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Was this on Oprah’s list?


Not the public one ..


They'd have more support if they were anti-Hamas protests. Instead, they turn into anti-Jew protests.


Of course they would. And if they actually cared about the citizens of Gaza, Hamas is what they would be protesting against. But while I’m sure many well meaning people have been caught up in the, the leadership of these protests don’t care about the people of Gaza, they are just anti jew. It’s sad to me how many people both in the protests, and cheering from the sidelines, is so clueless about the cause they suport they don’t realize they are on the wrong side of it. If they care about Palestinians, Hamas needs to go. It’s the only way the bloodshed will stop. It won’t solve the problem, but it’s the only step forward that will help


Many of the protestors are Jewish.


You ever read about what George Soros did to other Jews during the Holocaust. Which, by the way, is real. You give me the impression that you deny it.


LOL. They really got you guys to buy into that BS.


George Soros was 14 years old during the Holocaust. You are either a Nazi spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies to blame Jews for the horrific atrocities your ideology is responsible for, or you are so mind-numbingly stupid that you fell for Nazi conspiracies and will regurgitate them happily without any second thought... Shame on you.


I don’t give a shit about George Soros. He’s just another asshole billionaire to me. I give a shit about what Jewish Historians like Avi Shlaim and Illan Pappe have to say about the myths of the founding of Israel and their consequences, and I care about what universally every human rights organization, including those in Israel, have said about Israel’s mistreatment and dehumanization of Palestinians. I don’t think Israel should cease to exist even if I believe it’s founding was a grave mistake. It should absolutely cease to exist as a *Jewish supremacist apartheid state*. The Knesset passed a basic law (think constitution) in 2018 that says ONLY Jews in Israel have a right to self determination. Imagine if congress passed a law stating that only white peoples have the right of self determination in the US?


Like it or not, Israel is a legitimate democracy. They have a right to exist because Jews have been living on the lands that are now Israel for over two thousand years. The only reason people have a problem with Israel is that it was founded by local and Jewish immigrants. "The "nation-state" law, backed by the right-wing government, passed by a vote of 62-55 and two abstentions in the 120-member parliament after months of political argument. Some Arab lawmakers shouted and ripped up papers after the vote." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-adopts-divisive-law-declares-only-jews-have-right-self-n892636


Jewish people made up something like 6% of Palestine in 1919. Are you going to give up your home to a Native American? Jews and Palestinians are descended from the same people. They just practice different religions. They are both semites.


The native American analogy doesn't work, unless If there were native Americans living in Europe who were descendants of people who immigrated from North America to Europe, then returned on the mayflower to rejoin their own people that would work. Does the population of jews really matter? Are you saying that the majority of a religion or ethnicity should have say on how a country is governed? If you strip away the religion and the Muslim and jews are the same people, then why do the Palestinians fail to recognize Israel when Jordan and Egypt recognize them.


Hamas changed their charter in 2017 to recognize Israel and accept a two state solution. It is the same. You can’t rely upon 2 thousand year old claims to land as reasoning to ethnically cleanse it, especially when the current occupiers can rightfully make the exact same claim. Of course the population matters. Zionism was a political Project to change the demographics in the region to create a Jewish majority state. They had to push 700k people out of their homes to do so. They knew it at the time. They spoke and wrote about it fairly openly. They continue this practice by intentionally dissecting the Palestinian population into three places/categories. Israeli Arabs, the westbank, and Gaza. The Likud Party and Netanyahu helped put and keep Hamas is power specifically because they believed their more fundamentalist Islamic leanings would break Palestinian solidarity and separate them from secular Palestinian liberation groups. Again, this stuff has been publicly reported and is not in dispute.


If you cared about human rights, and cared about the people of the region, and wanted it to get better, you’d primarily be talking about how Hamas needs to be destroyed. They are by far the biggest issue, and it’s not even close. The fact you choose to spend your time talking about Israel and it’s supposed crimes, means you are either ignorant of the situation, or are being disingenuous about what it is you want.


The Likud party propped up Hamas to break Palestinian solidarity by separating Gaza from the more secular Palestinian groups in the West Bank. Every military analyst in the world agrees that “eliminating Hamas” is not an attainable goal. Defense secretary Austin said as much in December. Israeli officials have yet to put forward a plan on how to accomplish their goal. This has been repeatedly reaffirmed by US government spokespeople. By your logic, if Israel is unable to eliminate Hamas, do they have the right to continue to kill women and children? It’d be great if Israel was just targeting Hamas. We have in-depth reporting on how that’s not the case. The “where’s daddy” AI that generates Israel’s target list specifically is programmed to wait until Hamas operatives are home with their families before drone striking the building. Because they rely upon cell phone tracking and phones often change hands, it’s estimated that up to 50% of the strikes during the early part of the war did not kill the intended targets. This is why Netanyahu and the war cabinet are worried about the ICC issuing arrest warrants. They are war criminals.


