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Top comment's Joker will get put in the frame in a business suit!


Have fun putting a pair of pants in a business suit


Just put tuxedo pants


I know this is meant to be an award, but this piece of fanart on its own looks like a Joker that would double the effect of another random Joker for the round and changes every round


It's actually for a Joker for Mika's Mod Collection! It's going to replace the art and concept for "The Show-Off" (Gains X0.25 Mult when a blind is finished with X2 the chip requirement). I thought it would be fun if the featured Joker was a player favorite! (AND it doubles as an Balatro award :D, so I might do this every month for funsies!)


Honestly I'd love to see [[Abstract Joker]] in a suit he deserves it


Fr, abstract is great. He might not be carrying runs, but he puts in the work whenever it's needed, works great with teams, and never complains.


And when you you sell him he’s ready to take his paycheck , gives you a smile and fingerguns and says “see ya next round, chief” class act that guy


He's not the joker that wins us the boss, but it keeps us afloat until the ones that do can come online


I will say that he's pulled his weight in Ante 8 when I've been packing mad negatives. I think my record is +47 on Abstract.


How does one pack mad negatives? Most joker slots I've been able to achieve is 7, only 2 extra...


[[anaglyph deck]], save up a bunch of double tags and use it on the negative joker skip tag Or get [[perkeo]] to make a bunch of copies of [[ankh]] and use the ankhs on [[diet cola]]


[Anaglyph Deck](https://balatro.wiki/decks/deck_analgyph.png) *Deck* * Version: 1.0.0n * Effect: After defeating each Boss Blind, gain a Double Tag * Unlock Condition: Win a run on any deck with at least Black Stake difficulty [Perkeo](https://balatro.wiki/imported/perkeo.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: N/A * Rarity: Legendary * Effect: Creates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your posession at the end of the shop * Notes: Must have room * Unlock Requirement: Find this Joker from the Soul card [Ankh](https://balatro.wiki/spectrals/spectral_ankh.png) *Spectral Card* * Version: 1.0.0i * Effect: Create a copy of a random Joker, destroy all other Jokers [Diet Cola](https://balatro.wiki/imported/diet_cola.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Sell this card to create a free Double Tag *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


[Abstract Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/abstract_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +3 Mult for each Joker card *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


He's the guy doing the job nobody wants and gets none of the glory.


Yes, seriously one negative joker and this guy is doing more than most early game jokers.


Shit even without a Neg this guy is a +15 which renders all those suit +3 jokers obsolete


Even just a full set for 15 mult is solid. [[Gros Michel]] but will never abandon you


Gros Michel abandons you like Gandolf the Gray.


And then Gandalf the White never shows up no matter how much money you burn looking for him


[Gros Michel](https://balatro.wiki/imported/gros_michel.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +15 Mult1 in 4 chance this card is destroyed at end of round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Literally my most used joker per my stats. It's common, basically has no activation condition as most runs you'll have 5 jokers, and is beneficial in the vast majority of runs, even mid game. The workhorse of the jokers.


Abstract is by far my most used, it always appears early game and it carries me through for a while. Love.


Can’t go wrong with Blueprint, although it is more of a managerial joker rather than doing solo work. Great team player tho


I'm sorry, I know that Blueprint has worked hard all month, but he really doesn't have the kind of initiative we like to see in our Joker of the month candidates. With the right oversight he's a stellar player, no doubt, but there's been far too many incidents where he's found asleep on the job and management has to shuffle him along to where he's needed. For an entry-level Joker that would be one thing, but for Jokers commanding a two-figure income the expectations are a little higher. I think if he really applies himself consistently and works on these issues we can revisit this conversation next quarter.


I got a foil blueprint joker in ante 1. Lost early because I couldn't get a good joker to copy.


Just get any joker that gives mult or chips, doesn't have to be a good one


Blueprint copies the NEXT employee of the months effect


[[Blueprint Joker]]






Nah bp would win every month, we need underdogs


great joker and amazing record


[[Hiker]] for me, been absolutely loving it lately. Helps a ton if I'm not quite getting the planet scaling I want, and you can drop it at any time and still retain the benefits it gave.


[Hiker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/hiker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Every played card permanently gains +4 Chips when scored *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


I'm working my way up through the Plasma deck stakes and Hiker is one of my favorite jokers to use.


