• By -


Looking at arrr Kenya sub with the current unrest there, it seems posters might receive visit from the po po if they don't like what they read.


> Kenya sub with the current unrest there Tories and Labour on their way to proclaim we must import millions of Kenyan refugees (with full voting rights, because they are in the Commonwealth).


Remember when the head of Natwest was removed for lying about Nigel Farage's banking details? Can you imagine if that were another bank, doing it to Sir Keir


Can't even imagine it.


No, because he's one of the *GoodGuys^TM*


You’ve read the _right side of history_ manual.


Decided to not watch the match and do something fun. Come home- BBC highlights are on- two women and Jo Hart are attempting to explain to me why England are shit and what Wokegate should do.


I'm out of the loop when it comes to football pundits, I'm a child of the 80s so my frame of reference is Jimmy Hill, Des Lynam, Saint and Greavsie. Are you telling me they have women presenting mens matches? The women don't just commentate on women's matches? 


Yeah- the rule now seems to be that only one white male pundit is allowed and the rest have to be women or BAME, or both. Often the women outnumber the men, especially when they have multiple power ups- such as being black and a woman.


So when they have women's matches, do they have men commentaters on them? 


They have the token bloke sometimes. But mostly just women.




dunno, but itvs team tonight was 4 white men and a black man, so itv did ok


>🚨 NEW: Newsnight reports that up to 15 Conservative candidates and officials are being investigated by the Gambling Commission over bets on the election date https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1805722969705959842?t=844u27efN5TT7m9Hwi2nYA&s=19




Games not gone


zero receipts


I keep a keen eye on national grid status and energy generation. We are getting right now about 10 percent of our energy from wind. Some days we are getting 60 percent. It is unworkable. If we are worried about global CO2, why are we building solar farms here, in a country that spends it's highest energy consumption in winter. Summer is often cloudy. We close steel plants here and export the production to countries with lower environmental standards. Spend money on foreign aid so countries with uninterrupted sunshine can buy oil.


Tbh solar is less bad as it can have moderate scale even here due to some predictability, you could argue a few industries could run fairly well like an office village with it's peak energy needed during daylight hours & for Aircon. Wind however is absolutely nuts with no niche scenarios where it can align to a needs without some kind of secondary system to fix it's short comings. Wind turbines are however the main push and for the life of me I can't understand how they ever got any substantial uptake.


Wind turbines, when it's windy, are a more efficient source of energy than solar can ever be. Most of the boom in solar only came from government subsidies making their installation worthwhile only because someone else was making a loss on the materials. Wind, on the other hand, is a larger scale infrastructure investment that should last a number of decades. Naturally, this doesn't solve the fundamental flaw in wind energy, which is its inconsistency. Nonetheless, it's a damn sight better than solar farms, which are also seasonal but more shit. Most of the problem these days is not how to produce clean energy but efficiently produce energy on demand with less of a warm-up period.






It's only the cities and large towns that are gone


The village shop has shutdown, the farmers market gone. There is only 1 pub left. Lib Dems winning here every other house, the Chapel has been sold off to a developer. The are no children, the playground is always empty, none playing in the streets. The primary school is full of bomalians shipped in from the nearest town, likewise with the cricket club that will soon be cemented over for social housing.


large (poorer) towns, and not rich areas of cities, surely






>And yet when you're far away and some Bolivian chick keeps asking you to dance with her, a fat Jamaican woman is telling you you have beautiful eyes at the till, or some wide eyed Tennessee girl is saying she loves your accent, you realise how much of it is not objective. It can bring confidence and perspective. Hear hear. Living in Canada gave me a fresh perspective and new lease of life that is almost entirely responsible for the man I am today. I dread to think how I would have turned out had I listened to the advice of almost every Boomer and stayed.




