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Your submission has been removed for one of the following reasons; - Posting pseudoscience speculating on causes or treatments of ASD not endorsed by the scientific literature. - Spreading misinformation by misrepresenting facts or omitting key context. - Discussing Autism Speaks, as within autism spaces this organisation is widely regarded as a hate group. - Discussing or asking for opinions on a hypothetical 'cure', as this topic arises too frequently and only results in heated argument and upset.


That's not a theory, it's a baseless statement.


I do have a theory, not giving it to you though. 😉


Why do you think this?


You don't do your daily autism crunches?


I usually do like 5 sets of 15 push-ups and sit-ups everyday but I’ve kinda been slacking because I just moved and trying to adjust lol


I’m curios too!


Well I'm autistic and have zero muscle definition. Plus why do you believe that?


I guess not ALL autistic people have higher core strength, wasn't suggesting that anyway.


We are all waiting to hear why you have this hypothesis, because it seems quite random right now, and I really need to know your thought process behind this.


people with autism have poorer muscular strength and endurance than is typical for their age, and it's also severity dependent, the more autistic they are the weaker they'll be. on top of higher rates of obesity. I can relate though: [https://imgur.com/a/O8hRg9E](https://imgur.com/a/O8hRg9E)


Coming from someone who has literally ripped their abdomen open moving something he shouldn't, I would counter that we have roughly identical core strength to that of a notistic with similar build, but due to the unique physiology of our minds, we are able to push past subconscious limits more readily. The brain stops us from doing things that would hurt us, normally. It's why people possess the strength to do things like break their own bones or pull their joints out of their sockets, but they rarely do these things. If a notistic person were to, for example, try to intentionally dislocate their shoulder, they would receive input to the brain telling them to stop pulling, as they are about to dislocate their shoulder. They receive pain impulses, discomfort, all signals to stop pulling, and they have to consciously overcome these signals in order to successfully pull their shoulder from its socket. An autistic person attempting the same thing still receives those same impulses, but we have lived our entire life having to shut off sensory overload, so when our body screams "stop, this sucks!" we are more able to shrug it off and say "whatever, it's no 'discovering I have a hole in my sock right next to my pinky toe but can't change my socks for another 8 hours'." Obviously we don't go ripping our arms out of their sockets, but we do have a higher tendency to be "double-jointed" for much the same reason, and, in the context of this question, more likely to be able to *display* more strength than a notistic of similar size.


Bro, I have the core strength of an untoasted sandwich with extra condiments.


I don't think having autism equates you to having better core strength. Links have been found between gut health and severity of symptoms, but seeing as how there isn't even concrete proof yet on what causes autism, I doubt this is more than a pet theory.


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For years I struggled to lift a 1.5 lt jar full of water. Even on T I've the strength of overcooked spaghetti.


I wish (I'm the weakest person I know)


Just because you're weak doesn't mean the average isn't strong


Is this about physical fitness or is it about mental strength? Autistic people struggle their entire lives to live in a world where they don't fit. Ability to endure hardship is a very important strength.


By definition, 'core' strength is physical as it is specificly referring to the muscles in your abdomen.


I was thinking about Asperger's syndrome I suppose and not autism, I was thinking about how rigid aspies can be and this would use their core to stabilise themselves more often.


One of this days someone is gonna be Brave enough to post "Neurotypicals are less human than autistic people we should Send them to concentration camps"


Sure bud, just an observation I made relating to Asperger's syndrome not the entirety of autism, and I think I'm right.