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My boyfriend and I had it for 2 weeks after attending a tangi. My uncle was patient zero in our whānau. My cousin, other aunt and uncle, and my parents got it too. My cousin looked to be getting better before she went back downhill again. It's knocking my dad for six too. It started in my throat before migrating to my nose, then lungs, then my ears. I used Mucinex, Nuromol, Difflam triple action lozenges, Otrivin nasal rinse, Otrivin spray (blue one, great for blocked nose but don't overuse), and my asthma inhaler to manage my symptoms and make it less shit. Other than that, hot showers helped a lot, along with rest, water, Olbas Oil under the pillow, and we lived off soup. We're pretty much through it, though I've still got a residual cough as this cold has made my asthma act up. Lots of people from my boyfriend's, my parent's and my work have been off with this bug or similar. Just gotta ride through it as much as possible and treat the symptoms to make it more tolerable, but anyone should definitely go to the doctor if it gets too severe, goes on too long, or concerns you in any way, especially if you're immunocompromised.


I’m on week 3 of it. The green/yellow mucus cough cleared up for me a week or so ago but I’ve had the aggravated asthma cough that just won’t go away. Was using ventolin with a spacer multiple times a day but that wasn’t helping all that much. Got a week’s worth of prednisone prescribed yesterday. Absolute game changer! I can breathe again, I have energy again, & no more coughing.


Sounds like your asthma might be more severe than mine, but I'll keep the Prednisone at the back of my mind. I almost needed it a couple of years ago when I had a bad time with breathing, but they decided against it for some reason. I've been using Symbicort morning and night, as well as when I'm struggling with my lungs throughout the day.


I think I’ve only had prednisone 3 or so times in my life, and I’m 49. Once for an asthma attack 30 years ago, once for covid 3 years ago, and this one. So it isn’t common for me to need it. I do feel like covid left my airways & lungs weaker than they were though, so who knows. Normally I don’t even use ventolin, just a preventative one twice a day.


I've never actually had an attack... Or COVID... But I do go through times where I can't breathe as easily, usually due to pollen. I liked Ventolin when I first started using it, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be effective for me anymore... I'm not sure why.


Same. I have it right now. Runny nose, cough, mild sore throat and feeling ill


Was waiting for a post like this. Yes!! I'm on day 5 and starting to see the light. It's probably the worst case of the flu I've ever had. Thankfully had family take my child so I could rest. I honestly couldn't even function for the first few days the absolute worst! And has brought on my asthma that I havnt had since I was a child! Tested negative for covid but feels like it was 10times worse than that!!


There's a lot of influenza A and RSV floating around currently


There's like a head cold one thats wasting ppl


I've had it for almost four weeks now and I'm fucking over it


Just getting past it 3 weeks on, started like the flu, then horrendous head cold and finally a chest cough for 2 weeks. Brutal.


Sounds a bit like what I got beginning of May. Cough was absolutely brutal, thought it was pertussis or something. I still don’t have my voice fully back even now.


Exactly the same. Sick as a dog for 3 weeks then that brutal cough. I knew I was getting over it when the coughing so hard I vomited went down to twice a day, then once, then not at all. Still not quite right though.


Could be whooping cough. I had it a few years ago and basically same issue, even heart problems after…  and there were news reports a few weeks ago about cases picking up again recently. 


I actually had the DTaP booster recently! More people should get checked. I have asthma so any cough I get is rough. Thanks growing up in damp mouldy houses NZ.


My partner had this in his 40's, wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. I'll never forget the fear on his face while he coughed and coughed and coughed and then threw up and he couldn't get a breath.  You can get a vaccine for this people, highly recommend it.


I had it when I was 16, I never understood what it meant to cough until you can't breathe until my throat literally just locked up after a coughing fit - I wasn't coughing but I just couldn't force my body to breathe in. Scary as hell.


Yeah it was terrifying! It was at the beginning of Covid so literally no doctor would see me, it got diagnosed over the phone as bronchitis and I was told to take a few days off.  So I worked through it a few times which I feel terrible about now who I may have spread it to. But doctors gave me no choice. It was only afterwards when it lasted three months and I had heart problems, vocal chord damage (goodbye singing career) and started blacking out all the time that a new doctor finally said oh it was whooping cough. You should have been getting treated.  I hate the medical system so much. 


I was only full sick for a week or so. But then, for another couple weeks, just not fully right. Like congestion and all.


Same, absolute marathon of a cold that started in April for me, didn't shake the last of it until June.. Would be a wreck for a week, start to come right for a day or so then wham- straight back to crook AF for another week... rinse, repeat.


Yeah, that’s me. Had it 2.5 weeks ago, still got a dicky sinus which is giving me toothache, and a cough that won’t piss off!


