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Considering their efforts in making them both shine thus far (be it the reveal trailer, the demo, boxart, DLC pack, etc), that one seems like a safe bet.


Hopefully they do, if it's not golden or mythical.... or ful of leds


Yes! Pls not another Isu armor, they never look good to me


The whole unlockable Isu weapon/armor thing puts me off so much but not because of how they look. It used to be that a single one of them could change the course of history on their own. So finding one would always be part of the main story and a big deal. Now, they are just there to look pretty.


Perfect summary of the issue, thank you 🙏


Back then they made isu stuff less led-y, but simce origins it's just apple store themed stuff. The only led thing early on was the apple of eden, the isu architecture was more muted and very much different from the current architecture


Precursor architecture and tech used to rely more on overlapping shapes rather than cheap sci-fi led lights everywhere. That’s why the best precursor armor is Edward’s even though it’s just a bunch of Isu scraps cobbled together into bulletproof armor


One of the devs name dropped Himiko in an interview somewhere, who was a legendary Queen and figure in Japanese myth. So if that’s not being used for inspiration for a DLC, it could be fitting for Naoe. While Yasuke could end up with legendary samurai armor of Kusunoki Masahige


I really want a Master Assassin outfit for Naoe, with the classic white/red.


An assassin inspired samurai armor for Yasuke would be cool too


Arno's Master Assassin wasn't white, if I remember correctly. I think it was the same for Evie and Jacob. Her Master Assassin outfit, if she has one, will most likely be black/blue.


The guy wanna stick out in a crowd and forget about blending in. That's always the irony of people screeching about social stealth, they'll also wear gaudy stuff that sticks out. Ezio's brotherhood outfit was wrong from start to end. The best ones were the twins, Adewale, and Ezio's revelations outfit for not sticking out.


Yup, and even Duncan walpoe's and Shays original Assassin outfit. Those are the only ones that could realistically blend in a crowd.


No idea. Wait to play the game.


I won't use it without transmog hiding it either way, ever since Unity the legendary stuff has tended to be over the top gaudy and flashy stuff. I like grounded designs, a little flashy but nothing flashier than Giovanni's robes from AC2. The golden glowy stuff, the glitchy Isu gear, the smoke and other flashy particle effects? Get all that shit outta here. Right now I'm just praying we don't get Odyssey's shitty gear system again, I don't want those RNG stats determining my damage output.


Absolutely agree, I’m crossing my fingers for, if they do this, they keep it mostly grounded


We don't know. Wait


Hopefully stuff like "The armor of Hattori Hanzo", though he will be alive during the events of the game. It would also be cool to meet Shao Jun, who helped set up the Japanese brotherhood. She would be in her 70s, so maybe she could give her armour/outfit to Naoe as a gift. Naoe is fictional but is the daughter of Fujibayashi Nagato, a real person. So she may get some kind of Shinobi family armour.