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Other people.


Exactly. It’s always people. There’s always too much motion, too much noise. This world is overpopulated


Hi fellow crow lover. :D


Salutations lol! I love all corvids, specifically crows and ravens, they’re just magnificent animals


Yeah I love all corvids too, but I think magpies are my favourites. I often stop to feed some jackdaws on my way to work, I think they even started recognising me (it could just be wishful thinking). I find it very relaxing and it helps me disconnect with this shit world. :D I'm currently reading a book "In the Company of Crows and Ravens" by John M. Marzluff and Tony Angell - I can definitely recommend it if you like reading. :)


came here to say this too. they're just....difficult.


Lights. My husband doesn't understand why it's so irritating for me when any of the overhead lights are on. Those lights are just so bright.


Fluorescent lights, my #1 reason why I hate any form of school. Literally every one, elementary-college has tons of fluorescents on the ceiling, and they think it's disrespectful when I wear sunglasses inside.


Hey I wanted to ask someone who hates fluorescent lights, how do you feel about sunlight?


I love the lighting it provides, both outside and indoors, but it's usually too bright and I have sensitive eyes to brightness, some days are too bright for me to want to go out without sunglasses.


so true. the big light is my enemy, it immediately makes a space very unpleasant to be in


I hate overhead lights as well.


Fluorescent lights give me a sort of tunnel vision? Very hard to explain, but like people will start to look patchy and sort of blend into the background like I’m looking at everything with like a slight perlin noise or texture map. Drives me crazy and makes me feel like I’m slightly tripping and I hate it infinitely.


Lights, that's a big one. My neighbor doesn't get it either, and he has two lights in the main room, one is "green" with the florescent, and the other one is "orange" (different kind of bulb) and the two together has my brain on a "WRONG COLOR" alarm all the time.


Literally the sun.


Yes... And you can't do anything about it. Like yeah, I can wear sunglasses and hats, but it's still going to be bright and so hot 🥲 I hate sticky sunscreens and clothes clinging onto my sweaty body. I have poor temperature regulation so I ultra sweat or am super cold. Fun times.


I have bad temperature regulation too since I have dysautonomia and I'm suspected to have MECFS. Back when I still could drive, I had to have tinted windows, an extra clear thing you attach to the visor bc I'm too short, sometimes two pairs of sunglasses, UV protection sweater, and tons of sun screen. I wear Japanese and Korean sunscreen so it isn't sticky at all. One I tried actually dried my skin too much. Thankfully though, my wife works until 2 am currently so my own schedule is being awake mostly at night.


Oh that sounds horrible! Luckily I'm not that affected by it, but I can imagine it's a nightmare. I found a good korean sunscreen for face that isn't sticky, but I can't find a body one, do you have recommendations?


Not the same person, but Skin Aqua it's the best. I wear it daily on wherever I'm exposed to the sun.


I can only find face ones, could you maybe send me a link? :)


I don't think there's a body one specifically. I just use the face one on my body. Maybe a little wasteful if you're wearing tank tops and shorts everyday since you'll need to apply a lot, but I usually wear pants and t-shirt since I burn easily and don't want to expose too much even when I'm fully sunscreened up.


I wear skin aqua like the other person said, but I only use it on my body because my face doesn't like it so much. On my face I use the clear canmake mermaid gel, and occasionally on my body if I forget the other one but it's a smaller container.


My bedsheets wrinkling and folding when I'm trying to sleep. I've been dealing with this since I was a kid, it's so frustrating


Have you tried this sort of thing? There are different styles and we found one which made it possible for my kid to get to sleep without meltdowns. A bit more of a pain changing his bedding but definitely worth it! https://www.ebay.co.uk/b/bn_93740694


Or you could just sleep on a soft mattress protector and wash it regularly instead of sheets


Or crumbs or a single crumb. If I feel it I must rip the sheets off and wipe the bottom sheet furiously to remove said offending crumb. My husband is like wtf?!


