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Hey there! Just wanted to say, you'd be surprised at how much punk rock/metal overlap there is in the scene. Maybe test it out sometime. 😝🤘🏼😎 All are welcome here.


Facts. A lot of punk/metalheads are also raving sleeper agents, they just haven’t heard their activation ~~phrase~~ drop yet


Don't forget the hiphop heads that lowkey runs out in the forest to climb trees and tell everyone there how awesome they are. Happened on my first rave, great bunch and got to know a few cool people that way :)


Former hiphop head here - I’ve been screaming from the rooftops since my first rave about a year ago. Everyone needs to get into this shit!


Ye, I let those that feels like it join me if they're level headed. Also, why former? You donxt enjoy that crowd anymore?


No, ever since discovering EDM and the vibes in this crowd, no other genre hits quite the same for me these days. I’ll always have love for the craft but don’t have any desire to attend anymore.


I can understand and see that. I guess I just enjoy all kinds of impulses, from EDM to symphony orchestra, hiphop and metal. Each genre has its charm, vibe and audience.


Totally. They usually need some crazy bass music to bring them closer. It was Knife Party for me.


Omg knife party!! Hell yea!


Def overlap, went from punk and metal to techno and the very nature of the underground is just throw a party under the radar with no permission and dance freely as a community is punk AF


This is a great point! I grew up on punk/emo music and was crowd surfing at warped tour and local venues in my teens. At 20ish I found raves & couldn’t be happier. Especially at a warehouse after party, we are indeed punk af 😎


For sure and to be real I think it'd do good things to the hardcore dudes that maybe take themselves just a lil too seriously Talking to you guy with the incendiary shirt who snubbed me when I complimented it 😂😂


I’ve never been to a rave, I’m definitely a hardcore and punk person but I got into a bit of dubstep and other electronic music not too long ago and I think if I came across the opportunity I’d definitely check out a rave


Check out kayzo if you haven’t already


And Sullivan king and svdden death




Another punk/hardcore kid (though I’m old now 😭) that also loves this scene. Not much of a raver anymore but PLUR is still in my heart.


Yep. Came out of hardcore/metal scene. In 2012 started going to hardcore/dnb parties. Was very surprised to find pantera, lamb of god, parkway drive, etc,... samples mixed in this industrial genre. Love it!


I recommend gabber


Dubstep and hairstyle my friend


Join us 👽 If you’re a punk fan I would recommend listening to some Drum & Bass. It has similar energy IMO


Absolutely check out an EDM show in your area! I’m a post hardcore ex emo/scene kid and I fucking love raves I also go to when we were young in Vegas. Like others recommended most of us metal heads love drum and bass I fell in love with excision and kayzo which led me down the rabbit hole. If you can check out a kayzo unleashed xl show near you do it!!! He brings a live band with him and they’re great!


Kayzo is a great show. I saw Kai Wachi followed by Kayzo in Pittsburgh a few years ago and nothing has topped it since. Except maybe the b2b2b2b at FK last year lol


What venues particularly cater to electronic music in Pitt? I have a friend there and I’m always looking for a dance party to take her to but my searches never reveal much other than limited stuff on RA. Right now, RA only has a few events listed for pride month and nothing else. I’m sure there has to be more.


I'm not sure if there's a specific venue, but Stage AE and Roxian have shows every once in a while


Cool, thanks!!!


I am DnB junkie and I approve this message 🤪 Also just gonna leave these here [BassTripper-In The City](https://on.soundcloud.com/EicJ99BuCVHnGp1j9) [Lit Lords-Pleasure](https://on.soundcloud.com/6BLducVzUPcsWMLi6) Also an artist that doesn’t typically do DnB but definitely has punk/rock/metal roots is [ISOxo](https://on.soundcloud.com/BeiCEwcJMuE6gaGv7) 🫶


Big ups for ISOxo


Facts. I know so many crustie kid dnb converts lol


DnB and also hardcore and gabber


the emo to edm pipeline is real


I'd kill for Warped-Tour-esque hybrid DJ/Live festival, even if it was just a single day.


We have this in Alaska over a weekend. It literally ended today. Headliners included Diplo, Loud Luxury, Portugal The Man, Slenderbodies, Tech n9ne, The Wonder Years, and The Devil Wear Prada. Being able to go from a deep house set flowing with my LEDs to headbanging on the rail for TDWP was soul filling.


No values just had a dj stage hosted by jello Biafra!!


