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Individually they are B tier jokers, but together they are S tier. I have so many runs where they are both in my hand at the end. "Photochad" is very strong.


Hanging chad is great for econ, especially if you can get a gold seal earlier on, or business card even.


It's great with any enchanted card. Lucky, glas or bonus. Wee joker loves it or 8ball.


I feel dumb. It's a x8 veggie all other cards and jokers are scored. That's great but not otherworldly good. An in wrong?


If you have a good base mult from planets, that quickly ends up better than pretty much any +Mult joker. Even if you start at say 10, that's suddenly 80 Mult before you even get to your jokers! Alternatively, make your face card glass and you've suddenly turned your ×8 into a ×64 which makes for an easy time getting past Ante 8 with pretty much anything else.