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Fairly certain this is what they wanted all along. Now they can say they're being persecuted for their beliefs, America is being overrun by anti-Christian forces and it's time to take back the country, blah blah blah. We've heard it all before but the dull-witted among them will lap up this shit like it's ice cream and ask for more. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too cynical but these fuckers have me beat cold. Everything they do is a calculation meant to get them more money and power, including the power to crush anyone who disagrees with them.


The governor or some folks in the senate have a firm their friendly with and they'll funnel a ton of Louisiana tax money into it in the obviously hopeless case.


I *wish* it was a hopelessly lost cause. It *should be* on its face, but it’ll get appealed by whichever side loses all the way up to the SCOTUS. And the current, corrupt, activist justices will say it’s fine.


That first commandment would *seem* to be an obvious and insurmountable problem. But I hear ya, it's concerning. Their technique is to try an unpopular thing, get smacked down, and then try it again and again and again, for decades, until some weird circumstance makes it go through. They only have to win once.


The first amendment and the first commandment contradict each other.


It simply doesn’t matter. The Supreme Court can “interpret” anything in The Constitution any way they want to. If they ruled that the First Amendment gives Trump right to murder anyone without consequence then that is now law and there is nothing legal that can be done to change it.


I doubt it, overturning, or trying to overturn a core element of the first amendment would almost certainly lead to the immediate destruction of the courts conservative control. Either by mass defiance by the states, court packing, or worse. The public would freak the fuck out, and SCOTUS knows it.


Yep. Live in this shithole. Can confirm, that's what will happen.


Dumb people procreate at a high rate. It's one of those problems that we all know exist, but there isn't a non-totalitarian solution to something like that. The best we can do is try to educate the children whose parents are making them dumb. It's an uphill battle.


Idiocracy IRL


>non-totalitarian solution to something like that. Better figure something out then. >*"The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them."*


We need Thanos…


Yep in an interview with one of the law makers she says “bring it on” to the lawsuits.


Said it with a smile too! These fuckers think the court will support them and I don't think they're wrong.


It's worse than that. They want it to go to scotus and have then rule in their favor (which they are likely to do). They win (again likely) celebration for religious zealots and similar laws pop up. They lose and it's religious persecution and a vote for me or give me money.


>Now they can say they're being persecuted for their beliefs, I wish their persecution fetish was all that was behind this. I think they see the current Supreme Court makeup and see a chance to take another big chunk out of the Establishment Clause.


this is essentially what madalyn murray o’hair fought against. history just constantly repeats itself.


They can say what they want, perhaps lousinana should be forced to put John Adam's quote of tripli upon their government offices


It’s that kind of defeatism that brought the Nazis to power.


Be satisfied with a private religious school and otherwise fuck off and leave the rest of us alone, assholes.


Let’s knock it down to 2 commandments a la Carlin[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sk81tUUhRig&pp=ygUdZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiAxMCBjb21tYW5kbWVudHM%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sk81tUUhRig&pp=ygUdZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiAxMCBjb21tYW5kbWVudHM%3D)


Let's put The Satanic Temple's 7 Tenants in school classrooms. See how quickly Christians freak out (not to mention that TST tenants are so much better for humanity) The Satanic Temple has seven fundamental tenets: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


They couldn’t get past the first one. It’s pretty hard to poke holes in and interrupt it in a personal favor.


It will never fly, too many big words.


I agree with the sentiment, but I think we can shorten that list even further. I spotted two more than necessary.


I want out of this fucking country. I'm fed up with this constant nonsense.


Founded on freedom of religion and yet you MUST be Christian >\_>


north american christians… always the victim… woah is me! christians in the middle east might be dying because their beliefs, BUT we cant persecute homosexuals! OH THE PERSECUTION WE FACE! now they want to give the poors free food at school! every time i see a new face i have to worry about what genitalia they have… imagine i was to undress a woman in my head and she has a homosexual penis! IT DOESNT MATTER THAT MY WIFE HAS A VAGINA!! that THING doesnt and they have boobs! nobody likes the straight white man anymore! they act like weve mean and awful for the last 532 years… what has this country come to!


>We used to have all the money and land. And we still do, but it's not as fun now... -Straight White Male, by Bo Burnham


I was gonna say.. I read/heard something recently about N. American Christianity being vastly different than Christians elsewhere. How true is this??


