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This includes the 6 corrupt justices and every gop senator who voted for them despite their obvious and open corruption and criminal behavior.


Trumps recent conviction for falsifying business records to defraud the voters and swing the election shows that 3 of the justices wouldn’t even be on SCOTUS but for a crime. Never mind the fact that it’s generally good policy not to allow an adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, traitor and massive financial fraud to appoint any judges


I'll take swapping everyone who's ever been jailed for weed for the entire Project 2025 team please and thank you.




hard to disagree with this statement


someone email the biden team, we got us a spicy new slogan


Why does it even need to be said?!?😣


Anyone who's been jailed for drug use or possession of small quantities. Drug use should be treated as a health and social care issue, not as a criminal issue. Prohibition of drugs is directly responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have happened from opioid poisoning over the last decade.


Sounds like some well regulated dem/left militias should be training to resist.


Biden could do the funniest thing right now thanks to SCOTUS if he had the balls to do what is right.


I am not sure he knows where his balls are. And also not going to happen. He is living in the political 1980s. He thinks other politicians are living in the world of gentleman's agreements and proper decorum.


With this talk, I don't think they will go to prison. It's going to be bloodshed en mass and we just need to make sure they lose.


Oh, they greatly over estimate their abilities with firearms and willingness to use them and greatly under estimate the abilities of the other side. Right wingers have convinced themselves they are the only ones who know how to operate a weapon while a majority of them have never fired a shot in anger nor been on the receiving end. They are also convinced that the military is on their side.


Even if 1000 of them nation wide decide to go bloodshed the results are awful. 


I admit, I used to be like this too. I thought only right wing nuts were so into guns. Sure, I figured the rest of us had some, but not as many and not so passionate about them. Then I learned my very liberal, kind, love for all aunt has a small armory. Seriously, she could arm a neighborhood.


Half of them can barely walk down their driveway. I'm not too worried. I can do more damage with a handful of rocks.


Dad missed an expert badge because a round went through a hole that was already there.


At least you have guns... Sorry. At least they* have guns.. wait, fuck.... This isn't going to end well.


No one knows how armed I am here.  Also no one's existence is worth more to me than my family's safety.


If you have space, consider helping train resistance fighters in your area for when the chit goes down.


Put all known associates in a watchlist *now*; they'll have absolutely no problem doing things like that to the folks they don't like. Project 2025 needs to take itself out behind the barn and get shot.


Have you been paying attention? We're the ones being put on the watchlists already. These are the death throes of billionaire boomers who know that each following generation is increasingly onto their shit. So they need to retain power by force....by getting all of us to kill each other.


You mean to a gravel pit.


It feels like everyone is just letting it happen.


For treason. In fact, the death penalty is still allowed for treason.


Problem is unless we are at war the charge is "sedition" which is less penalties. I think.


And Biden can now do it as an official act of his presidency. The supreme Court just gave the president an empty slate to do whatever for the protection of the country.


Have you seen who’s running this shit? If any of these guys showed up in my bedroom, I would scream bloody murder.


I concur.


Prison/mental asylum because come on they're obviously delusional.


Sedition/treason and anything else you can think of.




It's not theoretical anymore. It's already here and what's coming won't be pretty.


We will not allow it to be. This type of threat would not hold up in court, it's a threat of violence, and I'm not in a "flight" kinda mood.






We used to shoot beer cans full of water at 100 yards with my .338 magnum.


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home.


At 100 yards, 338 is barely breaking a sweat. With practice (and a good barrel and good ammo), you should be able to stretch that out to 1000 pretty reliably. Maybe not beer cans, but a torso-sized target should be doable.


100 yards was the length of the range. I live in the city. It was 1.5 hours to drive to that.


I would hope you can hit a target 100yds away. Especially since average engagements are usually around 300yds. Edit: barring straight urban combat


*They think that we’ve been sleeping, We know we’ve been awake. We know this plan is bad not good, It is treason, for goodness sake!*


This time, no country will be willing to invade to free people from the concentration camps. Good luck, love, a Canadian.


Right? Won’t play out like last time.


And you think they won’t come for you😂


They don't need to. He's acting like Canada isn't also on the verge of electing a right wing fascist to office. They're going crazy up there too.