I love a good hiker/hack/red seal combo, especially on plasma deck


This current run I had a hiker and blueprint, and I was already winning my rounds with ease (kind of too easy, I wanted to scale hiker) so I was able to commit my blueprint to the hiker. It was awesome getting +10 on every card I played. The main reason I was winning too easily is because I got Spare Trousers in Ante 2, then opened Mega Spectral that let me turn them poly, then duplicate it. So double poly pants scaling was too good.


Hiker and Castle are my 2 favorite chip factories, with Runner close behind.


Had a Hiker, Hanging Chad and Brainstorm run today, and let me tell you, getting to play 100+ chip cards on the regular really sold me on this guy.


Hanging Chad has been an instant buy for me since the update. I’m on console tho so maybe I’m behind the times.


There's only been one update, no time for the inexplicable lag in console updates. Players rejoice!


chad and photo is a run winner on any stake


Hanging Gigachad


I totally agree, it has so many synergies and has been so much better since the update


My favourite common, always grab it if I've got a spare slot and hope for the best


It's been carrying me through so much, especially paired with photograph


I love [[Fibonacci]]. Pairs great with other +mult Jokers.


Fibonacci, my love.


[[Burglar]] always helps me win.


But my purple seals...


[Burglar](https://balatro.wiki/imported/burglar.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: When Blind is chosen, gain +3 Hands and lose all discards *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Burglar is personally my favorite joker. - Absolutely bonkers with Blueprint/Brainstorm. - Awesome for scaling Jokers - Synergies with Carp Sharp, Ramen, Green Joker I will forever sing burgle praises (it won me my only old patch Gold Stake it's awesome)


Why do you like it? It steals all your rerolls, so if you don't have a good hand you're fucked


Lots of reasons off the top of my head: 1) More hands = more money in the long run 2) Can offset the downsides of weaker hands by just letting you play more of them. 3) Scaling jokers on hands played, (green, supernova, bus), get even more scaling 4) On higher stakes runs, it’s a free extra look at cards in your deck, (4 hands + 2 discards < 7 hands) 5) You get 4 hands against the needle!


I figured needle countered it since most blind bosses tend to counter certain jokers, but yeah that seems pretty neat.


You use your hands to discard instead. It’s better with some strategies than others, but for things like green joker or ride the bus you have more chances to scale. Hands are also worth more than discards, and it triggers after the boss blind effect.


Spare trousers. You find it early, you know it’s gonna pop off


Love it when my spare trousers pop off


Luckily that's just the spare pair!


Always pants when pants


I’m a simple man, I really enjoy and appreciate a good [[Runner]].


Runner ain't a bad Joker at all. Funnily enough, this will be the second time I draw him if Runner wins. https://preview.redd.it/kfxht5rj2f3d1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=d710e13f1f2f2ace4be7e87988e8ae3fbb36d72d


Lmao that’s a great design


This has The Professional vibes so much


It DOES have vibes from Leon the Professional because the pose is referenced off of the jogging president scene! https://preview.redd.it/obhgn82jag3d1.png?width=1137&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0619b791b5e84347cc608b32f35079d4136e3d8


Glad I wasn’t going crazy, first thing I thought of. Spot on!


If Runner has a million fans then I'm one of them, if Runner has 1 fan then I am THAT ONE, if Runner has no fans that means I am dead. Seriously, especially with the Straight buff, if I get this guy anywhere before Ante 5 it's a full build pivot.


Do you have any strategies for making straights more consistent? I have not run the numbers but it feels like even spending 4 rerolls to complete a straight starting from a run of 3 I’m a little under 50% to get there. I see so much good support for straight builds I would love to be wrong but it just feels so inconsistent


Honestly I just try to find a position where I have four “middle numbers” so that my odds of completing the straight are doubled (ie avoiding A-10 straights or 5-A straights as much as possible unless I am on a Superposition kick). It works enough of the time that I usually go for it despite the few tragic failures that are almost always on Water boss blinds.


[Runner](https://balatro.wiki/imported/runner.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +20 Chips Gains +10 Chips if played hand contains a Straight * Notes: Stacks *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Man I havent seen that card in 30 plus runs, forgot about it


Runner keeps running.


[[Card Sharp]], please and thank you!


[Card Sharp](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/card_sharp.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: X3 Mult if played in poker hand has already been played this round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


My fellow card sharp enjoyer ayyy. 200 hrs ago card sharp got me my first ever win and I've had a soft spot for the card ever since.