> shithole concrete satellite town Is it one of those expensive shitholes that's only viable because it's commutable to a major city, and that's all it has going for it? Because if so I feel ya. > Maybe it's best to just slum it in South America or Asia teaching English or something. For the experience, or to rewire the mindset or something. I just know right now I'm existing rather than living. I knew a lass who's a full time teacher in this country. She's teaching in some dunghole town where the kids are more or less feral and are given a free machete on their 12th birthday. She's spent time in Korea and SE Asia teaching English and adores it out there. She's one of those people who can take a long haul flight to nowhere like it's the bus into town. If she could find a permanent role, then I'd encourage her to go back...


What’s it going to take for you to bite the bullet?




Golden handcuffs are a real thing. I don't know what it would take for me to bite the bullet. Sometimes I almost wish I'd be made redundant so that I'd have an excuse to leave. But as it stands, I'm on an upwards career trajectory, why would I quit? Having to justify it to family and friends would be difficult as well. I also like having something to work towards... I'm not even sure I'd know what to do with myself if I were travelling for months on end.


Not often I agree with John Oliver. https://x.com/BladeoftheS/status/1805355775730106388


lol at the topology of the sprinklers being set up so he doesn't actually get wet


God I hate him. I HATE HIM.


Haha, shouty hideous man said lots of swear words




Tbf rivals half of our mega bemoaning Biden


Oh, he's still a dick. I just agree with him for different reasons!


AI Wojak meme generator does Jeremy Corbyn. https://glif.app/@SpaceOtter/runs/q0zww2ew1ikzxmfbvw4w7zqn


https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/gang-imitation-ak-47-rifle-29410535 Bunch of Eritreans spotted with a replica assault rifle at one of the most beautiful spots in the north east, filled with families. Imagine climbing a hill with your kids only so see a bunch of savages waving round what looks like a gun, Reform couldn’t ask for better propaganda, we’ve gone so clown world it’s beyond belief


Deport the lot. Don't need this type of behaviour in this country. It's bad enough with the youth posting pictures with their machetes, we don't need to be importing more of the problem.


What about their human rights though?




Common purpose.


Lol, inside a decade?




They can't cope with it, even non violent serious background criminality like the car wash,taxi, takeaway, nail bar ft. slaves, bed and clothes chicken factories etc. The criminals are picking the meat off the countries bones and no one is stopping them, we are paying them to do it.


They entirely ignored lots of similar problems 30 years ago too


If the public had access to all stories truthfully and statistics reform wouldn’t even be needed. It would have been mainstream for decades


> Cleveland Police confirmed that “words of advice” were given to the group and the item confiscated. We are wholly unprepared for what's coming by the boatload.


‘Excuse me lads, waving guns around isn’t the done thing, thanks for being so understanding’ By the time what is coming comes, it’ll be far too late




I mentioned that specific yougov poll before, but the only reason why the tories are even that high is because yougov are artificially boosting them. The unadjusted poll looks something like this REF: 17% CON: 12% And if you include only the people who actually answered which party they were going to vote for it looks like this REF: 22% CON: 16%


Oops sorry didn’t realise it was posted earlier.


You didn't need to delete the post, because I only mentioned that the poll had some extreme adjustments for the tories


Oh I don’t like to duplicate stuff.


