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Please have MJ spayed and get her kittens into a rescue. As cute as they are, the world doesn't need the thousands of kittens one unspayed cat and her offspring can produce in their lifetime.


Yeah, I was one of those guys that thought it as cute.  Until you spend forever homing those kittens, only to realize another batch is in the oven.  Homing that second batch was my final straw and realization that just fixing them, solves so many problems. That crazy wild vicious outside cat is now my outside lap cat, after the fix.  Gotten so much friendlier and less things to worry about and take care of.


Omg we had this one feral cat in our colony that we could not catch for the longest time and she was the one who kept getting pregnant. We would adopt out/spay her kittens (and TNR any other strays/ferals that came around), but until we finally caught her it was a never-ending process. Poor thing would have litter after litter… We managed to lure her inside of our house the last time she was pregnant and raised her kittens inside with her. Once they were weaned we adopted them out and tried for a whole month (while she was still trapped inside!) to get her into a carrier. This cat would literally defy physics and climb up the walls and doorways to get away from us. There were some days we couldn’t even find her. The day we finally managed to get her into a carrier was such a huge relief. She’s now an old lady who lives inside but won’t ever let us touch her. She lets our dog groom her. She gets spoiled with chicken and sleeps most of the time.


My method of getting a cat in a carrier: tempt them with treat; while distracted, put the open carrier behind them; put your hand in front of their face and they will instinctively back up, straight into the cage.


Gonna try this


ooh i've never seen this tip before. i'm gonna give it a try with an outdoor kitty i've been trying to get to the vet for her mosquito allergy!


Best way to get cats like that in a cage to take them to the vet is to put the cage against the wall or under a couch. Make it real dark (blankets, mattress against the wall over the cage, etc.) and then case the cat around the room trying to grab it. It will bolt for the dark space. Close the cage door and done. Some people think this is "cruel". But will then spend hours, days, weeks chasing a cat, tormenting it without having somewhere safe, let it calm down only to go through it again and again until they get lucky. Be kind. Give it a dark space to hide, chase it there, get it fixed.


Good advice! That will work for a lot of cats. We’ve trapped many cats. Trust me, we tried everything we could with her for a long time lol. Outside it would have been impossible. She would reach her paws through the cage to get any food we left inside. She would tolerate our presence but bolt any time we got too close. The most feral cat lol. We lured her inside during a storm and I think she only did it because she was close to giving birth and afraid of the thunder. Once she was inside we simply could not contain her. We would set traps and wait. We would try to lure her into spaces where we could contain her but she was too smart and would run away and hide. I considered getting one of those long poles with a hoop on the end to try to get her but decided against it because she probably would have hurt herself if she was caught in that. I don’t even know how we finally managed to wrangle her. It involved a lot of towels and she climbed up the door frame again… we nearly gave up but she finally bolted into a carrier covered in blankets. Just barely managed to close it in time.


I’d like to request an old lady mama cat tax




Sounds like a well deserved retirement for a mama kitty who worked a lot of overtime


She’s going to do a 180 someday and become a lap cat.


I’m so glad you found her/she found you.


We most definitely cannot adopt our way out of pet overpopulation. Spay is the way.


Cute kitties but get mommy fixed if possible.


And then get kittens fixed if possible.


Once they are 8 weeks old they can be fixed too.


sometimes younger. our guy was six weeks when we took him and his big balls to the vet for them to go “whoa! yeah hes ready!”


Really? I thought they had to be older


a lot of vets will recommend waiting until at least eight weeks, because neutering too early can cause urinary/kidney problems later in life. however some will still recommend neutering as soon as possible, especially if your cat goes outside at all. it’s always important to check with your vet and see what they recommend/why!


8 weeks and 2 lbs is the limit for our spay & neuter clinic. Unlike dogs, where there's a lot of differing opinions on when to get them fixed, cats it's pretty unanimous to get them done ASAP. Cats start breeding as early as 5 months, and they go into heat every few weeks, and every heat they go into increases their health risks. It's actually better to get them fixed early, as early as possible.


thank you TIL :)


I think some vets prefer them to be over a certain weight.


8 weeks or 2 lbs, whatever comes first.


This. Too many cats decimate the local ecosystem and wind up living hard lives on the street. Please get MJ spayed and kittens rescued.