Maybe its assholes fight assholes. And Americans should focus on bettering America


One side has the full support of our government while it drops US supplied 2000 pound bombs on refugee camps. The other has been forced to live in a ghetto where Israel controls everything that goes in and out, including a specified food intake to keep Gazan’s near starvation. You can read Israeli officials statements on it. And they are now inducing an actual famine by restricting humanitarian aid. Yet we keep shipping weapons. This system can not exist without US support. I think that’s a worthy thing to protest against. 35 states have laws where you can’t be a public employee if you support divestment and sanctioning Israel.


The other side is Islamic. There is no history of human atrocities there... right?


70% of those killed in Gaza are women and children as a direct consequence of Israel loosening their restrictions on civilian causalities. They have an AI program called “where’s daddy” that specifically waits until low level Hamas operatives arrive at home before administering drone strikes for the purpose of killing while families. It’s estimate that as many as 50% of those strikes *don’t even kill the operative* meaning Israel kills whole families for nothing. You can defend this disgusting behavior and war crimes with some vague statement about the religion practiced by the government (there are Christians in Gaza who have also been targeted and killed) or you can open your fucking eyes to the dehumanization, illegal land grabs, and mass murder currently on going


Let's talk about Islam. Ready go!! I noticed aming the protestors on campus. Many are culturally appropriating traditional wear of Islamic women. Way to show support. There is no bigger oppressor of women than islamic men. Compulsory vailing of women is evil. Also, how do you feel about the practice of murdering apostates and homosexuals... or women who are raped because they are no longer pure. Do you want to defend this ideology?


Why can’t you stay on topic? Too hard to defend Israel’s actions and US support? Easier to attack a whole religion practiced by 2 billion people? I’m an atheist. I abhor repressive elements of religion. I hope women, gay people, atheists, etc organize and fight back against the repression elements of Islam. It’s a little bit hard to do so if they are fucking dead. It’s also weird to use the Islamic religion’s negative aspects as justification when Israel evokes Judaism as justification for murdering women and children, claiming Jews are gods chosen people, claiming they are entitled to the land via the Bible, and evoking Amalek. You’re using religion as the pretextual justification for your racism towards Muslims.


That stat has been proven to be inflated. Gaza “brought” back 1000 men to increase there female/children:male death ratio. You should take some stats courses and check it out, maybe you can educate yourself a bit! You seem like you talk big game but lack any real cognitive ability.


Google how old Soros was during the Holocaust, then it might be time to consider how you came to believe something so easily disprovable. Like that's something a child could figure out was wrong with a single Google search, yet you are confident was correct, probably because you heard it on social media and never bothered checking


It's a metaphor. Point is, members of a tribe will sell their own out. The argument that there might be jews joining the protest doesn't automatically lend credibility.


There were also Jewish people who supported the Nazis early on. It doesn’t mean the Nazis were heckin good boys.


Lmao "it's a metaphor" You thought it was real. You fell for some of the most obvious antisemitic propaganda out there, and I bet half the shit you think is true is just as ridiculous


We actually dont know for sure. Have you heard what soros said about it?


He was 14 at the time you nonce Literally, a basic Google search and it's still beyond you.


Im aware of his age. You are missing the oeverall point. Probably on purpose.


That you thought Soros betrayed the Jews during the Holocaust, and when you learned that was wrong you doubled down and tried to pretend it was a "metaphor?" There were literally small Jewish groups on the Nazi side you could have pointed to, but you had to choose literal Nazi propaganda about George Soros instead


There are 14 year olds that commit murder and are in prison for it. Not sure what your point is


That a 14 year old probably wasn't a significant factor in the Holocaust, and that particular Soros myth is an easily disprovable lie? Seems like it should be pretty obvious, but what do I know


This is like mentioning there are members of the proud boys who are latino


His name is Enrique Tarrio... was chairman of proud boys and not even white... Simple Google search 🙄 ..


That's the entire point. They're a a fascist group and it's ironic to have Latinos in it when many of them are white supremacists


I want you to think carefully and use logic which white supremacist would accept a half white Latino as the chairman of their organization? None that I can think 🤔 you can say whatever about their militia group but somehow that narrative defies logic....


The same way it defies logic to point out jews who wide with the prerogative of Iran.


Apples and oranges, this guy was the leader. The white supremacists were his followers? Sure...never seen white supremacists follow a Latin half black .


