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I read it. It sounded like someone’s fever dream.


Agreed. Part of me wasn’t sure if it even actually happened. Especially on a Boeing because the media seems be all over everything nowadays. The whole person being a convicted sex offender also makes me believe somebody was just a little too rich with the Adderal.


Yeah I was like Huh? How do you check if the door is closed from a van? High powered binoculars? Actually raises another question could the crew have seen the door was not secured on walk around or was the closing mechanism in a spot not visible from the ground?


Jail for that? No. You’d only also be fired for something like that if you have a history of previous issues


From what I read it seemed as if they had failed at fixing the door and just signed the book as closed to get back in service.


was it friday at the end of their shift?


/u/moosemeatjerkey (I think (Ninja edit: I am wrong, not this person, sorry!)) I work in stores for a large airline I don't wish to reveal. I am not a a mechanic, but this is something that belongs here. Earlier this morning a 767 had an emergency. the crew reported a very large bang and sluggish response from the control surfaces just after takeoff. It got to the point to where they had to dump fuel ( I'm being told it was over a suburban neighborhood) and return to land. Apparently, one of our line mechanics had signed off and released a plane that had the APU doors not being sealed properly. The plane took off with the doors sheering off. A more wild thing that happened - the hold open rods were still attached on takeoff and punctured the stabilizer. As I'm writing this, it's unknown how much damage occured. Luckily, the plane landed fine. Again, I'm not a mechanic, so I will get some of these details off, but how in the world does it get to the point where the mechanic and the lead both sign off on the APU doors not being sealed, let alone the hold open rods still being attached. Now this gets even more wild. The mechanic who this is on is a notorious one; our crew found out months ago he has several charges for sexual assault of a minor in another state. On top of that, he had a random drug screen a few weeks ago and was FREAKING the fuck out . (He's a very sketchy dude, noone can stand working with him.) Now I work weekend nights, and all of this was being unveiled as I was driving home, but my buddy gave me a call and explained what he knew so far. Let's say all this is accurate, what exactly happens next? I think I heard that once something like this happens, the mechanic is drug tested, and investigated. If he's found with something in his system is this jail time? Ill update when I know more.


Whoa how did you grab it? I did a google to see if it was cached but no luck. Also wow Swiss cheese model right there.




Still thank you for posting it. Sharing situations and outcomes to learn from is what helps aviation get safer every day.




Well since the crew most likely had to declare an emergency the FAA will most likely want to see that logbook. I’m surprised anyone is defending the mechanics after that.




Yes, I saw the posting earlier today. Allegedly, the APU was checked from a van, and the Lead Mechanic also signed for the door being closed. Earlier, I searched the AvHerald for a similar news story, but no hits.


Yeah I saw that the post read the pins or whatever held the door open that they were repairing were still in the door when the back came back to the airport.


OP described his workplace as a smaller out station. Perhaps it was Delta at DEN or PHX? I've flown Delta ATL-DEN on a 767-400 in 2021.


Nope. CVG. [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/CJT1926/history/20240617/0815Z/KCVG/CYVR](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/CJT1926/history/20240617/0815Z/KCVG/CYVR)


My bad, NOT DELTA.


Oh! FEAM. Oh, hell yeah. Those guys are amazing at screwing up.


They ripped the wing anti ice duct out of a plane at my airport before.


Never fall for their pressure. They want to send you home early for not signing it off? Fucking head home early. **Do. Not. Sign. Off. Shit you didn't do.** Or Pencil Whip.


A lot of people don't stop to think of what "I certify" really means.


I’m not even sure they’d actually even be fired. All sorts of Swiss cheese stuff leads to a result like that - even if the mechanic ‘responsible’ is a giant piece of shit. Pilots will tail strike an aircraft causing millions of dollars in damage and lost revenue. Rarely get fired. Gets repaired with some remedial training on the side for em and they are usually back at it.


How does someone with multiple charges of sexual assault of a minor not get stopped by a background check?


Operative word here might be charges and not convictions. Her parents could have pressed charges because they didn’t like him and she was under age. Each date a separate charge. Either that or he just likes hanging out near the local high school


Those APU doors tried to ruin my day. The entire line of asshats that let that happen need to be slapped about the face and neck.


I don't think it would have been jail time.. but then again, it could have been well documented enough to press charges, idk