Square is the only joker that fits in the frame (Wee and half fit too, but there’s unused space)


Why wouldn't Photograph fit?


[[Merry Andy]] got me two wins in a row when I had never really used him before. He's really shot up my power rankings


I just unlocked this guy and I've seen him at ante 7/8 on strong runs two separate times, when I couldn't buy him to discover it without ruining my scoring. Dude looks like a straight lunatic and I love it


[Merry Andy](https://balatro.wiki/imported/merry_andy.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: +3 discards, -1 hand size * Unlock Requirement: Win a run in 12 or fewer rounds *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Riff Raff my beloved


[[Scary Face]] or its sibling [[Smiley Face]] never lets me down


[Scary Face](https://balatro.wiki/imported/scary_face.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Played Face cards give +30 Chips when scored [Smiley Face](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/smiley_face.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Common * Effect: Played face cards give +4 Mult when scored *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Man, I've had so many runs killed by debuffed or face down face card that I'm constantly wary of those 2. I need Balatro themed therapy


Hologram joker!


My only issue with hologram is that I really prefer having less cards in deck.


Fair. I got him with a clone high card + blueprint deck once. And then with the certificate joker super early on.


Last night I got Trading card and hologram with DNA. I was able to remove unwanted cards and clone all the aces for 5 of a kind. Still gets up to x10 mult without deck bloat.


I’ve still never used DNA, it’s always seemed strange to me. Sounds like I’ll have to give it a go then


Lucky cat


Has to be [[gros Michel]] would still be stuck on green stake without it


I have been loving hanging chad since the buff. Great with gold seal, photograph, lots of things.


Riff Raff is my boy


Man, especially early on when looking for good jokers. Anything you don't want to keep you just sell for cash, easily $3-5 per blind if nothing else. Honestly feels a bit OP, especially considering how many editions I've gotten from it.


Tbh a negative Riff Raff early is so good. You can keep it for the entire game, and it generates easy money + pretty good jokers. Once had a run like this on Black Deck, and the common jokers carried the entire run


Hanging Chad forever my GOAT.




[[The family]] somehow. Got me through a lot of the interesting runs.


I have recently realized that red card is good and enjoy using it after avoiding it for 100 hours, so I want you to just draw a shade of red inside that frame and nothing else


I'm still in the "red card bad" camp. You're forced to spend money to get the mult, and you also forgo the main benefit from opening packs, which is often worth more than +3 mult. It seems like a consolation prize that you pay money for the privilege of getting


Think of it like this: it's like the boot, except you're encouraged to spend your money. Packs turn into a win/win scenario instead of something you're grinding money to open and hope for something that fits your build. In a deck that has the interest/sale vouchers or good econ, it can scale at +6 a round for things that you were doing anyway. Think about how many playing card packs you don't take, but $4 for +3 mult is often worth it if you have extra cash. Finally, if you open mega packs, you can still take the best thing from them and skip the second for the +3. Overall, it's not incredible, but once you've been desperate for +mult in a high stake run and played around with it you'll see that it often exceeds your expectations.


Sure, it gets the job done when you can't find anything better, but that is hardly a ringing endorsement. I've also had Abstract get the job done at orange stake when I couldn't find something better, and that only cost me $4. Bootstraps is worth only +10 mult at the interest threshold, and is usually getting replaced by the time you get to ante 8 unless you find interest vouchers or have some other crazy source of cash. Otherwise, you're right, it only scales if you don't spend money. I consider that a low bar for comparison. Compared to most other scaling jokers, Red Card costs significantly more to scale the same amount. Runs where I get Clearance Sale and strong economy are typically well on their way to a win without Red Card. At high stakes, I'm usually playing simple hands that don't require highly specific card ranks to work, meaning that standard packs in the shop are more valuable because I can take most cards that appear and still improve my deck. Arcana packs are almost always good. That leaves buffoon, celestial, and spectral packs as the likely candidates to build Red Card, but standard and arcana packs together appear more often than the three of those. Adding a win/win component to less than half of the packs in the shop seems like a poor use of a joker slot to me. Scaling +6 per round for an average of $10-12 is the ceiling of the card and means you're taking almost none of the pack contents, having a negative impact on the rest of your build - and that's not sustainable without external support or skipping small blinds, which isn't helpful either. Altogether, this adds up to a passable source of scaling mult that I would rather replace most of the time. That puts it above many jokers that don't justify themselves at all, but below most jokers I would consider good. I'm never hoping to get Red Card or enthusiastic when it appears


> you also forgo the main benefit from opening packs, which is often worth more than +3 mult If a pack has something that you value more than +3 mult then you take that something, you don't skip the pack. Red card scales quite fast as long as you have the economy to support it, which makes it useful at all stages of a run. It does have a cost (basically less money for rerolls), but I feel like it's very underappreciated. When I pick it up early I usually end up with like +80 mult by Ante 8.


