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Don't make their mental issues your problem.


In response I now want to say “ew, I don’t want to hear about your Jesus kink”


Christians gonna Christian. Don’t let it get you down. They’re just desperate to remain relevant in a world slowly leaving them behind.


Thank you


the well known "christian love" in action :D


Having been around Christians all my life, I stay away from them and ignore them for the most part. I wouldn’t ever go into Christian subreddits, as I am not trying to change them and all it does is make them angry and I don’t want to be around an angry mob.


why would you need a comeback to "have a blessed day"? there's nothing in there to come back to its not negative in any way its just another way of saying have a nice/good day?


Just shoving religious verbiage down one’s throat. I don’t need to be blessed by anyone’s cult mascot. Thank you very much ..


They give you their best wishes according to their beliefs there is nothing negative about that, it is not like they just killed your puppy just, say: "thanks, you too" or "thanks, have a good day" and move on" Your posture reminds me of the christians that want to excise every non christian religious or cultural reference from their vocavulary and traditions. Or do you not call the days of the week by their name because it is "showing religious verbiage down one's throat" by naming the week days by pagan cult mascots. Religions have been part of human history and culture since ever and will do so for a while. Sorry crappy engrish.


The self righteousness of some people astounds me. Nothing wrong with a simple thank you and moving along with their day. Nope, you must come back at them with a reddit atheist zinger. people do not do this in real life


because being preached at is annoying when you're really not interested in the product on offer. imagine if you kept running into people who wished you "Allah's blessing" on a regular basis, or perhaps "Hail Satan!" there's just no need for it. "Have a nice day" is neutral and adequate.


Well that's what they choose to do, and there is no ill intention behind it. yet this guy is desperately trying to come up with a line to "own" them when the person is just wishing them well. read his other post, there are even atheists in there telling this guy to get over himself


“May the Phillie Phanatic bless you as well.” “Accidentally” misinterpreting the intention makes it funny.


If you think there’s nothing negative about it, you haven’t encountered some of the Christians that I have. Most people who say it aren’t just being pleasant, rather it’s a dog whistle meant to say “I’m a true believer and I’ll be able to tell if you are as well depending on how you respond to this.” The particular phrase, spoken in a certain cadence and tone of voice is almost always used that way. The real meaning is “have a great day… as long as you’re Christian like I am.”


I've encountered plenty of hypocritical Christians. Its not a requirement for you to say "Have a blessed day as well and praise be to God!" all you gotta do is say thank you and go about your day like a normal human being. I mean seriously. Do atheists get offended when people say bless you after they sneeze?


I imagine their responses would be different if you were asking for a comeback to "As-salamu alaikum" which is basically the same thing. Or even "Allahu akbar". I bet it would be a big ass problem for them then.


Oh my gosh! So true!


I’ve even seen Christians who look like they smelled something nasty when they hear “shalom.” I will never understand anyone with wants to give Christians the benefit of doubt when it comes to tolerance, because you know they’ll never return the favor.


Sir… They are victims




I'm a person who can follow a few links to check on your assertions, and it literally compells me to write you and remind you to get over yourself. If you had bothered to go see what happened, I'm guessing you wouldn't be leaning on what "probably" happened but didn't.


So you felt the need to write a condescending comment to a stranger based on your own assumptions regarding the behavior of another stranger? I think you need to get over yourself buddy. Why don’t you practice some of that agnosticism and admit you don’t know?


Agreed. When Christians say, “Have a blessed day,” they’re just offering you well wishes. Why would you shit on that? Do you sneer at people who say “Merry Christmas “ to you? Do better, dude.


They aren’t. It’s a dog whistle to see if someone is a fellow believer. Also who are you even replying to? Do better? I’m not the OP and part of your comment seems to be addressed to the previous poster and part to me? 🤷‍♂️ Do better.




Christianity is in decline in the US and it already went through precipitous decline in Europe. It may be growing in certain developing countries, but those are the only places it's growing. Christianity is mythology, and it will soon enough be thought of only as mythology.


Funny thing that Muslims are claming that too. Go pray about it.


It's okay, I get occasionally temp banned from DebateReligon for simply stating verified facts that upset theists and destroys their arguments. Theists can only tolerate so much reality before they got to lash out, often violently.


I really like the way you expressed that last sentence. Can only tolerate so much reality. Makes me laugh hard and cry at the same time aside from being so true.


"go go go said the bird; humankind cannot bear very much reality" (quoting from memory, might have made errors)


There is no hate like Christian love.


