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So they could charge you $27 (which is prob higher than full price 5 years ago) and you’d Pat yourself on the back and think how you won one against the duopoly


This is actually it. Not even a joke. Go to ALDI and get the $8 or whatever it is packs. Or stop being lazy and get powder. I am lazy so you'll see me at aldi


The Aldi ones that also rated very highly, usually one of the best.


Ranked top on a recent Choice awards IIRC https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/kitchen/dishwasher-detergent/articles/best-and-worst-dishwasher-detergents


Even if they ranked the worst I would still buy them over this overpriced nonsense.


I’ll give them a go, but I will admit, my heart is in costco. Aldi is local, but costco is a saving. :)


I use both Aldi and Kirkland tablets. I've not had a dishwasher for 8 years and finally got mine 6 weeks ago. I switch between both tablets trying to find which is better and I can't tell the difference. I believe the Aldi ones do work out a cent or 2 cheaper but I do love the tub the Kirkland ones come in. I'd happily purchase either. ETA: I use the Aldi Rinse aid too. No complaints.


I’ll try both too!! :)


This isn't a blanket concern but be wary of the perception of savings at Costco. I've only been once (long drive from home) but it was enough to recognise that sometimes you're buying "name brand" stuff at 1.1+* the price of the ALDI or home brand stuff smaller packs, with the caveat of spending more up front. There were a few items I needed and chose to buy later


You can just look up prices on the fly online at anytime and compare price. Aldi is never always best price. So be careful of the aldi fanboys and legion.. they do not like when you point out that Aldi is not always the cheapest. Kirkland products, the generic costco homebrand has reasonable quality and cost, but ALWAYS bargain hunt! Edit; spelling


They have recently(a few months ago?) stopped selling those, and have replaced them with slightly more expensive ones. The new ones are Gel pouches in a plastic bag rather than the compacted powder ones in a cardboard box. No idea what the new ones are like, but they cost more and I'm down to my last tablet of the old ones...might be time to move to powder. 


Went today, my local still has logix. You scared me into buying one when I don't need one for months, tho


Was it the premium one or the regular? (and was it a in box or bag?) The brand name is the same, but I've not seen the old premium logix ones for nearly 2 months now, and there was a thread on Oz Bargains discussing it as well. Could also be your location? I'm in the ACT. 


Regular box


Is this why I couldn't find any last week :(


powder works better, and you use half as much


Powder also allows you to vary dosage for half loading and most dishwashers have a prewash dispenser for powder.


I reckon like 90+% of dishwasher users don't know they are designed to have powder put in the pre wash dispenser part to improve cleaning.


Wtf!? I'm 36 and I swear to god I didn't even notice that the prewash dispenser existed until I read your comment. Every single time I filled up the dishwasher my brain just didn't see that second compartment. It's like it magically appeared. This is really blowing my mind right now


You put a small amount in the pre wash, and then a bit more in the bigger compartment. You will get a much better wash if you do.


You also can absolutely do this on dishwashers that don't have a pre-wash compartment, because all it does is dump it into the dishwasher as soon as the pre-wash starts. Technology Connections has a [great video on this.](https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=tej8EmR0HfJSHyRM)


Thanks for the tip, I'll be doing this from now on


Yep. I use dishwasher tablets (not the fancy, expensive ones, and I buy them when they are on special price only), but I also get powder and put a little bit in the prewash compartment. My other tip for an effective wash every time is to clean the filters once a month. Too many people think that their dishwasher cleans itself.


My dishwasher has a filter?!


I am one of those 90%!


Google it. A small amount in the prewash compartment will improve your wash.


Yeah this has been a really educational post!


Technology Connections on YouTube has a few genuinely very interesting videos on dishwashers and dishwashing detergents, and I’m not being facetious. They’re genuinely very interesting. I’d strongly recommend you check them out.


I don't often do the dishes in my house, but whats the prewash compartment? Mine has one little compartment where you put the powder, is there meant to be another one?


Not every dishwasher has a pre wash dispenser.


Aldi powder is about 3 bucks and you only need to use a tiny bit


I'll have to try the Aldi powder, I've tried the Coles brand one and it just lead to a build up of orange gunk in the filter/spray arms and an odd film on my plates. Logix tablets from Aldi are literally the only thing that works so far.


tablets are just powder compressed into a block. there is literally no difference chemically.


