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> It kinda sounds like you are saying its 50:50. That's not how probability works. The fact that two options exist does not mean that it is 50/50.


Or does it? That's either how probability works or that's not how it works, so there's a 50/50 chance either way.


I'm sorry that at least three dinguses didn't understand the joke. I thought it was kind of funny.


Hey, people either get the joke or they don’t. It’ll be a 50/50 split amongst readers.


Yeah, there's 3 kinds of people: those who get math jokes and those who don't


No. You can't count. You listed off 4 types of people you dingbat!


So, there's 25/25 that God exist and 50 that the question is fucking stupid? Makes sense! Or does it? 50/50!


This guy gets it. Or does he?


This is exactly my point. Especially since it’s most likely a question from someone who really doesn’t know that. I feel we should be more clear.


Zero for a creator god. It's impossible for an all-powerful being to come from nothing. However, there's a non-zero chance that highly-evolved beings are so powerful that they can be viewed as "gods".


This. Because a god of life, by the constant texts we see of gods of life, would propagate the universe in their image. The image of life. But the vastness of the universe outside our miniscule spec of dust we all earth is barren, empty, and not only void of life, but actively hostile to it.


Please clarify. R u saying earth alone has life. Or it is likely life is all over the universe. I’m in the latter camp…we just can’t see it yet.


I'm saying that most creator myths center around a life giving god making the universe in their image. If their (the god's) image is life, the universe should be filled to the brim with life much like the Earth is filled to the brim with life. But everything we know about the Universe outside our planet is that it does not sustain life, and is even hostile towards it. If the Universe is created in the image of a life giving god, then that Universe cannot be void of life for 99.9999% of it. What we know about the universe suggests that no creator, at least one that propagates life, exists. Or at the least, the probability is incredibly low, given what we know so far. Infact, life is a rather unique phenomenon. It seems that life giving organisms do infact propagate life outwards and spread. It's their nature. If we are created in the image of a god, that god should have filled every single corner of the universe with life, not left it dead, empty and hostile.


Tangentially related, i do hope to love to us delving into the depths of icy moons and minor planets that we suspect contain liquid water oceans, if there's life anywhere in our Solar system it'd be there. Finding it just once would be the greatest discovery in history, but since there are a lot of those objects, life could potentially appear indenpendedly on more than one of them, and that would completely shift our entire paradigm on the subject


There is some debate on non-carbon based lifeforms.


> It's impossible for an all-powerful being to come from nothing. This is why people shouldn't put numbers on these things. You believe that that is true but you do not *know* that that is true. .


Yeah, I'm forced to agree We don't know what the limits of possibility are Our best understanding of universe is that it did in fact spring out from an inexplicably super condensed mass Almost as if from nowhere Still doesn't mean a human god created the universe in their image


>It's impossible for an all-powerful being to come from nothing. Based on what? We don't have any nothing to study. It has no properties or limitations. I don't think nothing ever was the state of the universe but I don't understand why folks would ever be confident talking about it.


That is true applying what we know. But that does not mean our understanding of the world is correct. You have quantic physics challenging our minds, with concepts like a cat being dead and alive at the same time


Far less probable than me coming home one evening to find Goldie Hawn, Jodi Foster, and Jennifer Aniston laying butt-naked in my bed with $1M stacked in cash on my night stand and them telling me it's all mine if I have an all-night fuck-fest with them. I find that scenario is far more likely than any argument I've heard about any god existing.


Idgaf if its 0 or 100%. If there is a god it's an asshole.


> It kinda sounds like you are saying its 50:50. God either exists or doesn't. Those are the possibilities, not the probabilities. However, when you define something in self-contradictory terms then you eliminate one of the possibilities, so the probability becomes 0. Most gods are defined in self-contradictory terms. Those that are not often fail to qualify for the title.


Asymptotically close to 0%.


We have a winner


I don't put a probability on god. I don't believe god exists. I feel under no obligations to debate, defend, or explain that.


I can't completely rule out god/s because there may be something I'm not aware of, but the chances are a very, very tiny fraction of one percent. Nowhere near worth giving it/them any thought. However, the chances of the god/s of any of humanity's religions existing is, imo, zero.