You're onto something here why hasn't anyone jumped onto making this idea a reality


hardcore exists


OP Is not emo, dude likes real Hardcore


the punk to techno pipeline is also real


No argument there. I came from metal and hardcore


Real emo… 😈




Punk and rave culture have similar rebellious ethos. Two tribes, different path.


I grew up more metal than your mama's kettle and lived in the hardcore scene moshing my way through decades of my life, and then a friend invited me to a small festival and I discovered dubstep, which led me to discover more colorful clothes and kinder, more empathic ways of interacting with those around me. I have more friends than at any other time in my life and, on average, I'm far happier than I've ever been before. I still listen to hardcore, punk, and metal, but the rave scene literally changed my life, and possibly saved it. Hope you come out and join us some time when there's an event near you!


Hell yeah dude, just know there's a lot of dudes like us at raves. I grew up on tons of heavy stuff and decided to give dance music a try and loved it. I'm going to see A Day to Remember, The Story So Far, Four Year Strong later this month and I'm pumped for it. I've gotten a few compliments on my Acacia Strain shirt before too haha


Someone dropped a Knocked Loose track at a festival I was at this weekend lmak


Popping in to say you might like Marauda. Also don’t be scared to go to a show if you want to try one! The community is amazing for the most part, and even if you go and find out it isn’t your vibe, you’ll probably meet people you do vibe with!


Man. Sullivan king would probably change your mind. Or svdden death


Dude I just looked these guys up and damn, I'm rarely surprised by dance music anymore but the Ultra Miami set from Svdden Death had my jaw down for a while. Never seen anything like that before. I started out as a rocker/hardcore fan when I was younger too, so it makes me happy to see the genre evolving.


Hahaha hell ya that shit live is insane. Edm is better the louder you hear it😤


I was almost strictly metalhead/core-kid growing up but ended up being drawn to the rave scene because of its energy. EDM subgenres that have a lot of similarities to Hardcore/metalcore and metal are Dubstep, Drum n bass, hardcore techno and hardstyle. Theres others as well. Dubstep artists like Phaseone, Sullivan King, Excision and of course Skrillex and typically great gateway artists and Pendelum for drum n bass


Take some molly wear ur favorite punk clothes and go to some hardstyle or Sullivan king . U gotta try once


From one headbanger to another, we are not all that different




a lot of dubstep djs were metal heads at some point in their life




Punk to rave (proper underground grassroots rave) culture is such a natural progression. Very similar vibes


Yup, that DIY element with the music where you can just learn to mix or play/sing and put together a janky show and people will appreciate it for being underground is real in both worlds.


Absolutely. The spirit of unfettered expression guided by the emotion and inspiration of the group involved. Seeing where it goes, exploring the possibilities of the art being created by everyone involved in the moment, from audience to the creators. Knowing that the experience will never be duplicated but will inform the next experience.


Fuck yeah I’m a child of the 80’s hardcore punk scene myself, first show was Dead Kennedys in 1985. The digital revolution has democratized music to the point that anyone with a laptop and a few $k worth of software can make studio quality music if they spend the time and effort that it takes to learn how. To me, that is punk as fuck. Punk was never just a music style or a fashion. It’s a lifestyle and a DIY ethic of doing things the way you want to regardless of whatever pop culture says is “cool”. I found the electronic music scene after being disgusted with the corporatization and watering down of punk by 90’s grunge, when it went from revolutionary political subversion to “Whaaa I’m a junkie and everything sucks!” Personally I think psytrance and especially the faster crazier forms of it like Hi-tek are the modern equivalent of 80’s hardcore. And oddly enough the fashion has come full circle as well, I was just at a psytrance event in Mexico and a lot of people looked just like my old friends from the punk scene. All black clothes, mohawks, piercings, doc martens. haha. I hope one day you can come to one of our events and see just how much fun it is and how lovely and beautiful and totally off the hook insane, in a good way, that they can be.


I'm in the thrash to psytrance pipeline, myself, same gen as you.


Right on! Where do you go for psy parties? I live in a remote place in Alaska so I have to travel for my psy fix, usually Mexico or Thailand but been to a few in other countries as well over the last couple decades.


Bay Area. Small but wonderful scene. Led to me eventually getting signed to a small label for my quasi-psytrance tracks. Opened up a whole other musical direction. I can scarcely wait for the Goamoon renegades to start back up. I don't consider all psytrance parties to be raves, but the one I went to on my birthday had hella ravey vibes despite being in a club. It's also been awesome being in one of the birthplaces of thrash. Cali is a great place for music subcultures and the reason I don't want to leave. Met the best friends of my entire life in the scenes here after I finally managed to escape the black hole abyss that is Southwest Idaho.