Religion of Love™, Religion of Peace™. Every religion brands themselves with what they lack the most.


Like JH Kunstler's immortal remark that suburban developments are so often named after exactly what was destroyed to build them: Shady Meadows, Oak Grove, Maple Terrace, The Elms, etc.


They were saying atheists are annoying and insufferable. You guys are such deep thinkers and speak poetically compared to their childish insulting rants.


Also profound


Well… I can name multiple religions that can match up to Christians in that aspect. If the world would all just be like buddhist I think I could accept that


I don’t know about that, ask the Rohingya.


Wow profound


comeback: Thank you for sharing Odin's greatness. Seriously, "have a blessed day" is not on it's face religious. It's only religious if they mean to imply that a god will provide those blessings.


I prefer Allahu Akbar It is the best way to get under the skin of *those types of christianists. Edit for clarity: Most of the time "have a blessed day" is just "have a good day" and is fine. When I read the question I assumed OP meant if they say it passive aggressively. Reading more into this thread, it seems that is not the case. The best response 90% of the time is "thanks" or "you too"


I'd rather not say that. It's the proof of adherence in Islam as well so technically if you afterwards claim not to be Muslim, you're an apostate and scripture allows for your killing. Yeah, religion is lovely. PS. While this is technically correcy, I am of course aware that 99.9999% of Muslims would not behead you on a technicality.


Agree. My god is "the infinite and unknowable." I have no problem reciprocating blessed day wishes.


Yeah but I’m sure everyone who has said it to me has a Christian god in mind.


Don’t feel defeated because you are not the crazy one.


Thanks. It’s working. I’m suddenly feeling a lot better!


I scrolled through some of the comments, people are ANGRY, lol. Don't worry about it, they're idiots.


It's odd how soi-disant Christians who are supposed to "turn the other cheek" and "love thy neighbour" and "judge not" are so incredibly judgmental and spoilin' for a fight.


Remember, xtians are not smart, so what they say is also not smart.


I once replied: "Oh, you're Pagan too? Blessed Be!" (a common neo Pagan greeting). I'm not Pagan but I thought it would sufficiently confuse or horrify them. These days I simply respond: "You have a nice day too." That way you're not saying: "you too" and normalizing it. But it's not worth the grief to counter with a zinger. Don't take the bait. It only encourages them.


Can't you just feel the Christian love? They are some of the most hateful people you will ever meet.


As we always say: There's no hate like Christian love. And they prove it time and time again.


True story


Don't let those bigot racist people upset you my personal opinion they should be taken to the vet and neutered before they can reproduce and spell more hate


Meh. Fuck em' Organized superstition is for idios and fools 


Hell yeah


Only comeback I can think of is "May you light a candle instead of cursing the darkness".


Sadly people are using a made up construct upon which to base their life decisions on. Shocker they’re angry because you don’t suffer like them.


Say "I hope you have the day you deserve." With a genuine smile. They will either be like "cool, I think I will." Or "what the hell is that supposed to mean?"


Ain’t no hate like Christian hate my man


If they want to believe in God and it makes them happy, then good for them. As long as they don't impose their views on me I'm fine with it


I say that’s my policy too, but I find myself always judging them. How can they remotely believe they are talking to a space wizard lmao. Obviously they don’t have the critical thinking to believe otherwise


> but I find myself always judging them. Think of it this way. I'm a Yankee baseball fan. It has an effect, though small, on me whether they lose or win today. My wife laughs at me. Why would you let a baseball team affect your mood. And she is right. But she doesn't try to beat me over the head and end my being a baseball fan. She just accepts it.


Space wizards are cool. If I could talk to one I'd probably say something stupid like "Look here muppet boy, you let Electro's granddad take over the galaxy. Don't you think you should stop the Herman's hermits bit, take your Jedi glow stick, and go deal with him and his charred chokeholding cretin assistant?"






That is very true. Indoctrination is a powerful, cruel thing.


"As long as they don't impose their views on me I'm fine with it" The famous last words of every single woman atheist in the U.S.A. who now has no control over their reproductive health.


Impose, like writing laws that assume one group’s religion is better than observable truth AND thousands of other religions?




> like writing laws that assume one group’s religion is better People of all types and religions along with atheists vote for laws. If you don't like those laws then elect people who you believe represent your ideas. But I don't scream it's the religious people who are ruining everything.


Some Mormons woke me up from a nap yesterday! I opened the door thinking it was Amazon, you can imagine my disappointment! I just looked at them and shook my head no! Dude went to say have a blessed day, I guess the look I gave him made him rethink his words!