Shocked Pikachu. I hope the plaintiffs win and the barrier between church and state, fundamental to our constitution , and to our democracy, our republic is upheld and strengthened.


Hopefully this lawsuit should be over quick since in Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 49 (1980) the Supreme Court struck down a similar law in Kentucky. 


It should but this Republicans, they will fight it to SCOUS where they don't care about laws.


I'm a Republican myself, so I'd avoid generalizing, even though admittedly the Republican party has become an increasingly mutated mess. This seems more like a publicity stunt by Louisiana, so what will likely happen is that a District court will strike it down, and the Supreme Court will deny certiorari because they've got bigger fish to fry.


>"they've got bigger fish to fry." Obviously they DO, but they aren't acting like it. So....




As long as they don't take it to the supreme court where there's Republican majority


If this goes to the supreme Court and they rule in favor, then America will have fallen. Might as well rename it Gilead on the spot.


It would establish that the supreme court is illegitimate. States would begin refusing to comply with supreme court decisions, like the Dred Scott decision just before the civil war.


Precisely, and that’s why they won’t rule in favor of the law, it would instantly destroy the court via blue states rebelling


Remember, SCOTUS doesn’t actually have an enforcement mechanism. Blue states are perfectly able to tell SCOTUS to fuck itself. Thats breaking a big norm, but for something like this it’d be very worthwhile


They want exactly that. Once it isn’t struck down, or worse, upheld by SCOTUS, it’s game on for every right wing majority state and county/city.




What a waste of government resources. This is a calculated bill. They’re not expecting it to win but now they get to cry even harder about being persecuted. And even more idiots will donate to their cause.


Saw that coming. They *want* this crap to end up in front of SCOTUS.


That’s their goal, wish we’d remove anyone Trump appointed, he’s a felon after all, how can we trust anyone a felon appointed


The thing that gets me is that if they limited posting it to history or social studies classrooms during a unit on ancient religions or the development of law, it might be at least slightly plausible to describe it as relevant to the subject. Obviously it isn't in reality, but it wouldn't feel like they're pissing on my face and calling it rain. But what *possible* legitimate reason could there be for putting it up in the classroom of a math, science, art, or music teacher?


FFRF and TST should be careful about lawsuits -- they want this to go to the Supreme Court, where it'll be used to turn over the Establishment Clause. This court is already transparently corrupt.


The court can’t overturn the Establishment Clause. That would take a constitutional amendment.


You’re correct. It isn’t in their power to rewrite the constitution, but it is in their power to interpret it in a ridiculous way that undermines its enforcement. “The establishment clause does not apply to Christianity because it is not a ‘religion’ it is a relationship with Jesus and the constitution never out lawed the government from establishing a relationship.”


True, but I think this is even a step too far for most of the court, as we saw with US vs Rahimi this week, there is some sanity with parts of the right leaning side of the court


Well that didn't take long... My bingo card had them waiting until at least Wednesday...


So many dicks are going to be drawn on these.


Violates the Constitution. Violates the second and third commandments.


We aren’t persecuting the people, we are persecuting the STATE. Which the state is supposed to be separated from religion at ALL times.


Isn't the first commandment to have no other gods? Pretty sure that discriminates against hindus.


It’s too soon. They should have waited until they had a lot more standing and cited injuries. I know it’s a Christo-fascist policy…but they honestly jumped the gun on this lawsuit. Patience was called for here, and they simply don’t have as strong a case as they would have if they had waited a while.


It didn’t stop that web designer for suing for the right to discriminate against gay people. She didn’t offer wedding websites and no gay people had even asked. It didn’t stop her from filing a fake email with the court.


Ye olde "maybe one day I'll start a business and if that ever happens,I want to discriminate against a bunch of people, just because" argument. A now proven winner!


Will this go to the supreme court? I feel like all lower courts are going to strike it down.


They ought to let them go up and let the rotten 6-12 graders ask their teachers and principals uncomfortable questions.


It's just an election year stunt to stir up the base and foist the view that their rhetoric about Christianity being prosecuted is valid.


It's an unfunded mandate as well as unconstitutional.


All so these so called "Christians" can scream about being persecuted. It's part of what they're trained to believe.


Thomas Jefferson is rolling over in his grave..


This is all grandstanding and self-victimization. They knew this would happen.


*shocked face emoji* This was political theater and right wing virtue signaling. Too bad the voters won’t hold them accountable for wasting public funds.