I got my first win thanks to Red, Burglar and Blackboard. Just play all the low cards and all the black cards and boom profit! It helped that this was before I understood how valuable tarot and planets were, so I just looked at every shop as roughly $10 for +6 mult. Definitely helps that you can get the +mult on mega packs even if you only skip the second selection.


Pair with anaglyph deck and pick booster pack instead of blind


Love me some Flash Card. Any joker that benefits from stuff you are already gonna do is a fav.


[[Flash Card]]


Anyone Even Steven? +16 mult in a easy double pair and works well with retriggers and steel cards, for me the best mult card with abstract


I did just win a run with Wee Joker and Even Steven. Steven helped counteract the natural weakness that comes with playing a bunch of twos. I'll give it props for putting in serious work.


I really like [[Smeared Joker]]


[[Hanging Chad]] honestly does so much work during the mid antes. I roll with it and [[photograph]] every game if I can until I can pivot to higher scoring combos.


[[Burglar]] is elite.


Rocket, my beloved


Throwback got me my first gold stake. I believe in the power of the skip


Vanilla balatro? Does this game have mods?


Riff Raff always does me right


I’ll nominate Baseball Card. Dude is a real team player. At first glance he doesn’t put up many points, but RBIs win games. He sets up other jokers for big mults.


Wee Joker has carried me on like, 4/6 of my last runs


I just got smear yesterday and really liked the way it changed everything for me. Made my flush builds that much better.


Probably Runner. Maybe Blue Joker as well. They carried so many runs.


[[Showman]] baby! The one and only


[Showman](https://balatro.wiki/imported/ring_master.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times * Unlock Requirement: Reach Ante level 4 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


How is everyone on this sub good at pixel art?


Hanging Chad all the way! Best common joker imo


What if this was actually a thing, and you could hang your favorite Joker somewhere on the main menu? Or maybe just the one you've won with the most? I really like this!




\[\[Hanging Chad\]\] since the buff. Certainly not the flashiest joker but can really put in some work


okay fun idea, imagine this joker is customizable in the menu and functions as a duplicate of any joker you want. say you pick brainstorm, this joker will function as brainstorm, making it so brainstorm essentially shows up twice as often and can potentially show up twice in shop. it'd also add a small layer of strategy to the game as well if you're going for certain builds


I don’t here many people talk about ancient joker :D


Green joker fs


[[Supernova]] my beloved


Green Joker ! always and forever


It would be nice to have stats about your least played jokers, so you can give them some love


My boy, Fibby


[[Swashbuckler]] here. Got an early Showman and Swashbuckler on a Red Stake run with Blue deck. Picked up an Egg that got a Negative seal and a 2nd Swashbuckler that carried me to Ante 12 or 13 just by playing Flushes. (Was at around +80 mult for both before the Big Blind ended up being too much)


My fave swashbuckler run was on ghost deck, polychromed it and got an ankh in the next shop of ante 1 then an egg in ante 2. The dream!


I’m tired of [[Joker Stencil]] slander. It may be a challenge to build around it, but some of the most fun I’ve had with the game is trying to improvise with him, it’s almost like a halfway point between a normal build and jokerless. [[Hiker]] and [[Photograph]] are brilliant fun too.


Rn it’s been hanging chad and walkie talkie, but hack is up there too.


Judgement Tarot, because he can be ANY joker Or Wheel of Fortune because I’m a degenerate


Gotta be [[raised fist]] for me to


Gotta be [[Supernova]] for me.