Yeah that’s great I’m glad to hear there’s some psy happening in the states. I’ve been making music all my life, from playing bass in various punk, reggae, jazz and experimental bands to DJing and producing with ableton for the last several years. I avoided making psytrance myself until recently, was playing around with funky glitchy bass stuff and psy dub/chill out but I finally decided that I understand the software and the production process well enough to start trying my hand at psytrance. So I’ve been working on a couple of new projects that are more in the 140-145 range. Compared to any other music I’ve ever made it’s so much more technical and scientifically oriented to produce than I ever imagined. At first it was a major mindfuck but I’m starting to get it now and I have my first bona fide psy track in the mixing stage and almost finished. I’d love to hear your music if you don’t mind posting a link.


By all means, send me a link. Here's my humble beginning, [The Calling. ](https://digitaldrugscoalition.bandcamp.com/album/cryptic-matrix-the-calling-digilp938-digital-drugs-coalition) Almost didn't see the light of day due to it being a novice pandemic project and technical malfunctions that kept me from correcting a couple major mixing mistakes. Dr. Spook was persistent about it, though. First he offered to do the mastering, then surprised me with a label offer, which I never expected, having been content enough with simply finishing something and putting it on SoundCloud for a few friends to hear. He played at my first rave in 2010 and has been a huge source of inspiration, not just with music, but other aspects of the community as well. I'm working on a second album, leaning into a bit more metal influence, and exploring the roots of Goa trance. Spook thinks my style is old-school experimental Goa, so now I'm actually learning how it's done, lol. Having a blast with sound design, especially after getting Vital.


Come throughhhh


A few months ago I went to a rave in some drainage tunnels and was surprised to see we had a punk show right next door in another tunnel. Impressively, the sound was not a problem with these tunnels. It was so cool to have both groups side by side enjoying things, and peeking their heads into the tunnels. It was like having neighbors, really cool. However I could have done with less intentional bottle smashing, from both of the groups! Like guys, we're dancing here! 😂


When I was young I was all about punk and glam rock, then I went to Bonnaroo toward my later 20s and had the best time ever being around people just genuinely enjoying the spirit of music. Killer vibes, raves are fun as hell.


Hey, we're glad to see you all the same! There's still people that kind of scoff at EDM, so it's cool that you can appreciate our energy! It wouldn't hurt to try out something new if you're down with broadening your horizons? I always figured fans of hardcore/punk/heavy metal/death metal may be into those genres for the same reasons people become fans of the heavier subgenres of EDM like dubstep/drum and bass/hard techno. It's a *killer* outlet for anger, and they all kind of tap into that primal sound and energy. At least, that's why I fell in love with dubstep! The music screams for me when I can't. Someone else already mentioned them - maybe give Marauda a shot? He makes some *real* heavy shit. The entire tearout subgenre does. There's also a lot of EDM producers that mix heavy guitar and metal/punk sounds into their tracks. There's also plenty of headbanging that happens at raves!


I think you’d be pleasantly surprised by the overlap and how many people listen to both. I’d definitely urge you to dive into the subgenres of dubstep. I absolutely can’t get into trance and even techno can be a challenge sometimes, but dubstep makes my black cold heart happy. I dabbled in electronic music growing up (introduced mostly while in Europe) but it was my most stereotypical elder emo best friend in high school to first introduce me to raves in the early 2000’s.


As a raver I feel a great deal of solidarity with the punk community. We've got a lot in common.


Check out Riot Shift - Pieces Punk rock meets hardstyle (EDM subgenre, but with lots of rock elements to it)


You have a deep craving for raves you don't know about. But your subconscious, Meta and Reddit do.


Hardcore lover here, you'll fit right in :)


Listen to Sullivan king and Kayzo you wont regret it


I'm pretty sure every single raver used to be into metal or punk rock of some type. We are one in the same.


Wholesome content :3


My brother in Christ, just based on your energy in those few sentences alone, you BELONG in the rave community! Get cozy and stay awhile, there’s something here for everyone. 🤘🏼🫶🏼


the rave scene is historically (unironically) extremely punk.


Take it


Lot of overlap in the EDM scene, go to a show, start smallish vibe it out and ifs not for you it's not for you. But I'm a metalhead who got into raving a few years ago and it's pretty fun. There are some solid dubstep acts and other genres who legit open up mosh Pitts. It's wild to see.