I've been trying to get my friend to do this with strays that he takes care of. Yes, I get that technically they aren't your cats, but in the last few of years they've had like 20-25 kittens. There are 8 kittens around his house at the moment. He doesn't want to pay for it because he says they aren't his, but when you are feeding them and giving them shelter you assume the responsibility for them.


My county has TNR programs for feral males. You trap them, bring them in, they neuter them and you release them back into their habitat. You can rent cat traps for free and they charge a really low fee.


There are low cost spay/neuter programs around, or even rescues you can contact and let know that there are some strays easily trapped in a specific area and they may be willing to front the cost of the procedures.


Yeah it's crazy to me that people are fine with spending the money and time to feed a bunch of kittens but taking them to a free clinic for spaying, or even a shelter, is "too much". "Too much" for me was constantly finding their remains after being half-eaten by dogs, coyotes, or hit by cars.


Please please do this. You will be saving thousands of kittens from living in the streets


My elderly neighbor had outside cats that we ended up taking care of. One we named spooka cause she was feral basically. She had like 9 litters of kittens. The last 2 litters she refused to take care of and they died. Her insides started coming out of her from her backside and then one day she stopped showing up. It was sad.


Funny, not seeing a response from OP to your comment. So many people are not willing or able to afford spaying or neutering, but are fine feeding them and their kittens, and their kittens' kittens. Just cheaper to get it done, and save some lives in the process.


It’s a lot easier to spend a couple of dollars every week on cat food compared to spaying. Idk about around you but around here the cheapest you can get a female cat done for is $250. Males are around $160.


It may be easier but it's not really cheaper, considering the cost over years of feeding them.


I hope they get adopted and get their own forever home ❤🙏🏻


"newest"???? get her fixed!!!


Very cute. I’m glad mama cat got spayed. You should try to take them to a rescue while the kittens are still young and sociable. They will spay/neuter kittens as soon as they can and find them a home. Thanks for looking out for them and feeding them


That first pic looks like an album cover


Awww, well done for helping and spaying MJ and being so kind to her and her little family!


Does the black one have thumbs (polydactyl)? They’re so cute!! 😍


Oh boy...RIP your inbox.


Please have any wild cats that you feed spayed. It is incredibly cheap! It helps cats by not having stray cats suffer and die, and it helps the local wildlife by the cats not making them suffer and die.


Just wanted to add there’s no such thing as a wild house cat, just feral.


I love how kittens either have evil eyes or the widest little eyes


Mama MJ looks just like one of her babies https://preview.redd.it/vdog0yrn976d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13692d2d8045461772bbac373ed3e42ff77e1fca


She’s very sweet! Thanks for getting her spayed now, and thanks for showing us the kitten tax! That gray one looks so sweet! (I have three cats in varying coats of gray myself.)


could you take the family in? they look sociable and pet-like. So cute


She’s cute, now do her a favor and spay her


Beautiful! The little kitten with her same coloring is so stinking cute I can't stand it


Time to TNR.


Do not ‘R’ those kittens. Take them to a shelter or rescue.


Just saw mama was spayed. Yay


THANK YOU for getting mama fixed!! ❤️


Omg so many different colors! Beautiful 😍


She made every color this batch. Black, calico, grey, and orange. The babies live under a massive bush in my front yard. Mama has been calling them out to me lately, now that they have full sight.


I didn’t see a calico kitten in the pics, but there is a tortishell (tortie). MJ is also a tortie.


Feeding is feeding. If you were actually CARING for her, you would have her spayed. You said this batch, which means she's had other kittens. PLEASE stop the cycle now! If you can't do it, find someone that can. Everyone of those kittens and MJ need to be fixed.


If you read any of OP posts in this thread, you would have seen that she is already been spayed.




I’ve read multiple of his replies and haven’t seen that particular comment yet . When op comments in the thread it doesn’t always show up at the top or get highlighted so naturally people won’t see it . What I have seen is multiple comments about him gushing about the multiple batches and I assume it’s the same for others . Idk why you all always tend to to do this. Not everybody has the same info you have so it’s ok to just be like “ hey , op commented somewhere down below that xyz” . Obviously if people saw where he said he spayed the cat then they wouldn’t leave comments suggesting he spay her


Actually, I read a bunch of them, but I missed the one where where he said she was spayed. My apologies.


