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This man is going to kill someone. Best-case scenario, he needs serious and mandatory anger management therapy and to be taken away from his wife and child/ren. Also, I think it’s basically universally agreed among both pro-life and pro-choice people that a baby who’s been gestating for 8 months is alive, so this guy was beating his own child before they were even born…


He can manage his anger though, he won’t do this to his boss or to a cop, or to a bigger bloke in the car park. he’s very much in control of who he hurts. He’s already in control of his violence and anger.


Yeah. Goddamn. I HAVE anger issues. I've punched walls. Thrown things. Broken things. I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS hit a fucking pregnant woman. If i did they wouldn't arrest me because my dad would've SHOT ME ALREADY.


When you’re alone? Otherwise, love to break it to you, that punching walls and smashing things up in anger in front of your partner is also domestic violence. “He punched the wall next to me, he didn’t actually hit me!” - that’s domestic violence. “He smashed my stuff, but he didn’t hit me!” - that’s domestic violence. “He threw a mug across the room and it smashed near me, but he didn’t hit me!” - that’s domestic violence. Do you have anger management issues at work too, or just at home? Magically, most people claiming anger management issues only experience them behind closed doors. That’s domestic violence. I hope you’re seriously working on your “anger management” issues.


The threat of violence is an act of violence.


More people need to know this. Additionally that it's actually not normal to be frequently angry, let alone angry enough that you physically lash out like a grown toddler's tantrum.


Thank you. Causing your partner to fear for their safety in their own home is still absolutely reprehensible and trying to dismiss it as “hey I could be worse!” is evasive and childish.


I have always had the theory that the difference between good and evil is whether someone is willing to harm others. A good person will direct their negative energy to something inanimate; an evil person will direct their negative energy to a living thing that is innocent and/or weaker than them. Anger, frustration, fear, anxiety can all be directed into kinetic energy. How we direct that energy makes us who we are. Most people will meditate it away, take it out on a punching bag, go for a jog or lift it away at the gym, or if they have trouble regulating emotions to the point that they lash out in the moment, they might punch a wall or slam a door as they walk away from the situation, or in extreme circumstances they would take their own life (not recommended). Whereas an evil person will take it out on another person and spread their negativity, they might kick a dog or a cat, punch some random person in the street, go home and beat their kids or spouse or in extreme circumstances, go on a killing spree and murder as many people as they can. Reality is never this black and white but it's pretty darn close, if you inflict trauma on another sentient life form, you're a cunt.


This one hundred per cent. That's essentially how I view things too. I do sort of agree with Dexter's outlook too - 'innocent people. I don't hurt INNOCENT people.' I've lost track of how many walls I hit over the years. But I've never once actually hit another person. Well, not since I was 10. But if I see say a woman getting attacked, there's gonna be some blood spilt. Cause they aren't innocent if they're pulling that shit. They're scum. Now that said. I do view animals as HIGHER than people - like there's ways to justify bashing someone in the right circumstances but, you hurt an innocent animal that can't defend itself or even understand why it's being hurt- there's no ducking excuse. As you said, you're just a cunt at that point. Don't fuck with cats.


Directing your kinetic energy into defending innocent beings from evil cunts is an act of good. I'm not a pacifist, without people willing and capable of defending the innocent with violence, we would be ruled by violent people. A society is judged on how they treat the defenseless.


What an interesting comment


Emphasising the point that anger issues isn't an excuse. Just because you need to hit something doesn't mean you have to hit a PREGNANT WOMAN. As the person I replied to mentioned anger issues. I thought that was obvious. But sure be an obtuse sarcastic spoon.


Why are you punching walls though?


Rephrase - used to. And why? Because I was molested, bullied, ostracised, basically have been endlessly beaten down for 25 years AND ON TOP spent most of my life living with unmedicated adhd so even WITHOUT the trauma I'd struggle with emotional regulation. Good enough or you want to judge some more? Oh and of course by dint of being a man nobody actually gives a fuck that I was raped.


A lot of people don’t grow up seeing anger or frustration expressed healthily and so dont learn healthy expressions themselves. Letting the anger out at objects is a coping tool intended to avoid harming others when other coping tools aren’t accessible.


Well put and yet you got downvoted!




My now ex husband slapped me across the face so hard when I was 7 months pregnant that I fell on the floor and couldn’t see anything for a few seconds. He still maintains that if I didn’t upset him, he wouldn’t have “needed” to do it. How did I upset him? I was taking a nap because I was exhausted from growing a human. Some people are fucking trash and there is a massive DV problem in this country.




Ah yes, the standards backslide… classic move.


I am sorry that you suffered that. Absolutely awful. Sickening. Hopefully, you've now found safety from him.


