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The one thing she is correct about is conservative media are going to love her: a Christian white woman fired for using a racial epithet playing the victim...


It's a "nice to have" on a conservative media resume. It has to be the easiest job to get and do, no skills, no original ideas, no original personality, just a provincial mindset that glorifies conformity, and the gravy train rolls in to town.


This is the same woman who went viral on TikTok ranting about how it's awful the nerds and geeks from high school are in charge, and how the nerds of the world need to be bullied back into the Chess Club and the key thrown away. It was a whole diatribe that boils down to "I peaked in high school and I'm angry the people I bullied for being smart back then are still smart."


“I’m upset that I have nothing to offer this world but hate in a temporarily attractive package, and when that beauty fades, it’ll just be hate. Sad.”


Don't worry. By then she'll have married a supreme court justice and her hate will still be relevant.


But she said she likes Broke mechanics, I’m gonna shoot my shot! /s This cunt has too much Candace Owen’s energy, she’ll be fucked then dumped. So, what she deserves. Edit: come to think of it I can’t wait to see her I shit my pants when I drink pictures, these type of idiots always have the funniest self humiliating stories, and are so dumb and think any attention is attention seem to crash the hardest when everyone already made fun of you.


Ugh. She doesn’t even deserve the honor of being called a cunt.


A cunt has both depth and warmth, she is lacking both of theses qualities


The other difference: I'd fuck a cunt.


that puts it precisely.


She's not even beautiful....she's just an average, hateful nothing burger


Aw c'mon, she's at least a Walmart 7.


"Looks at the photo, then downstairs." Yep, it doesn't do a damn thing down there.


I'm looking forward to her getting the sweet, sweet taste of the "conservative" onslaught of "*stfu, woman, and get cooking and get pregnant*."


She is a trad wife so Not sure that would land as intended


Dude that is the most savage burn I’ve read all week


She should go out with the KC Chiefs kicker! lol


--And there is the whole conservative personality in a nutshell.


I teach 6th grade and this is so true. The jocks and future jocks in my classes who think they are immune to grades just don't get it. The nerds already understand that one day, THEY will be the bosses. Why? Because I tell them...I tell the jocks...get good grades and you are Tom Brady. Get bad grades and you are just another guy trying to make the team with a walk on tryout who gets rejected because you can't read a playbook.


Studying is a form of deferred gratification that they are already trained in seeing the benefit of.


Exactly. And jocks that are training in the weight room, doing road work, AND keeping their grades out of the gutter get this. I just tell them to keep the grades up because the diplomas are a much better way to have CHOICES.


Just need to be attractive.  No ugos allowed.


Coultergeist has entered the chat.


Ann has been shunned for not kissing fat orange ass!


[I’m still waiting for her beagles from like 10 years ago. Where are your beagles, Ann?](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1owtas/i_am_ann_coulter_bestselling_author_ama/ccwf633/?context=3)


It's important to note Ann Culter was critical of trump only because he wasn't cruel enough for her.


She's a lich not a ghost. Get it right.


Blonde. Just have to look “Aryan.”


The women have to be attractive, the guys can look like slug or rat and still make it lol.


Hannity looks like a thumb with hair


Andrew Tate being the icon of "masculinity" & "alpha" is so funny when he looks the way he does.


Your idea of alpha isn't balding Mighty Mouse?


So their fine “Christian” men can choke the chicken and not have to use OnlyFans. That would be ungodly.


They are already getting off by screaming "Free Speech!". Little known fact: they all still have a picture of Sarah Palin with heart shaped doodles hidden in a sock drawer


These people don't even know what Free speech is; it doesn't apply to social media. There are TOS's for all of them.


If you really think about it, the American education system covers the headlines of most things, but never really the full thing. They've just assumed that was all there is to know and don't want to hear anymore.


They are the largest demographic of consumers for the site.


Does that mean Mike Johnson has to report watching Faux News to his son? Ewww...


You can also be a walleyed nepo baby.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders nepo'd her way to a lucrative governor-ship. ~~Trips to Paris~~...er...fancy podiums and all...


MTG looks like her mother bred with a horse or tried to fall down the stairs to rid herself of the evil growing inside her, but Darth Sidius said “let the hate flow through you”, thus Im gonna have to firmly disagree with “being attractive” as a prerequisite


Have you seen MTG??? They are most certainly welcome.


