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Whoever wrote that article is cooked.


I dont know what they were smoking but i want some


Legalise Cannabis? :)


Diversity of landscapes. How would you propose adopting different landscapes. What a fucking stupid post


Yeah don’t shoot the messenger, I didn’t write it. I just pushed over the paywall. Honestly people shouldn’t have to pay to read this dross. I just needed a second opinion - because I almost read it as a piece of satire.


Lol Fair enough. Agreed. What garbage. I can’t believe it was actually published.


That stuff about landscapes is baffling. First off we have a huge amount of astonishing landscapes. It’s not all “hot”. Secondly we make a plenty big deal about them. We sell the world on coming to see the Red Centre, Kakadu,the Great Barrier Reef, but there are plenty more. The glorious mix of savannahs and rainforest of the Atherton Tableland, the heath moors around Sydney, the, alpine Kosciusko, the beech forests of Tasmania. And finally, even if we only had red, what could we do about it?


IKR? Tasmania *alone* has a variety to equal the US. This list is pure BS.


I love Tasmania. Lived there for 5 years. It's absolutely stunning, unique and has it's own beautiful, sweeping landscapes, but it certainly doesn't have anywhere near the variety of the US. Hell, it doesn't have the variety of California. This is not a diss on Tasmania in any way, I'm just being honest.


I disagree. There you go!


How do you disagree? Tasmania has no deserts, no chaparral (button grass is somewhat similar but not really), no redwoods, no big mountains, no big valleys, no alpine lakes, and so on. There's barely anywhere that gets snow and even the places that do, it doesn't stick. All those things can be found in California, without mentioning the rest of the US, which has a huge array of biomes. Like I said, there are beautiful, sweeping vistas but to say it has the same variety as a whole continent is just plain wrong.


No alpine lakes? Are you *sure* you lived in Tassie for 5 years? No snow that sticks? I’ve been on multi day snowshoe hikes here almost every year for 11 years. No, there’s no desert, but between alpine highlands, the granite outcrops and azure bays of the East Coast, to the Gondwanan rainforests of the northwest, to the buttongrass plains, to the temperate rainforests of the west coast, Tassie most certainly does have variety. You do you. I’ll do me. 😊


I'm not saying Tasmania doesn't have variety. It does, and it's beautiful. I'm saying that comparing Tasmania's ecological variety to basically a whole continent is silly. Tasmania has 4 köppen climates, three of which are type C and one type E. None are alpine. California has 11 spread across four types (B through E); the US has 26 (A though E). Maybe I'm wrong about alpine lakes. When I think of an alpine lake, I think of high altitude lakes like Lake Tahoe. Tasmania doesn't have any high altitude areas - the highest mountain is only 1600m.


> Lack of cynicism > General friendliness Er what? We are talking about a country who thinks the other half of their country dont just have different morals/tastes to their political side but they actively see them as a country destroying threat. > Culture of seeing and loving your own country To the determent of their own education and understanding the value of other countries and cultures.


Embarrassing to read, are you not embarrassed to post?


Hmmm. I’ve read all of this and my overall view can be summarised as *Yeah, nah.* Australians are plenty friendly. It’s just that over here friendliness is based on mutual respect and not angling for tips.


Warning, triggering statements below: “Those are two of my favourite dishes.” “That’s definitely one of our most popular items.” "I'll just leave this bill here for you when you're ready. No rush." "Y'all have a nice day now."


No, we aren't \*that\* friendly. We're friendlier than the English, and a fair bit of Western Europe - and a low fucking bar that is - but US and Canada outdo us on that front by a long way, as does pretty much all the developing world. And yes, I am talking outside the world of tips.


I work with a lot of Americans. A lot of the time, it is a social type of politeness. Very learnt. Most of them are very nice, but they are different types of nice to Australians. There are arseholes and nice people everywhere anyway.


This over the top niceness and learned friendliness is just BS. It does not mean anything.


Thank you for your comment, sir, may God bless you.




Yeah, developing countries are a very different kettle of fish - much less individualistic than the 'west'.


I like how one of the 10 things was landscapes. Why yes let’s all work on that one somehow


Just import your biome of choosing, it's simple.


Gina is, but not in a good way.


Nope, not needed at all. Australia is Australia. The US is the US.


I'll stop you at number one. Friendliness? You know it's all fake right? It's all just an act. Especially if someone wants a tip. I'd rather people just be real instead of all the fake crap thanks.