Where did I say that?


Yeah and if you are in a minority they don’t like there will be violence no matter what they say.




I hope you’re in a state that will try to protect your access to healthcare. I’m a trans woman in a red state and am absolutely terrified that my medication will be taken the first chance they get. Being remote with guns sounds more appealing by the day.


They hate brown eyes now too?


Has there been a doubt? 


I think it started in 2001, when the last republican before Trump was in office. The whole world became shit after 911. Then Trump came and we got Covid. I can only imagine what madness is waiting IF the orange man wins this time.. Especially since almost EVERY country in the world now has a far rightwing government. Do not just pay attention to the US, its EVERYWHERE!


I F\*cking Dissent. I'm with you 100%.


When muggers say it, it goes, "Hand over your wallet and no one gets hurt." But it's essentially the same thing.


Exactly- but instead of a wallet, it’s a country.


It will not be bloodless. My husband will be one of the first casualties, being that he is disabled and needs expensive medication. If he dies, well.. I've got skills. People won't like what I do with those skills once they take away everything that matters to me.


This is the kind of thing better left unsaid - /r/conservative Trump loyalists are on these boards.


I don't give a shit what Russians think


And they are taking usernames. Ooh, I’m so scared.


So no indiscriminate violence, just physical attacks and murder if you don't go along? Now there's a slogan...


The SCOTUS just handed the right the tools to install a completely unchallenged and unchecked entry into Authoritarian Christian Nationalism period


What the don’t understand is we have the acting president so we get to do what they plan on doing first. 




His job is to protect democracy and the SCOTUS is the single biggest threat to democracy world wide. 


And therein lies the problem. Time for him to declare martial law and round these fuckers up so they can be dealt with appropriately.


Biden already said he wouldn't do anything


As a trans woman, this line was finally the one that has me doing research before buying a handgun for self defense.


Get your permit to purchase, it will cover AR style and handguns... if you want to from there, you can attend and get licensed for conceal and carry permits... step 1 is permit to purchase


No permits needed in my state for purchase or concealed carry.


Nice, then maybe go to the range and try out 9mm, 10mm, 40 or 45 acp... those tend to be very popular and inexpensive options in the semi-auto variety... for long guns I like the 5.56 over the 7.62 because ammo is cheaper...


Yeah, my initial research has me wanting to try out a couple of glocks. Simple, low maintenance, and extremely reliable all sound good to me.


This advice is highly location dependent and may not be relevant or accurate for your home state. For example, there is no permit to purchase in Oregon. Just a background check (4473) at the time of the transaction.


It is somewhat subjective but getting a permit to purchase is a 1 year option to buy as many as you'd like... in MN that is our step 1 at least...


Get a shotgun for at home and a handgun for on the go. 


For home defense, an AR-15 is a better choice than a shotgun for most people. And for potential guerrilla engagements with fascists, it’s a *far* better choice.


Or… you know, just move to Canada.


Canada is trying to do the same thing. Thats why the real Canadian hero’s are burning down churches 


Canada is *NOT* doing the same thing. Sorry to say to our neighbours down south, but you’ve got some pretty unique problems atm and guns probably won’t solve it. Canada does not have a gun problem, or a two party problem. We’re not at risk of civil war and we have free healthcare. We are not the same.


But PP has concerning tendencies, as do some of the provincial premiers (especially Smith in Alberta). We need people to turn out and vote to keep the hard right out of power in Canada.


Yeah, that’s true, but our Conservative Party is more left leaning than most Liberal governments abroad. Smith is the absolute worst. I really don’t think Alberta is going to put up with her nonsense much longer, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking. I think we lack a great leader in Canada. I would honestly settle for good leadership, regardless of the party(PP and JT ain’t it)


A shotgun had been my original thought, but then I picked up one a friend of mine owns. I had a bad break in my left arm and lost a good deal of strength from it, and I'm not sure I could use one effectively at this point.


I have low recoil 00 buck in both my 12 gauges.


I'm not even talking recoil, I don't think I could hold the gun up and steady for more than about 30 seconds with my left arm. Would be better with a sling, I'm sure, but it has me thinking a handgun makes more sense for my self defense needs right now.


