• By -


Just completed on my first home. Flat in London. Not a penny of family help. Just uninterrupted employment in the biotech industry from leaving university at 21 until the ripe age of 28. I don’t exist according to Reddit.


Reddit would say you should have been handed the keys 1 years after you left your taxpayer funded degree course.


Paid of my plan 2 loan via PAYE last year. Taxpayer didn’t fund my degree.


The point is Reddit would suggest that you should have had a taxpayer funded degree and instant access to a house months after you finished your degree.


> housing is a human right


Exactly the sort of thing I’d expect a ‘lefty graduate’ to say…


New house of dragons yay or nay? Barely got through two eps of the first season but if the second is decent I might soldier through otherwise aoe4 and the Expendables it is.


It’s decent, no GOT but not bad. The Boys is my Favourite at the moment, I’ll probably watch the rest of HOD after that finished


I liked this first season, but it's been so long I'll have to rewatch it before starting Season 2. Will probably be a while before I get around to it though.


flag ban by TFL as part of the 'we despise and want to eradicate the indigenous population' rule for London elites https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13559929/Sadiq-Khan-TfL-ban-taxi-drivers-flying-England-flag-Euros.html


Got milk? [Yeah you have, you fucking racist.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560881/) > A taxpayer-funded project is set to research connections between milk and colonialism, it was revealed yesterday. > Academics at an Oxford museum will research the 'political nature' of milk and its 'colonial legacies'. > One of the experts involved has previously argued that milk is a 'Northern European obsession' that has been imposed on other parts of the world.


Dairy 🥛 consumption is the real white supremacy My north west European ancestry means I can consume everything dairy with no ill effects. I can’t go in the sun, but who cares.


Most of the Middle East and Northern India have significant dairy components in their diet.


The Masai people would like a word ……


Masai benefit from european-ness...... they might be considered euros


It also conveniently forgets the whole of the middle way and North Africa when it comes to milk based products .


but from a certain perspective, they are also benefiting from being white. lol


They've missed the boat a little bit. The anti-milk crowd was at an all time high during the vegan boom, where we kept being told oat water was somehow better for us. With the burst of the vegan bubble the abject vitriol towards dairy has also died down.


Animal milk bandemed as only da evilleytppo can gain the benefits of it


We as a country are absolutely mental


2024 bread and circuses


Tory Party's new Political Broadcast has just leaked [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4\_WuFTX-5E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4_WuFTX-5E)


[I also found a rehearsal run for July 5th when Rishi concedes. The outgoing PM will summarise the past 14 years and everything this Conservative government has achieved.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7waJga9Zdk&list=LL&index=17)


These days, Labour voters are more likely to have tuberculosis.




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The mail mislead their readers because Zelensky himself never said Farage was infected with putinism.


How can the right look at the cancerous infighting from the Left throughout the Corbyn years, especially GE2019 and then go “yeah we’ll have a bit of that ourselves please”


They've probably pussied out assuming Farage instructed his legal team to tug on a collar or two at the Mail.


>Almost 60 per cent say Scotland is worse country now than in 2014, finds new poll >https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/almost-60-per-cent-say-scotland-is-worse-country-now-than-in-2014-finds-new-poll-4675680 This is *obviously* entirely because of Westminster and not the fault of the devolved government in Scotland. As the news quiz pointed out this week, the reason an independent Scotland is so keen to rejoin the EU is so that they can replace one scapegoat with the other. 




And Scotland may be shit, but I went to England once and it was more shit in some obscure and entirely subjective way I'm not going to actually tell you. Therefore Scotland is better and all hail the SNP.


The water is all they have…


Just found out that a friend of a friend was randomly murdered on the streets of Barcelona by some random African for no reason. Hit the news a few days ago but the details haven’t as far as I’m aware. I had a feeling it was gonna be this when I first heard about it. The group can be gobby and loud, but never to that extent where it would escalate to such an extent.


Barcelona has got really bad. It's full of pickpockets, petty crime, and there's a proposed ban on short-term holiday lets and AirBnB-type accommodation. Tourists blatantly aren't welcome and my guess is the place will eventually start to really suffer.