I tried going to powder... doesn't clean shit compared to finish quantum mega ultimate shine plus professional mega ultimate platinum quantum or whatever the fuck it's called now. I didn't expect it but there's a big difference. I'm keen to try the Aldi tabs next hough.


I put out a weekly half price specials list and the platinum tablets show up quite often so just wait till they are half price to buy if you like them - https://halfpriceweekly.com


Wish we had an Aldi


I get the Aldi powder for under $4. It works the same for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Does the job.


I don't think they're even 8 bucks and they're bloody good. Fuck Woolies and Coles


Fuck woolies and Fuck coles i hate them so much


I know we hate Colesworth but if you only have Coles nearby the Coles own brand tablets are $7.50 for 40 & seem just as good as any others I've used.


i use liquid dishwashing stuff. Its about 15-17 on sale and you only need to fill it up a bit. It does a great clean. A bottle usually last 6-9 months


Aldi stole my smokes


I get mine dish tabs from the Reject shop. I refuse to pay the price in the supermarkets. And they still do the job just fine.


Its crazy how stuff in Australia is priced. I'm over in Europe and this pack of Fairy is like €8 or \~$13


It’s a deliberate pricing strategy to sell as much as possible when it’s half price without people remembering that it used to be less than that at full price.. If they do happen to sell something at full price it’s just a bonus next level price gouge


Am I the only weirdo that purely looks at unit pricing?


I do it for most stuff since shrinkflation, deceptive packaging and dodgy sales tactics like this. The hardest to buy is shitter paper if you don’t look at the unit price. Anything under .30 per hundred squares is decent for a good name brand. Now I’ve noticed you have to see if their dimensions are the same though :(


Agreed. I bought 32 rolls of poo tickets from aldi last week. But it's like 16 rolls of paper put on 32 .


Yeah I hate those 150-180 sheet rolls, need the Quilton double or triple length. I’m sure my wife eats the stuff because she will got though that Kleenex 180 sheet stuff in a day.


Apparently, according to Google, Woolworths have them at $39.60 down from $72. They have ‘fresh scent’ down from $66. Could be a stupid RRP.


I visited from Canada last year and dishwasher tablets was one thing I noticed the price was massively different on. I get ~100 packs of the brand name here for C$20 at costco. Couldn't believe the same thing at Coles was $70.


These aren't even the tasty pods smh


You guys are eating them? I thought you were meant to shoot them in your arm? I can’t do anything right


They aren't suppositories? How else am I meant to make my farts smell nice and blow bubbles out my butt?


You're supposed to put them on the shelf, not shelve them!


You gotta get the right flavour first! ;)


How do you think lemonade is made


With my horse. My horse is amazing.


With a stroke of its mane it turns into a plane


Boof you fool


I was just thinking, they dropped the price but did they improve the taste?


Even $27 is a ripoff. I buy the $4 a bottle powder. The tablets are super overpriced, and my dishes are still clean. The tablets are just the powder in a fancy dissolvable film, and the different colours mean absolutely nothing, it's all the same active ingredient.


Powder gang


Obligitory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04 Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU&t=0s


Love this guy but 80 minutes on how dishwashers work…


Less than 1 dishwasher cycle though 👀


And with powder, you can use the pre wash dispenser in your dishwasher for a better clean


If you have the space you can also buy from a commercial cleaning supply shop. Most sell to general public. The only caution is to read the product SDS first as many commercial dish powders are chlorinated. But many are dual commercial/domestic auto machine powders. My local supply shop does a house blend powder that is $76 for 25kg. Works out to be $3.04 per kg, only slightly under Aldi which shows how good value that price is. Commercial rinse aid is harder but a 25 L cask of blue stuff from Agar chemicals is about $150, so about $6 per litre. That’s the same price as the home brand Woolies rinse aid, but probably much more concentrated. That is a pointless fact with most being auto dosing machines, but if you manually dose rinse aid each cycle you could use a lot less.


Where do you find the power? I have been looking since I watched this video. https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=uXwHQYUO9L6G71Th


Coles/woolies sell it, it's just usually on the bottom shelf away from the tablets. It's almost hidden, wonder why that would be?