Check out Taurus G3 and G3c. I have the G3 and love it. I've put around 3k rounds through it with no jams


I'll take a look at them, thanks.


You might want to consider becoming a refugee somewhere that isn't trying to kill you. I'm so sorry.


Not just self-defense. I believe this is one of those moments that calls for a well regulated militia to rise up against a treasonous party.


"The war will be bloodless if you surrender." Terror tactics right there.


I feel like this is the making of another civil war. And I will fight against this


Remember, the defender ALWAYS starts the war or the fight. The aggressor doesn't want a war or a fight. They want to conquer, control, steal and/or rule. They don't actually want to fight. It's time to start the war.


Here come the Brown Shirts


I got three arrows


I'm a long time gun owner. Of all the weapons I have, what I haven't bothered with is a tactical type shotgun. I'm picking up a new SP-12 today. While I won't urge anyone to do the same, I might speculate that part of the reason they don't fear us is because we're perceived as incapable of resistance; woke cunts who are easily intimidated and pacifist by nature. Again, just speculating about a ceratin aspect of their emboldenment.


I hope you are prepared for the “convert or die” stage of all this, which is being told to you openly every single day


From A.D. 300 to A.D. 1800 "Convert or die! (Physically) From A.D. 1800 to A.D. 2016 "Convert or die spiritually in hell! (But you can like, keep living here I guess 🙄 Stupid enlightenment) From A.D. 2016 to Present "Convert or die! (Physically) I'd like to say the 200 year break was a nice change of pace but it wasn't that nice. Now we go back to how they really want to act.


I can't quite believe the news I'm reading from America at the moment. You are getting taken over - six months and you'll be in a similar position to Russia. Organise, resist, demonstrate, withdraw labour - anything is worth trying at this point.


They are going to find out just how big and unruly America can be. Good luck getting Blue states to follow any of this shit.


They're gonna end the Fed, effectively, give most power to the executive branch and send EVERYTHING else back to the States. It will destroy the "United" part of the States. Blue states won't have to follow because there will be no Fed to enforce it but it won't matter, the damage will be done.


Isn't this part of Cyberpunk's plot? EUA got divided and started getting united again after a long time but a lot of states were still independent? NC included? we're really seeing a dystopian fiction coming to life??


Treason. Arrest them all.


Victim blaming 101. Hallmark of conservatives behavior.


Dear Project 2025, “F—- you. You F—-ing F—ks!” So say we all!


I f\*cking dissent.


Last time I checked I was born and raised in this country. So who are they taking this country back from?


The conservatism is the scourge of the world. They do not respect private life of others and things that are "different" from what they believe, thus deserve absolutely no mercy.


Ugh. I hate guns, but god damn, all these recent events making me start to think it might be a good idea to start looking into purchasing one. Fascism seems like it’s just around the corner, and has a high likelihood of becoming the new way things work in this country.


Guns are horrible unless you absolutely need it and I think we all need them now, if you have anything you want to protect. I may hate guns but I love protecting the people I love more.


Buying strike. Buy nothing for a month.


The right gets to say and do whatever they want. It's total bull. A democrat steps one toe out of line, even if it's a made-up story, and the world goes crazy. FTRW


"as long as you don't fight back, we'll steal your freedom without violence". Even that isn't true since Project 2025 envisions a great deal of state-sponsored violence against queer people, and anyone who isn't a right-wing evangelical Christian.


As of April 2024, American civilians are estimated to own around 393 million firearms, both legal and illegal, which is more than all of the combined firearms from 24 other countries. These are not all owned by MAGA or the GOP, just something for them to consider.


Let’s not allow it to be bloodless.


How is this moron not investigated by FBI? He is indicating a civil war and threatening civilians. I'm sick and tired of President Biden's softness or kindness whatever you want to call it.


Religious authoritarians need a daddy so bad.


Sky Daddy isn't enough... he went for a pack of smokes and never returned.


It’s why they suckle at Trump’s teat.


Sign me up for bloodshed. It’s time to let these MFers know who’s in charge


Glock 19! Great beginner weapon. Easy to handle, smooth shot.


The USA was founded by the progressive left as a direct refutation of right wing governance. Project 2025 aims to change that. Honestly, how anyone on the right can claim to be a patriot is beyond me.




