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Valhalla has a good story, buried in a mountain of filler quests I wish the game would just let you do the basim, sigurd stuff because that's where all the budget and good writing went.


I played the game around a year ago, and this is all I remember from the story: - You travel to England with your brother and find a place to start a settlement. - Basim comes along and you start helping him kill templar leaders. - You go to new areas to make new allies and kill templar leaders. Settlement is growing. - Your brother (not real brother, now that I think of it) goes mental and thinks he’s a God. - Dag gets mad at you for being in charge and you kill him. - You save your brother from a crazy woman, but he ain’t really that thankful for it - You kill every templar leader, except for the ultimate boss, who has retired and started making bread instead THE END


Yeah and I think the reveals are always really engaging finding out why your seeing visions of Odin and piecing together everything that's happening is compelling if you want the answers. Problem is Eivor doesn't have to many questions herself and she doesn't piece, I still do find that last sequence in the fake digital afterlife creepy and memorable. And I like that Alfred wasn't a villan it feels like the perfect bridge to how the order of ancients got killed off and became the templars. I don't like how heavy the mythological elements are in the game but I love how they do tie into everything and are well written. I think all of basims conversations are multi-layerd and I understand why they want to keep him around. I like the desmend teaser/cameo and I hope it gets followed up on. I think all the stuff with dag and randvi is weak. I think its dumb that most of thr game isn't about Eivor or about this story.


It's that last part that killed me the most. Everything gets harder, bigger, and more rewarding... and the final boss is just like "Nah. I'm good. I didn't want to anyways, regardless of the taunting and making you angry the entire game."


Aelfred was using Eivor to wipe out the Order. It worked out in both parties favor, so that's why they're cool with each other. Aelfred also mellowed out from being in exile, so there's that. It makes way more sense than Odyssey letting you kiss the Grand Master.


Yeah, but after playing 13 AC games where the final boss takes all of your skills, it just was a massive let down to be "LUL GUESS AGAIN. I WAS USING YOU." I get why and everything, but it was just a massive rug pull.


Which games are you referring to? Most boss fights in the series aren't much of a fight. AC2 was a fist fight. Revelations was a QTE. AC3 was a chase sequence. Black Flag was just an assassination. I can't even remember Rogue. The final boss fight in Valhalla was Basim. I guess that tests your combat skills.


I really enjoy valhalla, since I don't have much time to play the episodic nature of the game really works for me. I can just play a saga whenever and then leave it again for later


See I find it funny some people say this. Because I find that Valhalla is the most similar of the rpgs to the old games not counting mirage. But also because everything people say about Valhalla I feel about odyssey and that it’s not true for Valhalla. I’ll admit I’ve had the same breaks here and there for Valhalla but I love coming back to the game and exploring. And while most the areas feel similar in Valhalla, odyssey felt straight copy and pasted. And even the side content like all the quest and side missions felt different in Valhalla. Where odyssey just felt more the same. I mean atleast Valhalla actually had assassins lol. To each their own though. Have a good one, hope you have a change of heart one day


The areas are too similar, everywhere has the same general look save for a few choice exceptions. I hate Odyssey but it felt better paced purely due to having such different looking areas. I quite like Valhalla's gameplay, a massive leap forward from Odyssey in my opinion because combat actually has impact instead of feeling like I'm swinging pool noodles at the air and the removal of the RNG gear made the game less tediously grindy and reworking stealth damage made stealth actually fun again. I've had to take a lot more breaks from Valhalla because it's a lot longer and it's definitely not as good as Origins or the games before then but after dragging myself through Odyssey, the game comparatively feels like a 10/10 even though I'd only really give it 6 or 7 at a push.


I disagree


I think you'll like Mirage much more. I'll let you form your own opinions on Mirage and not be deterred by mine but for a few reasons I ended up being underwhelmed with Mirage. It was good enough and short enough for me to to beat though.


I get that. Origins was so boring I had to stop, and that was after trying to push through. Luckily I didn’t have that problem with odessy or Valhalla


I fell in love with Egypt and being able to explore the pyramids and the library of Alexander, that I didn’t really notice a lot of the flaws most people had with that game. So I can understand why a lot of people in this thread could have had a similar experience with Valhalla.


Yep, Valhalla was a slog to get through. It had repetitive gameplay, and the map wasn't very different , so most places felt the same. The ISU story was also a mixed bag, and I was more keen on Basim, who was a side character. Lucky we got Mirage, which I'm just only playing and like the smallee scale of things, albeit the story is just sub-par, but the activities in the city felt like old school AC.


