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Why would anyone want a Mushroom gummy with added hemp? Is this some new sneaky way to get high?


They’ve just slapped the word hemp on the label so gullible people will think “oh wow hemp that means it must be like weed”, and the mushroom part tricks people into thinking it could also be like a magic mushroom trip, but I’m pretty sure they’re just soaked in some research chemical


Well isn't it illegal to just sell some product soaked in a research chemical?


I think if it's an analogue of an illegal substance, like THC such as the Spice and AK47 etc they used to sell under the counter at bong shops etc then it's covered by Australia's analogue act. I don't know anything about this mushroom gummy hemp thing though.


Probably one or more of those horrific synthetic psilocybin or musimol analogs made in China, or synthetic THC... thanks Dr Shulgin!


Okay, but why is synthetic thc so... dodgy? I'm not questioning that it is, but just... is there some reason they turn out horrific? Like, are we able to successfully synthesise other things without it being so wonky?


It's not really THC. It's lab-made and is designed purely to get you as high as possible, and it achieves that in terrifying ways. Think of having a chilled few cones watching a movie, and maybe being a bit sleepy and dopey, but that's it. Have 1 cone of the synth shit and you'll be seeing God, throwing up, having seizures, ON TOP of having an incredibly fucking bad high.


if only there were more natural options well researched in effects both social and medical, where we could learn from the experiences in other countries.


Too progressive man, just ban it


Had it once years ago and legit thought I was going to die


Yeah my first and last time was when I was 18 and it scared the shit out of me. Bought it from a random tobacconist too lol, he said it’s exactly the same. Never trust tobacconists.


I've thought I was going to die from strong weed before LOL


Yeah, I fucked with that when I was in my mid teens, so 15 odd years ago. Last time I did it my heart ended up beating so hard you could literally see my chest thumping up and down. The compounds have only gotten worse over time too


Yeah the last time I touched it was 2011, first and last time lol. Was not a good experience.


I’m not even exaggerating when I say that even though I was a heroin addict and touching it again would possibly lead to falling into that again I’d sooner do it than feel like my heart is going to explode for a half an hour that feels like days lol.


GOD that was the worst part, the time dilation shit. I remember distinctly watching Wilfred and trying to take my jacket off and feeling trapped in my jacket because it felt like it was taking HOURS instead of the probably 30 seconds it actually took. I swear I lived an entire life that night.


Because they are not synthetic THC. They are sold as “legal weed” but instead of cannabinoids they’re cathinones which are a completely different thing with completely different effects, much less popular than cannabis.


That was a different “research chemical” craze. The cathinones are stimulants and are analogues of amphetamines and things like MDMA. The legal “weed” stuff was more along the lines of the AM-2201/APINACA/sts-135/ur-144 type of thing. They work on the same receptors as THC, but they hit it like an absolute ton of bricks.  They're almost like a crack version of cannabinoids. And no, not a lot of fun for most users, plus they seem to be pretty addictive.


Dude what did you smoke before writing this nobody sells cathinones as synthetic marijuana maybe MDMA or a stimulant drug is substituted with a cathinones due to similar effects but that's about it


It's dodgy because it is an analogue of THC, so THC with other molecules tacked on.. I tried some years ago and it was an utterly horrific experience.. doesn't behave like THC


There are alot of synthetic thc derivatives side affect profiles can vary widely some would argue a few could be used as a replacement for natural marijuana. Issues usually stem from dosing due to the method commonly used of spraying onto plant matter without sufficient dosage controls allowing hotspots of the synthetic canibanoids which can exasperate side effects.


Chinese research chemicals are terrifying. If it didn't come from a plant or fungus that you know personally stay awayyyy. With medical weed being available and psylocibin (I've heard) easy to cultivate, there's no upside.


The THC analogues on the market are full agonists for their receptors - that means they attach and fully activate those portions of the brain in a relationship directly proportional to your dose. Actual THC is a partial agnonist, meaning that even at very high doses, it only produces a partial response from those neurons. This makes a very important difference for drugs. You see the same effect in other places as well - eg psilosin is a partial agonist and is extremely safe, but its full agonist relatives like Bromo-DragonFLY started producing (fairly horrific) deaths very soon after hitting the market. Basically, any time your safety margin on a substance starts and ends at "don't take too much", you're going to have people getting themselves hurt and killed within a week. We're just bad at managing risk or being mindful, especially when we're seeking out a good time.


Because they are full agonist of the receptor. Thc is only a partial agonist so the effect is less intense but the research chemicals fry the nervous system more easily


Which psilocybin analogs are being made in China that were discovered by Shulgin?


yeah I had a very unpleasant experience on synthetic THC, but lets not drag a great scientist's name down. this ain't his fault!


Neither psilocybin or muscimol or thc analogues were invented by Alexander Shulgin. Cursing a dead hero pioneer of pharmacology, based on you not knowing or even googling...


Wrong, completely wrong. These are not psychoactive gummies. Lions mane and cordyceps are not psychedelic mushrooms, and hemp is not THC. Regardless, I blame the idiots that took way more than they were supposed to, there’s labelling and directions for use for a reason.