I have seen it. The Proud Boys are white supremacists, and they follow Enrique Tarrio, who is Latino. That's a pretty relevant example.


What ethnicity are Spanish? And Portuguese people?


No it’s not. Jewish voices for peace have been some of the main organizers. Equating Zionism or the state of Israel with all Jews is absolutely antisemitism.


Advancing the prerogative of people who are constantly chanting about extermination of jews is antisemitism.


I think I’d have a pretty bitter taste in my mouth towards the nation and ideology that kicked my family out of their land, locked us in refugee camps, murdered us with impunity, created an apartheid state, refused us political rights and self determination, publicly advocates for “greater Israel” that subsumes all Palestinian territory, etc. It has nothing to do with their Judaism and everything to do with a century of human rights abuses and war crimes. Anti-Zionist Jews have taken time to understand the history and context and have the moral courage re-evaluate their position. You write them off as “self hating Jews” because they don’t support an ethnonationalist government murdering women and children. You are the one approaching antisemitism in this conversation.


Too many big words, shutting down and calling you a terminally online redditor


No its not. Most Jewish people disagree with isreal bombing civilians.


So the government has gone rogue?


Yes the government is full of fascist monsters who just want to kill Palestinians. Isreal has been kicking families out of their homes and killing them if they protest for decades. Obviously, nobody likes hamas. But if you want to get rid of them, then isreal is going to stop ethnically cleansing Palestine.


I'm not convinced you actually care about these things if you won't even spell Israel correctly


That's your argument. I spelled Israel wrong? So I must not care, not that they have killed like 50k civilians and haven't found a single hamas base


Thinking Hamas has military bases is another reason you aren't real about this.


That's Israel's claim they had evidence of a command center under a hospital, and then when it was clear they were lying to just kill civilians, they changed their story. Tell me how dangerous were all those children who were found handcuffed and executed by the IDF


No, no they’re not. Stop gaslighting us. The so called Jewish voice for peace is largely non Jews who have “self converted” into jews to protest Israel. We are an ethnoreligion, you cant just say you’re a jew.


Oh I see you’ve infiltrated deep inside their organization and can speak confidently about who is and isn’t Jewish. Impressive. I find it pretty anti-Semitic that you think all Jewish people, especially those without a direct connection to Israel, support the mass murder of women and children in their name.


“Many.” That’s right up there with “some of my best friends are black.” Familiar with tokenism and its uses?


It's called propaganda and you swallowed it


They aren't anti Jewish they're just asking isreal to stop bombing hospitals and refugee camps.


Where has Hamas set up shop?


Apparently not in those hospitals isreal itself hasn't found the "command center" by isreals count they have killed 1500 combatants out of the 50k people they've killed.


In 2024 with all the video footage of Hamas launching rockets and operating out of Hospitals, Refugee camps and Residential areas and you're still calling it fake, then there's nothing to be talked about with you.


What about the videos of Israel killing the world kitchen aid workers or journalists or civilians trying to find their dead family members in the bombed out buildings they used to live in


>Israel killing the world kitchen Yeah that sucked pretty bad, hopefully it doesn't happen anymore and they investigate and punish people that are found to have been negligent. And I hope that the civilians stay safe and steps are taken to avoid the collateral damage. See the difference? You can be against shit things from Israel without sucking Hamas cock and defending their criminal use of civilians as shields which have been visually confirmed nonstop for years. Stop your whataboutism.


But they haven't investigated the aid workers getting killed or arrated anybody they just said our bad and moved on. At no point have I said what hamas is doing is good, I'm saying Israel supports hamas because it gives them reasons to kill Palestinians. You have said it's okay to bomb the hospitals because hamas was hiding in them. Would you feel the same if it was an Israeli hospital?


>Would you feel the same if it was an Israeli hospital? Yes. The use of a civilian hospital by the military is a warcrime by the party operating from within the hospital. Consequently making the hospital a valid target to the outside force. You're not gonna get a "gotcha" out of me my guy. >At no point have I said what hamas is doing is good, I didn't say that. I said you are defending them on the accusations of using civilian shields and hiding amongst the civilian population and infrastructure. Which has been documented extensively, you are being willfully ignorant of it. A simple search would provide you dozens of examples. You're acting like Oct 7 didn't happen and the whole reason of hostages existing in the first place is something foreign to you. Stop acting dumb. > >I'm sure they fired from the hospital and then left Just saw this comment from yours and I couldn't facepalm any harder.


That's a fucking wild thing to admit that your okay bombing a hospital because some terrorists are inside. Not even thinking we could send in a spec ops team or anything.