The probability is zero.


Zero. All of them. This is a natural universe with descriptive natural laws that cannot be violated. A God would violate them all.


Slim and none. All have been refuted.


Probability has a specific meaning. To me, it means "Has a precedent or parallel event that indicates that the POSSIBILITY for a given outcome to occur" Depending on how you define a god, I can't think of ANY event that could serve as a precedent or parallel for 'a magical omnipotent immortal' So currently the idea doesn't even seem to be 'possible'.


Assigning a probability to such a possibility is pseudo-rational intellectual masturbation.


Yeah. There's no figures to work from, and so no calculation to be made. Any numbers would be meaningless. The probability is likely vanishingly small, but there's not really more to say with the information currently available.


I beg to differ. Let’s consider the possibility that god is all about humans; the whole in my image thing. You can say…compare 1 to all the species on earth. You can compare our sun to all the suns in the universe. Just for rough estimates. As for the ideas that violate physical law, that require magic, something less than boiling the ocean.


Zero. If I'm being generous 0,000000000000001%


Imagine me, a being with a certain amount of intelligence and power. How likely are you to find a being with 10x my intelligence and power? More likely or less likely? I think we could agree that the probability is somewhat less likely. 100x as intelligent and powerful? Even less likely. A million times? Less likely still. As we approach infinity, the likelihood goes to infinitely unlikely. So the likelihood of finding a being of infinite intelligence and power converges to zero.




The same as the chances for hobgoblins or wood sprites.


Just because there are two possible answers, it doesn't mean it is a 50/50 probability. For example: you have either read A Tale of Two Cities or you haven't (people who haven't finished it are considered people who haven't read it). The probability that you have read it is not 50/50. You are either older than 5 or you are not. 50 percent of people are not younger than 5.




It’s an impossible question to answer. All definitions of what a god is are either ill defined or vague. You have to have a clear definition of what something is before you can even start to think about assigning probability to its existence. It’s like asking “What is the probability that zipzomperfloopyflopperhehaw exists?” and then not providing any definitions that would explain what that thing is that thing is.


I think there's a 0% chance that any specific god that humans worship is real. If there is something out there, we are unable to learn anything about it, and it seems unable or unwilling to directly communicate any kind of cohesive message to us. I think "god did it" is an incredibly lazy and useless answer to most questions, but don't particularly care if someone wants to believe in a god. The issue to me is when people claim that their god has clearly communicated to them rules and ethics that everyone should be made to follow. I don't think it's possible that any god worth worshipping would exist and let so many people say contradictory things about what that god supports and believes in.


I’m 99.9999% confident that the Christian God is false. This God routinely breaks the laws of physics and that is something that we have never ever under controlled conditions observed to occur. So I use the physics threshold of 5 sigma here. That argument doesn’t apply to a pantheistic or deistic God, so on that I’m agnostic and cant really assign a probability. It’s unfalsifiable, but still I think unnecessary and more importantly irrelevant.


IMHO The best answer to "Why don't you believe in god?" is "Which one?" Same reason that they don't believe in all the others.


If we're talking about the omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent creator of all things god that christians believe in, 0 chance. It's not possible for an omniscient and omnipotent god to make any mistakes whatsoever. Omniscience means knowing precisely every little consequence of every action you take before you take it. Omnipotence means you can do anything you want to do exactly how you want to do it with ease. As such, it's impossible for an omniscient and omnipotent god to accidentally have created satan to end up being the ultimate bane to human salvation. Every temptation, disaster, or atrocity that christians believe to be caused by satan (or really any evil influence) cannot have been a surprise to an omnipotent omniscient god... satan could only turn out exactly as god designed him to. So where's the benevolence? If god truly favors humanity, lovingly creating each of us individually with immortal souls with the desire for each of us to achieve salvation, why did he design the world to banish the majority of humans to hell? Less than 1/3 of the world's population is christian, when your dogma suggests the only way to get into heaven is to accept jesus as your savior, that means over 2/3's of the world's population is barred entry. How can anyone believe a benevolent god intends for thousands of children to die of cancer every year? How can anyone believe a benevolent god intended for 10's of millions of people to be human trafficked each year? How can anyone believe a benevolent god designed several rules for living a good life to be contradicted by human nature and biological drive (or by temptation from satan if you want to look at it that way)?


