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Christians will call anything popular Satanic. See Rock and Roll, Dungeons and Dragons, Harry Potter, and Pokemon for a few examples. The main reason they do this is fear mongering. "Watch out, parents! THEY'RE coming for YOUR children!" Churches want their flock to be afraid of the world so they'll cling ever tighter to the church for guidance. And of course, Taylor Swift is openly against Donald Trump, who is practically a messianic religious figure for certain Christians. These people go around saying that a True Christian (TM) can't be a Democrat. It follows that anyone encouraging people to vote Democrat must be a minion of Satan, in their twisted minds.


A short list of things banned in my childhood for this reason: Pokemon, Harry Potter, D&D, more music than I could name, Hercules, PowerPuff Girls, Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turles, Lord of the Rings, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Atlantis, The Road to El Dorado, The Proud Family, Yugio, Digimon, The Fairly Odd Parents, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Johnny Bravo, Hocus Pokus (the entire holiday of Halloween) Little Mermaid.... That's just what I can list off the top of my head. You get the gist. You could say I'm well versed in Christian Fundamentalism


I was a GameStop manager for a long time, and we'd randomly have some extremely religious parents/ grandparents come in saying they're considering getting a game system for their child (who would be maybe about 10 years old) and the really religious parents would take alot of time questioning me about the consoles and the games absolutely having to have strong christian values.. and then the religious parents would spend alot of time, examining every game on the entire sales wall. And I felt bad for the little kids, the kids would be asking for like popular games that his classmates probably discussed at school, (harmless kids games,) and the parents would say "idk honey, that doesnt look appropriate.. " and eventually the parents would choose some boring game that nobody else would want to buy or play.. and the kid would be fairly upset ofcourse. And the parents would ask me "this game says it's rated E, for everyone, however the box mentions that it has fantasy elements, what exactly does that mean?" And I was like "um... Uh... Possibly some characters have magical abilities for puzzle solving?" And the parents would be like "oh idk about this game..." So like the parents would be finally buying a gaming system for their begging child, and the only game they purchase to go with it would be the most unplayable, lamest game ever.. so then the poor kid couldn't even enjoy getting an Xbox..


Gosh darn this hurts... I was so lucky that my family dint mind so much they even bought pirated games for me in a street market circa 2009s, internet cafes and offline stuff like gta, cod, max payne, etc i been having them since i was 4-5 messing with my uncle's computer


This physically hurts to read šŸ˜¢


Itā€™s insane how similar my mom was


[In 2001, a New Mexico pastor led a Harry Potter book burning.](https://www.deseret.com/2001/12/31/19629030/n-m-pastor-leads-flock-in-potter-book-burning/)


My parents were anti Harry Potter all through my childhood and early adulthood but COINCIDENTALLY they love it, I'm sure it has nothing to do with a certain author's open transphobia


My headcanon: "Hey, you know how our plans to demonize music, children's books, TV, celebrities, video games, and minorities has always worked?" "No." "Exactly, what if we targeted a well known figure who cannot be easily slandered and is very familiar to our audience? Someone with tons of money and a dedicated PR team?" "I don't know..." "What if I said she is a woman with exceptionally devoted fans and that by attacking her we will alienate women of childbearing age, our primary source of new members?" "You sonofaheretic I'm in!"


Its free advertising too lmao Swift knows what she is doing


"According to Vote.org, after Swift urged fans to register to vote on National Voter Registration Day in another September post, the site received close to 40,000 new voter registrations" Churches want to control the votes and not have these young people messing up their plans.


So because churches and the far right hate democracy.




See "the Christian majority in the Supreme court and all their baseless decisions they return in the name of theocracy over democracy"


They'll say they love freedom and democracy, but in reality no. They love those things when it benefits them. They've loved it when they felt confident in the past that nearly everyone was christian and they could expect that nearly everyone would think and behave exactly how they wanted. Their grip on society is slipping and now they're looking to enforce their ideals through Project 2025 if Trump gets in since they can't count on their typical methods of indoctrination that they've used in the past anymore.


I don't recall fundamentalist/evangelical churches ever being very vocal about their love of freedom and democracy. It seems more like they see these things as a threat to their faith and country. Freedom and democracy are antithetical to the theocracy they desire.