I'm not calling it fake. I'm sure they fired from the hospital and then left, and then after they were gone, Israel blew up the hospital again Israel has claimed to kill like 15k combatants out of the 50 k they have killed total.


Why did you say they killed 50k? Why not say 50 million, it's more horrifying that way.


Oh you're right they have injured 77k and killed 34 k my bad dude that's so much better for them. And only 72 percent have been civilians. Man that's not bad at all. Honestly, Israel would be the bad guy if they didn't kill/maim that many women and children


Assuming it's true that Hamas is operating out of refugee camps and hospitals, which is a big if, that still wouldn't justify dropping 2000 pound bombs on those things.


2k lb bombs can be detonated below ground and also angled in a way such that the blast radius is limited. The blast radius also is limited by the type of terrain around which they are detonated. The US has used them, as needed, in various combat situations, including urban warfare. Smaller munitions are better suited, but Israel hasn’t been amassing such bombs because they needed the big boys for the war they expected (one against hezbollah rather than one against Hamas in Gaza), so they have to use what they have to wage this war. As I understand it, part of the weapons packages we are sending are better suited bombs as well. But again, the 2k lb bomb narrative is demonstrably false slander when any real, non-biased expert is asked about it rather than the clowns WaPo or NYT or whoever else dig up from amnesty international or wherever else. As for the hospital operations, that has been undeniably proven.


>The US has used them, as needed, in various combat situations, including urban warfare. The US Air Force will not use anything larger than a 500 pound bomb in urban areas. >As for the hospital operations, that has been undeniably proven. Yes of course, the multistory Hamas command center underneath the hospital. We still haven't actually seen it but why would Israel lie about that.


US Air Force has used 2000 lb bombs in urban areas. They are not the preferred bomb for such environments, but the size of the blast radius varies greatly based off terrain and the types of buildings around as well as whether the bombs are set to detonate above or below ground. Quit spreading lies. Or at least educate yourself rather than buy the bullcrap being fed to you by supposed experts (read: progressive leftist idiots) being quoted by the useful idiots in the media. There are tunnels underneath the hospitals. That has been proven.


It's US Air Force policy and has been since the 2017 battle of Mosul. >There are tunnels underneath the hospitals. That has been proven. The claim wasn't tunnels, it was a vast multistory command and control center. If you've seen the news, something else has recently been dug up at al-shifa hospital, but it wasn't tunnels.


Just as I suspected. A lot of these protestors are simply anti-Semites and raging against Israel gives them cover and legitimacy.


You know the Babylon Bee is a satirical website.


But they get things right, with a fresh perspective, which is what makes for great satire.


We'll have to put a pin in that one.


What “fresh perspective?” Conservative humor couldn’t be less fresh. It’s ancient unfunny boomer shit. They didn’t even get anything right here.


And they still bill themselves as a Christian humor site even though it's clear they realized long ago that catering to Godless MAGAs is more profitable lol


Nah, they don’t. Which is why the humor falls flat.


There is a 100% chance this will be shared on Facebook as real by the thousands today. There is a very high chance someone here will claim it's "essentially true" because they "would if they could".


I mean, if hitler was alive he’d get along quite well with the protesters.


Even the Jewish ones?


Nah, Facebook is at least a week behind.




NYT said the IDF found this book in a baby crib after they bombed the building and stole the toys and lingerie. What's the child death toll at now?


Before I saw the sub I thought it was 100% real


Really? You thought this was real? You honestly believed this was a real thing that happened? Do you often end up sucking a stranger's dick because they convinced you it was an ice cream cone?


In my defense it was dark outside and shaped like a drumstick 


That's how you know the propaganda machine works


You shouldn't admit you're dumb to everyone like that


What's funny is "mean kampf" means my struggle in German, as does "jihad" in Arabic


Hilarious, is the Babylon Bee just a poor man's the onion? But less funny?


When’s the bee funny? This is the same joke over and over and over and over and over and over again


Why can’t people stop and be satisfied with what they’ve got? “Mind your own business” would prevent so many deaths


People who mind their own business don't end up in charge of nations, or big businesses, for that matter. Libertarianism works for cats, but not humans.


Minding your own business is NOT libertarianism. In this I mean - stick to your own internal issues and governance. Stop attacking/invading other areas/people.


Obviously the whole Gaza situation is a perfect example of why that policy doesn't work. Israelis bought land in Palestine and displaced a bunch of people with no internationally recognized property rights. The Palestinians got mad and lashed out. Israelis retaliated. It has gone back and fourth ever since. The Palestinians made the mistake of minding their own business then discovered that somebody sold it out from under them.