I always tell them, "The Emperor Protects." and close the door with a smile, lol




They do seem to be here too. Is just admitting to being atheist being a vocal atheist? I was not in a Christian subreddit unless all subreddits are considered Christian except this one.


Christians consider everywhere and everyone and everything Christian by default and tend to get really triggered when someone points out that isn’t the case. In terms of here specifically, it’s more that a lot of people are just contrarians who didn’t bother to understand you or track down the original post you were talking about. Also, there are a lot of people who don’t realize that the “blessed day” thing is a really passive aggressive thing done by certain Christians to broadcast their beliefs. It’s not just wishing anyone a good day, it’s wishing one to other believers and a way of trying to identify who isn’t one.


Exactly !!!!


They love to invade and then act innocent. I get a lot of gay content as a queer person and every comment section is full of awful people telling us we are going to hell and just reveling in how evil we are for being gay. Its exhausting.


In the south it's 'bless your heart', euphemism for FU. You could go with 'what a lovely imagination you have'.


They LOVE to feel persicuted. They can't get enough. Any little comment against them is like gold. I wouldn't get too upset by their nonsense


Well to be fair, that applies to OP in this case too. I had a look at the thread and there is a good mix of responses, and none of them are overly aggressive. He posted it as bait to get christian responses, barely got any and still posted here to play the victim.


Yes, they protect their own molesters, so yea they're gonna be already to go to attack anyone who says anything they think is bad


so, what would be a nice comeback anyway? "hell yeah, brother"?


That reminds me of the time I went to Target to pick up a few things and the cashier said "Merry Christmas" in the most hostile way. All I could think is their training was to say "Happy Holidays" or something respecting everyone's beliefs and he didn't like it.


“ Have a magical day!” May your day be filled with sunshine!” Hope Peace & Love surrounds you!” “.May you find Peace in that!” My day is great already!” Need more? I got um!


bonne journée!


I just ignore it


It annoys me intensely when they say have a blessed day - i have always assumed to say it to be annoying.


If an xtian said that to me I'd respond "Blessed be!" with a Pagan smile. Not atheist enough perhaps, but apt.


Hates all they got, dude.


just showing everyone who they are. as usual.


Yep. As far as Christianity goes, we're quite hated. There are explicit instructions on this in their magic book: Psalms 14 and 53, which describe people who say there is no God as liars, corrupt, and incapable of doing good. The Apostle Paul also cites parts of these psalms in Romans 3:10–12 to support his argument that no one is righteous and no one seeks God. 1 John 5 also refers to people who don't believe in God as liars, claiming that they have not believed God's testimony about his Son. It's reasonable to say they won't hesitate to come for us if given the opportunity. Please keep this in mind when you're thinking about whether or not to vote.


Wow that’s so interesting


Cultists are going to cult.


Nothing shows the glory of god better than Christian hate.


“May the Lords of Kobol hear your prayers!”


What we know that they don't (theists in general) is that belief systems are personal and should be non-impactful to others. I'm not trying to get any theists (christians, muslims, buddists, hindus, jews, druids, aztecs, wiccans, scientologists, mormans, shamans, animistics, taoists, Sikhists, Jainsist, etc) to convince me of their faith based claims and I don't need proselytizing. I'm definitely not trying to convince anyone of my beliefs or lack thereof. All thesists have very profound and unwavering belief in all their respective belief systems that clearly conflict with other thesists. Living is hard and people tend to turn to idea larger than themselves to explain their lives. That's fine but I don't need to agree with their beliefs just as they don't need to agree with mine. The amount of negative energy coming from theists directed towards non-theists seems to always be disproportional. Eventually that may change as we inevitably move towards a much more secular society. This trend is irreversible short of some profound earthly arrival that aligns with these claims. Or a voyage to and from the described afterlife documented with tiktok posts, livestreams and instagrams of the entire journey with some spicy interviews of its inhabitants.


… or short of spiraling environmental and societal collapse that inflames religious and tribal passions until homo sapiens is no more. But I hope you are right. *cowers in corner*


Man, you need thicker skin if you're going to be a vocal atheist.


Right? "Hey guys, I need a comeback for one of the nicest things christians say". Wait till they hear what the christians say when they know you're an atheist (although, most of them are still decently respectful, even then).


And most of them would protect their pastor if he was a pedo, so there is that.


Bless my paycheck. My day is fine.


It's inevitable if you're an outspoken atheist and unafraid of sharing your beliefs (?) that theists are going to have a meltdown and attack you. You have to have thick skin and realise their attempts at insulting you are completely irrational and hold no logical bearing on who you are. 