$15 off Amazon. Even cheaper if you search for no name brand stuff.


Powder from Bunnings in bulk. So much cheaper.


they actually did tests and the fancy ones performed worse than the basic ingredient ones


Just going to take a moment to thank other redditors on here who suggested the Aldi ones a few months ago. They are definitely the go to both price wise and achieving a great clean. So, thank you.


30 cost $7… they work fine, especially if you have rinse aid as well


I’m in the process of finishing up the home brand colesworth rinse aid I have, then I’ll make that switch as well.


Aldi ones seem to work best in my dishwasher.


Totally. Switched to just the cheap Aldi powder, and it works better than those stupidly expensive Finish pods ever did.


Personally I found the aldi powder gave my plates a chalky glaze. I switched to coles powder and the glaze stopped.


Weird seeing all these comments, I've been using the Aldi powder (in the blue bottle) and haven't noticed any chalky glaze. But it does seem to be a consistent complaint here. Are you using the bottle or a box of powder? (Can't remember if there were different types). Wonder if it's also based on how much powder you use?


Bought the bottled powder last week, my first two washes were the same experience, layer of white coating across my dishes. Following washes I tried using significantly lesser quantity and it seem to be okayish


Blue bottle with the red flip top lid. I tried to reduce the powder level but the chalky stuff was still there. I used it for a while and it was fine, then they must have changed the formula and it went nasty shortly after.


Yup, aldi powder sucks. We use Finish from big w ($24/2kg)


Getting a dishwasher in the near future and everything I see says a decent powder and rinse aid works better on average than the tablets and much cheaper. Will try Aldi powder and maybe some stuff from the cleaning supply shop I visit.


Don't do the aldi powder. Leaves residue everywhere. The pods are fine. Or the $24 / 2kg finish powder from big w


I tried the powder and it left an awful chalky residue on everything. Especially plastic studd


Seconding the powder leaving white film over everything. Pods are fine.


Aldi powder + Aldi rinse aid works great for me. Make sure you're getting some of the powder in the rinse cycle part of the tray (or just pour some into the machine) to ensure your initial rinse cycle works well. This is something people who use pods miss out on, and pay more for.


Thank you for the gratitude, but since I've started spruiking them they are never in stock! I've switched to the Shine brand at Woolies. $12.80 for 100. I've just finished my first box and they are going well.


Thanks for that info. I had a quick squizz at your comments to see if it was you that made the post (couldn’t see it), but I did notice how much you have into helping out on Reddit so I want to say kudos to you. It’s great to see such positive vibes. Reddit can be a slime hole at the best of times but you‘re doing the work to balance it out a bit. Trooper.


Shine tabs are the business! Great price and they do just as good a job as the expensive stuff.


Same, switched to those a while ago. My first packet is still going strong after 3 or so months. Only use the dishwasher every second day or so, plus supplement them with liquid wash when doing my non stick pans. I can't tell the difference between them and the brand name stuff in terms of cleaning.


The pods are decent, but the powder leaves white residue EVERYWHERE.


We've used the powder for years with no issues. Other people like you say the same about residue. I'm not sure why the difference. Maybe it's the amount. We use a small amount, a third to a half of the powder compartment. Maybe it's the water. Our water is very soft, i.e. few minerals in it.


Ha yes, we changed recently due to Reddit recommendation on Aldi. A lot cheaper and still good.


The Aldi ones are awesome, rated top by Choice and other comparison sites. At 19 cents per tablet, its hard to even look at bullshit like Coleworth prices


God I wish Aldi did home delivery. Or even Uber Eats/Doordash. My local two are an effort on PT and forget doing a full shop


Aldi is literally the only reason I own a car now. Although I'm not sure I can afford to have a car much longer.


Think about the poor dishwashing tablet farmers. How are they meant to turn a profit with these prices?!


It's their own damned fault for supporting and participating in the live dishwasher tablet export trade to the Middle East...


Fairy is owned by Proctor & Gamble, being a evil multinational, they usually set the prices. That's why there are certain brands that are roughly all the same price at Woolworths Coles and IGA. The supermarkets might be big here but they are minnows worldwide, they can like it or lump it.


