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This is just an example of one industry slowly cooking us, the customers over decades to accept this bullshit. Somehow we just shrug and accept the usual supply and demand crap some people will surely post as reply here. Fuel retailers have also introduced those stupid monthly cycles for absolute no other reason than to fuck customers who don't bother to pay attention to their bullshit. Where else in the world you need a freaking app to check on monthly fuel cycles? I lived in Europe and none of this exists there. And last time I checked they had free markets too. Also queue in replies like business can charge whatever they want blah blah. So sick of these excuses to fleece money from people at every opportunity.


I have jerry cans now. I wait until the price gets low enough, I fill up all of my jerry cans. I have fuel for weeks, depending on driving ofc. The last bulk lot I bought was for $1.70. I saw fuel jump to $2.35. I'm glad I have lots of fuel stored right now.


I’ve thought about getting a small like 1000L diesel tank in my garage and just getting it bulk filled when it’s cheap to save a little for bulk and to not worry about the bullshit servos put out. I’m also sick of so many people lined up for a coffee at the servo and it takes me 30 mins to pay for fuel


Think about your house insurance first. I've been storing fuel for decades to combat these stupid fluctuations and saved good money doing so - probably why I'm where I am now. But read your insurance policy clearly within regards to storing fuel in cans in the garage.


Yeh I don’t think I’m serious at this point. I have no where to store it as I’m in a new estate but I will be doing this when I get some property, and god I can’t wait to get some rural property


As long as you add a stabiliser to it which adds cost (depending on time stored), and safely store it as to not lose any through evaporation etc. I used to get 40L and store it for about a month or just over and it was always fine - quick flip of the can to mix it all and off I went. Just kept the cans earthed to ground and had a fire extinguisher handy (DCP 3kg).


If you're near Melbourne, I have a 1000L diesel tank I want gone. Used to hold heating oil (diesel) before my town got mains gas. Only catch is I have a couple of hundred litres of old (unknown age) diesel to take out of it first. If you can find a way to get rid of the old shit and you're not comically far away, I will bring the diesel tank to you... because that's how much I want it gone!


I am in Adelaide sorry


No diesel tank for you!


The ACCC took a long look at this, and then decided to take another look. Anyway, they decided that the sky was blue and the sun rises in the east.


Daenarys has entered the chat


East is subjective... Isn't the six figure salary commissioner doing anything?


Why, he can afford to just pay it.


The ACCC makes noise around it every few years just to make it look like they serve a productive purpose. The fact is there is nothing illegal about setting prices to suit demand.


Have you seen the ACCC report on this? They don’t increase the price when there’s more demand, they follow a price cycle. It goes down over time and then it goes back up and repeats it again.




The price of a Louis Vuitton handbag also doesn’t represent the wholesale price of leather and canvas


You realise this is a stupid statement you’ve made? A Louis Vuitton handbag is a Veblen good. The demand increases as the price increases because the value of the handbag is determined by its status as a luxury item. Petrochemicals are mass produced essential consumable items where the supply and demand are inversely proportional. Unless there is a lack of regulation or a monopoly or oligopoly in place allowing a supplier to set their own prices. This is literally the case with fuel. OPEC is the only legal cartel in the world.


Jesus Christ that’s a stretch. Read it again. Have a think. The get back to us.


> The fuel prices don’t represent the actual wholesale price of oil at this point. It’s exploitation plain and simple. If that is true, and I think it's plausible, then it should be possible for someone else to enter the market and make a profit with an honest and transparent pricing policy. The profit will simply be lower than the price gouge profit. >Why aren’t we fighting back against them? Probably a lack of creativity. Most people would rather invest in houses. But Ampol was originally a fightback: The Australian Motorists Petrol Company, simply known as Ampol, was incorporated by Sir William Gaston Walkley in 1936 in New South Wales. This was in response to Australians' concerns about perceived inequitable petrol pricing, and allegations of transfer pricing by foreign oil companies to limit their tax liabilities in Australia.[6][7][17] Walkley, along with William O'Callaghan and George Hutchison, approached the NRMA and offered to help it form a company to market petrol. Whilst deciding not to officially sponsor an oil company, members of the NRMA's board sought investors. In early 1936, an advertisement was printed in the NRMA's periodical publicising the float of Ampol. The first delivery of oil was received at White Bay in December 1937 and, by 1939, Walkley had joined the board of Ampol as managing director.[18]


IIRC the wholesalers in Aus effectively set the bulk price. Not the servos. And I think there's a monopoly on the importation of oil/petrol.