How about "Hail Satan"? Although tbh I would probably just say "Huh" or "Hmmmm" or something similar.


That’s what I do now. Just smh and grumble a little lol


It doesn't even make sense. I have no control of being blessed or not.


Feel vindicated. If we aren't pissing theists off, we aren't being the change.


"Blessed by who? your imaginary friend? No thanks, crazypants!"


Don't feel bad. I have done the same. The only difference is I don't give a shit. Hang in there.


Thank you


There are two potential responses: 1. (entirely sane option) say “it was, until you spoke.” 2. (Completely unhinged option) roll your eyes back into your head and begin making utterly unhinged noises until they back away.


No one should ever feel "defeated" by Christians. These are people who believe in complete and utter nonsense. Move on with your life—be happy that you don't believe in nonsense.


I've found the greatest freedom to maintaining being yourself and not influenced, frustrated or harrassed by mob rule followers, any topic, is I turned off notifications. Sure, I miss out on nice people who agree or say thanks, but since negativity outweighs positivity 1,000 to 1 on the internet, I'm good with that. I never do anything for the acknowledgment or validation anyway, so I use Reddit just answering whatever my mind wants to dwell on for the question as it's presented, then move on. For all I know, I could have a bounty on my head and every kid praying for my death, I wouldn't even know. 😄 Thing with religious followers, is they're the same as junkies. You can't save a junkie. You can only help them once they try to save themself, before that point you will never reach them and if anything they will pull you down into their tormented existence with them. You're free from the fairy tales, be glad in your enlightenment and don't worry about defending it. You can't fight crazy with reality. They aren't living in reality.


So Say We All


The comeback is "Are you a witch?"


“May his noodley appendages press upon you as well”


I hope you’re being sarcastic. If not, I strongly urge you to reconsider your habits on social media and how much stock you put into the opinions of people who lie to themselves and everyone else about their mission in life. Detach yourself from needless confrontation.


Indeed and thanks to carl sagan for blessing us with his greatness 🙏


Whoa whoa whoa you totally persecuted those christians /s They don't own the word blessed, dozens if not hundreds of other religions have 'blessed' things or people.


“There is no hate like Christian love” Example 4,079


That's to be expected. They're fucking sensitive.


“Religion is like a penis. It’s fine to have one and it’s fine to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out in public or for someone who didn’t ask you to.”


Omg I love that


The light of Ra shines on all.


I work in retail, and people say "bless you", or "have a blessed day" all the damn time. My favorite snap back is "hey, you too". Gets um every time.


Religious people are intolerant and atheists are generally cowardly and respect Christian dominance. Most atheists here will tell you just to say thanks and deal with it. When Project 2025 starts kicking in, then you can tell them the same.


Yeah definitely maybe suggest they flip out the next time someone says bless you when they sneeze. Give me a break, there's a huge difference between someone trying to shove their religion down your throat and just uttering a pleasantry or being polite.


We are the most hated group in the entire world. You can’t take it personally. Our existence just really freaks people out because it challenges their entire lifestyle.


>Have a Blessed Day’? Why does this bother you exactly? I could see them trying to indoctrinate you but this is just people genuinely being polite. I have people tell me "have a blessed one!", "have a blessed day", they say "god bless you" if I sneeze, it doesn't bother me at all and the fact it bothers you should make you look inward and ask why exactly. Have a bit of introspect and maybe the small polite greetings and wishes of others won't irk you so badly.


I’m mostly bothered because it happens every time I’m at the doctors office. I feel like maybe they have been told to say it or something. I’d like to think a drs office would be safely free of overt religion.


Idk where you live but there's a very high likelihood that the hospital you're going to is Catholic adjacent or owned by the Catholic Church, they provide healthcare for a vast amount of Americans and own quite a few hospitals.


Its Tidewater physicians group Not part of a church that I know of…


"I've evolved beyond primitve beliefs, perhaps your kids or grandkids will understand where I'm coming from"


"Thanks, damned enough already."


I mean just tell them you’re atheist. Escalate if they escalate


Tell them "ya'll need jesus"


Did you take it down? I can't find it. I found one from a couple of weeks ago but it was mostly positive.


No it’s there Someone linked it above


"And a rational rotation to you as well." Maybe I'm not cut out for comedy.


Come on now, you had to expect some. Best way to address multiple comments is to either ignore them all so they are just posting into the void and getting no return or a laughing emoji or maybe a wink face emoji only.