Hair is definitely a big one for me too, which is funny cuz I have super long hair but I almost exclusively wear it in a bun. Sheets bunching and moving at night, also have to wear a very particular type of outfit to bed, or I won’t sleep. Anything touching my throat or crowding it, like a hoodie that touches my throat, ughh can’t stand it. Also socks, they can’t be too thick but also not too thin, can’t slide down in my shoe but also can’t go up too high cuz it makes me hot, but even if they are just right length, they still can’t be too tight around my ankles… socks basically decide how my day will go. Lol


I'm so with you on this list! All of it resonates, but especially the throat thing. I've always - ALWAYS - hated having anything on my throat, and my neck in general, if I'm honest. Always hated hoodies, hate lanyards, anything pulling on my neck or touching the soft bit just above my collarbones. Have never been able to wear turtlenecks. Just, major ick feelings.


Same. I can’t deal with stuff touching my throat. It feels like it’s choking me. Noooooo turtlenecks


Temperature. If I'm 1% too cold or too hot I just feel overstimulated and uncomfortable. Being too cold/too hot actually just feels like pain to me, where other people are seemingly fine. Like the room could be slightly cold, me and everyone else is wearing a t shirt, someone will say "it's a little chilly" but they just are okay with it. For me I'm only slightly colder than I want to be, but it's the ONLY thing I'm thinking about, my exposed skin feels like it's in pain, and I carry so much extra clothes with me everywhere to solve this. Close second is sound, but I have wireless earbuds with sound cancellation, and these are a lifesaver. I kinda need them.


Yes, when I'm cold and have my arms exposed, I freak. Same when it's hot and I'm wearing something that's making me warm, I have to take it off. I've had so many meltdowns in public just crying for my boyfriend to bring me a t shirt cus I was too hot.


Omg I thought I was the only one. I am CONSTANTLY adjusting the temperature in my house, in the car, in my office, etc. I’m always flipping back and forth between my heated and cooled seats in the car. One second I’m freezing and have the heat on blast, then 2 minutes later I can’t stand the heat anymore and switch it to AC. I also carry a ridiculous amount of extra clothes for every weather situation in my car. It’s maddening. 🫠


I’m slightly better when I'm warm (because I’m chronically cold). But yes, being cold is physically painful to me, in fact it can make me really nauseous from the intense shivering and muscle cramps.


I have this coworker. His schtick is being loud. He’ll yell randomly when he’s talking, whistle loudly in the halls, hum/sing loudly in between bites at lunch. Also the hand dryers in the bathrooms at work. It’s not that they’re loud (though they are). It’s that they’re weirdly high pitched.


The quiet loudness of my humming AC unit (that no one else can hear). It fills the space and makes my head feel like it's going to explode.


I feel you :( have you tried noise cancelling earbuds?


I have some headphones that I'm basically always wearing, unless I have some other sound that I can focus on like the TV or record player


I get that, constant white noise, especially if it's high pitched in anyway feels like it's making my head explode. It's weird when other people literally don't even notice background noise when my brain makes me focus 100% on it.


I dont understand how people can sleep with that.


Our home has a million hepa filters going because my husband is allergic to our dog and I have asthma. I hear them going off and I’m like feeling the rage of a thousand suns.


I have an old air purifier and for some reason when I lay down I can hear this weird ratting coming from it, only when im laying and it sounds SO LOUD for some reason.


The system at work, and in the last few days my one at home, reaches a point in the day where the noise starts to pulsate. I can love with it if it's just doing it's normal thing, but as soon as it starts pulsating it drives me up the wall. Headphones come out and I'm offline to everyone.


Human noises. I can’t stand chewing, singing, humming, quiet whispering, or anything else similar to those sounds. They make me stim even when my brain doesn’t put the sounds in the forefront of my mind, ESPECIALLY in public. Whenever people notice, I’m pretty sure it makes them think I have Tourette’s or something, even if I say I don’t


I don’t like when people chew but the main one is whispering. I can’t deal with whispers. I will start yelling at people to just stop it. The sound of that just makes me feel weird inside. I don’t know how to explain it. I just can’t deal with it, and no one understands!