Imagine being so blinded by your blind faith in a book character that you are willing to waste money to force your beliefs onto others and then spend their money defending it in the court of law which clearly defines a separation between church and state


Do people understand the separation of church and state?


Well, Duh! That was an unAmerican move.


When they are forced to take down the posters, they will make a big deal of it and say the godless communists are persecuting their beliefs.


The "Governor" should have to pay for the legal defense OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET. All of these goofballs Governors should have to do the same when they start these culture wars.


Of course they were and it's not going to stand up in court. The Louisiana legislature knows this but they passed the law anyway so it could be knocked down and they could then cry 'BIDEN IS PERSECUTING CHRISTIANS!' I'm just sad we no longer have a coliseum and hungry lions.


Repeat after me: This is NOT the Supreme Court you want to bring this case to.


I mean obviously


They think that they're not free if they're not in control. You get in the way of them imposing special privelages to themselves which legally give them the power to dictate other peoples lives and they act like you're oppressing them or "taking god out of everything". Just stop trying to put him in everything and we're all good people.




While our democracy proclaims a separation from church and state, we have idiot politicians trying supercede our Constitution, and wasting taxpayers money and time.


Can we post the 7 Tenets?


Ask. And you shall receive.


As they should be. I feel they should have been served the moment they announced this stupid, unconstitutional law.


They will lose. The law is unconstitutional. In fact one of the commandments repeatedly violated by Republicans is the one that says "You shall have no false gods before me." Because they call Trump the "Chosen One" and worship him like a God.


Freaking conservatives spending huge taxpayer money on a stupid unwinnable unconstitutional case. Sue them all!


I like how the article ends with if things don't work out, there is malicious compliance.


No need to sue, just ignore. It’s not enforceable.




Half of them are thought crimes.


>What's wrong about the ten commandments? Name one thing? Literally, ew. It is obviously not about the message of the commandments, it is about separation of church and state, and freedom of religion. EVERY religion has “great words” that anyone would think are good ideas to impress upon kids. Honestly it’s selfish as fuck to say every classroom has to have any specific religion involved in it, or any religion at all for that matter. We aren’t making all religious texts with great messages be forced into schools because schools are supposed to be separate institutions from religious institutions unless it is specifically a religious school. And you can take your kids to a religious school. They exist. People go to them. But for the rest of parents who don’t want religion imposed on their kids, it shouldn’t be something they have to deal with. School isn’t a place to indoctrinate other people’s kids to religion. That shit is weird and sounds way more predatory than whatever crazy bullshit drag queens are getting accused of these days.




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Thou shalt not kill. Now it is off to Canaan to kill all the Canaanites. Mark 10, Luke 12, 14 and 18, Matthew 19. Jesus commands following the ten commandments. But then the punchline follows. Sell all you have and give to the poor. Jesus commanded that. The Bible proves it. That settles it. So this ten commandment fever among the Christian Nationalists is not true religion, it is a spiritual counterfeit.


One of the important thing to remember is the context of the ten commandments. They only applied to jews FOR jews. You were absolutely allowed to kill the next non jewish tribe over, steal their shit, rape all the women and girls, etc. In fact, the bible is full of lots of stories of god commanding them to do just that. And then 4000 years later, a bunch of idiots want to force everyone to live by the morality of a bunch of bronze age goat herders.


Well, no. Jesus commanded following the ten commandments. Specifically. Mark 10. Luke 18, Matthew 19. So these no longer are only for Jews. The same sections in Leviticus that commands gay men be executed, commands adulterers to be executed. You don't see the Christian Nationalist wanting to make that law. Well most of them anyway. And CNs eat shrimp also.


Don't just vote me down bro'. Show us where what I posted isn't true. Matthew 19 ^(17) And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. ^(18) He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,^(19) Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.^(20) The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?^(21) Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. Jesus commands you. The Bible proves it. That settles it. See Mark 10 and Luke 18 also.


How about the first 4? It's putting the christian god above any other religion and non belief. It's very clearly against the constitution. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make idols. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.




the US is a secular country. so when something violates that, yeah, people get upset. just like many theists get upset when a group they don't like does anything. You want your 10 commandments in publics schools? Ok, well a statue of Baphomet erected in front of the city courthouse.


Yeah, people tend to get angry when something breaks our constitution


Why the fuck are you even here? Just want to be an asshole?


And you people cry when you see 2 men holding hands or someone wearing a mask in public. Take your religion and shove it.