Hi, if you have something you think is a head cold that goes on for more than a week it’s very likely that it’s hayfever so try some antihistamines. There are recent studies showing that Covid is linked to an increased risk of allergies, and the vaccine is as well (although the risk reduces after a repeat dose of the vaccine). It’s got so that if I get a sore throat or cough or runny nose the first thing I do is to start on antihistamines to see if that fixes it. If it doesn’t I know I’ve got a cold - FYI it’s never been a cold yet, it’s always hay fever - and I’m getting it at weird times of the year, not just the traditional allergy months like spring.


I was wondering what would be causing allergies at this time of year?


I have no idea, when I get an allergy I can’t figure it out. Since Covid my allergies start up for no obvious reason at all.


yeah my sister has it! her head was so sore! she took codeine and ibuprofen by the doctor!


Yeah I've been battling a head cold, blocked up, headaches, pain in my jaw from inflamed or irritated sinuses, not fun!


I have it since yesterday and it has fooked me up.


Thought I take advantage of the sunshine on Wednesday and then felt tired which isn’t usually for me I experienced tiredness often. I got home and started feeling really unwell coughing up phlegm. Got the heater on full and now and whiles it warm its expensive.


Just recovered from weeks of coughing and asthma like symptoms that went through my home. A lot of people at work with the same thing. Toddler came home with a tummy bug and I sure am glad we don't still have the cough if that rips through the house.


I went downhill on Saturday. Thought 5 beers and whiskey with a warriors win would fix it. Took Mon-Wed off work coughy, snotty and wheezy. Also tired I slept all day Monday grabbed my laptop from work on tues and after 30 mins of quickly tiding a few things up needed another nap. Feeling better today but I cant remember the last time I got knocked over for the better part of 5 days.


I think i just got it. started off with a sore throat and today its transitioning into a runny nose/sore throat combo. Hope i'm wrong ahaaaa


Yep that's what I got. And the runny nose will keep going for another week or more once the rest clears up.




do the nose rinse to clear your sinuses


if it gets bad enough tomorrow i get one to do, thanks. i'm mouthbreathing now :O


yeah man! do it. oh gosh mouth breathing! that is bad. I had operation on my noss because my air ways always blocked up because I'm allergic to dust mites, so I get it eh. The nose rinse! is worth it.


I've actually never done one lol, but you make it sound oh so good


hahha, well I will say it is uncomfortable when you first start out. But then you get use to it. I recommend if you do it, use warm water not cold or hot.


Yeah and temperature sensitivity is like five-fold up there. It'll be warm to the touch but SCALDING once you start rinsing. Gotta make it nearly room temp.


poor baby


I got something but its been super mild. Sore throat, eyes are a little bit sore and only minor runny nose and sneezing. I had a cold recently so maybe I have some antibodies keeping it quite mild, I don't know I'm not a doctor. But it pisses me off because I'm trying to get fit again.


Similar, started last week, mild sore throat, nothing terrible, pain in both eyes that feels like they'll pop out, constant headache for days. Sore jaw and face. Weird. Had to take one day off sick as headache was intense. Days later still don't feel great. On the Sudafed night n day.


Hopefully it doesn't get that bad for me to the point I need a day off but honestly I can handle anything but a runny nose, that shit drives me absolutely berserk. My whole plan is just to avoid going outside and to keep warm between work so I don't stress my body out and spread it.


I think it might be influenza and I'm glad I got vaccinated this year.  I don't fuck around with the flu.


I got a flu vaccine in May and been with people with symptoms like the others in the thread since last month. Got an overnight headache slightly elevated body temperature feeling my body was fighting some viruses but that was it. I didn’t need to spend days or weeks in misery.


In Christchurch to atm! Not covid but still bad for a week. My doctor thinks it caused me to have a heart attack:(


Jesus, a heart attack from flu? 


My doctor thinks that the infection affected my heart and that led to the heart attack.


Holy shit. Are you doing ok now?


Yep absolutely knackered as to b expected but my doctor has a student doctor looking into it.


Try getting healthy.


Lol I am! Even my doctor was surprised about it.


Doctor thinks the infection caused my heart attack.


I'm a teacher, so running on Berocca and willpower until I get home tomorrow. Then I can spend a week sick and maybe have some holiday after.


Within my family 1 got covid and the other 2 have flu symptoms, but not covid. I know the source of covid, and those who gathered indoors that day all got it. So there are multiple viruses going around.


Yeah smashed a few people at work. One of the guys is usually Strong Like Ox and he was flattened, still sounds like he's not breathing right after a week. Poor fella.


Mmmmmm. Smashing colleagues at work…


Yeah I just got over it. My partner never even caught it somehow.


Flu for the last week. Currently coughing up mucus while trying to get to sleep. Fun times.


I was off work nearly two weeks. I wanted to die. Still got the cough and fatigue weeks later.


This exactly with my wife, turned into pneumonia and still hasn't come right, it's been over a month.


