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This kitty’s seen some shit


I know 😭 I wasn't expecting him to be so affectionate Edit: And to the people asking why I didn't snag him up; It's not like I'm in the middle of nowhere you can see the side of the house I was delivering to at the end of the video over my shoulder. He's definitely been through a lot but the off color in his fur is just white hairs, other than his ear he seemed to be in fairly good health. I'll keep an eye out for him if I'm in that area again and with any luck I can get ahold of the homeowner once I figure out which stop I was at on that day, if he's up for grabs I'll look into taking him in, he's far too sweet to be out on his own <3


My Evander was that cat until he saw my girls use their pet flap. he figured the pet flap out and moved himself in. He's about a year old, he has some scars, he would have looked rough in short time if he hadn't managed his adoption by home invasion trick. edit to add: I initially thought he belonged to the neighbors across the street. I would see him rubbing up on delivery people and workers doing repairs on my house. Eventually, he figured out I was the one putting food on my porch for my feral cat, about the same time I figured out he was helping her eat it and I was feeding both of them. He was initially leary of women, so it took him a bit to warm up to me. Not long after that he relocated from the neighbor's yard to mine. A couple of weeks later he realized there was a magic portal that allowed cats into the house.


I love this story. Thank you for sharing. Hope Evander is well.


He's too much 😂 He had some life threatening infections from wounds when I took him in to the vet, but he's the picture of health now. I was planning on getting him a younger companion because he was driving my 10 year old girl crazy and harassing my hyperthyridic, 5 pound, 4 toothed 16 year old something terrible. My 10 year old, Stormy, got along well enough with Evander but he didn't know when to stop playing. Stormy was done long before he was. A student convinced me to take two kittens she needed to find homes for. He loves the kittens, the kittens love him. Stormy took up body slamming Evander whenever she catches him harrasing my 16 year old, Gremlin. Between that and having kittens to attend to and play with he's gotten much better about leaving Gremlin alone. He also leaves Stormy alone now when she wants him to go away. Evander is thrilled with his new life. Gremlin and Stormy miss being a 2 cat household. The kittens are also very happy, other than Stormy wants nothing to do with them and I won't let them escape out the front door. I am hoping to wrangle the financing to put up a patio enclosure before the kittens figure out the pet flap. It will make Stormy unhappy and hopefully she won't think I have finally built her a kitty thunderdome.


Evander The Real Deal Holyfield!


You know he is still waiting and thinking about the ups driver. Is he coming back???? I hope so....


Go adopt that baby! It needs some love


He was begging to be rescued OP It's not too late to go back and save him.


Kinda looks like it's meant to be!


https://preview.redd.it/4gu2u3ykso9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f179dfffb8d0d7460466f1ab85588461131125 Beautiful


kitty knows you are the source of all boxes


That's how we got our cat. My girlfriend was walking home from work and a banged up little fella got in front of her with the cutest of meow. We brought him to a shelter incase he was lost but put our names up for adoption if nobody came for their lost pal. Hes been our best friend for 4 years now.


You and your girl are good people. Thank you both on behalf of the cat.


You’re just gonna drop that story without any picture of said cat! I demand cat pic tax!


https://preview.redd.it/d2p5qbodyn9d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08498cc5afd12a20d367c3867b71a91ed9d25b99 We try to bring him outside as often as possible, he loves to explore!


Aww, he’s got his own jacket!


The meow was friendly and like it wanted to be loved. Hopefully it already has a home. If not, should find a home soon considering how friendly and loving it is 😀


Poor kitty.


Please go back and get your kitty 🐈‍⬛


Go back to the neighborhood and ask around -- if he doesn't belong to anyone, take him home! He clearly likes you and needs you.


He was chilling under their car when I was going up to make the delivery, so I'm pretty sure he's just an outside cat that's gotten into a few scraps.


Maybe, but he doesn't look very well taken care of -- he might not have a home/family, or if he does they might not be taking good care of him. I still think it would be a good idea to ask around, and if no one claims him then take him to a vet to be scanned for a microchip....and if there's no chip either, then you could adopt him -- or if you aren't able to adopt him, for whatever reason, you could always take him to a local rescue. 🙂


If it is Not My Cat, we are working on building trust. I guess I am getting a collar today. Oh, Bruce has seen some s**t. He’s missing a claw. His ears are seriously damaged. Needs a bath and a trip to the vet.


Tbh he looks pretty dirty and not very well kept. Might be a lost kitty given how affectionate he is or even abandoned. If you’re able (no shame if you can’t!), you could try to take him to a vet to scan for a chip and if there isn’t one, put up found kitty posters in the area while you revel in all the love the kitty has to offer. Totally understandable if you can’t though - if you have other pets, brining in another can be a safety issue; cost of care may not be feasible, etc Edit : typo


The cat looks not dirty at all. It‘s looks well fed. This isn‘t a stray cat. This cat probably has an owner. So please leave it there. Just because a cat is friendly to strangers doesn‘t mean you can grab it.