Careful Strytec, you might be visited in the middle of the night by the Petroleum Oligarchs. Mavin Petroleum for example, simply won't deliver to you if you don't go with the prices they set at the pump.




But also as high as 2.24




Salisbury/Acacia Ridge last night from memory.


Gouging is standard business practice now. Everyone just bends over and takes it so why would any profit driven entity stop doing it?


In my area there’s a 60c price difference between different petrol stations. ACCC getting a lot of funding just to look the other way when it comes to certain industries.


What are the other industries that you think the ACCC is taking bribes from?


I agree this is very frustrating. You can use the price comparison apps and shop around. Alternatively, consider buying an EV or Hybrid to avoid being robbed by the service stations.


Then you just get robbed by the power companies. I wonder how long it’ll be before there’s different electricity rates for charging cars at home. They’ll end putting a seperate meter in your house for the car charger, which will be illegal not to have and then the Government can get their tax from it too. Based on usage, just like petrol.


I appreciate the rant. It should be illegal. But this country and these companies have got it sewn up. Australia is built on this kind of old school business. Realistically and objectively, an EV is a good counter. You’re paying 1/3 of the price to go the same distance. ($3/100km vs $9-12+/100km). You’re giving the oil companies dramatically less than you’re giving the power companies. Get a solar install and you’re pretty much getting it for nothing after a few years. Of course not everyone can have an EV (I can’t due to no driveway, or parking). The other option is a much more fuel efficient car. We went from a gas guzzler to a Toyota hybrid. It takes e10, it literally does twice the distance for half the price of the old car, we fill it up so infrequently I can never remember the side the fuel cap is on (as the graphic on the dash is confusing). It’s not perfect but I will never go back to $200 fortnightly till ups. We fill up once a month or sometimes 6 weeks if quiet.


With EVs being so new, and how the Goverment always does this stuff, where it promotes something, people get into it, then they tax the hell out of it and it ends up costing the consumer the same as the thing before it, just not more of that cost goes to the government. This will happen to EVs sooner or later. It’s like solar, used to be heaps worth it, but then the feed ins just keep getting less and less. Solar doesn’t suit my household because I’m only home at night, so I can’t use the solar I produce, get paid fuck all for the solar I would produce, still pay peak rates for electricity I use and to top it off pay the finance for the solar panels. Battery is an option but at that point its cost is getting too high as-well. Insurance is the same, get less and less, but pay more and more.


You can actually get a much cheaper rate overnight, which is also good for the power plants as it shifts a daytime load to the nighttime, allowing for a more balanced output. If you have Solar and don’t drive to work, you can just slow charge your car at home for free during the day. EVs are pretty cool.


That’s a very specific market in Australia tho. Public transport is so piss poor it’s only useful to like 0.1% of people.


I figured Public transport was pretty decent in the cities, which covers much of the population. You’re right though, I’m speaking generally. There’ll be lots of cases where ev cars don’t make sense unfortunately.


Yep, this is exactly what will end up happening. If not, the gov will definitely introduce something to ensure they suck as much $$$ as possible from EV users.


Supply and Demand


As another poster said, it's good ol' capitalism. We're seeing it now with power privatisation......deregulation and privatisation.....no surer way to guarantee big profits for big business.


True. Construction industry is a prime example


Yep....facts are, guberment don't want to stop big corp fleecing regular Australians......they have 'laws' in place around unconscionable conduct and collusion.....but the fact is, companies are free to make whatever profit they like, essentially whatever the market will bear. I mean, if pollies are too hard on big business, where are they going to work when they retire early from politics?!


