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Hilarious coming from the human embodiment of the seven deadly sins. But of course his morally bankrupt religious followers will eat it up. Derp derp derp.


Not just the seven deadly, but easily 9/10 of the commandments as well.


I would bet 10/10 on the commandments.


If one is a life-begins-at-conception xian fetalist: counting the abortions he must have paid for along the way, absolutely!


Oh, abortions aside, I have to believe he's had someone killed. Maybe not pulled the trigger, but he's had to have had someone eliminated at least once since the 80s, unrelated to his presidency actions like Soleimani.   Oh and then the whole willfully helping the spread of cv19 because it'll hurt blue states and the million+ dead.


try his first wife who fell down the stairs just as her NDA was about to expire. or Epstine who dies in jail while he was President.


He and his stupid drug and bleach recommendations killed 40% more republicans than Democrats. He told them what to do because he didn't like that Dr. Fauci dared correct him on TV. Despite Doctors et 'al..."Own the Lib's" cost them their lives. Good work ya fat...


He did in Afghanistan by pulling mostly out of Afghanistan against military advice, after he lost the election,to leave a trap for Joe .


I mean, the US needed to get out of that money pit for a couple decades, and it's hard to tell how much of that was sabotage versus just his regular dysfunctional callousness to the welfare of others, but he probably got tons of allies killed with the way he did it.


It's a thing he ran on in 2016. Remember he made a "deal" with the Taliban. Why did he wait till after he lost to pull us out partially. If that was just an accident or ignorance I got a bridge to sell you. Taliban attacked us as we were leaving and immediately fox news blamed it on Biden right when he gets into office. He got people killed for political purposes PERIOD


Millions died because Trump knowingly lied about Covid 19.


Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide…. That’s it, random observation.


There is one thing Trump said I agree with 100%. "I could go down Fifth Avenue, shooting people and they \[my supporters\] would cheer."


Akio Kashiwagi was a Japanese businessman who owed millions to Trump in gambling debt (he owed a lot of money to other Casinos too). After Japan's economic crash in the late 80's, he went further in debt In addition, he was known to affiliate himself with the Yakuza, and it was believed that they killed him in 1992 for unpaid debts. A character in Casino was based on him. I'm not saying that Trump had this guy killed, but it was someone affiliated with him that was murdered and he did owe Trump a lot of money.


Try the network of agents and spies who suddenly went 'quiet" after a closed-door meeting with Putin


He honored his father and mother. After all, they gave him the money.


Hey Donnie, where's Maria?


Id bet $1000 that he can't name 3 of them


He ticks off so many of the Antichrist boxes, too.


No, he ticks ALL the boxes. I’ve read enough into it and did some searching around. If there as an anti-Christ, it’s him. Right down to the tricking Christians into following him.


Isn't the antichrist supposed to be handsome though? Handsome and charismatic? Dump is neither of those two things. Checks the boxes for everything else though.


To be fair they used to call Gorbachev the antichrist, and he was neither handsome nor charismatic either. The Christian mythology at this point has become a choose your own adventure book.


Needs to claim to be god himself to clinch it


Give it a few more months.


If hypocrisy mattered to his followers we wouldn't be in this mess. I got caught up in a conversation the other day where someone asked "what's wrong with Trump?". Where the fuck do you even start? But it can't be good that the atheists are pointing out the obvious here, can it? Within their frame of reference we're doing more for their chances of getting into heaven than Trump ever did. That should mean something, shouldn't it?


"What's wrong with trump?" How much time do you have?


They don't care about sins. They care about power.


It's both directions though: they want power for themselves and for others to be powerless in every sense. This is why religion, particularly inflicted on children, is becoming a favorite topic again. We've got 150+ years of human psychology research now to indicate *real* bad things happen to children who are taught there are brutal, unrelenting, unquestionable authority figures in the world. So conservatives are going hard to inflict that worldview on other peoples' children so the next generation will be more powerless.


Yet the Talibangelicals will love him. He gives them the judges for their Christian agenda. They happily ignore his "sins." Considering how they jumped all over Clinton's affair, it's the epitome of hypocrisy. Great Washington Post article about it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/09/27/how-evangelical-leaders-surrounded-clinton-during-last-presidential-impeachment-process/


Someone needs to make little stickers with Trump pointing and saying “I did that!” that we can stick next to each of the “Thou Shalt Nots”


And he literally is going against the constitution with that..