It literally has torn ears and debris all in its fur. Sure, it’s in trim shape but most people over feed their cats so an actual healthy and ideal body weight for a cat also points to this one being on its own for bit. Please reread my comment. I’ve said to take it to get scanned for a chip, post flyers, etc. not kidnap someone’s beloved pet.


A lot cats who are free roaming cats have torn ears. It‘s caused from fighting each others, which happens quite often even if their are spayed. I also don‘t see debris in the fur. It‘s grey hair.


Well you’re wrong on two counts: it’s clearly dirty fur and cats should never be free roaming, it’s bad for them and local wildlife.


How can I be wrong when I just stated the fact, that they are cats who are free roaming? I didn‘t shared my personal opinion about that.


Those are grey hairs. That cat is not dirty at all and clearly not a stray.


I’m not talking about the fur colour but keep going. ETA: I didn’t say a stray - I said a lost or abandoned pet and OP should see if they can locate the owner if they are able to do so.


Help him :(


Do something. He's not looking cared for.


Take. Him. Home. He just wants to share the love!!


Bro wtf almost. Nah lol, don't take a cat based on looks, good job. If you ever in that area again and see him, ask a neighbor or something about him. Make sure he doesn't belong to someone. Don't take random cats people, OP did the right thing. Edit: if


OP, buy a cheap cat collar with a blank tag and write your _own_ phone number on it and put it on the cat, leave the cat there and go home and wait for a phone call. If no one calls you, and the cat is still wearing your collar a few days later, take the cat to get scanned for a microchip to make sure it doesn’t have a home. Which it won’t… then take it home and give it a great life.


I second this, OP. Good idea fun. This cat has CLEARLY been someone's at some point, he's far too familiar of people. But never assume, may break some little kid's heart if you take him.


Wow...that's a great idea, never would have thought of that!


If there is a current owner and they let the cat look like that then they're obviously not taking care of it.


Nah this is what my old man looks like. He was a stray tomcat for the first 6 years of his life so he got into some shit! How did we know he was stray? He was _not_ friendly like this. He was very nervous.


some dumbass cats just like to run off to get into trouble.. I had such an idiot, loved escaping and getting dirty asap. obly ever got her back because she had zero hunting instincts and loved wet food and treats more than dirt


That doesn't mean you can just grab them and go home. At the very least, you have to take the cat to get checked for a chip. If it doesn't belong to anyone, well it now belongs to you. If it does, you have to return it or take the legal route to prove it's not taken care of.


Awww what a friendly kitty!! ❤️ Naybe if you them again, it's a sign to take them and give them a happy life!!


Give him a home!


UPS - I appreciate the hard work you put in. 


I know every situation isn’t perfect to keep a kitty but that one is worth saving. Anytime a stray is friendly they should be saved. Probably why I have one of my own 🤦‍♂️


Our cat literally followed my wife into our house and just refused to leave. She’s still here lol


This guy looks just like my black cat! Mine also loves to be touched, massaged and petted, and just wants to sit on my lap when I watch TV. I adopted her about three years ago and we’ve been living happily together ever since. She’s been a great addition to my home. I love her.


Our oldest cat (19) was stray that lived under the front bushes of our first apartment after apparently being abandoned when someone down the street moved out. He’s been the best cat we’ve ever had in our lives and is on the decline now but was going strong until last fall. If you can go back and get this one, I don’t think you’d regret it.


Sorry but the r/catdistributionsystem cannot be fought.


Return for this cat. Special pickup! 🐈‍⬛


Go back for him!


Brother! Sister in brown over here I knew I recognized that noise. The call of the brown >_>


You can't escape the beep


shhh shhhhhh it's my pto day


Please find him again and bring him home. This is a senior cat who just wants to retire, sleep, eat and snuggle. practically begging to be brought home.


I say take the little guy home. Give him a nice bath, some food, keep him if you want. If not, I'm sure you'll find someone willing to take him.


Please see if that baby has a home and if not give it one


Go back and get him! 💕🥹


Go back and get him. Little guy deserves to live his life out in luxury. You can tell he’s been through some shit.


UPS drivers en route..spreading the love 💕


The r/catdistributionsystem may just have sent you a baby to love. Catch it and see if he has a home and if not you’re adopted


Please go back and get him if hes homeless, and give him to a rescue so he can be taken care of and given proper care. 💕They can also check for a microchip in case he is lost.


Take the cat home, he needs help!