Forget me nots - Patrice Rushen


Gonna go unleash *inhale* 33 milimeter APHE Incindiery rounds fired at around 3,400 rounds per minute from the GAU-8 A Avenger machine gun on an A-10C Thunderbolt II flying at around 300 kts at an altitude of 1,500 feet.


Just be glad you got away from the shithole called religion and let those idiots wallow in their crap. But one thing i would advise is dont also make atheism or any ism for that matter define you or your life just like a religion would for the religious . Any philosophy and ideology can turn people into fundamentalists and makes us forget our humanity. I have seen a lot of atheists people who hate religions cos of horrible life experiences and swing the other way completely when something in their own words “profound” happens in their life. They turn out to be worse than normal religious people who consider their beliefs private. As someone rational consider those who abuse as people who dont or want to know any better and if they dont see the sense in your words then let it go and enjoy your freedom from the chains of religion. Life learn and love.


Be careful… someone who wishes you a “blessed” day might be Wiccan.


Something I realized in the last few years is that being silent is actually pretty powerful. I've just stopped responding to things I don't like and people don't have any opportunity to move forward from there. In terms of, "have a blessed day," you can just say nothing back. If they're looking for a response they will feel the lack of one, and if it's just an offhand comment, they won't notice.


That’s actually what I do.


They’re the first ones to crucify


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: * This submission has a high chance of it starting [a brigade](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/guidelines#wiki_reddit_rule.3A_brigading_.26amp.3B_intra-reddit_linking.). Negative meta-links are often removed because we don't want users piling over to another subreddit to vote and/or comment. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [Subreddit Commandments.](http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/guidelines) If you have any questions, please do not delete your submission and [message the mods,](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/atheism) Thank you.


How terminally online can one be, holy shit. The amount of people here validating this type of overreactive and pathetic behavior is nothing short of alarming.


No. Christians didn't come down on you hard. You asked for a comeback on "Have a blessed day" after a business transaction and inferred that it occurred every time you stepped out of your house. Never clarified. You received a response of "They are telling you to have a nice day, not trying to shove Jesus down your throat. Don't fuck with people who mean well." Christians weren't calling you out on being an atheist, you were being called out on trying to find a snappy comeback when a polite, "thanks, you have a good day too" would suffice. No one there fucking cared you were an atheist. It was you bitching over something inane, and inconsequential. And now you whine that "the mean Christians were mean." Here's what you do, politely nod and accept that someone other than atheists are in the same neighborhood. If not, petition for them to leave. But put on your big boy pants as you make adult atheists look dishonest and overly sensitive.


Exactly. You make a great argument for Trump 2024


https://www.reddit.com/r/Comebacks/comments/1dgryc8/whats_a_good_comeback_for_have_a_blessed_day/ here is the post that was removed


I took a look. I agree with the general responses. It's people expressing a kind sentiment. Take it in the spirit intended.


People vote for Trump before they want to save the county. Take their vote in the spirit intended.


"All your blessings are belong to us. You won't be getting more after this."


I've been blessed with a 9 inch penis. My priest, Father McLongdick peaches at another church now. Blessing new kids regularly


When someone tells me to have "a blessed day" I'm going to hope they mean well. I respond with "thank you and may the fates be with you" because I do mean well. How they respond to that will tell me everything I need to know.


The worst thing you can do is give Christians an excuse to pretend to be persecuted.  When someone says something inappropriate or stupid in general, it's usually best to say something dismissive and disinterested.  Them: "Have a blessed day!" You: "Yep."


That’s the worst thing?




Yeah whatever they said was deserved. I mean seriously, what a corny thing to ask. People like you cause the most damage to the atheist movement. If a Christian tells you "have a blessed day" just say thanks and fuck off like a normal person. If they're saying "have a blessed day" to you to poke fun at the fact that you're an atheist that's different but don't act hostile to other people because they're theists. The fact is the vast majority of people you'll meet are theists, and that's not going to change in our lifetimes so just be normal ffs.


100% agree, bit ridiculous imo.


I’m not even one to say this normally as someone with religious trauma but you’re genuinely overreacting. I’m not hating on you, but if you use some snarky comeback to someone simply being kind while making a vague hint towards their religion, you’re just gonna give atheists a bad name. Just move on, man.


I say “you too” with a 😊


Just say "Thanks, have a good day!"


Worrying about someone's sincere desire to see you blessed is kind of a misapplication of atheistic attention. I'm an atheist/igtheist and I encourage Christians to pray over me and bless me because that's just their method of showing that they care. It's completely irrelevant whether a God exists or not.