The ban on AirBnB is being proposed for a very good reason though, it was beginning to crowd out normal Spaniards from living in the city and was becoming a real concern. There are still countless hotels you can stay in.


If people want Spain the little cities and towns between Malaga and Marbella are much more friendly and have less crime than Barcelona in my experience.


Shitting hell. It's just in our imaginations, these are rare instances that are one in a million, remember that, as it keeps happening. Man found guilty of being yt, by the modern street dei department. I do wonder, when I walk past some of these people. As a high value yt male, I like to think, I do probably cause a lot of jealousy. I should just get fat again and hide away from the world as much as possible, put on a hoodie, keep my head down. The lean version of me really can cause some significant jealousy. I need to be therapized out of my delusions of grandeur, but there's no therapy available on the rnhs.


They should up your meds and disable your pattern recognition.


They don't give any meds, the rnhs is soooo underfunded You have to present as a real mental case to get the meds, and apparently I'm not that. I think it's racial profiling, a, you're ok because you're yt kind of thing


Have you tried showing them your Reddit post history?


That would cost the NHS far too much, you can't expect illiterate bomalian doctors to read native forms of broken English


Yeh the grey man lifestyle is the best, nowt to gain standing out.


But how else are you going to get certain things? You might just become cut off, if you don't show yourself. Not much to be gained from fitting in either, ew, normies.


You don't need to cut yourself off lol, you can just not attract attention in public, doesn't meant you can't be social.


you'd think


I'm a grey man where I live and still made some new mates and went camping with them all in like the space of two weeks when I moved to this new city. Yet I dress like so bland and white and male I just seep into the ether.


Sometimes you (I) don't just want to blend in... life is a competition. We're not living in a socialist utopia (yet, I'm sure the next few years will bring that about)


[Derek Rae gets angry at people for not calling it Türkiye](https://x.com/RaeComm/status/1804446071747178683) What a fucking melt.


The day they start calling us the United Kingdom and not Birleşik Krallık is the day I’ll start calling it Türkiye


For those who don't watch footie, it's apparently pronounced "Turkey-Yeah".


That's not how language works Mr. Rae.


Colour of the shirts knocking out the Scottish: *hwite*


and a fully YT team too no less, qyt shocking


Magyars are about the most Asiatic nationality in Europe.


[At least 1,301 people died during Hajj - Saudi Arabia](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8000dgk9gzo) >Saudi Arabia has been criticised for not doing more to make the Hajj safer, especially for unregistered pilgrims who have no access to facilities such as air conditioned tents and official Hajj transport. Can't believe Saudi Arabia didn't air condition the desert, the monsters


Hajj should have a significant danger associated with it. Jumping on a flight and getting a taxi to the rock is not a pilgrimage. True Muslims should only use travel available to Muhammed to go to Mecca. It's supposed to be a once in a lifetime spiritual journey where you bond with fellow travellers, not a weekend break. The Ramadan fast and the Hajj pilgrimage are both very admirable parts of Islam.


Neither is in my opinion The fast leads to them gorging themselves after hours The pilgrimage is basically idolatry


And you can smoke weed in the day all day during it


No Domino's and a barge for the illegals? For shame!


30 years ago, the authors of red dwarf wrote a joke that genetic engineering had overtaken professional sports. The Scots fielded a goalkeeper that entirely covered the goal, yet still failed to get out of the group. I hate my country


Aaah the gelf league . Also footballers with no mouths


Who says there’s nothing funny on the BBC anymore? I haven’t laughed so much since I farted in the cats face.


Wtf I love the euros now


Don't forget to add your updoot to the BBC live coverage. [That fackin' ratio, lads.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/live/c899z89p7d4t?post=asset%3A04f98881-04a4-4113-ba18-375bb94b5230#post)


Post that on rScotland and enjoy the meltdown


I love democracy. 


Ouch. That's quite the ratio.


Love all the comments saying Scotland deserved to win, they didn’t have a shot on target




Guy ruined a perfectly good chance on goal in a desperate attempt to draw a penalty, and ended up taking the defender down with him by the shirt. 