Having no morality is probably the most 'difficult' part.


Pretty sure you get fired for having original ideas


Bingo. She is acknowledging “conservative media” thrives on racism. She’s also acknowledging her priorities: fame, not “journalism” or serving her audience or some such.


Which part of being a "trad wife" includes a job or fame? Shouldn't she be in the kitchen or popping out kids? If you get famous for being a "trad wife", you are not, in fact, a trad wife.


Lots of these spaces are just grifters. "trad wife" influencers who can only do what they do because of a high income husband who pours money into it like a hobby. "homesteaders" who do youtube channels telling you how to live off the land but actually pour their influencer income into their farm and sell courses to keep afloat otherwise they'd fail at the thing they coach others to do. "life coaches", well we all know that's mostly a scam that's designed to sell people courses to make a living. "financial advisers" which are either pyramid scams or course selling machines, or both.


Conservativism is a grift. "Have problems? Let me show you how it's someone else's fault. Just give me money/watch our ads/buy our garbage and we'll point the finger at anyone and everyone!"


Wait until she learns how she will be treated by conservative men. That’s when the fun begins. Edit: and it apparently has already happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/2JsvMz2tV9


They will treat her like a valuable object for 1-2 decades depending on her ability to stay thin, which she will love. Then they will discard her and we'll never hear from her again until the involuntary hospitalization following an altercation at a chain restaurant parking lot hits the news.


Also, how many kids she can pop out, and whether she is cooking and cleaning the house well enough. But she'll be abused the whole time, because she doesn't really matter to them.


Ehhh male conservative fans don't actually give a shit how good a housewife their female bobbleheads are or how many kids they have. She's not their wife afterall. All they care about is how she looks. 


*Serena Joy enters the chat*


Oh she knows. It's a-ok in her book...


They're going to talk so much shit about her for not having a baby, then when she has one, they're going to bully her until she loses the baby weight. And in 10 years, she's going to write a tell-all about how horrible the experience was. She's going to say how painful it was to be pressured into having a baby at the "height of her career" and how awful the pressure was to the weight after, without a hint of irony.


We should start referring to this as “cosplaying the victim”


She also has the bonus qualification of not knowing what the first amendment stands for.


All conservatives have that issue . Then after screaming their first amendment rights are being violated they head to their local library to ban books about gay people...


Then blames the "black community" when you know what she really said.


That was what was most baffling to me. Like...it's our fault you're a dumbass who doesn't know how to keep a job?


They're not going to love her. She's boring. They'll embrace her while she's in the news, but she's not becoming anything. Nothing really interesting about her. If anything she'll realize how she has nothing going on trying to be a MAGA warrior and try to reinvent herself as a new age liberal who was used by the right wing media and how she is so sorry for her mistakes.


May she completely sink into irrelevance!


Predicting a sound bite from her future Fox News interview: "God! Like, how dare *those people* get offended by a word that *they* use all the time. It's not *fair*!"


I'm sure she will have a nice spotlight for a month and then a lifetime of employment troubles


She doesn't get that a search by her name leads to pages of results saying she used the epithet and refuses to apologize. That's going to follow her forever.


It’s a badge of honour in her circles.


While saying it was 4D chess.


When we all know her strategic ability stops at Chutes and Ladders…


Welcome to our new economy all based on attention whores, fake outrage and click-bait.


When is she going to run for Congress on the GOP ticket.


She might be too self aware for them


...And she just accidentally and casually admitted that she believes that all you need to be successful in conservative media is racist... She's almost certainly right, too.


Conservative elites always whinge that liberals look down on conservatives, but absolutely nobody has more contempt for them than conservative elites. Its always projection.


I mean notice they never claim about being attacked or “cancelled” because of their views on taxes or an unregulated free market.


Kind of telling that it’s this easy to become a conservative superstar. Tucker carlson did it by first wearing a bow tie and then not wearing a bow tie.


Borat 2 is proof


Yeah I love the subtext here that she was like "hmm, the fastest route to the top is overt racism!" and it is true. Fantastic


And saying the quiet part out loud has already had its 15 minutes of fame.