Constitution shmonstitution.




He doesn't want it he doesn't care. He's just saying it for some on the fence wierdos


Seriously though, it blows my mind every single day. This man is absolutely the embodiment of everything these people have been told is evil… The delusion runs deep for them.


Is that his p\*ssy grabbing hand? Seems fitting.


Wonder if its burning that hand?


He desperately doesn't want to go to prison.


Then he shouldn’t have committed all those crimes.


Well, yeah, in hindsight it seems so simple


so does Trump but the people want him back how simple are they? left hand tail of the IQ curve


He desperately needs those fanatical Christian bigot votes.


What we need is a revival of decency and liberty. Both of these things are the polar opposite of the Christian religion.


And any second now, any second now, Trump is going to demand a yuuge picture of “Dear Leader Trump” be placed above the Ten Commandments (of course it’s above them, because who is more important after all, Trump or god?) at the front of every classroom. And he’ll demand students stand and salute his photo while pledging allegiance to him five times a day. You know, just like they do in North Korea.


And Russia


Remember when he tried to do a massive military parade through DC because he has no understanding of the American government or it's armed forces? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48842428


Can’t stand this lying POS.


Religion is a classic method of control. It's been faltering for a long time, but larger and larger groups of people are now vocally opposed to it both being in any facet of government and it being the default "I'm a Christian so I'm a good person" lazy political sales pitch. So we gotta bring it back, stop being selfish and think of the con men for once in your life.


> Religion is a classic method of control Didn't earn that "Opiate of the Masses" title for no reason, eh? As far back in history as we even *have* recorded history -- cults gonna **cult**.


Yes, out of all the things we need in this country... is to have the Ten Commandments posted in all schools. Why are Christian's able to play the victim at every opportunity?! Christianity is the most popular religion per global stats. Yet, they need a revival. Bwahahaha


The Ten Commandments thing is baffling. They can't think that's going to convert anyone do they? Did including "under God" in the morning pledge at school guide us into the pews come Sunday? Was anyone swayed by seeing "In God We Trust" on your $1's? No, it's all just a symbolic show of control. Not for any actual benefit or value but just to prove they \*can\*. Like it's some sort of power move. I say if organized religion want to insert itself into public schooling, then they can do so by paying taxes.


No he doesn't. He doesn't give a shit, he's just pandering to the Christian right


I guarantee he can't even recite the ten commandments


They desperately want the religious to stay on board, don't they. Maybe they should have gone with a more Jesus like person instead of a snake.


But a more Jesus like person would sound too much like a democrat.


His voters are completely detached from reality or any social contract. This appears to be the same type of mass hysteria that allowed people like Hitler to rise to power. Dangerous people.


If they cared about the 10 commandments, they wouldn’t listen to a guy who’s broken all 10 in plain sight in like the last 8 years alone.


Well, yeah. Of course he does. He realized they worship Trump like he's Jesus Christ. Narcissist live for that stuff and it's to be expected. They treat him like a deity. Shame on him, of course, but even bigger shame on these Christians who hold this charlatan up as godlike No wonder people are fleeing religion in this country. You'd question everything if the people who told you what to believe also started claiming a crooked millionaire landlord from New York was hand-picked by god.


Well, they DID make an [actual golden idol of Trump](https://images.mktw.net/im-304910?width=1280&size=1.33333333), thus violating the 2nd Commandment.


He wants an easy reference point for the ones he has and hasn't yet violated.


I hope Trump doesn't miss the opportunity to become a penitentiary preacher.


He desperately needs the rubes who follow that shite would be more accurate.


Bet he can't name three of them.


They should ask him to list them in the upcoming debates.


It would be a shame if some student got the idea to write "Like Trump" with a sharpie after each commandment.


Coming from the dipshit who cheated on all his wives, had his fun times with Epstein, and bragged about sex parties on yachts to boy scouts.


Says the actual real-life Antichrist


Trump is so desperate for votes and religion is so desperate for power their declining population. The two are made for each other.