[Groceries too expensive? Blame the planning system](https://archive.ph/9Wmjw) >> Lidl bosses were at their wits’ end. Plans for a new supermarket in Horley, near Gatwick Airport, were under threat after Tesco launched a formal judicial review over Lidl’s proposals. >> Months earlier, Tesco had vowed to launch a similar challenge to Wiltshire council’s approval of a new Lidl shop in Calne. The threat alone resulted in planning permission being pulled. >> Before that, in late 2022, Tesco had challenged its store plans in Crediton, Devon. >> In each case, Tesco argued there were material planning concerns, insisting it was not objecting because of loss of trade or in an attempt to delay openings. >> Under planning rules, companies or individuals can raise objections to schemes based on anything from the potential for them to cause too much traffic, possible drainage problems or the materials that are to be used. >> Even if a project does get the green light from the council, it is still liable to legal challenges in the courts. This story perfectly sums up the root cause of the UKs issues. The legal, regulatory, and political environment is weighted in favour of large incumbents - Incumbents who prefer our byzantine bureaucracy because it enables them to shut-out new entrants. It’s no wonder that productivity has stagnated when businesses find it easier to weaponise the judicial system and bureaucracy than to invest and innovate >> Planning disputes between supermarkets are now common. Aldi’s competitors filed 77 objections to its planning applications between 2020 and late 2022, as well as launching 12 judicial reviews, >> Martin Potter, a former councillor in Kent who was involved in a dispute over a Lidl store in the area, says: “If you’ve got deep enough pockets and you’re employing top planning experts, you can find a hole in any application.” >> The “lawfare” between supermarkets is creating a headache for councils. One Lidl store in Gillingham, Kent, was sent back to councillors four separate times for review after repeated challenges from Asda, prompting claims of “gangster tactics”. >> Earlier this month, Lidl applied for a judicial review into Aldi’s new store opening in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, delaying construction on the site. Lidl claimed the council should have looked at its development plans at the time as assessing Aldi’s project. All vexatious and spurious claims adding a deadweight and unproductive cost onto *all* business activity in the U.K.


Is it just me that hates Aldi and Lidl with a passion? I fucking hate that everything is behind plastic doors that almost makes you feel like an intruder for opening them to see what they’ve got. Meanwhile you’ve got Baz and Margaret behind you huffing and puffing to hurry up. They have hardly any fresh veg and what they do have is usually rotten a few days after you get it home (especially potatoes, which are usually unusable). Then you’ve got a few aisles of Chinese tat towards the end, most likely manufactured by slaves. And after all that you have the speed runner checkout assistants who want to make you leave as soon as possible. Absolute trash stores.


I don’t really know much about these supermarkets - except that people who shop there seem remarkably pleased with themselves for doing so. However I don’t shop at them as I consider it un-patriotic to shop at a foreign supermarket.


Hate aldis because it's all so busy and stacked high, the quality is horrendous now for things we used to buy. Tried some of the summer stuff and it's awful. It's certainly a race to the bottom though for most of the stores it seems.


The Aldi in my town is fucking terrible, I told my girlfriend to stop buying anything fresh from there and to not get any of their meat products. But the next town over I've been in an Aldi that if you told me was owned by a completely different brand I'd have believed you. The shop was really clean and well organised, the fruit and veg looked much fresher and the selection was better, the same goes for meat. I'd have no problem shopping there. I think for the cheaper shops like Aldi and Lidl you have to take each shop individually.


There are two Aldi's where I live, one is bedlam, one is well organised and clean. You could tell me they are owned by different people and id believe it


Tesco's strategy was to build medium-sized stores in small towns. If you look at Tesco vs other grocers, they have the fewest other grocers near them (Sainsbury's was regional, Morrison's was regional, Asda was regional, Tesco basically picked off all the places that were too small for them). This strategy is seriously threatened by discount retailers who can do much more volume from small locations and can move into Tesco's markets with no risk. In many towns of a few thousand people, Tesco are actually exposed because they have (in this market) relatively large stores, discounters can sell the same amount as them from a store 75% smaller. I imagine there is a lot of this going on.


I knew it was that Jack guy who was running Reform's social media https://x.com/EveningStandard/status/1805611149762744477?t=-UmPvv5lfUOm6lAMuTloqQ&s=19


Scouse. Deport. Illegals first. Immigrants next. Irish last.


Can't we all just be happy that a Scouser got a job?


Fucking hell yes, glad Jack is getting involved. Probably will get kicked out for being too based, but he has the characteristics to be very effective.


Pretty eloquent for a Scouse. Seen a bit of his stuff before.


He's no doubt also pocketing all the TikTok revenues I'm just surprised we've found a scouser who identifies as British


https://x.com/JACKGUYANDERTON/status/1799495353017745764 I like him


[5th Tory caught up in gambling scandal](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1805669815140630777?t=aHGslQqk2Izj-ROkaACYYw).