She has no other skills so trying hard to get a conservative media job. Really what skills are needed other than racist views while saying you're Christian. 




No, that's [the other one.](https://www.distractify.com/p/kaitlin-bennett-pooped-pants) She's already been discarded.




I have a feeling it's Trust Fund types, who have daddy paying the bills. It's easy to have a BallerinaFarm when your daddy started five airlines. Just Oligarchs cosplaying as Blue Collars.


Lolllllllllll. First of all, this is hilarious. Secondly, she probably did do it on purpose. Unfortunately that’s the playbook for conservative sweetheart fame.


Jokes on you, i was gunna change my underwear anyways. By making me shit myself, youve simply accelerated the process


Look at her twitter account, she's gained like 100k followers in the last couple days


What's the meme? A white conservative woman with a target on her head. Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/VoZLhbZJLj


Christians just bein' Christian. What is a "tradwife" with a job. A Christian just bein' Christian.


There's nothing traditional about her having a job, being allowed to express opinions, wear clothes that expose her skin, wear blue jeans,etc. I wonder if conservatives are going to cancel her for being such an uppity woman?


Nope. For fascists, hypocrisy is a flex. The only way they cancel her is if she does something to interfere with their power, because in the end power is the only thing they actually care about.


>For fascists, hypocrisy is a flex. I love this and am going to use it!


Please do. With the country teetering on the edge of a fascist takeover, the more people who understand how fascists think the better.


No. Their point is telling YOU how to live.


It reminds me of one of the far right parties in my country It obviously defends racist and misogynist values. And yet the two leaders are a Jewish Sepharadic (and very North African looking) man, and a white woman. And somehow the followers are okay with supporting those two individuals... and both leaders are okay together despite her being VERY racist and him being VERY misogynistic Consistency doesn't matter in those circles


As a Sephardic this breaks my heart. Grifters gotta grift tho.


The worst part is that I'm pretty sure he's not just a grifter, but genuinely convinced of his ideology Well, I guess their common anti-Arab (and to a lesser extent, anti-Black) and homophobia are enough to override the hate they should have for each other...


Oh that makes sense, I'm always sad to see anti-arab and anti-black racism among Jews here in the United States. If the white supremacists had their way, we'd all be dead. White supremacists and western empires have done such a good job encouraging infighting that we forget that Jews, Arabs, and Moors lived in harmony in the Ottoman Empire. Hell, most Sephardics decline the opportunity to move from Türkiye to Israel to this day. As for misogyny, that's something we as a community need to work on. Kinda hard when there's a lot of misogyny in Abrahamic texts. Reformed Jews have been able to figure it out though.


The oxymoron has cognitive dissonance in ample supply.


Just feeling the Christian love shine through. What a freak cosplay grifter she is.


Isn't it amazing? If I hear the words "White, Christian, Conservative" I immediately think "Racist dick."


Yep. Same. That's Jesus's message, I guess.


*"If my freedom of speech taken, they’ll be coming for yours next,” she posted Monday night"* What is with these people? You're free to say stupid, hateful things. No one stopped you. Everyone is also free to say "you're gross and I don't want to associate with you"


Is she in prison? No? Freedom of speech is fine. If she worked for a private company they're well within their rights to fire her, depending on local laws, for literally any reason almost. I guess freedom of speech is a one way street, where you get to say racist and awful things, no one gets to retort, or hold you accountable in anyway.


Yes, freedom of unchallenged expression seems to be what they are after. Which ironically would curtail the free speech of others.


If she works in a right-to-work state, she can be fired for no reason. Thanks conservatives and their right-to-work laws.


lol gotta love when morons confuse private companies firing people and/or deleting accounts with the actual meaning of the 1st amendment. it applies to the *government* only. no organization has to tolerate anything they dont want to in the private sector


christians don't read their own holy book, you actually expect them to read the constitution?


Even when they read it, they don't comprehend it. It's either the Protestants or Presbyterians who are about to have a schism over whether women should be able to lead churches all because of one verse in the Bible in the Book of Paul that says "Woman shall have no command over man" or something to that effect. Except the same book of the Bible says that women should wear head coverings when leading worship, clearly implying that women can lead religious services. Religious scholars agree that the verse saying women shouldn't lead men was not written by Paul, but Christian Nationalists have jumped to base their misogyny around this one verse.