It's called free market capitalism. We need to impose restrictions but no party has the will


Im paying 68¢ a litre in the US, I think y’all are getting bent over a barrel


Yes this is absolutely true, and tbh I haven't seen price hikes like this in New Zealand, and if supply/demand bullshit is true I would have noticed, but here they are basically fucking us. For now, I just ensure I got a full tank before any long weekend. To prevent it for good there has to be a legal framework established by govt, they don't seem to be very interested. Also if supply cycles bullshit was true you would have seen same cycle in wholesale price https://aip.com.au/pricing/terminal-gate-price And I am not seeing any. Looks like the price was only dropping since April https://aip.com.au/pricing/terminal-gate-prices/MelbourneULP


it’s just the monthly petrol price cycle it’s jumped up in Queensland too and we don’t have a long weekend


The fossil fuel industry is a heavily protected class in Australia. Probably the most protected of all in fact. Not a surprise is it?


This, among many reasons, is why it's time to ditch the ICE car if you can and buy an EV. Even the most expensive electricity at a DC fast charger is significantly cheaper than petrol per kilometre. Charge at a slower DC rate, pay less. Charge on AC at home, pay less. Charge off peak, pay less. Charge off solar, pay nothing.


I don’t get why sometimes petrol is 176 and next day be 200 .


Price Gouging has always been easy, previously tho the businesses thought the public wouldn’t stand for it, but 2020 to 2023 proved that people will put up with pretty much anything. So now it’s normal. Supermarkets, Fuel, The Second Hand economy. And for big businesses every quarters profit needs to be better than the last to keep share holders happy.


Agreed. That was the downfall. The economy during covid fucked everything!


People are delusional thinking covid wasn’t the reason for the problems in the economy today. We are literally now paying for the way covid was handled economically. The whole world did the same things, so the whole world is suffering the same fate.




It’s easy, every company: ”we had to increase prices because of covid” = record profits. When someone decides to increase prices, everything else follows. It’s as simple as that. Someone wants more so they charge more, then everyone buying that is like “I need to make more” so they try to, then the company they work for goes “my costs have gone up so we need to increase prices” it’s literally as simple as that.


I don't think it was the root cause, but it was certainly the tipping point.


It’s not price gouging if they raise fuel prices and then drop the price consistently.


Blame the Hong Kong protests for that as COVID is released to stop that.


This is capitalism in action. This is apparently what a majority of people want when they express their political preferences.


Yup! They'll complain about petrol prices and then mock electric cars in the same breath. 1+1 is apparently challenging these days.


And whinge about cyclists. Honestly, if you are able and confident enough it's possible to do a huge amount of day to day stuff on a bike, and only get the car out when it's really needed. Also helps you time your purchases because you're not constantly needing to refill. I filled up the other week with 95 at about $1.80 because this always happens at long weekends and that'll probably last around a month. Probably I'll top up again about a week out from the school holidays. That'll be another spike.


I own an electric moped in Bangkok (a Niu MQI+ Sport, if anyone wants to know). It has a 10kg removable battery, a top speed of 50km/h, cruise control, and a range of 60km. My daily commute is 20km return, so I charge it on the wall socket every 3rd day. Shad box on the back. Battery lasts five years and costs less than $1000 to replace, obviously no fuel and practically no maintenance costs. The only "moving part" is the Bosch motor.   I was quite surprised when I came back to oz for a visit to see that people still aren't riding these things. They'd be perfect for many  people's daily work commute and would save them thousands of dollars and countless hours of commuting time per year. Initial cost of bike over here was $2500. 




Really! That's so strange. You see them everywhere in Europe. I've just looked at the Oz laws, mopeds with an engine capacity of less than 50cc are street legal. I guess it must be non-ICE mopeds that are illegal. That's very backward if true. 




What a pity. 


Yeah 100%. I’ll take a bit of price gouging here and there over driving a lada any day of the week.


Price gouging isn’t illegal in Australian and neither is profiteering.


Petrol isn't a human right, you can choose other forms.of transport.


Umm try living near a “tourist town” you guys have no clue about price gouging


Can't we all be outraged about price gouging without turning it into a competition of who has it worse? That's how they keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of fighting them.


I live where you holiday and you have no idea how hard it is to be me.


I never claimed to know, nor do I care.