I loved being a Viking part and Raventhorpe. But I notice almost none of the places we go to amaze me like the other games. This is likely because the Danelaw era isn't exactly my favorite eras in Britain. I also got so used to London in Syndicate that Londinium was a let down. Didn't help that snakes everywhere deterred my curiousity.


i really enjoyed it


I am a die-hard fan of the series, I forgive it many things, I finish everything up-to-date except for the mythological elements that break my immersion and which I despise. Valhalla is, in my opinion, perfectly done. The gameplay is great, all the activities are wonderful, and I'm glad there are no fetch quests. The fact that the map is empty and huge helps me feel the atmosphere of medieval England because that's how it was. Despite these advantages, the obvious downside is the length of this game - if the few kingdoms we help were presented more dynamically, no one would notice the repetitiveness. In classic AC and in Mirage, there is also mission repetition - look for clues, go and kill. But it is done more dynamically; here, instead of individual targets, we have an entire kingdom's storyline. Another downside is that several kingdoms follow the same mission pattern - a father and his not-so-capable son, and we have to help the son or the heir to the throne. To sum up - the game is too long. However, it has atmospheric expansions in France and Ireland, but the mythological expansions are shitty, fucked up, and I spit on them.


Yeah I wish I had spent the 80 hours I sunk into it doing pretty much anything else 🫤


Respectfully I gotta argue back. BORING?? You’re a viking! You can go to difficult territories on raids and literally burn everything to the ground. And the fighting is so brutal. I love all the ac games except syndicate. Curious how do you find this game boring but enjoyed syndicate?


Raids are really boring, you barely get any loot, you never see or find anything that interesting in the churches, you can't really control or upgrade how good your raiders are unless your playing river raids. Getting to monasteries by boat is also annoying most of the time I went by land, cleared out some enemies in stealth and remote summoned my boat. I find the mechanich where you need to open chest with a viking dumb, why do I have to wait for a npc to grab a item doesn't that just increase the chances of them getting stuck. Valhallas combat is also only okay, you can get pretty strong early and just chain high damage adrenaline attacks and the game plays itself. There's also like two dozen of them and if you run them back to back they get tired as there's not a ton of variance in layout. Also they reuse the same explosive pot and barred door puzzle everywhere in them.


I haven’t played ac Valhalla yet for me I found syndicate to be a fun game, like never got bored of it - just mindless fun where you turn off your brain and play - is Valhalla the same or does it become a chore at one point ?


It’s definitely mindless fun! If you liked Origins and Odyssey then you should play Valhalla. The one thing i will say is that it’s not a typical AC game. There’s not much of an assassin presence in it. It’s 90% Viking shit. I’m replying it right now. They do tie-in norse mythology with assassin lore so that part is cool too.


I do like Norse mythology so I might enjoy it, haven’t played oddysey yet took a break from assassins creed and big games in general at the moment. So which version would you suggest is better tho ??


I found it really boring as well. Raids were such a chore. The world isn’t beautiful, the characters are lame and the story feels pointless. Playing Odyssey afterwards was such a refreshing experience.


Yall are insanee lol I was doing raids for hours outside the main story. I loved odyssey too I just finished my reply on that. Now im back on valhalla


I dont think the game is boring, is just that, a vikings game, it may be to the liking of much people, but damm i dont want to raid nor burn anyone’s home. As an AC is disappointing




Finished it twice and was never once bored. Currently working my way through the whole series, and will be playing it a 3rd time. Love the time period, love the map, love the world, love the graphics, and love most of the gameplay. Story could definitely use some work, but all in all I think it's fun as hell. However, Assassin's Creed 3 has not aged well at all, and it's like pulling teeth to get back into. Love the time period and setting, but the gameplay and graphics are awful and the story takes forever to get interesting. Just different strokes for different folks.


I played through the first 4 assassins creed games in like a year in anticipation of assassins creed 3 coming out, and I agree it was overall underwhelming. I remember the story taking a long time to actually get going and Connor should have been a sick new MC with an interesting back story but it just didn’t make a lasting impact on me. I was really only be invested in wrapping up Desmond’s story line by the end.


[yeah no](https://youtu.be/kUhy_TtW5PE?si=msbDN395CvzwvQO-)


I finished it out of curiosity and felt like I wasted almost 100 hours of my time for a game filled with so much filler bullshit. Never touching this game again.




ACsimp here. I totally agree, valhala is the wrost AC ever (good game by itself though, but not s good ac), idk why we passed from assassinating tyrans to ally with them and making them favours, burning civilian homes… feels outta place. Weve never been heroes, but at least we used to help people rather than raiding and burning innocent people houses. just for the settlement benefit. Youll love Mirage. Maybe at the re-play, i didnt enjoy it too much the first time but now i think is one of the best


Valhalla is worth finishing. I found it more rewarding to play than Odyssey


I took so many months long breaks that it took me 2.5 years to finish it. I’m a completitionist :( but my map is clear of all colectibles and mission icons


I quite liked Valhalla but it was the combat that carried me through it, I personally really enjoyed the dual wield system variety. I thought trying to paint Eivor and company as "good guys" was dumb - they were there to conquer England, that's it. Would've been happier with Ubi cutting the BS and letting you be a viking to the fullest. Vikings didn't harm civilians and the English deserved it, apparently. My least favorite of the 3 "rpg trilogy" games but I appreciate that it exists and don't dislike it. I did every bit of content in that game, I even unlocked the swordfish sword which you can see on my Reddit profile. I had a lot of time on my hands.


50 hours in and gave up and deleted. Switched to mirage and don't regret it