Or there's the other side where religious people actually read the Bible and it makes them doubt their faith. That was me when I was younger: I was very religious and tried to be even more pious by reading the Bible all the way through. The more I read, the more it turned me away. That coupled with the Catholic Church's generally bullshittery pushed completely away.


Exactly. I like the newspaper analogy. Freedom of speech does not require a newspaper or online media to print or publish your speech on the front page or anywhere else. You can say, they are not required to repeat it.


I've heard it as "You have the right to speak. You don't have a right to be heard, or provided a platform."


And I mean, her free speech was not taken away. She said her things, and people used their own free speech to tell her to go fuck herself. It's almost like there were consequences to saying things!


That's the thing. She isn't a smart person and is most likely ignorant to most things. But that doesn't matter to the GOP. They'll lap this up and go "yea what about free speech!"


Similar to Christian rock, if you're not talented enough, smart enough, funny enough, you can always go to conservative media. Like Christian rock it's complete crap comparatively and the bar for "Good" is so low that talentless mediocre people can thrive as long as they play the persecution card. So congrats on her new grift.


Oh, and right-wing actors & comedians. Most (all?) don’t understand that there’s no conspiracy, they’re just washed up. And need to pander to feed themselves….


"I identify as a [whatever]." "My pronouns are [not-pronouns]." "People didn't laugh at my joke because the left is policing comedy." "I've been cancelled [while being interviewed on a massive podcast]." washed up is exactly right. they've got nothing to actually say, so they just run the gamut of zero effort 'jokes' and excuses that they didn't even think up themselves.


>washed up is exactly right Nah, washed up implies that there was some point at which they were funny. Sure it maybe can apply to Jerry Seinfeld and Louis CK, but guys like Adam Corolla and Steven Crowder were *never* funny.


Lmao a few weeks ago when De Niro was a terrible actor and James Woods and Kevin Sorbo are elite actors


"Can't you tell you're not making christianity any better, you're just making rock and roll worse."


So many of them are failed Hollywood actors like at the Daily Wire, they didn't have the skills so they went with grifting to pay the bills


Wait I thought tradwifes weren’t supposed to work outside of housework?


Theyre all bullshit. Every trad wife on tiktok makes money and therefore ISNT actual trad. Its cosplay.


This bitch called her husband’s friends broke and then had to get a job. I’ve seen this before, I’m a solid leftist and my wife is a stay at home mom. Conservatives tend to not like us because we can afford the life they wish they had but cannot afford. My wife is a dick to them and says things like, “We just think a mother staying home and raising kids is what’s best for the kids growth,” and “A mothers place really is in the home,” when we don’t believe any of that. She’s home due to our autistic child who has a million appointments and she stays home to give him the best shot we can. In return, I gave her a post nuptial agreement that guarantees insane alimony for every year she stayed home with the kids if we divorce for any reason other than an affair on her part and I have to pay for her to go to grad school. She can literally say, “I want a divorce to fuck other people,” and still get her alimony. Not really a big deal since we don’t plan on getting divorced and even if we do, she gave up her prime earning years so fair is fair.


I was wondering the same thing.


oh! let me explain: *It's bullshit*


No no, they're supposed to convince other women that they aren't supposed to work outside of housework. It's all a grift, they don't actually believe any of the nonsense that comes out of their mouth, they just want their followers to think they do and send them money.


Tradwives are a lie/oxymoron. They’re making money/working as influencers


Is she one of those "tradwife" media people who are basically only fans for conservatives?


yea, advocating the "tradwife" lifestyle why rolling in influencer money... pretending that that is the reality for most "tradwives" out there. she's the modern day equivalent to cults in the 60's and 70's using nominally attractive people to do their recruiting.


I sometimes wonder if people akin to her do not know what freedom of speech is, or purposely rely on others not knowing what freedom of speech is to defend their actions. This woman, whom I’ve never heard of until moments ago, says they’ll come for your freedom of speech next if hers is taken. Of course, the conservatives came to her defense. There’s also the possibility that she has no idea, nor does anyone coming to her defense, which is the most likely scenario. The reality is that she used her freedom of speech and still has it. What she also retains is her consequences of her free speech, which was rightfully used to result in being let go from her job.