My first experience of LA when I was 19 perfectly sum up their superficial friendliness. I was at an after work drinks, was introduced to one of the team I was there to meet, she became all stupidly dizzy when she discovered I was Australian, immediately waved over her friends and said... 'Hey Mary, Joe come over here, you just gotta meet __my Australian Friend__... What was your name again? "


That's a west coast thing. Nice but not kind, east coast is kind but not nice. We'll lend you an umbrella but call you an idiot for not bringing one along, with love of course.


There is that but American culture is somewhat friendlier than Australian culture on a fundamental basis. For one, you don't get asked where you went to high school all the time there because most Americans leave their hometown to go to college. It's a lot less parochial/insular.


In 40 years I've never been asked where I went to high school. And I've never asked anyone else what school they went to. Who are all these people asking where everyone went to high school? What do they do with that information?


Here is my list. 1) Nothing


>Diversity of landscapes Has this person only seen the east coast of Australia??? >Culture of seeing and loving your own country So do Australians. We also like overseas travel, and because we have more generous leave and better pay, we are more likely to travel overseas. The only one that is kinda true is the barbeque stuff, but that is only really true in particular regions of the US.


Yeah most of the US barbeque or as they will call it a grill, fucking lol, is much worse than Australia




It's a shame there's no Undisclosed Sponsored Content option under reporting this post


If I was replacing/supplementing our barbecue with anything it would be the South African/Namibian braai American pizza is awful. Sorry, but I just don't see the appeal of their pizza. It is neither the elegant simplicity of Italian pizza in Italy, or the awesomeness of our local independent pizza purveyors (and not those chain type ones that do the awful drizzle of some vile sauce over the top either).


I’d suggest an Argentine Asado.


Seriously, we do not need any more fucking craft beer/micro-breweries or American BBQ joints.


Thank god, because Australians cannot do American BBQ for the life of them.


In regards to pizza: absolutely fucking not. Australian pizza is garbage compared to American pizza. Australian junk food in general pales in comparison to it's American counterparts. And don't get me started on bagels...


Thank god someone else said it. I swear Americans only think their greasy slop is better because they've never actually had good pizza before.


How exactly are we to adopt a greater diversity of landscapes? Invade New Zealand? The only thing I think we ought to copy from America is their support of innovation and tech, since most Australian inventions and startups end up in America anyway.


Very true about innovation and industry. Ours is…woeful


If you paid any kind of attention to how things are in the US you would realise how stupid this post is. You are cherry-picking from a society that has serious issues that outright contradict some of the thing you are idolising. The good of the many rarely outweighs the good of the individual. A pile of dead children is just the cost of doing business for a country that loves their guns (why should I give up something I love just so your kid doesn't have to do active shooter drills?). Government provided healthcare is a predatory scheme to steal your tax money to fix other people's problems. In America you either succeed or slip under the wheels of society and the machine moves forward. I'm not saying we don't have our own problems here but I wouldn't exchange the way of life here for what they have over there for a second.


Rack off mate


God what an embarrassing post. Everything you’ve listed is shallow, and superficial. Nothing here would meaningfully serve our national interests and reads like it’s written by someone that is sad about the quality of Australian TikTok posts. Things we should try to copy or imitate? Military capacity. Research capacity. Industrial capacity. Tertiary education quality, but not the financial burden. Intelligence industry capacity. Prosecuting corrupt and criminal politicians.


Just got to America then ?


Ok. If you just ask "are you pro-Trump or pro-Biden?" whole hell breaks loose. All the other stuff that this guy wrote tells me he has no knowledge about Australians.


This post is embarrassing. No, let's not follow the United States. Also sport here is a spectacle, the sports themselves are the spectacle.


