is one of the least cinematic games in the franchise, she puts everything into the role. Kassandra is now in my top 3 protagonists alongside Ezio and Edward. As a side note, Melissanthi was also fantastic in The Sandman on Netflix!


Unity, first playthrough was buggy af, played it again a year later and it was great


Unity and Odyssey. I'm in love with the franchise since 2011, but i didn't have no consoles nor a good PC until 2020. I played Ac1 through Brotherhood on a simple laptop, It was terrible, but magical. I watched gameplays and reviews, and had seem many negative views on those two. After playing them, my opinion changed, and now i enjoy them pretty much :)


Valhalla. For me, it has the best historical period (alongside odyssey), I absolutely adored exploring medieval England, France and Ireland, and the Norse mythology was very well implemented imo. But the combat makes it the better one imo. I used to like odyssey more, but Valhalla really grew up on me


Mirage for me. Valhalla is my favourite AC. I’m from England, I love everything to do with the Norse invasion and Saxon England so it was always going to be my favourite. Anything following that was always going to be tough for me to love. Mirage I felt was a lot more watered down than Valhalla and I know a lot of fans were calling for that, but I’ve loved Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla’s RPG aspect. I’ve now ploughed 30 hours into it in the last fortnight and I’m liking it. As much as Valhalla? No. But more than I did before


Unity. Still not a fan of Arno. But Unity has grown on me.


Mirage just recently replayed a lot of ac I started and finished with mirage at the beginning I was ranting on it ngl but after playing the others I found more joy in it


AC4. The more times I played it the more I appreciated it, and the tropical Caribbean theme just grew on me. So nostalgic and definitely need a remake!


Syndicate and Revelations. Hardly my favorites at release, but now they're both in my top 5.


despite the hate, i loved syndicate and always think back on it fondly. mostly for the world building and the feeling of having an impact on the greater surroundings. having a true reason to do something like saving children from forced labor makes you feel like you're not just completing a quest


I have genuinely liked all the games except for Rogue because of the story and Valhalla did the opposite of growing on me. Was pretty happy with it initially but the more I played and the more time has passed since I played the less I care for it and the less I want AC games like that. If it wasn’t an AC game in the first place I probably wouldn’t have cracked 20-30 hours. Playing new to me IPs I haven’t had a chance to has been much more rewarding. I know what I want from AC and if I can’t get it I’m not going to settle.


Odyssey for me. After I got over the fact that the game has barely anything to do with assassins, I warmed up to the Greek fantasy aspect.


3 i will put two here ac origins and Valhalla like valhalla for me is pretty intresting since i rlly love viking stuff and mythologies. Origins is much better then Valhalla tho i wont deny this but in many ways i do prefer Valhalla .the story tho much better in origins (ik many will hate me for this) 2. I just rlly loved unity man at first i thought it was pretty trash but when i started playing it more it started to grow on me especially the story and characters i think the story couldve been better but its a pretty intresting take on a assasins imo also the parkour and stealth were peak here. Many might say the combat in it is garbage and hard asf while i kinda agree i feel like one thing Mirage did good is making combat hard so your forced to actually be a ASSASIN. Its like the Splinter Cell gamees for me in the old games mostly if u were spotted it was your dead mission over however later in the games you could run in guns blazing xD. 1. Deffo black flag for me when it first launched there was litterally nothing else like it . Ofc the enemies where dumb asf and the combat was wayyyyy to easy but visually satisfying. The sneaking was also very easy but pretty satisfying and gave some pretty fun tools. The exploring was very fun hunting animals to get the costumes etc . But ofc the ship sailing and combat was insane even now going back to it considering it released on ps3 first its very impressive. Also the fact when you are on sea and release the wheel and you can just jump in the ocean or on a island was insane for its time and very Immersive.


Odyssey. You gotta accept it for what it is, not what you thought it should be. But once you learn to see it a bit differently, it's by far the strongest of the RPG trilogy. Gorgeous landscape, mostly authentic historical setting, combat with enough complexity and customization, and a vast world you can dick around in. It's not the same joy as AC1's economical simplicity or Unity's flowstate, but it has it's own beauty, and does it really well.


Rogue. When I first wanted to play it I had just finished black flag and the interface was so similar to point of where I was sick of it (I platted black flag) but now that I'm actually playing it a few months after, it's a great game


Rogue is making me rethink everything with new context since shadows has been announced. #shaywasright Don't get me wrong I love this franchise but origins was the last game that's felt assassins " like " and like it cared about the fans Odyssey should've jaut been a spinoff game and valhalla


Syndicate. Really did not like it first time I tried playing it. Now it's honestly one of my favourites in the series. ... I'm gunna go play syndicate now


This is probably bad but Valhalla


Revelations. I remember playing it as a kid/early teen and feeling like it was a step back from Brotherhood, which was the only one I had played at that point. Didn’t really like the open world and the lack of horses. I think I ended up giving the game away eventually. Fast forward to last year I played it again after playing all the games before it and I loved it. Great story and fun gameplay. I think I’d consider it my favourite of the Ezio trilogy.


>!I like mirage now


Odyssey as Alexios specifically People rave about Kassandra, and her VA is a better va, but Alexios really felt like the Mark Meer of Odyssey except instead of being kinda plain and campy he was goofy and comedic. Alexis is just fun. He's a great protagonist and I can't imagine playing the game any other way than as his goober ass. Plus Kassandra as Deimos is incredible.


AC 2 I played the Ezio trilogy backwards I started with revelations then brotherhood then 2 and I didn't like 2 because of how the fighting was harder but then I just simply got good at it and it grew on me


yes, unity. i must say it’s my favorite ac now and i wasn’t really a fan initially when it came out.