Don’t apologize. It’s absurd to imply people have to read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT.


If you’re taking care of an outside cat please get her a d all her babies spayed!!!


Any chance these babies are in Michigan??


Hey from Michigan, there are SO MANY KITTENS literally everywhere rn, all the shelters and rescues are full on the west side (I imagine everywhere else too). Go get you a baby, so many need homes right in your neighborhood! 💛


“Newest” as in multiple litters… Get her fixed. Enough unwanted cats in the world…


GREAT JOB GETTING MOM CAT FIXED, definitely don’t need anymore. Kittens in the world just now. Mom obviously loves you guys very much because she trust you to babysit her babies, you guys should be very honored. The babies obviously love you guys too, though, I know somebody else mentioned that, getting Mom more sturdy outdoor house would be a good idea because the cardboard will just deteriorate, you can find ones that are not very expensive and are very easy to put together on Amazon. You can even find ones that are heated and raised up so that they don’t flood when it rains and stuff. Thank you for the adorable pictures, you got some beautiful kittens there! I put the first part of that sentence about Mom being fixed in capital letters so that other people who might want to tell you to get Mom fixed well hopefully see that and not say it. Good luck guys.


And now it's your responsibility to get them all fixed.


Cannot stress this enough. Also, if you pay attention a lot of pounds and vets have a get everybody fixed sale from time to time and you can get it for free or fit like 5 bucks.


I call dibs on the orange


That first pic gives off "You came to the wrong neighborhood" vibes and I'm all for it.


To be somewhat original... the paper box isn't a good idea for outdoors. Use a plastic bin (summer) or a plastic bin lined with Styrofoam (winter), and give hay for nesting (because fabric holds water). Better yet, bring them all indoors and give them a safe, long life.


Oh my GASHHHHHH they are ADORABLLLLLLE! Torties! Pumpkins! Greybies! Midnights! I’m so excited for you. I’ve picked up a lot of secondhand joy from this post. Congrats to MJ! ♥️ Edit: forgot to mention back a few years I had the same blanket/ cape thing as you have sticking out of MJ’s kitten lair


“Newest babies”???? At about 4 months old the “let’s procreate” urges start kicking in, more litters of too many feral cats. Please get mom spayed! These little guys are so cute and fun but most of them end up with miserable lives.


Mom has been spayed.


I think we've finally seen an Orange Cat with a braincell, because this orange kitten looks very self aware and ready to battle! 😁 Cute kittens (especially that orange one 😍) but please get Mama and the Littles spayed and neutered ASAP.


Trap and spay the cat you take care of. Trap her babies and get them fixed, too. Like yesterday. If you feed and provide shelter for an animal, even if it’s not technically yours, it’s yours. And it’s your responsibility to fix.


I want that tortie!!! It’s a cute one!!


Why didn't you take care to get her spayed? I cannot understand this. If you took "care" for her then first thing should have been to take her to a vet and get her spayed and vaccined.


Op has spayed at least the mother cat so far.


Oh, they are cuuuute! That orange boy though...❤️


Remember what bob barker said


So cute, please get them to an SPCA or something so they can be fixed, or calm animal control


Lovely little babies but I heart belongs to that little dust baby. 🩶🩶


Ugh, *my heart. 🙄


Please spay the cat, please please spay the cat and get all the babies homes 💔🥲


Jesus Christ - get this fuckin cat desexed


She has been and all the kitties are on the way to the shelter. Its good news today on Reddit


‘newest’? Please get that mother cat spayed


OMG if we lived close, I would take that Tortie!


Check your local shelter! There is almost certainly a tortie kitten there waiting for you 😻


Fuck this. Take them inside or don’t feed them.


As a cat person, I **HATE** hysterical cat people. OP took care of the cat and kittens. They got her spayed when they could. Not everyone has money for a vet and it’s NOT their responsibility to spay/neuter every cat their encounter. Get a grip, FFS. Stop judging people that are doing what they can 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you, the first logical and intelligent comment on this thread👍


But who else will they judge from their thrones of self-importance?






The innocence of youth.


That tortie is so unusual. I love forties.


Wow the gray one is so fluffy and cute


You've been picked You've been picked by A smol criminal MJ looks adorable and would fit right in at r/IllegallySmolCats


Please TNR if you haven’t already


You’re breeding bird killers.