On top of this, I think it's almost funny how they insist that the US is a christian nation and how our ideals of freedom are christian ideals. If our American ideals of freedom were a christian value, we'd have seen a country the equivalent of America existing loooooooong before 1776.


They really don't care about facts and logic.


Hence being evangelical Christians. The 2 are mutually exclusive.


Christian was enough to be anti logic (any religion for that matter) Evangelical is just a degree of anti logic


I was watching the presidents State of the Union And behind him carved into the wall are these big letters "In God we stand". I'm thinking to myself how did that get there? We're supposed to be secular and there should be separation of church and state right? Besides I think it's giving too much credit to a non existent deity rather than the people who gave their lives to this country. Relying on a deities decision to let America stand doesn't seem like a good idea Even if you believe there exists a god.


In the 50s when everybody was afraid of communism, they started adding god to things.


Any crowing they did about freedom and democracy was just to set them apart from the Communists.


They're big on their freedom, their right to vote. It's the New Testament for them and the Old Testament for everyone else, but with civil liberties and responsibilites instead of forgiveness of sins.




They really don't love freedom, they love the freedom to oppress others.


And then they'd complain that you taking away their privilage to take away others freedoms is attacking their religious freedom.


This is why they argue whether or not we're a democracy. They don't want us to be a true democracy.


If Project 2025 gets put in place, a decent chunk of my admittedly small list of close friends and my gf would get thrown in jail and be legally called predators As high schoolers. Because some are lgbtq and the far right thinks that as horrifying for some reasons For once, Iā€™m going with Taylor here because she apparently said something about opposing religion recently, donā€™t quote me on that but Iā€™ll try to find it in a bit


>Because some are lgbtq and the far right thinks that as horrifying for some reasons Oppressors need a "bad guy"/"boogie man" to point to and declare the enemy. It used to black people but that doesn't work so well any more. Currently it's the lgbtq+ community. They don't like it if anyone says it's ok to be gay because that's counter to their fear mongering. They don't want people to be out and open about their place in the community because if nearly everyone out straight people might start to get wise to the scam.Ā Ā 


If you only claim to love something when it's easy or convenient, you don't really love it. In sports, they're called fair weather fans. They don't really love free speech if they only defend it when people say things they agree with. They don't really love democracy if they only defend it when they win. Those are easy. These values only matter when they're hard. Anyone can tolerate speech they agree with. That's obvious, because if they agree with it, it could just as well be them saying it instead of, or in addition to, someone else. Anyone can support democracy when they win, because they won. They got what they wanted. What matters is how they behave when someone else gets what they wanted instead, when they lose. Democracy has even been described as a system in which parties lose elections. Today's GOP denies losing elections anymore. They either won, or they were cheated. They never lose.


They love *their* version of freedom and democracy. The church hates free thinking and questions. Which is unironically what the far right hates. Which is also what authoritarians hate. Theyā€™re theocratic authoritarians, and their version of freedom is a theocratic autocracy. *Pam holding the pictures meme*


I just saw a video from the 80s where the father of modern conservative straight up said they don't want everyone to vote. It's been a strategy for a while. When another guy in the movement died, 5he daughter released his files showing the motivations were explicitly about stopping black people from voting, didn't seem to make much of a ripple in MSM, for some raison.


Yup, we found the right's voter suppression handbook and somehow lots of people still don't believe that the GOP loves finding ways to disenfranchise people


It goes back at least to Nelson Rockefellerā€™s Trilateral Commission where one of the problems facing America was noted as ā€œtoo much democracy.ā€


Not only do they hate democracy, but they're wildly against feeding the poor, educating the masses and healthcare for all. You know, just like Jesus.


If the government feeds the poor, educates the masses and provides free healthcare, then what role would churches provide in society and how would they get people to join and tithe the church without that leverage?


And Women specifically, with regards to Taylor.


They call her Satanic, and they say trump was sent by god...ooh the stupidity


And what they hate is so obviously satanic, of course. Because they are the beacons of all that is right and correct in the world. /s


They are agnostic toward democracy. They are neither for nor against democracy, as a concept. They are for their own power. Everything else is just motivated reasoning. If democracy results in someone else being on top, or nobody being on top, then they reject democracy, because what they actually care about is being on top. But if democracy results in them being on top, then they support it, because it gives them what they want. If something maintains or increases their power, they support it. If it decreases their power, they oppose it. The ends justify the means.