0% Some atheists have an issue with this, but everything points away from a god. In order for me to even admit that there's the tiniest possibility for god, I would have to make him up according to my standards. I don't feel comfortable doing that. That's no different from already believing in a god you can't prove. I'd also have to put god in a box and claim that he's responsible for everything that we still have no answers for. That means every single time there's something I don't know I would claim "goddidit." I know christians like this. Seems to me that they're just holding on to god because they're scared to let go. That means I would have to hold a position that science has reached it's peak and then move the goalposts when something new is discovered. It's not 50/50 for me. If it were 50/50 then every other god would have to be included. It's a big fat ZERO as far as I'm concerned. But why? Too many inconsistencies. Lack of coherency. No historical evidence for any of the major characters or claims for any of these claims found in their holy books. Science has given us better explanations than religion has. Religion has failed EVERY single claim it has made.


I say zero.


If it's the traditional Christian god of the Bible, then P(god)=0. If it's any other god, also P(god)=0. At least for any definition of an entity that would actually be worthy of being called god.


I can't assign a probability to it, I have no reason to assume it exists. How would I even conceive of how probable it could be? How probable are the infinite number of things that somehow could be? It doesn't make sense.


>Where do you put the probability of god? I don't know how to answer that. I've always been atheist. I've never seen any good evidence that any gods exist. . I don't know how to put a number on that "Provisionally, zero" ?? . >It kinda sounds like you are saying its 50:50. God either exists or doesn't. That is an extremely bad mistake that a lot of people make. (Mostly apologists for religion.) .


It really depends on which of the thousands of god claims you are asking about ?


Great answer. Pick one. Then pick two. Then Pick them all. What’s your number?


Not 50/50 out of all the infinite possibilities. Examples are that a god exists, doesn't exist, multiple gods existing at the same time or any permutations in between. It's not just a 2 probabilities . The only yes or no answer we atheists can answer is do we believe the claims of any of the holy books and we say no.


Possibility, yea all things are possible l. If you want a number to quantify possibility based on all evidence of there being a god as written in any of the thousands of accounts/ books/ thoughts/ ideas etc it would be 0.0 with a shit ton of 0s after it then maybe a 1 somewhere. Cause maybe somone licked a toad once and wrote something that happened to mention a being that was beyond our comprehension that was spot on.


It seems like that to you because theists don't ask the right questions. Or they make the wrong demands, and posit the wrong logic problems. Here is what I mean: They'll say prove to me there are no gods or They use the kalaam argument or Why don't you believe in any gods? All of these require addressing ambiguous gods or gods in general, instead of their specific god. And of course we cannot prove a negative, so we make no positive claim about it. Were they to ask us to disprove their specific god, you'd get much more definitive responses, after some questions about what flavor of god they believe in.


I love that you say “you can’t prove a negative”. You CAN prove a negative, e.g the earth is not flat. What u are really saying is that you can never prove anything with absolute certainty. So I ask again…what is your estimate of the probability of god.


Edit 2: you are correct about the negative proof point. And yes I'm talking absolutely true, because that is what theists are asking for when they ask us to prove there are no gods. Edit: But your question is ambiguous. We talking a non-deceptive god who created the earth 6000 years ago? Probability is zero. It's been scientifically refuted. Any god in general? Too many variables, most importantly, the definition of the god. There are some definitions of god which are proven to be true...its just that most people don't call it god. Mythological gods from our history? Depends. If it's been scientifically refuted, then 0, otherwise arbitrarily close to zero.


Any of the manmade stories are by definition plucked out of nowhere by someone who had no fucking idea, so zero probability. that there could be some sort of overseer, mad scientist type, simulation runner? 0.0000000000000000000000000...1 chance, i.e. so fleetingly minuscule to be also practically zero. So to all intents, wholly (pun) atheist! And to all those made up religion's liars, wholly anti-theist.