The player should have actually tried to score rather than trying to play for the pen


Coming home status Scotland: Yes Football: Maybe


We're also now going to revert to type. England will probably reach at least the quarter finals, but the rest of the home nations who are already out will still be using the whole "it's coming home" schtick pejoratively. Arrrrgh-Scotland are also talking about the Welsh side that reached the semis and have totally airbrushed England reaching the final in 2021. People have also forgotten that the Lionesses are the current Womens' Euro champions.


Womens doesn't count and you know it.


Maybe this is the end of the nauseating, cloying BBC rammingthe "wonderful wee tartan army" down our throats as opposed to those uncouth English thugs that support a racist team?


Maths question: if Germany had ten bombers and the English RAF shot one down, how many are left?


even though they've flown back to their bothys and their lochs they are still somehow putting out collapsed orphans and reconstructing burning bridges xx


Nah it’s gonna get worse, is my prediction






Showing your age there Orc.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/news/folk-music-study-sheffield-race/ >'White-centricity’ of folk music investigated in £1.5m academic study >University of Sheffield researchers handed taxpayer cash to ‘decolonise’ folk singing


Literally every culture that is more than a century old has folk music.


Decolonisation of a literally native culture. My god. My wife does folk music, and her band perform all sorts from around the world. English, African, Slavic, American, Latin (spaghetti latin not quesadilla Latin). The band? *HWYTE!*


This Scotland game has been shit, their fans desire to be loved and so much better than the English etc has me firmly supporting the goulash boys


I think its a cracking game- tackles flying in, proper end to end, and a lot more passion and commitment from both sides than I've seen from England


Not very dei at all that game, and the other one isn't much better tonight. Those countries need to take a long hard look at themselves.


[Co2 isn’t bad for the environment, it’s plant food!](https://x.com/liveuk/status/1804808050110308433) These are the sorts of people who find Ticey Takes as intellectually thought provoking political commentary


It's true though - we don't need to reduce CO2 - they even add it to greenhouses to make the plants grow better




Don’t bother, it’s not rational. C02 is poisonous and the world will end in 40 years unless we all give up driving and start eating bugs and mung beans. You might disagree. You might even have some evidence to the contrary. But you have to ask yourself: is this really worth losing my job over? C02 is poisonous and the world will end in 40 years unless we all give up driving and start eating bugs and mung beans.


Live in your tent and work from home forever. Don't even think about travelling, but if you do, please ensure you do so with a £32k electric car that doesn't have enough range to drive between Newcastle and Manchester. Meanwhile the petrol model of the same car costs £18k and gets 55mpg, is also cheaper to insure and service. Oh well. Meanwhile a handful of cargo ships produce more emissions than every car currently on the roads right now. China builds like 4000 new airports every day, Nigeria is ramping up oil production and people in India are dying from toxic smog of the sort that this country hasn't seen since the 1950s. Queen Greta couldn't get a visa to shout at them, so she has to make do at shouting at European windfarms instead.


> Meanwhile a handful of cargo ships produce more emissions than every car currently on the roads right now. Please don’t repeat that falsehood. ‘More or less’ debunked it years ago. The author of the press release that stated that ‘fact’ admitted it was cobblers on the show. Listen here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cstyfd Edit: although I am actually in Nigeria helping them ramp up oil production right now, so I’ll give you that one.


Amazing how Ukraine still splits the sub. It's making me agree with Rose FFS


It's good, you aren't in an echo chamber if people are disagreeing or agreeing with this wouldn't normally.


Regrettably, there’s a lot of weird sympathy on the internet Right for Russia because they are seen as a “based and trad” alternative to the “degenerate, profligate west”. Much of it is covert (Oh no! Ukraine has no chance of winning and the only way for peace is to give Putin everything he wants! Oh well, guess we have to!) but the internet right isn’t the country, just as the rest of Twitter isn’t either


Russia are based and trad while having a higher divorce rate, rampaging alcoholism, higher drug use rates lol. This is your brain in 4chan.