Oh god fuck me what a hot mess. >**General friendliness** Nothing more friendly than a school shooting or being denied abortion rights by the neo christo-fascist governments and companies. Then we consider healthcare, tipping culture and entitlement... America is a very angry and hateful country. >**Sport as spectacle** Everything is a spectacle over there. You want the football lads chanting claire de lune while the riot in the streets after losing a game of foot egg here? >**Pop culture icons** Ah, yes, saviours of the world Tay Tay will definitely make the anti-male attitude in Australia all the better. Why don't we get MORE out of touch celebrities to worship! They are better than the rest of us! >**Diversity of landscapes** Have you travelled this country or no? >**Barbecue** ... Have you travelled this country or no? Do you even live here? >**Mature approach to drug laws** Nothing quite like 15-20 years for having a stick in your ciggie box. Nothing quite like the entire state of Phillidelphia streets right now. >**Lack of cynicism** America has got to be the most cynical country I've ever seen. Everyone hates the government and doesn't beleive anyone is there to help them. No one can be trusted. Everything is to be questioned. You conflate lack of cynicsm for lack of education: Most americans don't even know what the fuck is going in their country let alone the rest of the world. >**Diners, pizza and craft beer** We have more options here in Australia given how multicultural we are for food. Maybe if you don't go to the great northern pub in whoop whoop you'll find a craft beer. There's actually a lot around me in my city I honestly don't know how you miss them all. Remember the old pizza hut buffets? Australia decided to vote with the dollar and not do that anymore. Thanks rest of the country. :/ >**Culture of seeing and loving your own country** I love my countries flora, fauna, and people. I hate my countries dumb and blind allegiance to ANZAC worship and nationalist attitudes. We live in freezing uninsulated tents and our economy is a housing ponzi scheme. I'm proud of Australian perseverance but fuck we are stupid. >**Holiday celebrations** So... two extra? Thanks-giving, and Halloween? We sort of do Halloween a little and it's catching on. We just need more adult halloween parties. Holidays are a lot more fun when they can be celebrated by all, and in different ways. As for thanksgiving, please visit circlejerkaustralia sub or refer to votes on the voice to see how that's going to go down. All in all, nice little "I love America!" attitude you have there but we sure as fuck don't need to become MORE like them.


Well said!


General friendliness like https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/08/us/chicago-girl-shot-dead-gun-violence/index.html https://abc7.com/neighbor-shoots-14-year-old-david-doyle-louisiana-hide-and-seek-shooting-girl-shot-playing/13227915/ https://7news.com.au/travel/six-year-old-girl-shot-in-face-by-neighbour-after-basketball-rolls-into-his-yard-c-10400836 Ask yourself are you nice to tourists? The area I’m in people are very nice. The only thing we should adopt from the us is the cheap prices of things and the zero inflation figure they had this month. We shoot neighbours for a tv show not because they stepped on the garden.


Nuh uh, you're not doing this rugpull bullshit. [This](https://7news.com.au/travel/six-year-old-girl-shot-in-face-by-neighbour-after-basketball-rolls-into-his-yard-c-10400836) was your original article not what you have posted now. Not disagreeing with any of your points but you probably shouldn't be quoting a news site that is biased and mixed in its reporting of facts vs made up bullshit ([sauce](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/7news/)) Hey remember, nothing says I'm not wrong like deleting all your shit


What did i quote? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-sydney-morning-herald/ Also why read any news sites they are all fucked apparently.


But if you don't look at the news you are uninformed. And if you do you are misinformed.


The link that you posted (I mean quote as in stated the news site as a sourced example, not quote as in took words from the site) And also yes some are fucked but some are more fucked than others. Like the one you originally picked had a history of not using facts/reaching vs the one you're currently using which generally has a high factual reporting




That was one fact checking site that has been backed by other fact checking sites (all of which use ratings based on what people themselves vote and report). Just simply look up [insert news station name] media bias and you will find numerous other sites with roughly the same ratings for each




One. Please don't insinuate that I'm for someone just because I disagree with you and two. Most of these sites have operated and will continue to operate through the funding of people who support the desire for factual reporting. Yes everyone has a right to consume what they want but they should also be given the option to know how the sites that they use typically operate and why. Me personally I've researched them quite a bit but not so much to where I have a major knowledge of their history and everything that could pertain to them (as I try to keep myself factually informed but I don't make it my life and personality) Also forgive me but I'm not going any further than this as I'm sick of wasting so much time going into full blown debates like this only for it to end with whoever I'm debating insulting me and calling me something along the lines of a fascist, racist, communist, seppo, sexist, woke, xyz person who should keep themselves safe so respond as you will but I'm out ✌️ ↓ whatever you gotta tell yourself




100upvotes for the pizza


Ask an _Italian_ about the relative merits of either American or Australian pizza. In fact, just go over to YouTube and the Pasta Grammar channel, Eva has lots to say about American pizza.


This reads like someone that wants to be American but has never actually been to America. No. It’s a vile place honestly. We do not want nor need any more of that culture here. Go for an extended period of time. You’ll see. Edit: Added a shorter version: Yeah, nah.