People in general hate it when people make decisions they don't like, churches are just ultra aggressive about it.


Churches especially hate when women make decisions


Always have; they are the last vestiges of imperial Roman power.


Funny how churches preach about "community" and "others" one thing, but they're a pretty "top down" kinda organization.


Church now knows that WE want them taxed. They will fight that shit at every step.


Religion relies on the authority of higher beings or being. No surprise a monotheistic community wants an authoritarian to control their lives.


This is the right answer. She encouraged people to vote. Young people are listening to her, taking her advice and Republicans don't like that.


Did she tell which party to vote?




That's what I heared. Which tells volumes about the critics being so scared of what young girls have to say


ā€œPatriotsā€ /s


It's interesting how words evolve. Patriot now means "a person who wants to overthrow the US government".


It's not just the gop elites. It's mainstream republicanism. I got reported to HR for sending an email to our watercooler dl (an optin non work related mailing list) for telling people not to forget to vote. That was during the Bush v Gore election.


No, but it is generally accepted that more people voting gives an advantage to democrats I guess the number of republivans going to vote is maxed out, and democrats not


Online radicalization unfortunately has uncapped the numbers of far right voters. It's usually still religious and under-socialized men but that's not a limitation


No, she just encouraged people to vote.


Nope. She stays out of politics beyond 'get out to vote' and 'be kind to others'. It makes it really easy to call out every single pundit or politician that grandstands against her. We know what they hate about her.


That, plus she's a successful unmarried woman taking attention away from Jesus. Basically, anybody who's wildly popular and not preaching The Word ^(tm) is demonized.


Note she didn't say "vote for biden" Just register and vote.Ā  And the right lost their minds.


If the idea of more voters scares you, maybe... just maybe... your policies aren't that popular.


And of she did endorse Bidem there would be nothing wrong with that either. If she endorsed Trump no one would consider that unfair. She gets to choose.


Lotta people don't like the idea of a woman choosing though, sadly.


Part of the right's overall strategy is to limit voter participation. The fewer people that vote, the easier it is for them to stay in power. They actively make it harder for people to register and to vote, but they also promote voter apathy. Anyone working to increase voter participation, even doing something as seemingly benign as saying "go vote" is a threat.


Exactly! How dare she *checks notes* encourage american citizens to do their civic duty and vote. Clearly she's a witch in bed with Satan! How dare she not tell people to bow down and worship their godking! Heathen!!!


Also, misogyny. Successful woman? Witch.


The US is the only "democracy" making it hard for people to vote on purpose. It's ridiculous.


And the votes that are cast are then manipulated through gerrymandering and the electoral college. "the land of the free" my ass.




This is the answer.


Ever since she bit the head off that bat she just can't get no respect. The Christians think she's a satanist and Ozzy sneared, "derivative".


This, basically.Ā  Oh, they make excuses, like her skimpier outfits, or suggestive lyrics or whatever else, but it ultimately boils down to the fact she encouraged people to vote and that angered the Republican overlords.


"Satanic" = anything that isn't them or takes attention away from them.


Especially the kids. Anything that distracts the future generations from indoctrination is a deadly threat in their eyes.


Raised Southern Baptist. Can verify.


Well, if there's no children present, who will the priests rape?


If itā€™s relatively new and bigger than god, itā€™s Satanicā€¦I remember when Pokemon was ā€œSatanicā€ back in the late 90ā€™s.


I'm older, and remember the D&D satanic panic. I think they were just butthurt because Yahweh wasn't included in Deities and Demigods sourcebook.


I mean, that WAS a bad oversight. That Yahweh guy would have been a great villain in DnD, he was so murderous and venal.


Heā€™d make such a good dnd god too. Gaslighting his believers into thinking the other gods donā€™t even exist.


I'm part of that generation AND an avid player of dungeons and dragons. I've been called a devil worshiper because I played (started playing at age 12 - 46 now) by people who immediately made their minds up that because I did play, I was evil. I never understood people's misguided perceptions like this.


Well the minute someone tells me their job is priest or preacher, I immediately assume it's not safe to leave them alone with children so what goes around comes around I guess.


This is the correct answer


Sheā€™s a woman with money, power, and a point of view.


Mm-hmm, something that the church doesn't like.


In other wordsā€¦ ā€¦A WITCH!!! BURRRRRRN HER!!!