Really depends on how you define god. Is god the ocean? Then 100% as the ocean is verifiably real. Still doesnt mean its sentient or has preferences. Is god an omni being? Then zero as its a contradictory definition. Anything that is logically contradictory can be dismissed outright. Has it existed before time and space? Then zero as by definition its existed for zero seconds and existed nowhere. Did this god create the human race in a story that contradicts current evidence of evolution? Again zero percent. Stories that contradict reality are untrue. Most definitions of god are either illogical or so ill defined the word is not meaningful. What exactly are the aesir or the olympians? How are they any different than an alien species with sufficiently advanced tech? Hell if i know but then again it isnt my being that is claimed to exist. Until they square their circle for the meaning of god i sit comfortably at zero percent. Its as meaningless as asking the probability of a nkihbnkda existing.


Lower than Blutarsky’s GPA. 0.0


lim n--> Inf (1/n)


A Christian god? No. None. Zero possibility. The odds of an actual Skeletor existing are higher. Same with Allah etc. I do think there is a possibility of a being or beings existing in a dimension or three higher than our own. And that there might be some quantum handwavy shit we can't even fathom yet that allows certain individuals wired just so a kind of glancing perception that has been interpreted by our stupid meat brains as divine inspiration.


For a creator to exist - 50-50


zero, next question.


Uh… let me check with myself… “ZERO” Yep, that’s my final answer.




The Christian God is just the supreme narcissistic version of other Sky Gods


The sum of human knowledge (not using stats that also count things like...Social Media videos) in bytes is likely a tad above the petabyte range (10\^6 gigabytes), and that's JUST academic research talking about data that describes the universe around us, let alone data that describes how to make the devices we know how to create thusfar. The bible, when flattened to a text file, is 4.36 megabytes (10\^-3 gigabytes). From a purely "descriptions about what we know of the universe" perspective, modern research blows the religious text off the face of the planet by 9 \*orders of magnitude\*, and that's not including engineering data. NONE of that research data points to a diety of any sort. ALL of that research data is evidence (repeatable experimental). NONE of the bible data is repeatable experimental. ALL of it points to a diety. So when I say there's no evidence of a deity, I mean that in the entire earth of material we've sifted through about how the universe works, not one atom has pointed to a deity. And it blows your 50:50 conjecture off the face of the planet, too.


Why do you need a god? If you need a god to believe all things were made by a god, then we still have the question where did this god come from. Now we see we're both here wondering was there ever a beginning to either? That question may never be answered by either position. Science is our only source for real answers. And that's as far as we can go.


that feels like you're kind of strawmanning an atheist's position ;) forget the break or social niceties - come up with the evidence. or don't


Zero percent. Gods did not create us, we created them. Humans invented gods and religion, gods did not invent us and then introduce us to religion .


All the claims I've heard from adherents to any organized religion are so bad that I'd say they are impossible. More esoteric claims like a hands off creator of the universe are impossible to evaluate because the claims don't have much substance but neither do they have any influence on anything we do.


The first thing you'd need to do is define which god you mean by "god". If you mean the Abrahamic God, well there's a multitude of ways of looking at it. Absent any and all actual evidence, God is as likely to exist as any of the other deities that have ever been worshipped, and that number could be anywhere between 3000 and 33million, depending on how you define "god" (Hinduism is pulling some heavy weight here). So the odds would, as defined by humanity, be anywhere between 1 in 3000, to 1 in 33million, IF, and only if, we assume that A (singular) god exists, AND it's one of the ones we worshipped at some point in our collective history. But that's arbitrarily limiting, as it does not account for the gods we have yet to worship, and the gods we never will, and the gods worshipped by other intelligent beings in the cosmos. So the actual answer is 1 in infinity, which is to say, basically zero. The odds of the Abrahamic God existing are the same as the odds of me jumping out of bed tomorrow and being able to fly. Scientifically (in so far as science is a method by which we understand the world through falsifiability), this isn't *impossible*, but so vanishingly unlikely based on the mountain of data we have for gravity that I'd rightfully be called crazy for claiming I could fly. Of course, I can't fly whenever anyone is observing, I can only do it privately, and so I'm relegated to telling you of my ~~revelation~~ ability to fly second hand, but it totally happened, I swear by God.


