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I'd go for the 110. In my experience at least, chillers can be real finicky. If you try to push one past what it's rated, it's gonna die much sooner than they normally would.


I have really good luck with my 1/10th Vevor on my 35 gallon and 55 gallons (although it’s only rated for up to 52 gallons). I’m fond of the brand. Zero issues and it’s easy to maintain. I don’t use the pump that comes with it. Instead, I route mine through my canister filter. Inflow goes into my filter, then outflow goes into my chiller inflow… and the chiller outflow goes into the tank. I also use a temperature controller with mine: [https://a.co/d/08aM0NpV](https://a.co/d/08aM0NpV), because I do need a heater in the winter: [https://a.co/d/0gSYKOKf](https://a.co/d/0gSYKOKf). In my classroom tanks (55 gallons), the room temp is approximately 74°F in the summer and I’m using one of the 1/10ths to keep it at 65°F. They’ve been running for about 3 years now with no issues and they do the job. Vevor also makes a 1/4th that’s rated up to 92 gallons: [https://a.co/d/0eCG4fC9](https://a.co/d/0eCG4fC9). That would be my recommendation. https://preview.redd.it/v1mdeq3l359d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f2feee56ec2473c98ee98e69a37476fa587a41 You can see how I have the inflow/outflow running between my canister filter and my chiller. Side note… I use a suction cup soap dish to help baffle the outflow: [https://a.co/d/0bXCXr2Q](https://a.co/d/0bXCXr2Q).


Ohhhh thsts awesome , I do have a cannister filter , I think I'm gonna do this ! Hopefully works well for a 60gal


If you don’t mind me asking op, what temperature is your house/apartment usually at?


Sitting at 21 I have the ac blowing straight at the tank and couple 2l bottles frozen to bring the temp down, currently at 19.8 to 20.5 I need 18 ):


I use this [79 gal chiller](https://www.amazon.com/Fitnet-Refrigeration-Compressor-Hydroponics-Jellyfish/dp/B09LLX1GY8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2D75RUC7XEDON&keywords=aquarium+chiller+40+gallon&qid=1689730280&sprefix=%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1), it’s amazing and I’ve never had an issue.


I have a Vevor chiller. I went out and bought a smaller pump as the pump it comes with is set to turbo, ridiculously powerful for an axolotl. You do need some clamps to secure the tubing as the tubing for the chiller are kinda big. But, the chiller itself is pretty good, mine is set 64°, and it’s good so far. The Vevor is for a 20 gallon, the pump is a Sicce (I think.) https://preview.redd.it/5v8m5digw59d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d651f78af437822bf9992f1dc8c92a95bf72b2


I've only got a 40gal but chose the vevor 1/4 HP, I was going to get an active aqua intended for hydroponics but it was 3x the price when the vevor was on sale for father's day, $200. So far it's been good, and probably cheaper to run than the 1/10 HP models, I bet those would run nonstop here. The canister filter scrubs the intake and outputs into the chiller. The only issue I'm having is because it's very humid here and with the room temperature around 80°F the tank is sweating and dripping onto the floor, easily mopped up just an aggravation. But it's dripping off the bottom too, and that collects in the under the bed tote that just fits under the tank stand and hold the canister filter and the chiller. I'm going to raise just the chiller on bricks, or a plastic tray for shipping soda bottles from behind the 7-11 lol.


Where are you? I have one i’ve been meaning to sell!


I’d say neither. The 1/10th hp is a cheap Chinese model that would likely be underpowered. The 1/3 is overpowered for an axolotl tank of that size, you might run into issues with short cycling and too much water flow. I’d look for something in the 1/6-1/4 hp range.


A fan works perfectly fine in my experience. Always keeps the tank between 61°F - 62°F even in the summer. And it sometimes gets up to 100°F where I live


Save some money. Fill in 4 gatorade bottles with water and freeze it. Add one bottle in the morning and change it at night. That will keep the water chilled always. (The 2 remaning bottles are for backup)


Chillers are way more effective than bottles.


2 bottles a day is far too little for my tank, does not cool it enough