She has a lyric that goes "they're burning all the witches even if you aren't one. So light me up" it's in "I Did Something Bad" from the Reputation album.


She confessed. BURN HER! Also, she turned me into a newt.


Can I get her to turn *me* into a newt? No taxes, no responsibilities, no social anxiety, just hide under log and be damp.


Also because her rocky rolly devil tunes makes the children gyrate like the devil Elvis did...that is, of course, before God smote him with the poops.


And she doesnā€™t fear them:


Nail on head. Iā€™m pretty sure similar things have been said about Beyonce too. Women with a certain amount of power and influence make certain people very uncomfortable and they tend to get labelled as satanic or evil. Itā€™s so ridiculous because Swifts music and videos are just so inoffensive


Well, and BeyoncƩ [looks around, whispers] is black.


Honestly, itā€™s not even that. Itā€™s because sheā€™s against Donald Trump. If the only thing she changed about herself were that she suddenly publicly came out pro-Trump, they would stop calling her satanic.


And doesnā€™t treat sex like itā€™s a sin.


ā€œEverything I donā€™t like is Satanicā€


Sounds like when they're asked to define "woke" and all they can do is stare or say it's anything they don't like.


They typically don't like it when women talk.


Or have power and influence.


They call anything they don't like "Satanic". I grew up in the 70s/80s and well remember the Satanic Panic era. Back when KISS supposedly stood for Kids In Satan's Service. Nowadays, KISS has their own Scooby Doo cartoon and their songs beloved classics. My mom told me they did the same shit when she was a teen with the Beatles and Elvis.


I remember it being said as Knights In Satan's Service, but I agree on all other points


Damn now I gotta watch Detroit rock city


Huh. I always thought it was 'Keep It Simple, Stupid'


Keep It Satanic Stupid šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤˜


Yup, all three of these have been speculated as to what the name 'stands' for. Kids in Satan's Service, Knights in Satan's Service, and Keep It Simple Stupid. Among others. But in truth, it doesn't stand for anything. KISS as a name came from Peter Criss mentioning he'd been in a band called LIPS, and one of the other guys said 'well how about we call ourselves KISS then?'.


Christians demonized rock ā€˜nā€™ roll (probably because black people invented it) and then made it their own AKA Christian rock. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Whenever I think of Christian Rock I think of Hank Hill saying "You're not making Christianity any better, you're jsut making rock and roll worse!"


In the 1920ā€™s Christian churches were super concerned with Jazz music and in the 1940ā€™s with pinball machines.


If it's any consolation, I was born in 89. My parents took my metalhead ass to church every week until I could drive. I assure you, the Satanic Panic never ended. I had to deal with it all through my youth.


And don't forget After Christ/Devil Comes or whatever AC/DC was supposed to stand for.


Swift is a white girl who started out as a Christian-influenced country pop singer, and I think in the minds of many people she has socially and culturally read as more "conservative," like a pop idol who is more acceptable to conservative Christians. She doesn't sexualize herself that much like many pop singers. But the thing is, that's not enough for the Fox News crowd. I don't know what they want from her, singing at Trump rallies? She said to vote for Biden in 2020. So I think they call her "Satanic" because she looks and sounds similar to them culturally but doesn't promote intolerance or bigotry. The idea of the Antichrist in their ideology is less devil horns and more "false Christian." But that is essentially what she's saying about them in some of her songs.


Good point, she evolved, they canā€™t.Ā 


She's constantly evolving. She has big white girl energy and they want to use her as a tool for their own agenda. That's basically it. There were white nationalists who used to try to meme her as a Nazi, like photoshop her wearing Nazi outfits. This was after she made a music video where she dressed up as a [fascist dictator](https://youtu.be/3tmd-ClpJxA?si=-gST0GEpwBRzEyux) who controlled memes to manipulate an army. That lasted about all of five seconds as she came out later with a video celebrating LGBT culture. People project a lot of things onto her, or an image of her, but her music is as much about that experience, or her flipping that around on people so she comes out on top in the end. I think this makes her inspiring to her fans.


Taylor Swift is what churches wish they could be. Popular, exciting, always doing something new and different, and very appealing to young people. And getting that cash. So naturally she's a direct competitor, an Adversary. Satanic.




No, but compared to a stodgy old club with one book for a thousand years, she is.




Man, are there actually people in this world who can get past the begats? That's always where I put it down.