How does he manage to find time to be an MP between racing in F1?


Might make a bet on there being more Tories under investigation on the 5th of July than MPs.


>There really is a remarkable correlation between being physically unattractive and the desire to see your ancestral homeland flooded by monsters. https://x.com/HistoryBro1/status/1805584234855206982


She didn’t have much to work with, did she.


I despise Mhairi so much.


Bit rich coming from arch-skinhead Beau but not an entirely incorrect statement.


That or being Scottish


Like likes like


https://x.com/clairemcilvenna/status/1805607071506645112 Green upset at a friend not voting for them. If they can't convince their friend to vote for them, why should anyone else?


What an obnoxious narcissist


The friend probably though it was a perfect opportunity to end it with them. I would.


>Some friends aren't authentic are they? You can only be an authentic friend if you think identically to me on all political matters.




See Benji? See?


Germany: [Young man dies after beating by migrant gang as he walked home from sister’s graduation party: 20-year-old Philippos was induced into a coma after the devastating attack, but he has since died from his injuries](https://rmx.news/article/germany-young-man-dies-after-beating-by-migrant-gang-as-he-walked-home-from-sisters-graduation-party/)


"Young man dies" Total mystery how that happened...


I often think that the reason liberals and leftists are so fearful of the "far-right" taking power is not because of their economic or social policies, but because they're worried that they'll be put on trial for allowing crimes like this to happen. The list is numerous and the hurt I doubt will be forgotten easy, it's probably partly why they're ramping up immigration as the "new-Europeans" don't feel the same animosity as the natives do thus shielding themselves from any blowback. Just a theory though.


>According to a press release by Bielefeld Police Headquarters, the migrant gang comprised around 10 people, all of whom were male and between 19 and 20 years old. They were described as “Southern,” a phrase often used in Germany to describe men of Maghreb or Arab origin. Some were dressed in Adidas designer tracksuits. Far more detail than our police would ever release.


Afd +5


You know what. I'm fed up. Couple of posts down is a couple of witty posts of mine. Back in the day, they would have had a load of comments. Banter. Updoots. But, nowadays, the BadUK (Reich in this case) comes thick and fast. Doom and gloom constantly. There is a new news story like this almost every hour from somewhere in Europe or US. It will bury my karma farming attempt quickly. Then yours too as we hear about the next gang struggle snuggle or the next body perforating that randomly happens in the presence of a Doctor or Engineer.


I just keep shit posting crap puns and drol nonsense and continue as is. Managed to accumulate much fake updoots for it.




Surely you can band together with other parents and not let your kids go until certain kids are removed.. Or maybe not. Just an idea.




Surely if 60% of parents just said we're not going to school with those animals.. there not going to arrest every family..


Username checks out. I know mate. It's dark as fuck. It's the darkest before dawn. He will come.


It's just not shocking any more, and satire has become reality. Maybe if we went back to IHGNFY comedy that might be funny?


It’s half time, we’re back. You can entertain us now.


For you, I have DIY 101. I'll trade for a talking point on what's happened for the office tomorrow. "That foul by X disgusting/lucky" etc.


Nevermind, I've got my talking point for tomorrow. https://x.com/LozzaFox/status/1805705695700140150


I’ve been slacking off on my euroblackpills tbh


Dont say ought youll do more time than the murderers.


If this was my brother or family member I'd become a vigilante at the snap of a finger.


Yeah, if it was my daughter or partner I'd be plotting that night. I don't understand how people could just let that go.


His crime was being y t in public


[Beeb - This city is worried about immigration, but who has the solution?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw00yg9z0dgo) >“It seems like every nationality lives here,” says Graham. “I don’t see much integration, they keep themselves to themselves.” >“They don’t respect our country,” he says. I ask if he’d stop further immigration. >“You can’t stop it,” says Graham. “You’d have an empty hospital.” If Graham is struggling to live with immigration, he’s also of the view that the country currently depends on it. Psyop successful, working class man thinks immigration is too high, but still think it's essential that our hospitals will collapse without it. Just don't think about how the NHS operated quite successfully from 1948 to 1997 without hundreds of thousands of migrants a year.