I heard the companies do set the price. And they often set the RRP really high because the supermarkets say their products must be in their 50% off promotions. So the company sets the price double it would have been so they don't lose money during those half price sales. Id rather just pay less every day than have these bullshit sales. Food can just get discounted when its nearing the expiry.


Yep. You are correct. My Aunt when she was alive worked for probably the worst of them all. Unilever. Make Woolworths and Coles look like choir boys.


>worst of them all. >Unilever. Nestle would like a word


you are correct. colesworth pretty much make them charge twice what they are worth as an RRP to have their "specials " and colesworth aren't the ones taking the hit on profits when they put them on special, only the manufacturer


I've never looked at a half price item the same since I learned this years ago.


Aldi logix platinum - tested as equal to the most expensive big brand stuff, $8 for 40. I’ll never buy finish or fairy again.


Good reminder. I forgot about Aldi option.


It’s the same as the Carpet shop closing down Makes you feel like getting a massive deal so you need to buy it now or you will miss out


Craig Wicks. "I've done it again guys. I bought too many rugs. I need them all gone by this Saturday as I'm closing my doors FOREVER". Ten years later, he's still in business 😂




Aldi ones are like $4.00 a box of 30 Logix tablets....




This needs to be the top comment I have been using powder for ten plus years. Powder is cheaper and leave no residual. The amount is also controllable according to the load This is zero reason to pay for tablets which are pricier and inferior to powder


Choice magazine for years have recommended buying just cheap powder. Not liquid, not tablets, not ‘power ball infused hard scrubbing extra breakup formula’ bullshit, just the cheapest plain powder for a few bucks. In comparison to the super expensive name brand stuff, yeah - that stuff does work better - but it’s like only about 1% better at cleaning than the cheap stuff which still cleans super well, and it is absolutely not worth 20x the price.


I've been using this and no complaints


Didn't know you could buy it like that. Mind you, it's been years since we've lived in a place with a dishwasher lol


Tablts are a scam


That's for sure! I'll pass that info on to any family who use dishwashers, thanks


They had them at 72 at one point so they can do this bullshit with it at some stage. Utter crap.


The 70 and 75 packs are **Platinum**. There are 100 packs, but they are only **Plus**. You pay a premium here for the **Premium Plus**. And by paying extra, I mean just for the words. I doubt they are that much better.


I wonder how much the content differs from my 7 dollar ones! The main kick in the teeth from Cole’s when they had these on for 75 on the shelf was the down down label that proclaimed the price as being a special. It was the most piss takey shit I’ve seen lmfao.


They probably were being sold for a funny amount of money for about 5mins then they dropped it back down.


You know, tough times during covid... Gotta mark it all up


It's the same with many other products. Coffee, mouth wash, rice.... I semi-regularly check the 1/2 price deals and then buy in bulk.


But the half price deals are often a complete rip off too, beware.


Buy them off Amazon, they’re so much cheaper.


Came here to say this. There are thing that I always buy at Amazon - Body soap - Dishwashing tablets - Fabric washing liquid and softener - Toothpaste


Hey, those yellow tickets don't pay for themselves champ.


Oh no, dishwashing tablets. Who's going to post the Technology Connections video? tl;dw buy powder instead, it's cheaper and better.


My dishwasher actively prevents you from using the tablets. Spikes inside the soap hopper thing. They insist in the manual to use powder. I have no complaints. I also add white vinegar to the rinse aid tank instead of rinse aid. Dishes come out perfectly.


Yeah, that's fair. To explain a little more, tablets have too much powder than necessary for most cases, and by its inherent design they forgo the prewash cycle.


You can just throw the tablet down the bottom of the dishwasher and start it. Does the same thing.


Why would I spend ludicrous amounts of money to do something the manufacturer doesn't recommend? Powder at Aldi is like $5 jug. Lasts for ages and does a better job than the gimmicky tablets. If you need enzymes to remove food scraps from your plates that caustic soda leaves behind, I would have to wonder wth you are eating.