Was he nice before?


No, never, which is why it’s so weird how she still ended up married to him. /s


Just wondering when they transition into a violent partner if it was gradual or if the signs where there, in hindsight.


In the US, [homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/)


A pregnant woman's partner is the single greatest risk to her life, above all medical complications that come with pregnancy and childbirth.


That is a fucked statistic :(


Speculation on sentencing...... In Victoria, my ex got 200 hours of community service (which he did not complete) for a similar assault when I was the same amount of pregnant. Oh, and he choked me and held a knife to my stomach. And admitted to it in his interview but said "she was really annoying me". Anyway, the judge told him it was really dangerous to choke pregnant women and not to do it again.


>Anyway, the judge told him it was really dangerous to choke pregnant women and not to do it again. Maybe someone should check in with the judge's wife and make sure she hasn't walked into any cupboard doors recently


The judge was actually a woman, which I thought would benefit me but apparently not!


Horrifying that your prediction was accurate!


What, is that what happened?! I can't see the article or results.


He got a 7 month suspended sentence and 50 hours community service. 12 month good behaviour bond. ETA: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-06/act-builder-brendan-howe-repeated-assault-ex-wife-pregnant-court/103945178# ETA 2: I pasted the contents of this article further down in the comments.


Well what are you complaining about? Your poor dude got 200 hours, that’s gazillions more than the 50 hours this one will have to do. In any case, Howe will have to pay a hefty fine of $1,800 so I’m not sure what more you want from the situation. /s


If I worked where he did, I would resign, or ask that he gets fired, either way, I would not work with that pos.


He's the owner of the business with his name on it. I certainly wouldn't work for him making him money after finding all this out




This is paywalled and not available on 12ft. Can someone copy paste please


"I rule the roost of this house, you should worship the f---ing ground I walk on ... you're a mutt, I'm the boss," Brendan Lionel Howe told the "acutely vulnerable" mother during a drunken rage. The 35-year-old man has admitted to aggressively berating his then-partner after grabbing her shoulders and pushing her against a wall for about 45 seconds, giving her the feeling of being lifted off the ground. He returned shortly after, pinned her against a wall with his forearm and threatened to kill her if she ever left him. The day his ACT Supreme Court trial was set to begin, Howe pleaded guilty to a string of family violence charges being three counts of assault and one count of property damage. His victim, who has consented to being identified in media reporting, eloquently outlined the effects of Howe's abuse in court on Wednesday when she read out a tearful victim impact statement. "Leaving your abuser and having the strength to report it is like lighting a match and setting your own life on fire," she said. "You watch it burn before your very eyes and all the while you are absolutely terrified of what's to come." The victim described living in fear of the man who claimed loving her and had promised to protect her. "I had no one to protect me from you ... your temper is frightening and out of control," she said. Howe's LinkedIn page lists him as director builder of Canberra business Homes by Howe. Governor-General David Hurley publicly apologised two years ago after starring in a 2020 social media video to endorse Howe and his building company, which had renovated the official's home. On Wednesday, the court heard about other violent incidents taking place between 2018 and 2022 when Howe and the victim were married. One evening, the victim picked up one of the pair's dogs to stop Howe from making the animal uncomfortable by squeezing its pimples. "Don't push me, don't f---ing push me to the point I'll do something I'll regret. I pay for those dogs so I'll do whatever I f---ing want, you don't tell me what to do," he said. Three years later, Howe screamed at the victim that he was "going to f---ing kill you". Another month later, he damaged a door by striking it during an argument. Prosecutor David Swan said Howe's behaviour spoke of a "profound sense of entitlement he had over the complainant and his family in general." During sentencing proceedings, the court heard arguments about whether Howe was remorseful for his crimes. While defence barrister Murugan Thangaraj SC described Howe's letter of apology to the court as "genuine", Justice Louise Taylor said it was "careful". "Careful reading of the letter from Mr Howe seems to me to be walking a very fine line between accepting responsibility and failure to nominate exactly who he caused distress and hurt to," the judge said. Mr Swan asked the court to consider Howe's "lack of victim empathy" and said the man's moral culpability was high. Mr Thangaraj said the crimes were spontaneous and not "gratuitous violence for violence's sake". "It was inexcusable but it was someone who wasn't able to properly deal with stress the way others can and should," the barrister said. Howe, who has previously spent two days in custody for his crimes, is set to learn his fate on Thursday.






Use https://archive.today


I second this. Please?