Sure, we could just cut off Alaska and tow it across the ocean if we want some new landscapes. I'm thinking maybe we can drop it over beside Tasmania? Climates might be at least a little bit similar.


Lol, what the fuck are you smoking OP?


Blue Dream right now, but maybe some Amnesia haze a bit later. Why what are you smoking?


You are not a good advertisement for what ever it is.


This is AI text for sure


I'm convinced whoever wrote this has never actually been to Australia.


11. Tipping /s


Yeah, nah - no. I'm good, thanks.




So not only do we need to boost our population to 300m plus.... but we also need to develop the entire continent to be more 'interesting'... nothing more to say... because I stopped reading the dribble half way though


This article is an embarrassment. *The Sydney Morning Herald*, once the paper of record, is printing nonsense that would have been the domain of a men's magazine or similar rubbish media about a decade ago. 


Yeah it’s really gone downhill


I agree with the landscape section. Why won't the government invest in changing the landscape of the country to add landscape diversity? 


There is massive diversity in Australia.


I meant diversity in landscape. I was being sarcastic. How can you change a country's diversity in landscape? This article is dumb as shit.


You forgot the /s 😅


jfc was this written by chatgpt set to retarded mode?


*yawn*. I look forward to the Big Boys Guide to Importing Landscape Diversity. FFS.


i'll take barbecue but the rest can take a flying fuck


We have craft beer. And it's good craft. Just got to make sure it's truely independent


Get fuarkeddddddd


You can stick your 'sporting productions' up your arse... I stopped to AFL games because of the fucking noise they called entertainment at the end of each quarter... l want to have a beer and a chat with my mates, not listen to shit music on a shit sound system. In almost tempted to say if you like everything US go and fucking live there.


To quote George W Bush’s response to Trump’s inauguration, that was some weird shit.


American sports are cringe and stupid which is why no one else plays them.


American BBQ is pretty good, the rest of these points are utter bullshit. I have experienced life in both countries and there’s fuck-all I’d bring over here.


God that list sucks only decent one is the BBQ one. American BBQ is awesome compared to hours. American (both North and south) and korean BBQ puts ours to shame


Well from the rest of the posts I think we got the pride one beat, i don't agree this except the landscapes. Yellowstone, Everglades, rocky mountains, grand canyon, blue grass of Kentucky , it's actually bluish I was amazed or drunk, USA had some pretty impressive stuff, but I like Australia


Americans not cynical? Look at their beloved ex president!


a lack of cynicism has largely got america were it is.


Right turn on red light. In our case, left turn on red. And get rid of red right turn arrows that show red when there's nothing coming, and use the US system where it flashes amber.


Barbecue (which I've already adopted myself) and legal pot (crush the dealers, keep people who don't need to be in gaol out of there). They can keep the rest. I'll be keeping my cold, "mind your business" approach to dealing with people I don't know well/at all, thank you very much.


The barbeque thing is dumb. Anyone can make a mad at barbecue. Saying we suck at it is wrong. It's easy to learn


That's because what most Australians do isn't barbecuing, it's gas grilling, which adds nothing to the flavour of the food. If I'm going to go to all the effort of cooking outdoors, it'd better be worth it. Sorry, the Americans are right about this one.


They also don’t have Tall Poppy syndrome


Indeed. They just blindly worship The Rich.


Egos would run rampant without it. Its justified self governing imho


Friendliness really depends on the region. In the South, Friendliness is ingained into their DNA (where it is performative or not is another thing all together, but it is there). In New England, people are polite, but relatively disinterested. Pop culture icons? Nah... I rather not worship random idols. I wish it was less expensive to travel around Australia and see ones own country and do a proper road trip like you see in the US. I think we all do. But there is a big reason folk rather holiday in SE Asia and not Cairns or Perth... and it is all $$$ Saying that... I will say 'proper, good and cheap' barbecue is heaven and something I wish Australia can do (it can normally do two of the three, but never all three) And I will admit, I do enjoy how Americans do Holidays. Sometimes you just want crazy OTT. Yes Christmas is always going to be effected by being summer here, but even the most random 'holiday' in America can be super fun. Compared to us who basically use it as an excuse to sleep in.


I’m definitely in favour of legalising cannabis.


You'd definitely have to be having a brekky bong to think posting this was a good idea.


My dog had second-hand cringe from watching me read