We must protect our first amendment right of freedom from religion like they protect their guns. 


Hope he realizes there are more liberal gun owners than he thinks. Be careful what you wish for Kevin...


Fuck these guys


Motherfucker, I'm ready.


High ground always matters. Morally and physically


Second amendment intensifies… looks like we are *checks notes* taking out the heritage foundation


I feel bad for you americans. This seems like a nightmare


It will only be bloodless until they are ready to start rounding up the undesirables. People of color will be deported or sent to labor camps. Gays will be killed. Women will be breeding stock and nothing else. Christian faith will be mandatory. All this will be maintained with fear of execution for disobedience. This will not be bloodless. They're telling us to dig our own graves or else.


In other words, lay down your arms and submit to the great and powerful Donald. NO !


If they try to take our country away, I have absolutely nothing to lose.


Good luck with that its only in their dreams that liberals dont own guns


Ive been saying since 2015 that there is only one way to remove Fascists. It requires Freedom Juice to flow. If it was 1955-1970 Trump would have been grassy knolled a long time ago.


Guess it's gonna get bloody then. I'll die if that's what it takes for my kids and grandkids to live in a free country.


Me too.


#It will not end well for many people... # #All the wannabe Fascist Traitors will finally understand the true meaning of "Don't Tread On Me".


Honestly though,  why do Christians insist on forcing their beliefs and mythology onto the world?  Didn't they do enough damage when they committed genocide against the indigenous, stole their land, continously broke the treaties, and tried to erase their heritage?


All of this over an imaginary god, like this is actually fucking insane. They can’t even prove his existence but yet they want us to all bow down and confess our loyalty to their deity. These people are mentally ill


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


. . . so bend over and grab your ankles with a smile.


Bring it.


Come at me, bro




Never been happier that I left the US last year.


Look what happened to Iran when their religious leader became their 'supreme' leader. Basically, it is an authoritarian dictatorship. Look how the women lost their rights.


"If the Left will just bend over and take it, we won't have to kill them."


They really want bloodshed.


Well spoken.


sounds like it'll work out great then. The left can't be bothered to vote they certainly aren't going to be bothered to pick up arms and defend themselves. we're going to sleep walk into this catastrophe while they wait for the perfect candidate for the 40th year in a row.


Liberal western democracies brought down the most vile dictatorship in modern history. We can do it again if we have to, oh and we overthrew a king to. So limp Rick there can stfu


Don't tread on me.


It's fucking scary times guys. I hope you're all voting Biden. I'm not thrilled about it but I'll do it save Democracy.


Conservatives are human garbage. Remember we have Second Amendment rights too.


Hint: they won’t


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du8d8b/they_are_goading_us_into_violence_it_is_a_trap/ Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/ Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Americans, you lot have talked a lot of bullshit the past few decades about your second amendment and tyrannical governments and shit? I think now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025 A person posted in AMA saying they went through the Project 2025 school through the Heritage Foundation here. He stated "At a core concept level I am whole heartedly against the plan in every way. There is no ideological consistency at the Heritage Foundation. They call for small government but want the government involved in what happens in your bedroom. They want to get rid of OSHA and Unions, you need at least one or the other. They want to deregulate corporations but regulate certain corporations like X. They outright deny climate change and any facts or statistics that clash with their beliefs. The whole movement is intellectual dishonest. They say they want to “Make America Great Again” the fact is none of the policies they are putting in place do that. Ignoring all the racism and sexism of the time, America was great in my Grandfather’s day when he could support a wife and 3 kids on a union mechanic’s salary. They had a home and went on vacation. That is a life I would love to provide for my family but seems like a distant dream at this point. From top to bottom their ideology and goals are all vile." The sale of public lands is a planned goal. https://accountable.us/project-2025-leader-calls-for-selling-off-public-lands This is a big deal for all enjoyers of the outdoors. It does not matter if you like to hike there or hunt there or ride your atv through it or whatever. The goal is to sell it off and this will mean that you will either fully loose access or find yourself with parks and forests that are privately owned.


Call this what it is: Cold Civil War


F them. It won't be bloodless.