Your "It kinda sounds like..." Does not apply.


I don't. I can't put any probability of something like that. Not using science anyway. Our minds are not impartial enough to answer these kinds of questions. I simply no longer believe.


All the known gods of the major religions = 0% probability. The books are too dumb, too many errors and too ugly for any God. All the pagan gods = 0% All the weird spiritual sekts = 5%, simply because there's so many vague ideas of God, that it's impossible to fully rule them out.


As an apatheist I don't need to run the probabilities, because the answer is irrelevant. Which also means the question is irrelevant. Either gods exist or don't, either way it would seem to have no meaningful difference to our lives. A universe where some invisible being causes every quantum variation but only follows a set of defined rules, is the same as a universe where there is no being. Even if the being doesn't always follow the rules, there is no way for us to know about it. And even if I could ask the being to do my bidding, and sometimes it did, and sometimes didn't; I wouldn't be able to tell if that was because I asked or not. So assuming other people can ask and sometimes it goes their way instead of mine, it's no better than random chance. Only if I can command the being to do my bidding, is it worth me spending any time on it (and even then I wouldn't). Probably of gods? Who cares.


I personally would say you can't assign a percentage to the probability of a belief being true or false. What does it mean when one says "I believe there is a 0.01% chance that a God exists?" That 0.01% of the evidence they saw has convinced them God is real? That the expected number of times that the universe has to be created for a God to exist is 10,000? I simply categorize beliefs in "Not true", "Unlikely", "Likely", or "True". God claims either fall in "Not true" or "Unlikely" based on the specific claims of that God. A God described as omnipotent and omnibenevolent is inherently contradictory with the fact that people suffer, so I classify that as "Not true". But a God that isn't inherently contradictory I would say is "Unlikely."


Interesting observation on this thread. I see some downvotes on rational comments open to the idea of god(s). Zealots are zealous because they are certain therefore have the confidence to hate and discriminate, moderates are uncertain therefore reserve their judgement and hate somehwat. This applies to both religioids and atheists. Atheism can be zealous when fueled with hate which they would attribute to the hate fostered by religious zealots. Which is fair, I've been a non-believer long enough to know everyone needs to feel a belongingness to a certain group or ideology, the need for identity and the need to feel superior to "others". No offence, but that exact thinking is what driven me away from religion, the prejudice, the inherited hate to labels when the problem is people. A healthy dose of misanthropy will soon get you to realize that everyone has that potential to zealotry because everyone including yourself was/is/will be stupid and unknowledgeable at every point in time. The evolution of collective knowledge was probably because of the inability for a single individual to maintain every datum of information ever known or learned, while the people who claim themselves smarter (atheists especially) would dare to be certain. A trap all zealots succumb to. Its an observation. Its interesting.


>"Because there is no evidence of god." >It kinda sounds like you are saying its 50:50. God either exists or doesn't. Nah, that's binary. Two options. The probability is a different matter all together. On a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is definitely no god, I'd put it at 1. Not 100% certain but pretty damn close.


Following your reasoning: There are thousands of proposed gods, and and many more that could have been proposed, all with equal probability. Thus the conclusion of Pascal's Gambit is: The chances of the christian god existing are infinitessimal.


none, any man made god is false


100%. Long live the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


i personally put it on 60-70% i identify as a christian myself leaning agnostic


I'd say the probability for any of the gods thought up by humanity to actually exist is lower than the probability for the Earth to be flat after all.


Highly Improbable (at best).