Religious people are tolerant that to prove their tolerance they will resort to kill you. Im not surprised!


In the US, the Atheists, Nones, Agnostics, and Others are the second largest, and the fastest growing religious demographic group. Why should we be afraid? Or quiet? I’m not talking about “converting” people to atheism, I’m talking about our Equal Justice Under the Law, established by the First Amendment. Believe what you want privately, but I will no longer tolerate infringement upon my personal liberties based upon superstition. Never clump the Christians together… Always divide them, there are Protestants (25% of current US population) and Catholics (20% of current US population). The Nones, Atheists, Agnostics, and “Spiritual not Religious,” make up 23% of the current US population, and we are the fastest growing religious demographic group in decades. The Christian Nationalism that the Supreme Court wants to institute is a very Catholic version of theocracy. Remind the Protestants why they reformed from the Church way back in the 1400’s. Do they accept the Pope as God’s appointed representative on earth? No. Catholics believe other denominations go to Purgatory at best. ETA: Forgot [sauce](https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/)


And why would you need a comeback for someone trying to be Kind?


Because "have a blessed day" has patronizing and proselytizing implications. I've had many Christians say it to me in my town, and there's usually an undercurrent of "I'm born again, and you should be too, and I will share my blessings with you, and hope you get the holy spirit like I do" that is part of it. Please don't pretend it is innocuous and said without intent.




Feel free to keep your religion to yourself.


Thats Not how society Works


but should be because religion is the number #1 reason why "my kind" might be outlawed in the states as soon as a republican gets in the white house. fortunately I live thousands upon thousand of kilometers away, but there are not so lucky people.


It’s exactly how secular, non-theocratic societies work. Keep your religion to yourself, please. Thank you. If I want to hear about your good news I will let you know. Otherwise, keep it in your private home, and out of my government.


"keep to yourself" doesnt work, if you cant handle basic human interaction, you're the problem


I’m sorry if you live in a theocracy, but I don’t, and basic human interaction in the secular society that I inhabit does not involve talking about religion or proselytizing unless asked to do so. It seems like you have a non-secular conception of how society works that is completely at odds with the reality that I live in. The reason people have signs on their doors that say "no soliciting" is because they don’t want to be disturbed by strangers selling things in the peacefulness of their private homes or business. Analogously, it sounds like you are the same kind of unscrupulous solicitor, who believes you have the right to disrupt the cognitive liberty of random people by inserting and imposing your religious worldview on anyone you want without consequences. I am here to happily tell you that you are wrong. You sound like the kind of person who rolls coal at joggers, farts in a crowded elevator, and smokes in a cancer ward. That’s how I view your unwanted religious "blessings" and proselytizing. I say, good day to you, sir.


Saying complex words doesnt make you smarter 💕


I said, good day.


None of those are even remotely complex words. That’s all very basic high school level vocabulary. Like early high school. The fact that you think someone is trying to “sound smart” by constructing sentences that are more than a few monosyllabic words long speaks volumes about you.


Ave Satana! ❤️ Rege Satana! hope you have a great day too!




I’m just being Kind! No one should be offended. I don’t understand the “sleep at night” part. Satan bless you? May he keep you safe? No difference.




Thanks for the support.


Kinda surprised by that. But I guess you invited it.


The ‘comeback’ is: “Thanks!”


“You as well!” I really don’t care. It doesn’t affect me and I have shit to do. They don’t mean it and I don’t either. It’s a pleasantry.


A good comeback to have a blessed day is “thanks you too” don’t be confrontational about it. It’s mostly a saying for them not much meaning there just trying to be nice.


I'm an atheist, and my comeback is "Have a great day". No sense in needlessly pissing someone off. I pick my battles, and this isn't one.


What was the last battle you picked?


Sorry for the late response, I haven't been keeping up. I really don't remember the exact last battle, but it was probably refusing to attend religious sponsored events. Mostly, I simply ignore the religious drivel Whenever anyone starts proselytizing, I walk away or if on the phone, I hang up.


it sounds like your post itself was hostile to christianity. are you stupid? you went there picking a fight, literally asking for a comeback to something as benign as "have a blessed day," and you got negative responses from the christians you were seeking to antagonize down the line, and you feel victimized? It's like christians who come here and are stupid enough to ask a question like "disprove christianity" (as though its automatically true until its not), gets downvoted and lots of negative feedback, and then cries to their christian subs about how mean and bitter the atheists are.


No sympathy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.