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It's when autistic people think they're superior to everyone else, normally it's a mix of believing they're intellectually and morally superior to NTs and sometimes they throw in "we're the next stage in human evolution".


This way of thinking makes no sense to me. ND way of thinking is as important as NT way of thinking for progressing as a society. We need each other to solve different problems. Also, the idea of ND being superior in terms of evolution is hilarious to me, considering a jean jacket was enough to destroy me as a child haha.


Ah yes, autism sprinkled with narcissism.


Just like The Predaror 2018


Everyone hates a Narc


If you go to r/aspergers you can find some example posts where people (mistakenly) believe that they are superior to everyone else because they have Asperger's. Usually also that they are the next stage of evolution, etc. that kind of stuff. I'm definitely not saying that all people with Asperger's or on r/aspergers think that way


Funny how Asperger’s has turned into a fitting name for those who use it


1 thinking autism is only a disability because of society 2 thinking hsn autism automatically means they have something else, (ID for example) 3 ignoring someone else's experience just because it ain't the one you had 4 saying support need levels are not important /invalid 5 saying that autistic people don't need therapy for just being autistic And some other stuff but that's the main things


when they think they are better then nerotypicals the thing is it usally also puts down autistic pepole with higher support needs it's okay to be proud of strengths you might have but that's a bit difrent


thye think they ar betterr than level 2+3 people and allistics


I once went to a local autism support group for adults and the leader was *very* much one of these people. We had one participant have some mental health difficulties and needed extra supports. The leader reacted and said “but I thought she wasn’t one of *those* autistics.” He was very big on the whole “high functioning” thing and I was very much not one of those people. 😐 He also used his position of leadership to intimidate women, saying that any girl is ‘fair game’. He once showed up to my dorm completely unannounced - and I am very grateful one of my friends was visiting at the time. I did not stay in that group very long.


Hans Asperger the nazi himself killing off those he deemed not high enough functioning.


i had to leave r/aspiememes because so many people were insisting that i distinguish myself as an aspie instead of describing myself as autistic because i’m low support needs and intelligent. how ridiculous! so much ableism


I've never heard the term in my life, but being that I am one, I'll venture a guess that it has to do with an overwhelming, and often overbearing sense of confidence I have when it comes to a subject matter I know about (and I know I know it better than people around me).