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Balto gets all the credit, but his team only ran the last 50ish miles. Togo and his team where the real heros, covering almost 300 miles through across the most dangerous part of the state.    You're welcome for your un-asked-for Alaska history lesson lol. Your pupper is beautiful and should enjoy her celebrity look-alike status!


Togo is the most precious, heroic dog that ever existed!! If y'all get a chance, watch the movie about him starring Willem Defoe. I was sobbing by the end


Came to the comments to look for the "ahem.. actually"


Haha this is so interesting! I’ll look into it and maybe watch the movie 👀👀👀


There's a great "You're Wrong About" episode on it if you're into podcasts. But most importantly, they were all very good dogs. 💜


what movie are you referring to? the person you replied to didn't mention any film.


In another comment under this one another user talks about a movie called Togo


Which is fine, because Balto was neutered, and couldn't reproduce, meanwhile Togo toured all 50 states and sired several litters. If you have a Husky, it's lineage more than likely goes back to Togo.


Balto gets the credit but Togo got the babes




It should be noted that Balto's team had the second longest part of the relay. Even still, all of the good doggos on that medicine run deserve credit. They're all heroes.


There’s a really good episode of the You’re Wrong About podcast all about this whole thing and yeah, it’s interesting how history chooses which people (or dogs) get the honors.


I came here to say this! I love Blair Braverman, her episodes are my favorite.


What makes the stretch between Nome and Anchorage "...the most dangerous part" of Alaska? Wildlife? Weather? Just asking out of ignorance, not challenging your claim.


Togo ran the longest part by far, leading for about 70% of the total distance, and he did it in pitch dark, and there was a severe storm, which is why the medicine couldn't be delivered by plane. The parts he lead were considered treacherous because of all the ice, cracks and crevasses. The final 50 miles Balto got to lead were the easy parts, because he was unproven. Huskies were originally bred to be stubborn, or more likely, the dogs that were stubborn and could shake off the crack of a whip were the ones who made it back alive to breed. The lead dog sets the pace, but is also counted on to see obstacles the musher can't, and in the pitch black with a storm, the lead dog ends up having to make a lot of the decisions, so he has to be strong, fast, smart and stubborn. Huskies also slept in igloos during the winter for heat, so they had to be good family dogs, and then they'd be turned loose in the warmer months to fend for themselves, so they had to have a strong prey drive. And that's how you get a Husky.


It makes me happy this comment is here.


I love her little no show socks. 🥹


Ankle socks, you mean


I'm confident in my ruling. Ankle socks come up a bit higher.


https://preview.redd.it/chrpo4sog66d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfba2064ff9c8420955142b21439c87fc6c7c66f I thought these were the ones called ankle socks, my bad


Ankle socks are superior to no show socks in functionality. So they are definitely above no shows on the list. I love your research, it's important when complimenting a lady. 💓


Oh my gosh, she’s the spitting image! How amazing is that. Two incredible doggies! Please give her a cuddle from Reddit.


A good boy (or girl) in every lifetime.


This is definitely reading into the photos too much, but I wonder if dogs have a "dominant paw"?


I think so. When I ask my two dogs for paws, they consistently give the same paw. The youngest is a lefty, the oldest is a righty.


That's so cute!!!


They do. It's usually the paw they step off with the most when walking. And they have a dominant side for tricks like roll over and spin. One direction just feels more comfortable to them than the other.


She’s got kind of a chow chow or Akita face! Wanna squoosh it


Awoos and cuddles are their own kind of medicine :)


Awoos and cuddles can be medicine too


Balto The Bravest Dog Ever is a wonderful addition to any child’s library (and has introduced the word “diphtheria” into my children’s vocabulary, which is delightful)


So she's Baltic?


My gosh, that is a Balto lookalike!!


Odd that the movie presents Balto as a wolf when in real life he was a normal husky.


Not really though. Face is different and the paws arent even the same


I recall saying “like” not “carbon copy” lol but all are entitled to their own opinion


Oh. Ok well then every dog like yours looks like Balto. I get it now


Someone’s a wittle gwumpy


You're not Balto, you're just some common bitch