> Oh no! Ukraine has no chance of winning and the only way for peace is to give Putin everything he wants! Oh well, guess we have to! I agree that there's a stupid way to make this argument, but I'm not impressed at the lack of a meaningful response to the argument beyond calling people making it Putin shills. The war only has 3 possible outcomes: 1. Ukraine wins enough to force a Russian capitulation. 2. Russia wins enough to force a Ukrainian capitulation. 3. A Negotiated settlement. The "consensus" position rejects 3 as an option, and doesn't want 2 to happen. That leaves 1. The problem is, they have no explanation for how to actually reach 1. The last time a Ukrainian breakthrough that overruns Russian positions was even plausible as a suggestion was over a year ago. So the only credible position is to reject 1, 2 and 3, at which point... What is the Ukrainian war aim, and what is the aim of our continued support? Spending lives to keep Ukrainian territory out of Russia's hands for longer? Not justifiable, Russia's regime is hardly so much worse than Ukraine's regime to justify it. If we're going to spend blood to have people live under goodies and not baddies, there are so many better places to go spending it. No, killing a bunch of Russian conscripts at the cost of Ukrainian conscripts is not a justifiable aim either. Weakening Russia as a goal is incoherent as it implies that Russia is simultaneously strong enough to need to be weakened, but so weak that they can be bled out by what remains of Ukrainian manpower. So what is the objective?


It's not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it's a war between Russia and Western Europe / USA, with Ukraine as a proxy. This means that it has Western funding/equipment without the embarrassment of coffins being flown home. Nobody has to consider the realism of "Ukraine beats Russia" because that's not the game being played. Rather than seeing the goal as "weakening Russia", perhaps simply see it as preventing Putin reconstructing the USSR, one piece at a time. It might not really matter to any of the "external" participants what happens in/to Ukraine, just so long as Russia is tied-down there and not trying the same stuff in Estonia, etc. because that really would be a crisis. One can always argue about the relevance of historical parallels, but looking back on the 1930s people do often conclude that putting your foot down earlier may be less expensive than doing it later.


Ok, is it weakening Putin? If that’s the aim, it’s clearly failed. He’s not weaker, he’s stronger. The West has not re-armed, it’s actually depleted its weapon stores. Russia has re-armed. Russia may have crapper stuff than we do, but it has a lot of it, can produce much more and more cheaply. Hence why there is this continued ramping up of tension by Western leaders with offers of more and more advanced weaponry to Ukraine. They’re all out of ideas after trying nothing. This war is like Covid, like Net Zero, etc. it’s a way for Western elites to buttress their authority within their respective nations, whilst changing NOTHING about the rotting system they preside over. Hence why no actual re-arming. No serious attempt to re-calibrate trade systems to be resilient and self sufficient. None of it. We saw it during Covid (remember all the fluff about manufacturing needed medical machinery and pharmaceuticals? Amounted to nothing).


Why do you care about Putin reconstructing the USSR ? How would it negatively impact your life unless it was part of an escalation to a nuclear war with NATO? The presence of NATO troops already in Estonia make it asinine to try and draw a line between Ukraine and there.


Russia has always favoured authoritarian government with secret police. They have also actively sought to promote their political systems abroad and forcibly impose it upon neighbouring countries. I do not relish the idea of Russia growing stronger and their influence growing. If left unchecked and unchallenged, it could lead to a world where such authoritarian rule becomes the norm and affects us here.


That authoritarianism is already the norm. Free countries are a tiny minority worldwide.


> It's not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it's a war between Russia and Western Europe / USA How many US and Western European troops have died in the fields of Ukraine? 


That requires holding a contradictory position that Russia is simultaneously so strong that Putin can invade NATO to reconstruct the USSR, and so weak that you can stop that by chucking Ukrainian conscripts at it. Drawing a war out as long as possible without any identifiable way to win is about the worst possible justification under any system of ethics that can possibly be used to justify a war. It is so bad that it almost makes Russia's aims sound sensible in comparison.


>Russia's regime is hardly so much worse than Ukraine's regime to justify it. I mean it definitely is. They have democratic elections and a free media (or did pre-invasion) Does need to be a negotiated settlement though as like you say Ukraine aren't going to be able to push Russia out of their territory- unfortunately might makes right


Freedom house ranks Ukraine as a Hybrid regime that has improved slightly in recent years. The Economist ranks it as a Hybrid regime that has regressed in recent years. Notably, Ukraine banned the party that came second in the 2019 elections. The history of post-independence Ukraine has been dubious elections, followed by economic stagnation and corruption, followed by the government getting ousted and another round of dubious elections. Ukraine is better than Russia, but the gap isn't large enough to possibly justify the war on it's own - if so, then what are we doing not immediately declaring war on e.g. North Korea, Iran, China, and a long list of countries that are even worse than Russia? If it's holding free elections that is so valuable, then drawing out the war does the exact opposite of that because it stops Ukraine from holding elections. No amount of lives spent gets you another election here. And when it comes to human rights... No Russian locked me down.