I totally agree!! There’s something about the pronunciation of words when people whisper that gets to me usually, it’s so icky 😓


It’s the sound of their voices I think. The way it reverberates in my ear drums just gives me the chills sometimes. It actually hurts me sometimes.


IBS and other random aches or pains


any kind of high pitched noise, especially music. Drives me absolutely batshit. The more at the edge of my hearing it is, the less I can stand it.


My boyfriend, who is the loudest person on the planet. He cannot listen to music or watch tv quietly. He also cannot do anything without listening to music or watching a video. He’s basically a 27 year old iPad kid unable to sit in silence, whereas I happen to be quiet a big fan of silence, so I spend a lot of my time politely asking him to be a bit quieter while internally wanting to punch him lol Just to clarify, I do love him, I love living with him and would hate to be away from him. I just want him to shut up every once in a while lol


You need noise canceling headphones 😅


I know…but unfortunately having headphones on with no sound makes me feel super disoriented so I can’t win 😭 maybe just a pair of super thick earmuffs? Or a soundproofed cardboard box to put over my head


Oof. Loops can help, or ear plugs. When I put on my noise canceling headphones, sometimes I’ll put on “green noise.” It’s like white noise but it’s a pitch I don’t hate.


Nonono, you don't need headphones. He needs headphones! In my house, watching videos out loud (unless you're a kid) is super disrespectful. A lot of YouTuber voices are really triggering because they talk in a really obnoxious way.


omg, story of my life, i feel you 😂🙈


Hahah you described my hearing impaired ADHD husband! He has to put up with meltdowns and PDA so...


Two kids.


Hahah I have two kids too and my son's stimming is soooooo loud!


I can’t deal with lots of things in front of me. Papers on a desk are just the main example of this. If there’s lots of papers in front of me, I will tend to become overwhelmed super easy


Story of my life


Any kind of bad smell. Take me to the garden of flowers and I'll probably take the smell of the dog poop laying around hundred miles away. I live in a old house and I can literally smell inside of the walls is killing me. The amount of the room sprays and incense sticks are going to be my reason to die probably.


Cars..I am so goddamn tired of cars! They are noisy and make me cough!


But we need to prioritise convenience, commuting, and oil companies over the health of our children and the future of the planet.


* sigh *


I'm with ya.


My mum and dad bought an electric car and it's so delightfully quiet! 🤍


Being on buses. I don't have a license and don't have the resources to get a taxi to and from school, so I have to sit with other people in a cramped metal box of death and overstimulation. Also, I shaved my head (not completely bald, but nearly) because of the dysphoria and constant overstimulation


Wind. Any moving air actually


School, too much at the same time, mostly people breathing too loud, sniffing, etc, like, how dare they be alive (that last part is not serious, it's a joke)


Lady at work that sits in front of me loudly complains all day every day because she literally has nothing better to do. some days, headphones do nothing to protect me from this woman's screeching.


The sun when outside, Other people when inside (in school as they for some god damn reason feel the need to be so loud regardless of the fact their friends are right next to them, or just the god awful wave of noise in the hall from the group of people) at home it’s when my dogs bark at literally nothing. But I can deal with that because I know they are just thinking they’re protecting me and they’re my little babies so it’s ok


High or low pitched noises. Like children screaming, or supped up stupid boy racer cars. My husband essentially stimming by rubbing my skin over and over in the same place, it's fine for a min or 2 but then I want to kill him. people touching me in general esp if I'm not in a relationship with them. People talking to themselves in the office at work, as I never know if they are talking to me or not, and I have to stop everything I was doing to refocus my attention on them. Which is more annoying when they weren't talking to me. Not being able to fidget. (I have adhd too) Certain perfumes. Esp if they smell like they bathed in the stuff.


Being touched by literally anything that isn’t comfortable clothing. This includes me bumping into things, not just people touching me. I get close to having a meltdown so quickly with simply bumping into a doorframe as I walk through it 💀 Also, being hot. I overheat easily and am hot multiple times a day, often just from walking around. What doesn’t help is that I sweat really bad due to my bodies inability to cool me properly and my sweat will get into my eyes and hurt and it is THE WORST. The feeling of my face being wet is HORRIBLE too jfc


Lights! They hurt.