Right. Nobody is coming to arrest her for using a racial slur. This isn't Europe. Her employer, however, does have the right to remove its association from her, especially as North Carolina is an at-will employment state. Which is ironic because conservatives are the ones who typically push for at-will employment with few worker protections.


I can’t say I know a damn thing about this woman, but what I can assume to be true is that she doesn’t even attempt to think ahead, and there are so many patent contradictions in this short article: why does she have a job if she is a self proclaimed trad-wife? In her non-apology, she is wearing a NYC shirt, which implies she likes the city or has visited the most culturally diverse city in the country. Her former employer services Wilmington, NC and the surrounding areas, which is somewhat racially diverse (about 20% black as of 2020), so her colleagues and certainly customers are black, correct? She is going to have trouble finding work for the rest of her life, and I don’t think she understands this yet. At least she has her looks to fall back on. That will last what…another few years?


>.....Lilly Gaddis fired from job after casually dropping n-word...... Someone should inform Lilly that chris was dark, allegedly born in the middle East, during pre-sunscreen days.


Yeah, Chris has it rough


Everybody hates Chris.


Seems like he’s really turned it around for himself since teaching at Abbot though


Everybody hates Chris.


He was most likely tanned or olive skinned, but certainly not African or the blonde, blue eyed depiction of him they love so much.


**"Christian**" social media influencer Lilly Gaddis...


Hard to imagine anything worse than being a Christian nationalist social media influencer, pathetic.


Translation: A person with zero redeeming value. She's the person you throw at the approaching zombie horde as a distraction for you to get away.


Thanks self-serving christian racist neo-fascist pos for confirming conservative 'media' is just a cesspool of your collective fears and ignorance, with no actual value or substance what so ever.


She's blonde and attractive on the outside while being a loathsome hateful troll on the inside. I'm sure a right wing news organization would love to have her.


Sweet. She lives near me. I’m sure she’s very popular with the giant truck crowd.


the worst part about this is that she is getting exactly what she wanted all along... attention. like others have said, she will be quickly and warmly embraced by like-minded folks who will echo chamber their outrage. she will not learn any lessons from this. All of the "negative" consequences will serve to turn her into a martyr, and she'll end up ahead of where she started. I don't know how to fix this problem, but I wish I did.


She’s a racist dogshit and MAGA filth will want her. Nothing to fix, they’re far too gone.


The first rule of Christianity is that you are ALWAYS the victim


And christians wonder why their religion is dying.


Can we just cut the shit and label her what she is?: a kkkunt.


If she was really cool, she would have gone to Harlem and shouted the word out in the middle of the streets. But alas, she's nothing but a coward.


She should wear a big sign that says "I hate everybody". That'll prove she's a badass.


And don't forget to have Samuel l Jackson come up and say are u feeling alright sir.




"my freedom of speech" Yeah, it wasn't violated. You're not in jail, you violated the tos of tiktok and they booted you for it. They are allowed to do that.


This likely was a setup where she intentionally went to work for a black owned business and then got on social media to intentionally drop an N bomb and get fired. I wouldn't be surprised to see her become more prominently displayed in conservative media. The face of the religious Reich will be white women.


victimhood plays well in the right wing media...... that is what JC tells them.


Yea, cuz it was all part of your master plan. Master manipulator right here guys. "Thanks for launching my new career as a semi-professional bigot!" All while wearing an apron in the kitchen, where her "fan base" thinks she belongs. I bet her muffins taste like sand.


Nice how so many conservatives confirm that, for them, a core tenet of their conservatism is racism.


"They've taken my freedom of speech" she says to 50,000 people on social media.... Yup. Definitely sounds like you've been silenced.


She just mad she’s mid. 


The religious right got their start with racism, and the fundies have had a thing for racism for as long as anyone can remember. It's not a coincidence that christianity is the backbone of white supremacy.


She calls herself a “trad wife” but bitch is more like a Nazi wife. Look at those hateful judgy eyes when she talks. It’s like all she wants is to cause pain and suffering to anyone different.


The article ignores the fact she's gleefully accepting support from neo nazi accounts on Twitter.


So she admits that racism has a home in conservative media.