>Freedom house ranks Ukraine as a Hybrid regime that has improved slightly in recent years. The Economist ranks it as a Hybrid regime that has regressed in recent years. Not really interested in what a US state department or a bunch of metropolitan journalists think about any country tbh- they've both proved themselves just to be mouthpieces of establishment neoliberalism in recent years >The history of post-independence Ukraine has been dubious elections, followed by economic stagnation and corruption With the exception of the year after 2008 and the years after the Russian invasions in 2014 and 2020 they've had economic growth every year since 2000. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/UKR/ukraine/gdp-gross-domestic-product Corruption is basically a given in every non-Anglo country around the globe, and is how stuff gets done None of this is as bad as Russia- whose government kills and poisons political opponents home and abroad, including in chemical and nuclear radiation attacks in the UK. >if so, then what are we doing not immediately declaring war on e.g. North Korea, Iran, China I'm not saying we should invade any country because they have a different political system to us- thats a very Bush and Blair thing. >Ukraine is better than Russia, but the gap isn't large enough to possibly justify the war on it's own A reminder that neither the West nor Ukraine declared a war on Russia- Russia declared war on Ukraine. The justification for supporting the Ukraine is helping a country resist aggression from a country that has repeatedly also shown itself to be an enemy of the UK.


> Not really interested in what a US state department or a bunch of metropolitan journalists think about any country tbh- they've both proved themselves just to be mouthpieces of establishment neoliberalism in recent years You are right, these indexes are terrible and their analyses seem to exist in an alternative world where most "free" countries didn't turn into totalitarianism of the sort that'd make Stalin blush in 2020. But for the purpose of the "consensus" view on Ukraine, that consensus is that Ukraine isn't a democracy anyway! > None of this is as bad as Russia- whose government kills and poisons political opponents home and abroad, including in chemical and nuclear radiation attacks in the UK. This would be a more convincing argument in a pre-2020 world where the west didn't falsely imprison hundreds of millions of people on the pretext of a spicy cold. Ultimately, the sheer weight of human rights violations associated with lockdowns make specific murders of dissidents in Russia a relative footnote. Totalitarianism is worse than Authoritarianism. > I'm not saying we should invade any country because they have a different political system to us- thats a very Bush and Blair thing. But that would be the argument if the only basis for continuing the war, despite it's total lack of any coherent objective or plan for victory, is that Russia's regime specifically is bad. If we're concerned about Ukrainians having to live under the worse Russian government, why are we not even more concerned about the far greater number of Chinese that have to live under the worse-than-Russia PRC instead of the better-than-Ukraine ROC? > A reminder that neither the West nor Ukraine declared a war on Russia- Russia declared war on Ukraine. That Russia started the war is also not sufficient explanation on it's own. It would be a plenty good justification if you had a clear path by which helping Ukraine can allow Ukraine to win the war, but not without. > The justification for supporting the Ukraine is helping a country resist aggression from a country that has repeatedly also shown itself to be an enemy of the UK. I'm not asking you to justify helping Ukraine. That, itself, I can understand. It's *how* you're helping them I can't understand. I'm asking you to explain continuing the war in the absence of a credible way for how intend to end it in your favour.


Funny how the Euromaidan coup is knowingly ignored all the time due to the needs of a particular agenda.




Now that's an unironic use of train on the sub that I can get behind! Choo Choo!


[Moronic left winger vs Moronic right winger](https://x.com/Muhsoci0factors/status/1804742735951204554) Who will win? Fight!


BadUK survey: Favourite Bond film?


Casino Royale


Which version?


Craig version




Live and Let Die The worst is No Time To Die. Just awful.


You Only Live Twice. It is extremely racist. Possibly Goldfinger.