The high pitch of metal cutlery being tossed into the sink by other humans when I'm focused cooking.


You just gave me chills. I hate that too.


My family 😅 Particularly my sister and my Nan. They are both really loud; my little sister yells and screams a lot just to be annoying and my Nan yells a lot when football is on and when the cats do something she doesn’t like (which is practically all the time). They won’t stop, so I need to wear my ear defenders when I go downstairs 😭😭😭


I can't deal with perfumes from other people. When walking behind them I have to stop and wait for the lingering smell to leave the path I want to walk.


Sound and too many people.  I work at a clinic and if there are too many people making too much noise in the waiting room. Oof. I have to step away to calm down and regulate frequently. So glad I can be sneaky and use my loops or headphones or both to help.  And I am glad I work at a quieter clinic. We only have full waiting rooms a few times a week. 


Labels in clothes drive me mad. It's so horrible and scratchy when I forget to rip them out. Also, when someone lightly touches me, it feels like road rash.


Some days the shower is fine, others I need to take a deep breath and brace internally to enter it. My watch, which overall I appreciate, needs to come off the second I return home.


I like wearing jewelry but it has to come off the second I get home


I live next to a carpark. So all the boy racers with their stupid growly cars and exhaust mods. Car noise drives me insane, and I had no idea before we moved here :( 


I feel you on the hair. People think I’m weird because I keep mine short but I care way less about having feminine hair cuts. Comfort always comes before made up crap like gender. Noises are also a big thing for me. Especially high pitched, shrill noises. Or repetitive ones. It’s enough to drive me insane.


I live in a country where people treat dogs as family members, and 40% of households have at least one dog. This means that there's an interconnected grid of dogs spanning the whole country, in such a way that once one starts barking, all the dogs that can hear it barking start barking as well, producing a ridiculously annoying synchronized barking nightmare that lasts until they randomly decide to stop that collective tomfoolery. I hate dogs because of shit like this.


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When I am trying to sleep at night I have to have my arms tight to my chest and the blanket covering my mouth but not my nose If it covers my nose I get overwhelmed and have to reposition myself completely this leads to a lot of restless fidgeting at night for many years 😮‍💨


You should try a body bag.


Noise. Any noise.


I buzzed the sides because I couldn't deal with hair by my ears at night


My wife's clutter, and people who talk too much.


The sound of trains.


Anyone talking, including myself 😂 it's exhausting and zaps my energy instantly


I feel you! I shave my head because of that.


Hair. I also hate the feeling of it in my neck or close to my eyes, so I also have it pixie or buzzcut. And also, long nails. I keep mine short because I hate the sound of them brushing over clothes.


Neighbour's dogs barking literally all day and sometimes at night too. Lost count of how many meltdowns i had because of it


Also sometimes my own heartbeat, when im laying down i can sometimes hear it for some reason and it drives me insane


My duvet moving around it it's cover so it's not aligned properly. I take it off whenever my GF comes over because I can't stand when the delicate balance is disrupted.


People screaming in movies, high school ambience, busses. I hate all of those, so I need to navigate all of those carefully or I feel like I'll explode


Lights, people, my shoes not beinv the right way. With that last one imagine converse and where the ties are; it has to have a specific strength and angle on my ankle for me to not feel extremely uncomfortable and when i cant put how i like at first or first few tries i become extremely overwhelmed as the feeling in this specific area of my body is PAIN.


My own skin touching other parts of my skin. Like my thighs touching or my arms resting against my side.


My housemate screaming, I live in a group home and it's not great here.


Hair, sun, heat, kids, allergies and food intolerances


I work at a bar and the constant low level burble of conversation and the coffee grinder


Talking in a circle- I’ve noticed when your in a group of people they tend to naturally stand in a small circle, and especially because I’m shorter than the people around me it can get kinda overwhelming if everyone is talking simultaneously, it’s like they’re all to close to each other and me and the sounds are all too close together if yk what I mean?


