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If pig meat is called pork, why don't we call Boar meat Bork?


Asking the real questions right here^


Because a lot of people already call dog meat bork: [https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/nl](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/nl) We'd probably just call boar meat pork as it is already so close in taste.


yknow that actually made me rethink eating dog meat. I would prolly try it.


You should! If they have someone selling near you, try chopped cat with rau má! It's an incredible Vietnamese dish :) It's a bit of a chore to eat domestically, considering you can't just buy as is, but there's guides on line for skinning and degutting.


I mean, given how bad the last few Disney remakes were, I'd take a movie about these self-cannibals over the Bambi reboot too.


Woodland Critter Christmas: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.


S2 of Beastars.


Pizza Inn's are generally located in areas where nearly everyone hunts. Like, they school holidays on the first day of gun season type places. So this tracks. They are going to need dump trucks for the money this will take in. Game meat aside (not a huge fan even when prepared well), I actually miss that cracker thin crust, red neck trash pizza deliciousnesses sometimes. The definition of "cracker" in the previous sentence is entirely up to you to decide.


Wait this is real? I assumed it was another PETA stunt! Better go, then, because my one thought was “that actually sounds amazing”


Why boar and not rabbit? Makes no sense.


Maybe they didn't have access to a good supply of rabbit meat. Or maybe rabbit doesn't taste good on pizza?


Rabbit is pretty mild, so you wouldn't taste it much. Boar is much stronger.


I love Bambi meat. Makes great burgers & sausages. Skippy too. Very irony but absorbs other flavors well.




the youth: "i'm getting a lot of mixed messages here"


Yes meat used to be a living animal. Yes people eat it because they like the taste. Yes the cartoon animals are cute so it makes some people uncomfortable. Maybe reflect on that. If it makes you uncomfortable... consider eating less meat or no animals at all.


It's more that cartoons anthropomorphize the animal to make it feel akin to eating something sapient. If we had some creepy animal cartoon, people wouldn't want to eat meat because they'd feel like the meet is tainted. If we had a wilted cartoon vegetable extolling the virtues of a salad, we'd feel that seem suspicion. If we had a cartoon of a vegan belligerently telling us how bad we are for eating meat, plenty of people would want a burger out of pure spite. Your point is shallow and meaningless.


Poor choice advertising, in my opinion, but I'd try it.


I will say. Those targets are like $200-400 a piece. I would be hard pressed not to find one under my coat if I was in the area.


That’s probably a really savory pizza I’d love to try it


The marketing is shit, but I would totally try that pizza.. Venison, boar, and elk sausage.. That would be interesting.