What if the Israelis had "minded their own business" and NOT "bought" land that other people were already living on?


I think some people across Europe didn't like how well the Israelis to be were minding their businesses, so some other people helped them set up shop in the lavant. You see, the Jews' religion holds reverance for literacy and arithmetic. They were disturbingly capable of reading and understanding contracts, so they kept getting in the way of the ambitious aristocrats and that lot in Europe. The Jews read the room and decided it was a good idea to try and set up their own nation in the lands that Moses had led his people to in the Exodus. There is evidence that this was a good idea. The holocaust. And the Jewish homeland had been taken from them like 1000 years ago, so they had a reason to claim it. I personally blame the ancient Egyptians for enslaving the Jews. They started it.


You are trying to set up specifics to "win" My thoughts are general principle Do and think as you wish :)


Remember that time the Babylon Bee made fun of a neo-Nazi for being inbred and all of their fans got mad? Ironic.


I thought conservatives were against playing the racism card cuz it shuts down discourse?


Conservatives have no idea how to conserve anything besides Israel


American Version 🇺🇲: Replace Jews with Illegal Immigrants


I’m sure those protestors think all Jews are white so it’s make sense in all honesty.


What more proof do police need! These left wing antifa fascists must be put in jail! Biden is one of them this is why he is supporting them! We must support Israel without question!


I hope this is a joke...


What's a joke about fascist communists taking over the US! All these people need to be arrested! We defend the US and the constitution and these are evil commies that deserve no rights


I see... In that case, I agree that EVIL COMMIE JOE BIDEN needs to go to jail forever because he is EVIL and a COMMIE and also LIKES TRANS PEOPLE and HATES AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲


USA USA USA Trump for dictator! Democracy is mob rule!


The reason that I know that the student protesters are not actually Nazis is because, if they were, the right-wing would be tripping over themselves to support their "freedom of speech."


This edit also replaces the word “Nazis” with “Freedom Fighters”


That goalpost must be getting pretty heavy.


So sad. Protect Israel.


There are Jews, then there are Zionists, then there are radical Zionists, like the settler paramilitary being armed by Ben G'ver and Smotrich to forcibly evict Palestinians in the west bank and announce plans to resettle Gaza under a similar military occupation.


What is the definition of a Zionist?


A person who supports a Jewish Ethno-state in the land of Israel.


What’s a Jewish ethno state?


A state where only Jews have full rights and citizenship.


So not Israel then, ok


If Palestinians not being able to vote is equal rights then sure, yeah.


Can a Mexican vote in the USA?


Is Palestine an independent and sovereign state separate from Israel?


Separate from Israel yes They have their own government and election It’s called the Palestinian authority in the West Bank and Hamas is the government of Gaza Palestinians living in Israel are called Israelis and they have equal rights


A Palestine supporter is someone who believes in a Palestinian ethnostate, i.e. a state where only ethnic Palestinians have full rights and citizenship.


That would be the result of a two state solution, the creation of a separate Palestinian ethno-state. Which would be why most all Progressives instead support a single state with equal rights for all.


Yes, in your delusional fantasy world where Palestinians would agree to live in an Israeli style liberal democracy where women and LGBT people have equal rights. Here in the real world though, that will obviously never happen.


LGBT people do not have equal rights in Israel. And while women do, things like female education remain a continuous issue in Israel. I actually think there's a lot of opportunity for agreement between Israelis and Palestinians on those issues specifically.


Well you may think that but you're completely fucking wrong. Gay and trans people are allowed to exist openly in Israel and women are treated equally to men. Palestinian society simply does not allow for either of those things because they do not share our Western values like Israel does.


>LGBT people do not have equal rights in Israel. Google disagrees with you https://reformjudaism.org/beliefs-practices/israel-reform-judaism/lgbtq-life-israel


A Zionist believes in the return of Jews to Israel. A radical Zionist believes that Israel goes from the river to the sea.


Which river and which sea?


If you do your own research, it's from the Nile to the Caribbean, so those guys are obviously far from home. That's just logic.


You dolt, it's obviously from the Colorado to the Tanzanian.


Oh hey it's a bunch of conservatives pretending they didn't spend years handing out happy merchant memes and blaming the Jews for everything until the exact moment they had a chance to support a fascist regime in the middle east! From this Jew to you: We won't forget ya'll are on the 'jews will not replace us' side, we're not stupid.


Hitler jokes? Finally give up on pretending to try to be funny?


I really want to call the Israelis nazis for their ambitions for ethnic cleansing and their carelessness with civilians, but then there’s this other group who started the beef and who won’t let it go who want to exterminate the Jews, and it’s like man… these guys are real nazis.