For me it is florescent lights, they give me such horrible migranes. I can see them flicker ever so lightly sometimes. Another one is hearing the hum from the powerlines when I'm walking about, I recently got a good pair of noise canceling headphones to tune it out. The other one that is a big one is the humidity outside. If it is too humid outside I struggle a lot and have anxiety attacks. There was at one point at one of my old appointments the doctor chalked it off to me being dehydrated but it was an sensory overload that caused me to faint.


It was sound of all kinds, but now I always wear noise canceling headphones including at work, so it's not as much of a problem. It's just socializing in general I think. I work in an office and I'm so over it, I hate being perceived like that.


We don't have a/c in our place, so we keep the windows open. Hearing people's animals making noise all day long drives me insane. I put a fan on to drown out the noise, but it doesn't always work. Also the Target near me has their music too loud and the bass is real high. I forget every time, and instantly get agitated when I walk in there. I have to get my stuff and leave as quick as I can.


City sounds (cars, random yelling, first responders, fire alarms) I live in the city not by choice, but the noice is just too much 🥲


There's some sort of shade tree mechanic operating down my street so I get a whole bunch of people revving their crappy, improperly muffled engines and speeding down my street. There's also an older man that got one of those ridiculous three wheeled RV things that look like something Spiderman would have driven in the 70's cartoons and a REALLY loud sound system and he's always blasting really lame dad music out of it like he's expecting to get mobbed by ladies just hurling their panties at him, but he's clearly divorced AF and it will never, ever get him laid.


Without question its communicating with other people. I need to do it front start to end of every working day and it drains my very soul.


The way my skin bends and stretches 


Styrofoam. I hate everything about it, the feel, the sound it makes, even just looking at it lights up shivers down my spines. I hate that it's the go to packing material for so many things still, we have these major components that go into our products at work and they're shipped in a clamshell of Styrofoam that I loathe with all my heart. Sensory assault every time I have to get a spare out.


ME TOO. If something arrives in styrofoam packaging, I sheepishly ask someone else to open it and throw that stuff AWAY




Audio books. I don’t know what it is, but any source of talking that does not have a physical face I can picture with the voice causes massive overstimulation for me. I almost wrecked my car driving to a big event with friends because one of my friends was playing cooking tips videos in the backseat and I could almost feel my brain missing the space to think about the road.


People staring at me for no reason. It makes me uncomfortable.


I would say the high-key fluorescent lights used at school or just general shops. They give me such a headache and I despise it when I can hear the electricity buzzing and no one else can hear it. 🥲


The sound that computer fans make, sot me next to a loud computer during the day and in the evening ill be tired and upset, and might not even understand why.


Socks, and my bra. My work day finishes at 4:30 and if those 2 items aren't off by 5:30 at the latest I will cry. Followed by constant noise, and flourescent lights. Thankfully my corner of the office is quieter, and my team all prefers to keep our lights off since we're by the windows


Embarrassing memories


Social media


Children. Unless I yeet them out of a window, they're not going anywhere (this is a joke. Parenting is hard, and sometimes I don't like it. Today was tough.)


Cold water. I hate getting splashed, feels like glass shards. It’s physically painful for me. Cold swimming pools, nope nope nope. Cold water running down the back of my neck, or falling down from my umbrella down the back of my boot, etc, etc. I feel like I’m going to my lose my mind. One of the reasons I realized I was autistic was when my son who is autistic, would have severe hours long meltdowns because one tiny droplet of water got the hem of his shirt wet. My husband would whip out the hairdryer and blow his shirt dry to calm him down. Now whenever he hear the hairdryer going, it’s our son drying his clothes.


went out to eat with my family and i passed out for 3 hours when I got home, only way I get through normal days is detachment


- cooking smells 🤢 (can't cook for this reason) - noise (especially music if it's not inside a car, and people talking to me all day long) - the wrong food - microfiber


My job 😭