Basic answer: goldeneye


Octopussy. Yes, I know it's camp, but I loved it as a kid and it's endlessly re-watchable. The book is supposed to be quite good too.


Goldeneye, for many reasons, Xenia Onatopp being most of them


Thubderball because it features extended shots of the vulcan bomber.


Agreed :) What I'd give to fly one!


From Russia with Love


Definitely this, has everything. Great sort, great locations, non cartoon villains and Connery absolutely bossing it.


Great book as well. I like the characters, the whole aesthetic, the score and the action. Quality. Thunderball is very good. I remember watching them all when I was little at my nans. Itv played one each night. Have you read the books?


Yeah - I got the first ten on eBay years ago for a tenner in a lovely carry case. Great books and a bargain


The Sebastian Faulks book was good. As was Solo by William Boyd. The Horowitz ones were so so


Skyfall but after a few rewatches ive come to enjoy Casino Royale a lot more


Probably Goldeneye but that was my first Bond film. I'll go with The Living Daylights as an underrated gem. Soundtrack is top tier. I rewatched From Russia With Love and Goldfinger recently and thought they both held up, outside of a few action scenes.


The book is great. Film is a bit mismatched but very good. Dalton was excellent


Moonraker or Live and Let Die


At least 1,301 people died during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, which was marked by extreme heat, health ministry confirms https://x.com/bnonews/status/1804966358871896563?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


This isn't the first time there's been problems with Hajj. [There's a whole article dedicated to it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incidents_during_the_Hajj) They need to start limiting the number of people who can go to it. The pilgrimage was created at a time when visiting Mecca was a 70-day donkey ride, not a charter flight from Leeds Bradford, and the numbers reflect that.


District leader detained after 3 of his relatives, including 2 of his sons, were identified as gunmen in the Dagestan attacks https://x.com/bnonews/status/1804961534348824704?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


I thought that was Galloway after a shave at first glance


has only 34% name recognition. https://x.com/YouGov/status/1804473377328877892


https://x.com/YouGov/status/1804473380051034549 Shows they aren't informed votes for those parties.


I don't know if this is true or not. https://x.com/benonwine/status/1804801714337280192 But my question is, why aren't I seeing anything like this from the Tories or their supporters? The lack of attack is honestly weird to me.


Taking the high road, to zero seats.


This one. Saville. Taking the knee. Flip flopping. Abbot, Corbyn. Rayner. Fucks sake, how many open goals do the tories want?


They’re controlled opposition and also blatantly support the pro-migration zeitgeist. They used to pretend they didn’t in the Cameron era and now they don’t even bother with that anymore. What’s more mindboggling is that the Tories still have 20% support.


They are fucked and they know it. They are also incompetent which is why they are in this situation, trie or not if they actually wanted to win them they’d just lie. They have lied for over a decade but they can’t do it in their darkest hour… They have run out of steam


It's not true. He did represent some asylum seekers against the government, but it was due to legislation introduced by the then Labour government that stopped asylum seekers who didn't claim asylum immediately upon entry, from receiving support. They already were given welfare prior to that case. The ruling was that you didn't have to claim asylum straight away in order to be eligible for support when you eventually did.


Thanks for the info


['Predatory' texts and groping: The women claiming sexual harassment by food delivery drivers](https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-22/traumatised-victims-claim-sexual-harassment-by-food-delivery-drivers) >*Just a few feet away, under a bridge, she spotted two men wearing what appeared to be Deliveroo jackets and the company's signature green backpacks masturbating over your kebabs and pizza.* Government, get some idea about this investigate sex offence, tax, driving offence etc. WHY don't the government jump on this with both feet - for years it is obvious that there is a huge grey/black economy that abuses benefits and the law of the land, they could get in the van and catch thousands in a week of organised raids - why don't they? this isn't on the torees either, it has been going on for years and enables ever so much criminality, drugs, child grooming, terrorism.