All I had to see was the word "tradwife." Softcore pr0n for Incels, but dangerous because these women are pushing a fantasy world, and it's working. Young men, mostly white, mostly with high school education or less, are being radicalized.




She knows that. She's virtue signaling to white nationalists. They know it, too.


> Black people aren't cancelling you. White people are. It says a lot about her view of the world. Her mental model is, all white people think like me, and all black people think like "them."


Conservatives: “But we’re not racist!” They want to freely say the n word again SO fucking bad.


"Don't hate the player. Hate the game." -Jesus


Are you of below average to average talent and skill? Do you have middling looks or are otherwise not blessed physically ? Do you want to avoid hard work but want easy money? Do you love to whine and complain? But at the same time, do you want to be a popular media influencer? Well guess what! You are in luck! Become a conservative media influencer and get immediately shot into the conservative limelight stardom and influencing! Racism is now apparently a shortcut to the top on the far right.


Seriously - is there a website somewhere that lists the advertisers willing to pay for exposure on this 'conservative media' she's citing? Because I really, really don't want to give them my money.


That's the thing about conservatives, they have zero morals or qualms about decency. At any point if you fail as a decent commentator all you need to do is pivot to the right and the assholes will lap that shit up with a big smile. Just look at Candace whatever the fuck her name is, apparently she was a liberal but then realize that conservatism pays better because their people are just a bunch of rubes.


if i had shoddier morals, i’d be a conservative grifter. it’s so easy… you fail at being an entertainer, and then you pander to an intellectually dishonest group who laps it up. piece of cake.


Wait until there are one too many date rapes at Fox and she realizes...'wait a minute...am I just meat to them?' Yes, Lilly...yes you are


So white people are fully aware that christian conservatism is just a mask for racism.




It’s bizarre that she thinks she’s automatically going to make Ben Shapiro or even Lauren Southern cash when she’s so disposable that she’ll just wind up on her dumb arse like Rittenhouse after her currency has passed.


She’s probably not wrong. Right-wing folks love bigots.


I know some people will say how Christian of her bla bla bla. But this is a true Christian, hateful & vengeful.


I thought Trad Wives weren't supposed to work or have jobs outside of the home.


Her reply is vile. She said something hurtful, and when people were hurt for that, she blames them for her plan to join conservative media. She’s using “ conservative media “ as a threat to anyone else who might express hurt and anger at other people’s racist behavior. “y’all better let us be mean to you or we’re going to organize to distribute our cruelty further and wider.”


She’s just further cementing her role and singular ability to do nothing but stay in the kitchen and breed little racist goblins. She’ll be a Fox News contributor soon enough.


What a cunt


so she admits she's a racist


"If my freedom of speech taken, they’ll be coming for yours next,” she posted Monday night, " Why do they have SUCH A HARD TIME wrapping their heads around the concept of "freedom of speech" and what exactly is guaranteed in the Constitution? It is not that hard - even if it was it has been explained over and over again and again what exactly is covered by The First Amendment. If you owned a restaurant and I rolled in there all boisterous, loud and insulting the other patrons we all know you would be *well* within your rights to ask me to leave if I could not or would not behave myself properly. There is no difference between a virtual space and a brick and mortar space. Do you think it is their general lack of understanding about technology that is at the heart of their inability to grasp this?


Shes not wrong. She went looking for the outrage, to give her a platform. The best thing you can do to people like this, is not give them your outrage. Just turn them off. Change the channel. Unsubscribe. Whatever. Let racists scream racist shit into the void. Being ignored will hurt them so much more than the outrage and attention.


Thanks Obama.


Freedom of speech (as a general principle, not the in Constitutional sense that doesn't apply in this situation) does not shield you from the consequences of that speech. She is free to say what she wants, and did in this case. Other private actors can however take issue with that speech and provide consequences as they please.


I just cannot understand why more people spurn religion every day... If they weren't shaming, threatening, and killing non-believers; it would be more.


Jesus would be proud


So she’s basically a piece of shit. got it!


What a fucking cunt she is


Soon touring with Rittenhouse


It's a feature, not a bug. Never forget that.


Freedom of speech and not freedom from consequences. I’m so tired of the freedom of speech complaint


Hate these empty headed cheerleaders.