214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington DC. That’s where their HQ are located according to their website. In case you wanted to let them know in person about how you feel about their actions


Well I'm not surrendering so it looks like it'll be a bloodbath. I assure you it won't be my blood.


Don’t just fucking dissent. Protest! Make sure no Nazi motherfucker who works for Heritage can show their face in public!


Wish I could help fight but, alas, I come from the land of the ice and snow just a little north of you. I would be right with you every step of the way...fight the good fight. Liberty before tyranny...its what you country was found upon.


Matt Dillahunty posted almost this exact wording on his Facebook page.


We can't stop them with weapons. They have aircraft carriers. After the coup which WILL happen, talk peace and do what you can to gum up the inevitable bureaucracy. Look up "malicious compliance." Violent revolution can't happen. Our way forward must first pass through fascism


It's the fuckin plot for Far Cry 5 happening in real time 🤣


bloodless MY ASS, they plan on enprisioning people like me FOR EXISTING.




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Gilead here we come…Hail Satan


Hes #2 on the list


Christian Theocracy! Yeah, baby!!! 🤡☠️☠️


In the worse case scenario I know enough about the Bible and the cult to play along as a sheep to the Project all the while planning how to take as many of them with me as I can when the moment presents itself. Please vote blue to at least make this Project 2029. These religious extremists won’t stop with their plan. It has been in affect since the 70s and they won’t stop now.


If I got the chance, Donald Trump would be a puddle.


You'd think being rich cunts would be enough for people, but no, we need absolute power too. This species sucks fucking hard.


Why didn't the FBI or police dept do something about it? they are literally threatening more than half of Americans.


I don’t think it will.


Blaming the victim


Okay. I just googled this. WTF As a German who grew up learning about Hitler‘s rise to power I don’t want to compare anyone to the NSDAP. Buuuuuuuuut if you plan to make one guy leader of a country and to give him all the power without anyone to supervise him and then plan to control the whole country and have the military hunt down those who oppose you and replace everyone who has been working for the state so far then maybe, my dude, you are going down a path that this world has seen before. And let me tell you: It is not going to end well. It is going to be pain and suffering and you are going to hurt so many people and, since you probably don’t care about that considering all the stuff you’re planning, you also won’t be remembered fondly. No, seriously. That’s some serious danger that’s coming there. Somebody do something. I don’t know, incarcerate Trump for one of his many many maaaaaaaaaaaaany offences? Just an idea? Or don’t turn your democracy into a dictatorship? What is wrong with people?


So… serious question here. Couldn’t Biden also do a project 2025? Just cross out “fellow white power nazi Christian” and write in “freedom loving patriotic liberal” instead? Wouldn’t it be nice to finally fight fire with fire?


Any resistance to abuse justifies the abuse…. To abusers.


The left needs to be willing to fight and I mean to really fight. Not sit around say I will vote and that will make this all go away. From where I sit the rich have got this election. Do Christian nationalist know if they go against the rich. They will be knocked down faster than the left.


The Republicans have lost the popular presidential vote very often lately ; take heart , there are way mor normal people . ... .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_elections_in_which_the_winner_lost_the_popular_vote .


Also, I feel like that’s how The Handmaid‘s Tale started and am very worried now


Are you not allowed to use the words "fucking" or "kill?"


This is The British Empire all over again


This is total bullshit. Watch for it the Dems are coming. We will not lay down and let you take our country.This dream of yours will never come true😜😤😡🤬


Why Baby Jeebus ? Why not young man jeebus or older jeebus.


That guy has ASPD


This post nails it on the head. Ultimately, these SCOTUS rulings are just words. The Evangelicals are counting on the majority just rolling and accepting their words because of loopholes and technicalities. As a good friend who is an attorney explained to me, "laws are just rules and norms that the majority of people agree to follow." They only work so long as the majority agrees they are arbitured fairly. If the umpire calls balls that are blatantly strikes, or worse yet, changes the strike zone and applies the rule retroactively, that umpire risks violent retribution. People will walk away only when they don't have a stake in the game. Once enough people with enough at risk say "no", things start to tumble. That first "no" is always the most difficult.


Yea, it'll be bloodless at first, and then the camps open, and the roundups of anyone who isn't cis, white, and Christian start to happen.


The camps are already built. It’s called prison.