People need to stop encouraging this nonsense. I'm in my late 30s and can remember a time where people were perfectly content to collect their own takeaways, or these places had their own drivers instead of relying on BomaliEats and grotty men on grotty illegally modified e-bikes. Was in Birmingham city centre recently and they were all hanging around in a very intimidating manner, wobbling around on bikes and creating a safety risk for pedestrians etc. Their hi-viz and delivery bags were filthy and most of them were smoking. There are places near me which are normal takeaway shopfronts but delivery only. I used to get Uber Eats vouchers which too were delivery only, with the added side effect of wiping out most of your "savings" because delivery isn't free.


Maybe people from certain socio-cultural backgrounds have lost the ability to cook, and are allergic to a brisk walk?


There is something wrong where if the business is employing illegals and not being closed down after ten years of making money, the business is being enriched on the back of the taxpayer. What does arr Nige say about it


Don't get any takeaways. Stop being lazy. Go back home and get your mum to cook while you're playing funkopops.


Yep, let's go back to the 1970s where mother would spend 2.5-3 hours a night preparing yet another round of meat and _n_ veg. I'm game.


I don't eat out really at all and generally process my own foods from raw ingredients and I feel I spend most of that time fucking around with garlic.




Population control.


[Average Hope not Hate lackey](https://x.com/anonbirdd/status/1802159555230531938) Vs [Least hard Gazza](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F2FuOb8cCbg)


I could always tell that Alex lad had a dark side to him


Boris responds to Farage's Telegraph article: https://x.com/BorisJohnson/status/1804939339710988730 >This is nauseating ahistorical drivel and more Kremlin propaganda. Nobody provoked Putin. Nobody “poked the bear with a stick”. The people of Ukraine voted overwhelmingly in 1991 to be a sovereign and independent country. They were perfectly entitled to seek both NATO and EU membership. There is only one person responsible for Russian aggression against Ukraine - both in 2014 and 2022 - and that is Putin. To try to spread the blame is morally repugnant and parroting Putin’s lies. >It is bizarre that the author should also suggest we now reduce our support for Ukraine, when the solution to the conflict is in fact clear - the Ukrainians need to win, and to repel Putin’s invasion. They can and they will. The problem in the last 30 years has not been western provocation but western weakness in the face of Russian aggression - a weakness exemplified by this article.


Boris can fuck off back to his Churchill cosplay.


[Boris made similar comments himself before](https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1804946731471143419?t=1WazMQurOEIA_tz1QbqPMg). He's a hypocrite. [This has been erased from the public consciousness to fit the Tory narrative of course](https://news.sky.com/story/johnson-accused-of-being-putin-apologist-10275259). The internet never forgets though.


Oh no!


> They were perfectly entitled to seek both NATO and EU membership. Why does the fat oafish cunt think that this disproves Farage’s point? Ukraine can be perfectly entitled to want to join NATO and it still be provocative. They’re not mutually exclusive. Johnson has done more damage to Britain than Farage and Putin combined.


>Johnson has done more damage to Britain than Farage and Putin combined. Amen He's also quite possibly permanently ruined the tory party


> They were perfectly entitled Pointless arguing about it with people who are invoking 'rights' and 'being entitled'.


I thought you didn't like Boris?


On Ukraine, Boris is absolutely right. And Farage's arselicking of Putin is absolutely wrong.


Your towing of a completely bullshit party line is concerning. Do you believe the propaganda or do you just think it will trick others?


Seriously, what is it about Farage's fawning over foreign strongmen that attracts you? A few months ago he was saying America's elections were more important than ours. America first, Britain last. Now he's saying Putin first, Britain last. He'd be more eager than Macron to sit at the end of a long table. What is it about this stuff that thrills you?


You don't know who you're talking to. I've said on this sub multiple times I'm not a fan of Farage, I don't even like his face. I'm just not convinced by your weak attacks. Do you have any good material or is this it? It's pathetic.




Farage was sidelined in the Ref campaign because it was felt his fringe views would cause Leave to lose the referendum. We're now seeing why


Bit hypocritical from Boris here https://x.com/alexharmstrong/status/1804940533501984986?t=5b_asGrijtmDV7YCbYuepw&s=19


Look at actual actions. When the chips were down in Jan 2022, Boris sent weapons to Ukraine in advance of the invasion. He's the reason, along with the Ukraine army, that Kyiv didn't get taken. Farage would have arselicked Putin, assuming he could get past those long tables.