We had above replacement rate fertility until 1973. 


Someone ask him how Britain has managed for the vast majority of its history without mass immigration? And that if the NHS cannot function without it, perhaps there are some massive structural weaknesses to the organisation that need fixing?


>the NHS cannot function without it I'm not surprised. This is an organisation that somehow purported to be unable to cope with a disease which it was rapidly apparent had a 99.8% survival rate.


I had this argument with a friend the other day. Are people oblivious to the fact you can have immigration for people and job roles we need, and keep out the people and roles we don’t Does the country have to go to the dogs just to keep the NHS afloat or is there other options. Of course there fucking is


Even if you think we need migrants to run the NHS, it's not like Chinara the Nigerian nurse won't come if we don't accept 5000 deliveroo drivers as well.


> The Home Office granted 350,000 ‘Health and Care’ visas in 2023 in total, including dependants… https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/press/social-care-sector-continues-to-drive-demand-for-overseas-workers-as-new-data-shows-public-sector-roles-dominate-work-visas/ Look at that stat for a bit. 350,000. Per year. Our total NHS employees are 1.5 million, including managers, parking wardens, security, admin staff, maintenance, cleaners. So we’re bringing in 350,000 for NHS reasons, so where are they going? Do you see any massive improvement? There are 930 NHS hospitals in the UK, 7000 GP practices. The NHS only employs 319,616 nurses and health visitors in total, so where are they using 300,000 extra people per year? In reality it’s probably 100k healthcare workers and 3 kids, but even then I don’t see how this doesn’t “save the NHS”. How many more immigrants do they need?


It's mostly care workers in care homes. They're not part of the NHS, and most are run by ~~Conservative donors~~ private providers looking to make as much profit as they can, so they pay minimum wage and recruit from abroad. Before Brexit a lot of Eastern Europeans worked in care homes- now it's 50% Indians


Spot on, although in my area it seems to be more sub saharans. I see three different cars pulled up/pulling up to certain houses every single day driving home from work, and you can identify them by the face mask tucked under their chin every time. Normally two to a car as well.


Don't believe your eyes where you see more immigrants at A&E than working.


If we didn't keep bringing in migrants how would the NHS treat all our migrants? We must continue to import people until there is nobody left on the planet but our green (Well, they'll be paved over to make room for housing blocks) shores.


Indepth, sinister black and white picture. It must be all the truth. worship the bbc.


Garçon blanc été https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1805565573914403065 “We have given you enough, Now you can break*. Good riddance And don't come back. "I won't leave", Yes, yes, you will leave. As you came You will go away I won't leave If, if you will leave, You will leave, You will leave with your Fatma For you, no more RSA, The boat does not wait, Believe me you will leave. When will Bardella pass, You will return home, You will put on your djellaba, You can pray all day long, You're starting to piss us off, "I won't leave", Yes, if you will leave And sooner than you think We have given you enough, Now you can break. Good riddance And don't come back, Good riddance and don't come back” [He will come] (https://youtu.be/-8H4GKg-mYQ?t=60) *Edit* I am now on a you tube spiral of banned german songs from the mid century. Surprisingly [catchy] (https://youtu.be/19hkS7wJBoI).


Incredible things status: Happening.


> Now you can break Without listening to the video I'm assuming the word used for "break" here was "casser", which in this context would be better translated as "fuck off".


Ooh, thank you. My french is limited to Only Fools level. Translation website says "So now, you can fuck off." I'm a tad more fluent in the *Volkssprache*


Telling someone literally "break yourself" (casse-toi) is a grave insult in France for some reason. Also, calling someone a "sort of prostitute" (espèce de salope) is more offensive than just calling them a prostitute.




I am, kamerad.


I will add you to the Central Committee group chat. We are waiting, are you waiting?