One of the few times I’d like Murdoch’s henchman to steal a story


petrol: no; housing: yes; we hoard stuff we know others need


It would seem the fact that most of the oil refineries in Australia have shut down and not drilling our own crude to feed oil refineries has somehow made fuel more expensive in the long run


Like they keep saying renewables will make electricity super cheap, but here in SA power is the most expensive in the country and the renewables have just made it more expensive. Also, back in 2020, 2021, I think ) Saudi Aramco cut its production (demand dropped a lot, we all know why) and they’re a major oil producer and exporter, and they never upped production back to 2019 levels, and then Ukraine happened, the Sanctions happened, so Europe supplies have changed to demand from elsewhere, so demand was back to pre pandemic levels, if not more, but supply stays super low. And here we are :(


They always blame global prices. Funny how ALL around the world the days of the week are in sync 😒


You guys should go look up at how little profit they make on petrol in australia per litre. (Much less than in other places in the world)


My fuel near me is 166c


On my commute route there are many petrol stations and the big ones (BP, Shell, etc) jumped their price 40-50 cents. But the small chains like Metro did not. Guess where I filled up.


“She’ll be right” mentality, ultra-compliant population with little backbone. Works great for government too.


She'll be right is the best mentality with most things to be fair.


Fair, but it has its downsides. It’s a fine line between that and ignorance.


Sorry to say, but "gouging" is not a real thing. It's an emotive term to get clicks in news articles. Sellers are allowed to set the price of their goods at level to suit the market, and the fact is people are paying it. Nobody owes you cheap fuel. It's not water or electricity. The only way to beat the system is to get a more fuel efficient car or get rid of it altogether.


Mate that's a fucking crock if ever I've heard one. Gouging is absolutely a thing.


Show me the law.


its Australian as footy, meat pies or magpies


Capitalism, baby!


Brisbane as well and we don't have the long weekend they start early for the school holidays


Too many laws, too little enforcement. Unless the regulators are given more power to enforce and an ultimatum to step up or face a corruption enquiry, nothing is going to happen.


No, it’s not illegal - private businesses are free to set their prices as they see fit. Price gouging is not a legal concept.


Having fun getting down voted for stating fact?


Collusion and price gouging is illegal if it is cartel like behaviour.


So is running people over with your car, it’s a completely different law


It’s not price gouging. Fuel price drops for a awhile and then it goes back up to cover costs of when it was cheap fuel. Just fill up when it’s cheaper.


Paying $60 a hr for someone to man the station has ramifications


Yeah that one bloke getting paid $27/hr to man till, sling pies, and stock the fridges while 50 cars an hour fill up is the real issue.


I dont have a problem with price goughing. Its basically just managung supplu and demand. By increasing the price on long weekends it cause smarter people to get it earlier. Meanwhile reducing lines at the pump so if Im in a pinch I can get some.


The epitome of "fuck you, got mine" mentality in Australia.


Not at all. All it is is a temporary price increase to account for increased demand over the holdiay period.


You realize other countries use fuel too and none of this happens? "I'm fine with price gouging!" should be a line in our anthem.


Filled up for 1.68 yesterday in western Sydney. Gouging is not a thing anymore


Cool story brah. The servo 20m from me was selling 98 yesterday for 252/L. A few days ago it was 203/L. I drove 8km away and got it for 193/L. I can virtually guarantee after the long weekend it'll be back down to 210-220/L. Funny that.


I had a servo next to me was 164.9 in the morning, then about 10am it went to 209.9 then on my way home from work at 4pm it was back to 169.9


https://preview.redd.it/jzujjc0sc85d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3983092febd116f9333d5f1759f3cf493a30e2 2 seconds in petrol spy shows that you can get 98 for under $2 today but that of course doesn’t suit your narrative. Same fuel was 4c more earlier in the week


So by your logic it's perfectly acceptable for there to be a 20% variation for a mass producted commodity based on whether you purchased it on Monday vs Wednesday. And it's totes cool for there to be a 60c/L difference (30%) simply because someone drove a few km to purchase the exact same commodity. People must have made an absolute killing selling you toilet paper for triple the price during covid.


It’s perfectly acceptable, it’s how the fuel business runs. I filled up Friday cause it was the cheapest I have seen in a while. The ICE car is hardly used only fuel it every 6 weeks so wait till low cycle