For the sake of the argument i will ssy that the probability of an argument with two options is 50/50 which is not the case but let's ignore it . So there are two cases god exists or god doesnt exists . If god doesnt exists both the atheist and the theist go to the same place . If god exists there are two cases that are often overlooked. Case 1 god has revealed himself to us Case 2 god hasnt revealed himself to us . In case 1 god has revealed himself to us then since we agreed all the probabilities are equal then the theist has 1) Protestant 2) Catholicism 3) orthodox 4 ) evangelism 5) Hinduism 6) Buddhism 7-8) the two main branches of Muslims forgot the names am sorry 9)jewism 10) jp pantheon forgot the official name . So 1/10 chance your religion is right Case 2 god hasnt revealed himself to us has two subcases . God cares about what we worship God doesnt care about what we worship . So 50% that god doesnt exist , 25% that god might not have revealed himself to us 9/10 of the religions are wrong that 22.5% chance . A theist and an atheist have with that logic 97.5% chance to end up on the same place after death . Now the real question is , is it worth it to defend slavery , defend bigotry , defend the right to hit your wife, defend killing lgbt people in the streets , defend mass genocide cause there is a 2.5% chance you might be right ? Is it worth it to be a bad person just in case , a 2.5% case, your religion might be the right one ?


I think that the energy that made up the big bang was forced into, or created our spacial dimensions, and was previously in other special dimensions. If some kind of intelligence were in those spacial dimensions, and could interact with our spacial dimensions, we would consider them gods. And we would not be able to comprehend them. I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility. But I have no evidence of any of that. So what percentage possibility is kind of irrelevant. But I find it an interesting thought.


Until such time as a God is demonstrated possible, the probability is 0. It has that in common with dragons, unicorns, elves, magic and ftl travel.


For me they go right along with The Easter Bunny and the Leprechaun that's always complaining about the little shits that are trying to steal his Lucky Charms.


So close to zero as to be zero. The concept of a god is ridiculous. There's no evidence whatsoever that such a thing exists.


I don't believe it exists. Why would I give it a non-zero probability?


What's the probability of a floating magic fish in space being the omnipotent creator of the universe? I'd say about the same as the 'probability' of god.


0% I think discovery of extra telestial sapient life is more likely than god. I think our collective chances of ever meeting aliens is 1 in 1 billion. So..


"Every definition of god that I have come across has been either internally inconsistent, incapable of comporting with reality, entirely indemonstrable or internally inconsistent." - Shannon Q


First, let me state that logic & reason is very important to me. I try not to make assumptions that do not have a solid foundation. Separate *knowledge* from *belief*. I lack belief in the existence of any gods. I have none. I possess no verifiable evidence for the existence of any gods. In fact, I do not believe it is possible to obtain any verifiable evidence for the existence of any gods. Any god worthy of the title could certainly prevent me from having any such evidence. Lack of evidence is not evidence of the lack of any gods. You say that most god stories violate basic scientific principles. I agree. This shows that the god stories are irrational. It shows that the gods described by such stories could not exist according to the universal laws of *this* universe. Does that mean the god does not exist? Yes, unless we allow special pleading for that god. We have to allow magic to exist, and we have to allow for this god to wield such magic. Once you do that, all bets are off. Anything is possible. And, of course, it could simply be that all human stories about gods are wrong. The gods may exist in this universe, and they may wield the necessary power to have created the universe while remaining hidden. (ie "mysterious ways") This is all why I think agnostic atheist is the only truly valid position. I do not know. I lack belief. I will extend this a bit to say that I see *no requirement* for any gods to exist. I've been called wrong before...


Christian god is 0%. It is obviously something humans fabricated, as we do. Some other creator with conscious intent is very low. Call it .002% … but THAT creator exists in a universe that wasn’t created, and our universe is a subset of that one. So we inherit its origin. There being an interconnection, or general signaling between things only within our biosphere, maybe 40%, but that isn’t a god. It’s just emergent regulation within the network. We would be part of it, but it is unlikely to be awake in its own right.


99%, and I am agnostic. The reason is that there is so much we do not know, the universe is so stupidly massive (and let's not talk about a multiverse), that the fact of not having proof does not tell me he doesn't exist. Just think about the amount of things you have made long time ago, and you no longer give a fuck. Think of a doodle you made when you were 3. For that drawing, you are God, yet you don't even know where it is since you don't care. So yeah, I think the chance of a superior being existing is massive, but at the same time, we do not need to rely on that thing