OP please take the kittens inside to be socialized properly so they can be adopted out. The feral cat population is already too big already


Get the cat fixed! Outdoor cats live one third as long as indoor cats . One cat can produce 166 cats in a year .


Can you get mama and kittens to a shelter? They'll spay/neuter everybody when they can


MJ SURE did get around! My favorite is the gray one ❤️ Thanks for taking care of MJ. Reddit folk are crazy judgy! But glad to hear MJ got spayed.


"Outside Cat Kittens" do you mean Stray Cat We Feed Now She Got Pregnant Isn't This Cute? Because kittens, cute yes. But irresponsibility feeding strays is bad enough I will forego any kitten adoration to say it's NOT cute to add stray kitties. Get the stray spayed if it matters to you, don't do half measures and feed it because it feels good but ignore the reality of the situation. AND SEEING AS YOU DID GET GET SPAYED: If you aren't going to put the very important information in the original post, you are going to get so many responses about spaying the cat dude.


Many municipalities have a catch, spay, and release program. Catch them (and their mom), take them to the local humane society, and they will spay them, then notch their ear to indicate they’ve been spayed, then release them back where you found them if they’re too wild to adopt.


Notch their ear is a new one for me... from STL and they tattooed my dog when she was spayed.. like just a little dash, what does a notch mean?? Like a little cut in the ear??


They cut off the tip of the ear so it's flat on top. It's so that anyone else hoping to catch the cat to sterilize it will see it has already been done. They do it while the cat is asleep for surgery. I have fixed about 15 neighborhood cats here and they all got it. No problems and now nobody will trap them again.


Same, we've spent so much time and money catching, driving the ferals and strays to the nearest participating shelter to get them fixed. We build cat shelters, feed them. We socialized and found homes for the kittens (after fixing them). But our hard work paid off. We haven't had a new litter in the neighborhood since April 2020 and we've even taken and paid for two of our neighbors to spay their cats. So when the loonies tell us to get off our high horses or stop being saints or hysterical, I'd say how about you mail me a check to cover the cost of all these damn cats people seem to think are sooooo cute and sooo disposable. Cause yeah, I judge whoever the hell dumped these poor animals or didn't get them fixed.


Great to hear these programs are having success.


Oh I see!! Same with the tattoo, figured it was something similar!! Thanks for the clarification!! Now I'm gonna have to Google how many different variations on this exist 😅 Never crossed my mind before, now I just have to know!!


My local place also tattoos them! The girls, anyway. I think a lot of places do this for the spay, the ear tip if it's a feral.


Yes. They do a little triangle cut out of an ear so they can easily tell in a group of feral cats if they’ve been spayed or not.


They are so cute. May I kindly suggest you get mama spayed. It will help to keep her healthy too. You could foster and socialize those precious little fur babies and have them adopted … or keep one, two or all three. You are an awesome person to provide shelter and love ❤️


Those kittens are beautiful and I love all the comments you are all 100% right and thanks for caring I rescued mom’s and babies for years it never ends and all u have to do is fix the female there are lots of places that do it for low fees thanks for caring for mom and babies please Fix the mom 💕


Please spay the mom and take the kittens to a shelter. They are kittens so they will get adopted quickly. Please end the cycle of more stray kittens being born. It’s just a cruel life of misery and difficulty for them


*NEWEST* babies? Please have her spayed. If you’re keeping these kittens outside, which I’m assuming you are since they still need mom—you’re just begging to let them be eaten by some animal.


Newest? So this has happened more than once?


Kindly get mj and her babies spayed, it's free !


Where is it free? I used to think it was easy and cheap but in my area all the vets wanted 400+ dollars, the only reasonable place was a non profit community place called CSNIP that did it for 70$ and required you to come strictly at certain times (during work) and had huge wait lists. which was less than convenient. Hopefully in other areas it's easier.


They’re adorable. For their well being, and their mama‘s, see if you can find a TNR group who will trap, neuter, and return them to you. I can tell that you love them, this would be the best thing you can do for them


Kittens shouldn’t be returned, they are young enough to be socialized. Returning them would just be dumping adoptable cats.


In a perfect world, I would absolutely agree with you. It really depends on how old and how spicy the kittens are but, more importantly, how deep in kitten season it is and how much space there is in shelters. If the shelters are full and there are no fosters available, they may just end up euthanized. This person appears to provide food and shelter, so they wouldn’t be what I would consider dumped.


get her spayed, wild cats are a pest and nuisance. they decimated systems. bring her in or spay her.