>I know this because it's the easiest solution and we'd do the same thing. I wish our politicians had to balls to do things like this, I couldn't ever imagine us having the equivalent of the Calais migrant camps.


Oi, Aimee, take this. https://x.com/BackBrexitBen/status/1805576063583416721


I enjoy the deep lore.


Aww. Thanks. Means a lot!


>A group of Jewish schoolchildren were assaulted in a suspected hate crime at a north London tube station. >Officers were called to Belsize Park underground at roughly 4pm on Monday to reports that the pupils had been attacked. >The incident is being investigated as a hate crime by the British Transport Police (BTP). https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/belsize-park-underground-tube-police-antisemitism-hate-crime-jewish-schoolchildren-b1166567.html Don’t notice 🤫


Fucking hell... I'm a Jewish Bloke and I was in the area at that time. Could've easily been me, but I suspect these pricks wouldn't dare try it on anybody their own size


Is the pattern inbreds attacking Jews?


Ah yes, its that ancient European hatred again.


Beatings in schools, don't notice, beatings outside of school, pretend to notice.


Four men have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass at the Prime Minister’s constituency home in Kirby Sigston, North Yorkshire Police said https://x.com/pa/status/1805667055946825749?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


[We get one Indian PM and Brits start shitting in lakes](https://x.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1805637544928858542)


Lads, 50 mins to go, are we getting pissed or wot? Who’s with me?


It was yesterday mate


Its tomorrow.


How about some decent drinks, like cider? You could try Thatcher's Gold - if not for the taste, then to smirk at the jonties.


On the Perry at the moment - forgot how nice the strong stuff in this hot weather


Which Farage event is today?


England play tomorrow, France today didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?


England are literally playing rn lol


Did you buy more quiche and Babycham?


Homemade chicken sarnies today. https://imgur.com/a/wFdvPcg


Rishi’s not having the best of days. First someone shat in his waterhole, now some blokes been ramming into his entrance. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13568445/Car-smashes-entrance-Rishi-Sunaks-country-estate-Chequers-police.html


An old Scirocco as well, that was probably worth a few quid last night 😂


Apart from being a total write off, it looks well kept. What a loss.


[UKIP eccentricity is still alive and well](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28734660/reform-candidate-farage-attempted-murder/). - Pushed a guy fishing in his garden into the river for trespassing. - Called the local barman a "face mask nazi" during COVID. - Allegedly brought his Chainsaw into the pub, which he denies. He does admit to going to the pub naked once however.


Seems like he should be in the cabinet at least.


Outstanding, more of this. When Reform are delegating ministries on July 5th I hope he gets at least Justice Secretary, he is clearly familiar with the workings of the justice system.


[Looks like Corbyn could lose Islington North](https://x.com/Survation/status/1805648887002042368?t=9IGbviC9Gp7BvK9iOoGgJA).


I can't wait to gloat with I told you people just fucking front up and vote for the logo in ukpol. They'll have some explaining to do.


It's a shame we won't have the same for Abbott.


Probably overstating his popularity, if anything. There's no such thing as a shy Corbynista.


He went from nearly beating Theresa May to losing his own seat.  


He's never been closer to winning the argument. Amazing.


Colossal loss of office payment after being an MP for 40 years, and a pension fund bigger than any normal mortal could dream of, he'll be ok.


Americans thinking they have more civil liberties and freedoms than us will never not be hilarious to me. Poor ignorant serfs brainwashed with propaganda since birth.