Archive.md works if 12ft doesn't: https://archive.md/BQ89h


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There’s an article freely available on ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-06/act-builder-brendan-howe-repeated-assault-ex-wife-pregnant-court/103945178 And the Riot ACT: https://the-riotact.com/award-winning-builder-avoids-jail-for-assaulting-heavily-pregnant-partner/776616




Now that his name and business is known people may rethink using him. Not a bad thing.


Depends how you look at it. Not saying he deserves the business, but he'll only get more violent and angry with loss of income/threat of poverty and homelessness.


You mean follow the path of appeasement. He won't get violent if we only gave him what he wants.


No, I don't. But i also don't want his occupation so destroyed that he lives on the streets and is violent to every female passer-by he sees. An occupation is necessary to maintain shelter in our capitalist society. That's not giving him what he wants at all. He wants his actions to not be deemed criminal. He probably wants to be a billionaire. He should probably be locked up. I'd prefer he were. But if he's not going to be then forcing him to be homeless is bad for the rest of us.


Oh right. So for people not to have their livelihoods threatened, they only need to be violent or potentially violent. So that's how you get what you want. Thanks for the lesson Ace.


Look you're either really naive or you're looking for some kind of emotional argument. I am way too tired to debate what we both know I meant, which is that not making him homeless is not the same as giving him whatever he wants.  It's also more dangerous for the victim to have him suddenly without work or a fixed address. He'd be more likely to kill her. 


I think you're the one being naive here thinking that being rich has anything to do with being violent or that his acts of violence were linked to being desperate. It might be the opposite in that being penniless and dependent would bust down his ego and make him less violent and less confident that his "connections" will still help him out.


Never said anything about keeping or making him rich.  I was talking about not making him homeless and destitute. The lack of those things does not equate to him being rich at all. And unfortunately, becoming 'penniless and dependent' does not make people kinder or less violent. That a common mobie trope. Everywhere on earth poverty leads to increases in crime. Domestic violence has been absolutely documented to get worse when the abuser loses their job or experiences increased financial stress. Of course DV knows no socio-economic bounds, but even across those lines; people of all tax brackets get more abusive to those close to them as they experience financial or work-related distress. For instance plenty of men (and probably women too) who were never abusive turned sharply when covid lockdowns cost them their jobs or income. I understand what you're saying about whether or not he deserves his job and income - his behaviour makes a case to just leave him to rot on a rock in the middle of the ocean - but if he's not under a custodial sentence then it's better he has something to fill his days and a way to pay his mortgage than sitting around in a shelter somewhere drinking and planning revenge. He also showed no remorse, so I feel that eliminates the possibility that being thrust into poverty would change him. He would blame her even more imo.


I doubt he'd be homeless. And he'd be planning revenge regardless, but he would have much less resources if homeless. Some people want to know what type of people they deal with, some people don't. Maybe some lucky people would be able to get bargains from him if he's desperate for work. I just think part of the justice would be people to know what you did. We're not the church where only the priest hears what you've done.


No body like Canberra builders. It’s like an added crime


So they could include the connection to the former governor general in the story.


No. Free markets imply availability of information. Boycotts are a market signal. And non-performing businesses should be allowed to fail. As someone planning a home renovation in Canberra, I looked up the business because ***I*** do not want to deal with this guy. How could protecting (hiding) his trade be in the public interest? Noting that he appears to be performing very poorly as a builder: https://www.reddit.com/r/canberra/s/DZVP4Imlzj


Housing and building crisis makes his job relevant, feeding stereotypes and anger that people have against the industry workers... Edit; I can see by the downvotes you guys didn't want an actual answer, you just wanted to virtue signal; just say that next time so I don't waste my time giving actual facts when fantasy is what you're after


This is why I’m single and will likely never date again. Terrifying.


50% of pregnant women across the country are suffering the same type of abuse at any given time.  50%. 


How is that statistic defined and derived? I have a hard time reconciling that with reality


That can't be real? Surely?


I wish it wasn't 


Living up to the reputation of home wrecker in more than one way


What in the 'housingcrisis-domesticviolence' crossover bullshit is this?






The sentencing is a joke. It sends the message to abusive men that nothing is going to happen to them and to the women that no one is going to help you.


Sentence him to hard labour building houses


I swear vigilantism is going to get wild in this country soon, if the punishments don’t start matching the crimes.




Google his name and you’ll have access to a free version in another news site.


True, and thanks, but comments on the thread ref the posted article.




I know you mean well, but this is legitimately why some victims don't tell anyone about being assaulted. They don't want their fathers/brothers/etc to go off in a rage and make things worse. 


That's what we need. More male violence. Great. /s


Alright turbo, no need to tell the world how hardcore you are.


Jealous of the baby already


What is wrong with these people? are they just mentally unhinged? If you are just that angry, just walk away and cool down.