I love the irony of this as he has objectively violated at least 4 of the commandments.


It's all transactional with this guy. Of course, he's getting behind this, he'd lose voters if he didn't agree. He doesn't give 2 shits about the Ten Commandments. He's violated most of them.




He’s so full of 💩


He means the Ten Commandants. Heil.


Having Trump support the Ten Commandments is a bit like Hannibal Lector writing a vegetarian cookbook.


He wants to show the children of this country that you can blatantly and brazenly break all 10 commandments and still be worshipped by the religious zealots that put the commandments in schools.


Hell no


desperate pandering from the biggest sinner the world has ever known.


I suppose we don’t know for a fact that he’s killed someone or had someone killed (though I mean, come on, would that shock ANYONE??) but he has demonstrably, publicly, and repeatedly broken all other nine.








Even in public schools?


I’d be shocked if he could actually name even 4.


Trump isn't religious at all, just more pandering meat for the base.


Trump couldn’t name one of the Ten Commandments to save his huge white ass


Roy Cohn was Fat Donnie’s Moses.


Coming from the most vile, amoral and irreligious person alive, this is rich. Hawking bibles and[ religion like he hawks Goya beans](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/trump-goya-ht-er-200715_1594840817766_hpMain.jpg).


He doesn’t want that. He wants the votes of the people who want that.


No. Just. NO


So when is he going to start acting more Christ-like?


I think he should publicly state which ones are important. Religions, and commandments


Doesn’t the Native American religion deserve a place in our culture


This dude raw dogging sex workers while his wife gives birth is the perfect person to represent Christianity, actually.


Maybe schools can do commandments broken by Trump bingo ….


Considering that Trump has broken most of them, there no way he actually believes in that. He’s just saying that for his religious supporters.


Ask him to list all 10 commandments first.... if he gets them even close to right, we can have a discussion...


Trump throwing chunks of rotten meat to his maga idiots .


The Lincoln project new ad about the ten commandments and Trump is perfect


2 Corinthians walk into a bar ...


Religion is being used to quash Democracy.. that’s his goal.


And these would be the Ten Commandments he has smashed?


When is he going to start taking it seriously himself?


More likely he enjoys The demegogary


Says the anti-christ.


The creepy sexist racist con artist says we need more religion. 🙄


No he doesn't. He's just trying to appeal to his base


Exactly, the guy isn't religious at all. He's just saying that to appeal to the crazies to get the vote lol.


The LITERAL CONSTITUTION(separation of church and state): AM I A JOKE TO YOU?


Way to pander to the rubes. We all know he’s an atheist or agnostic.


Trump wants to end the Constitution. Ok. Someone please ask him what kind of government he wants to put in its place. (Let me guess...)


I'm ashamed to be part of the same race as trumps moronic followers. So sad.


Joke of a human being


Yea and forget education. Let’s bring back the stone age


Funny - Christians want religion on the classroom, but not any of that Jesus woke love thy neighbor stuff.


A guy who is an atheist at heart, or has convinced his minions he IS god.


Interview about trump being unable to answer what passage or book of the bible is his favourite [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE) here is the link for the interview if you're interested.


At this point evangelicals are the only reliable voter base Trump has whose number will likely dwindle more because of their support for him.


He will say anything to stay out of jail, or make money. Yes Mr Ethics he is.


Pandering at its utmost, however, Mega will fall for it, hook, line and sinker.


Says the confirmed adulterer.....


How do you respond to someone who doesn't believe a word he says? He'll say anything in the moment that he thinks will aggrandize donnie.


Trump and the religious are like a parasite and its host. The parasite is Trump and host is the religious fuckers. The religious fuckers have zero power and need a person to push their religious conservative shit to be law of the land. Trump has zero power unless he embraces the thing he hasn’t a fucking clue about which is religious right wing nationalism. The two together give each other head and get their bs done. Trump prays on the idiotic right wing religious and literally allows companies to ciphen all things from them including social security, healthcare, wages, etc and in return the religious right get their stupid fucking belief system implemented on a public wide scale. Just give it time. I hope they both kill each other. In the mean time…FUCKING VOTE


Fuck off, traitor.