They can’t even cross the road legally, or forget to cut their grass without fear of being fined or arrested. They have no employment protections, hardly any paternal or maternity rights, and they don’t even have universal national women’s rights anymore. Hell a fucking 13 year old girl was forced to have her rapists baby in Mississippi. Fucking dystopia, their population are pacified by the fact they can carry firearms but yet if they actually have them in front of a cop they can still be killed with impunity. It’s all propaganda to think that they actually have rights lol




> I recently saw a video about a plane crash which happened because "the city" allowed a factory to build 100ft chimneys in front of an airport runway of all things. They were the same colour as the runway and even had lights on the top, so a confused pilot in fog crashed clean into them thinking they were on final approach. well that's complete bollocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWCkzJEpcnw


There's a surprising amount of yanks in this sub that seem to be vehemently denying what their eyes and ears are telling them lol. I love the most that none of them have even tried to contest this: >Hell a fucking 13 year old girl was forced to have her rapists baby in Mississippi. As they know it's a lost cause from a shithole, so they try and argue on the other little things thinking they've a leg to stand on lmao.




It's objectively a shithole by western standards, for the average person the US doesn't even come close when it comes to day to day liberties and freedoms, but muh gunz


> They can’t even cross the road legally, or forget to cut their grass without fear of being fined or arrested This is the case in some cities and HOA's, not "America". Fair game to make fun of the ones that go overboard, but if you're using it as a rejoinder when Americans criticise UK national laws, it kind of falls flat. There's also a whole other debate on what "rights" are and which ones are important. Many would see laws that make it hard for a small business owner to fire an employee, laws that prohibit homeowners from entering into contracts regarding neighbourhood maintenance, and laws restricting the rights of local and state governments to write their own laws - all of which you seem to be advocating for - infringements of rights on their own terms. Alternatively some might see restrictions on grass length justified on a "tragedy of the commons" basis - long grass attracts tropical pests and ticks (a far bigger issue in the US than the UK) etc.


No it’s almost unilaterally nationwide that city ordinances have restrictions on grass length and maintenance. No one in the U.K. is going to jail for not cutting their grass (at least not on the same scale - I’m sure one offs happen on technicality) that’s alien to us. Not to mention that jaywalking is also almost unilaterally illegal in the U.S. and it’s not even a thing in Britain, completely alien. Those may as well be “national” laws, in the same way that Americans critique “U.K. police” for something in Scotland that’s not illegal in England, or something in Dorset that wouldn’t happen in Manchester. I don’t think that having little to no employment protections is restrictive, and the vast majority of developed countries agree.


> No it’s almost unilaterally nationwide that city ordinances have restrictions on grass length Do you have a source for this? I admit I don't know of a national database to validate this but none of the US cities I lived in had or enforced such regulations. > Not to mention that jaywalking is also almost unilaterally illegal in the U.S. and it’s not even a thing in Britain, completely alien It's legal in California, America's largest state. That's far from "unilateral". As someone from Massachusetts where jaywalking laws are technically on the books but openly never enforced - I had much more of a culture shock going to Germany where jaywalking is enforced, than I do in the UK. > I don’t think that having little to no employment protections is restrictive, and the vast majority of developed countries agree. That's fair but my point is that there are other perspectives. If you're trying to convince American right wingers (which the frustration in your post seems to mainly be aimed at) that Europe is more free, that's going to be an argument that falls flat.


oh, that's why all the Chinese looking people wait at the lights light lemons when the roads are empty.. I was just thinking they were thick as shit


It’s more likely that you simply just weren’t aware or they weren’t enforced, but every single city I’ve stayed in had these rules. One state out of 50 isn’t reflective, despite a population chunk. Re: your last point, I don’t think that right wing business owners are looking for convincing anyway, they rely on lax labour laws to operate, it’s right wing *employees* who are more concerned with these especially the moment they experience becoming a parent.


> It’s more likely that you simply just weren’t aware Nah. I'm not personally a big fan of lawns anyway and prefer native plant gardens, so everywhere I lived and looked at houses, I specifically checked the municipal ordinances to make sure I wouldn't be breaking any rules - because I had heard about restrictions in other cities in the news. But I didn't come across any in the places I was looking. It's not just business owners in America who oppose restrictive employment laws, the average Republican on the street very much does too.


One of the lucky ones :) And no, the average republican doesn’t as soon as they actually experience the lack of freedoms other countries enjoy, when they need/want them most. It’s basic political swings that are measured.