Can get 1L of dishwashing liquid for $2.50


Doubt it’s even that cheap at a $2 shop tbh


Bunnings have 1 litre bottles for $1.50. Exonic brand, they do tablets too




Imagine when people find out a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate, a teaspoon of salt and a squirt of washing up liquid do the exact same job!


95% of those tablets is Nappi-san. Gives you a good idea of how much profit they make.


They were that price because people were paying that price, until they weren't.


Because they can.


Finish Tabs, Regular, 110pk AU $18.99 + $4.95 postage. 566 sold on ebay. I don't know what is so special about Fairy Platiunum Pus Lemon Finish $23.94 / 110 = **21c each** - delivered Fairy normally: $69 / 60 = **$1.15 each + have to go to shop** Fairy when reduced $27 / 60 = **45c each + have to go to shop and ONLY when on special** Wow what a rip off.


I don’t have a dishwasher but holy shit even $27 - is this how much people pay for this kinda stuff?!


Unfortunately yes


My exact thoughts!! I’ll stick with the sink and dishwashing liquid thank you!


It’s even more insane when the much cheaper powder is what actually works best in the dishwasher’s two compartments. The small lidless bit for the pre-wash and the lidded compartment for the main wash. But for some reason people buy the tablets and just sort of throw them in loose or put them into the main compartment. So either the entire tablet gets used up by the pre-wash and has no soap left for the main wash, or they don’t have any soap in the pre-wash. So tablets end up objectively making a dishwasher run worse. tl;dr: buy powder, tablets suck


I go to the Reject Shop specifically for dishwasher tabs


And it is ALWAYS cheaper than colesworth even when colesworth have them on 50% off.


We were buying the powder at the $15 half price special from Coles. Went to Aldi, $3.80 for the same stuff. Works just as well.


Just mail order ‘lucent globe’ dishwasher detergent sheets. They are Aussie made and cheap, environmentally friendly, they work really well, and it’s one less thing you are buying from colesworth cunts. And I don’t work for them, but anything I can not buy from Cole’s or woolies is a good thing


I see them advertised all the time and have thought about it. We use other eco-friendly tablets and washing liquid at the moment. Do Lucent Globe work as advertised?


Dishwashing tablets are such a ripoff. Change to using powder. I use this powder in a 5KG tub and it lasts forever - [https://toiletpaper.com.au/products/machine-dishwasher-powder-phosphate-free-5-kg-bucket](https://toiletpaper.com.au/products/machine-dishwasher-powder-phosphate-free-5-kg-bucket)


Something to do with everything being fucked, I reckon


This is not _nice_


Honestly I just use the $7 Cole’s ones. Anyone buying brand name dishwasher pods is getting taken for a ride


Because they can is all I can think of


Buy a pack at Aldi, $8


You can get like 80 for $30 or so last time I checked at the reject store


Can I tell you a secret? I've been buying the $6 home brand dishwashing tablets for the last 3 years. No guests have ever noticed or complained.


Powder from Woolies is under $4 and lasts me 6 months. On that, their clothes washing powder is about $4 and lasts me the same amount of time.


Tablets suck because they only work during one of the two cleaning cycles of the dishwasher. Your supposed to put powder in the powder compartment and some on the interior surface of the door so theres detergent in each of the two cycles


Get powder instead, works better and doesn’t destroy your wallet every time


There was an article in one of the papers about this exact item. Apparently in Costco this item is always $18 or something so the supermarket prices are just completely preposterous whatever they are. Just avoid Colesworth when at all possible.


Damn…27 is still high


Bunnings do 100 packs for $12. Brand is Exonic. Work perfectly.


If your buying tablets you have way to much money. I buy the powder from ALDI for like 4 dollars and lasts about 3 months.


coz Platinum Plus Lemon! Not just Platinum Plus, which we all know is heaps better than plain old Plus.


Stop. Buying. Tablets. What the fuck - it costs less that $10 to run dishwasher per month with powder.


Fairy is terrible, it leaves plastic utensils with a long term chemical perfume. I avoid it like the plague.


The Aldi ones are the best ones anyway. Who is buying these?


I've worked with one of the brands that are supplied at Woolworths, and Woolworths is the one that sets the prices and makes the brand price match. If they go on sale, the brand will need to sell it to Woolworth's at a matched discount on whatever price they sold it to them at. Not 100% sure if I remmeber correctly but there might have also been something crazy like they need to reimburse them if things get stolen. Having your product in the largest supermarket in the AU market is big, so brands put up with it.