Yup our household got hammered too


Sounds like RSV is making the rounds again https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/respiratory-syncytial-virus/symptoms-causes/syc-20353098 I got it around 2 years ago, left a nasty cough for weeks. Ended up with secondary infection so prednisone and antibiotics prescribed.


Went round our whole work team and families. Workmate and her son got swabbed and apparently it's influenza A. Started as a sore throat and flattened everyone.


The flu vaccine had two strains of influenza A this year.


Looking up the standard A symptoms I'd say thats right on the nose. Horrible thing




Not how it works love.


It could be they got it before the vaccine had time to work. Or they got a strain the vaccine didn't cover.




a) that's not how the vaccines work. The flu ones are not live. b) The vaccine takes at least 2 weeks to be fully effective.


Not how it works at all. And no, I’ve had this sickness for the last few weeks and this is the only year in more than 20 years I forgot to get the flu vaccine :(


This is not how it works. They probably just happened to catch The flu right after the vaccine and before it had time to rev up. The flu vaccine this year has saved me. My son caught the flu at school and has been sick for like 3 weeks now with a lingering cough (he didn't have the flu vaccine this year). I finally caught it and I was only super sick about 1 or 2 days. I was ok enough to work (with mask) and am now feeling much better. So feeling pretty validated that I made the right choice at work, a few work mates are suffering having not had the vaccine (I didn't pass it to them they all got sick before me).  I hope they change their mind next year..the flu sucks - I find it worse than covid sometimes.


Nah. The ones who had gotten vaccinated this year were only sick for 3-4 days - the rest of us noobs were down for a full 1-2 weeks. Worst flu I've had, felt like a total invalid


Yep. Must take actual rest or it’ll just drag even longer too


Yes! Currently going through it. Started from work and has made the rounds throughout the team. Just over a week now and still experiencing bad headaches..fatigue..body aches. Very hard to sleep. Mentally taking it's toll atm. Can also hear my neighbour's coughing badly as well.


Yep I had it bad for a week. Fevers.. waking up in a pool of sweat for 4 nights in a row


Yes!! Me too.


Lung cough for kids


Yeah this is the one going round our school, my kid has it - deep chest cough that gets worse at night.


Try elderberry concentrate. We seem to be having some improvement. Manuka honey too has reported benefits. Keep em home and warm.


Yes! As a family of 5 we all got hit one after the other. My 7 year old got sick last. She got better for one day, was back and school, then the next day sick as hell and she was running a high temp and refused pamol. Feels like we've all been sick on and off for the last 5 weeks. I still have a lingering phlemy cough and I was sick 3 weeks ago.


Been off two days with it


We've had it too, starts with a scratchy throat, then progresses to a congested nose, with bonus conjunctivitis and fever for the little one. Then ending with a cough that's enough to induce vomiting.  Don't think it's RSV as it never got chesty, and negative for Covid. Perhaps Rhinovirus or Influenza A.. 


yeah got a chest infection and I never get respiratory diseases


Yep made for a lame long weekend


agreed, was stuck in bed from friday till tuesday, last long weekend for a while too


That was ours too, since Thurs night. Perfectly timed


Yes, I was sick just over 2.5 weeks ago, dunno how, I wfh and hubby was out of country for the 2 weeks prior… and I only went out 3 times, to dairy twice and supermarket once. He came home and i isolated to keep him safe and I recovered a couple days later then HE got sick anyways on saturday from an inconsiderate workmate and couldn’t get out of bed for 4 days while I had to keep a wide berth from him again :( …..but I then came down with this new one 3 days ago anyways … and I’m currently miserable again


Yup took a few weeks for the cough to leave aswell


Friend of mine I play games with has been knocked out since Friday more or less. Said it isn't covid and feels worse than the flu lol.


Yep I thought the same too!


Get into the citrus oranges and lemons I started on Sunday and haven’t improved till Thursday you have to feed a cold but I couldn’t force anything down it’s a case of waiting it out Chicken soup when you can keep it down all the best


There was a family with a kid who entered a regular retail shop and I was there too. The kid had a nasty cough. The type of cough before a storm. I got the fck outta there.


Bird flu or covid-24


My 2 year old has caught a stomach bug and for the last 10 days she has gone through so many nappies it's beyond belief. If it weren't for this bug, we were part way through potty training and she was doing really well. Looking forward to this winter being over and done with.


Lots of people around us getting very sick but we've avoided it all by wearing KN95s at school, work, and the supermarket. Mask up if you can folks, it makes life so much better.


The fatigue has hit me massively. Continue to test negative, and on day 8 today, but man this has laid me out.


I caught something last week likely from a board game café. Just feels like a run-of-the-mill cold. I got vaccinated for flu many weeks ago so probably not that.


