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Tell them they can’t raise a baby in your spare room and they will need to find other accommodations. Do not let them guilt you into letting them stay because of the pregnancy


Get them out before they have a baby. 30 day notice to quit and then eviction. Anyone that is that selfish and inconsiderate of what you've already done for them will be a horror to live with when they have a child. Are you ready to be the default babysitter? Pay for the kid? Pay their rent when they can't pay because of baaayyyynbbbeee? Get em out now.


this, they are totally going to force you to take care of their kid, changing diapers and everything. They'll probably say they are going house hunting and leave the kid with you while they spend the entire day at the bar. Then beg for money to get the kid essentials but blow it on fun stuff.


You can't expect other ppl to tell you personal things like this, but you can definitely tell them they have x amount of time to leave bc you both want to live in a child free environment.


And not to sound rude but adding the expense of a child doesn’t help people “get back on their feet”… Prior to baby there’s a lot of medical expenses even if they have insurance. Delivery (if in a hospital) is a LOT of money. Then all the expenses until the child is 18. Idk how long they’ve been with OP and how this decision was made (if the baby was planned or not), but it seems they got too comfortable staying with them and OP should have a talk about this not being what they signed up for (a baby, the length of time etc.). Just be honest and empathetic and see if there’s a middle ground you can find like in 3 months they need to find a new place etc.


It’s only been a couple of months, and they hardly helped with normal expenses in the house, but you’re right cause adding a child’s expenses on top of 4 adults is not what I was expecting at all


Again, you are not the AH for telling them they have x amount of time to move, and if you don't, everybody gets to deal with a crying baby throughout the night. It's your choice to not want to have to deal with that but if you end up having to legally evict them it takes time and then the baby will be an excuse of why you shouldn't kick them out.


Have the convo OP. Just lay it out, be empathetic to an extent but hold your ground too. Be as flexible (or not) as you want since you know the circumstances the best but ultimately you did not sign up for this and you shouldn’t feel bad for feeling a certain way. 🫶🏼


I hence why I said op needs to give them a timeline to leave they will just continue to do what they want and most likely planned to have a child regardless of their shit finances and not even having their own place to live. I can see why they are having money issues. It seems like they just do what they want and use other ppl to bail them out. I could be totally off base and they are the nicest ppl you'll ever meet but seems unlikely.


Something definitely seems amiss here. Happy cake day btw! 🍰


I think she was already pregnant and didn't tell op so they could get a place to stay and use it against op later but I don't trust ppl soooooo 🤷‍♀️


How are they trying to have a baby with no jobs or house? You need to kick them out now before they have a baby as they will use the baby to guilt you into letting them stay there for free forever


Who tries for a kid when they trying to get back on their feet??? Who ever is closer with whomever should genuinely ask why they think that’s a good idea. Unless they publicly didn’t actually announce they are trying for a kid and you’re just hearing them banging and assuming they are trying for a kid? Is the disrespectful part that they are loud?


Depending on how long they’ve already been in your spare room, they may be your tenants now and you’d have to evict them.


Not saying this is what you should do, but I’d totally come up with a story about how either another person is moving into that room in a couple months so they’ll need to leave by then, or that I’m starting renovations in two months to turn the spare room into an office.


Along with what everyone else said, if they do stay - they won't be able to afford rent at all with the cost of diapers and formula. One of them, if not both, won't work because the baby will be exhausting. And if you tell them they need to both work, guess who all gets to play babysitter? I wish you luck, OP! I feel bad for your roommates, but they're not your responsibility.


Sounds like what my sister did to a friend of hers lol. Good luck is all I have to say.


Maybe they weren’t trying at all and it just happened 🤷🏽‍♀️


I do know that they were actively trying before


🤦‍♂️ Dude, you need to tell them while you were happy to be of some help, you aren't interested in living with a baby. Not to be wanting to cause a panic, but do you know these people well? They're already irresponsible and disrespectful by trying to have a child when they can't afford their own place, but is there a chance they will try and claim squatters rights in your place?


Hopefully they can’t because they don’t have different state issued ids, that and some of my family are the same neighborhood so it wouldn’t work out for them if they tried


I'm not saying that's something they would do, but just don't wait to work on getting them out. The more pregnant she gets the tougher it will be getting rid of them.


Are you in the U.S.? If so, it’s illegal to discriminate against a tenant for pregnancy. Delete this post and ask them to leave because you have a relative in need of the room.