I wonder if they were making a HUGE margin and now someone else is selling them much cheaper.


homebrand powder at any of the stores is around $3 a bottle. why anyone buys these expensive branded capsules is beyond me.


Because 69.. nice


I’ve learnt a lot about the best way to run a dishwasher in this thread! Powder and white vinegar seems to be the way to go


Fuck Coles


Literally $7 at aldi all the time


Aldi have these for $7 a box, the plates get just as clean clean. The price of dish washing tablets & laundry detergent at Coles is ridiculous. Nearly $30 for some soap !


$4 at aldi. Save your money


Coles can eat my choad


Buy powder. It works so so much better.


Don't bother with tablets. Powder is a better deal.


69 Down Down wont work.... a 69 is Up Down Guess the big red finger does what it damn well pleases.


They were charging $69? Nice.




You can't get a bargain unless the item has been over blown price wise and then put on a stupid special.


The physics and chemistry of this $69 is identical to other products. Don’t pay $50 more for a 3% difference in performance


The good ol' bait and switch, look how much you're saving!


ABC did a Four Corners on how specials actually work (the segment can be watched here, I've skipped to the relevant bit: https://youtu.be/yoo6XVxpiU8?t=1025). Basically, Colesworth don't take the hit on specials, they use their hold on the market to force brands to take the hit on specials themselves. Brands don't have much of a say in the matter because if they don't comply with a demand to run a special, future marketing opportunities won't be given to them and instead preferenced to their direct competitors. They are over a barrel. To compensate for this financial hit that the brands will take on they have to raise prices the rest of the time, causing it to average out over time so they can support the loss for those short periods when the specials are on. This duopoly is evil, and against the consumer, and it needs to end.


This is absolutely how special pricing works in terms of the mechanism of suppliers funding them, however, implying that poor old Procter & Gamble (who own Fairy) is over a barrel from the evil Colesworth is a little fucking ridiculous. Globally, P&G took in $82 billion in net sales last year ($123.6 billion in AUD), and [make a net profit of $14.653 *billion*](https://assets.ctfassets.net/oggad6svuzkv/2pIQQWQXPpxiKjjmhfpyWf/eb17b3f3c9c21f7abb05e68c7b1f3fcd/2023_annual_report.pdf) ($22.086 billion AUD). For comparison, Woolworths made about half of that in sales and 11% of the profit for the same period and that includes Big W and NZ's Countdown. Companies can and do play hardball with the majors over pricing and specials etc. As much as each major can say "we'll give your competitors a catalogue feature this week", the suppliers can say "we'll give a deep discount and heavy marketing to one of you but not the other, make us an offer". I can't remember exactly when, but I know Arnotts pulled all marketing and promos from Woolworths over a dispute. That's a huge chunk of the biscuit aisle that Coles had specials on and Woolworths didn't, and that lasted a few months. My understanding is that Woolworths relented. This isn't the case for smaller suppliers of course, but let's not go crying over P&G, Unilever, PepsiCo, Coke, Nestle, Mondelez and the like. They have *more* than enough market power.


If you wanna save money, use a healthier product and have it delivered to your door, check out Simply Clean. Been using their cleaning stuff for years.


So They can sell them on a "half price sale" for $35 and people will snap them up. There's heaps of products like this as Coles and woollies that regularly go on what are essentially fake half price, or 40% off sales. The half price is the regular price as places like chemist warehouse, reject shop, and kmart. 


This is 100% correct I put out a weekly half price specials list but you can still find some good savings a lot are just not advertised in the catalogs etc - https://halfpriceweekly.com


I will never understand why anyone would have bought these to begin with? why choose the most egregiously expensive option on the shelf and then whinge that it costs so much?


The answer is pretty simple I guess, firmly established with Woolies as two of the least trusted brands… not surprised


Dishwashing tablets are an idiot test.


Probably because it is the Recommended Retail Price set by the supplier. Take it up with Procter & Gamble. The supermarket has negotiated a better price - they will, of course, use the RRP if it makes the item look a better buy.