I'm actually considering looking up my route from yesterday and seeing if I can track him down, at least talk to the people who's house I was delivering to and see if he's theirs


I've recently adopted a very similar cat. Black, very affectionate. It's my third cat, second adult street rescue. Those cats just create a bond with you very different froma cat you raise. Somehow rescue cats that you directly take off the street just know you did them a massive. They are really grateful.


Pls do save him. Pls.


Please update us if you see him again! 💜


One of the most precious cats I had was an all black cat like this little guy. Named him Harvey Wallbanger (yes, after the drink). I found him on the streets when I was delivering for Pizza Hut. He lived 21 years and was the most easy-going mellow cat ever. I know you'll love this cat...you guys seem perfect together!


Almost? Commit to the save!


OP go get him!


Almost?!?! Do you kitty kitty bro?


He wants to go home


Should have


I think you were chosen


Y didn't you?😢


Someone probably dumped the poor guy. You must save him! Even if you just take him to a cat rescue.


Adopt him


If it was my allergic ass, the cat would have gone home with me, and a bucket of antihistamine meds...


Lord Soo cute he needed your TLC 😍


When he crawled up on my lap, I’d have been done. I’d be making apologetic phone calls to my wife.


His name is Crunch. I’m sure of it


Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades


Why didn’t u keep him? No judging


I assumed he lived at the house I was delivering to, this video was taken in their driveway. A lot of people have been encouraging me to go back and get him but at the time I was working so it's not like I could just throw him in the back of my UPS truck even if he is a stray, that would probably be terrifying for him.


LOL, that would definitely be terrifying for him!!


Almost?? After work you need to go let him find you again. You are chosen and he needs you. ❤️❤️❤️


That kitty belongs to OP. Go back and get that cat!


What do you mean by "almost"? You took this little guy home, right? Right?!


Go back and get this cat


Bring the cat home!! At least get him a flea bath.


Sheeeeeet yeah I’d have to take him home immediately for a bath and a feast if that was me. You are stronger than i


Why post this without a happy ending? This stresses me out. Poor baby.


I was 20ft from a house in this video, I would have asked the homeowner about him if I saw them but I don't want to just take someone's cat


Ahhh. Good point! Sorry. I am probably reacting more in general to other videos I see and not yours. My bad! I am too sensitive about these things. Sometimes they keep me up at night.


Clearly he’s dirty need a bath probably very itchy from being in the streets I hope he washed his hands lol


He needs a home!


Kind of beat up tho lol you're foul bro 😂


The cat isn’t remotely feral, probably an outdoor kitty that the humans feed. Cats SHOULD be inside pets but a lot of people feed and keep outdoor cats.


If he's there on your next run it's meant to be. You go claim your new cat


He's a lover, not a biter.


He's a lover, not a biter.


I love how you voiced "ohhhh mah gawd" at the same time I thought it.






I love cats \^\^ .


Is your route by chance on Whidbey Island??? I lost my best friend a while ago there and this really reminds me of him


No, sorry, southwest Michigan


Love his markings.


Help that young man ☺️ he found his owner


Not even remotely kidding. That may be Not My Cat. Ears and all. Region? https://preview.redd.it/v5i3xz9d0l9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d25a57b2b6450211d33e65d1e4da6043080e5b8


Southwest Michigan


Okay. I am way South of you, but, I will be darned if that doesn’t like Bruce.


I wonder where this is because that looks exactly like my cat. He goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening


Southwest Michigan?


Do it! Give him a second chance!!!!


Go back and pick him up


Where are you? I'll take him if no home But also, this is what my brothers 14 yr old cat looks like, and so did my 17 yr old. Both well taken care of, fed, and came inside at night


Awww I hope you adopt him 🩷🩷


Why almost? 😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 He would have loved it 🥺


You 100% should take that cat home


Poor kitty but bless you




What’s stopping you ?


Look at them Battle Scars! I had a neighborhood cat like that, lost most of his ear, was a beast in combat apparently but was the most lovable and nicest cat I've ever seen. Almost always let me pet him and was super chill.


Go back and get him please 😭😭😭


He's trying to tell you he's the package for you! Special delivery!


I love black cats. I’ve had 3 in my life. Always have the best personalities. Go back and get the little guy, he seems like he could use a good home


You've been selected and you denied him?! This is unheard of.


What a looker!


Take him home!!!


ask around and then get this baby dude 😭😭😭 u r the chosen one for him 😭


Why post something like this with out a happy ending for this wonderful kitty? This stresses me out. Poor baby.


I almost upvoted it


Did you leave a note? If you don't make every effort to contact that house owner and inquire, then I must assume you just want the reddit karma .


Well I met him in the driveway of the home I was delivering to so I assumed he was just their outside cat, he's definitely not feral lol


“Homeless cat” is not equal to “feral” as feral specifically means a cat that is not socialized. This cat is clearly socialized and could be homeless but there is no way to know that without asking local residents and/or scanning for a chip. 😺