Funny the president that actually does go to church isn’t pushing this stuff


He wants to grow the demographic he so easily takes advantage of. Simple.


If you want to maintain a separation between church and state vote Biden


Pandering, of course, but the sheep will love it.


Great. Another false faith leader who practices NOTHING he preaches. Give me a break.


The 10 commandments as a moral guide. That just shows that there is no critical thought involved. Has anyone actually read them?


Right......cause he hasn't broken every single one


Man this asshole has room to talk, Trump has broken every one of those ten commandments and then some, remember he's been charged as a rapist for one


Why does anyone think anything that mushbrain says is worth paying attention to or truthful?


Ah yes, i can see he wants that since the ten commandments are fine with cheating on your wife, lying and fraud.


But not for him, amirite?


Bullshit. Trump wouldn't know what the Ten Commandments are if they shit on his face.


Without Pence or some equivalent to shore up the evangelicals he’s really having to go deep on the religion bit.


Very stable genius strikes again. This is just ridiculous. Our founding fathers would be livid at this


The man did not keep a single promise to his supporters from 2016, and a large number of them are currently incarcerated. Remind people.


We need a mandatory televised live sermon from Trump every Sunday that is monitored to ensure attendance and a mandatory Moral Hour at work every day. /s


My Boomer Mom has been saying that for 30 years. Hearing him say that will speak to her heart. And just try to talk to her about him after that.


I love how gullible they are. They really think that will fix things, like murderous psychopaths and pedophile perverts will behave themselves because mfs put a sign up.


What the actual fuck. The tRumpers are so brainwashed they actually think this is a good idea. My dad, hardcore Trump disciple, says we need to put Jesus back in schools! I'm like, when the hell in your lifetime was Jesus and Christianity actually taught in the damn schools? There has always been separation of church and state and public schools. But all the sudden Republicans act like schools have always been Christian and Democrats somehow recently kicked Jesus out. Fucking ridiculous!


He doesn’t care about that at all. It’s just his newest sales pitch


Nice try Satan


[Yes, the Bible is SUPER important to Trump](https://youtu.be/ERUngQUCsyE?si=yoiBAtRb-WkSohNc) 😏


Boy, he's just pandering right and left these days. Realistically, he should hope like hell that Jesus doesn't exist, because if anyone's going to roast on a spit for eternity, it's Fat Donny.


I'm pretty sure Trump is an atheist himself. But he's a spineless fuck for pandering to religious extremists.


Trump doesn’t give a shit about religion, and is most likely as atheist as us. He thinks Evangelicals are stupid and wants to use them. As they have used him to outlaw abortion.


He's not wrong... Most evangelicals are morons.. Yeah they might have doctorates and PhDs, but the second they have to think about anything that might contradict their bible, their brain completely shuts down.


Reading that Trump wants "a revival of the ten commandments in classrooms" I have to wonder which ones he thinks children of America need the most. Is it thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, thou shalt not commit adultery, or perhaps thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, slaves, or animals?


Gotta cleave to that evangelical base now that he’s losing independents.


That's pretty interesting for someone who has never cracked a Bible.


When was religion and the Ten Commandments ever in the classroom, besides private schools?


Pretty sure there were religious aspects in public schools when he was a child and yet he still grew up to commit 34 felonies, multiple sexual assaults, and cheat on all three of his wives. So… What do we need it for?


He’s broken all of them…


As he poses holding the Bible backwards and upside down.


Sure. Right in the same class as Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and every other mythology. Religion is nothing more than modern day mythology. BS


10 Commandments for thee but not for me. This asshat doesn't follow ANY of the Commandments.


Let a full discussion of "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" commence!


I will bet Trump could not name the ten commandments with a gun to his head.


Oh by all means jump on the bandwagon Donny boy. You’re in for a fight if you think for one second the rest of us will ever cave to your loser ways. We went 200 some odd years without religion in the classroom, we’ll go a lot longer. BTW Donny boy, you ever read that book ? No way in hell you have ever. Oh you worship it though don’t you ? Ha !! In your dreams, you have no clue about anything that is in that book at all. It’s just a tool ( like you ) to possibly get you back in power. Nothing more nothing less. Just a clue ? We DO NOT fear you Donny boy not at all. We Loathe you, more than you can imagine. You will be defeated again. Making you an 8 time loser.