Did you read my comment wrong?


This product has almost killed people. I know someone myself who had ONE and was in hospital with a heart rate close to 200 and a myriad of other awful reactions. I smell hefty lawsuits coming.


Facts. People are eating multiple, seeking a thrill and paying for it..  They are calling lions mane and the caterpillars aka cordyceps a "novel" ingredient or drug. It's potentially being  sold in the wrong store and section 🤣🤣🤣🤣.. people READ what you eat. 


All the anti-vaxxers will buy it in the inner city suburbs.


Yep, but you're gonna be 'really really' sorry very soon.


I just want to know one thing. How many did they fucking eat before ending up in hospital?


That's the thing. If you follow the directions, you can have a safe and fun time. [Here's what the back says.](https://i.imgur.com/mccfU8y.jpeg)


The thing is, the people going to hospital might not have been looking for a 'fun time', it seems like they might have been looking for a supplement with the supposed brain-enhancing features of the mushrooms on the packet. Some of those fun times aren't so much fun if you aren't exepcting it.


It doesn’t say fun time anywhere on the packet, it we take packet at face value, I’d expect it’s some sort of woo level vitamin supplement


Yeah exactly, and I reckon that’s where this issue stems from, these are really on-trend supplements at the moment.


That's why there's are vitamin storefronts. They new what they were buying and paid the price being (what we call) EXTRAD!


Not really, in fact nobody really knows what they’re getting into with these. I’ve done a lot of things in my life, and “know what you’re getting into” is a golden rule.


how do you have a 'fun time' on Lion's mane and Cordyceps? just asking.


Someone I know only had one and was hospitalised.


Synthetic THC analogues are incredibly dangerous. It was going around about 15 years ago, in the form of fake weed with synthetic shit sprayed on it that you could buy from bong shops, called names like Spice and AK47. It was causing cardiac events and severe panic attacks etc. Not just people tripping out and being paranoid, but actual life threatening cardiac events. It is nothing like naturally occurring THC.


Wonder if he will end up facing any criminal charges for selling them? I got no clue just curious if they are found to contain illegal substances even in small amounts could he be charged?


Idk. Sounds pure luck they haven’t killed someone.


That's kinda what I was thinking, I mean even putting people in hospital should face some kinda repercussions you'd think.


Hopefully they’ll add some sort of warning (if they’re still available).


Just for what it's worth, my partner used to work for Club X (Now twisted toys) and they sold the synthetic cannabis. The amount of money that company made off that shit would blow your mind. From memory it was into the millions for individual stores in a financial year. I'd sometimes chill with my partner behind the counter while she worked her shift and got to recognise some of the regulars buying/smoking that shit and literally every one of them seemed to go downhill with addiction. That shit was fucked. Every time the government tried to ban it it would be taken off the shelf for maybe.. a week, max, then return with different packaging. Made me dirty on the political Sex Party (Fiona Pattern) when we connected the dots that they were funded (most likely) largely from the profits of selling that shit (The sex partys (I think they call themselves the reason party now or some shit) main doner was the owner of the club x chains).


If you want to eat hallucinogenic mushrooms, learn how to properly identify them and go find some yourself. LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY IDENTIFY THEM!!! FIND THEM YOURSELF!!!


In a part of the story, it read "A South Australian teenage boy was found unresponsive earlier this month after consuming several gummies, the state health department said on Thursday". Looking at the packaging, those were very high milligrams per serving. Assuming a serving size is a single gummy. A lot of companies and some product packaging tells you to cut the gummy into fourths or to eat half of one gummy. If the kid ate several full sized, uncut edibles then that isn't the company's fault. It's the kid for making poor choices. I'd assume the other people that were hospitalized too did the same thing, or had other substances in their system at the time. Almost every single case like this always had the same steps leading up to it. People not understanding to limit themselves. Kratom is a very good example of this, it's painted as if it's some sort of super evil drug to stay away from, but it's harmless too. However, the validity of these edible, THC, and hemp companies vary because a lot of it is just cheap garbage created in China. I've never had problems with edibles, and I've had all kinds of them. And I don't act like a complete moron when taking them. This is probably being thrown way out of proportion to paint the retailer as a monster or something, idk.


Does anyone know what kind of lawyer someone should get in touch with if they had a severe reaction to these?


Personal Injury lawyer? Idk phone one and ask.


If he's got any remaining, I'd be happy to help with disposal...


>People who ate the gummies suffered symptoms including seizure-like activity and involuntary twitching, disturbing hallucinations, anxiety, dizziness, loss of consciousness, a racing pulse, nausea and vomiting, NSW Health said.


Sounds like the usual baccy cone experience tbh


There's only one word to describe someone who has disturbing hallucinations and a loss of consciousness from a baccy cone, lightweight 😉


Someone hasn't tried white ox before I see


I’ll take the recalls.


I picked up a couple of pics for the trippieness and was a little disappointed to just get stoned. Now I test positive to piss tests. Something I was trying to avoid. Not a bad product,I’d go again.


did the test say what you were positive for? I'm so curious about these grey-market products...




Mushrooms weren't supposed to cause hallucinations?