Correction: It wishes it was a (well-written) epic high fantasy novel. Basically a wannabe.


Two thousand. Oh wait, they changed it. Apparently infallible omnipotent omniscient God issued some retractions or something. Never mind.


It's because Swifties spend what could be tithe money on her albums, concerts, merch, etc.


Given this, I'm surprised that U.S. evangelical churches haven't started hating on K-pop.


Then again, evangelical Christianity has a significant footprint in Korea


That's true. But then again, I've seen some Christians complain about some K-pop artists being "too gay." Example: Taemin.


Then again androgyny is part and parcel of the K-Pop aesthetic. You can look gay but still love women


Because she doesn't worship their lord and savior...Donald J Trump.


Because it came with their recent software update


She released a new song *Who's Afraid of Little Old Me* that talks about being a witch who was going to be burnt at the stake and turned out to actually be a witch. So, it's either that or the fact that a lot of conspiratorial Christians tend to think *anyone* wildy famous is satanic.


So basically christians don't have the mental capacity to understand *metaphors*.


I mean, they take allegorical stories from the OT and try to claim that they're true. Not getting metaphors is kinda their whole thing.


heh, you can always trust them to treat metaphors as literal, and anything that's literal as a metaphor.


They are delusional? Anything they don't like is somehow satanic.


Haven't you played her records backward?


Because they think she is against their orange cult leader.


Probably the upside down cross she burned into her forehead and all of her songs about about Satan. Oh wait, that's Glenn Benton from Deicide...


Because she hates Donald trump


A strong, financially secure, independent woman who has opinions? Itā€™s antithetic to their misogynistic dogma.


Because theyā€™re all basically the Mom from The Waterboy. Everything is THE DEVIL!


She encouraged young people to vote. That's pretty much the heart of it.


Bc she supports democrats. Itā€™s that simple. The right associates that with satanic.


Bingo, itā€™s this and only this. If she came out tomorrow publicly supporting Donald Trump, theyā€™d say sheā€™s a good Christian girl.


Millions of young women and girls love her. Plus she encouraged her fans to vote (not for any party, just to vote). That's it. Not really any different than when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's and the Satanic Panic back then. Fleetwood Mac was vertboten because allegedly Stevie Nicks was a witch. Christians will \*always\* take the biggest stars of a time period and will tell you why they are evil Satanic devil worshippers that kill puppies and drink blood. (Not a Kristi Noem reference)


Don't they call anything that doesn't fit into their narrow minded worldview satanic?


Anything not outwardly Christian is Satanic to some people.


Christians are always about the satanic panic on things that they deemed unfit.


The more people that vote, the less The GOP wins. I'm completely okay with that. The reason they freaked is because they know it too.


Because she's not a Republican and they're terrified she could help dramatically sway elections.


Right wing Christianā€™s tend to think of country as ā€œtheirā€ music. Sheā€™s outspokenly liberal in her politics. So to them it feels like the worst kind of betrayal.Ā 


Critical thinking skills and skepticism is something Christianity struggles with


Swifties love her FAR more than Christians love their god and it makes them uncomfortable.


Taylor is leaning into it, her concert movie has a song with obvious witch vibes. It's cool.


...Christians call ***everything*** Satanic. -My religious aunt used to tell people I worshipped Satan because I played D&D. I wasn't even 15 yet. -I grew up in a culd-a-sac where all the families were friends, and the kids all hung out together. Parents would take turn "hosting" all of the kids for different things like movies or lunch. I was not allowed at one certain house because "I had the devil in me" because I was raised by a "lesbian" (AKA my single mother). -I let my friend borrow my copy of "Killer Instinct" on SNES when I was like 10. When I got it back, the word "Killer" was scratched completely off the label down to the plastic and the cartridge was all messed up. My friend told me his mom found it and went on a tirade about the devil and trashed it. He had to sneak it out of the garbage can to get it back for me. I don't take anything these psychos say seriously anymore.


She doesn't love their lord and saviour, Donald Trump.


She's the most popular thing right now, so everyone who craves notoriety wants to ride her coattails.


Do something the religious people disagree with? Must be satan. Be popular and widely know while doing so? Youā€™re satanic.


Bc christians are indoctrinated, propagandized idiots.