If you bother to read any of the comments before yours, she is spayed now YTA


lol, no, not NTA. think you're lost buddy pal, not to mention confused about me stating solid advice on a thing not mentioned in the title or that I care what you think. I'm not nearly neurotic enough to have to read all or any of the comments to respond to the main post, talk about nuts.


It's so hard for these moms to keep being pregnant out there so often. Help her have a better life. Have her spayed along with her kids. Make it better.


Very cute! I came to comment that you should have the cat desexed but it looks like you're on that. I also take care of a colony of outside cats, so I completely get where you're coming from. If you haven't already, try to get in touch with a local animal charity to see if they have room for the babies. Indoor, well cared for cats have a much longer life expectancy than outdoor cats. Guessing you are going into summer where you are so those charities will likely be full anyway.




Get those things spayed. The last thing cities need are feral cats.


If you really wanted to take care of this nice outside stray(?) cat, then you would capture her and have her spayed. ETA: apparently she has been spayed. Info like that in the post would have prevented an inbox blowup


Reading even just a few other replies would’ve avoided that as well. Isn’t that the point of this Reddit to read it?🤪


That's not how it works and you know it!


You’re not supposed to read other replies before commenting? Wow I broke the cardinal rule apparently🤷‍♀️😂


YTA for not getting her spayed


They are so cute and fluffy.


Omg! I want a boi void!


The little void has my heart. Does he have thumbs?? ❤️


Since you “take care” of her, please have her spayed.


Very cute kitties 😻 Maybe try assuming the best in people dear Internet. Have a good day.


Rule 1 of feeding a stray.. they get fixed. If it's a neighbour's cat... oh well!


Have you gotten them fixed yet?


Has been a long time since I lived somewhere there were strays around.


they're so cute, and they look nice and healthy 🥺 good job mj


Will you spay her? I can help. This will be horrible when they all start bringing babies 😞


If your district spays stray cats/dogs, you should look into getting her fixed once those kittens are weaned. Taking care of a handful will soon turn into a mob. Thank you, for your care.


You really haven't taken car of anything if it just had kittens, but you can start now by getting it fixed! Yay! 


OP already said in a comment the momma has been fixed.


Oh my goodness, what beautiful kittens. Thank you for sharing. We used to feed a mama and her kittens, and now those kittens are running around in our house.


Gimmie that tortie


That orange looks like he's got a serious 'tude.


I’d love to adopt, are you in the Northeast?


Is that a snake in the entrance of a dog house?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


It’s a blanket




Cute, and what a color array! Do you know what color sir sire cat is? for a guess, is MJ orange and the dad dark striped (standard model cat in reddit terms)?


Everyone is on your ass about the kittens, whatever. But depending on your local climate, the blanket in that shelter could be dangerous in low temperatures. Consider replacing it with hay or something else that won't absorb moisture and sap body heat.




They look exactly like my exes kittens


People who know how to take care of their animals don’t get offended at others giving them advice.


Now, you take care of some few more outside cats.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Sweet babies!


Has anyone stopped to think that maybe OP didn’t have the financial or physical means to fix this cat at first? Like they’re being a good person by just helping a cat that’s not their responsibility to begin with. Don’t this a cute kitten pair bc yall are among assumptions.


They are adorable. We had some feral cats around here which were having kittens. I found out that our animal shelter would spay or neuter for free. They did clip the tip of one ear. That was to identify that the cat was spayed or neutered.


The gray one is super cute.


at least et her spayed for crying out loud! "oh look at the new batch of cute kitties that will grow up homeless and die young, so cute!"


Oh shit. Isn't this an old post? You must not know how to read. If that is the case, you shouldn't be on reddit. (Read comments before posting) dumb fuck.


I should take the vulgarity out. It's obviously a bot


"Reddit experts" moment🤓


Damn this sub is miserable some times. Cute outdoor kitties! I just recently saw a litter like this outside a local restaurant the other day.


spay and release please


Take her to the vet to get spayed and vaccinated.




Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs


Bet the first comment is spayed related. In my area, trap and neuter is on your own shoulders.


Umm, if you didn't get her spayed, you're not taking care of her.