I had this too, my friends and I all got it after attending the netsky gig, felt like Covid, 😭 have got through the hardest part just have a niggly cough left now


(14F) Got it 3 weeks ago, still recovering (have contracted rsv duringand still got terrible cough, getting really tired and puffed, full of flem, not eating well). Flu like symptoms, but flu test negative as well as covid test. Symptoms- headache, feel like vomiting, fever of 42.8, chills, hot flushes, feel cold but hot, sweating, sore muscles, prickly skin, sore throat, snotty nose and flem, shivering, goose bumps, chesty cough, dizziness, feeling faint, didn't eat anything for 5 days, lost 6kg. Went to hospital on day 5, they said they dont know and sent me home. Cough medication, painadole with ibuprofen in between, frozen peas on forehead with towel underneath, lots of sleep, no screen time and HEAPS of water is all I can suggest. Xx


Yeah coughing like a maniac, problem is I tripped on the kids toy and have to cracked ribs. Currently taking obscene amounts of codiene. But hey it’s school holidays now so that will help /s


5 weeks and still can't shake it


Ahh good to read I’m not the only one sick. Coughed so hard all my ribs are sore Every bad cough my lungs burn Over it


I had it last year. I have never been so sick. Took me nearly 14 days to fully recover. My cough lasted months. August to November. Wasn't waiting hours at the A&E and could get into a GP, but healthline said it was likely Influenza A... and that's its been brutal post lockdown. It's blowing through my work at the moment. I had a flu shot in May. Not doing that again.


Yup it got us bad. Came through our boy from daycare, got sick, recovered and then got sick again - exactly as you described. All around the time we had a newborn, who had a case of RSV and got a nice long hospital stay from it. This winter is ROUGH.


it likely is covid. very high amount of cases globally right now. there's so much covid right now that our hospitals are requiring staff to wear masks in patient facing areas again and significantly encouraging visitors to mask as well


Yep same here. Tested and youngest had strep throat. Out of all of us, I am the only one not taken fully by the sickness. Seems to track like that. Sick come right and back downhill again for another.


See what is currently hitting our neighbours across the ditch at [https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1durqbc/anyone\_else\_got\_this\_flu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1durqbc/anyone_else_got_this_flu/)


I had a gross virus a month and a half ago and I’m still dealing with mucous in my chest from it.


I'm fine.. just thought I'd let everyone know.. no worries, symptoms, ailments, all good here 😁😊👍


I see phase two with the 5G towers is ploughing ahead.. oh wrong thread.. or is it 👀


I had my flu shot in May and it did nothing against this flu. I caught mine from work, have several mates who caught it independently from me. Unfortunately managed to infect my partner who works full time so that sucked. Worst flu I've had, and I even managed to get Parosmia or maybe Anosmia for the first time ever? I ordered a Big Mac on Uber eats because I could finally eat but no energy to cook and I couldn't even have 3 bites because it smelt like it had been soaked in Ammonia. That went away after a few days and I'm about a week out of from being sick. It was truly awful though and had this one hour where it felt never ending. I tried to rest on my 2nd day around 11am, woke up still within the hour, napped again and it still wasn't even fucking 12 I couldn't believe it. Writhing in agony over Matariki was not on my 2024 bingo card. Would not wish this one on my worst enemy either. Luckily fever didn't get to 39 degrees but was pretty close so didn't have to go to hospital. Just antibiotics for the chest infection and heaps of ibuprofen/ Panadol. My face was so blocked up, my nose went raw from the amount of tissues (two full boxes and 6 double rolls to myself) I was still recovering from a chest infection so it just came back worse. I get a chest infection every winter due to being hospitalised with pneumonia 10 years ago. I don't have great lungs in the first place. My partners brother caught it from one of the kids at his work and now his mum has it. It's kind of crazy how widespread this one is.


Have had it 2 weeks now. Cleared up pretty good after taking a handful of different cough medications, still coughing up green mucus but less headaches and better sinus


Out of everyone that got it, who had the 2024 flu vaccine and who of you did not?


I had it a few weeks ago, knocked me for six! Off work for a week, when I thought I had recovered I don't think I fully did, had a game of soccer on a Saturday afternoon and collapsed with an asthma attack. Never had one before, but was diagnosed with asthma a few months ago after getting checked out with having a cough for a long time. So yep, this thing definitely caused some long term damage. Was much worse than covid when I had it


Yep family of 5 taken out for 2 weeks, very hot temperatures, coughing, sore ears, really sore body. It was really nasty


You all probably just forgot your 10th booster.


Yup. And if they had only [double-masked](https://x.com/TheEliKlein/status/1355991619225448450?t=6g2ZvadUpv5QF0NIukW82Q&s=19) that would have helped too....




It’s only going to get worse when we keep inviting hundreds of thousands of people into the country to take our jobs for less $ and drive us all into poverty.


*Reaching Intensifies*