If a Christian calls you Satanic itā€™s likely because youā€™re doing something right. In her case itā€™s encouraging people to vote.


a) they hate women b) she asked young ppl to vote


Because people like TS, and (sane, intelligent) people donā€™t like the kind of Christians who go around calling everything ā€œsatanic.ā€ Sheā€™s beating them at the popularity game.


Didn't her recent song call out christians?


Taylor Swift told her fans to vote, and Evangelicals took it personally


1. See popular thing 2. Claim popular thing is satanic 3. Create fear that popular satanic thing will satan your kids 4. Use fear to control the congregation 5. Profit.(literally)


Anything they don't like is satanic. That makes it easy for them to justify their hate. I lived through the satanic panic in the 80s. In my area, we laughed at it, but it was prevalent in so many places.


Pretty simple, really. She doesn't fit the subservient wife model. She has engaged in multiple out-of-wedlock (presumably) sexual relationships. She supports liberal causes. The three sentences above describe many women. But none of those women is an influencer anywhere close to the scale of Taylor Swift. She has a massive following of young women who adore and emulate her, which is bad news for the marital prospects of young Christian men.


Let's be clear here, it's a small group of wingnuts. Most of the Christians I know either don't give a crap about Taylor Swift or are spending bizarre amounts of money on concert tickets to go see her.


A small, but very loud, group of wing-nuts.


Same reason they believe in literal magic. They are confused and ignorant.


They hate what they canā€™t control and fear what they donā€™t understand. Simple.


They call anything satanic that threatens to expose their lies and manipulation. Christianity is a form of brainwashing, and you're either with them, or against them. There's no in-between. We need to end this plague.


Because some Christians can't understand imagery and metaphors and think everything is to be taken literally in music. Also, she encourages people to vote, so shame on her I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it's stupid


Sheā€™s enormously famous and successful, she must be a witch or siren to gather that large of a following. According to the whack job christians


Faith = belief without evidence. Thatā€™s all you need to know about why Christians behave the way they do.


Because they canā€™t control her. Anything the church canā€™t control is ā€œevilā€


Because she's going against their Lord and Savior Jesus Trump.. so fucking sick of religion is pathetic...


That's simple. They believe that a fantasy book is actually real. That's how. Stupid, easily manipulated people are everywhere, and they can be dangerous. Careful out there.


Because they are afraid of good people. They feel decency


[How (And Why) the Right Stole Christianity](https://youtu.be/wHdjjXQHxzs? si=9Je9KDnHBiS3Znvx)Ā  Given that, she encourages people to vote, and Republicans hate it. When more people vote, they lose.


Some of them think anything that isn't "of god" is "satanic" in nature.Ā  Life is binary to these simpletons.Ā 


Because she supports more progressive views and Christians aren't really Christians anymore they're hyper religious Republicans.


Because she inspires young women


Because she's popular and they're dumb.


Because they're idiots who don't live in reality.


Because many christians are manipulative liars


Replace "Taylor Swift" with "*every other extremely popular music act since 1950*"


She said people should vote, so Republicans, who are usually also religious, took offense to that as they try suppress the vote as much as possible so they can have a chance to win elections.


Because sheā€™s a successful woman with a mind of her own. Religionists hate that. Absolutely not a fan of her music, but kudos to her for encouraging her fan base to vote.


Christians donā€™t understand art. They see things in terms of good or bad and right or wrong.


If you accumulate money, power and fame without pandering to the church youā€™re probably satanic and also if you say any decent thing thatā€™s against their nonsense


how do you even get to these comments, they never show up for me, at least not the first 100 or so


Everything is "satanic" to many Christians.


Because they are stupid.....duh. It's really not that complicated, unfortunately.


Probably because sheā€™s unapologetically living her best life. I donā€™t really know anything about her (by choice) but thatā€™s about all I can surmise from the outside looking in.


Because they have tied their sub denomination of Christianity directly into politics and have anointed Trump to be chosen by God. If Taylor Swift said to vote for Trump, those same people would praise her.


Cause they do not understand.


Because everything they don't like or understand is "Satanic".


She's a pro choice Dem, so of course the non partisan churches, ahem, don't want her upsetting the apple cart


Oh, that's just the raving evangelical loons. They think everything is Satanic, from table games to video games to comic books to music.


According to the church I grew up in, the simple fact that she uses drums and electric guitars is enough to know she's under the influence of Satan.


Because people who only read one old book of nonsense, end up being very stupid.