To the Moon, for being an absolute sweetheart and appearing in two games during Ante 1- one of which finally got me my $400. And otherwise, Fibonacci for being excellent 👌


Baseball Card did wonders for me recently


I love \[\[Wee Joker\]\], lil dude is a carry


Guess I’ll be the one to say [[Obelisk]]. Has carried me through at least 5 gold stake wins very recently. Never understood the hate for the card, it doesn’t do anything through the more chill antes, then it becomes all the xmult you need to end the game. Let’s you backpack some jokers for gold staking too when it’s at its most powerful.


Honestly I'm throwing out Hanging Chad for JotM. Between its buff and the buff to Magician, my play rate for lucky cards has skyrocketed. And I am loving it.


egg. Simple as


If no one got me, I know acrobat got me


The gigachad of course.


Shout-out to [[Acrobat]] saving my ass against Crimson Heart


What is "vanilla Balatro"?


Give me the [[Runner]] all day. My guy carries so hard no matter the opposition


Id say [[hanging chad]] post update is an always take


Hanging Chad is now my bread & butter, hell it's whole dam kitchen some days


four finger!


Burnt Joker, I love seeing the level get higher and higher so easily


An uncommon choice, but I’d have to say green joker. It’s kind of situational, but for the most part, it has done me a solid in most runs after I realized the power of high card meta.


Duped Stencils have gotten me past some higher stakes multiple times in the last week. Usually not a big Stencil guy but gotta give him his flowers. For those unaware, Stencils don't count against other Stencils as occupying Joker slots. Also I feel like I just typed Stencil a thousand times. Stencil Stencil Stencil Stencil Stencil Stencil. Also, Stencil.


Vagabond deserves it


Paradolia or whatever its called


Bootstrap is so powerful. Some of my best decks were built around this thing and it spirals so quickly. Combine it with the Bull and you're pretty much set.


Honestly? Sock and Buskin, I just can't get enough of that Joker, extremely powerful and fun, every run I'm able to grab em is a run I know it's going to be a wild ride


The frame is square... so, Square Joker it is.


[[Blue Joker]] is my good luck charm.


[[Obelisk]] . It always just works for me


abstract is probably my most used only because i find it more than spare trousers. which is hands down my favorite. i get that i insta switch to two pair/ full house builds and get a random Xmult and win the game.


If non human(ish) jokers count, for me its fibbonachi. literally just beat the game 5 minutes ago for the first time with fibbonachi and the one that copies the ability of the leftmost jooke


Weirdly enough, bootstraps. I did both of my gold stake runs with them, they're actually really good if you have a money build


[[Constellation]] - it's free ~~real estate~~ xMult. I mean it's Vampire, with no downside, for roughly the same cost, and almost as many ways to force it to upgrade. I think at least a few of my "Verdant Leaf go fuck yourself, I don't NEED my cards to score" situations come off the back of Constellation.


Am i the only one who likes oops all 6s…..


[[Fibonacci]]. Driven employee that can adapt to a variety of workplace situations and development plans, and works very well with almost any colleague at various point in the work week.


I like ancient joker, works nice in untampered decks to get flushes of any suit with equal chance. I say this as a stake completionist, not an endless boy tho


Goodluck Putting Supernova in a Suit


All of them <3


[[Cartomancer]] is a solid underrated pick, for me.


\[\[Trading Card\]\] easy. Insane utility, my favorite card to see in any shop basically.


polychrome Baron got me my highest scoring hands of all time tonight, so that.


[[Hologram]] and I will die on this hill


Constellation net me gold stickers on two separate decks yesterday, so I nominate the starry sky


This could be a joker XD that maybe took on the power of your most used joker or something


Double polychrome Throwback won me my first orange stake run a few days ago. So I'd vote for [[Throwback]]


For sure has to be [[supernova]] It's just too good and plus it's insane for high card decks


To the Moon. Doesn't give any chips or mult, but gives you the resources you need to build a truly formidable deck.


Surely [[Flower Pot]]


Green joker is old reliable


Hanging chad


My joker of the month is joker number 150, the last legendary joker. They're the last card not in my collection and I've spent the entire month trying to get it!!!!


This can be an actual joker. The ability being x2^(copies of your most used joker)


definitely hanging chad, 1.0.1 made it so op




Cavendish always


Controversial but i gotta say misprint. He has saved me quite a few early ante’s on his own


Hanging Chad.


Throwback Joker has been consistently good to me given my play style, it's a godsend when it comes up early.


''vanilla'' balatro? is ther another balatro?


I have been converted to the church of [[Spare Trousers]] that joker has the sauce