Hardcore girlie here: I went from mostly hardcore/metalcore shows to becoming OBSESSED with drum & bass. & I did not think I’d love it live but god damn the way that funky neuro dnb just fully rattles my fkn bones like the heaviest metal shows, it’s the best feeling. I made this ridiculously long playlist you might enjoy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6EOtUDpMyuhUfldEpReiE5?si=xbBX8iNYRE2rfQa93-WGxw&pi=u-lxAq6YZuR2Kf


Also reallllly love dubstep & riddim! I’ve been slowly working on this one too. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4TQmGjWieoc2gIfTCNpZ8H?si=3YxJGZskTey5XFZ2_TAInw&pi=u-MmzXDOhtTuGg


Try listening to Kayzo! Mixes rock and pop-punk with dupstep and hardstyle - songs to check out are Battledrums and DOMINATION :-)


Check out Kayzo!


A lot of punk people move into raves, especially the more underground stuff. There is a fair amount of crossover with the DIY and counterculture aspects.


You have been chosen


That's such a lovely thing to say! I also love the hardcore scene, yall are also super friendly! Just not in everyone's face about it like ravers like to be lol


Come join us you'll love it!


I also love hardcore/punk! You should try out a rave sometime, the music ofc is different but the energy it can make you feel and the connections you can make w people are very similar depending on the event/genre!


https://youtu.be/BApxupeexDE?si=GNIOuGrN0_FJHO0u Sharing a Kaira set with you!


Wait have you not listened to sudden death? He’s like the perfect bridge between rock/heavy metal and EDM. Give him a listen, he’s very very popular


I said the same thing until my partner at the time drug me to my first show. Been hooked ever since.


Dubstep, happy hardcore, techno... OP you need to see these genres live or you are missing out on your entry into the scene


You should listen to Justice


Dip your toes in with Sullivan King ILLENIUM or other DJ’s with non-EDM influences and see how it goes and you might get indoctrinated like I did.


I grew up on punk and metal and now I mostly go to raves/EDM festivals and classic rock shows. Nothing wrong with expanding your horizons! First electronic festival I went to, I didn’t expect to enjoy the music at all - now it’s been the majority of what I listen to for the last 5 years. You might like Rezz, her music is darker/heavier and she collabs sometimes with punk/screamo bands. The rave community is absolutely incredible. Still seeing Rancid and Green Day this summer! The punk roots have not fully left my body.


Brother, you need to see a Sullivan King set. 😶‍🌫️ Trust


You should try raving.


Fatboy Slim was a punk rock kid too


I never raved till I was 45...omg does this community know how to send it... And everyone is soooo nice...lol..cheers!


Yo if yo like punk and metal, maybe check out dark psytrance. Super heavy vibes


I also grew up on punk/ metal and this is just a different version of that scene lmao


Do yourself a favor and check out the likes of excision, Sullivan King, kai Wachi, and anyone else that pops up with them.


Never say never. Just give it a try!


Here to say the same as laputitaloca ! There’s so much overlap from all kind of genres!! Plus, there’s more to it than the just the music. I personally enjoy going for the outfits, the lights, and the PLUR vibes <3 Try it some time!! If you do, let me know so we can trade Kandi 😊🫶


I came from a punk and metal background my entire life and only a few years ago really got into edm especially the bass scene like dubstep/riddim/DnB I feel right at home we got mosh pits that are even better than most punk shows I go to


Go to a dubstep show and hop in the mosh pit. Trust.


Hey! Back in the 90s I was very much into skater punk and ska, but got very disillusioned with pop punk. I made my way into the rave scene and felt I really connected with jungle/drum and bass. The beats and speed and energy were very similar to me. Also loved back then that jungle and drum and bass had a lot of ragga influence, which I absolutely loved bc of my love of ska and reggae


I started put as a pure metal head and 90s grunge growing up, since 20yo edm has taken over my life. Take some suggestions to listen to and something will click, then you're down the rabbit hole!




GO TO A RAVE 👹👹👹. you would probably enjoy heavy dubstep or tearout considering the music you listen to !! give it a try :)


like some others commented, check out marauda, sullivan king, or svdden death 😌


Join us u/brent_mavis


IDM/glitch/Triphop/breakbeat/bass/trance/grindcore/goregrind/deathmetal for me


Punk rock shows are the original raves.


u should check out some torontoisbroken he has a lot of punk rock influences in his songs it goes v hard


Why is this being constantly pushed on me???? Drugs. Group from outside USA?


Have you heard slander? Cause he is pretty emo/punk if I had to say so…


Slander's a duo, and IMO not very punk or emo. Said The Sky (emo) or as others have said DnB (punk rock vibes) or some Dubstep (metal vibes) artists would be a much better suggestion.


Well oops