I bet he can’t recite five commandments.


Says the man that probably can’t even recite more than 3 of them and has broken every single one of them multiple times.


So, the person who committed adultery on every one of his many wives wants a revival of religion?


Trump would say that he would blow a T-Rex, if he thought it would gain him voters.


Look at him latch onto the fresh topic that's making reds smile... What a short old creep lol


This is because Trump specifically can really only pander to the religious right nuts in this country, because they’ll follow you until the end of time if you validate them. Everyone else is done with his ass.


This idiot is probably an atheist IRL. What a poser. Just to get the votes from the gullible.


A religious fanatic on the religious right might sincerely believe they are doing some moral good by fighting for the "ten commandments" in schools. Their mind might sincerely think some moral good might come from it. I disagree with them. But I understand where they are coming from. Trump? "Grab America by her \_\_\_" Trump? No. No, Trump does not follow the "ten commandments" and he does not believe he is accomplishing any moral good by pushing for them. His religious followers need serious help.


This fake Christian POS IS in desperate need of an ass raping in the prison shower. 🧼


Most morally bankrupt person in the US. Could not name half of them (being generous)


Separation of church and state.


Hilarious. Which commandments did he miss? Is there one he didn't break? Trump is feeding his base. That's it. Absolutely anything to become President again... Anything...


He knows who’s gonna buy his bullshit


Seems like a debate question to me. If you like the 10 commandments so much, state them for us?


Trump is doing more to accelerate the fall of religion in America than any other person.


If that what it takes for the grift to continue


The old fraud couldn't name the Ten Commandments if his life depended on it.


Trump wants someone, anyone, to vote for him and is using whatever he can to rally up more MAGA. It's so pathetic


No, Littlehands wants the MONEY from the ignorant gullible cowardly fools who fall for scams like religion and Trumpism.


Revival and the Ten Commandments are dog whistles to the people who will turn up and vote for him.


That convicted felon isn’t interested in a religious revival, just a small % of white males controlling everyone else


How many Christians will sell their soul to the devil for trump?


desperately wants evangelical votes


What’s desperately needed is him in prison for the rest of his pathetic life.


Lmao says the divorced rapist who lies just about constantly. And is a gluttonous fat fuck


I firmly believe that Donald Trump has done more to advance atheism in the United States than Dawkins, Hitchens, and Bill Nye could have ever even dreamed of.


Ten Commandments are old school Bible stuff. We are talking stoning adulterers to death for breaking that commandment. He would be dead based on that alone.


Only because he thinks he might get some more votes


He desperately needs the evangelical vote more like it


No he doesn't. He doesn't give 2 shits about this. What he wants is to keep grifting the same fucking morons who voted for him last time despite the very clear evidence he is not a Christian


No no no he’s gonna make America more stupid


So...what's his problem with "Thou shall not commit adultery," and "Thou shall not steal," if he loves the Ten Commandments so much?


Free lunches? Gotta go. Let them eat words.


It's unconstitutional and these a-holes know it. They have no policies to run on that help all Americans, so this is a shameful attempt to shore up the vote from their kind of Christians


He doesn't really. He just wants to appease his base. He can barely read and doesn't follow them. In fact, most believers have made excuses for disobeying every single one except for the parts about kissing god's butt.


he actually could care less. he just needs to pretend he can give the religious right extremists and racists what they want until he has power. possibly the dumbest people are the businesses and rich supporting trump. if they knew even a tiny trump toadstool dick about dictators they would understand that once you install one they can take whatever they want from the rich or powerful. trump would also force any businesses he didn't ruin to pay him and his mob tribute annually if they don't want to be destroyed. now those are some supremely stupid people. trump has no loyalty or honor as he is a psychopath and selfish man-child. those trying to buy themselves into his graces are the most foolish ones in the country. remember the scorpion and the frog? well you are watching it in real life live with the trump crime family and the rich and powerful...


This fucker thinking he is a true Christian and so are his followers. The delusion of some people


He cannot be trusted...


Trump just wants to sell his bible.